From Think Progress:
Issa: Obama Covered Up Benghazi Terrorism By Calling It An ‘Act Of Terror’
That’s even stupid for a car thief!
by Darryl — ,
From Think Progress:
Issa: Obama Covered Up Benghazi Terrorism By Calling It An ‘Act Of Terror’
That’s even stupid for a car thief!
Playing to the base.
From what I have seen on the comment threads on the news stories, they are stirred up. Some of those guys, like in the Yahoo News story on the AP phone records stories, those guys make our trolls look good, and I thought that was impossible.
Word has it [i.e. I got a forwarded email from my semi-senile uncle] that Barack “Who Sane?” Obama ordered the hit on Osama bin Laden to prevent the Al Qaeda Kingpin from testifying before a Congressional Truth Committee that he was in possession of secret terrorist papers demonstrating that the First Muslim President of the United States had been planning to cover-up the “Benghazi Freedom Strike” as early as January of 2007.
Read all the sordid Obama bin Ghazi details here:
and here:
Bachmann/Brewer 2015! Rock the vote and let your voice be heard on Election Day, Wednesday, November 4th!
3)Good one. Especially the last part. Problem is, people believe those chain emails. Senator Bennet of Utah’s defeat is an example of that.
Perhaps I should buy aluminum stock. It appears tinfoil sales are going gangbusters.
@ 5 RR
Aluminium is actually a pretty valuable commodity right now. But it is a volatile one. Tin is only going to go up because the Chinese have tried to corner the market.
Washington Post rates it as “Four Pinocchios”
A PPP poll just released shows that 44% of Republicans believe that Behghazi! is the biggest scandal in American history. It also shows that 39% have no idea where Benghazi is. Some even think it’s in North Korea or Cuba. Idiots.
Darryl, because it could get stoopider it does.
The beloved Congresswoman from MN has postulated that the IRS scandal was intentionally revealed to take the public’s eye off of the President’s dastardly plan to subvert the nation’s concern about diction.
9)I wonder if that congresswoman will be invited to her lesbian stepsister’s wedding? As for her theory on the IRS scandal being the distraction from Benghazi, nothing surprises me about her.
Oh Noze!
Who doctored a White House email?
Thank goodness Darrell Issa (R-CA) is on the job to find out which Republican LIED to the American people about Benghazi!
11) Good point, another rush to be first, only it looked like stretching the truth.
@6 Tinfoil isn’t made from tin.