The reason they voted her to the front row is so that the old hag can’t see them all laugh at her when she engages in exercises in senility such as the one in the video. Dana Perino was tactful, patient, and appropriately rebuking to the persistent and insipid questions asked of her.
The Piper
Helen should have been thrown under the next bus. What an idiot sounds like sweet Nancy P. mother. NEXT!
I doubt that even the most insipid of Republican ideologues can look at Perino as being anything but a rather ineffective and unskilled mouthpiece for the administration.
Why don’t you all send a little holiday post card expressing your “regrets” for all the “liberated” Iraqis that have died by violence (no more whisky, sexy) under the occupation and that wonderful surge that Petraeus is going to declare success on next March.
Shouldn’t that headline read –
“Helen Thomas gets schooled by Dana Perino”
Seems quite a bit ham-handed on both sides, if you ask me, DC bubble-style.
Maybe the old Arab (a little Ann-Coulter humor, there) can also crawl into the front row at the next staged Q&A of Hillary Rodham Goldstein.
Q: So you voted for 800 miles of fence along the southern border. Why do you hate brown people?
Q: So you fed Spitzer (and Blitzer and Donner and Vixen) to Rove and the wolves about drivers licenses for, um, undocumented workers. Why do you hate brown people?
proud leftistspews:
I’ve heard Dana Perino referred to as “The Tiny Dancer of Deception.” She earns the moniker.
Another TJspews:
I’ve heard Dana Perino referred to as “The Tiny Dancer of Deception.” She earns the moniker.
I’m partial to “Lying Sack of Cute.”
Court Backs Ruling Against Congressman
WASHINGTON (AP) — For Rep. Jim McDermott, it was the most expensive telephone call he never made.
McDermott, a Washington state Democrat, faces fines and penalties topping $800,000 for leaking an illegally taped telephone call a decade ago.
The Supreme Court Monday refused to hear McDermott’s request to review the case. The decision, made without comment, ends a legal fight that had stretched for nearly 10 years. Wow; one Socialist Democrats finally is being held accountable for his crime. Let’s bet that he will not write that check until he is dead. Wouldn’t admit he was wrong, nor apologize for breaking the law. Yes his house in Seattle is now up for sale, any buyers? Going real cheap $500,000 and his roommate will stay. He will have to put his house up for sell and move in with OJ Simpson. Question how will he get Osama bin Laden out the back door without being caught? That man always supports the enemies of the State. I bet Newt Gingrich is hosting a party tonight. Goldy, Paul, Helen and Will might try crashing the party. Maybe you might find out other folks live. By the way Roger how is that new silk prayer rug working? You do pray five times a day? Keep up the good work maybe your wife will not have to cover her whole body with a black garment.
proud leftistspews:
Klake: “Wow; one Socialist Democrats [sic] finally is being held accountable for his crime.”
Jim McDermott has never been found guilty of a crime. I realize that someone like you is incapable of distinguishing between civil and criminal liability, and most certainly does not understand the difference between a preponderance of evidence and beyond a reasonable doubt. But, do have any idea how much you embarrass yourself whenever you post? By the way, the federal judiciary (including the Supreme Court) is so heavily stacked with Republican appointees that the McDermott result is hardly surprising. We have one of the most heavily partisan Supreme Courts in our history.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think an appropriate punishment for crackpiper and flakey klake would be sentencing them to have sex with Helen, but I can’t bring myself to do that to her.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dana is more attractive than Dr. Goebbels, and about as honest.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 What do you expect from partisan Republican judges?
@14 The Kelo decision on Governmental land grabbing? Oh wait…that was a coalition of liberal judges. Sorry, my bad…
@11 Actually, he was found civilly liable by the district judge, the appellate judges, the appellate judges en banc, and now, by way of refusal, the Supreme Court.
And the supremes are generally a 5-4 split, not ‘heavily stacked’. The rest of the Federal judiciary is a result of losing the White House so many, many times.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dana Perino: We’re making the world safe for democracy …
Hmmm … let’s see … when have we heard that before?
Perino is startling in her mental vacuit. Not only has this chick never seen a war, she’s never read a book about a war, because she clearly has no fucking idea what happens in wars.
Civilian noncombatants die. Lots of them. Way more than military deaths.
That’s one of the reasons — one of the bigger reasons — why you never, ever, go to war unless you absolutely have to. War is immoral. And if you start an unnecessary war, YOU are immoral.
World War I occurred because of German aggression. Once the Germans invaded Belgium, France, the Balkans, Poland, and Russia, the Entente Powers had no choice but to fight. And as horrible as that war was, after the initial invasion civilian casualties were fairly minimal, as the fighting was largely confined to the trenches.
You can argue all you want whether Iraq civilian casualties are 6,000 or 600,000. The fact is, we killed innocent people by invading that country. And for what? Where are the WMDs? This is the sort of thing we pay presidents to get right. Bush didn’t get it right; he was terribly and tragically wrong.
All Thomas did was ask Perino when our troops are coming home. She’s absolutely right in pointing out that as long as our soldiers are in harm’s way in Iraq, they’re going to kill Iraqi civilians. That’s the nature of this war; it’s being fought as an urban guerrilla war, with civilians caught in the crossfire. It’s a fair question.
What Perino did was try to sanitize a war that is, in fact, an out-of-control clusterfuck. She tried to pretend that Iraqi civilians aren’t dying because of our continuing presence there. This woman was born 100 years too late. She would have made a good mouthpiece for the Kaiser.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 No.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let’s see, the Warmonger Party’s popularity is down to what now, 22%? Something like that. And dropping into a deeper hole every day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Fyi, Democrats didn’t lose the White House in 2000 or 2004.
@20 No, they gave it away by running Fat Al and the Johns, Wooden and Fluffy…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Let’s review the Republican “accomplishments” of the last 8 years:
3,000 Americans dead in 9/11 after warnings ignored
Another 3,800 Americans dead in Iraq because you guys were wrong about WMDS
600,000 Iraqi civilians dead — more than Saddam killed in all his purges put together
$2 trillion down a rathole — enough to fix Social Security AND Medicare
Workers’ wages drop from 60% to 50% of GDP
Tens of billions down Enron and Worldcom ratholes
Hundreds of billions down subprime rathole
47 million Americans without health insurance and increasing
More Americans in poverty
40% of the dollar’s value down a rathole
Trillions of dollars added to national debt
So — what do you think the chances are that voters will vote for 4 more years of this shit? What do you HONESTLY think the chances are they voted for the last 7 years of this shit? You don’t think much of American voters do you. Well, they’re smarter than that. The only way a monkey like Bush could get into the White House is by stealing it, and that’s what he did.
Heh, Bush isn’t the fastest horse in the barn, yet he beat yours. Twice.
Run somebody better next time.
the only people ever beaten by W are the poor saps who voted for him.
the rest of us had more sense.
poor little dana! offended that someone will say in her virginal presence what is common knowledge all over the world. she’s an embarrassment.
John Rebspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
@21 Let’s review the Republican “accomplishments” of the last 8 years:
3,000 Americans dead in 9/11 after warnings ignored
Who’s President ignored What and Why did Sandy steal and destroy the evidence of WHY?
Another 3,800 Americans dead in Iraq because you guys were wrong about WMDS
LEts look in Syria first Roger, How many “Junk” pieces have shown up in their Junkyards (to include tags, hmmmm)
600,000 Iraqi civilians dead — more than Saddam killed in all his purges put together
Can we say sectarian violence or are you suggesting US GIs did it?
47 million Americans without health insurance and increasing
How many of these are Illegal immagrants Roger or do you even care!
YLB – The Clueless One (TM) said in #4 nuthing of any significance.
Yo, possessor of an idiot gene, send it yourself.
Pelletizer (TM) : We went over the homeless number rabid rabbit idiot. Clinton gave 39.2 million homeless.
Why can’t liberals get their facts correct?
Ohhh, liberalism is a mental disorder. Pelletizer (TM) has a very bad case of it.
headless lucyspews:
If memory serves, we went through several generals who were telling Bushco, Inc.™ what they didn’t want to hear at the time (e.g., we need more troops to control the occupation). Those generals were quickly replaced. So much for Perino’s claim that Bushco, Inc.™ listens to the generals. Demonstrably, not so.
When years of failure finally convinced Bushco, Inc.™ to accede to reality and send more troops,(as Democrats advised all along) Bushco, Inc., of course, made and continue making the false claim that they only want to win and Democrats are ‘defeatists’ who are distressed that the irritatingly named “Surge” is meeting with some success at suppressing violence (if this administrations numbers can be believed — and they never can be).
There is no substance to the philosophy or behavior of Republicans.
headless lucyspews:
re 25: A laundry list of deceptive excuses for Bushco, Inc’s.™ miserable failures is the best you can do.
‘John Reb.’. You are a pathetic joke.You side lost, remember. But for the sake of argument, let’s say your side won. You can snatch PudWax™ now and take him back to Mississippi.
Why can’t liberals get their facts correct? LMFAO!!!!
This from the side that got served by the chief intelligence officer in the USA today?
Are you telling me Bush did not know until today that Iran has not been pursuing a nuclear bomb since 2003? That the White House is so out of touch with our governments own intelligence, that it did not know our intelligence agencies had concluded that Iran is no threat at all?
Hey why don’t you economic geniuses, the Republicans go print some more debt, at a million bucks a minute. You guys are the economic geniuses right? Alan Greenspan, Ayn Randian extraordinaire, guru of the Fed, extolling the virtues of exotic mortgage financing in 2006.
Why can’t liberals get their facts correct? That is your honest question, presented honorably? Please…you guys wouldn’t know honorable if General Lee came out of his grave, took off a glove, and slapped you with it.
The real question is why can’t conservatives see reality when it is clear and present, sitting in front of them in black and white? No, it is all a big ball game to you guys…a sporting event. Look at us! Bush is our boy? Woohoo! You guys couldn’t give a shit about the Constitution or the bill of rights. You’re pathetic fluffers to the soft fascism of neo-con ideology. Strike that…fluffers get paid.
August 2001: Al quaida to strike America…ring a bell, idiot? What did Bush do after that briefing? He chopped wood. That’s your huckleberry.
Not surprising that the “Thomas’ colleagues voted her to the front row” and it wasn’t merely because she is short in stature! When the rest of the media was muzzled for the past many years [aka neutered & terrified they might lose their WH Press Invitations] Helen Thomas kept speaking out and telling the truth, holding their feet to the fire and asking serious questions of the puppet-of-the-day @ the podium! The Whitehouse would ban Thomas from ALL press conferences, if they possibly could, but probably fear that it would create a major embarrassment by the entire press corps just getting up and walking out of the latest dog & pony show.
When I, as a concerned American, want to know what’s going on in the name of our Country – putting a Barbie Doll at the podium like Perino to look ‘cute’ and deliver more bush bullsh!t just doesn’t inspire like listening to an experienced, albeit not pretty face like Thomas. One thing I see, though, is this tape is working the YouTube rounds like Ms. Perino NEVER envisioned, wonder how long she will be able to hang onto the job?
Here is a pretty awesome speech that Helen Thomas gave earlier this year. Small wonder that shrub bush & company are so afraid of Thomas’ power of the pen, what a great speech! :
On April 12, 2007, Helen Thomas shares her views on President George W. Bush Jr. She said that the war in Iraq is “illegal, immoral and unconscionable.” Ms. Thomas is a veteran White House journalist and the author of four book. She spoke at McDaniel College, at the Decker Center, to a large audience. The school is located about 30 miles west of Baltimore City. Ms. Thomas said that the “imperial presidency” was aided by “Chicken Democrats,” and that the White House is presently “under siege,” which reminded her a lot of the “early days of Watergate.”
Opps, looks like that link may not have worked. Try this one:
Oh yeah, had to go searching for this old Beaut of a YouTube! Remember when Stephen Colbert gave his “roast” to Bush? Helen Thomas was a major player in the spoof in the film Colbert made. Too funny for words! I bet scrub & co have never forgiven either Colbert or Thomas SINCE, for the public humiliation that they were forced to sit through on that stage.
Helen Thomas has written more books than Bush has ever read.
Actually, Perino pwned Thomas.
Old Arabspews:
It’s all Reagan’s fault. Richard Reeves, in his bio of Ron, wrote that Ronnie and Nancy saved Helen Thomas from being killed or injured by Gorbachev goons during Reagan’s walking tour of Moscow in 1987 or 1988.
Look on the bright side. The saving of Helen means that her supremely ugly head is still available for mounting face-first on a missile bound for bin Laden’s Paki hideout. If word gets out that she’s incoming, the terrorists will be too terrorized to continue.
The reason they voted her to the front row is so that the old hag can’t see them all laugh at her when she engages in exercises in senility such as the one in the video. Dana Perino was tactful, patient, and appropriately rebuking to the persistent and insipid questions asked of her.
The Piper
Helen should have been thrown under the next bus. What an idiot sounds like sweet Nancy P. mother. NEXT!
I doubt that even the most insipid of Republican ideologues can look at Perino as being anything but a rather ineffective and unskilled mouthpiece for the administration.
Why don’t you all send a little holiday post card expressing your “regrets” for all the “liberated” Iraqis that have died by violence (no more whisky, sexy) under the occupation and that wonderful surge that Petraeus is going to declare success on next March.
Shouldn’t that headline read –
“Helen Thomas gets schooled by Dana Perino”
Seems quite a bit ham-handed on both sides, if you ask me, DC bubble-style.
Maybe the old Arab (a little Ann-Coulter humor, there) can also crawl into the front row at the next staged Q&A of Hillary Rodham Goldstein.
Q: So you voted for 800 miles of fence along the southern border. Why do you hate brown people?
Q: So you fed Spitzer (and Blitzer and Donner and Vixen) to Rove and the wolves about drivers licenses for, um, undocumented workers. Why do you hate brown people?
I’ve heard Dana Perino referred to as “The Tiny Dancer of Deception.” She earns the moniker.
I’ve heard Dana Perino referred to as “The Tiny Dancer of Deception.” She earns the moniker.
I’m partial to “Lying Sack of Cute.”
Court Backs Ruling Against Congressman
WASHINGTON (AP) — For Rep. Jim McDermott, it was the most expensive telephone call he never made.
McDermott, a Washington state Democrat, faces fines and penalties topping $800,000 for leaking an illegally taped telephone call a decade ago.
The Supreme Court Monday refused to hear McDermott’s request to review the case. The decision, made without comment, ends a legal fight that had stretched for nearly 10 years.
Wow; one Socialist Democrats finally is being held accountable for his crime. Let’s bet that he will not write that check until he is dead. Wouldn’t admit he was wrong, nor apologize for breaking the law. Yes his house in Seattle is now up for sale, any buyers? Going real cheap $500,000 and his roommate will stay. He will have to put his house up for sell and move in with OJ Simpson. Question how will he get Osama bin Laden out the back door without being caught? That man always supports the enemies of the State. I bet Newt Gingrich is hosting a party tonight. Goldy, Paul, Helen and Will might try crashing the party. Maybe you might find out other folks live. By the way Roger how is that new silk prayer rug working? You do pray five times a day? Keep up the good work maybe your wife will not have to cover her whole body with a black garment.
Klake: “Wow; one Socialist Democrats [sic] finally is being held accountable for his crime.”
Jim McDermott has never been found guilty of a crime. I realize that someone like you is incapable of distinguishing between civil and criminal liability, and most certainly does not understand the difference between a preponderance of evidence and beyond a reasonable doubt. But, do have any idea how much you embarrass yourself whenever you post? By the way, the federal judiciary (including the Supreme Court) is so heavily stacked with Republican appointees that the McDermott result is hardly surprising. We have one of the most heavily partisan Supreme Courts in our history.
I think an appropriate punishment for crackpiper and flakey klake would be sentencing them to have sex with Helen, but I can’t bring myself to do that to her.
Dana is more attractive than Dr. Goebbels, and about as honest.
@10 What do you expect from partisan Republican judges?
@14 The Kelo decision on Governmental land grabbing? Oh wait…that was a coalition of liberal judges. Sorry, my bad…
@11 Actually, he was found civilly liable by the district judge, the appellate judges, the appellate judges en banc, and now, by way of refusal, the Supreme Court.
And the supremes are generally a 5-4 split, not ‘heavily stacked’. The rest of the Federal judiciary is a result of losing the White House so many, many times.
Dana Perino: We’re making the world safe for democracy …
Hmmm … let’s see … when have we heard that before?
Perino is startling in her mental vacuit. Not only has this chick never seen a war, she’s never read a book about a war, because she clearly has no fucking idea what happens in wars.
Civilian noncombatants die. Lots of them. Way more than military deaths.
That’s one of the reasons — one of the bigger reasons — why you never, ever, go to war unless you absolutely have to. War is immoral. And if you start an unnecessary war, YOU are immoral.
World War I occurred because of German aggression. Once the Germans invaded Belgium, France, the Balkans, Poland, and Russia, the Entente Powers had no choice but to fight. And as horrible as that war was, after the initial invasion civilian casualties were fairly minimal, as the fighting was largely confined to the trenches.
You can argue all you want whether Iraq civilian casualties are 6,000 or 600,000. The fact is, we killed innocent people by invading that country. And for what? Where are the WMDs? This is the sort of thing we pay presidents to get right. Bush didn’t get it right; he was terribly and tragically wrong.
All Thomas did was ask Perino when our troops are coming home. She’s absolutely right in pointing out that as long as our soldiers are in harm’s way in Iraq, they’re going to kill Iraqi civilians. That’s the nature of this war; it’s being fought as an urban guerrilla war, with civilians caught in the crossfire. It’s a fair question.
What Perino did was try to sanitize a war that is, in fact, an out-of-control clusterfuck. She tried to pretend that Iraqi civilians aren’t dying because of our continuing presence there. This woman was born 100 years too late. She would have made a good mouthpiece for the Kaiser.
@5 No.
Let’s see, the Warmonger Party’s popularity is down to what now, 22%? Something like that. And dropping into a deeper hole every day.
@15 Fyi, Democrats didn’t lose the White House in 2000 or 2004.
@20 No, they gave it away by running Fat Al and the Johns, Wooden and Fluffy…
@21 Let’s review the Republican “accomplishments” of the last 8 years:
3,000 Americans dead in 9/11 after warnings ignored
Another 3,800 Americans dead in Iraq because you guys were wrong about WMDS
600,000 Iraqi civilians dead — more than Saddam killed in all his purges put together
$2 trillion down a rathole — enough to fix Social Security AND Medicare
Workers’ wages drop from 60% to 50% of GDP
Tens of billions down Enron and Worldcom ratholes
Hundreds of billions down subprime rathole
47 million Americans without health insurance and increasing
More Americans in poverty
40% of the dollar’s value down a rathole
Trillions of dollars added to national debt
So — what do you think the chances are that voters will vote for 4 more years of this shit? What do you HONESTLY think the chances are they voted for the last 7 years of this shit? You don’t think much of American voters do you. Well, they’re smarter than that. The only way a monkey like Bush could get into the White House is by stealing it, and that’s what he did.
Heh, Bush isn’t the fastest horse in the barn, yet he beat yours. Twice.
Run somebody better next time.
the only people ever beaten by W are the poor saps who voted for him.
the rest of us had more sense.
poor little dana! offended that someone will say in her virginal presence what is common knowledge all over the world. she’s an embarrassment.
Roger Rabbit says:
@21 Let’s review the Republican “accomplishments” of the last 8 years:
3,000 Americans dead in 9/11 after warnings ignored
Who’s President ignored What and Why did Sandy steal and destroy the evidence of WHY?
Another 3,800 Americans dead in Iraq because you guys were wrong about WMDS
LEts look in Syria first Roger, How many “Junk” pieces have shown up in their Junkyards (to include tags, hmmmm)
600,000 Iraqi civilians dead — more than Saddam killed in all his purges put together
Can we say sectarian violence or are you suggesting US GIs did it?
47 million Americans without health insurance and increasing
How many of these are Illegal immagrants Roger or do you even care!
YLB – The Clueless One (TM) said in #4 nuthing of any significance.
Yo, possessor of an idiot gene, send it yourself.
Pelletizer (TM) : We went over the homeless number rabid rabbit idiot. Clinton gave 39.2 million homeless.
Why can’t liberals get their facts correct?
Ohhh, liberalism is a mental disorder. Pelletizer (TM) has a very bad case of it.
If memory serves, we went through several generals who were telling Bushco, Inc.™ what they didn’t want to hear at the time (e.g., we need more troops to control the occupation). Those generals were quickly replaced. So much for Perino’s claim that Bushco, Inc.™ listens to the generals. Demonstrably, not so.
When years of failure finally convinced Bushco, Inc.™ to accede to reality and send more troops,(as Democrats advised all along) Bushco, Inc., of course, made and continue making the false claim that they only want to win and Democrats are ‘defeatists’ who are distressed that the irritatingly named “Surge” is meeting with some success at suppressing violence (if this administrations numbers can be believed — and they never can be).
There is no substance to the philosophy or behavior of Republicans.
re 25: A laundry list of deceptive excuses for Bushco, Inc’s.™ miserable failures is the best you can do.
‘John Reb.’. You are a pathetic joke.You side lost, remember. But for the sake of argument, let’s say your side won. You can snatch PudWax™ now and take him back to Mississippi.
Why can’t liberals get their facts correct? LMFAO!!!!
This from the side that got served by the chief intelligence officer in the USA today?
Are you telling me Bush did not know until today that Iran has not been pursuing a nuclear bomb since 2003? That the White House is so out of touch with our governments own intelligence, that it did not know our intelligence agencies had concluded that Iran is no threat at all?
Hey why don’t you economic geniuses, the Republicans go print some more debt, at a million bucks a minute. You guys are the economic geniuses right? Alan Greenspan, Ayn Randian extraordinaire, guru of the Fed, extolling the virtues of exotic mortgage financing in 2006.
Why can’t liberals get their facts correct? That is your honest question, presented honorably? Please…you guys wouldn’t know honorable if General Lee came out of his grave, took off a glove, and slapped you with it.
The real question is why can’t conservatives see reality when it is clear and present, sitting in front of them in black and white? No, it is all a big ball game to you guys…a sporting event. Look at us! Bush is our boy? Woohoo! You guys couldn’t give a shit about the Constitution or the bill of rights. You’re pathetic fluffers to the soft fascism of neo-con ideology. Strike that…fluffers get paid.
August 2001: Al quaida to strike America…ring a bell, idiot? What did Bush do after that briefing? He chopped wood. That’s your huckleberry.
Not surprising that the “Thomas’ colleagues voted her to the front row” and it wasn’t merely because she is short in stature! When the rest of the media was muzzled for the past many years [aka neutered & terrified they might lose their WH Press Invitations] Helen Thomas kept speaking out and telling the truth, holding their feet to the fire and asking serious questions of the puppet-of-the-day @ the podium! The Whitehouse would ban Thomas from ALL press conferences, if they possibly could, but probably fear that it would create a major embarrassment by the entire press corps just getting up and walking out of the latest dog & pony show.
When I, as a concerned American, want to know what’s going on in the name of our Country – putting a Barbie Doll at the podium like Perino to look ‘cute’ and deliver more bush bullsh!t just doesn’t inspire like listening to an experienced, albeit not pretty face like Thomas. One thing I see, though, is this tape is working the YouTube rounds like Ms. Perino NEVER envisioned, wonder how long she will be able to hang onto the job?
Here is a pretty awesome speech that Helen Thomas gave earlier this year. Small wonder that shrub bush & company are so afraid of Thomas’ power of the pen, what a great speech! :
On April 12, 2007, Helen Thomas shares her views on President George W. Bush Jr. She said that the war in Iraq is “illegal, immoral and unconscionable.” Ms. Thomas is a veteran White House journalist and the author of four book. She spoke at McDaniel College, at the Decker Center, to a large audience. The school is located about 30 miles west of Baltimore City. Ms. Thomas said that the “imperial presidency” was aided by “Chicken Democrats,” and that the White House is presently “under siege,” which reminded her a lot of the “early days of Watergate.”
Opps, looks like that link may not have worked. Try this one:
Helen Thomas: “We Have an Imperial Presidency!”
Oh yeah, had to go searching for this old Beaut of a YouTube! Remember when Stephen Colbert gave his “roast” to Bush? Helen Thomas was a major player in the spoof in the film Colbert made. Too funny for words! I bet scrub & co have never forgiven either Colbert or Thomas SINCE, for the public humiliation that they were forced to sit through on that stage.
Speech at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner (2006) p3
Helen Thomas has written more books than Bush has ever read.
Actually, Perino pwned Thomas.
It’s all Reagan’s fault. Richard Reeves, in his bio of Ron, wrote that Ronnie and Nancy saved Helen Thomas from being killed or injured by Gorbachev goons during Reagan’s walking tour of Moscow in 1987 or 1988.
Look on the bright side. The saving of Helen means that her supremely ugly head is still available for mounting face-first on a missile bound for bin Laden’s Paki hideout. If word gets out that she’s incoming, the terrorists will be too terrorized to continue.