My daughter wants me to hike the Appalachian Trail with her. I’m really feeling a bit too old for that. I remember enjoying hiking portions of the Appalachian Trail when I was young, but I was in great shape then – football, swim team, Boy Scout activities almost every weekend.
I just wish I had taken a camera with me at the time. But those were the days when a family usually only had one camera, and we bought one roll of film a year, which we developed right after Christmas – showing everything from birthdays to vacation to Christmas, all in 12 shots. An additional roll of film, and the developing expense, would have been considered a luxury by my parents, both of whom grew up during the great depression.
Last week “Governor” G told KUOW’s Steve Sher that a state income tax is a crock. Oregon has one, and they’re even more fucked than we are.
Piper Scottspews:
Did we grow up in the same family and I missed seeing you at the supper table?
The Piper
Piper @ 5: I think you would have remembered me at the dinner table. As a teenager at the dinner table, I resembled the Tasmanian Devil from the old Warner Bro’s cartoons, eating everything in sight. I figured once that I must have ate (and expended) at least 4,000 calories a day, without gaining a pound. My football coach complained that I was too light to be a center, and I should eat more to “bulk up”. I tried, but it didn’t work. Of course, things are much different, now.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Your daughter is a lovely young lady.
However you look like shit.
I mean with your tongue hangin’ out, walking on all fours…and hell, you even have a damn tail!
Plus, you are incredibly white and need a tan.
Is ok RHP, we all change with age.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Oh lookee, another wingnut shithead who thinks the current system of taxing poor people 5 1/2 times as much as rich people is just peachy and shouldn’t be changed. How do you assholes sleep at night? I mean, how the fuck do you live with yourselves? Were you AWOL when God passed out consciences?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Actually, I think he’s rather handsome. He looks better than you, at any rate.
P.S., I’ve heard that building in the background isn’t there anymore.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Unfortunately, not all of us do.
Does anyone else find this irresponsible behavior of the SC Gov as disturbing as I do?
I mean in the post 9/11 world for the Commander of the SC National Guard to take a multiple day leave of absence without informing anyone shows a complete lack of leadership skills and dereliction of duty of the worst kind.
What if a terrorist attack occurred in SC while he was dodging his kids on Father’s Day? Or some other emergency?
This clearly demonstrates that Republicans do not have the proper intellect or moral character to lead.
The SC gov should resign with dignity instead of embarrassing our National Guard.
Broadway Joespews:
As though being the Governor of South Cackylacky was actually something, y’know…….important.
I’m not gonna read too much into this unless somebody uncovers some really heavy shit about this. Let the guy go on a hike, even a naked one, if that’s all he did. I mean, he’s never gonna be any more important than he is now (and that’s not saying much), he deserves some quiet time. But still he should’ve notified someone of his intentions, presuming a hike was all he had planned.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Is is the sales tax on food or medical care that bugs you? Or is it the sales tax on rents?
Wait a minute – there ain’t any sales tax on those items.
Do you really think the sales tax will go away if WA passes an income tax for the state? If you do, you’re fucking dreaming!
Politically Incorrectspews:
“As though being the Governor of South Cackylacky was actually something, y’know…….important.”
Yeah, it’s about as important as being the governor of Washington.
Pssst…don’t tell Queen Chrissie I said that!
So yesterday Stanford’s spokesman issued a statement saying the Stanford was out hiking on the Appalachian Trail, and that’s why he couldn’t be reached.
But this morning, there are reports that he arrived in Atlanta’s Hartsfield Airport, returning from a flight from Argentina?
This is getting stranger and stranger. Anybody know if Rush Limbaugh was on the same flight?
Hey, Goldy: While you’re out in the woods, tell Baghdad Jim McDermott to NOT put the money in his freezer. That’ll be the first place they look.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Rush Limbaugh is a drug-addled whore and a fat windbag.
@8: Klynical, haha
Actually, that was one of your funnier posts (intentionally funny, I mean.
Great picture Goldy. Next up, the real Mt. Si.
Anyone want to go hiking?
I am in training for Rainier later in the year. Too much snow up high to do anything real big yet.
I’ll even take Puddy up something not too strenuous.
Update: S.C. Republican Governor Sanford (chairman of the Republican Governor’s Association and touted as a 2012 Presidential contender) now told a reporter he was alone in Argentina, just driving along the coastline.
Funny thing, those who know Argentina say that there isn’t really a coastal road there, the road along the coast near Buenos Aires is only two miles long.
I haven’t been there myself, so I wouldn’t know. A quick check of Google Maps seems to confirm this, it shows that Argentine Route 3 is the major north/south highway along the coast, but it goes considerably inland, except for where it veers towards actual cities. To go on a real coastal road you have to cross the River Plate and enter Uraguay.
Seems like a long way to go to “get away from the kids” during Father’s Day weekend, as his wife claimed. I suspect reporters will be spending the next few weeks figuring out exactly where he was, and what he was doing, and with whom.
Republicans and their “family values.”
At least the trend for Republican infidelity is improving, I’ll say that much for them.
First, there was Mark Foley chasing young boys.
Second, Sen. Craig was hustling blow jobs from strange men in public bathrooms.
Third, Sen Ensign was having an affair with a female staffer.
At least now the Gov of SC is cheating on his wife with a woman and it doesn’t involve any boys, men or political aides.
Just a good ol’ fashion breaking the “sanctity of marriage” vows to God, his wife, family, friends and the community at large.
You know, Republican “family values.”
Hey, you Republican ASS CLOWNS, want an example of REAL family values — look no further than the White House.
The Obama’s talk the talk and they walk it. The Obama’s are every good virtue you preach but fail to practice.
Okay, that didn’t take long – Stanford’s had a press conference, admited to having an affair with a woman in Argentina, said his wife has known about it for about five months, and he’s asking for forgiveness and resigning his post as chair of the Republican Governor’s Conference (but not his position as governor).
GBS (above) said:
“At least now the Gov of SC is cheating on his wife with a woman and it doesn’t involve any boys, men or political aides. “
Perhaps. Although at this point, with the number of cover stories which have been unsuccesfully put out by his wife, staff, and the governor himself, there’s always the chance that there is still more to the story. As an old master sargent once told me, “Leave a small, easily correctable mistake for the inspector to find without too much trouble – that will stop him from continuing to look until he finds something else which might cause more trouble”.
Anyway, you have to wonder about guys like Clinton, Foley, Craig, Ensign, Vetter, Edwards, and now Stanford. Is there a self-destructive streak which compels them to engage in conduct that they know will endanger their careers and their families? Is it merely lustful temptation, or do they feel compelled to see how close to the line they can walk without being discovered, and get a thrill each time they succeed, until at some point they ultimately fail?
Of course, Gingrich should immediatly condemn Stanford for the dishonor he has brought upon his office, and demand his immediate resignation or impeachment.
Glad to see your dog’s on a leash.
If you see him, tell Gov. Sanford to call home.
My daughter wants me to hike the Appalachian Trail with her. I’m really feeling a bit too old for that. I remember enjoying hiking portions of the Appalachian Trail when I was young, but I was in great shape then – football, swim team, Boy Scout activities almost every weekend.
I just wish I had taken a camera with me at the time. But those were the days when a family usually only had one camera, and we bought one roll of film a year, which we developed right after Christmas – showing everything from birthdays to vacation to Christmas, all in 12 shots. An additional roll of film, and the developing expense, would have been considered a luxury by my parents, both of whom grew up during the great depression.
Gregoire to Goldstein: Eat shit & drop dead.
Last week “Governor” G told KUOW’s Steve Sher that a state income tax is a crock. Oregon has one, and they’re even more fucked than we are.
Did we grow up in the same family and I missed seeing you at the supper table?
The Piper
Piper @ 5: I think you would have remembered me at the dinner table. As a teenager at the dinner table, I resembled the Tasmanian Devil from the old Warner Bro’s cartoons, eating everything in sight. I figured once that I must have ate (and expended) at least 4,000 calories a day, without gaining a pound. My football coach complained that I was too light to be a center, and I should eat more to “bulk up”. I tried, but it didn’t work. Of course, things are much different, now.
Your daughter is a lovely young lady.
However you look like shit.
I mean with your tongue hangin’ out, walking on all fours…and hell, you even have a damn tail!
Plus, you are incredibly white and need a tan.
Is ok RHP, we all change with age.
@4 Oh lookee, another wingnut shithead who thinks the current system of taxing poor people 5 1/2 times as much as rich people is just peachy and shouldn’t be changed. How do you assholes sleep at night? I mean, how the fuck do you live with yourselves? Were you AWOL when God passed out consciences?
@8 Actually, I think he’s rather handsome. He looks better than you, at any rate.;300.jpg
Here’s a photo of a Montana Republican fixing a hole in his gas tank.
P.S., I’ve heard that building in the background isn’t there anymore.
@9 Unfortunately, not all of us do.
Does anyone else find this irresponsible behavior of the SC Gov as disturbing as I do?
I mean in the post 9/11 world for the Commander of the SC National Guard to take a multiple day leave of absence without informing anyone shows a complete lack of leadership skills and dereliction of duty of the worst kind.
What if a terrorist attack occurred in SC while he was dodging his kids on Father’s Day? Or some other emergency?
This clearly demonstrates that Republicans do not have the proper intellect or moral character to lead.
The SC gov should resign with dignity instead of embarrassing our National Guard.
As though being the Governor of South Cackylacky was actually something, y’know…….important.
I’m not gonna read too much into this unless somebody uncovers some really heavy shit about this. Let the guy go on a hike, even a naked one, if that’s all he did. I mean, he’s never gonna be any more important than he is now (and that’s not saying much), he deserves some quiet time. But still he should’ve notified someone of his intentions, presuming a hike was all he had planned.
Is is the sales tax on food or medical care that bugs you? Or is it the sales tax on rents?
Wait a minute – there ain’t any sales tax on those items.
Do you really think the sales tax will go away if WA passes an income tax for the state? If you do, you’re fucking dreaming!
“As though being the Governor of South Cackylacky was actually something, y’know…….important.”
Yeah, it’s about as important as being the governor of Washington.
Pssst…don’t tell Queen Chrissie I said that!
So yesterday Stanford’s spokesman issued a statement saying the Stanford was out hiking on the Appalachian Trail, and that’s why he couldn’t be reached.
But this morning, there are reports that he arrived in Atlanta’s Hartsfield Airport, returning from a flight from Argentina?
This is getting stranger and stranger. Anybody know if Rush Limbaugh was on the same flight?
Hey, Goldy: While you’re out in the woods, tell Baghdad Jim McDermott to NOT put the money in his freezer. That’ll be the first place they look.
Rush Limbaugh is a drug-addled whore and a fat windbag.
@8: Klynical, haha
Actually, that was one of your funnier posts (intentionally funny, I mean.
Great picture Goldy. Next up, the real Mt. Si.
Anyone want to go hiking?
I am in training for Rainier later in the year. Too much snow up high to do anything real big yet.
I’ll even take Puddy up something not too strenuous.
Update: S.C. Republican Governor Sanford (chairman of the Republican Governor’s Association and touted as a 2012 Presidential contender) now told a reporter he was alone in Argentina, just driving along the coastline.
Funny thing, those who know Argentina say that there isn’t really a coastal road there, the road along the coast near Buenos Aires is only two miles long.
I haven’t been there myself, so I wouldn’t know. A quick check of Google Maps seems to confirm this, it shows that Argentine Route 3 is the major north/south highway along the coast, but it goes considerably inland, except for where it veers towards actual cities. To go on a real coastal road you have to cross the River Plate and enter Uraguay.
Seems like a long way to go to “get away from the kids” during Father’s Day weekend, as his wife claimed. I suspect reporters will be spending the next few weeks figuring out exactly where he was, and what he was doing, and with whom.
Republicans and their “family values.”
At least the trend for Republican infidelity is improving, I’ll say that much for them.
First, there was Mark Foley chasing young boys.
Second, Sen. Craig was hustling blow jobs from strange men in public bathrooms.
Third, Sen Ensign was having an affair with a female staffer.
At least now the Gov of SC is cheating on his wife with a woman and it doesn’t involve any boys, men or political aides.
Just a good ol’ fashion breaking the “sanctity of marriage” vows to God, his wife, family, friends and the community at large.
You know, Republican “family values.”
Hey, you Republican ASS CLOWNS, want an example of REAL family values — look no further than the White House.
The Obama’s talk the talk and they walk it. The Obama’s are every good virtue you preach but fail to practice.
Okay, that didn’t take long – Stanford’s had a press conference, admited to having an affair with a woman in Argentina, said his wife has known about it for about five months, and he’s asking for forgiveness and resigning his post as chair of the Republican Governor’s Conference (but not his position as governor).
GBS (above) said:
“At least now the Gov of SC is cheating on his wife with a woman and it doesn’t involve any boys, men or political aides. “
Perhaps. Although at this point, with the number of cover stories which have been unsuccesfully put out by his wife, staff, and the governor himself, there’s always the chance that there is still more to the story. As an old master sargent once told me, “Leave a small, easily correctable mistake for the inspector to find without too much trouble – that will stop him from continuing to look until he finds something else which might cause more trouble”.
Anyway, you have to wonder about guys like Clinton, Foley, Craig, Ensign, Vetter, Edwards, and now Stanford. Is there a self-destructive streak which compels them to engage in conduct that they know will endanger their careers and their families? Is it merely lustful temptation, or do they feel compelled to see how close to the line they can walk without being discovered, and get a thrill each time they succeed, until at some point they ultimately fail?
Of course, Gingrich should immediatly condemn Stanford for the dishonor he has brought upon his office, and demand his immediate resignation or impeachment.
Oh, wait. Stanford is a Republican. Never mind.