That’s right. It was August 6, 2001 when a vacationing President George W. Bush was given a presidential daily briefing that was titled, Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US.
So you are unhappy that the U.S. assassinates people with drones? Or are you outraged about the NSA archiving phone company billing records for potential social network analysis? Maybe the whole secret FISA court things gets under your skin? Are you unhappy that over 4,500 U.S. soldiers and contractors died because the U.S. invaded Iraq on false pretenses? Or unhappy about the 100,000++ U.S. soldiers who suffered health consequences as a result of the invasion? How about the many hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians who died as a result of the invasion? Or maybe the trillion plus dollars pissed away? Or that the U.S. is STILL fighting its longest ever war in Afghanistan after more than a decade? Maybe you hate the TSA, or the fact that you cannot meet your party at their arrival gate, or that your pock knife was confiscated and they took your diet Pepsi away from you the last time you flew?
Maybe you are apprehensive about the “security” state the U.S. has become domestically, and the bully state the U.S. has become internationally?
All of this arose because George W. Bush and his security team ignored a briefing memo titled, Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US:
Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.
In a week that is filled with Republican assholes criticizing Obama for shutting down embassies based on intelligence reports of potential attacks, it is good to consider the alternative—ignoring the intelligence.
On August 6, 2001, George W. Bush’s indifference to and incuriousness about a memo titled Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US snowballed into our Great American Tragedy.
As long as we’re marking anniversaries, a hundred thousand people, more or less, were nuked in Hiroshima 68 years ago today.
Factiod; The only nation to use nuclear bombs on a populace is the US.
I wasn’t there, I don’t know what the mood of the country was like. It’s easy to second guess with almost 70 of history between us and the destruction. The popular reason for doing it was to end the war years sooner and so those two cities were sacrificed to save many more. It still seems seems very ruthless and calculated. It also made people work very very very hard to keep any more from being used.
Awww Da Perfessa upset over Republicans reminding the world of Obummer’s lies on Al Qaeda to get reerected in 2012. From Da Perfessa’s first link…
It seems the American Public decided to reelect GW Bush over the Vietnam War veteran who claimed to discard his medals in some strange speech.
Then we gotta change that narrative quick guys… what shall we say? CNSNEWS has documented Obummer’s Al Qaeda comments since that “phony Benghazi scandal” killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three brave Americans.
If Al Qaeda was on the run and totally disorganized, why shutter 22 embassies and consulates? Why evacuate non-essential staff from some of these locations? Twitchy has it down pat!!!
Yes Libtard SCHMUCKO… Even Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit acknowledged a brewing coverup in Benghazi you moron. Of course you were asleep cleaning out those test tubes. And since you reject WND reporting CNN acknowledges they were right in 2012.
Life in your leetle bubble of false news from left wrong libtard DONK moonbat sites really sux!
The “war” with Muslim nations started quite a long time ago. Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, and Nixon all propped up “friendly” tim-pot dictators whenever they labeled as “marxist” anyone who didn’t support them. Eventually the U.S. got tired of wasting money, and Carter tried to stop it by recognizing that an organized opposition was a good thing. This led to Carter refusing to support/send in troops to support the Shag of Iran and Samoza in Nicarauga.
So far, so good. Except Samoza was assassinated (an RPG shot at his limo from a motercycle). Then the Shah left, allowing the string of Mullah’s take over.
What really set things off, initially, was Carter allowing the Shah into the U.S. for cancer treatment. That’s when the U.S. hostages were taken, the embassy seized, etc. Hussein in Iraq saw a power vacume and invaded Iran.
Now comes the fun part. Carter is replaced by Reagan – there are rumors to the effect that a deal was brokered by Rumsfield not to release the hostages until after Reagan took office.
Reagan played the arms-for-hostages game, which resulted in more kidnappings but gave arms to Iran and money to Honduran forces seeking to cause trouble for the Nicaraguans.
An somewhere along the way, somebody thought it would be a good idea to support the Christian militias in the Lebanese mountains by firing 16″ guns (I think it was from the USS Iowa). After all, they were Christians, right?
Then Reagan decided to send in a “peacekeeping force” of Marines to keep the Beirut airport open. Nobody thought the Muslim militias couldn’t figure out that the Marines and the Navy were connected to one another? The site was indefensable, as proven by a bomber at the Marine Baracks who took quite a few Marines with him. The U.S. packed it’s bags and left Lebanon.
Then the Rumsfield/Cheney team tried to play kingmaker by trading intel with both Iraq and Iran, which really pissed the Iranians off when they found out about it. This led to their decision to start a nuclear program.
Then under the same team under George H.W. Bush, the Gulf War was conducted. Somebody thought it would be a good idea to call an end at 90 days, even though armored ground troops were just engaging the Republican Guard and the only control they had over the border was from tactical aircraft and recon helicopters. In negotiations the ground commander was given the okay to allow helicopters to fly, which gave Hussein the ability to destroy his opposition and stay in power.
The U.S. had promised that it would leave Saudi Arabia as soon as they wanted it to go. But with Hussein still in power in Iraq, that led instead to more than a decade of U.S. military presence in the Kingdom.
Some Saudis, like Bin Laden, found this U.S. “occupation” of a holy site an offense before God and swore to bring the U.S. to it’s knees by going after the source of it’s power – it’s commercial interests.
Then George W. Bush arrives on the scene, and ignores the warnings. This came despite two embassy bombings in Africa, the USS Cole bombing, and warnings from the Clinton team on the security briefings prior to inaugeration that this was their biggest concern. And eight months after the inaugeration Bush dismisses the warnings again – because he just can’t be bothered with it.
@ 4
John King had a few things to say about Benghazi today.
John King: Why Benghazi matters
One of the things he said was that it was inexcusable that Benghazi even occurred.
Darryl suggests that 9/11 occurred because Bush ignored intelligence.
I suppose one might also suggest that Benghazi occurred because State and other Team Obama officials ignored an anniversary.
Or worse, that a decision was made despite the anniversary to keep the Middle East State operations open, so as not to seem to be defering to a terrorist threat Team Obama was claiming was in retreat.
Somehow rhpee6033 leaves out Clinton… Puddy knows why!
ThinkProgress, The New York Times, Wikipedia and Shmoop and a few other left wrong sites you culled your list from exonerate Clinton!
Butt wait a minute, Benghazi was about some internet video by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. He’s still in jail as a patsy for this “phony Benghazi scandal”. Puddy wishes someone in the white house presser would ask that of Jay Carneybarker and watch his reaction!
@5 Yeah, but it wasn’t Obama’s coverup, dipshit. The American people knew what they were doing when they elected and re-elected Obama. It’s the CIA that’s out of control. Want to save money and reduce the deficit? Eliminate the CIA’s funding.
P.S., House Republicans voted yesterday to eliminate ACORN’s funding.
Piddles Is still peddling that line? No surprise but he likes to complain about facts.
Nakoula is in prison for violating the terms of his parole for a fraud cinviction from in 2010. He still owes 750k in restitution for that conviction. If he spent or raised money, which he publicly admitted and didn’t report it and avoided garnishment he violated parole.
That and his case and imprisonment is on the state not the federal level but why let facts get in the way of the political prisoner conspiracy.
This is Piddles ’cause.’ Free the felon!
Puddy doesn’t want to talk about how Bush’s royal screwup cost thousands of American lives:
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings … for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The best way to describe this is “criminally negligent incompetence.”
Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit, you mean “Puddy doesn’t want to talk about how Clinton’s royal screwup cost thousands of American lives” – corrected and factually correct Stooooooooooooopid Wabbit.
How many times has Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit posted this crapola on HA? One should Google it. The number is staggering… Does Roger Cressey ring a bell Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit? Roger Rabbit uses Sidney Blumenthal noted left-wing idiot for a retort. Butt Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit seems to forget these 19+ dudes came in before January 2001 and were not tracked by the Clinton administration. Bold and very factual. That’s why Puddy wrote something very specific to rhpee6033 in #9 about Clinton exoneration.
checkmate farts
Hmmm… let’s see...
Obummer’s sadministration was fronting for their CIA mess.
@12 “Puddy doesn’t want to talk about how Bush’s royal screwup cost thousands of American lives”
…and certainly not that the neocons cheerfully used the result as a justification for squandering the lives of several thousand more American soldiers, various body parts of thousands more and the lives of perhaps a million Iraqi civilians prosecuting two wars, the eventual result of which is that after all the carnage, both are left in chaos with power oozing back into the hands of crooks and radicals. And heaven forbid that Puddles would admit that the Project for a New American Clusterfuck put the plans for all that in writing prior to the coup-er, election in 2000, including the stated expectation of a “Pearl Harbor type event” as an excuse to pull the trigger.
Naaah. Puddles is having too much fun spouting personal insults and hackneyed Fox News talking points piped through his built-in gibberish filter.
As to Benghazi…small potatoes as it is, it seems pretty obvious that something funky was going on there, the nature of which was classified, and admittedly the Obama team were dumb enough to try to bullshit their way around it instead of just saying “no comment”. Whatever it was had probably been going on for years, and talking about it might have put people in jeopardy who didn’t get nailed in the attack. Then again, blowing the cover on covert operations and their participants wasn’t a big deal for Dickie and Scooter when it served their immediate purposes, was it?
Stockholm syndrome is alive and well in libtard moonbats! Obummer and the attack gang smeared Romney.
Got a link FartsArt?
Got proof? This is 2013 not 2009 you dumb moron! Gun and weapons running through Libya to Syria in 2008? Who knew?
Does Richard Armitage ring a bell FartsOutofHisMouthArt? Scooter was a libtard pawn for Pelosi and gang!
I’ll even allow that there was a lot of continuing Machiavellian dipshittery involved in trying to keep Iraq and Iran at each others’ throats for a couple of decades. In fact, I’m pretty certain that there was some finagling to slip various chunks of weapons-related technology under the table to both sides all the way through the Reagan, Bush 1 and Clinton years to tweak the balance so neither side would prevail. Of course, that resulted in the cranks running both countries taking some of the goodies and using them against their own people and for little escapades like attacking Kuwait.
Darryl, this post was just troll bait.
They’ll never own up to the fact that they voted for (twice!) the “Commander-In-Chief” who willingly ignored warnings that became one of the worst attacks on US citizens in its entire history.
The joint culpability pains them.
Piddles is nothing if predictable. Go with the Rich Lowry OPINION piece. Rich Lowry, editor of Very Right Wing National Review, called for Mecca to be “Nuked.” in @13, you’re bitching about the quality of a source?
In November of 2012, Nikoula plead GUILTY to his parole violation (what was that about a court summons?) in open court and received one year and an additional four years probation. Is it November 2013 yet?
(BTW, he was also carrying a passport with an assumed name when arrested. But it’s got to be a conspiracy. No judge would hold someone as a flight risk pre-trail uness they made an anti-muslim film…)
Predictable checkmate. You who runs to left wrong libtard sites or covers it up with hijacked material rewritten from those sites screaming fowl?
Really checkmate? That’s what Lowry wrote? Better look up what Lowry REALLY wrote.
Yeah right!
Just noticed something. the Lowry piece you linked was May of this year. But, but, but….he plead guilty 6 months before. So when Lowry implies he didn’t get a court summons he’s either woefully ignorant, doesn’t know about the Google, totally incompetent or lying.
“This is a tough one, and I don’t know quite what to think. Mecca seems extreme, of course, but then again few people would die and it would send a signal.” Rich Lowry, March 2002
We can rule out Lowry as a credible source henceforth.
@24 Uncle Puddles,
I think had you even read the 9/11 Commission Report you would not be capable of understanding it.
If you argument for the 9-11 attacks is because “Clinton!” made George W. Bush ignore the warning briefing with a “All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.” comment, good for you!
De Nile ain’t just a river in Egypt!
“Darryl, this post was just troll bait.”
LOL! R-Money smeared himself.. He lied up and down, backwards and forwards..
How come fewer Republicans came out to the polls to vote in 2012?
Some of them couldn’t vote for a Mormon..
Probably more couldn’t vote for a used car salesman..
IRS you unemployed idioto! Wanna see the blocked Tea Party groups scroll list again unemployed idiot?
2014 gonna be an interesting painful year for DUMMOCRAPTS!
FlubSCout, flubs again. THe PDB talked about an attack. Unfortunately no one had tracked those 19+ attackers during Clinton’s watch. In fact Mohamed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi and others overstayed their visas. No one knew where they were. It was an inside job which morons like FlubScout continue to forget. Direct from the link Da Perfessa provided…
Facts just don’t do Flubscout arguments any justice.
If the IRS had let groups barred from engaging in politics engage in politics, we’d’a won.
If we could have spent tax deductible non-political funds illegally, we’d’a won.
If Y’all would get off our backs and let us break the law, we will win in 2014.
Without the aid of extraneous characters…too damn funny.
Blocked from what stupid? “Social Welfare” organizations like the NAACP with tax exempt status are prohibited from political activity..
Did the idiot @29 blame fewer Republicans showing up at the polls in 2012 on the IRS???
Wow! That is some stupid shit!
Remember what Lee said..
@29 “blocked Tea Party groups”
What were they “blocked” from?
@33 I’d guess it’s because the crazier their messaging gets the fewer voters it resonates with.
@13 Yawn. That all you got? Bush had EIGHT months to stop these guys. Wasn’t interested.
@17 Whine, cry, tear hair! I love Republican tears! :-D
@24 Classic puddles.
HA’s unemployed moron sez into the mirror
IRS targeted 292 Tea Party groups but only 6 libtard groups. Now who said that? Treasury inspector general. 14 other libtard based groups flew through. So that equates to 30% of libtard groups but 100% of Tea Party groups. Part of the IG Letter you can find da rest unemployed moron!
Sux to be an unemployed libtard moron with no facts WHATSOEVER! Just post the latest horsemanure from May when the facts WERE NOT IN!
So let’s review…
HA’s unemployed moron always knows how to qualify and quantify hisself.
@13 Yawn. That all you got? Bush had EIGHT months to stop these guys. Wasn’t interested.
Another tiny url? Puddy don’t look at tiny urls.
IRS Voter suppression libtard style. No get out the vote campaigns. Truth really sux when you are a libtard. Then there is the uh oh… moment…
Oh yeah that Lois Lerner gal, well she was at the FEC doing some potentially shaky crap per CNN!
So let’s review
HA’s unemployed moron always knows how to qualify and quantify hisself.
Blocked by whom? – The IRS
For what – Getting 501C(4) status.
Why – Political reasons we can see as the light disinfects the Obummer cockroach nest!
So did Lowry call for it? No it wasn’t his original quote, just repeating what someone else said. Was it strange? Yes it was, but he didn’t write the original comment as you libtards are trying to claim… Yes Puddy will use Lowry whenever Puddy chooses!
@ 36
Bush had EIGHT months to stop these guys.
Using that rationale, Clinton had YEARS to stop them, didn’t he? Recall the first World Trade Center bombing? How about the USS Cole? How about a couple of embassy bombings? All under Clinton’s watch. YEARS, Clinton had, to do the job, using your rationale.
If Sandy Berger had given a go-ahead to an aerial strike in which a man thought to be OBL was targeted and isolated via satellite video, would there have even been a 9/11?
Do you recall that Sandy Berger was caught stuffing a sequestered 9/11 document into his pants? Any interest in what that document may have contained?
If GWB43 was complicit in allowing a strike against the country on a date unknown in advance by anyone, isn’t Team Obama complicit in permitting State employees to maintain a presence in a known hotspot in the Middle East on the anniversary of a very important event? If one were to pick a date on which a terrorist strike against US might be predicted to occur in the Middle East, would anyone select as their first choice a date other than 9/11? Why was it such a surprise to Team Obama?
So you’re factually challenged.? So you’re willfully ignorant? Don’t use tinyurl, Luddite? Believe demonstrable lies to further your beliefs. You should look into Scientology. It would be a good fit for an inquiring intellectual like yourself.
If a guy has a court date in nov. 2012 but you quote someone as a source when he says there was no court process in May 2013, I guess you have facts on your side.
WTF is doodooeconomicsblog? I’m guessing it’s at least 50% as grounded in reality as Rich “I will tell you something that is public record six months ago never happened” Lowry.
Let’s review
Susan Rice visits all the Sunday talk show promulgating the video lie. RPGs and machine guns to a demonstration.
NUFF Said right there SUCKA!
YOU LOSE checkmate.
Rich Lowry was repeating a comment from someone else. Puddy remembers Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit getting his bunny tail all atwitter over others taking him to task over his repeating a comment.
YOU LOSE checkmate!
ABSOLUTELY! Getting smellier by the second!
Deflect. “PROVE to me sum that I stoopid said Susan Rice. I never said Lowry’s credibility is shit. I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t! I just linked where he said something that happened didn’t actually happened. Get YLB to look at the database. When I said Lowry wasn’t full of shit and too damn funny I meant that Susan Rice PERSONALLY made Lowery tell me a lie so it’s her fault. It sux that I win when I can’t show that I do. You to stoopid too know that when I defend myself with irrelevant Susan Rice, I win.” puddy, or words to that effect.
Oh yeah… Obummer said Al Qaeda in disarray… nothing to worry about! But the leftists at BBC think otherwise…
Obummer obeying his masters?
The correct response to a call to nuke Mecca and thereby kill a bunch of civilian Muslims because a couple of Muslims attacked is, “My God, are you insane.” Lowry went with…”You have a valid pont.”
Try this, “George Tiller murdered babies, we should shoot him in the head during church services.” “my God, are you insane?”
“American’s are occupying Mecca. We should blow up their civilian buildings.” “My God, are you insane?”
coddling and agreeing with extremists. Works for Puddles.
Poor checkmate… All it has left is the deflect argument. The lie of the year was Susan Rice… and it cost her a plumb job.
Where did Puddy claim Rice made Lowry lie? So sad these twists and turns.
Rich repeats someone elses comment and you go nuts reading it from a left wrong web site where you get your daily marching orders.
Yes U lose.
Piddles still doesn’t recognize when he’s being mocked. I would have thought the poor grammar was a tip.
Nice dust-up between Joe and Mika…
But they hired Obummer campaign heads and Chicago political thug confidants Robert Fibbs and David “Broken” Axelrod as political contributors on their own show per Mediaite.
Of course she doesn’t Joe, DONK don’t think straight, evah!
That’s all you have left eh checkmate? So sad!
Wow Glenn Greenwald is taking PMSNBC to task over Al Qaeda intelligence gathering… Article buried on gay pages so Puddy knew it was widely read by HA libtards…
No kidding… BIAS?
Really… who knew?
Too bad Al Qaeda is still kicking…
LOL! So our goto klownseravative idiot for laughs around here thinks Republican blood is so freaking tired they need 501c(4) outfits to get their weak asses to the polls..
A laugh a minute from our goto moronic fool for yucks around here!
Facts, the natural destroyer of unemployed morons. Remember above the commentary above of HA’s unemployed moron? No, lets review…
HA’s unemployed moron always knows how to qualify and quantify hisself.
Just wait until 2014. Gonna be an interesting election. So many phony scandal commercials to run! And the vote suppression commercials will be fun to watch!
LOL!!! How many jobs have right wing asses chasing these delusions created?
Should go over like “you didn’t build that”. See last November for how that bullshit worked.
Klownservative deficit madness has cost this economy over 1 million jobs!
Try competing with that commericial.. FOOL!