by Goldy — Friday, 1/30/09, 12:39 pm Share:FacebookRedditLinkedInEmailPrint Related
1 Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year... spews: Friday, 1/30/09 at 4:46 pm Obama Signs Fair Pay Act – Obama paid his female staffers 78% of what Obama paid his male staffers while in the Senate Obama Senate staff women average salary of $44,953. Obama Senate staff men average salary of $57,425. That is $12,472 less for women. Huh? Yes a change cummin to Amerikkka!
Obama Signs Fair Pay Act –
Obama paid his female staffers 78% of what Obama paid his male staffers while in the Senate
Obama Senate staff women average salary of $44,953.
Obama Senate staff men average salary of $57,425.
That is $12,472 less for women. Huh? Yes a change cummin to Amerikkka!