As Darryl reminded me at Drinking Liberally this week, today is the 14th blogiversary of HA. Reflecting back on my very first post, I obviously had no idea how this blog would quickly take over my life.
I don’t much blog here at the moment (or anywhere for that matter), but a big thank you to all my loyal readers and trolls for helping to make the past 14 years, well, something.
Here’s to you, Goldy! Ear wiggles and cottontail shakes from the rabbit clan. Dishing out just desserts to traitor trolls has been a carrot garden of fun. Many years more, please!
This could be interpreted as soaking the young to line the pockets of old rich white guys, depending on how you look at it.
Disclaimer: Roger Rabbit does not profit from student loans.
Wherein a Bush-era ex-CIA official blames torture on “America.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Wrong. “America” (i.e., us) didn’t do it. You did it. Your colleagues did it. Bush, Cheney, John Yoo, and Gina Haspel, among others, did it. Republican congressmen, senators, and voters did it. Trolls who defended it did it. But we (i.e., the Real Americans) didn’t do it. So go fuck yourself, and enjoy your afterlife in Hell, and don’t expect to see us there because this is on you alone.
So to recap:
Cohen set up a shell company.
Through this shell company Cohen paid off people to keep quiet about sexual relations with the candidate/president
Cohen solicited finds promising nothing but ‘access’ to the President be paid to the shell company.
Several individuals representing companies that paid the shell company were then granted meetings with the President.
There are official White House photos of representatives of companies that paid the shell company meeting the President.
It is entirely possible that 45 didn’t know anything about this but then we would have a president who doesn’t ask, “Why am I meeting this person?”
Curiously the “How could they violate attorney/client privilege” bleating has died down. Cohen’s going to prison. The only question is who’s going with him?
Remember the Lincoln Bedroom?
It is entirely possible that 45 didn’t know anything about this but then we would have a president who doesn’t ask, “Why am I meeting this person?”
Let’s recall what Trump does, and it ain’t primarily real estate.
He brands, co-brands, and licenses his name, likeness, and image as a “fabulously successful businessman and now President”.
Nobody, nowhere carves a slice of that without his permission. But it makes sense in a way for them to set Cohen up like this. It’s a classic Trump deal lending his image in consideration, that in this rare case worked out financially for the counterparty… well, at least until the FBI warrants and looming indictments for bank fraud, conspiracy, lobbying violations, commercial fraud, money laundering, tax evasion, etc.
Because Amazon is evil without even considering the job losses they’ve driven nationwide over the last two decades…
The notoriously secretive company, perhaps in an effort to “prove” they pay into the region released a very carefully worded statement that they paid $274m in local and state taxes. Cool. Until you consider the $174B in net revenue. .2% tax rate.
Amazon’s employees who aren’t able to shield themselves from almost all taxation should revolt. I’m talking pitchforks storm the Bastille revolt. Are your property taxes to high? Are your car tabs to high? This is why.
@4 Trading the public interest for a pornstar fuck. It’s what you expect of Trump. And he isn’t even a real Republican. But the stupid pukes swallow him whole. Now that’s just like the Republicans!
Here’s an interesting tidbit: Michael Cohen graduated from what is consistently ranked as the worst law school in the country based on its low admission standards and weak academic quality.
“So to recap”
Not to mention this started with a porn star. When I sue Doctor Dumbfuck for eye roll strain, I’m going to get Avenatti for my lawyer.
Racists. Eh. It only makes sense. No more of a surprise than the Russians.
“A company at the center of widening questions involving President Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen is listed as the organization behind a string of websites targeted toward white nationalists and other members of the alt-right.”
Heh. Future historians just might write that it was a porn star named Stormy who saved our nation.
Accounting scandal plagued Korea Aerospace Industries LTD, as one of the PornoBortion funders that paid into Mr. Safety School, Esq’s Delaware Abortion Factory, has decided to revise their public statement regarding those payments.
Earlier they had explained that they contracted with Cohen “to inform reorganization of our internal accounting system.” Ten hours later, after a global pandemic of spit takes and laughter cramps they issued a new statemtent:
“Korea Aerospace Industries, LTD. received legal advice on the Cost Accounting Standards regulation from Essential Consultants, LLC through a contracted deal.”
Fuck me. Half the world thinks all of America is a stupid as the arm-fishing Trumpublicans now.
Quit or kicked out?
@11 That’s an unfair knock on arm-fishing.
Somebody should inform Pence that criminals don’t get to tell cops or prosecutors when to stop investigating them.
Little low life boob and its little sidekick the babbling butthole should thank Goldy for saving their miserable lives from being frittered away on FB and twitter..
HA is their small pond. If you can call it thriving.
@16 What kind of yawn do you call that? Are you comatose? Or just lazy? Allow me to show you how it’s done:
“Y-A-A-A-W-W-N-N-N. (scratch) I’m doing fine. Thanks for asking.”
Answer to #12:
“Giuliani also suggested that payments like Cohen’s to Daniels ― aimed at ensuring her silence about an alleged Trump affair ― are common practice at his firm. ‘That was money that was paid by his lawyer, the way I would do, out of his law firm funds,’ he said. ‘Michael would take care of things like this like I take care of this with my clients.’ Partners at Greenberg Traurig were reportedly displeased with the implications of Giuliani’s comments, according to The New York Times.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Rudy can now add “fired by his partners” to his long and growing-longer* resume.
* Like fingernails and toenails on a dead body.
Some people don’t know when to STFU: “Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Thursday expressed strong support for restarting the torture interrogation program he helped launch in the wake of 9/11.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But if he really wants this attention, then let’s talk about extraditing him to The Hague.
Thanks for the blog, it is great to see free speech alive and well.
Oh yeah, it may have been 14 years, but Tim Eyman is definitely still a Horses Ass:
I raise a toast to Goldy and his name-sake nemesis. Cheers!
“Michigan Republicans are pushing a new, Donald Trump-inspired bill that would require Medicaid recipients in the state’s mostly black cities to work to keep their health benefits, but exempt some of the state’s rural white residents from the same requirement. …
“Under the bill, Medicaid recipients in 17 mostly white counties, all represented by Republican senators, would be exempt from the work requirements …. But Medicaid recipients in the six municipalities with the highest unemployment rates … would have to work at least 29 hours a week to keep their health benefits. All six cities have black majorities or significant numbers of black residents.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If Republicans take food stamps and health care away from black people, while that’s not as blatant as Buchenwald, anything that essentially leads to same result naturally raises suspicion of similar motivation and intent.
The Yale philosophy student who allegedly called police on a black grad student reportedly has written allegedly racist articles with titles like “Why I Hate Hate Crimes Legislation, But I Love Hate Speech.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If this is true, how did this person get into Yale, and why is she still there?
Goldy, I’m available to assist you in editing all of your future Seattle Times Letters to the Editor.
I’d also like to say thanks for being you. Without people like you in the world, Goldy, there would be no reason for conservatives.
4 year investigation yielding 0 indictments…
2 year investigation yielding 0 indictments..
Mueller Investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
14 month investigation yielding 23 indictments so far..
Mike Pence: it’s time to wrap this thing up..
Today is a pretty good day, as well.
Thinking about the elections in 2018, if the election for U.S. Congress were held today,
would you vote for the Democratic candidate or the Republican candidate in your district
where you live?
Democrat: 39%
Republican: 38%
Oh. The independents went for the GOP by 1%. And it’s still early.
Are you SURE you want to bet your fortunes on Stormy and Nancy, libbies? Really?
@ 24
You’re right, YLB. By the time Mueller’s done, Putin won’t want to even see Alaska from his house.
Let’s face it, in our society, to some people being black is threatening, and they consider killing black men self-defense. Kinda like Hitler and the Jews.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This argument didn’t work in court for these neo-Nazi thugs, but it still works for racist cops.
@21 maybe black people will take Kanye’s advice, by rising up and kicking the shit out of white people. They don’t have to take this shit. If they do sit by and take it they only have themselves to blame.
This could be fun!
The vast majority of police officers are professionals who do a good job, but like any other profession, policing has some bad apples. These cowards hide behind a badge to commit violent crimes against our citizens. That’s beginning to change; for example, Washington recently passed a law making it easier to prosecute violent cops.
Use of force is a necessary part of police work. Most police departments have use-of-force guidelines and policies. Sometimes these policies are too lax, and gave street cops too much leeway to use force, and apply it in a discriminatory manner.
But there’s a remedy for such abuses. Several major cities, including Seattle, were compelled to tighten their use-of-force policies by federal courts at the instigation of Obama’s DoJ. This represents progress. Unfortunately, the openly racist Trump administration is stepping back from these initiatives.
That’s not good for good cops. If racists hiding behind police badges continue to attack minorities, inevitably there will be a backlash, and all cops will be caught up in it. There will be a pendulum effect: Zero prosecution of cops will be replaced by rampant prosecution of cops, driving the people you want to keep in the profession out of the profession.
Unfortunately, that’s how the world works most of the time.
Hey, look. Obama isn’t even president anymore and he’s still costing the government millions.
By DAN SEWELL, Associated Press
CINCINNATI (AP) — A federal judge Wednesday gave preliminary approval to a $3.5 million settlement of a lawsuit against the IRS over alleged targeting of tea party groups and other conservative organizations.
U.S. District Judge Michael Barrett set a July 10 hearing in Cincinnati on making the settlement final, and scheduled deadlines for claims and objections.
Maybe HA libbies could object on the basis that people got so pissed at the way the IRS treated them when Obama was president that they ended up electing Donald Trump, which pink pussy hat-wearers like YLB believe is cruel and unusual punishment. Not to mention the 1,000+ legislative seats Obama cost them over his eight years in office.
@23 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck inadvertently admits conservatives have no program other than harassing liberals, which liberals have known all along, as it’s obvious that conservatives can’t govern or accomplish anything constructive.
@25 “Are you SURE you want to bet your fortunes on Stormy and Nancy, libbies?”
Yes, given the alternatives.
Yes, because for people and rabbits who care about right and wrong, being on the side of right is more important than winning; and while the Democrats aren’t perfect at least they’re not racists, torturers, or warmongers.
Dumbfucks only care about winning, which btw was the central idea of Hitler’s worldview.
@26 “By the time Mueller’s done, Putin won’t want to even see Alaska from his house.”
You’re confused. This may help you get your bearings.
P.S., this moron is one of yours … (pause) … aren’t they all?
@30 From link: “The case swelled into a class-action suit by hundreds of groups. The court will decide how much each gets after legal costs.”
If there are 500 such groups, that $3.5 million payment amounts to an average of $7,000 per group. If, as Giuliani says, $130,000 is a “nuisance settlement,” then what would he call this?
But that won’t keep a certain dumbfuck from crowing as if these groups won some sort of victory.
Trump’s drug pricing plan is a lot of nothing.
I own stocks of drug companies directly benefiting from monopoly prices at the expense of taxpayers, so this is fine with me. It could have been worse. He might have introduced competition, like the Democrats have been clamoring for.
@ 34
If, as Giuliani says, $130,000 is a “nuisance settlement,” then what would he call this?
A message.
From the Dumbfuck side of the Orange Event Horizon everything is reversed. Cool. I guess.
Funny to imagine that there might even be something “libbies” could do to disturb or influence a bunch of criminal investigations started by Roypublicans, being run by Roypublicans, funded entirely with Roypublican approval, led by Roypublicans, and spurred ever onward by the ongoing dumbfuckery of the PornoBortion Party dumpster fire.
Honestly this can’t be said enough, loudly enough. They built this whole thing from the ground up. Man Baby lost his temper, Sesh lied to the Senate, and so lifelong “conservative” Republican Rosenstein started an OSC investigation. It has grown to where it is today without one iota of input from Democrats. They built this, they fund it, and they are running it. This is their show. Every single voter needs to know that by November.
A modest budget to replace Jimmy O’Keefe’s dildo collection?
Dildo Navy Ahoy!
Confidential to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, who has repeatedly claimed to be a millionaire but in fact cannot afford his own subscription to Barrons:
FEATURE will be free to read this weekend
May 10, 2018 8:05 p.m. ET
Experience the best of Barron’s this weekend, free of charge.
Just think, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Had I not informed you, you would have dragged your catheterized asshole and urethral orifice to the library to read what you can get for free online.
Unfortunately for your family, you’ll be stinking up the place for a couple of extra hours this weekend. What a shithole that must be.
This is just precious.
Dumbfuck didn’t get that she’s a Republican too.
When has a consrevaturd ever let objective reality stand in the way of a perfectly servicable paranoid conspiracy.
@ 40
She’s an orifice. Three, actually.
@36 Speaking of messages, Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million, and millions more protested his inauguration than attended it. Now there’s a message to dumbfucks like you.
@39 Perhaps the dumbfuck could explain how you get rich by spending. Freeloading seems to work better. The dumbfuck should know. He’s a Republican, and freeloading is what Republicans do best.
@40 Sez the orifice* …
* Not to be confused with oracle. Two different words, with vastly different meanings. Being an orifice does not make one an oracle.
oleaginous boob bleated:
butt, butt, boob’s article sez:
Propecia and ed medication addicts like boob will have a big SAD over that last part.
But Lerner was small potatoes compared to the whopping ZERO indictments over
@45 Lois Lerner isn’t the first innocent person Republicans have tried to railroad to prison for political gain:
“During oral arguments Thursday, one of the members the three-judge panel said the charges against Thompson were unfounded. ‘I have to say it strikes me that your evidence is beyond thin,’ federal Appeals Judge Diane Wood told prosecutors. ‘I’m not sure what your actual theory in this case is.'”
Well, we know what their theory was: Frame an innocent civil servant to discredit a Democratic politician.
And wasn’t John McKay fired because he refused to prosecute King County election officials who committed no crime?
Lack of imagination.
Shame really. It might have served to distract as you toiled away your youth and sexual prime pulling 36 hour shifts fending off drug seekers, debriding diabetic bullae, and peering into “orifices” of homeless people.
When he’s laid to rest with honors at Arlington, I wonder if they’ll put “Songbird John” on his marker?
Stay classy, conservaturds!
@ 43
Perhaps the dumbfuck could explain how you get rich by spending. Freeloading seems to work better.
Let me offer an analogy to you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit
Imagine you are investing your pitifully small portfolio in the outcome of a presidential election. The final weekend Barron’s is available to you, FREE, at the library on a Saturday, three days before the election, and you read it on Sunday. This paper issue tells you that Hillary is up smartly over Trump and has an 86.8% probability of winning the election.
However, since you don’t subscribe, you don’t receive the daily electronic updates, and you miss the fact that on November 8th, a Monday, Team Clinton hurriedly cancelled the fireworks show
But the Coast Guard tells TMZ … Clinton’s camp reached out on Thursday — 2 days after her fireworks plan was uncovered — to say it wouldn’t be shooting off the 10″ aerial shells, after all.
The Coast Guard says the campaign offered no explanation for the about-face. We’ve reached out to the Clinton campaign … no word back yet.
planned when the election returns roll in on Tuesday, November 9th, because this information was shared by Barron’s only with its paid subscribers and was not otherwise reported.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, since you would have made your investments and any changes based on the weekend paper issue data in Barron’s, you would have missed the sudden panicked move by Team Clinton just one day before the election, and instead would have joined your fellow HA peeps as they spike the football on the 10-yard line because Hillary Clinton has an “absolute lock” on 252 EVs.
This analogy, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, is intended to convey the importance of paying for information, rather than receiving it for free.
If only NPR could restrict Morning Edition to those who don’t freeload, and offer the freeloaders access only to the Weekend Edition program. Perhaps then you would see the value in contributing to NPR instead of freeloading.
@ 49
I really would have liked to see a FREE fireworks show paid for by Team Clinton going on at the same time that Martha Raddatz was breaking into tears and John Podesta was at the podium at Clinton Central telling Hillary supporters that it’s not over until the fat lady sings, and Hillary’s a bit hoarse right now.
That would have been some amazing freeloading. And it would have been the first freeloading in which YLB wouldn’t want to partake.
Following up on @ 49
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, it would not have been a complete loss for you. Barron’s would have published the fireworks news in its weekend print edition, which you could have then read, for free, on the Saturday following the election.
Unless Trump tweeted it right after Hillary conceded, I mean. That would have been free, too.
Unfortunately, he waited a couple of months:
“When they canceled fireworks, they knew, and so did I.”
@ 49, 50, 51
All of which reminds me:
I believe today is turning out to be a good day as well.