I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. My time to write here has certainly been limited and that will likely continue through 2012, but I still really enjoy the HA community and value the feedback I get whenever I do have time to share my thoughts (which I do more and more on Twitter these days).
The next year will be an exciting one for our family. We’re expecting a baby daughter at the end of April. It’ll be our second. Zach is almost 3 now and is still a major chick magnet (if, by chick, you mean old ladies at the grocery store). We’ll see how much he enjoys being a big brother. Being a dad has been a wonderful journey, and if there’s anything that I don’t mind keeping me from being able to blog more, it’s that.
Happy Holidays and best wishes for the new year!
A Merry Christmas to you Lee, and to all the folks here at HA.
Congrats Lee.. It’s been a long while since my second came into the world so I’ve probably got this wrong:
2 times the kids, 3 times the work..
Someone correct me if it’s really 4 times..
No biggie. Just comes with the territory. Happy Holidays.
Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays to you all!
I really enjoy our little community of crap fighters here…thank you all for being such great liberals and so damn smart!!
2 times the kids, 3 times the work..
Someone correct me if it’s really 4 times..
I’ll let you know, but I’ve heard from several of my friends that it’s a little easier the second time because you’re more ready for it, but that older siblings can be a handful.
Merry Christmas!
whatever you believe, or what your plans are for the next few days, Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men.
Or even asalaam alaikum.
Merry Jul, Wrens Day, Christmas, Hanukkah, and whatever you might be celebrating everyone.
4 – A “little” easier? Heh. They’re having a little fun with you.
Merry Christmas to all the HA leftist loons!
Season’s Greetings,
Happy Hanukkah,
Happy Kwanza,
Happy Festivus,
Joyous Flying Spaghetti Monster day,
Merry Christmas!