See, this is what “lying” looks like.
Last week Republican King County Councilmember Jane Hague blamed staff for repeated errors in which published questionnaires and profiles claimed a four-year college degree she had not earned. But even if Hague won’t admit the truth, the document above, uncovered in a front page story in today’s Seattle Times, pretty much speaks for itself. As the Times explains:
The Municipal League, which publishes annual candidate evaluations, sent a letter to Hague in 1993 asking her to proofread the biography she had submitted: “Please review this information for accuracy and sign your name at the bottom of this page to indicate that you have approved the information … ”
The document was amended in several places to indicate that Hague had lived in the area for 24 years, was an active volunteer, and was on unpaid leave from her job as King County’s elections manager while running for the County Council.
But no correction was made to the sentence that stated she had earned a bachelor’s degree.
Just look at Hague’s attention to detail in amending the document. Then look at the detail she left unchanged. Now reread what she told the Times last week about circumstances surrounding her failure to be awarded a degree:
“About 20 years ago,” when Hague contacted her alma mater in an attempt to document her credits and get a degree, she learned that credits from the law class hadn’t been transferred to Western Michigan and by then it was too late. She said she never tried to portray herself as a college graduate.
That’s right, she learned she never received her diploma “about 20 years ago.” That would be “about” 1987. And yet she portrayed herself as a college graduate in 1991. And in 1993. And in 1996, 1997, and again in 2000.
In the end, this is not about a little white lie from 15 years ago, it’s about a long pattern of prevarication and blaming others that continues today. It is about whether Hague deserves voters’ trust, regardless of who her opponent might be.
Christmas in September for Dickie Pee
You know, it would actually be a sort of delicious irony if Richard were the one to give this fraud her comeuppance for all of these lies.
[Cheshire cat smile]
All right, the dems should seriously look at investing in Richard’s race now. I know it’s weird … and yes he’s not the prototypical democrat (as an aside – how many times have prototypical democrats let us down?), but there’s some great reasons to get behind Pope.
The Case for Richard Pope:
1) He’s a pain in the ass. We all know he can dig up records and uncover improper dealings … imagine that same zeal being applied to county contracts and against developers looking to exploit zoning laws and such? If Richard says he’ll do to bad developers what he did to the KCGOP, then I’ll gladly doorbell a precinct for him.
2) He’ll roll grenades. I fully expect council meetings to be a lot more fun with Richard lobbing challenges to established procedures. Will he be a nuisance at times? Of course. Will he force defense of the status quo? Probably – and that’s good for government.
3) If he does a shitty job, he’ll get crushed in the next election in the democratic primary. THe district isn’t just trending D … it IS D. I’m sure one of the dozens of spineless D’s that took a pass this time around would be chomping at the bit to go after a weak Pope in the 2011 primary, with full party support. But if he does a good job … well, awesome.
4) And finally, this will make the King County TV channel really worth watching …
And no, I don’t work for Pope. I kind-of think he’s an ass. But he could be our ass.
4 – Yeah! You gotta mix it up in politics once in a while. Pope could do some good. Give him a shot!
Just got the slogan:
“Richard Pope for King County Council. Roll the Grenade.”
Cross Cut editor Gregory Palmer has written some hilarious poetry about Jane’s fake degree and suggestions for improvement:
“(King County Council member Jane Hague, recovering from the bad press involving her arrest for investigation of drunken driving, was subsequently accused of lying about having graduated from Western Michigan University.)
Dear Jane
You should try that faux college pitch again,
only do a lot better than Michigan.
Claim Yale, then laugh,
and don’t blame your staff,
which just makes you look like an unpleasant person again.”
And all this stuff was just sitting there waiting to be uncovered all this time.
King County Dems. really need to pull their heads out and do better oppositional research.
Yes, let’s get Our Ass into office!
Are Republicans congenitally predisposed to lying, or is their inability to tell the truth the product of their environment (hanging out with other Republicans and listening to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh)?
Somebody check her application for employment with King County. If she lied on that application when she got the job of Director of Records and Elections she could have a serious problem. Go for it Richard.
If you know of an honest Republican politician, you just haven’t done enough research on him (or her).
Richard Pope hit the perfect storm for the incumbent. DUI and lying on her CV.
Good luck Richard. Keep your sound bites short, hit hard, appear reasonable and rational and you can pull this off.
Hey! she didn’t lie! The bio synopsis says “BS.” That can mean something other than “Bachelor of Science! Give poor Jane a break . . .
Jane Hague doesn’t think she has to license her pets either.
Hague Will Euthanize Dog That Bit Girl
BELLEVUE – Metropolitan King County Councilwoman Jane Hague has decided to have her unlicensed 4-year-old keeshond put to death after it bit a 14-year-old girl in front of Hague’s home here Tuesday afternoon.
Hague, who represents the County Council’s 11th District, acknowledged she forgot to get the license for “George” renewed after it expired at the end of last year.
Having an unlicensed dog is a misdemeanor, usually punishable by a fine.
The dog bit the girl on the leg when she and another girl were passing by. Hague conceded the attack was unprovoked and said she would have dog put to sleep after a 10-day quarantine period.
Copyright (c) 1996 Seattle Times Company, All Rights Reserved.
Seriously now… we all know Pope is a giant pain in the ass, but do you honestly want him representing the Eastside? Jane has been forthcoming about this issue, and regardless of the constant press hits against her – she still brings it home from the District. I would much rather have someone with a proven record for families, social services, and transportation on the Eastside than some guy who has lost his bid for public office about 10 times now.
I just noticed something. What’s with the typo in that document? Here ex hubby’s business was Aerophysics Research Corp, not “Aerophics”.
Ben Franklin,
“Seriously now… we all know Pope is a giant pain in the ass, but do you honestly want him representing the Eastside?”
Sure…as an Eastsider, I’d be fine with Pope. He is actually a very bright individual who graduated from U.W. Law School with top honors.
“Jane has been forthcoming about this issue, and regardless of the constant press hits against her – she still brings it home from the District.”
No…she has not been “forthcoming.” She blamed her staff. And what “press hits” are you talking about? You mean, the reports of her drunk driving arrest? Or are you talking about reports of her unprofessional conduct with the police? Or reports of her PDC violations (another staff problem, apparently)? Or do you mean the fact that the press now reports that she mislead us for years about her educational achievement?
Are any of these issues really a “press hit?” I don’t think so.
It seems to me that Hague is deeply flawed and has betrayed the public’s trust. For crying out loud…she cannot even be bothered to license her dog properly!?!?!? Or control it!
When it comes right down to it, Hague isn’t even a very good citizen!
“I would much rather have someone with a proven record for families, social services, and transportation on the Eastside than some guy who has lost his bid for public office about 10 times now.”
Not me…I would rather get rid of “blame everyone else” Hague and elect Pope.
@17: I bet she blames the kids now for her having to have her dog put down. And it was also their fault that her dog was unlicensed!
Somebody check her application for employment with King County. If she lied on that application when she got the job of Director of Records and Elections she could have a serious problem.
Hey Dwight Pelz! Can you hear me now!
Oh, and for kicks, go to Wikipedia and compare the Wa Dems page with the Wa Repugs entry. Pathetic.
Darryl @ 20. One thing you can’t ignore is that Jane is far more capable than Pope. The Muni League rated him ‘Unqualified’ – that speaks for itself. Even if you don’t share her party, as an Eastsider, you have directly benefited from her work. And correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t this blog actively advise people not to vote for Pope the last few times he has run? The fact of the matter is he is a whack job. If i remember correctly, Pope has had numerous bar complaints, has attacked a woman, and has documented mental health issues. Are all of you going to savage him when these stories come out?
Dickie Pope is a creepy vindictive man with nothing better to do than run for office every freakin year. That loony bastard can’t win a damn thing, and it’ll be satisfying when he loses this one as well. He is the very definition of an ass bag.
I cant say that I know much about the district 6 race, but I was just checking the two candidate’s websites… I cant find out ANYTHING about Richard Pope… he has a child and went to the university of Washington. Isn’t he in his forties or fifties… what has he ACCOMPLISHED? I cant find any reason to vote for him.
Straight from the HorsesAss mouth – interesting how you all jump on this guy’s bandwagon now, but back then he was a laughing stock for all of you. Darryl, there are a number of people who have graduated with honors (i.e. OJ Simpson) but it doesn’t make them any more qualified to run for office. As far as press, running the same lame education story 5 days later doesn’t seem to me like fair reporting. Honestly, I could care less about this whole resume issue – it hasn’t affected her ability to work. You fairweather Pope fans are entertaining to watch.
#27 — Richard’s Pope-a-Dope strategy seems to be working well on Hague.
By dissing Pope, the WA state Republicans have earned themselves an intelligent and resourceful political enemy. It has already cost them BIG — to the tune of $40,000 and a lost council seat.
“Ben Franklin”!!! Ha! That’s a laugh. Give me one quote from Ben Franklin that supports your political point of view.
# 26 — Well. If DUI’s and lies are what float your electoral boat, then vote for Hague.
(2) Pope is running for public office. Goldy posted information relevant to voters making a decision for the election. It is completely irrelevant that Pope participates in the comment threads. There is no reason to believe that Goldy would have avoided writing a similar post for someone who does not participate in the comment threads. -Daryl
Um so where is Popes record in your mind now Daryl? “He is an intelligent lawyer” um not quite as we saw Goldy define in “The Poop on Pope.” In fact the man is quite insane. Attacking women, missing filing dates, violating protection orders. I think the reason Sheary and Peltz avoided this one is because he’s a nut that the dems don’t want him associated with thier party. If losing fourteen races makes you smart then Mike the Mover and the Space Guy must be duking it out for a Nobel Prize.
Hey, you trolls better hop in your ’80’s Dodge K-cars and start tearing Richard’s signs down.
Ha! Ha! Vote for Hague! She’s a lying drunk!!!
OH, HO!!!!! Wingnuts missed the curb and their faces are flying fast toward the pavement.
Richard Pope is no slouch in the ethical lapse department. He’s been the subject of judicial sanctions for failing to attend to his responsibilities as an attorney and for filing frivilous appeals. Read about him at http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....pe08e.html
I’m no fan of Jane Hague, and I consider the resume issue to be serious, especially since I work in the executive search business.
But Pope is a dilettante and self-absorbed person whose entire platform is promoting Richard Pope.
6th District Voters should consider a write in vote as an alternative.
The Piper
$40,000 in fines to the ‘steaming butt-head’ WA Republicans — all because of Richard Pope.
That’s reason enough to vote for him.
And don’t forget: Rossi is NOT and never will be the Governor of this state. So, you better start the crying game now.
Nice work wingnuts missed the curb? I think the point is Richards an absolute freak and your getting behind him. Pardon me if I don’t get into theorehtical metaphors about curbs with you but doesn’t that matter? He is one of the worst candidates in our states history and has been a terrible person to boot. There needed to be a better candidate. Enough about blaming Sheary no one would run against Hague.
S-choir aka Richard no comment? I was just wondering if there were anymore curb analogies to help me see the light. The dems don’t support Richard because everyone with a toothbrush knows he sucks. Do you have a toothbrush s-choir?
Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do. -Benjamin Franklin
There you go… exactly what you fools are doing to Jane.
Ben Franklin @ 24
“One thing you can’t ignore is that Jane is far more capable than Pope. The Muni League rated him ‘Unqualified’ – that speaks for itself.”
Umm…except that Jane Hague is ALSO UNQUALIFIED TO BE A JUDGE! Obviously, nobody has rated Pope as unqualified for County Council. Sheesh!
“Even if you don’t share her party, as an Eastsider, you have directly benefited from her work.”
Well…I am ready to benefit from Pope’s leadership for awhile. I prefer to have a good citizen in public office. Hague lives up to the worst stereotype of a bad Republican.
” And correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t this blog actively advise people not to vote for Pope the last few times he has run?”
No. In fact this blog ENDORSED RICHARD POPE in recent elections (here and ).
“The fact of the matter is he is a whack job.”
Hmmm…is sounds like Jane Hague is a lot wackier than Richard Pope. Pope has never gotten a DUI arrest, and, in the process abused the police officers doing their job. He hasn’t lied about his academic credentials. And, as far as I know, he hasn’t “forgotten” to license his pets as required by law.
“If i remember correctly, Pope has had numerous bar complaints…”
You remember incorrectly. No bar has ever filed complaints against him.
“has attacked a woman”
Um…now you are just making shit up, asshole. Was he arrested? (Did he abuse the cops in the process?) Was he convicted of a crime?
“and has documented mental health issues.”
If, by that, you mean he has a daughter with autism, you would be correct.
“Are all of you going to savage him when these stories come out?”
Well, I’ve actually heard all of this bullshit before, and am aware of the underlying circumstances. So, here is a challenge for you. Try documenting your claims, rather than just lying about it. What you will find, is that the fluff you dig up about Richard Pope scarcely raises to level of bad citizenry that Hague has demonstrated.
Ben Franklin (A.K.A. Igor and Kooky),
“Straight from the HorsesAss mouth – 78. interesting how you all jump on this guy’s bandwagon now, but back then he was a laughing stock for all of you.”
If you read the entire post, Goldy explains why he posted that information, and wishes him well. Notice that Goldy has endorsed him for THIS RACE. The information was somewhat damaging for running for judge (although the other candidates also had similar blemishes on their records as lawyers), but it is specific to judicial positions, not County Council.
“Darryl, there are a number of people who have graduated with honors (i.e. OJ Simpson) but it doesn’t make them any more qualified to run for office.”
Sure…but MAKING UP YOUR ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS should certainly DISQUALIFY someone! Agreed?
“As far as press, running the same lame education story 5 days later doesn’t seem to me like fair reporting.”
They provided further reporting because they had additional information that called into question Jane Hagues veracity on her statements 5 days previously. Hague lied. And that’s news, dipshit!
“Honestly, I could care less about this whole resume issue – it hasn’t affected her ability to work.”
Yes…well, we all have our own sense of integrity. Excusing someone who lied about her academic credentials and then lied about lying about her academic credentials doesn’t really speak well for you, does it? (Posting under pseudonyms as if it weren’t you doesn’t say much for your integrity either, does it?)
“You fairweather Pope fans are entertaining to watch.”
That’s nice. You morally challenged Hague fans are real bores! (And not very bright, either.)
Piper Scott,
“Richard Pope is no slouch in the ethical lapse department. He’s been the subject of judicial sanctions for failing to attend to his responsibilities as an attorney and for filing frivilous appeals.”
Yep…and he has taken full responsibility for these things. He didn’t blame his clients, he didn’t blame the cops, he didn’t blame the clerks, he didn’t blame an assistant. He took personal responsibility.
“But Pope is a dilettante and self-absorbed person whose entire platform is promoting Richard Pope.”
Really? I’ve known Richard for a couple of years and he has never struck me as “self absorbed.” Piper…do you even live in Washington state? I thought you were a So. Cal. troll.
Ben Franklin (a.k.a. sophistcure et al.)
“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do. There you go… exactly what you fools are doing to Jane.”
But, but, but…Ben, cute aphorisms only generalize….
Is it really foolish to complain when a County Councilperson gets busted for drunk driving??? Is it really foolishly unfair of us to take notice when a County Councilperson gets abusive of police doing the right thing in arresting her???
Is lying about ones academic credentials so accepted today that it brings disgrace to those who find it completely unacceptable?
Man…Franklin (et al.) you wingnuts sure set low standards for yourselves!
Talk about qualifications is great, but have you ever spent any amount of time listening the the KCC? The bar is not set very high to be a member of that group. I include both sides of the aisle on that one. Some sleep in session. Others frequently talk of walk away during meetings, sometimes shouting votes in from the side rooms. Their grasp of issues limited and focuses on their particular interest.
Give Richard a chance and show the rest of them they just may be voted out.
I worked for about six months with a severely autistic youth. It was not an easy assignment, but it wasn’t really that difficult either. I learned to respect the Herculean effort these kids make to communicate and be a part of the human race.
Any single parent who takes on the task of raising an autistic child has my respect and my political endorsement.
Vote for Richard Pope. He has no time for triangulation!
Wow Daryl,
Check your facts Richard is rated unqualified for King County Council right now. Your undying allegiance to Pope’s insanity is overwhelming. You sound like a Buchanan suoporter, Do you have some more Curb anaolgies like S Choir? Pope is a dud and you freaks are insulting Peltz and Sheary by accusing them of letting you down. You let them down with your obsurd notions. Pope violated protection orders and is unquialified, rated incapable of having a law career, sued tens of government officials and lost every case. Its all in the Poop on Pope read up. PS Pope signed the Fred Thompson Pledge, he’s not a democrat republican or anything else, he’s a hurtful person who uses negativity in every thing he does.
Where do I live? Can best be answered by a great quote uttered by Lee Marvin in his role as Liberty Valance in the classic western, “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance…”
“I live where I hang my hat…”
I’ve hung it in Western Washington since April 1963.
Embracing a candidate like Richard Pope says more about you than you realize…Birds of a feather…
The Piper
I’ve known Richard for a little over 6 years. Used him as an attorney several times and spent lots of time with him. I can definitely say that every negative thing I’ve heard about him is absolute BS. Yes he did piss off a judge for missing some deadlines. Most people don’t know that when this happened, his father who he had been taking care of in his house for many years had recently died. It was also the same time he got custody of his autistic daughter. Richard is a saint compared to many of the slimy people we have in politics.
Yes he’s different. Can you imagine the kind of a mind required to graduate 3rd in your class at the UW Law School? Like Jane Hague, most of these Republican trolls on this site only wish they had a college degree. Richard’s got two of them. The second one is in Economics. Imagine having someone educated on our County Council.
Before this race is over the rhetoric against Richard is going to get even worse because the Republicans are getting real scared. Interesting thing about politics; how it seems to collect the slime of our communities. The backbiting and back room deal making to falsely tarnish someone’s reputation is about as low as you can get. Yet I’m sure those who rail against Richard have probably not accomplished even a fraction of what he has.
If you haven’t yet looked at his site,, you’ll get a chance to see and here him on many recent TV and radio interviews. Then compare him against his opponent. This election we do have a clear choice.
#46 — I could say the same about Luke Esser, Jane Hague, andTed Bundy.
Ted Bundy??? What does he have to do with anything? Unless you want to mention that he was once a top-of-his-class law student in this area before he moved to Utah.
Remember…I’ve publicly stated I’m not a fan of Jane Hague, who will win nevertheless. If you want to cast a protest vote, write in someone’s name.
But Richard Pope??? He makes as much sense as Lynden LaRouche, and he has about as much support with it from equally self-marginalized wild-eyed types.
Also remember…up until a few weeks ago, Richard Pope portrayed himself as a conservative Republican…Now he claims he’s a Democrat…From where I sit, the only agenda he really has is the one he sees every morning when he looks in the mirror.
The Piper
“Your undying allegiance to Pope’s insanity is overwhelming.”
Insanity? You mean like posting under multiple names in the same blog comment thread? That either makes you schizophrenic or disingenuous.
Apparently, you chose to vote for someone who drives drunk, abuses the police, can’t properly file PDC forms, has deceived about her education for decades, and lies about that deception, and can’t even be bothered to license her dog.
“but…but…but…other than all those things…she’s a great community leader” Sorry…no thank you. Hague has lost ALL credibility.
“Pope violated protection orders and is unquialified, rated incapable of having a law career, sued tens of government officials and lost every case.”
No…Pope has never “violated protection orders.” He has not been “rated incapable of having a law career.” You just make this bullshit up!
And…Richard has filed PDC and ethics complaints against a number politicians…on both sides of the isle. A recent case comes to mind.
When it comes right down to it, I’d rather have a councilperson who demands integrity in politicians of all varieties (even if that hurts some people’s feelings) than a drunk-driving, ethically challenged, liar.
And Hague is a liar.
Piper Scott,
“Embracing a candidate like Richard Pope says more about you than you realize…Birds of a feather…”
Well…at least I am consistent. I’ve largely supported, and voted for, Richard for a number of years (most recently for Port Commissioner in 05 and against LaSalata for Judge in 06).
But I am not sure about this “Birds of a Feather” bullshit. I mean…have you ever voted for George Bush? Does that make you “George Bush-like?” You know…stupid, prone to invade sovereign nations, largely incapable of verbal coherency, afraid of horses… (Apparently not…you are at least smart enough to use a computer.)
The fact is, Hague has betrayed the public trust in so many ways that she has no business being in a position of political leadership. Period. I’ll be glad to vote for Richard again.
So…you’ve voted for Pope for a number of years? So…you’re a Republican voter?
Gosh, darn! Try explaining that next time you attend a Drinking Liberally function…
Interesting that you ignored the King County Bar Association’s special red-flag warning about Pope during his race for a seat on the bench in the Northeast District Court. Frank LaSalata, who I voted for, received good marks while Pope…flunked.
Say…are you one of the two Darryl’s from the most recent incarnation of a Bob Newhart TV show? Type casting, if you ask me.
The Piper
Piper Scott,
“But Richard Pope??? He makes as much sense as Lynden LaRouche, and he has about as much support with it from equally self-marginalized wild-eyed types.”
Hmmm…making shit up today, are you? Your statement is not supported by the results last year when he lost to LaSalata 44% to 56%.
“Also remember…up until a few weeks ago, Richard Pope portrayed himself as a conservative Republican…”
Really? Where has he called himself a “conservative Republican?” Or is this just more made-up shit, Piper?
“Now he claims he’s a Democrat…”
Richard, like many people, is through with being a Republican, because of (1) the failed policies of the Bush administration, and (2) the wackiness of the KC GOP. It’s hard to blame him–the Republican brand name has been pummeled by Bush and the KC GOP in recent years.
What this election is really about is this: It’s either going to be Pope or Hague in the office next year. And Hague no longer deserves the privileged of serving on the council.
Piper Scott,
“So…you’ve voted for Pope for a number of years? So…you’re a Republican voter?”
I’m an independent. I’ve never, ever claimed otherwise. I vote for who I think should hold the office.
“Gosh, darn! Try explaining that next time you attend a Drinking Liberally function…”
Ummm…believe it or not, we occasionally have Republican guests at Drinking Liberally: ReporterWard, Scott Nobel, and Sharkansky come to mind.
“Interesting that you ignored the King County Bar Association’s special red-flag warning about Pope during his race for a seat on the bench in the Northeast District Court. Frank LaSalata, who I voted for, received good marks while Pope…flunked.”
Yes…indeed, I did ignore their rankings. LaSalata had his own problems while serving as a judge that I felt were more severe than Richards problems while serving as a lawyer.
“Say…are you one of the two Darryl’s from the most recent incarnation of a Bob Newhart TV show? Type casting, if you ask me.”
Gee…I’ve never heard that one before…that’s funny stuff.
@53…Darryl…and his brother, the other Darryl…
From The Seattle Times :
“After candidates fill out a questionnaire, the (King County Bar) association typically interviews each one and as many as 60 references. Pope declined to participate in the process because he said the association is biased against conservative candidates like himself.”
This article was published at a time when Richard Pope was a self-described (and so described by everyone else in town)Republican, albeit running for a non-partisan office. Also, remember Pope served as an elected Republican Precinct Committee Officer, to my knowledge, the only elective office he’s every aspired to successfully.
If you want to cast a protest vote, fine. But don’t yoke yourself unequally to someone who’s considered a joke.
The Piper
He is Scott St. Clair, an executive candidate searcher and recruiter. “Scott St. Clair Assocates, Inc provides executive search and human resource consulting services to client companies in the paper and nonwovens industries throughout North America and the world.”
And yes, Scott is a proud and accomplished bagpipe player, who proudly dresses in a kilt and plays the pipes with the Elliott Bay Pipe Band.
But it is important to see what Piper Scott says in real life to professional men and women who are seeking his placement services and advice? What does our esteemed Republican Piper says about lying on one’s resume’?
“Always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always TELL THE TRUTH!!!
Pay attention to details because they matter. A misspelled word in a resume is enough to sink an otherwise excellent candidate in many companies. After all, if you’re not careful with your own important matters, how can a company be confident that you will be careful with theirs?”
@55…Whomever it is that copped my name…
I’ve been outed!
BTW…I’m no longer with the EBPB…left a long time ago.
And what I said about resumes stands. You’ll notice that my postings on this issue have been critical of Jane Hague.
It was wrong of her to allow the misrepresentation that she had a degree from WMU (which, BTW, is one of the best paper science and engineering schools in the country), and she compounded the error every time it was mentioned without a correction.
Can anyone claim I’ve said otherwise?
The Piper
@53…Darryl, Darryl, where ya goin’ to?…
My response to your challenge in re Pope as a conservative got caught in Goldy’s spam filter…It will, I hope, show up eventually.
Have a nice day…
The Piper
Ted Bundy was a young up and comer in the KC GOP way back when. As a murderous sociopathic personality seeking a law degree, he fit right in!
Piper Scott,
Sorry about your comment being trapped. I’ve been out all afternoon. As you noted, Pope was running as an independent at the time. He is certainly a conservative Democrat, but he has never called himself a conservative Republican because that term means much more conservative than a conservative Democrat (or even a conservative non-partisan candidate). BTW: while it is true that Richard was a PCO and tried to play nicely with the Republicans, he also ran as a Democrat against Norm Maleng in his second run for office.
“If you want to cast a protest vote, fine. But don’t yoke yourself unequally to someone who’s considered a joke.”
Thanks for the advice, but I strongly disagree with your contention that Richard is a joke. He is not a “Mike the Mover” who runs for the inexpensive publicity. Richard really does want to be a public servant. But, he has frequently run against strong incumbents (like Maleng) where nobody else had the courage to run. I find that rather admirable. Frankly, I am disappointed when the major parties don’t run candidates in EVERY partisan race possible. I find it disgusting that the Republicans failed to support him when he was being a “good citizen” for them. I’ll feel the same way if the Democrats refuse to support him.
@ 40
Yes his explanation was he is insane. Now THAT’s taking responsibility.