So how does Susan Hutchison explain her electoral ass-kicking at the steel-tipped boots of Dow Constantine? Apparently, the voters were confused…
She several times blamed “attack ads” taken out in the last weeks of the campaign, and “huge dumps of money coming in, for these false, misleading ads…The partisan issues that have nothing to do with this race were confusing to people.”
Well, I guess for a candidate who has so little respect for voters that she would predicate her entire campaign on a lie, it’s not surprising to see her blame her loss on the inadequacy of the voters themselves. If only she lived in Bruce Ramsey’s world, where “lazy people” like that aren’t allowed to vote, I’m sure Hutchison would have celebrated a huge victory last night.
“The only reason I didn’t win is because people didn’t vote for me”, or words to that effect.
…as I suspected–it’s everyone else’s fault.
thats funny goldsteinberg, you kikes are the first to scream about attack ads.
Funny that she claimed Constantine’s ads contained lies about her. She didn’t specify, and the polite reports in this city didn’t push her to do so.
I thought she had a good shot at winning this race, until she opened her mouth. Her “non-concession concession speach” was just plain whiney.
What she didn’t say, but her attitude seemed to convey:
“It’s just all so unfair! EVERYBODY treats me nice, wants there picture taken with me, and tells me what a great candidate I would be, how everyone would vote for me! I’ve even got head shots other candidates would DIE for! Nobody should get to define my image except ME! How dare they question whether my answers are truthful – I get to spin my responses to their questions any way I want!”
I think Susan Hutchison is Sara Palin’s mini-me.
I am looking on the bright side, trying to stay positive about her loss. Because I was really looking forward to “Unfunny Ted Baxter with Tits” running the sewer system. What I mean is, if she has no Teleprompter, she says some truly golden shit. And with Bush gone, I am kind of going through my withdrawals of spinning headitis.
So I challenge her to run against Jim McDermott, just for nothing more than my own entertainment.
You can do it Susan! The Discovery Institute and some bat shit crazy billionaires will back you!
Frankly, what else do you have to do?
Y’know, you might be onto something there. After all, even a single contribution from one of the DI or EFF or WPC types would mean that she’d pretty much outraised what Steve Beren has gotten in the last two federal elections.
Forgot to mention…
…is the Seattle Times gift that keeps on giving.
She’s really the most unqualified candidate to run for a major office in a long time. Sarah Palin… Linda Smith…Ellen Craswell… at least they had some experience in public office.
But Broadcaster Barbie? Hardly. And I don’t think she’s stupid…just cynical. Cynical enough to believe that she can put her face up there and people will vote for her, she can insult the voters, and they won’t care, that she can ignore the truths and stick to her talking points, and it won’t matter to the voters.
It does matter, Suzie. Get a clue.
“in Bruce Ramsey’s world … ‘lazy people’ … aren’t allowed to vote”
H. L. Hunt, who was as rich (in his time) and as wingnut (for all time) as they come, used to haunt GOP national conventions trying to peddle his notion that citizens should have votes in proportion to how much property they owned. Of course, in those days no one owned more than Hunt, so he would have had the most votes of all.
I forgot to tell Kiro Tv I wouldn’t be coming in on my assigned day to work and instead chose to go rafting in Central Oregon. They must have been confused.
How about a national spelling bee with the winner deciding all political races.
Republicans have floated other proportional voting fantasies, too. After the 2000 election, not only wingnuts loved referring to red-blue county voting maps that showed the U.S. as mostly red (conveniently overlooking the fact that Gore won the popular vote), and even argued that Electoral Votes should be awarded by counties, not states — a profoundly undemocratic idea that would make a single vote in Loving County, Texas (pop. 67) worth more than 15,000 votes in Los Angeles County, California (pop. 10,226,506) [2005 data].
Clearly, Republicans don’t believe in equality, or in “one man, one vote.” In fact, if they had their way, 1 Republican senator would be able to block 99 Democratic senators, but 99 Democratic senators wouldn’t be able to block 1 Republican senator. In short, they see only one way of doing things — their way.
Seen in this light, Hutchison’s attitude toward King County is understandable because it falls right in light with classic wingnut thinking — and unmistakably stamps her as a partisan Republican.
Hutchison’s whiny, sore-loser, it-ain’t-over-even-when-it’s-over, attitude also bears the indelible “Made In G.O.P” stamp.
@4 “She didn’t specify”
Of course not! Vague unprovable assertions are the stock of wingnut whiners. Ann Coulter manages to write whole books about “treason” without libeling anyone because she never explains who, what, or why.
Well, I play this game too! A couple days ago I posted a comment about “ugly Republican women” whose men fuck goats. This set off a poster calling herself “maggie,” who called my comment “demeaning” to “all” women (and disappeared when I challenged her to show up at DL to debate the logic of that), who we can only assume felt libeled by my comment because she considers herself both “ugly” and “Republican” and therefore felt personally libeled.
Well, I’m no fool, and I have 35 years of lawyering experience to keep me from being a fool. Neither Coulter nor I will ever be successfully sued for libel, and it’s no accident that both of us are lawyers. Her “treason” books don’t libel anyone because they’re not talking about any identifiable person.
My “ugly Republican women” comment isn’t libel for the same reason. There may be women who consider themselves Republicans (although it’s getting damned hard to find one who will admit it), but I guarantee you there’s not one woman on the face of the earth who could sue me for calling her “ugly.” Here’s why:
Roger Rabbit: Your Honor, I’d like an opportunity to cross-examine the plaintiff.
Judge: You may proceed.
Roger Rabbit: Miss So-and-so, do you consider yourself a Republican?
Witness: Yes.
[snickers and twitters from the courtroom audience; reporters leave room and dash for phone bank in hallway]
Roger Rabbit: Miss So-and-so, do you consider yourself ugly?
Witness: Of course not!
Roger Rabbit: Your Honor, I move to dismiss the complaint.
Judge: Motion granted.
All I saw and read just looked like smugness to me, as if Hutchison already had the election won and the election was just a formality. See what overconfidence gets you?
And only because the GOP won a governorship and retained another, now we’re going to be subjected to another year of bullshit from the media about how the D’s are doomed because of two governorships, never mind they lost both Congressional seats that were up for grabs…..
BTW, here’s a link Lee would probably like:
@6 “So I challenge her to run against Jim McDermott, just for nothing more than my own entertainment.”
That’s a damned fine idea, except why should this be only for your entertainment? That’s selfish! Entertainment of this caliber should be shared with everyone.
We need to find something for “maggie” to run for, too. How about secretary of the City Light lineworkers’ union?
If Susan Hutchinson Losses then our state will be in Terrible shape and we will lose a respectful hardworking women who is honest. The media is so corrupt with false advertising it pathetic. I pray for Washington State & that peoples eye will be opened to the corruption that is going on in our Country and I pray a protection around Susan Hutchinson May be God does not want her to be involved in all this corruption and is protection her Only God knows.
thank you King County…..thank you all
Voters who voted for Dow only because she is Pro-life…they are stupid.
I’m as graceful in victory as Darcy is in defeat.
roger, judging by your legal intellect, i’d say the following.
you said you were a natavist, so i assume you mean native american, which means you were an affirmative action student, and then, an affirmative action state lawyer. wow, no wonder you sound so incompetent.
Did the vote counts change that much?
I see about 297k votes cast for King Co. Exec.
Some right wing lightweight by the name of Susan Hutchison still getting trounced.
McGinn still edging out Mallahan although by fewer votes than last night it seems.
R-71 still comfortably in the approval category.
I-1033? What’s that?
Re: #19
“….peoples eye…”
Not only is she Ted Baxter with tits, her supporters thinks everyone is a cyclops. Is this a new version of the Bible’s “eye for an eye” concept, where it does not blind, just makes people lose their depth perception? Is it the left one or the right one that can sniff corruption?
Just think of the entertainment value we lost when the Queen of the Teleprompter lost last night. Tragic, simply tragic.
Update: she is now down by 15 points. Don’t give up Susan, Jesus must have voted late!
Susan Hutchinson for Congress!
Voters who voted for Dow only because she is Pro-life…they are non-existent. Suzie had so many strikes against her, nobody could find a reason TO vote for her.
So, Roger Rabbit, esq.
Just to play Devil’s Advocate here, what if Maggie testified under oath that she was a Butt Ugly, no make that a Butt Fugly, Republican Woman…would that then make your statements libel?
Jus’ askin’ cuz there are some stupid, ugly trailer trash women like here
I was struck by how many Republican women look like this character from Squidbillies.
Actually, this cartoon from Adult Swim could also be hailed as an accurate documentary on Republicans in general.
Wingnuts Greedily Grab Gummint Clunker Handouts
Yeah, yeah, I know this is off topic, but if I bury it in the last “Open Thread,” which is way the hell down the list, nobody will read it. And I think this information is important.
We’ve heard much wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Hooverite crowd about Obama’s economy-saving stimulus spending, and nowhere has the “waste and abuse” chorus been louder than in criticism of the cash-for-clunkers program.
Now let’s take a look at who traded in clunkers for a $4,000 gift from taxpayers toward a new vehicle.
“The most common deals under the government’s $3 billion Cash for Clunkers program … replaced old Ford or Chevrolet pickups with new ones that got only marginally better gas mileage, according to an analysis of … federal data by The Associated Press.
“The single most common swap … involved Ford F150 pickup owners who … trade[d] their old trucks for new Ford F150s. They were 17 times more likely to buy a new F150 than, say, a Toyota Prius. The fuel economy for the new trucks ranged from … 1 mpg to 3 mpg over the clunkers.
“Owners of thousands more large old Chevrolet and Dodge pickups bought new Silverado and Ram trucks, also with only barely improved mileage in the middle teens, according to AP’s analysis of sales of $15.2 billion worth of vehicles at nearly 19,000 car dealerships in every state.”
And in dozens of deals, the AP reported, buyers drove away in new pickups that get worse mileage than their clunkers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We all know who drives pickups don’t we? Republican-voting rednecks and BIAW contractors who don’t file tax returns or pay taxes on their self-employment income — the very people who bitch and whine about government “waste” and the taxes other people pay. But you aren’t surprised, are you …
It’s rare that I agree with wingnuts about anything, but if you ask me, the clunkers program was a clunker. Of course, the main reason I say that is because I didn’t get any benefit from it. Unfortunately, it came along just after I sold my 40-year-old pickup $50 that got 7 mpg. Very likely the guy who bought it sold it to the goverment for $4,000 and used that as the downpayment on an F350 that gets 10.5 mpg. What the hell, that’s still a 50% improvement in fuel economy, so the taxpayers got good value for their $3,950 investment in that deal.
I voted for Dow because he is Pro-Brain, In that he does not believe God has a little workshop in back of the pearly gates where he decides how to build earth worms and fresh water squid, in accordance with the Discovery Institutes “Intelligent Design”, which is to science what Ponzi schemes are to the greedy: i.e. dumbass sales pitches to suckers who want to believe.
@19 Great satire!
@21 “Voters who voted for Dow only because she is Pro-life…they are stupid.”
Typical Mr. Cynical arrogance. Here are additional reasons why voters didn’t choose Hutch:
She’s a liar
She’s inexperienced
She’s unqualified
She’s dogmatic
She ran a deceptive campaign
She’s dishonest
And did I mention she’s a liar?
@23 “natavist, so i assume you mean native american”
Cripes, is it even possible to be this fucking ignorant?
@27 “Just to play Devil’s Advocate here, what if Maggie testified under oath that she was a Butt Ugly, no make that a Butt Fugly, Republican Woman…would that then make your statements libel?”
No, because that’s still a question of fact for the jury to determine, and you’ll never find 12 jurors with the guts to call any woman “ugly,” no matter how ugly she is.
well, most people don’t refer to themselves as natavist just because they were born here. that discriminates against immigrants. so, either you’re american indian, or a bigot.
RR @ 13: Don’t forget that the Republican campaign to have the electoral college applied by county is very selective with respect to the states where it is applied. For example, they avoid Florida and Ohio, swing states which might go into the Republican column. They especially avoid making changes in Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, and every other reliably red state.
Instead, they focus on California, which they usually lose because Democratic voters in Los Angeles and San Francisco outnumber Republicans in other parts of the state. By campaigning for California’s electoral votes be apportioned by county, they figure that Joe Redneck in Lodi’s vote will be much more valuable than any vote from Los Angeles or the S.F. Bay Area. Another variation of that is to apportion the votes based on the popular vote, which would be less onerous but would still split California’s electoral votes, while preserving the “winner take all” rule in the reliable Red States.
So what they really want is one rule for them, and another one for everyone else.
is joe redneck the opposite of ira jew?
That would be true. However most voters probably didn’t vote for her because she wasn’t qualified, is dishonest and considers voters to be stupid.
That of course means the voters are smart.
Susan has it right.
Voters in this state need a collective cerebral enema to get all of the shit they’ve accumulated in their brains over the past 25 years. Or in Forest Gump dumbed down language for the average King co. progressive, “stupid is as stupid does”, as witnessed by last nights election of date rape Dow and the rejection 1033, which would limit the amount of my hard earned money skanks like Christine Gregoire can throw down the collective crapper through waste, incompetence, and quid pro quo fraud.
Nice going morons
36: Hey, rednecks are my peeps! I come from a long line of rednecks! I’m happy to hire them to fix my car, build my house, or pull my car out of a ditch. Heck, if we were ever invaded by the Ruskies, I’d call all my redneck friends and make sure I was teemed up with them. They’ve got more firepower in their garagae than the average Russian brigade!
But I wouldn’t ask them for financial advice, and I sure don’t want them selecting my government leaders. Some things they do well, other things – not so well.
Will be interesting to see who Constantine surrounds himself with as Exec. Tim Ceis? Sandeep Kaushik? Christian Sinderman? Really?
Clearly, the fact that these people did not vote for Suzie (or Mike! or Dino, or Slade, or David Irons, or Linda Smith, etc.) demonstrates that they are not qualified to participate in our great democracy. In fact it should serve as a priori evidence that they are clinically insane.
@ 38:
Sucks to be you, that’s for sure.
Have I mentioned yet today that Kathi Lambert is batshit crazy and a pathological liar? A worthless turd floating in the ladies room toilet at the council chambers that somebody forgot to flush? Julia, could you go in there and flush it, the stench is becoming unbearable.
And speaking of smugness, I love that silly RGA ad on the top of the front page. Isn’t that arrogance amazing? Typical Republican bullshit.