No, really… he absolutely loves women’s basketball:
Hmm. I know Schultz claims to have lost $60 million on the Sonics and Storm franchises over the past five years, but from the looks of it, it’s been worth every dime.
I’ll tell you what Howard… if you want me to help pay for your new arena, then next time, I get to be the one making out with Lauren Jackson.
So Goldy, was chasing around tall lesbians the reason your wife left you?
that might be worth putting a Not Safe For Work tag on.
Who cares what you paid for your Starbucks stock! I have a lower REI number than you! neener neener
Few things are more amusing than watching billionaires pretending to be regular folks.
Roger hits the Seattle nail on the head once again! Bravo!
I meant about the REI number, but the billionaire thing too…
Pardon me while I go throw up.
off topic:
A new Fox News poll puts Bush’s approval rating at 33%.
The only problem with women’s sports is that they’re terrible and nobody gives a fuck. Unless you’re a lez or a Seattle metro…
Goldy, Mrs. Goldy will get 75% of the kid’s time, and you will pay her forever. Let’s see: FED taxes, state taxes, spousal support, and child support. And after all those are paid, NOTHING let for Goldy!!! This should be fun to watch!!
Congressman Jim McDermott (Moonbat-WA), who traveled to Baghdad to support Saddam Hussein just before the Iraq War, will have his own jihadi on staff—Mustafa Khalfi, editor-in-chief of the Moroccan newspaper At-Tajdid, who has received a prestigious Fulbright fellowship to take a course at Johns Hopkins University, and a scholarship at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Fulbright’s Terror Supporter………………………………………………………………………….. [Gee, What a surprse. Democrats: domestic terrorists.]
Roger Rabbit, …………….A little Hawai’i background news. The New Orleans Levy Board [ALL Democrat….mostly black] LOVED to have their “conference” in Kapalua, Maui each and every year. [very expensive] The “civil servants” were well armed with “guvment” credit cards and spent taxpayer money like water at the PGA golf courses and the Plantation Estate for expensive meals and entertainment. Nothing like black “civil servants” with “guvment” credit cards to run up huge bills and ass fuck the New Orleans Levy Board for the cost. THis is how the Democrats spent the Levy funds prior to Katrina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Still the libs will say………………… “Somehow Bush is at fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” [hehe] Fuck you, dumb ass lib, JCH
The price of full service high octane gas reaches $4.049 dollars per gallon Thursday, April 20, 2006, at a gas station in Beverly Hills, Calif. Oil prices held steady near record highs Thursday after weekly data showed a drop in U.S. gasoline. This is good because Beverly Hills is loaded with liberal Democrats who do not support nuclear power, wind power off Kennedyland, any new refineries, or drilling in ANWR, Alaska, in the Gulf of Mexico, or off California. Many libs hope gas goes even higher, although many Democrat libs fly in private Gulfstreams [G4 and G5s] and ride in V8 limos. “This is Bushes fault” said Democrat Hyme Lowenstein!! “Yes, Bush is at fault!” said “Babs” Goldberg!!…………………………………………………………………..[hehe, JCH]
The price of full service high octane gas reaches $4.049 dollars per gallon Thursday, April 20, 2006, at a gas station in Beverly Hills, Calif. Oil prices held steady near record highs Thursday after weekly data showed a drop in U.S. gasoline. This is good because Beverly Hills is loaded with liberal Democrats who do not support nuclear power, wind power off Kennedyland, any new refineries, or drilling in ANWR, Alaska, in the Gulf of Mexico, or off California. Many libs hope gas goes even higher, although many Democrat libs fly in private Gulfstreams [G4 and G5s] and ride in V8 limos. “This is Bushes fault” said Democrat Hyme Lowenstein!! “Yes, Bush is at fault!” said “Babs” Goldberg!!…………………………………………………………………..[hehe, JCH]
Hyme Lowenstein…………”Babs” Goldberg………..Goldy, and relation????????????????????????
Hyme Lowenstein…………”Babs” Goldberg………..Goldy, and relation????????????????????????
I see the Woman Hater is back. Hey Welsher — when you gonna pay the $100 you owe Goldy?
How come I never had one of those state jobs where you get to hold meetings in Hawaii and put exotic dancers on a guvmint credit card? Wait, I know … you gotta be a REPUBLICAN to get those perks.
“$4.049 dollars per gallon Thursday, April 20, 2006, at a gas station in Beverly Hills”
They can afford it.
Hey, when the “full service” gas station gives you a blowjob while they pump your gas, ya gotta expect to pay a bit more.
… and I see JCH still has diarrhea of the keyboard.
Roger @ 18:
Let’s not forget that MTR also advocates the extermination of all muslims on the planet. All those degrees have made him a truly evolved human being.
Hey what happened with the heckler at the Hu speech today? Was she protesting the leftist, commie dictator? Is the MSM gonna get her story out? Wait MSM…. heckler protesting a commie. Nevermind.
IMO, losing the Seattle Storm is the big downside to folding the Sonics.
Books $175.00
Tuition $1,100.00
Donks beating up on donks
I agree with RonK. It’d be nice if we could split em off…
I mean, I don’t really have anything against the sonics, but these KeyArena demands are freaking ridiculous.
DOOFUS is 0 for 2 here tonight. Dr Wang Wenyi, 47, is a Falun Gong practitioner based in New York. She shouted: “President Bush: Stop him from killing” and “President Bush, stop him from persecuting the Falun Gong.” The incident was given extensive coverage on MSNBC this evening.
The mat professor was wrong. What else is there to say?
math professor
Rufus @ 26 – Whaddya suppose would happen if you substituted “Jesse” for “Condoleeza”. Think the guy would get fired and run out of town?
math professor
Commentby Voter Advocate— 4/20/06@ 9:01 pm
Community college math professor? Sounds liberal to me. If he was a conservative he would have been teaching physics or quantum mechanics at a University making big bucks with a job on the side.
Teacher Fired
Payday for Jesse (sensitivity training via Rainbow push)
Works everytime.
let me take this opportunity to announce I am a gay man, and proud of it. Thank you.
Just for the record Lauren Jackson is not a lesbian.