Susan Hutchison has called Dow Constantine to concede the King County executive race. I guess she was neither professionally nor spiritually ready for the job.
A Republican moderate could win the county, too bad they can not bring themselves to support one.
She has more class in her left pinkie, than all of what you jackasses have, combined.
Brenda Helversonspews:
Poor Susie Beans. I guess a vacant expression, a thin resume, and a pack of lies didn’t work out like she planned. Perhaps KIRO management is smarter than we could know.
@1, the Republicans must have someone to run against Senator Murray and their bench is pretty thin. Mike! left town, but Susie or (P)Rick White are still around. New garbage or recycled garbage?
Brenda Helversonspews:
@3, If that class is the First Grade, I agree.
Face it – Susie Beans got her little ass kicked in grand style.
Hutchinson’s state-wide appeal is debatable. Her Republican views would do her well in some of the counties east of the mountains, but she is unfamiliar to them – the didn’t get KIRO TV when she was on the air. So if she can’t win in King County, where she was most well-known, then can she really win anywhere else?
Loved that quote from Luke Essner in today’s P.I., where he claimed that even a ressurected Abraham Lincoln couldn’t win in Seattle. He was, of course, complaining that Seattle voters have a knee-jerk reaction to voting in favor of a Democrat over a Republican. But the quote is pretty telling in two respects: (a) it reminds us that Abraham Lincoln would probably be a Democrat if he were alive today, and (b) the Republican Party has worked hard to earn it’s status as a minor political party in Seattle, and it’s voters won’t vote for it’s candidates for good reasons.
And if by “class,” you mean lying about who she is and what she stands for, well, sure.
One thing didn’t occur to me until now (rather late in the game).
We knew that Hutchinson’s only experience outside of reading a teleprompter was serving as the director of a Symphony, where most of her experience was related to fundraising and public appearances. We had argued that it hardly qualified her to lead a county with a budget and employee base as large as King County.
But the one thing that didn’t occur to me, until I heard her non-concession concession speach this morning, was that the Symphony is – well, remarkably non-controversial. Nobody criticizes the Symphony. It’s one of those arts organizations which everybody is glad is around in a city the size of Seattle, but nobody is going to criticize the director or the board unless they do something incredibly and drastically wrong like cancelling a season, selling off the premises, or causing a strike among the musicians.
What Hutchinson didn’t realize is that in politics, you have to have a thick skin. Constantine didn’t accuse her of anything really bad, he just said she is a Republican with Evangelical Christian values. I can’t imagine how anybody who usually votes Republican and supports Republican candidates, and proclaims to be an Evangelical Christian, would be offended by that. Hey, it might be politically inconvenient for her, but it’s certainly not a lie.
Now, if you called me a Republican, I’d probably call you outside to settle the matter, but that’s me.
But apparently Hutchinson IS offended by that, even though her contribution record shows her to be as close to being a Republican as you can be in this state without running for an office with an “R” after your name. Yet her outrage is apparant from her statements on election eve which called Constantine’s accusations “misleading” and “lies”.
Hutchinson obviously doesn’t have a thick enough skin to engage in politics. If the rather gentle drubbing she took in King County gets under your skin, can you imagine how she might react in a REALLY TOUGH political campaign? You know, one that really examines her records, publishes the details of her lawsuit with KIRO, talks to all her co-workers, etc.?
I hope date rape Dow can keep his pervert little hands off the young interns, employees, temps, etc (especially the 20 somethings in a red dress)…otherwise, the taxpayers of Seattle will be on the hook for a sexual harrassment lawsuit due to his history of predatory behavior.
If anyone’s a perv, it’s you dumbass seeing you’re so obsessed with the behavior. ~ the arschloch
yeah, I kind of take offense to 47 year old supervisor plying their 20+ year old subordinate with alcohol while dangling the prospect that an “opening” might occur in his office in the hopes he can have a little one night stand- it’s called an abuse of power arshloch. Of course, you wouldn’t recognize that as predatory behavior, but then again, you don’t recognize peeking into bathroom stalls with that beady little eye of yours is also a perverse little endeavor, so you certainly aren’t an objective judge of perversion du arshcloch.
18 – Lol! The eye is wide open focused on your losing, right wing bullshit fool.
It never wavers.
It sees right through you fiend.
The Jane Doe said it was a tempest in a teapot and you can’t let the sick fantasy go.
How it totally sucks to be right wing!!!
Very silly.
@10 empty headed suit…
you vomited, “otherwise, the taxpayers of Seattle will be on the hook for a sexual harrassment lawsuit ”
just why would a city be responsible for a county employee? or are you too stupid to realize that they’re not the same damned things?
christ, conservatives are dumb.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 21 Queefed:
just why would a city be responsible for a county employee? or are you too stupid to realize that they’re not the same damned things?
Um, yeah stupes, but since Seattle is the county seat and comprises 1/4 of the county, I thought even an ignorant troll like you could probably navigate using some common sense that I meant the county taxpayers would be on the hook for date rape Dow.
My bad for underestimating the extent of your stupidity.
Gig Harbor Baseballspews:
Phillies lose! Karma for raising a pig like Goldy.
I really hope she runs for Governor in 2012. A McKenna/Hutchison primary could be gold.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 I’ve never thought liars were classy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 I don’t see how a woman who doesn’t know a cow from a jackass could represent the cow counties in a county council let alone the U.S. Senate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10, @14 – Man, I love watching you slugs writhe in agony after being doused in salt!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Now if it was poor Little Rickie Dumbass being propositioned by a guy in a hetereosexual bar I could see him being a bit upset …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “christ, conservatives are dumb”
That’s the fucking understatement of the fucking 21st century! Especially this crop.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 “an ignorant troll like you”
Man you ARE confused!! This is a liberal blog — so YOU are the troll here — not the liberal posters. Lol!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 So? You’re not even in the game.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 6 Brawny towel guy spewed:
But the quote is pretty telling in two respects: (a) it reminds us that Abraham Lincoln would probably be a Democrat if he were alive today, and (b) the Republican Party has worked hard to earn it’s status as a minor political party in Seattle
Honestly, RHP. As for your first nuttier than a squirrel turd assertion (a) What kind of drugs are you imbibing? Lee wants to know how to get such a bat shit notion in your head that Lincoln would be associated with the party of Lenin as the Democrat party is today. And as for (b), Seattle is little more than a cowtown of 500K that has a tendency for groupthink rather than intelligence (see SF, NYC for fellow groupthinkers).
Losing influence in a shithole like Seattle is merely reaffirming you have a firm grasp on reality and sanity. I do enjoy those who are firmly ensconsed in the bubble of ignorance like RHP clearly is, believe they have the pulse of the nation. 2010 will be a rude awakening for the brawny towel guy, RHP and the rest of Goldy’s waste treatment facility here at HA.
proud leftistspews:
Little Rickie Dumbass condemns flirting. Boy, that will swell the ranks of his party. Go for it, Little Rickie Dumbass.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
@ 33. Flirting is one thing, but date rape Dow plying his subordinate with alcohol and dangling the prospect of an “open position” in his office with the hopes he’d have a one night stand with a girl 20+ years younger than him is one for the pervert file.
47 year old sex predator for King Co. Executive, gotta be proud.
proud leftistspews:
Rick D. @ 34
“Date rape,” by definition, involves involuntary penetration. Do you have any evidence of that having happened with our new King County Executive? Of course, you don’t. Little Ricky Dumbass, if you are our opposition, then God has blessed us.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
“Date rape,” by definition, involves involuntary penetration.
Um, sure stupes. But why would anyone ply a girl 20years his junior with alcohol to do something to lower her inhibitions or incapacitate her? Dow Constantine is merely one drug away from being an andrew luster (or heir to the max factor fortune). He just chose alcohol over pills, but the predator factor remains the same if not the motive. They may not be one and the same, but they certainly exhibit predatory behavior with their actions, and it certainly isn’t “executive” material we need here in King Co. since we have no leadership in this city, county, state as it currently exists.
Hope the county pockets are deep as a skirt chaser like ol’ Dow is sure to attract at least a few embarrassing harrassment suits during his short tenure as King Co. Exec.
re 10: If you want to make an accusation, then do it.
Are you some kind of conspiracy nut?
proud leftistspews:
It is hard to know where to start. Have you actually ever been in a workplace? Do you have any understanding of how stupid you sound? Yikes, Little Ricky, is this the best you’ve got? Was Suzie Hutchison (who you predicted would win) some clean candidate, without baggage, smarter than Dow Constantine? Ricky, are you really that dumb?
We could start date rape rumors about prominent WA Republican politicians — but who would that be? Reichert? Doc Hastings?
Did you hear that Constantine made her hold her nose, down a snifter of Jack, and then yelled “Brace yourself, Bridget!” while banging her on the pool table in the Rainier Club snooker room?
Several little birds told mespews:
The Dow campaign apparently decided it was a no win to talk about that non-incident, but what really happened was there were 8 people at the table, it was a going away party for one of Dow’s staffers and Jane decided to attend despite the fact that it was a party for Dow’s people. Dow bought a round and 2 female staffers bought rounds. There’s your “plying with drinks.” Jane complained about her job because the jerk she works for wasn’t paying enough and asked if Dow was hiring. He told her no.(In actuality because she was unqualified, apparently her boss had lower standards, sorry, hooch.) There’s your “dangling a job.” She got tipsy and flirty, jokingly pretending to use her feminine wiles to try to change his mind. He jokingly flirted back about it. He was hardly the aggressor in the situation. He even begged one of his staffers not to leave the chair next to him vacant, recognizing the girl was getting a little psycho, but unfortunately the staffer had to leave. End of story. Oh, sometime later he said she looks good in red, how come you never wear red. Apparently this “incident” grew in importance over the course of a year and strangely became important enough to get written up once Dow had a certain asshole primary opponent who hires sycophants that will apparently do anything for political gain, just like their boss. Hmm. The HR people looked at it and said you gotta be fucking kidding me. That’s it until Susan’s henchman on the council pathological liar and all around whore Kathy Lambert hears about it and starts trying to peddle it for the last month. There were lots of other people at the table and they back up this version of the story. People talk a lot during the final weeks of campaigns, it’s amazing the things you can piece together if you keep your ears open. My conclusion was the reason Jane wanted this non-incident kept quite was she realized she was more at fault than Dow, and she never really wanted it written up in the first place. Sounds like the whole fucking council with the exception of Larry Gossett is a cesspool and Dow should hit the flush lever on his way out.
In the crazy, brave new world of Republican post-reality, Sue didn’t actually loose. She’s just positioning herself for the next battle.
Poor Little Date Rapin’ Dumbass just can’t let this one go.
It keeps him up at night, tossing, turning, fantasizing…
I read in the comments somewhere that Marvin declares that the era of “projection” is over. WTF? Are trolls going to quit posting here?
Daddy Lovespews:
Once again, Susie’s gonna be like Sarah. She’ll change things all right–but from the outside, where the real power and leverage is! Yes, she’s not retreating, she’s advancing in another direction! And she’ll fight for the real people of King County from the board of the Discovery Institute, or the Evergreen Freedom Foundation!
Dow thinks he has won something, but Susie knows that being in office, crafting budgets, shaping policy, and administering vital services is no way to achieve anything important!
Run, Susie, run!
Little Ricky is a stupid as ever – and is lying as usual.
They “investigated: this supposed complaint that was put in a year after it happenned….nothing. No charges, nothing.
Little ricky is making up crap about “plying” with alcohol…unless he was there. Once again, Little ricky is grasping at straws and refuses to see reality…Huthison lied repeatedly about her views and voters saw through her deceit. She got whupped.
Little Ricky Date Rape is always in a pervy dreamland: Larry Sinclair, gay-baiting here in the comment threads, now this date rape fantasy.
Why is this behavior so prevalent among right wingers?
# 40 headless,
i’m not sure about date rape, but a little birdie at the seattle times dropped a ‘heavily redacted’ report regarding a ‘haggard’ moment between mark griswold and pastor hutch and some hush money…
ESO @ 32: The only reason you don’t see that a resurected Lincoln would be more like a modern-day Democrat than a Republican is because you have such a distorted idea of the modern Democratic Party, and a blind eye to the actions of the Republican Party, that you can’t see past the straw man you created in your own mind.
That being said, the more you try to bring a person out of one historical context and plug him into another, the more you find it doesn’t work. Essner’s comments were rather ridiculous in that context alone. But if we are going to engage in such comparisons, admittedly strained, we see that a modern Lincoln would indeed have more in common with Democrats than Republicans.
For example, which party has again taken upon it the mantle of “states rights”, and called for seccession from the Union (the Republican party of Texas, for example). Which party has again brought forth the notion of “nullification”, that a state can ignore federal laws with which it disagrees (Republicans in S.Carolina, of course – and it comes up again in Republican attempts to have health care reform have “opt out” provisions by individual states).
Which party has most agressivly fought against federal income taxes? (the first federal income tax was enacted under Lincoln).
Which party insists that it doesn’t need federal oversight of compliance with voting rights laws? (the Republicans in Mississippi and Alabama, although Lincoln started the process to give equal rights to blacks under the 14th Amendment).
Which party tried to make war profiteering a crime, and which party has profited enourmously through recent wars (the Republicans under Lincoln tried to stop war profiteering, with limited success, but the Republicans under the Bush administration turned war profiteering into official administration policy by out-sourcing combat and support functions to private companies that enjoyed a cozy relationiship to the Republicans).
I could go on, but that’s enough, for now.
And don’t bother bringing forth arguments from southern Democrats prior to 1968 – by that year they were driven out of the party or they had reformed. By then George Wallace was a third-party candidate, although he became a Democrat again after “reforming” on the race issue. It was the Republicans who gladly accepted bigots into their party, as part of Nixon’s “southern strategy”.
This is great video.
Witness the teabagging cult, their billionaire sugar daddy Rupert Murdoch and his ugly propaganda machine Faux News in action:
Ahhhh. But this was the “war on terra”. These things happen..
@52 Fuck. I’m beginning to fear that our new administration’s priorities, while perhaps well-intentioned, are a trifle off-base. Months spent jacking around over a health-care reform package that’s an invitation for the opposition to obstruct it until it becomes a joke. Meanwhile, the fighting goes on in Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel/Palestine and now Pakistan…and stuff like this keeps coming out, with not a peep about bringing those responsible to justice, or even finding out whether it’s still going on.
@51: Case in point for anyone who claims that Faux News is anything more than a cheerleader for the rightwingnut republican party.
They went on and on about the NY 23 race, they went on and on about Scozaffava dropping out for the rightwingnut and they went on and on how Hoffman would win.
They (Faux News) were wrong, they were stupid, they were rightwing cheerleaders and they have no clue how to really report the news.
What a bunch of idiots at Faux News – they are not a “real” news network – they are an arm of the republican party, period. A bunch of biased fools lacking in the basics of real journalism and having no objectivity at all.
That's what she said...spews:
Have I mentioned yet today that Kathi Lambert is batshit crazy and a pathological liar? A worthless turd floating in the ladies room toilet at the council chambers that somebody forgot to flush? Julia, could you go in there and flush it, the stench is becoming unbearable.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
The only question: were you the perp? Or the victim? ~ Date Rape Darryl
Apparently Darryl doesn’t remember enough about this weeks “drinking liberally” event to know he got a ride home from Roger Rabbit. I don’t know the particulars, squirt, but rumor has it you were playing ‘date rape darryl’ to ‘Roger Rabbit’s receiving’. Just what I heard through the grapevine, squirt.
Empty Suit Obamaspews:
It was the Republicans who gladly accepted bigots into their party, as part of Nixon’s “southern strategy”. ~ RHP6033
HaHa, you are one delusional soul there, RHP. Last I checked, you still had a grand keagle of the Ku Klux Klan as a senior (literally) member of your party. Your history of the party is very shortsighted as well since it was the Republicans that passed the Civil rights act of 1964 with despite a filibuster from Democrats including that same KKK member that still sits atop a leadership position within the democrat party. Lincoln would be horrified at what how the old Democratic party has become devolved. I’ve heard some batshit crazy notions thrown around in this waste treatment facility, RHP, but your assertion that lincoln would identify with the democrat party rather than the Libertarian, Constitutional or to a lesser extent the Republican party of today is off the charts retarded. I think you need to get outside the buble of ignorance and smell the world around you, RHP. Clearly visiting this hate site has clouded your normally rational,if misguided, take on political issues.
Another GOP freak show joins the Puget Sound Republican graveyard….
She got beat so bad, I doubt the GOP moneymen will want to put her up against Patty Murray…
A Republican moderate could win the county, too bad they can not bring themselves to support one.
She has more class in her left pinkie, than all of what you jackasses have, combined.
Poor Susie Beans. I guess a vacant expression, a thin resume, and a pack of lies didn’t work out like she planned. Perhaps KIRO management is smarter than we could know.
@1, the Republicans must have someone to run against Senator Murray and their bench is pretty thin. Mike! left town, but Susie or (P)Rick White are still around. New garbage or recycled garbage?
@3, If that class is the First Grade, I agree.
Face it – Susie Beans got her little ass kicked in grand style.
Hutchinson’s state-wide appeal is debatable. Her Republican views would do her well in some of the counties east of the mountains, but she is unfamiliar to them – the didn’t get KIRO TV when she was on the air. So if she can’t win in King County, where she was most well-known, then can she really win anywhere else?
Loved that quote from Luke Essner in today’s P.I., where he claimed that even a ressurected Abraham Lincoln couldn’t win in Seattle. He was, of course, complaining that Seattle voters have a knee-jerk reaction to voting in favor of a Democrat over a Republican. But the quote is pretty telling in two respects: (a) it reminds us that Abraham Lincoln would probably be a Democrat if he were alive today, and (b) the Republican Party has worked hard to earn it’s status as a minor political party in Seattle, and it’s voters won’t vote for it’s candidates for good reasons.
Orb @3,
You sound sore.
And if by “class,” you mean lying about who she is and what she stands for, well, sure.
One thing didn’t occur to me until now (rather late in the game).
We knew that Hutchinson’s only experience outside of reading a teleprompter was serving as the director of a Symphony, where most of her experience was related to fundraising and public appearances. We had argued that it hardly qualified her to lead a county with a budget and employee base as large as King County.
But the one thing that didn’t occur to me, until I heard her non-concession concession speach this morning, was that the Symphony is – well, remarkably non-controversial. Nobody criticizes the Symphony. It’s one of those arts organizations which everybody is glad is around in a city the size of Seattle, but nobody is going to criticize the director or the board unless they do something incredibly and drastically wrong like cancelling a season, selling off the premises, or causing a strike among the musicians.
What Hutchinson didn’t realize is that in politics, you have to have a thick skin. Constantine didn’t accuse her of anything really bad, he just said she is a Republican with Evangelical Christian values. I can’t imagine how anybody who usually votes Republican and supports Republican candidates, and proclaims to be an Evangelical Christian, would be offended by that. Hey, it might be politically inconvenient for her, but it’s certainly not a lie.
Now, if you called me a Republican, I’d probably call you outside to settle the matter, but that’s me.
But apparently Hutchinson IS offended by that, even though her contribution record shows her to be as close to being a Republican as you can be in this state without running for an office with an “R” after your name. Yet her outrage is apparant from her statements on election eve which called Constantine’s accusations “misleading” and “lies”.
Hutchinson obviously doesn’t have a thick enough skin to engage in politics. If the rather gentle drubbing she took in King County gets under your skin, can you imagine how she might react in a REALLY TOUGH political campaign? You know, one that really examines her records, publishes the details of her lawsuit with KIRO, talks to all her co-workers, etc.?
Yet another defeat for BIAW and friends.
I hope date rape Dow can keep his pervert little hands off the young interns, employees, temps, etc (especially the 20 somethings in a red dress)…otherwise, the taxpayers of Seattle will be on the hook for a sexual harrassment lawsuit due to his history of predatory behavior.
Just sayin’
10 – If anyone’s a perv, it’s you dumbass seeing you’re so obsessed with the behavior.
Nice going there with the projection loser.
I’m against lying except when I’m for it.
I think the “projection” fad is over.
I wonder why no one has made the connection…
palin + alinsky = palinsky
“Date Rape Dow”
I think we have a winner in the nickname contest.
There was no alliteration in “slimy fucking communist” and “Admiral Dow of the King County Ferry Fleet” was to long.
14 – Haven’t seen you in a while Del.
Suzie, the Sarah Palin of King County, is defeated.
Yet another losing “game changer” from the deceitful right wing.
Really, Marvy? Seriously?
Wow, projection’s the only coping mechanism you wingnuts have!
So, we won’t be seeing you around here since you’ve nothing left to work with?
Time for a right wing boogiemen rally:
Always fun, even after Halloween.
yeah, I kind of take offense to 47 year old supervisor plying their 20+ year old subordinate with alcohol while dangling the prospect that an “opening” might occur in his office in the hopes he can have a little one night stand- it’s called an abuse of power arshloch. Of course, you wouldn’t recognize that as predatory behavior, but then again, you don’t recognize peeking into bathroom stalls with that beady little eye of yours is also a perverse little endeavor, so you certainly aren’t an objective judge of perversion du arshcloch.
18 – Lol! The eye is wide open focused on your losing, right wing bullshit fool.
It never wavers.
It sees right through you fiend.
The Jane Doe said it was a tempest in a teapot and you can’t let the sick fantasy go.
How it totally sucks to be right wing!!!
Very silly.
@10 empty headed suit…
you vomited, “otherwise, the taxpayers of Seattle will be on the hook for a sexual harrassment lawsuit ”
just why would a city be responsible for a county employee? or are you too stupid to realize that they’re not the same damned things?
christ, conservatives are dumb.
Um, yeah stupes, but since Seattle is the county seat and comprises 1/4 of the county, I thought even an ignorant troll like you could probably navigate using some common sense that I meant the county taxpayers would be on the hook for date rape Dow.
My bad for underestimating the extent of your stupidity.
Phillies lose! Karma for raising a pig like Goldy.
I really hope she runs for Governor in 2012. A McKenna/Hutchison primary could be gold.
@3 I’ve never thought liars were classy.
@6 I don’t see how a woman who doesn’t know a cow from a jackass could represent the cow counties in a county council let alone the U.S. Senate.
@10, @14 – Man, I love watching you slugs writhe in agony after being doused in salt!
@19 Now if it was poor Little Rickie Dumbass being propositioned by a guy in a hetereosexual bar I could see him being a bit upset …
@21 “christ, conservatives are dumb”
That’s the fucking understatement of the fucking 21st century! Especially this crop.
@22 “an ignorant troll like you”
Man you ARE confused!! This is a liberal blog — so YOU are the troll here — not the liberal posters. Lol!!
@23 So? You’re not even in the game.
Honestly, RHP. As for your first nuttier than a squirrel turd assertion (a) What kind of drugs are you imbibing? Lee wants to know how to get such a bat shit notion in your head that Lincoln would be associated with the party of Lenin as the Democrat party is today. And as for (b), Seattle is little more than a cowtown of 500K that has a tendency for groupthink rather than intelligence (see SF, NYC for fellow groupthinkers).
Losing influence in a shithole like Seattle is merely reaffirming you have a firm grasp on reality and sanity. I do enjoy those who are firmly ensconsed in the bubble of ignorance like RHP clearly is, believe they have the pulse of the nation. 2010 will be a rude awakening for the brawny towel guy, RHP and the rest of Goldy’s waste treatment facility here at HA.
Little Rickie Dumbass condemns flirting. Boy, that will swell the ranks of his party. Go for it, Little Rickie Dumbass.
@ 33. Flirting is one thing, but date rape Dow plying his subordinate with alcohol and dangling the prospect of an “open position” in his office with the hopes he’d have a one night stand with a girl 20+ years younger than him is one for the pervert file.
47 year old sex predator for King Co. Executive, gotta be proud.
Rick D. @ 34
“Date rape,” by definition, involves involuntary penetration. Do you have any evidence of that having happened with our new King County Executive? Of course, you don’t. Little Ricky Dumbass, if you are our opposition, then God has blessed us.
Um, sure stupes. But why would anyone ply a girl 20years his junior with alcohol to do something to lower her inhibitions or incapacitate her? Dow Constantine is merely one drug away from being an andrew luster (or heir to the max factor fortune). He just chose alcohol over pills, but the predator factor remains the same if not the motive. They may not be one and the same, but they certainly exhibit predatory behavior with their actions, and it certainly isn’t “executive” material we need here in King Co. since we have no leadership in this city, county, state as it currently exists.
Hope the county pockets are deep as a skirt chaser like ol’ Dow is sure to attract at least a few embarrassing harrassment suits during his short tenure as King Co. Exec.
Lil’ Ricky Date Rape,
You seem to have a lot of made-up shit in your scenario there, Squirt. I’m guessing you are largely drawing from personal experience.
The only question: were you the perp? Or the victim?
re 10: If you want to make an accusation, then do it.
Are you some kind of conspiracy nut?
It is hard to know where to start. Have you actually ever been in a workplace? Do you have any understanding of how stupid you sound? Yikes, Little Ricky, is this the best you’ve got? Was Suzie Hutchison (who you predicted would win) some clean candidate, without baggage, smarter than Dow Constantine? Ricky, are you really that dumb?
We could start date rape rumors about prominent WA Republican politicians — but who would that be? Reichert? Doc Hastings?
Did you hear that Constantine made her hold her nose, down a snifter of Jack, and then yelled “Brace yourself, Bridget!” while banging her on the pool table in the Rainier Club snooker room?
The Dow campaign apparently decided it was a no win to talk about that non-incident, but what really happened was there were 8 people at the table, it was a going away party for one of Dow’s staffers and Jane decided to attend despite the fact that it was a party for Dow’s people. Dow bought a round and 2 female staffers bought rounds. There’s your “plying with drinks.” Jane complained about her job because the jerk she works for wasn’t paying enough and asked if Dow was hiring. He told her no.(In actuality because she was unqualified, apparently her boss had lower standards, sorry, hooch.) There’s your “dangling a job.” She got tipsy and flirty, jokingly pretending to use her feminine wiles to try to change his mind. He jokingly flirted back about it. He was hardly the aggressor in the situation. He even begged one of his staffers not to leave the chair next to him vacant, recognizing the girl was getting a little psycho, but unfortunately the staffer had to leave. End of story. Oh, sometime later he said she looks good in red, how come you never wear red. Apparently this “incident” grew in importance over the course of a year and strangely became important enough to get written up once Dow had a certain asshole primary opponent who hires sycophants that will apparently do anything for political gain, just like their boss. Hmm. The HR people looked at it and said you gotta be fucking kidding me. That’s it until Susan’s henchman on the council pathological liar and all around whore Kathy Lambert hears about it and starts trying to peddle it for the last month. There were lots of other people at the table and they back up this version of the story. People talk a lot during the final weeks of campaigns, it’s amazing the things you can piece together if you keep your ears open. My conclusion was the reason Jane wanted this non-incident kept quite was she realized she was more at fault than Dow, and she never really wanted it written up in the first place. Sounds like the whole fucking council with the exception of Larry Gossett is a cesspool and Dow should hit the flush lever on his way out.
Just for fun…
I think Dow looks like gay comedian Scott Thompson :
…just saying.
In the crazy, brave new world of Republican post-reality, Sue didn’t actually loose. She’s just positioning herself for the next battle.
Poor Little Date Rapin’ Dumbass just can’t let this one go.
It keeps him up at night, tossing, turning, fantasizing…
I read in the comments somewhere that Marvin declares that the era of “projection” is over. WTF? Are trolls going to quit posting here?
Once again, Susie’s gonna be like Sarah. She’ll change things all right–but from the outside, where the real power and leverage is! Yes, she’s not retreating, she’s advancing in another direction! And she’ll fight for the real people of King County from the board of the Discovery Institute, or the Evergreen Freedom Foundation!
Dow thinks he has won something, but Susie knows that being in office, crafting budgets, shaping policy, and administering vital services is no way to achieve anything important!
Run, Susie, run!
Little Ricky is a stupid as ever – and is lying as usual.
They “investigated: this supposed complaint that was put in a year after it happenned….nothing. No charges, nothing.
Little ricky is making up crap about “plying” with alcohol…unless he was there. Once again, Little ricky is grasping at straws and refuses to see reality…Huthison lied repeatedly about her views and voters saw through her deceit. She got whupped.
Little Ricky Date Rape is always in a pervy dreamland: Larry Sinclair, gay-baiting here in the comment threads, now this date rape fantasy.
Why is this behavior so prevalent among right wingers?
# 40 headless,
i’m not sure about date rape, but a little birdie at the seattle times dropped a ‘heavily redacted’ report regarding a ‘haggard’ moment between mark griswold and pastor hutch and some hush money…
ESO @ 32: The only reason you don’t see that a resurected Lincoln would be more like a modern-day Democrat than a Republican is because you have such a distorted idea of the modern Democratic Party, and a blind eye to the actions of the Republican Party, that you can’t see past the straw man you created in your own mind.
That being said, the more you try to bring a person out of one historical context and plug him into another, the more you find it doesn’t work. Essner’s comments were rather ridiculous in that context alone. But if we are going to engage in such comparisons, admittedly strained, we see that a modern Lincoln would indeed have more in common with Democrats than Republicans.
For example, which party has again taken upon it the mantle of “states rights”, and called for seccession from the Union (the Republican party of Texas, for example). Which party has again brought forth the notion of “nullification”, that a state can ignore federal laws with which it disagrees (Republicans in S.Carolina, of course – and it comes up again in Republican attempts to have health care reform have “opt out” provisions by individual states).
Which party has most agressivly fought against federal income taxes? (the first federal income tax was enacted under Lincoln).
Which party insists that it doesn’t need federal oversight of compliance with voting rights laws? (the Republicans in Mississippi and Alabama, although Lincoln started the process to give equal rights to blacks under the 14th Amendment).
Which party tried to make war profiteering a crime, and which party has profited enourmously through recent wars (the Republicans under Lincoln tried to stop war profiteering, with limited success, but the Republicans under the Bush administration turned war profiteering into official administration policy by out-sourcing combat and support functions to private companies that enjoyed a cozy relationiship to the Republicans).
I could go on, but that’s enough, for now.
And don’t bother bringing forth arguments from southern Democrats prior to 1968 – by that year they were driven out of the party or they had reformed. By then George Wallace was a third-party candidate, although he became a Democrat again after “reforming” on the race issue. It was the Republicans who gladly accepted bigots into their party, as part of Nixon’s “southern strategy”.
This is great video.
Witness the teabagging cult, their billionaire sugar daddy Rupert Murdoch and his ugly propaganda machine Faux News in action:
Think the two million or so true believers whose eyeballs are glued every day to this atrocity of a “news” operation would have second thoughts?
Not a chance.
Hmmm. The UK ambassador to Uzbekistan says peeps were sent to Uzbkeistan to be raped with broken bottles and boiled alive.
The “intelligence” from this “enhanced interrogation” was then sent on to the CIA and from there? Darth Cheney’s office perhaps?
Ahhhh. But this was the “war on terra”. These things happen..
@52 Fuck. I’m beginning to fear that our new administration’s priorities, while perhaps well-intentioned, are a trifle off-base. Months spent jacking around over a health-care reform package that’s an invitation for the opposition to obstruct it until it becomes a joke. Meanwhile, the fighting goes on in Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel/Palestine and now Pakistan…and stuff like this keeps coming out, with not a peep about bringing those responsible to justice, or even finding out whether it’s still going on.
@51: Case in point for anyone who claims that Faux News is anything more than a cheerleader for the rightwingnut republican party.
They went on and on about the NY 23 race, they went on and on about Scozaffava dropping out for the rightwingnut and they went on and on how Hoffman would win.
They (Faux News) were wrong, they were stupid, they were rightwing cheerleaders and they have no clue how to really report the news.
What a bunch of idiots at Faux News – they are not a “real” news network – they are an arm of the republican party, period. A bunch of biased fools lacking in the basics of real journalism and having no objectivity at all.
Have I mentioned yet today that Kathi Lambert is batshit crazy and a pathological liar? A worthless turd floating in the ladies room toilet at the council chambers that somebody forgot to flush? Julia, could you go in there and flush it, the stench is becoming unbearable.
Apparently Darryl doesn’t remember enough about this weeks “drinking liberally” event to know he got a ride home from Roger Rabbit. I don’t know the particulars, squirt, but rumor has it you were playing ‘date rape darryl’ to ‘Roger Rabbit’s receiving’. Just what I heard through the grapevine, squirt.
HaHa, you are one delusional soul there, RHP. Last I checked, you still had a grand keagle of the Ku Klux Klan as a senior (literally) member of your party. Your history of the party is very shortsighted as well since it was the Republicans that passed the Civil rights act of 1964 with despite a filibuster from Democrats including that same KKK member that still sits atop a leadership position within the democrat party. Lincoln would be horrified at
whathow the old Democratic party hasbecomedevolved. I’ve heard some batshit crazy notions thrown around in this waste treatment facility, RHP, but your assertion that lincoln would identify with the democrat party rather than the Libertarian, Constitutional or to a lesser extent the Republican party of today is off the charts retarded. I think you need to get outside the buble of ignorance and smell the world around you, RHP. Clearly visiting this hate site has clouded your normally rational,if misguided, take on political issues.