It occurs to me that the whole raison d’etre behind the Dick Cheney Torture Tour and the FOX/GOP cacophony surrounding it is little more than an elaborate set up for an “I told you so” of monumental proportions.
The Republican message is that America is less safe under Barack Obama than it was under George Bush, a thesis whose ultimate proof seems to rely on there being another terrorist attack on American soil sometime during Obama’s long, eight years in office. Should Obama survive his term attack free, nobody will remember Cheney’s ravings, but should he not, Cheney and his cohorts will be all over the media screaming “I told you so!” And from a purely cynical political perspective, especially considering the current state of the world, that’s not a bad bet.
But it’s a bet none the less… and worse, it’s betting on the terrorists to succeed.
Think about it. Had Bush been warned publicly, before 9/11, about the imminent risk of a terrorist attack (instead of just being warned privately by his intelligence experts, as he was), he would have been raked over the coals for leaving Americans more vulnerable. And that’s exactly what Republicans hope to do to Obama and the Democrats in the event of another attack.
I guess that makes the GOP the party of hope.
To all of those that wore the uniform, wear the uniform, those that were lost, and to the families of all our military past, present, and lost…Thank you..
“little more than an elaborate set up for an ‘I told you so'”
I think it has more to do with conservative yearnings to get back into power at any price, and because they have nothing positive to offer, their game plan is to sabotage Obama and then hope voters choose them to pick up the pieces.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
You don’t hear much about George W. Bush anymore because:
[ ] 1. He’s being ignored by the media
[ ] 2. He’s busy sharpening his crayons
[ ] 3. He’s drunk all the time
[ ] 4. He’s irrelevant
[ ] 5. All of the above
“another terrorist attack on American soil”
This seems to be the GOP comeback plan. For example, local Republican legislative candidate Mark Griswold posted the following comment on a local conservative blog:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
Well, it didn’t work for Griswold; he got a miserable 15% of the vote. (Makes you wonder about 15% of the voters, doesn’t it?) What a fucking traitor — hoping Americans die so he can get elected to a part-time office. He should get a real job instead of daydreaming about hijacked airliners crashing into buildings.
[x]6. He’s writing a book.
Heard this the other day..
The efforts of Darth Cheney and the ridiculous coverage of his speech this week speak to the fact that the GOP-ers are both bereft of any ideas and have yet to find any new spokespeople. Its great to see the ethically challenged Gingrich the Newt and Darth Cheney as their leaders. This will insure they continue to melt away into a smaller and smaller party that will have to change its way or else dry up and blow away like old dawg turds.
If we had Dick Cheney in power during the civil war or the war of 1812 (of course not in a position to actually fight, because he “would have had other priorities” just like Vietnam) we would have then been a fascist dictatorship and would have had to wage a second American Revolution.
Cheney also wants us to forget the 8/01 National Security memos, “Bin Laden poised to strike in united States.”
These are the folks who are supposed to “love America,” but want us to suffer a catastrophe so they can gloat about it. What a sad statement. The grand old party has become the pathetic and very old party.
@ 5-
yes, I heard that too. Either the shortest book ever, or he has hired GOP-ers in need of work as ghostwriters as has been reported. Plenty of out of work GOP-er hacks who are out of new ideas anyway, so its back to revisionist history.
Goldy is saying that if he were a Republican, and there were another 9/11-size attack on America during Obama’s term, that he wouldn’t use that to his political advantage. I’m not sure if I believe him.
An american tragedy that the obama is deciding which chrysler dealers are going out of business…
Even more tragic when you learn that those that didn’t contribute to the obama are the ones losing their dealerships.
To quickly review the situation, I took all dealer owners whose names appeared more than once in the list. And, of those who contributed to political campaigns, every single one had donated almost exclusively to GOP candidates. While this isn’t an exhaustive review, it does have some ominous implications if it can be verified.
Consider the partial list of Chrysler dealership owners, listed below. You’ll notice that all were opponents of Barack Obama, most through sponsorship of GOP candidates and organizations, but a handful through Barack’s Democrat opponents (Hillary Clinton and John Edwards in 2008, for example).
So the obama is using his power to punish those that didn’t contribute to him.
How hitlerish.
Roger, you really need new material buddy.
Frankly, there isn’t much difference between Obama and Bush/Cheney when it comes to defending against terrorists.
Gitmo to remain [x}
Gitmo military tribunals to continue [x]
“domestic” surveillance [x]
Increasing troops to Afghanistan [x]
Continuing Bush/Cheney plan Iraq [x]
It seems to me that most of the political positions taken by politicians the US are geared toward the stupid and fearful — even the Democrats — who worry about Guantanamo prisoners being housed in US maximum security jails in their districts. Are they really worried that these people present a damger or that a Republican will demagogue them on the issue? In any case, how does this serve the people? Maybe term limits will solve this problem.
Are they catering to the timid retards among us, or just using them as cover?
Wow Tom Used Dental Foss and Pelletizer. Pelletizer still using that 2006 piece. So retro.
When Puddy asked the HA swineflu weasel class last fall if they secretly wanted another terrorist attack on the US before GWB left office so he couldn’t claim he kept America safe, only Seattle the Proud Jew answered he didn’t want to see another attack. Most all other in the HA swineflu weasel class had their goat latch onto their tongues.
Now that Cheney is taking “the messiah” to task over his Overseas Contingency Operations (The Flying Monkeys sing “OCO OOOOOH NO”), the HA swineflu weasel class now have their pink lace panties all twisted around their scrote for men and… well we won’t go there for the leftist ladies. Now the Senate Dummocrapts are asking for a Gitmo closing plan. If you HA swineflu weasel class been paying attention, “the messiah” said he was gonna close Gitmo way last year so he could get the Code Pinkos and the Daily Kurseheads to “join the messiah as he calms the seas”.
So why is it taking so long for “the messiah” to close Gitmo?
MARVIN, Puddy read that too. “I’ll take political retribution on you since you didn’t vote for me.”
It’s scary to see “the messiah” implementing the Nixon political enemies playbook in 2009. Interesting development.
re 10: Your distortions are disingenuous. Guantanamo remains open because congress won’t allow its closure.
We are pulling out of Iraq and ramping up in Afghanistan — as Obama said he would.
‘Domestic Surveillance’ is not the issue. It’s the scope and scale. Do you think the Obama administration checks out the books that you check out of the library?
We are getting out of Iraq — with a timetable.
You think you are the “Right Stuff”? Then why do your opinions coincide with the Dean of American Villagers, David Broder?
Do you think the Obama administration checks out the books that you check out of the library?
You are giving the commenter credit for being literate.
The Duck! Cheney whistlestop torture rally!!
Now there’s something the teabaggers can get behind…
I can see it on Faux News now.
Good people who lean liberal and lefty feel sorry for but are politely silent when street corner loons start raving. Their delusions of autocratic rule, i.e. orders are ignored
like Mr. “My word is my bond” the weasel.
Of course neither moron…the marvin nor this doug ross character (who wouldn’t be some right-wing dipstick…oh noooooo) ever checks to see if any obama SUPPORTERS are on the closing list…nahhh. Oh course there won’t BE very many as greedy and corrupt car dealers are notoriously right-wing…but boy oh boy that “magic negro” really IS magic if he can PERSONALLY decide which automobile dealerships stay in business. In his “spare time” I guess…maybe they appear on his telepromter? I thought you all said he wasn’t that smart?
BTW-I want to see the marvin and the right stuff in a re-education camp forced to listen to kanye weesst and may k blige. the puddybiotch gets steve earle.
I also hope Obama fails in his goal to turn America into a socialist Islamic dictatorship.
Actually Puddy, I don’t remember reading your post because I was out working to win elections. Remember november, ’08? Or did you block that out?
yes, Congress cowered before the right wing nutjob assault. If our federal prisons are so unsafe, why is it we feel safe housing mass murderers there, and that no one has ever escaped? ooohhh, they might start insurrections in there, says our Repubs in Congress. Yeah, right. Many at Gitmo are innocent, and their biggest problem in the fed pen is that innocent or guilty, they need to be in solitary because rather than insurrection, they would more likely be murdered.
Hey, whose watch did 9-11 occur on? Did they have any warning? Did they miss anything? Go read some real history and then pop off. We couldn’t wake Shrubbie from his August nap, and where was Dick? Do let me know. If you need a hint, read Jane Mayer.
Dick’s real concern this week is that he knows he violated the law and shredded the Constitution to get the rationale for the Iraq war, and its starting to come out, and he doesn’t want us looking at that part of it.
It is simply a wonder to behold, that the most recently retired Republican President, only five months out of office, and still nominally the “leader” of his party is being emphatically ignored not merely by the media, but also by his own party and its members. Likewise the party’s most recent nominee. Meanwhile The Flight-Suit-In-Chief’s telegencily challenged number two, having spent the better part of the past eight years hiding out in an undisclosed location between “hunting” excusions, skulking through daily threat briefings, drumming his fingers together and stroking a white persian cat, now suddenly emerges to seize the pulpit and lead his party deeper into the crazy.
And the media are treating this as normal.
Cheney is not a credible candidate for the ’12 nomination. He’ll be lucky to live that long. Politically he is a turned page. In anything other than Bizarro GOP world, his political relevancy would be exactly zero. So how exactly does this state of affairs not stand as a monument to the failure of this party and its most recent Presidency?
I’m not sure who to pity more: the GOP or the increasingly desperate Sunday talk producers.
19 – You’re an ugly lying fiend. Aren’t you the same idiot who said he voted for Obama?
I don’t know who sickens me more, you or your street corner loon pal @ 12.
The article did list one. Sorry you didn’t read the link, you would have learned something.
Nice shot at the liberal la times for their magic negro piece. I’m guessing you didn’t know that is where the magic negro started.
How much “spare time” does it take for obama to order an intern to find out how all the dealers contributed. And then tell someone with more authority to compile a list of those that didn’t contribute to him.
Typical left wing-nut dreams.
Say, are you still dreaming of bush being brought up for his “crimes?” Never going to happen. The democrats are too implicit in lying us into war and now with pelosi being proven to be a liar it’s not looking good for the democratics.
What do the Democratic Party stalwarts do now that they’ve got complete power? They overwhelmingly pass the Inyoue Amendment, preventing any spending on transfering prisoners out of Gitmo. They’re gonna keep Gitmo open, keeping those people locked up in an American prison without charges, without the protections of habeus corpus, and subject to military courts.
Thought you were voting for CHANGE? The Democratic Party is SAME OLD SAME OLD. Power-hungry extreme totalitarian dickwads.
The only reason the right-whiners are against moving Gitmo prisoners to the States, is they are afraid of having to share a cell in the near future.
busted ravioli has a point: D = the new R
Look how it plays out in this state:
— corporate welfare tax structure (poor people taxed far too heavily, no income tax on corporations or rich people, massive corporate tax breaks); and
— new local governments where people have little or no input once they are up and running(think monorail/sound transit).
Apparently left-wing nutjobs like uptown didn’t read about the four arrested last week in NYS. The only difference between those in Newburgh and those in Gitmo is those in Newburgh are American citizens. But don’t let that stop the goosestepping frog-march uptown is on.
Notice clueless wonder swineflu weasel@17 is all up in arms over the name Puddy been using for over a month.
Notice clueless wonder swineflu weasel has nothing to say about his hoping there was another terraist (his spelling) attack before GWB left office.
Why is that clueless wonder swineflu weasel? Goat still got your tongue?
We all know why. He’s a clueless wonder swineflu weasel!
Its a hoot reading this liberal drivel, you lot are about as smart as a box of rocks.
Possibly zay hoping terorrists come to Amerika, make a bomb, den day say I told you zo.
Or ees possible zay could make some bombs go “boom” zayr own selfes.
This is how right wingers hef done it all de time. Efen dat Julius Caiesar said he was coming to protect the Romanische Republik!
A firebomb in de nazional azzembly, is gut for dis.
Hey Brown shit, I think there’s a sale of foil hats at Batshit Crazy Ivans.
re 19: Are you worried about a Godless, Islamic, Socialist, Dictatorial Democracy?
I still want to make passionate love to Rue McLanahan.
Does that make me wrong?
The North Koreans just tested a 2nd nuke.
Iran has said the nuclear issue “is closed.”
Obama is weak on national security.
The proper response for “I’m going to kill you” is NOT “let’s talk about why you want to kill me.”
Obama is the new Lyndon Johnson. He’s scalating troop levels in an increasingly unpopular asian war his predecessor started. If reporters had access now to the extent they did in Viet Nam we’d be seeing plenty of “baby killer” photoessays on the web.
@5 So am I. I’ve been writing it for about 20 years now. It’s still not finished.
Great News for Washington State!!
Friends of ours here in Montana have 3 kids + 2 adopted kids + 3 foster kids.
One of the foster kids from California.
His mom and grandma are lifelong welfare recipients…never worked.
My buddy just got an e-mail from mom informing him that she & granny will be moving to Washington State…because California is going to cut their handouts with the Budget cut and Washington is “a much better deal”.
Now you Leftist Progressives can get used to paying for lazy asses.
Learn to speak Spanish too!!
Do you have any rooms to share with your new deadbeat neighbors who will be migrating in droves???
Too damn funny!
@10 “Frankly, there isn’t much difference between Obama and Bush/Cheney when it comes to defending against terrorists.”
If you believe that, then you probably also believe there isn’t much difference between Adolf Hitler and Albert Schweitzer because they both were Germans.*
* Well, sort of. Hitler actually was Austrian, so to validate his credentials as a “German,” he grabbed Austria and made it part of Germany. Weird, when you think about it.
I guess the new wingnut mantra is “we’re just like Democrats!” When your own brand name is soiled beyond redemption, steal one that’s working …
@10 “Roger, you really need new material buddy.”
What for? If you guys can repeat the same lies 10,000 times, why can’t I repeat the same truths 10,000 times? Why should Republicans have a monopoly on repetition? You selfish bastards want everything to yourselves! I was taught to share.
@ 34
The proper response for “I’m going to kill you” is NOT “let’s talk about why you want to kill me.”
That rather depends on who’s saying, “I’m going to kill you.” If it’s a gnat, the proper response is to laugh.
Gnat? What part of “2nd nuke” did you miss?
Unstable regimes should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons.
Sending them a very sternly worded letter, even on UN stationery, will not help.
@ 42
Gnat? What part of “2nd nuke” did you miss?
None. At what point did I equate North Korea with being a gnat? The point is, there’s an entire spectrum of proper responses.
Unstable regimes should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons.
Never said they should.
Sending them a very sternly worded letter, even on UN stationery, will not help.
That rather depends on the contents of the letter. There are certain diplomatic phrases that are the equivalent of Nick Dundee’s, “That’s not a knife.”
Use any name you want fool. The F I could care.
Just shows you for the projecting, hypocritical, nutjob fiend you are.
@1 “To all those who wore the uniform…”
Well that leaves out all the cowardly chickenshit, chickenhawk, right wing traitors who frequent this blog – as well as the current crop of the GOP leadership – i.e., WHATADICK Cheney and Lush Flimbaugh.
Go bother your chimp re: the spelling. It’s how he pronounced for all us here on “the internets”.
Nothing to say? Always got plenty to say but NEVER on your orders..
Go try to make someone else dance to your silly tune – fiend.
Neither North Korea nor Iran began their nuclear programs January 2009. They got where they are under Bush’s watch. Obama has the mess to deal with.
when’s the marvin gonna catch up to the “oprah winfrey white house” meme…THAT oughta be good for more insanely tortured (no pun ntended) wingnut “logic”…
…I’ll just pop some more corn and grab another diet coke…these guys are WAYYYYYYY more fun than the 700 club!
@9 Is this the latest bullshit from the Nut-O-Sphere? You think Obama has time to pore over lists of car dealers and match them to campaign contributor lists? Guess what, Sherlock, nearly ALL car dealers are Republicans! So it should come as no great big flaming surprise that the dealers being closed are Republicans, should it? Chrysler is BANKRUPT, moron! This is a business decision made by business executives running a business that happens to be in an advanced state of collapse, idiot. You’re an incredible dumbfuck, even for a wingnut.
@12 “Pelletizer still using that 2006 piece.”
Why shouldn’t I use it? Are you embarrassed by the fact that a Republican candidate for office posted a public comment on Stefan’s blog that he hoped more Americans would die in terrorist attacks to help his party win elections? Don’t like me publicizing the fact this is the kind of people YOU vote for? Tough shit.
Instead of whining about me telling the truth about GOP Legislative Candidate Mark Griswold, you ought to repudiate that unpatriotic swine and his anti-American comment. Why haven’t you done that?
@13 What’s even scarier is to read the bullshit you liars try to pass off on this blog as factual material.
Say, whatever happened to Mark The Welshing Redneck? We haven’t seen him for a long time. Did his mommy take his computer privileges away?
Try again K. That’s a big time lie fool! A Cornell Grad should know the truth better.
Puddy is always glad to help correct the libtard mistakes with historical facts. The links are always free. Remember Madeline Halfbright “We were misled”.
clueless swineflu wonder weasel got hist pink lace panties all in a bunch. Oh goody.
Then why did you respond moron?
@18 “BTW-I want to see the marvin and the right stuff in a re-education camp forced to listen to kanye weesst and may k blige. the puddybiotch gets steve earle.”
Now you’re talking! Ann Coulter wanted to put US in concentration camps, so why shouldn’t we do it to them? Except she wanted to EXECUTE us, but being liberals we’re more compassionate than that — we’ll RE-EDUCATE them. Not that re-education would do THEM any good — they’ll never be fit to live in civilized society, so we should just leave them in the camps forever.
Heh — just kidding! It’s an Ann Coulter joke, folks! This is all in good clean fun.
Looks like the clueless swineflu wonder weasel@44,46 has hot flashes again.
@19 Obama doesn’t have a goal to turn America into a “socialist Islamic dictatorship.” For one thing, he’s a Christian, so why would he want Muslims to take over this country? And he’s a strong supporter of democracy, so why would he want a dictatorship? And the guy clearly is a capitalist, and like FDR, is working hard to save capitalism from its own excesses. All Obama wants is a fair deal for average Americans who do this country’s work, fight its wars, and pay its taxes — something you asswipes are unwilling to give them. That’s why he’s living in the White House and you’re stuck in your trailer.
@20 Someone should remind Puddy that the BUSH ADMINISTRATION released hundreds upon hundreds of detainees from Gitmo. Just let ’em go. No charges, no trials, no supervision, no nothing, just turned ’em loose. Kinda makes you wonder if the Busheviks concluded they had jailed a whole bunch of INNOCENT PEOPLE, doesn’t it?
Nuthin much was said in #49. The truth stands alone Pelletizer. Your blatherings have not changed one iota of the provided truth fool!
@53 For once you’re right, North Korea didn’t start building nuclear weapons on Shrub’s watch. Their nuclear program probably started in the early to mid-1980s on Reagan’s watch, and was clearly underway by 1989, under Elder Bush’s watch. The U.S. has had Republican presidents for three-fourths of the time that North Korea has pursued the acquisition of nuclear weapons, and their policies weren’t very effective, were they? Because now North Korea has nuclear weapons.
@59 Let me get this straight. You claim Obama personally went over Chrysler’s dealer lists and decided which dealers would get pink slips based on whether they contributed to his campaign. Is that a correct iteration of your assertion? Prove it.
Hey Pelletizer, it was the ACLU who said release them. IT was the continual protests, running to the press, the libtard Dummocraptics in Congress screaming to let them go. Ever heard of the John Adams Project fool? To the ACLU none of the Hotel Gitmo residents should be there. What a moron!
Pelletizer@60. Puddy more right than you want to admit. Since you love to throw shit up here and see if it sticks, whip out the NK data.
Come on fool!
I did a quick search of this topic — the allegation that Obama terminated Chrysler dealers who didn’t contribute to his campaign — and came up with the usual gang of suspects: Free Republic and a host of whacked-out-of-this-world wingnut fabulists. No reputable media outlet has touched this story, which means there is no story, and the reason there’s not is because it never happened. It’s just another wingnut lie concocted in the Wingnut Fable Factory. And, as usual, the Rightwing Ignorati are lapping it up, like a rat wolfing down strychnine-laced cheese.
But let’s suppose for a minute it was true. I would say, so what? The worst you could say about it was that Obama was behaving like Republicans routinely behave when they’re in power … and why shouldn’t he? If we’re going to have patronage politics in this country, why shouldn’t Democrats do some of that, too? Why should cronyism and retaliating against political opponents be reserved exclusively for Republicans? In short, if Republicans can behave like Republicans, why shouldn’t Democrats behave like Republicans, too? Explain that, puddinghead, if you can.
Pelletizer@61: Who said “the messiah” did it? He has more lackeys than you have brain cells Pelletizer. Since it’s on his watch, “he” did it.
Read carefully, pud. I did not say they started under Bush’s watch. I said they got where thay are during it. Are you asserting they have made great leaps forward in the last few months?
Pelletizer, as stupid as always. This is the proposed closing list.
Anyone can use the various campaign donation sites to xref the data. Puddy realizes a dumb old bunny has xref issues. Just look at Don Joe, FY09 confused him. So did CIA crib notes on who attended what meeting. So Puddy can easily see how a has been such as you can’t xref.
I’ve said before that N. Korea is/was a greater threat than Saddam’s Iraq. Bush weakened us while feeding his ego.
@63 Look it up yourself. I’m not your fucking research assistant.
More BULLSHITTIUM from K@68. First Pelletizer refutes your crap now you change your tune. Show us where you said that fool!
Moron@69, then Puddy calls BULLSHITTIUM!
@67 Where’s the list of car dealers who didn’t get pink slips and who they contributed to? Without that list, your list is meaningless. Hint: Because nearly every car dealer in the country is a Republican, the two lists are identical.
Here’s another problem with your “logic,” puttybutt. For your assertion to be true, Obama would have had to personally select the dealers slated for termination. Where does it show that in your link? I’m waiting.
K, NK made great leaps during Slick Willie’s reign. Madeline Halfbright had to admit she was duped in 2004 over the “agreement”. Where you been fool? October 2002 was the clarion call to the world on NK’s nuclear ability.
@69 Any damn fool can bandy 8-letter words starting with “B” and type them in all caps. You’re living proof of that. What exactly have you proved so far? Nothing, except that your mouth is far, far bigger than your brain. Prove something, loudmouth. I’m waiting.
Pelletizer it ain’t Puddy’s list. Reread your comment @63 fool!
@74, reread your comment @63 fool!
@73 North Korea didn’t explode a nuclear device on Clinton’s watch. It did, however, explode a nuclear device on Bush’s watch. Pudnutz is so caught up in hyperpartisanship that he can’t (or won’t) recognize the reality that Bush’s North Korea policy was even less effectual than Clinton’s, and North Korea’s progress toward acquiring nuclear armaments accelerated from 2003 onward.
pud, your dishonest arguments are quite disappointing. Show me where my tune changed. I stand by my position that we are at greater risk with both N. Korea and Iran’s nuclear programs because of Bush’s obsessive policies with Iraq. I said nothing about CLinton, so your calling me on it is a nice bit of projection, but as I said fundamentally dishonest. And there were 8 years of Bush after Clinton, and both countries continued to advance their programs. The invasion of Iraq guaranteed Iran’s regional supremacy.
Hey dudes unless we were going to invade NK nobody was going to stop them.
It’s all the fault of that Democrat who stopped the Korean war and let that commie government stay in power.
Good point.
But couldn’t the same be said about john edwards of a couple years back, and we all saw how that turned out.
K since you need remedial memory help
NK nuclear program was identified as an issue in the Clinton Administration. He decided to send Jimmae Cahhhhhhhhrter to negotiate the deal. Later, there was speculation of the Il one breaking the deal. Did Clinton verify? Nope you dope! When the Bush Admin identified NK as part of the axis of evil the HA swineflu weasel crew went apoplectic.
See ya.
So tell me where my original post said anything about Clinton?
Discussions with you are a waste of time
K, you love to deflect from owning up to your crap. Where did Puddy say you said anything about Clinton? Even Pelletizer disagreed with your original post fool. You tried to blame it on the Bush Administration. NK acquired all their hardware before Bush came to power fool. So we know who was before Bush moron. Clinton!
Discussions with you are a lost cause, because the brain of K has been lost for a long time.
So what happened to the Iran argument K?
Pelletizer@77 that’s correct. They were gathering their centrifuges, processing the ore into nuclear fuel during the Clinton Administration. Even Madeline Halfbright admitted it.
You are a moron!
@79: “It’s all the fault of that Democrat who stopped the Korean war and let that commie government stay in power.”
Eisenhower was a Democrat? I’ve seen a lot of historical revisionism, but that one tops the list.
Asshole, you misread my original post. THen you expect me to defend your misrepresentations. You brought Clinton into the discussion @ 73. Tell me which portion of my post @ 47 is inaccurate. It’s three sentences. Feel free to take them one at a time.
K, I’m the asshole? Reread Pelletizer’s opening statement fool
So it seems Pelletizer and Puddy did it together. So park it in stillbentover’s butt. He likes Dummocrapts like you. Disingenuous ASSHOLE! You can’t argue for shit fool!
And exactly where did I disagree with that statement?
Sentence #1: Neither North Korea nor Iran began their nuclear programs January 2009.
Agree or disagree? Note that this first sentence is consistent with Mr. Rabbit’s post.
Sentence #2: They got where they are under Bush’s watch.
They had 8 years to pursue thier programs. Did they advance during that period?
Sentence #3: Obama has the mess to deal with.
Agree or disagree that there is a current mess and Obama is the current president?
Glad to be of assistance, fool
@88: Too late fool. Can’t change now. Pelletizer agreed with Puddy. You on the other hand have disagreed with Puddy.
See ya. I’m going to watch the 4th Quarter. Argue with the hand…
Sentence #2: They got where they are under Bush’s watch. Pelletizer disagreed with this. Puddy added this happened under Clinton’s watch. Puddy realizes reading ain’t fundamental for K.
See ya.
k, Stupes aka Puddybud is a raving lunatic. One time he said in a fleeting moment toying with sanity that “I’m not always right”…
Then he went back to same old right wing bullshit…
Nothing but a FIEND shouting.
Mr. Pud apparently believes that North Korea worked on its nuclear program from 1977-1981, and then from 1993 to 2001, suspending work until January of this year.
How could I have missed that.
@2 Thats exactly what the democrats did to Bush. Sabotage the entire country at any price to get back in power. It worked and now look at the mess. Holy fuck.
I just saw an old thread (February) where Stupes made the asinine claim that “I never heard of uSP”.
What a miserable, lying FIEND.
I remember reading his shit over there and every lame ass comment ended with “NUFF SAID!”.
Such an insane lying loon!
Some of these wingnuts are really praying for a terrorist attack.
Imagine that – beseeching God for terrorism so their favorite batshit insane politicians return to power
Who is praying for a terrorist attack clueless wonder@96? We whom think right don’t think like HA swineflu weasels.
“I never heard of uSP”. That’s still correct.
Puddy has heard of Sound Politics. What is uSP fool?
Moronic K, where did Puddy assert this? Still stupid even after graduating Cornell. Was it the Ag School? Animal Husbandry?
Hey HA swineflu weasels, the price of gasoline keeps going up. Why is that HA swineflu weasels? I thought “the messiah” had it under control?
You’re a miserable LIAR. Goldy ALWAYS refers to (un)Sound Politics as uSP.
Where’s that mythical bubble memory? There’s no truth to a fiend like you. Just lie after lie.
Now I’ve seen some REAL bullshit by the trolls on this blog…REAL bullshit.
THIS, however:
…could take things to an entirely new level of dumbassness.
Ho-Kay shit-for-brains…pray, tell me how that happened (this oughta be good)…
Those who STINK right!
the pudddybiotch is a congenital liar…completely incapable of telling the truth.
Yikes. Puddy’s off his meds. Go to bed, Puddy. Your brain ain’t working tonight (not that–ah, whatever).
Puddy sounds like Mr. T with an Ayn Rand novel under his belt.
“I pity the fool!!!!”
Jeez. A scary and long thread from the right wing crazies. No substance, no consistency, just anger and blind attacks.
hey, I promise I will outline the Bush book to come before it is published- everything he will and won’t cover.
take your meds.
re 79: You mean D.D. Eisenhower — the famous Democrat?
Cohort. (Cow on wall speak.)
Just the latest step of the evolution of the GOP from political party to terrorist movement. Time to round up these America-hating traitors and deport them all to someplace where they can oppress in happiness. Say, Iraq or Afghanistan.
PRESIDENT OBAMA just announced his BRILLIANT pick for US Supreme Court Justice. If the righties attack her, they’ll lose women AND Hispanics altogether. And they’ll look every bit the fools that they really are because she was first appointed to the federal court by Bush I! FUCKING BRILLIANT! PRESIDENT OBAMA proves once again why Democrats are smarter than ass-licking Publicans!
clueless wonder,
Just because Goldy farts doesn’t mean Puddy is there to hear them.
Just because you said something doesn’t make it gospel.
Puddy knows Sound Politics. You can’t find fool You can’t find fool.
What a dunce. Just more blatherings of a blustering idiot.
Here’s where Patty M. and Maria Cuntwell voted to strip funds from an appropriations bill so now Obama can’t close Gitmo:
“meet the new boss, same as the old boss”
Obama is failing–
From today’s Rasmussen
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Thanks for posting that.
For some reason steve didn’t post the results of that poll today.
Poor Klynical is still focused on a poll asking the wrong questions and shown to be biased. Not only that, Klynical fails to correctly interpret the poll, using the an incorrect method to evaluate Obama’s popularity.
Most thinking individuals would realize the Obama’s numbers (as calculated inacurrately by Klynical) are down only becuase the minority republicans have become more negative – yest 30% strongly disagree with Obama – but about 70 agree with him.
Ooops – the idiots can’t even figure out how a poll works or how to interpret a poll.
Here is an actual recent poll from a credible source (not the biased Rasmussen):
Looks like Obama has more support on national security than ever before – thanks Dick Cheney.
Hey Marvin – don’t let the facts get in the way of your pitiful little prejudiced mind.
hahaha – you sure enjoy being a total fool on here. Very entertaining how you push the same rubbish and can’t back up squat.
You were wrong and lying on torture and wrong on the polls. Your selective versions of history show how you love propaganda and hate reality. Must be really depressing to be you.
headless, you gave up on Ayn Rand? You were her biggest jock strap here.
@62 Bush took orders from the ACLU? Gee, puddy, I didn’t know! You learn something new every day!
The wingnut talking points grow more fantastical by the day. No wonder the GOP is being marginalized out of existence.
This nonsense is brought to you by the folks who see the Virgin Mary’s face in cheeseburgers but can’t see Republican corruption and incompetence right under their noses.
Moron@119: Puddy didn’t say Bush took orders from the ACLU. Good try at twisting. All can see why you are brain deficient.
@119 “Moron@119 …”
You got that right! Second time you’ve been right in this thread, a new world record.
@119 (continued) “Puddy didn’t say Bush took orders from the ACLU.”
Ah yes, you did. In so many words. However, if you now want to admit that Bush, not the ACLU, released them — please feel free to do so.
Oh, and by the way, the ACLU didn’t say release them, it said give them fair trials. Big difference, although one I wouldn’t expect a constitutional illiterate like you to understand. Bush decided to release them instead, from which one may infer that he (a) considered them harmless and(b) had no evidence to present in a trial.
When people have to lie to insult me I take that as a compliment.
Are you ready to back up your lie??
Who did I threaten?
the puddybiotch ought to go look for more evidence that obama’s not a citizen…maybe the marvin will go with him.
re 117: “Shut up!! Fool!!” T. Baracus
@122 “When people have to lie to insult me I take that as a compliment.”
So do I, and you guys have smothered me in “compliments” for years. Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit I’m not married to any of you cockroaches, or I’d have to let you kiss me, too!
Hmmm, pudlicker appears to have fled the scene about an hour ago … after getting his ass imprinted with a rabbit paw.
Dumb bunny, not everyone sits on his ASS at home fool. Looks like @119 is the fool called Pelletizer. Puddy got it right! AGAIN
hey headless I agree NutRight needs to shut up!
Puddy sees the idiot RudeToTheMax appeared. Still dense as spent uranium too. When did Puddy care about “the messiah” not being a citizen? Puddy asked why is “the messiah” so secretive over his original birth certificate moron. You are confused as always.
Puddy @ 127 spews:
Looks like @119 is the fool called Pelletizer.
Hm… Either Puddy has a comment stuck in the spam filter, or Puddy has a real problem distinguishing between the numbers “9” and “8”.
not everyone sits on his ASS at home fool
True. Some people sit on their asses at work. And then there’s the Puddy class of people for whom sitting on their ass is a physical impossibility.