Mike Lofgren was a Congressional staffer for 28 years, including 16 years on the Republican side of the House and Senate Budget Committees. He retired recently, and has written an insightful essay on his disillusionment with contemporary Republicans.
It’s a serious “must read.”
Here are a couple of juicy excerpts. Footnote 2 says:
I am not a supporter of Obama and object to a number of his foreign and domestic policies. But when he took office amid the greatest financial collapse in 80 years, I wanted him to succeed, so that the country I served did not fail. But already in 2009, Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, declared that his greatest legislative priority was – jobs for Americans? Rescuing the financial system? Solving the housing collapse? – no, none of those things. His top priority was to ensure that Obama should be a one-term president. Evidently Senator McConnell hates Obama more than he loves his country. Note that the mainstream media have lately been hailing McConnell as “the adult in the room,” presumably because he is less visibly unstable than the Tea Party freshmen
On why he retired:
I left because I was appalled at the headlong rush of Republicans, like Gadarene swine, to embrace policies that are deeply damaging to this country’s future; and contemptuous of the feckless, craven incompetence of Democrats in their half-hearted attempts to stop them. And, in truth, I left as an act of rational self-interest. Having gutted private-sector pensions and health benefits as a result of their embrace of outsourcing, union busting and “shareholder value,” the GOP now thinks it is only fair that public-sector workers give up their pensions and benefits, too. Hence the intensification of the GOP’s decades-long campaign of scorn against government workers. Under the circumstances, it is simply safer to be a current retiree rather than a prospective one.
Read the whole thing here.
I read it earlier at another blog comment. That was long read but I’ve never before seen someone tie so many pieces together to explain so many things I’ve never been able to understand. Especially why people vote against their OWN interests.
Highly recommend. The Dude was spot on!
Thanks Darryl, I read this article this morning before I left for the day and just sat down to my laptop to post it. You beat me to it.
Nothing is safe. There are plenty of Republicans who think nothing of abrogating pension rights that were earned over a lifetime of hard toil or breaking contracts at will. You can’t do business with these people. Why Obama or any other Democrat tries to do business with them is inexplicable. I think we’re witnessing the unraveling of American civilization.
I think YLB posted it on an earlier thread. Everyone should read it. This essay deserves all the airing it can get. It lays bare the stinking, fetid carcass of what is the contemporary GOP. That party is just a corporate dicksucking group of slow-witted people who could give a rat’s ass about the principles upon this nation was founded.
Lofgren’s article spells it out: Our choice is between vile Republicans or incompetent Democrats.
HOw To Cut Unemployment And Boost GDP
Simple. If each of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s 3 million members hired one new employeed we’d have 3 million new jobs overnight!
But I bet all we get from the USCC next week is hot air.
I was struck by the explanation of why he retired. It would be interesting to know his retirement package. We know that Congress gives itself a super-sweet package, and I’m betting that a 28-yr staffer is not far behind. Don’t suppose that would have anything to do with ‘why he retired.’ Naw.
Anyway, a good find, thanks for the link, I will def read it.
This Country is doomed and no longer a Country of any importance or stature. Republicans are destroying it.
Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide. – John Adams
Great article.
Prisons: The New Cash Cow
If your loved one is incarcerated in Arizona, which is run by Republicans, you now have to pay the prison $25 to visit him/her.
But then again you can watch the real deal and learn something. But then again y’all couldn’t sit still long enough!
Heh. Indeed..
This reminds me of one “swine” in particular..
Hint: the idiot who comments @ 12…
@ 12
Spudds, thats what they call “propaganda”. Written in the same vein as every other self-serving bullshit corporate hit piece ever made.
Ye know, I could make a 20 minute cheapo propaganda film showing Martin Luther Kings support for child rape, the beneficent White Citizens social organization called the Ku Kux Klan and calling for the garbage-men to go back to work and love it whether or not they get a paycheck.
It wouldn’t make it true.
You’re a twisted, sick little man Spuddy.
then fucking move.
But then again as I remember the real facts… didn’t all you DUMMOCRAPTS attempt through your libtardo MSM allies to make George W. Bush a one term President at the 2004 election? Isn’t that what the political opposition party in the next election cycle suppose to do? You all attacked and attacked incessantly. But y’all failed miserably!!!!! Now why was that? Oh yeah John Effin Kerry, Mr Ketchup.
1) Y’all called GWBush dumb. Oops… Kerry got more D’s and had a lower GPA.
2) He was against guns before he was for them
3) He went to Vietnam.
4) He impugned Vietnam Vets.
What makes Obummer any different or any more special then anyone else being president? HA leftists love to claim blindness when it was the DUMMOCRAPTS holding absolute total control of both Houses of Congress from January 2007 through January 2011. Why is that? It seems the country entered a recession after Nancy Pelosi gave the purse strings to Charles Rangel. Now Conservatives control House, while you DUMMOCRAPTS still own the Senate and the whitey house. Hence, that’s 1/3rd the good guys and 2/3rds the leftist pinheads. So if anything it’s Obummer’s FAULT. No House Republican voted for his Porkulus plan. House Republicans did not break rank. Even those from states hit hardest by the recession still opposed the bill. Olympia Stone and Susan Collins are taking flack for their votes in Maine. Maine voted in a “Tea Party” governor even after the morons at HuffPo claimed otherwise.
And we’ve seen over the last 31+ months Obummer blames everyone except himself for the economic morass we’re in.
Horse Laugh Of The Day
“I don’t think I’ve seen an administration that has gone further afield from the Constitution,” Romney said of Obama.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, don’t pay any attention to warrantless wiretapping, renditions, torture, black ops, etc. — nothing to see here folks, move right along.
Well written piece.
Very scarey scenario he lays out.
In the dope @ 16’s case it’s willful IDIOCY! Naaah.. I’m being too generous. The moron is utterly and totally IMMUNE and BLIND to seeing REALITY!
And since you all use one man’s complaints it must be anecdotal eh deadtoad? I was waiting for the first one of you to go there and you surely did!
Thanks deadtoad. I was expecting one of the higher life forms, but you’ll do!
It’s been really clear that the republicans have no other goal. They don’t have a plan. They don’t even pretend to offer a plan. Their only plan is to make sure the economy sucks and Americans are hurting. Their campaign motto needs to be “2012 To hell with America, we don’t care at all.”
Paul Krugman is absolutely correct that the focus needs to get off deficits and get on jobs, but he said, and I believe it, it won’t happen because the republicans won’t let it. They only want the country to go in the toilet. The only thing that explains why they have a single voter in their corner: sheer, utter stupidity.
Can you enunciate Obummer’s plan LauraMae?
Can’t visit any left wrong sites. It has to come from your “knowledge”. Since you claim Republicans don’t have a plan that means you know of one from Obummer!
We’ll wait.
Obummer never focused on jobs did he LauraMae?
Things Congress can do RIGHT NOW
Puddy, you’re who Lofgren writes about, you know. In his article he also correctly says that Democrats are wussy and need to grow a pair to stand up to the ridiculous totalitarian cult that the GOP has become.
I am not at all pleased with Obama and his continuous caving to the GOP as if he is dealing with a rational collection of grown ups ostensibly interested in representing their constituency. He more than anyone should have realized a long time ago that the assholes in the GOP are just that: fuckhead assholes. But no, he doesn’t.
By my stating that your love toys on the right have not one fucking plan, not one fucking care about YOU or me, especially, does not indicate by default that I think that the Democrats have succeeded better.
What I am saying and You goddamned well know that I am right, the republicans DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU. Deal with it. They don’t care if you keep your job. They want you to lose it. They want you to only have the option of working in a minimum wage service job. By the way, they also want that wage to be lower. They want you to be an indentured servant to their regime. Get it into your head. The REPUBLICANS DON’T GIVE ONE SOILED PAIR OF MAN PANTIES ABOUT YOU
Notice LauraMae didn’t answer my question. A whole bunch of screaming but no plan.
Now why would the Republicans want me to lose my job? I pay taxes LauraMae.
Butt being the PatientPuddy I’ll wait!
I did answer your question. Can you not read?
Second request:
Where is Obummer’s plan? Jay Carney presented it? Not at any whitey house presser! Did Joe BITE-Me present it?
Produce or STFU! Cry me a river! You can look on the ‘Nets now LauraMae. Call on the serial arschloch plagiarizer. He’ll copy it without attrition, etc. just for you. Call on misogynist rujax. He’ll visit all the left wrong sites for you. Or Roger DOPEY Rabbit, he’ll check msnbc.
The Liberal OC serial arschloch plagiarizer? Sorry don’t do libtardo left wrong sites!
Lauramae slapped you up one side of your face and then down the other. But, of course, you don’t get it. You are a “low information voter.” Actually, that’s being kind to you. You are a fucking deluded tool of the right, who wouldn’t recognize that you were getting fucked in the ass if it was in 3-D on the screen in front of you and your wife was screaming in your ear, “Puddy, you’re getting fucked in the ass.” Those who pull the strings of the GOP nowadays could not care less about this country’s future. But, useful idiots like you just tow the line. You’re what’s wrong with this country, Puddy.
Speaking of getting slapped up one side of her face and down the other, Michelle Bachmann’s campaign manager and deputy campaign manager quit today.
Spelling correction @29: “low information voter” shouldread “low intelligence voter”
One and the same. Either way, such voters just don’t give a shit.
A certain right wing idiot conveniently forgets when he wrote Henry Paulson (a Bush appointee) out of the TARP equation.
Back then, all of a sudden, in what passed for the two misfiring synapses that made his brain, it was Charlie Wrangel’s idea to hand 750 or so billion to the banks.
Fast forward to today. Now that it’s long past time for the federal government to do something about jobs after the private sector failed to do anything, it’s not up to Dave Camp (Charlie Wrangel’s Republican replacement) oh no…
It’s up to President Obama.
I’d let the fool @ 25 wait indefinitely or at least until Obama gives his speech on Thursday.
Noticed that for all their bluster and verbiage none of the righties could refute anything Mike Lofgren wrote.
Ed Rollins was working for Bachmann? Wow, I thought he had more credibility than that. Probably left so he could salvage what little standing he had left.
PuddySilly’s response was to post a video by a clown wearing a gas can over his head.
Yeah – we should take that seriously.
Michael @ 35
That struck me, too. Rollins working for Bachmann? Really? Makes me think there isn’t a single sober and sane human being left in the Republican Party. Maybe he just needed some money because his investments went bad.
All that screaming and shouting is equated to someone being slapped. No being fucked in the ASS. No having their strings pulled. Low information voter.
Ever heard of Cass Sunstein? Let’s play what he thinks of you progressives again…
It’s you libtardos who meet all those criteria above.
Where is Obummer’s jobs plan? It doesn’t exist. Yet all I see are ad hominem attacks.
This little tidbit for the serial arschloch plagiarizer since he’s the stupidest mofo here. Bottom feeder. Mariana Trench dweller. Henry Paulson came from what Wall Street firm jackASS? Henry Paulson was recommended to GWBush by whom jackASS? Figure that out if your crazed databaze doesn’t work for ya!
Where did Puddy say that stupid moron serial arschloch plagiarizer? Making up LIES again? Just like you lied about not supporting John Deadwards two weeks ago?
And libtardos, who trumpeted the TARP plan as saving the auto industry today in their “Labor Day” speech?
Such Homer Simpson Malleable Idiots! Obummer is going to give a “jobs” speech Thursday. So Obummer doesn’t have a plan. Damn wasn’t that easy? This is why no one in this thread could enunciate Obummer’s plan. Jay Carney couldn’t discuss a jobs plan when NBC News asked him in early August. Or was that back in July? Who knows? NBC News, the news org of the Obummer whitey house.
See ya tomorrow libtardos!
Oh yeah the serial arschloch plagiarizer wrote
to the John Deadwards issue. Search the archives peeps!
So I’ll take that as an affirmation of my comment @34 that none of the righties can refute a single thing Mike Lofgren wrote.
38,39 – More lies from an insane fool. Yawwwn..
Heh. Puddycretin should put a swine’s head over his own pin head and he’d make a nice complement to that clown wearing the gas can.
He back a loon and he’s saying going to continue to back that loon, he’s just not working for her 24/7. Rollins is done. It’s too bad, I liked the guy.
When 2016 rolls around we’ll probably have a 3 party system and whatever 3rd party emerges will probably be the dominate one.
By Condi? Karen? Wifey? Mommy?
The poor hapless fool (chimpy face) apparently couldn’t pick talent to save his miserable life.
You voted for him dope. I didn’t.
Puddy’s off his meds.
I don’t think Puddy is stupid, Puddy reminds more of the stereotype of the house worker who won’t lift a finger for the field workers cause he thinks his lord and master will reward him for keeping the rest down. He thinks he’s got it good, why should he challenge the authority for the serfs he thinks are lesser than him. A lot of republicans with a tiny bit of something, seem to be like that. Maybe it’s Stockholm Syndrome?
I won’t point to it. I’ll first ask:
Did you write that stupid?
From 5,
“Lofgren’s article spells it out: Our choice is between vile Republicans or incompetent Democrats.”
That’s what I’ve been saying for years: Democrats are stupid and Republicans are crooks!
@12 You wouldn’t recognize the real deal even if it chewed your nuts off.
@47 Democrats aren’t stupid, but they’re jellyfish. Republicans aren’t merely crooks, they’re stupid crooks.
Tuesday’s Stock Market …
… probably won’t be pretty. The overseas markets were down heavily on Monday, with European exchanges off about 5% (roughly eqivalent to 560 Dow points), and Asian exchanges down about 1.9%.
Quote of the Day
“There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult. … Ships will sail around the world but the Flat Earth Society will flourish.”
— From a speech by Warren Buffett at Columbia Business School on May 17, 1984.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Does this describe anyone you know?
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t (TM)
“A shooting on a street corner … left two police officers wounded and three people dead, [New York] Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. An officer was hit … by bullet fragments in his left arm and chest … but was expected to survive. Another officer was grazed by a bullet. At least three other people were hit in the shooting, which started … as an exchange between two armed men, police said. Officers who had been assigned to parade duties arrived at the scene, were fired upon and returned fire, police said. Both gunmen were killed, as was a bystander, they said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We all know guns don’t kill people; only people with guns kill people! But Republicans think anyone should be allowed to carry a gun, no background check or permit required. Yet Republicans will tell you that nobody should be allowed to vote without a photo ID! Obviously, Republicans are more afraid of votes than they are of guns.
We already know outsourcing is bad for workers, but if you think it’s good for companies, read this article and then think again. (Hint: It’s about Boeing.)
How to create 3 Million Jobs overnight. Throw Obamacare out the window and companies would start hiring again.
Employment fell off the minute that camels nose went into the tent!
Job creation went from 64,000 a month to 6,500 when ObummerCare was passed. I already provided the links.
To the HA serial arschloch plagiarizer
And that’s what your search algorithm in that crazed databaze offered to you? Where did I say it was Rangel’s idea?
You are the most stupid libtardo on this board. You definitely can’t read. You definitely can’t think. Misogynist rujax doesn’t have a crazed databaze, he just copied the PuddyComment of the day and places a useless sentence after it. The serial arschloch plagiarizer has the crazed databaze and you still project chronological monomaniacal qualities each post.
The Prosecution Rests!
Oh and Mike,
1) Why do libtardos refer to drugs all the time? Maybe because they need them for some type of life equilibrium, so you project your silliness on others. Liberalism is a mental disorder!
2)Puddy didn’t read one man’s thoughts. If you remember correctnotright calls that anecdotal.
One again if you truly wait… God will demonstrate each headless lucy doppelganger on this board.
Thanks again headless for your up front racism. And LauraMae, proud leftist and others just eat it up! Well Roger DOPEY Rabbit in the same week call me a crow and a cockroach; both black!
I gave this to the serial arschloch plagiarizer and the serial arschloch plagiarizer’s crazed databaze search algorithm in that crazed databaze offered nothing. Yet the answer is easily found in Google. And nope you dope I won’t display it cause you have the crazed databaze!
You see how idiotic the serial arschloch plagiarizer is? He’ll now call me a liar because he can’t figger it out. Remember the serial arschloch plagiarizer called me a liar when I claimed he supported John Edwards. Have you noticed the serial arschloch plagiarizer hasn’t responded to that? The serial arschloch plagiarizer runs away.
The Prosecution Rests you Honor. This sub human hater 23x7x365.25 has no operational synaptic activity!
So serial arschloch plagiarizer, do you watch SouthPark?
Yes, I rest my case!
That is the most insanely stupid statement I have ever seen from puddypussy…
…and that considering A LOT of stupid statements.
The net effect of the ACA is fucking ZERO you god-damned fucking loon.
Go back to your Dr. Lara nekkids.
Interesting that RealClearPolitics poll of polls shows Obama at -8 approval. FoxNews is included and only shows him at -3. They must be biased, in favor of Democrats. Anyway, let’s see what yet another vacuous Obama “the Speech” does to his Approval. If he gets no bounce from this, he’s f—-‘d! Obama is in a box. He must propose specific doable policies with price-tags and projected impact on # of jobs. No more vagueries which is his specialty. His problem is so few people are interested in what he has to say at this point. Speeches mean nothing to the nearly 21% who are really unemployed, underemployed, part-time and stopped looking. Obama needs to proposed a specific Bill…all detailed out…to send to the House. Anything short of that will be viewed as more BS. Frankly, his zilch leadership skills don’t seem to allow him to propose specifics. What an embarrassment for America. Come on Obama, stand up for something for once.
Obama cannot possibly meet his PROMISE of under 8% unemployment because companies now have so many “part-timers”. People they cut hours rather than fire. Businesses will bring these people back to full-time first before any new hires. There are several million in this category. Obama is totally clueless. He has a bunch of pencilneck geeks from academia advising him who have never created a private sector job in their lives. And Tax the Rich will not work. Rich people know how to shelter income. Really Obama’s only hope is a radical revision of the Tax Code. He ought to adopt Steve Forbes flat tax. It would be good for him and great for America.
“@47 Democrats aren’t stupid, but they’re jellyfish. Republicans aren’t merely crooks, they’re stupid crooks.”
Not exactly correct: Democrats can be crooks, too, and stupid crooks at that. Republicans can be stupid and crooked, but most often they are devious crooks rather than stupid crooks.
LMAO!! No it’s you who can’t read.
I called you a liar when you claimed I was never for Obama until after Edwards dropped out.
At least twice I had to show you. Wanna see it again?
You can’t stop lying fool. Lies are all you have left. You’re so desperate to defend your degenerate ideology in the face of overwhelming idiocy and corruption, you’ll tell any lie to anyone (like Darryl) and you’ll stab your purported friends like GBS in the back.
Typical righty. Did do the work, but feels entitled to the benefit.
This is called confusing correlation with causation, cum hoc ergo propter hoc..
It’s also called STOOOOPID when it’s not called “lying with facts”.
Who wrote this and when did this commenter write it?
Well we all know who wrote this:
Heh. Not “ambivalent” anymore more like deep in the throes of…
The terms “liberal” and “conservative”, “democrat” and “republican” have ceased to mean anything.
Conservatives used to be fiscal conservatives. And democrats used to stand for the protection of the public against predatory power in all its forms.
Today’s conservatives long ago abandoned fiscal sanity and free-market capitalism. And today’s democrats have become a predatory power in and of themselves — seeing fit to **** the healthy economy in “defense” of unsustainable partisan interests.
Both parties are kleptocratic and oligarchical. They just represent different bands of thieves.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t (TM)
“At least seven people were wounded … Tuesday morning at a restaurant in South Carson City … the gunman opened fire inside an IHOP restaurant at about 9 a.m. on Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We all know guns don’t kill people; it’s people with guns that kill people. Guns, by themselves, are harmless inanimate objects. So, it stands to reason, if you take the people away from the guns, then guns won’t hurt anybody! Republicans think anyone should be able to carry a gun without a background check or permit. Yet they won’t let anyone vote without a photo ID. Republicans obviously are more afraid of votes than bullets.
For my part, I believe this nation was steered towards the road to ruin when some ass had the bright idea to let the Irish in and then, of all fucking things, gave them the right to citizenship and to vote. The next thing you know, we have Irish everywhere. Hell, we’ve even had an Irish president! A Democrat commie, of course. So first things first. We can start to reclaim our country for Real Americans by getting rid of the damned Irish.
There is growing evidence that businesses, while piling up cash, are squandering their human capital — many workers aren’t waiting for an upturn in the job market to ditch their sucky jobs.
@72 While we’re getting rid of the damned Irish, let’s deport the damned Republicans, too.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter concentration-camp joke.
The latest update from South Carson City is that three people, including two National Guardsmen, have died after a gunman sprayed an IHOP restaurant with automatic fire. The gunman was shot by police and isn’t expected to live.
The Dow average is off about 150 points at this hour, following yesterday’s heavy selling on European stock exchanges. Most of the stocks I follow are still above their August lows, though.
News sources report a total of 48 people were shot in New York City this weekend.
Nope don’t follow the show. Haven’t seen an ep aside from some clips on the comedy central website and youtube.
But these guys do
Puddy Dope called
“South Park Conservatives”
Question of the day:
What sort of right wing jackass says this:
then says this:
and then says this:
heh. Did this DOPE vote for Clinton or Poppy Bush? No matter. Poppy Bush philandered too. Why was Gennifer Flowers taken off the table after a spell?
Too damn funny. A stupid right wing dope liking philanderers.
You’ve been in a freaking coma since way before you started here dummy.
A few decades back, during one of the first periods of post-WWII “austerity”, most states closed their mental hospitals. At the time, most of us expected the psychotics would wind up helpless and homeless, or chronically in jail for various sorts of public misbehavior.
Instead, it appears that most of them became Republicans.
I got all excited thinking that Headless Lucy had made an appearance in the thread. Alas, she has not.
That is a false Equivalency, implying that both are equally bad. I’m sure you can find malign spots among the democrats, but the vast majority of the evil being done right now is being done by republicans.
Republicans want to strip workers rights
Republicans want to get rid of the minimum wage
Republicans want to gut social security
Republicans want to gut Medicare
Republicans want to gut Medicaid
Republicans want to wreck the economy for politician gain in the next election
Republicans want to strip people from the right to vote.
Republicans want to gut Public Education
Not Democrats.
Wow. Why not take this a step further. One dollar in taxes = 1 vote.
Yeesh I didn’t read deep enough in the comments. That’s Exactly what later commenters wanted.
I have friends in Carson City, it’s a nice town.
Even Mike Lofgren, the Republican who wrote the article, isn’t calling the two parties equally bad.
There’s a lot of good that can be salvaged from the Democrats. The Republicans, not so much. The Republican Party’s been totaled.
@87 Authorities haven’t identified the shooter, who apparently acted alone, and may have targeted military personnel. The shooter died of self-inflicted gunshot wounds. We may have to wait a few days to find out whether this guy was a crazy rightwinger like Jared Loughner.
@86 Sounds like H. L. Hunt came back to life. Or maybe his reincarnation.
Well said nolaguy……you are one of the few that gets it
Mr. Rabbit-
Non-US Citizen is the mass murderer.
Do you still think think this guy is a “crazy rightwinger”??
Another mentally ill guy with a gun.
And the right will stammer and claim there’s nothing that could be done about this and the left will claim it’s all the right’s fault because they wont do anything about it.
I’ve met plenty of conservative Catholic latinos.
Btw, If you posses a US passport, it means you’re a US citizen.
Puddybud called this right winger a “mental midget”:
@92 “Non-US Citizen is the mass murderer.”
See #95, idiot.
“Do you still think think this guy is a ‘crazy rightwinger’??”
Well, the “crazy” part is right — his family says he had “mental health issues.” It remains to be seen whether he’s a rightwinger, and what his motive was.
What we know at this hour is that Sencion was a 32-year-old U.S. citizen who resided in Carson City and worked in a family business. He drove to the shooting scene in his brother’s minivan, which had a “support the troops” sticker on it. He shot a total of 10 people with a AK-47 assault rifle, 5 of whom were uniformed National Guardsmen. Two Guardsmen, a man and a woman, and a third person have died; two more victims are in “critical” condition. Sencion himself died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He had no known connection to the National Guard.
The authorities responded to this incident as if it might be a terrorist act involving more than one person. Local military installations were put on lockdown. But at this time, it appears to be the isolated act of a single deranged individual, which like the Arizona shooting of a Democratic congresswoman and several bystanders by a deranged white-supremacist groupie.
Maybe Jared Loughner was pissed off because he couldn’t pass the entrance exam for the local KKK chapter. Maybe this guy was pissed off because he was rejected for the National Guard or something like that. Who knows? I’m sure we’ll get more information from the media about a possible motive in the days ahead; meanwhile, all we can do is speculate that maybe this guy was a crazy rightwinger with some sort of personal grudge against the National Guard or who knows what else this might turn out to be.
ONe thing that’s clear, though, is that unrestricted access to assault rifles practically guarantees we’re going to read about incidents like this from time to time.
@98 In the alternate universe inhabited by wingnut loons, Jared Loughner is just another lefty – a member of the Timothy McVeigh wing of the Democratic party.
nolaguy nicely said coming from a liberal.
Did the serial arschloch plagiarizer actually claim he didn’t say more lies?
Well when I get a chance I will post it for all to view.
Heh heh heh.
Misogynist rujax,
It was the Bureau of Labor Statistics who posted the information about the loss of jobs after Obummercare was passed. Either you can’t read government web sites or you are plain stupid. Which is it? Ask your leetle brother the serial arschloch plagiarizer because three of us who think right posted it.
The comment from headless lucy is a cleaned up comment from Sept 2005. Almost exactly the same words. It just removed the n-word from this comment. Have you noticed Irv Kupicet is missing in action lately? Probably not cause you are very stupid. You couldn’t enunciate Obummer’s plan. Well headless admitted he was Itv when caught before using his coded language.
See ya! Stay stupid.
Oops, you’re much more likely to Possess a US passport.
I’ll post it now to beat your silly ass to the punch.
Yes I said “more lies” because there are lies in what you farted out from between your miserable ears.
I’ll spell it out for the simpleton that you are.
If you say 2+2 = 4, that’s not a lie.
But if you say 2+2 = 4 AND say “lefties” like Warren Buffet are for “class warfare”???
Then that is indeed “more lies” you’ve told to add to the ones you’ve told already.
Like “my word is my bond”.. What a whopper that was!
Tell me serial dumbass! Is this how a “liberal” votes???
Thanks for stepping in it one more time for everyone’s entertainment!
And the three of you have confused correlation with causation.
Logical fallacies..
More lies…
No discussion of those who “stink” right would be complete without a link to the patron saint of teahadist dumbassery – Grady Warren:
Is Grady Warren a “low information” voter as per Mike Lofgren?
Hardly. More like a “high delusionary” voter. The right wing crap from this psycho-talker flows like Niagara Falls.
Wow serial arschloch plagiarizer, absolutely more failures from the crazed databaze. He’s searching everything. No wonder he’s not worth his weight in intelligence. Do you have a job? Doubt it! 8 posts in this thread alone while most work for a living.
Please keep them coming. I see I have 9 more serial arschloch plagiarizerisms to post. And I am just waiting.
Well serial arschloch plagiarizer, a first time “success” with the crazed databaze.
Amazing things happen when you put your leetle single celled mind to it.
Wait for it…
Only one of many serial dumbass! And I didn’t need the database – I was totally familiar with nolaguy’s commentary. Shit, he’s the only right winger who comes here who comports himself like a gentleman.
Unlike YOU and the miserable asshat @ 15,91!
The database comes in handy to find the exact quote and cough up the url.
Why did you concede defeat fool????
I don’t get it. You’re supposed to be right ALL THE TIME, you superior SOB!
In response to the memory defect being exposed, you’re supposed to come up with some convuluted batshit insane bullshit like Hank Paulson and Alan Greenspan are lefties!
I’m a little disappointed…
this thread is officially “teh gehy”.
That was your first time success.
You can’t answer who recommended Henry Paulson.
You can’t remember the SEIU in 2007.
So where are the exact quotes and the URLs you so blatantly boast above? You have all day. You posted 8 times today in one thread. So we know you ain’t doing anything constructive.
And you have your crazed databaze. EPIC FAYLE!
Loser! So it seems Bartertown gets undeer your skin. That’s funny!
BTW… Your mind is like a deadly plague. It’s dead!
why is it always the little bitches like YLB flat their trap on the intwarwebs…you will never hear them talk shit in person…
we all know why that is……
Back in 2005 Headless Lucy went down a road he shouldn’t have and we here in the comment threads have been suffering with Puddybud’s racism baiting ever since.
Since that time, Puddybud has been so crazy as to keep a tally of which left-leaning commenters have condemned HL for his unfortunate remarks.
We have wondered from time to time why Puddybud is mostly silent when right wing commenters spew some racist rants. He says he won’t say anything until at least 50 percent of left-leaning commenters condemn Headless Lucy.
Or something like that.
Yes, it is insane.
Why did HL go down this road? I believe the reason is here:
This doesn’t excuse HL but for every effect I believe there’s a cause.
Why is it that Puddyfool calls “south park conservatives” like the dip @ 114 “mental midgets”?
Simple: a rotten egg smell escaping from between the ears.
Not that the “mental midget” part isn’t true but a right winger with all his “marbles” or at the very least a cranial gas-x implant is supposed to follow the 11th commandment.
You’re a fucking liar.
Somebody should tell the puddypussy that teh jesus
Doesn’t like LIARS.
Nope you dope! January 2011.
It’s now Sept 2011.
So here are the August facts misogynist rujax. I told you to check with the serial arschloch plagiarizer before farting all over the blog with incompetence. You can look at the values from April 2010 thru June 2011. Or you can go here and see the full report.
So who’s lying now misogynist rujax?
YOU ARE THE BIG LIAR! All you had to do is ask the serial arschloch plagiarizer to check his crazed databaze!
Satan loves LIARS misogynist rujax!
YOU are the fucking liar FAT ASS…
So the BLS stats say the ACA is responsible for the jobless rate…
There are no JOBS because folks have no MONEY to buy stuff ’cause they don’t have a fucking JOB.
It’s basic Capitalism you fucking freak.
You believe in hell you pussy? Well there’s gonna be a special place in hell for lying hypocrites like you. Hope you enjoy it.
Nope… I pointed to one link. The other link displays the job numbers after ObummerCare passed. The graph is very telling.
You are as stupid as ever!
Stay stupid, no need to change now!