In Los Angeles, a man and his wife recently fired from their jobs as medical technicians at Kaiser Permanente were found dead with their 5 children, an apparent murder-suicide.
The man’s suicide note indicated a Kaiser Permanente manager told him, “You should have blown your brains out.” So the guy did … and blew out his wife’s and kids’ brains, too.
Now there’s a sensitive manager for you!! You and your wife have the same employer, you both lose your jobs, now you’re destitute, and the only thing your boss can think of to say to you is you should kill yourself!
Aside from the fact I hope this family’s surviving relatives sue the living shit out of this manager and his employer, this illustrates why working is the worst way to make a living there is.
If you don’t work, you don’t have to put up with abusive managements. Nor do you have to put up with managers who make employees work off the clock, lie to them about their prospects for promotion, violate health and safety regulations, or the other inconveniences of working such as split shifts, rotating shifts, involuntary transfers, false performance evaluations, age and gender discrimination, trumped-up excuses for firing people to get out of paying unemployment benefits to laid-off workers, and all the other shit that employers do to workers.
Employers are evil. They’re fucking evil. Who wants to depend for their livelihood on the whims of some evil, masochistic, dishonest and devious, SOB?
Besides, if you work for your income, you pay the highest tax rates — three times what the capitalist class pays on capital gains and dividends.
I just don’t believe in working. The maxim, “work hard and you’ll succeed” is capitalist propaganda designed to get you to work hard so your boss can get rich. It’s bullshit! You don’t get ahead in America by working hard. That’s not true, and has never been true. You get ahead by owning stuff. Working keeps you down.
So I don’t work! By not working, I don’t have to commute at my own expense, put up with psychotic bosses, or get treated like a slave — and I get a lower tax rate!
No one should work! Working is antisocial and will be punished! Living off other people’s work, like I do, is the only way to go! Hey, I’m not saying this is right. I think it’s immoral as hell! But I didn’t create this fucked-up system, I only go with the flow. And as long as the system coddles capitalists and fucks workers, it’s stupid to work!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Obviously this family should have diversified their employment. Instead of working for the same bastard, they should have worked for two different bastards. That way, they might have kept one of their jobs, and possibly averted this tragedy. But it’s always better to not have to work for any bastard.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans are intransigent on Obama’s stimulus package. Rep. Boehner said, “It’s the spending.” Yeah right, he didn’t have a problem with spending $2 trillion on Bush’s recreational war in Iraq and another $750 billion on bailing out banks and Wall Street, why is that?
I’ll tell you why. Obama’s bill includes $335 million for educating teens about sexually transmitted diseases. Republicans can’t stand that! They want to keep ’em barefoot and pregnant.
Blue John spews:
Brian spews:
Compelling post.
Roger Rabbit spews:
In Los Angeles, a man and his wife recently fired from their jobs as medical technicians at Kaiser Permanente were found dead with their 5 children, an apparent murder-suicide.
The man’s suicide note indicated a Kaiser Permanente manager told him, “You should have blown your brains out.” So the guy did … and blew out his wife’s and kids’ brains, too.
Now there’s a sensitive manager for you!! You and your wife have the same employer, you both lose your jobs, now you’re destitute, and the only thing your boss can think of to say to you is you should kill yourself!
Aside from the fact I hope this family’s surviving relatives sue the living shit out of this manager and his employer, this illustrates why working is the worst way to make a living there is.
If you don’t work, you don’t have to put up with abusive managements. Nor do you have to put up with managers who make employees work off the clock, lie to them about their prospects for promotion, violate health and safety regulations, or the other inconveniences of working such as split shifts, rotating shifts, involuntary transfers, false performance evaluations, age and gender discrimination, trumped-up excuses for firing people to get out of paying unemployment benefits to laid-off workers, and all the other shit that employers do to workers.
Employers are evil. They’re fucking evil. Who wants to depend for their livelihood on the whims of some evil, masochistic, dishonest and devious, SOB?
Besides, if you work for your income, you pay the highest tax rates — three times what the capitalist class pays on capital gains and dividends.
I just don’t believe in working. The maxim, “work hard and you’ll succeed” is capitalist propaganda designed to get you to work hard so your boss can get rich. It’s bullshit! You don’t get ahead in America by working hard. That’s not true, and has never been true. You get ahead by owning stuff. Working keeps you down.
So I don’t work! By not working, I don’t have to commute at my own expense, put up with psychotic bosses, or get treated like a slave — and I get a lower tax rate!
No one should work! Working is antisocial and will be punished! Living off other people’s work, like I do, is the only way to go! Hey, I’m not saying this is right. I think it’s immoral as hell! But I didn’t create this fucked-up system, I only go with the flow. And as long as the system coddles capitalists and fucks workers, it’s stupid to work!
Roger Rabbit spews:
@3 Obviously this family should have diversified their employment. Instead of working for the same bastard, they should have worked for two different bastards. That way, they might have kept one of their jobs, and possibly averted this tragedy. But it’s always better to not have to work for any bastard.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Republicans are intransigent on Obama’s stimulus package. Rep. Boehner said, “It’s the spending.” Yeah right, he didn’t have a problem with spending $2 trillion on Bush’s recreational war in Iraq and another $750 billion on bailing out banks and Wall Street, why is that?
I’ll tell you why. Obama’s bill includes $335 million for educating teens about sexually transmitted diseases. Republicans can’t stand that! They want to keep ’em barefoot and pregnant.