Those of you who frequent my comment threads know that Christmas Ghost and I don’t have much nice to say about each other or our opinions. But some things transcend politics.
Ghost has posted to her website a plea for help in finding her 17-year-old niece, Cheryl Ann Magner, who has been missing since the beginning of June.

david…………i cannot thank you enough.
and please, anyone who knows people that live in the bay area or have a blog there, please please please help us find cheryl alive.
and david…you really are a saint.
Dear christmasghost — The very, very best of luck to you in finding your niece. I’ll pray for her safe return.
antidote….thank you so much.and i can’t thank goldy enough.
You and your family will be in our prayers. I will be in the bay area early next month. I will keep my eyes open.
I sincerely hope your niece has merely gone hippie and nothing bad has happened to her.
Ghost – best wishes to you and your family for the safe return of your niece.
May God be with you.
This is a picture of Cheryl Ann Magner.
She has been missing since the beginning of June. She was last seen in Marin County, California.
Please, anyone who has seen this 17-year-old girl please call 415-472-2994. This is her mother’s phone…
I see that Instapundit has also provided a link, so hopefully the word is getting out. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, CG, and ‘good job’ to Goldy.
Our thoughts and prayers are there for your family Christmas….
Nice thing to do Goldy and ChristmasGhost, we’ll be thinking of you and your family. I too hope like Roger Rabbit, that she’s being a 17 year old and in no serious trouble.
We will keep our eyes peeled for this lady! God be with you Mr. ChristmasGhost
Is there any chance you think she might come to the Seattle area?
The reason I ask is that around 1:15pm today I gave some money to a young male that was panhandling with a girl that looks similar to the picture posted. They were at the offramp of Aurora Ave and Denny way directly across the street from the Shell /A&W station.
It struck me as out of the ordinary because neither seemed like the typical panhandler. I figured stranded summer travelers.
I hope this is not a false alarm.
GBS……..please contact the marin county sheriff’s department at 415-499-7365. any tips they can get would be greatly appreciated.i don’t “think” she would be in seattle…..but i cannot say that for sure. at this point no one knows where she is.
and i want to say again…thank you so much to goldy [who really is a very nice guy…even though he doesn’t want anyone to know…wink wink] and to everyone else that has linked this to their blogs or taken the time to post an encouraging comment.
and goldy….you really are a great guy. thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Good Luck christmasghost, I will inform others to keep an eye out.
Donnageddon..thank you so much for the kind words, and for your help. i greatly appreciate it.
ChristmasGhost I did call the Marin County Sheriff this afternoon and spoke to a woman in the investigation unit. I had to go by the intersection again and saw her from across the street. I tried go back around to get a better look, but by the time I got through the traffic and circled around she had left. I’ll pass my cell phone number to Goldy via email. He can forward it to you.
Call me if you’d liske.
They could be hanging out here until Bumbershoot.
Christmas Ghost: I have posted a thread about your lovely niece at Crime & Justice, an EZ board, in the Missing Persons forum that I moderate. Let’s find her! Here is a link:
thank you so much denise!