My lonely vigil may be coming to a close!
A fellow blogger (from the right) emailed me that he thought he heard Dave Irons on the Mike Siegel Show yesterday, saying he planned to vote against Initiative 912. So I emailed Siegel’s other listener, producer David Boze, and asked for confirmation… and yes, that is apparently what Irons said. I’m hoping to get an audio clip, or confirmation from Irons himself, before I pack up my virtual camp and end my virtual vigil.
Without further explanation from Irons, one can only assume that if he plans to vote against I-912, it is because he supports the gas tax increase and the transportation projects it finances. I just wish he’d bluntly come out and say so.
In case you’re wondering why a right-leaning blogger would forward me this tip… well… it’s because one needn’t be unprincipled in support of one’s principles. As I wrote back in thanks, “I don’t particularly like it when politicians (from either party) attempt to ride two sides of an issue,” to which my correspondent replied “I agree 100%.”
From my perspective, Irons’ record on transportation issues has actually been rather responsible, and so his refusal up until now (at least, I think up until now) to publicly support a transportation package he clearly believes to be critical to the economy of the county he wants to govern, strikes me as hypocritical and disingenuous. He talks about the need to provide leadership, yet punts at the opportunity to demonstrate it. If his candidacy is truly about King County’s future, and not just his own, he should use his soapbox to educate voters about the true impact of I-912.
I have emailed Irons, at both his campaign and council address, to ask him to explain his position, and have extended the courtesy of offering to reprint his reply, unedited and in its entirety, here on HA. He has yet to respond.
Ooops. Forgot to link to this amusing and pointed letter from Carl.
Why would you expect responding to you Goldy would be high on David Irons priority list??
You are clearly SIMS “main Honky”….showing an affection for SIMS that is peculiar, at best.
If you think that IGNORING GOLDSTEIN would result in some sort of significant “vigil”….give it a try GOLDY!
Irons is wise to not engage you or your ilk.
Why don’t you give us a forum to question your Soul Brother, Don Ron Sims King???? Our is it your SOLE Brother??
Next thing we’ll see Goldy behind the wheel of a 1969 Buick Electra 225….(the “brothers” used to call it the “deuce-and-a quarter”). Goldy will be wearing plaid bell-bottoms, platform shoes, a fur coat, gold chains (hence Goldy!), shades and a big floppy hat……he will look like a Jewish “Huggy-Bear” from Starsky and Hutch!
Mr. Pinhead, time for you to visit
Yeah, Goldy, why would you expect Irons to respond to you?
After all, his Pimp-Daddy, George Bush, sets the example doesn’t he? He doesn’t talk with people who might have a different opinion than his. Hell, Bush has a proven track record of only inviting people who agree with him from political rallies to SS to mothers of dead soldiers. He just ignores them all.
This is the new tactic of the right: bury your head in the sand and believe everyone is agreeing with you. That’s how democracy works when you’re standing all by yourself in “right field.”
Ms. C, did you vandalize any dead soldiers memorials? Did you say anything nasty to mothers of dead soldiers? Do you like calling a grieving mother a lunatic?
Oh, how the hate is just pouring out of you lately.
Goldy, thinking that he will bluntly come out and make a stand is like hoping mr cynicalidiot will become a useful member of society. not gonna happen
I am just amazed to find out, after all this time, that some one listen’s to the Mike Siegle show.
Hell, I assumed Boze had NPR or Kirby on while he runs the show.
912 by 15% ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Nuthin you HA’s can do about it.
Precisely where did I say Mrs. Sheehan was a lunatic??????
I feel for the woman…we should all pray for her.
But I also feel she is a pawn (willing pawn) for the fringe LEFTIST PINHEADS (like you dumbass!).
I never said she was a lunatic….nor did I spew hate about her.
You just make things up as do most LEFTIST PINHEADS.
PEOPLE LIKE YOU are precisely why I will never, ever support another Democrat…(I voted for 7 last election). YOU are the posterchild of ineffective, inept and incapable LEFTIST PINHEAD DOGMA.
@ 7.
You and your traitorous ilk are defaming the fallen soldiers and their parents because the mothers and fathers dare to disagree. So somehow that makes her a “willing pawn for the fringe LEFTIST PINHEADS.”
Right there in your post you are inferring a lot of negative imagery about Cindy Sheehan. I wonder would you’d have the BALLS to say those words to her face if her dead son were able to stand by her side?
I know the answer and it’s a resounding NO. You are a despicable piece of garbage.
Do you think her son’s dying wish was to have you call his mother a willing pawn? Do you honestly think that he wanted your hate comments piled on top burying her dead son? You don’t give a crap you traitor! Stop hating our brave soldiers who have perished and leave their parents out of your political hate machine talking points!
You’re just a Chickenhawk!!
Ms. Chickenhawk @ 8
You’re lies don’t fly here. You’ve never voted for one single Democrat in your life. You liar.
You trolls think you’re fooling people by being Holy than thou I’ve voted Democrat in the past bull crap, but like everything else that flows from your filthy mind it’s all lies.
You are one of the most disgusting liars on this blog!!
Cynical, you did in post 248 in the thread entitled “Local blogger joins vigil in Crawford TX”. You know, left, right, there are points on both sides of the fence, but your inablitity to even think about any point of view other than your own kinda puts you in the catagories of those whose mothers should have had an abortion. I dont hate the right, but I most certainly hate a fucking liar like you.
Ms. Chickenhawk
Are you going to answer my question?
Would you have the BALLS to stand face to face with Cindy Sheehan with her son by her side and say she’s a “willing pawn for fringe LEFTIST PINHEADS”
Well, do you? YOU PUNK!
So, ok now cynical, since someone pointed out that you lied they must be a liberal pinhead, right? Anyone questioning your deep, perfect wisdom must be an idiot, right?
And I also suppose Galileo is a liberal pinhead for insisting that the world is round, since the great cynical insists that its flat, right.
You are spew. You are garbage. This isn’t about politics, this about the fact that you are the biggest ass in the history of the western world.
Not liberal, not conservative, YOU SUCK.
This whole sad incident just illustrates the depth of depravity of the left. They’ll even take a grieving mother and use her to further their neurotic and hateful political agenda.
If they needed another useful idiot, they could have at least found one who wasn’t weakened by a terrible tragedy.
912 will pass with a big majority.
Because the majority of WA voters will always choose (PAY LESS TAX!) when given the option…regardless of consequence.
The initiative process is broken…and it will never be fixed. So the beat goes on…and on…and on
Tommy Train – No, the initiative process is not “broken”. It’s working great. The People of Washington have found a voice that’s loud enough to shout down the elistists, the thugs, the unions, the special interests, the kooks and goofballs and the delerious moonbats like you.
But it’s not true that people always vote for lower taxes. School levies, 911, parks, libraries and and many others pass by large majorities. So stop being a fucking liar.
But there’s an increasing demand to stop wasting our fucking money on stoopid crap that doesn’t work. There won’t be any more gas tax money until there are adults in charge that have a credible plan for actually fixing the problem.
Reply to 1
I’m with you on this one, Cynical! Why should Irons tell the voters he supports the gas tax? Let the fools vote him in, then find out the hard way!
Reply to 6
“Nuthin you HA’s can do about it.”
Sure we can. We can redirect King County’s $127 million a year of exported gas taxes to King County’s transportation needs. In fact, that’s my preferred alternative, and I hope I-912 passes! We don’t need the gas tax to fix AWV or 520 — all we need to do is STOP GIVING OUR MONEY to right-wing assholes in redneck counties!
Hey Mark Bloodsucker, what county do you live in, so I can look up how much money you and your neighbors are sucking out of King County drivers?
Those country boys sure know how to use an Oklahoma credit card.
Boy, this one didn’t take too long to fall apart.
Hey Wabbit – Fuck you. I live in one of best ‘hoods in Bellevue. We don’t even let your type drive in here.
I find it interesting that you squawk like hell about paying 9 1/2 cents a gallon to the state for projects here at home, but we don’t hear a peep from you about paying $1.50 a gallon to Arab terrorists.
In Ms. Chickenhawks own words and all references to Cindy Sheehan
Local blogger joins vigil in Crawford TX
Any bets that Mrs. Sheehan will profit from this with a book and movie deal??
Comment by Mr. Cynical— 8/14/05 @ 12:21 pm
Mrs. Sheehan is clearly not a well woman…understandably.
Frankly, I think Mrs. Sheehan is so off-balance right now that she may very well starting telling who told her to say what and when!!!
The same LEFTIST PINHEADS who are praising this ill woman will run away from her within the next month.
Comment by Mr. Cynical— 8/15/05 @ 11:27 am
You are a “shallow bastard” as are all LEFTIST PINHEADS!!
Comment by Mr. Cynical— 8/14/05 @ 12:45 pm
Ms. Chickenhawk
I doubt Cindy Sheehan is looking to profit from her son’s death, but only a despicable piece of garbage like you would make that claim. Again, would you say that to her face with her dead son by her side?
Somehow disagreeing with the president makes her “ill” and “off balance.” Is she distressed over the loss over son? Yes. But you are implying she’s mentally deranged and incapable of thinking for herself. Would you say it to her face with her dead son standing by her side?
Don’t worry, we’ll stand strong with her. You’ve given me the extra resolve to make sure your kind are not in power one day longer than necessary.
You’ve referred to Cindy Sheehan as a willing pawn for fringe LEFTIST PINHEADS. I guess she’s a shallow bastard, too?
These are your words, you punk, you own them, and I’m happy to cram them back down your throat.
So now what’s on your hate agenda? What else are you going to imply?
Whatever you do, keep posting on this blog. Remind me why I have to fight even harder than I ever have.
You piece of dog shit.
My apologies to real dog shit everywhere.
Who drives? What do you think my hind feet are for? Decoration? I know where you live, Mark. Who do you think has been eating your garden?
Hey Mark, your redneck pals in the hillbilly counties thank you for your $127 million annual contribution to their local civic improvements! They appreciate — really, they do!! Keep pouring go-juice into your SUV* — you da man! Keep on hoppin’, baby!
* You really should get rid of that foreign junk you’re driving and buy American.
Waht??? Nothing from kkklake-man yet?
I’m shocked. Shocked!!!
Comment by rujax206— 8/18/05 @ 1:15 pm
Hi rujax206 did you have a great day today and did it look different than yeasterday, did you grow a little more today?Did you check out that web site I post yesterday and what great wisdom did you gain from it? Did you do a gut check today, and help some old lady across the street? WHAT IS YOU REAL FEAR? Headless Lucy do I know You, did you live in Blegrad, Yugo? The one thing that is great about this web site is that Political Correctness isn’t alive and well. That might be due to Bin Laudin fine work in New York that some of folks seem to support with all you Heart. You should leave Seattle and meet some new friends over Seas. Oh! Roger Rabbit you should change your name that matches you personality, if you need someone to talk about Nam I’m open. You left with some real problems that can be resolved, but you need to get it out on the table.Remember that Custer got his Ass Kick at Little Big Horn by a few Indians who was smarter than some of you Folks. You can’t win a war by violateing the principles of war for they haven’t change in centuries. God Bless you to headless Lucy
8, 10 et al.
It’s a standard tactic, GBS: They pretend to be ex-Democrats. My own informal survey reveals that 97.8% of the country’s Republicans voted for Bill Clinton.
Reply to 25
Klake, you’re right, I came back from Nam with some issues but it’s nothing that kicking some Republican asses around the block can’t cure.
“You can’t win a war by violateing the principles of war for they haven’t change in centuries.”
For example, after you invade a country with no terrorists, you’re supposed to seal the borders so terrorists can’t get in.
“You can’t win a war by violateing the principles of war for they haven’t change in centuries.”
Here’s another one — send a force adequate for the job.
Roger Rabbit @26
I suppose I am in the 2.2%, but then again, I am honest…I know: a failing of scandalous proportions, were I a politician…
OMG a Republican who admits he’s a Republican!
This whole current situation reminds me of the 70s. After Nixon was disgraced and forced to resign, to hear people talk, McGovern got 90% of the votes. I have a feeling after the current right-wing madness has subsided there won’t be a whole lot of folks willing to take ownership of the Bush administration. Give it a few more years and we’ll find out they were Democrats all along!
Roger Rabbit remember Love and Pease and pass the BC Bud to your friends. Maybe I can help you with your Republican anger problem also. I forgot to tell you, the terrorists was invited to join us in Iraqi instead of Seattle. We can’t keep anybody out of the state of Washington let alone another country. Roger did you do someting nice to anybody today or the last month? It helps with the ANGER PROBLEMS. God Bless, and you to Headless Lucy
Lucy are you sure you didn’t live in Belgrade Yugo?
roger; where or when did mcgovern get 90% of the vote; the faculty lounge at Evergreen?
It’s a standard tactic, GBS: They pretend to be ex-Democrats. My own informal survey reveals that 97.8% of the country’s Republicans voted for Bill Clinton.
So that would mean (calculating 42% x 97.8%= 41.076) of the overall vote. Still above what the donks deem a majority of 40%.
Fun fact time:
Name the 4 most recent elections were a president received over 50% of the popular vote. (Hint: They werent donks)
Oh, yeah, forgot to tip my hat to headless lucy:
About time school started, eh? Must suck when you have 2 months without internet access…
I voted for Sonntag, Murphy, Owen, Hargrove, and 3 local office Dems. That’s 7. You mindless LEFTIST PINHEADS would vote for any piece of shit with a (D) next to it. I’m not a Republican…but I end up there more and more because of LEFTIST PINHEADS who stole the real Democratic Party.
As far as Mrs. Sheehan goes, I never said she was a lunatic. GBS is a typical LEFTIST PINHEAD who plays cute and fast with quotes….taking the giant stretch that doesn’t reach twisting my statement that Mrs. Sheehan is not well into my somehow calling her a lunatic.
LEFTIST PINHEADS play fast and loose with the truth.
Kind of depends upon what someones definition of “is” is, huh GBS?
Shut up Cynical, you mindless piece of shit. Noone wants to hear your blathering. I realize the fact that you can type at all gives hope to the parents of all children born without brains, but adults are talking now and you are just interupting.
The truth is you should have been wiped up when your father spilled you on the rear end of a goat.
In fact I suggest a new initiative. Lets force sterilize Cynical and any offspring he has. That would save the world I think.
Remember this is not about politics, this is because you are an ass.
Choke and die.
Oh by the way, just from your writing, everyone knows that you are a closet homosexual with a crush on Goldy, why not just come out?
So cynical, am I a liberal or a conservative? Oh right, I must be conservative cause I think you are a piece of shit.
Choke bitch
oops, sorry, liberal cause I think you are a piece of shit, as always, choke and die.
bill love and kissss! you can’t make friends with Cynical talking like that, you might hirt his feelings. Take a big drag of that joint in your pocket and make up. Remember Love and Pease.
http://punditreview.blogspot.c.....rview.html For the folks that like a different read check out the link above.
hey fuck you too klake, nice bring joints into it, what business is it of yours anyway. cynical is just a blot on the face of the earth. I don’t want to make friends with him, I want him to choke and die. I am tired of his contant yelling. I am tired of his lack of respect. I am tired of his whole liberal pinhead stick.
As always, anyone to the left of ghengis khan is a leftist, no matter where they really stand, no matter what facts are.
You can choke and die too klake
Based on informal surveys conducted in 1975, it appeared McGovern got 90% of the vote. Either that, or an awful lot of folks didn’t want to admit they voted for Nixon.
But Rufus, Clinton crushed Bush in the electoral vote — you know, the vote that counts.
“You mindless LEFTIST PINHEADS would vote for any piece of shit with a (D) next to it.”
How is that worse than mindless sheep voting for any piece of shit with an (R) next to it?
re 1, Mr C: I see Nixon’s Southern Strategy applies to some soggy Pacific NW Crackers as well. Well, Black Republicans, there’s an example of what these Republican assholes REALLY think.
Have you been watching continuous re-runs of Psycho, Night of the Living Dead and Richard Pryor without sleep for 72 hours??
The fact that you take this seriously means you are a turd… and a dink….and of course, a LEFTIST PINHEAD! As my granddaughter says, “take a chill pill!”. Or do what you usually do to take the edge off your pain and anger….jack off to GayBlade Weekly.
Fun Fact time
How many states did Clinton win with over 50% of the popular vote in 1992?
How many states did Clinton win with over 50% of the popular vote in 1992 and 1996?
How many states did Bush win with over 50% of the popular vote in 2004 alone?
Oh, then your grandaughter should be spayed too. Just to keep the stain of your existance from the world. You are a jackass.
QUITE YELLING YOU ASSHOLE!!! We heard you the first 8574 times you said it. Since youve nothing to say shut the fuck up.
There is no point in conversing with you, you have no respect, you cant seem to read, so just shut the fuck up.
As always, choke and die bitch.
I see Stefan still hasn’t learned anything about the public disclosure law.
“On the evening of Tuesday, August 9th, I emailed a request to Dean Logan asking for a copy of the absentee ballot envelope returned by Donald Sims for the September 2004 primary. I followed up the next day with this letter by fax and first-class mail (redacted for posting). The five-day statutory deadline for responding to public records requests has come and gone without any response from Dean Logan.”
Let me help you, Steffie Baby. RCW 42.17.320 says,
“Within five business days of receiving a public record request, an agency … must respond by either (1) providing the record; (2) acknowledging that the agency … has received the request and providing a reasonable estimate of the time the agency … will require to respond to the request; or (3) denying the public record request.”
First, Steffie Baby, your e-mail doesn’t count. That’s because RCW 42.17.270 says,
“Agencies shall honor requests received by mail for identifiable public records unless exempted by provisions of this chapter.”
See that, Steffie Baby? MAIL! The statute says KCRE has to honor “requests received by mail[.]” You do know what MAIL is, don’t you, Steffie Baby? And you know what RECEIVED means, don’t you? Never mind, don’t answer that. Things are already bad enough for you, and they’re about to get worse.
Referring back to RCW 42.17.320, after KCRE received your request, they had five BUSINESS days to respond. You know what a BUSINESS day is, don’t you? Never mind, don’t answer that.
The immediate problem is that we don’t know when KCRE received your request, in fact, we don’t even know when you mailed it. The only thing we know is that you dated the letter August 10, but the date you type on the letter doesn’t count. Even if we indulge the somewhat unsafe assumption that you mailed the letter on August 10, the soonest KCRE would have gotten it is August 11. More likely August 12, but let’s assume they received it August 11.
Okay, here’s what I’m leading up to. August 11 was Thursday, August 12 was Friday, that’s two business days. August 15, 16, and 17 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) are three more business days. How do you know KCRE didn’t mail a response by Wednesday, August 17? Since you haven’t received it, you don’t know what the postmark date on their response is, do you? Never mind, don’t answer that, you’ve already embarrassed yourself enough.
For the rest of you, let’s suppose KCRE mailed a response to Steffie Baby at the close of business on August 17. Steffie Baby wouldn’t get it August 18 (i.e., today), would he? Tomorrow, August 19, soonest. It would appear Steffie Baby is whining prematurely, jerked the hair-trigger a little too soon, as it were. Hey Steffie, why don’t you get back to us with an update tomorrow afternoon. Let us know whether you got it. If not, bitch to the post office. That’s probably where it is, maybe even in the same mail tray as Brian Suits’ ballot.
Stefan bitches a lot about KCRE not complying with the public disclosure law. Poor baby. Well, it’s not too hard to put his complaints to the test of validity. RCW 42.17.340(4) says,
“Any person who prevails against an agency in any action in the courts seeking the right to inspect or copy any public record or the right to receive a response to a public record request within a reasonable amount of time shall be awarded all costs, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred in connection with such legal action. In addition, it shall be within the discretion of the court to award such person an amount not less than five dollars and not to exceed one hundred dollars for each day that he was denied the right to inspect or copy said public record.”
Tell us, Steffie Baby, how much have the courts awarded you so far for KCRE’s public disclosure law violations? $0.00? Yes, I thought so.
Steffie Baby, if you want to make a public ass of yourself on your own web site, that’s your business. I’m glad to see you’re at least redacting phone numbers. But your home address is STILL on your web site. Would you like to know where it is?
You demonstrate that you really are not human –“The fact that you take this seriously means you are a turd” You mean you do not take the government of the US and 1800 dead seriously?!?! You are more of an assshole than I thought
Choke and die!!
come on boys love and kisss
What is:
In 1992 Clinton won two states with over 50% of the popular vote.
In 1996 Clinton won 19 staes with over 50% of the popular vote.
In 2004 Bush won 29 states with over 50% of the popular vote.
So the moral of the story is when donks win it with a mindate and when republicans win it with a MANDATE.
RUFUS @ 54
Clinton never got a majority of the popular vote from the State of Washington. Amazing, isn’t it? Both Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004 managed to get popular vote majorities from our state however.
I think that John McCain will really kick ass in 2008 — assuming, of course, that he manages to get the GOP nomination.
As for 1992, Arkansas was the only state where Clinton had a popular vote majority. Unless you want to count the District of Columbia as a state :(
You might be thinking about Maryland as being the second state in 1992. Clinton (988,571) got more votes (63 exactly) than Bush (707,094) and Perot (281,414) combined. But this falls just short of a popular vote majority when you consider 4,715 votes for Marrou (Libertarian) and 2,786 for Fulani (New Alliance).
Bush Senior did not get a popular vote majority in a single state in 1992 — not even in Utah, Idaho or Wyoming. The only state where he outpolled Clinton and Perot combined was Mississippi. But the votes for several minor candidates kept Bush Senior from having a majority in Mississippi.
You’re not serious, are you? HorsesAss is a liberal place. Roughing up wingys is what we do here.
HorsesAss is full of liberal toughs.
Mental illness prevails.
Reply to 54
In 1992 Clinton won by 202 electoral votes.
In 1996 Clinton won by 220 electoral votes.
In 2000 Bush won by 5 electoral votes.
In 2004 Bush won by 35 electoral votes.
Cynical @1
Irons is wise to not engage you or your ilk.
Don’t you wish you could be more like Irons?
Clinton won by 10 times as many electoral votes in 2 elections as Bush did in 2 elections.
George W. Bush = Worst.President.Ever
With those results why do so many lefties want to get rid of the electorial college?
Clinton = the best president that the mojority never wanted in the first place.
I gave Clinton the benefit of DC… you are right he only won one state. I also gave him DC in 1996 also.
It took Clinton two elections for Clinton to win a majority in 38% of the states. Shit that is lower than the donk definition of a majority (40%). Freakin Aamazing.
RUFUS @ 65
For 1996, do you mean 19 states, or 18 states plus DC, when you talk about the places where Clinton got a popular vote majority?
In any event, how many electoral votes were contained in the 18 or 19 states (plus DC) where Clinton got a popular vote majority in 1996?
May I remind you that Gore won by over 550,000 votes.
Republicans usually carry what I call the “jackrabbit states.” (No explanation should be necessary.) Frankly, I think some of my relatives are jackasses, not jackrabbits. But then, I’m just a cute fluffy little bunny with long pointy ears and a cottontail that looks like a marshmallow.
Meaning, Republicans win the electoral vote in states where no humans live. All you need to win those states is to get Aunt Tilly and Granny Mae to vote for you.
As I predicted in my post at 9 “Mr. Cyinccal” doesn’t have the BALLS to answer my direct question about his/her words that he/she posted on this blog.
Since he/she lacks the testicles and the fortitude to own up to his/her words he/she is truly a coward the new moniker “Ms Chickenhawk” stands firm. From now on when referring to the coward formerly known as “Mr. Cynical” please call her Ms Chickenhawk!
Bawk! Bawk! Bawk!
What a dink you are heath…
Hey, look out the window buddy. Is that 1700-foot high Tsunami you promised bearing down on Seattle yet?????? I didn’t think so.
I addressed your concerns @ 37 shitferbrains! Can’t you read? Lunatic is YOUR word…not mine.
Getting fuzzy headed in your old age, buddy? I was the one who brought up the 1700-foot high tsunami that occurred in Lituya Bay in 1958.
I’ll bet we’d get at least a 500-foot high splash in Puget Sound if Ms. Chickenhawk performed a cannonball off Coleman Dock.
Bawk! Bawk! Bawk!
Good blog with interesing information!