Sounds like social exclusion. Wouldn’t that be bigotry?
The people that say they are being discriminated against want to exclude others and make themselves the superior beings of all. Sounds like hypocrisy to me. Sounds like ISIS. These religious radicals are nut bags and causing all the strife in the world. Freedom of religion is let me exist and take over the world and make you live the way I do – that is ISIS. The American Taliban need to be told, you are free to do what you want but that doesn’t include your interfering with my life.
Liberal Scientist is the "Most vile leftist on this blog!"spews:
This passage really does underlie so much.
“We’re righteous – God loves us more – therefore, we get all the goodies.”
It’s endless justification for….anything.
You’re strong enough to take from those around you…you must be righteous!!
And those wretched saps in Gaza, or Ferguson….you had it coming…shut up and accept your lot.
@2…sympathizing with terrorists and rioters, typical useful-idiot liberal.
And who is it, that can be considered “righteous”? Would it be the people who use religion to make themselves wealthier than they could ever possibly be by actually working for a living? Or perhaps it is the people who drive their Mercedes Benz automobiles to church every Sunday to listen attentively to a Minister that tells them that “some people were born on this Earth to serve their masters” while looking specifically at the only black family in the room. Or perhaps it is the soldiers of the world. “God, has a HARD-ON for Marines, because they KILL everything they see”.
I’m not so sure that the term “righteous” can apply to anyone. Because of the simple fact that the people who often consider themselves as such, wearing it on their sleeves and shoving peoples faces in it like some folks do to a dog when he throws up on the carpet, are pretty much ubiquitously the biggest liars, thieves and fools of the world.
It’s an absolutist term, and entirely subjective. “Got Mit Uns” was on the belt buckle of every SS soldier in the Third Reich. The people that butchered their neighbors by the hundreds of thousands in Rwanda were pretty sure of the righteousness of their actions, as were the various factions that spent 11 years slaughtering each other in the former Yugoslavia.
So, who exactly are we talking about here?
@3 not all people from Gaza and Ferguson are terrorists or rioters respectively.
@5…The people causing the problems are, yet you useful-idiot liberals like to place the blame on the wrong sides…basically everyday is opposite day for you weirdos.
@4…Actually just to be OCD, “Gott mit uns” was used on Wehrmacht belt buckles, while SS-thug belt buckles were stamped with the phrase “Meine Ehre heißt Treue” (‘My honor is loyalty’).
@ 6
So you admit that the Police in Ferguson are terrorists? No matter how you slice it, that was an extrajudical killing committed by a sworn Officer of the Law who had absolutely no legal foundation to justify it. It was the summary execution of a young man in the street for the crime of sassing a Cop and then running away.
In my book, that is called cold-blooded deliberate murder. Police know that they can “shoot a nigger dead” pretty much any time they please and never suffer any consequences.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You humans are so obtuse. Its meaning is clear. Rabbits will rule!
@8…So you are privy to detailed information from the yet incomplete investigations?
Like I said, you must live in opposite land, where Hamas and the New Black Panther Party are good and decent folk.
There is no epidemic of Police killing African-Americans, and the drumming up a disgusting frenzy based on such a falsehood is irresponsible and borderline criminal.
3 israeli’s were killed and the they started a riot too. They didn’t wait for a trial or getting justice for the killers, instead they went on a big riot tour.
@11…You win the prize for the worst description of the situation ever. Stay in school.
Actually, I mean this verse as a reference to Washington’s estate tax family farm exemption. But that’s the beauty of religious scripture, isn’t it? People can interpret “God’s word” to justify just about anything.
Liberal Scientist is the "Most vile leftist on this blog!"spews:
He doesn’t seem that far off.
The three kids in question were murdered right after they were taken, and the Netanyahu government knew that.
To hide that, they threw a gag-order around reporting (where have we seen that recently?).
They whipped up racist frenzy on the home front.
They shook down hundreds of innocent, non-involved Palestinians in the West Bank, and they arrested a large number of Palestinians who had been freed as part of the last cease-fire negotiation, in clear violation of that agreement, and without pretext.
The Netanyahu government and Hamas in Gaza both knew that the kidnappers were rogue thugs in Hebron, and this wasn’t a Hamas operation or a Hamas attack on Israel.
Netanyahu and the right-wing in Israel need a Hamas enemy and a war mentality…and that’s exactly what they whipped up around three murders that should have stayed a police matter, down to Israelis cheering as howitzers droped shells on Gaza in an operation that predominantly killed innocent noncombatants and children, and did anti-terrorist things like wipe out clean water for 1.6 million people.
@13 always thinking locally, Goldy. It’s why you’re one of the last hopes for journalism locally. (are you sure you don’t want to focus on film or music reviews or Missouri? That’s simultaneously safer, easier, and, more profitable)
In passing, i always assumed Psalm 37:29 was the victors patting themselves on the back retroactively: we’re (currently) controlling this land, therefore we are the righteous, (this land… here. ignore that city over there held by the Philistines, “it’s a silly place”)
@14…Wow, someone sure likes the taste of propoganda.
@14 not to mention that they then destroyed about every building in Gaza with all the bombing. Why? Because three kids were murdered, justification works for them but anyone else is labeled a terrorist or rioter. How about just working towards peace?
Working towards peace – I guess then that would be like trying to abide by the bible in stead of all the other bullshit people want to make out of it.
@16 why so much unconditional support for Israel? Can they do no wrong? Some of their own citizens feel they go to far.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
People can interpret “God’s word” to justify just about anything.
Founding Fathers’ words, too.
@19 does Haganah indicate “unconditional support” for Israel just by calling your “unconditional” criticism of Israel [sic] “propoganda”? (and you might want to search on the name “Haganah” a bit if you want to refine your outrage a bit)
anyone who declares, or even apparently declares, one side is entirely to blame in some current middle-east horror, betrays their ignorance of history. and i’m talking ancient history, not just europe in the 1940s. of course, one also should beware of false equivalence, particularly in short time periods. Israel is certainly guilty of overt brutality at this time; and it’s correct to call them on it. but beware of getting sucked into one narrative without the perspective of about 1200+years
watch this video three times before you’re again so sure about that region of the middle-east:
sally kinneyspews:
@19, you probably are aware that Hamas has been shooting missiles into Israel for the last 5 years (which was the reason for the blockade), but I guess that doesn’t make any difference to you, because Israel is evil. Enjoy your scapegoating.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
They whipped up racist frenzy on the home front.
Um, the “frenzy” was whipped up when the three teenagers were murdered.
In Ferguson, one dead teenager was enough to do it.
@17…”they then destroyed about every building in Gaza with all the bombing.”
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 17, 24
Sources in the Gaza Strip reported on Sunday that the number of houses that were completely destroyed during the war is 797.
So, roughly one Palestinian home destroyed for every third rocket fired by Hamas toward Israel.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 I’m with you! The Bible and Constitution should be interpreted precisely as intended by the people who wrote them. The Second Amendment plainly says you can keep and bear a muzzle-loading flintlock rifle if you’re a member of a Minuteman group fighting the Redcoats. The Bible plainly tells you not to fight the Redcoats at all; you’re supposed to let them smack the bejeezus out of your left cheek after they’re turned your right cheek to pulp. Only one little problem. Now can you reconcile the Bible and Constitution for me?
ergo, if you & your family get booted from your property because of a Washington State estate tax you are so damn unrighteous that a camel has a better chance of getting through the eye of a needle than you do of entering the Kingdom of God.
In a bar enjoying a cold beer, otherwise I’d be ably to respond more In depth. But I didn’t criticize Israel unconditionally. As far as what was reported is that the three murders sparked the latest conflict. Not sure why thre makes mor of a difference than one. And for 2800 missiles fired there wasn’t much damaged shown or reported in Israel. How about comparing the number of people dead if you want to compare. I ask again can Israel do no wrong?
Hamas’ rockets are unmatched to the destruction Israel did. Stupid of Hamas to think they can win, but you are the one trying to make analogy to one side versus the other side. I merely pointed out tha 3 murders turning into a major riot.
@28, the reason all the missiles fired into Israel didn’t cause much damage (although they were psychological hell for people who had to hear the alarms and run for the shelters) is that Israel built the Iron Dome, which intercepted most of the missiles. They also built bomb shelters. Hamas, on the other hand, buried their weapons in schools, mosques, and residences, and provided absolutely no shelter for people. They wouldn’t even let them take shelter in the many tunnels dug by Hamas into Israel and Egypt. The people were trapped.
Israel of course, like any nation, can do wrong. But it certainly seems to care more about its citizens than Hamas does.
@21 hagana was not referring to any of my comments as propaganda, he was making that comment to someone else.
@30 you a writing like as if I defend Hamas, I don’t and I am not. So they are more stupid, more callous, more animalistic, how ever you want to describe them. If I remember history correctly, which I can’t, but I vaguely remember a documentary that showed how Israel used terrorism in their struggles. I’m just saying, 3 kids being murdered start a major riotfifight/struggle. And I ask can Israel do no wrong.
@30 shouldn’t we care about all human life or just the life of your nationality?
@22 do you think gays are evil?
@21 outrage? Why do you have to characterize my comments as outrage? There was nothing outrageous that I said? Makes you think you win that way?
“So, roughly one Palestinian home destroyed for every third rocket fired by Hamas toward Israel.”
That’s some extra-reality fuckwaddery you engage in, there, Squirt.
What nuggets of wisdom will we hear from you next? “During WWII the Japanese release 9,000 balloon bombs aimed at the U.S. That was some 4,500 bombs aimed at us for every one atomic bomb we dropped on them….” ???
Roger Rabbitspews:
Yeah, well, I guess if you shoot at someone you should expect them to shoot back, and if they have more and bigger guns it won’t necessarily be equal. On the other hand, I wouldn’t like living under the thumb of an occupier either, especially a hostile one. It’s tempting to say these people deserve each other, but that doesn’t solve the problem, and there are real issues needing resolution that aren’t getting resolved. I don’t know what the answer is. Maybe there isn’t one and it’ll just go on and on.
@36. Kind of like him saying he gets $0.56 per kWh in saving from his solar system. Sound like he liked making shit up.
Liberal Scientist is the "Most vile leftist on this blog!"spews:
The much vaunted “Iron Dome” doesn’t really work, or so says an MIT rocket scientist.
(I know, I know, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has been infiltrated by the Palestinians forEVAH!!)
Liberal Scientist is the "Most vile leftist on this blog!"spews:
Here’s a link to the Netanyahu government’s gag order on reporting about the investigation about the Israeli teens murders, prior to the release of info that they were indeed murdered.
Liberal Scientist is the "Most vile leftist on this blog!"spews:
The murderers of the Israeli teenagers were rogue thugs that have a pattern of trying to fuck up negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis. They were not Hamas.
Liberal Scientist is the "Most vile leftist on this blog!"spews:
“Haganah” above @16, accused me of liking the taste of propaganda…I beg to differ.
Liberal scientist, 8 comments in a row trying to prove — what? Just what in hell are you saying? One US scientist claims Iron Dome doesn’t work? Is that all you got compared to more than 2,000 missiles being shot into Israel? Or are you saying that those missiles WEREN’T shot into Israel and the Israelis are lying? Grow some and say what you mean instead of endlessly posting crappy innuendos.
Liberal Scientist is the "Most vile leftist on this blog!"spews:
What the fuck are you talking about, Sarah?
I’ve been posting here a long time, and I don’t think any of the regulars would accuse me of not speaking my mind.
What sort of innuendo are you babbling about?
I was responding to your inaccurate comment that the much vaunted Iron Dome was protecting Israelis, when it was mostly a combination of old-fashioned civil defense and the shitty quality of the missiles themselves.
I was also responding to Haganah’s accusation that I was lapping up propaganda. Reminds me of my neighbor…who during the last Israeli murder-fest in Gaza (“Cast lead”) assured me that the Palestinians were sub-human animals…AND they totally controlled our media.
The recent posts above with citations (WOW! CITATIONS! Think about trying them yourself!) support my post @14 about recent events – when I posted @14 I didn’t have time to post the links…just trying to be a good HA citizen.
Now…what do you accuse me of asserting by innuendo?
@47 were you there to count the missiles? How can you claim that amount? And yet you are try to say to liberal scientist that his. 8 comments with links are meaningless. There I said it. Where did that number get generated? From a government official. We can’t believe are own government, some, on Benghazi, yet the Israeli government can do no wrong.
You know there are some issues when Americans be more trusting of the Israeli government more than their own government. Maybe you that trust Israel so much more would be happier living there.
Liberal Scientist is the "Most vile leftist on this blog!"spews:
I’ve been disgusted by Netanyahu, Likud, and the far right in Israel – who, unfortunately for them and for us, hold political sway- for a long time.
From everything I’ve read, earlier this year, the endless blockade of Gaza was working and Hamas critically weakened. Hamas is an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood, and when Morsi was overthrown in a military coup in Egypt, they lost a big international sponsor. They were essentially capitulating to Fatah in the West Bank and signed an agreement that to my understanding made them subordinate to Fatah, and therefore deferent to Fatah’s recognition of Israel.
THAT’s what Likud could not countenance….the potential loss of their biggest boogeyman. The Fatah-Hamas accord could have been spun by Israel deftly as a move by Hamas toward peace, a de-fanging of their biggest monster, but that would have placed their own intransigence – particularly the ongoing and completely illegal settlement building – in a difficult light.
And before anyone goes off on “Hamas won’t recognize Israel….”, I would look to Likud’s platform and Netanyahu’s statements…they have no intention of allowing a sovereign Palestinian state. Likud and their further-right partners are in the process of destroying, if they haven’t acheived that already, ANY possibility of a two-state solution. An essential feature of that is the ongoing strangulation of West Bank bantustans and the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.
And before anyone calls me an anti-Semite or a deluded kool-aid drinker, here is Henry Seigman, former head of the American Jewish Congress, saying the same thing…
“I don’t think any of the regulars would accuse me of not speaking my mind.”
You not only speak your mind, my friend, you do it very well.
I don’t know where Sarah is coming from, and so I don’t speak of her when I say that I have nothing but contempt for those American Christian fundamentalists for whom Israel and the Jews are but a means to arrive at Armageddon, which wouldn’t turn out very well for the Israeli Jew population, obviously, and yet hate on any American who merely criticizes their government. I reckon it threatens their dreams of being end-day raptured or something.
Puddybud - The One The Onlyspews:
Hamas is creating another war crime each time they fire a missile into a residential area. 2600 specific war crime entries so far! Nary a peep from any HA DUMMOCRETIN, from the lead ones to the low lifes!
HA DUMMOCRETINS turn a blind eye to that! Instead it’s all Israel’s fault. So leftist pinheads… have you been to Israel? Have you spoken to the folk on the street?
Sounds like social exclusion. Wouldn’t that be bigotry?
The people that say they are being discriminated against want to exclude others and make themselves the superior beings of all. Sounds like hypocrisy to me. Sounds like ISIS. These religious radicals are nut bags and causing all the strife in the world. Freedom of religion is let me exist and take over the world and make you live the way I do – that is ISIS. The American Taliban need to be told, you are free to do what you want but that doesn’t include your interfering with my life.
This passage really does underlie so much.
“We’re righteous – God loves us more – therefore, we get all the goodies.”
It’s endless justification for….anything.
You’re strong enough to take from those around you…you must be righteous!!
And those wretched saps in Gaza, or Ferguson….you had it coming…shut up and accept your lot.
@2…sympathizing with terrorists and rioters, typical useful-idiot liberal.
And who is it, that can be considered “righteous”? Would it be the people who use religion to make themselves wealthier than they could ever possibly be by actually working for a living? Or perhaps it is the people who drive their Mercedes Benz automobiles to church every Sunday to listen attentively to a Minister that tells them that “some people were born on this Earth to serve their masters” while looking specifically at the only black family in the room. Or perhaps it is the soldiers of the world. “God, has a HARD-ON for Marines, because they KILL everything they see”.
I’m not so sure that the term “righteous” can apply to anyone. Because of the simple fact that the people who often consider themselves as such, wearing it on their sleeves and shoving peoples faces in it like some folks do to a dog when he throws up on the carpet, are pretty much ubiquitously the biggest liars, thieves and fools of the world.
It’s an absolutist term, and entirely subjective. “Got Mit Uns” was on the belt buckle of every SS soldier in the Third Reich. The people that butchered their neighbors by the hundreds of thousands in Rwanda were pretty sure of the righteousness of their actions, as were the various factions that spent 11 years slaughtering each other in the former Yugoslavia.
So, who exactly are we talking about here?
@3 not all people from Gaza and Ferguson are terrorists or rioters respectively.
@5…The people causing the problems are, yet you useful-idiot liberals like to place the blame on the wrong sides…basically everyday is opposite day for you weirdos.
@4…Actually just to be OCD, “Gott mit uns” was used on Wehrmacht belt buckles, while SS-thug belt buckles were stamped with the phrase “Meine Ehre heißt Treue” (‘My honor is loyalty’).
@ 6
So you admit that the Police in Ferguson are terrorists? No matter how you slice it, that was an extrajudical killing committed by a sworn Officer of the Law who had absolutely no legal foundation to justify it. It was the summary execution of a young man in the street for the crime of sassing a Cop and then running away.
In my book, that is called cold-blooded deliberate murder. Police know that they can “shoot a nigger dead” pretty much any time they please and never suffer any consequences.
You humans are so obtuse. Its meaning is clear. Rabbits will rule!
@8…So you are privy to detailed information from the yet incomplete investigations?
Like I said, you must live in opposite land, where Hamas and the New Black Panther Party are good and decent folk.
There is no epidemic of Police killing African-Americans, and the drumming up a disgusting frenzy based on such a falsehood is irresponsible and borderline criminal.
3 israeli’s were killed and the they started a riot too. They didn’t wait for a trial or getting justice for the killers, instead they went on a big riot tour.
@11…You win the prize for the worst description of the situation ever. Stay in school.
Actually, I mean this verse as a reference to Washington’s estate tax family farm exemption. But that’s the beauty of religious scripture, isn’t it? People can interpret “God’s word” to justify just about anything.
He doesn’t seem that far off.
The three kids in question were murdered right after they were taken, and the Netanyahu government knew that.
To hide that, they threw a gag-order around reporting (where have we seen that recently?).
They whipped up racist frenzy on the home front.
They shook down hundreds of innocent, non-involved Palestinians in the West Bank, and they arrested a large number of Palestinians who had been freed as part of the last cease-fire negotiation, in clear violation of that agreement, and without pretext.
The Netanyahu government and Hamas in Gaza both knew that the kidnappers were rogue thugs in Hebron, and this wasn’t a Hamas operation or a Hamas attack on Israel.
Netanyahu and the right-wing in Israel need a Hamas enemy and a war mentality…and that’s exactly what they whipped up around three murders that should have stayed a police matter, down to Israelis cheering as howitzers droped shells on Gaza in an operation that predominantly killed innocent noncombatants and children, and did anti-terrorist things like wipe out clean water for 1.6 million people.
@13 always thinking locally, Goldy. It’s why you’re one of the last hopes for journalism locally. (are you sure you don’t want to focus on film or music reviews or Missouri? That’s simultaneously safer, easier, and, more profitable)
In passing, i always assumed Psalm 37:29 was the victors patting themselves on the back retroactively: we’re (currently) controlling this land, therefore we are the righteous, (this land… here. ignore that city over there held by the Philistines, “it’s a silly place”)
@14…Wow, someone sure likes the taste of propoganda.
@14 not to mention that they then destroyed about every building in Gaza with all the bombing. Why? Because three kids were murdered, justification works for them but anyone else is labeled a terrorist or rioter. How about just working towards peace?
Working towards peace – I guess then that would be like trying to abide by the bible in stead of all the other bullshit people want to make out of it.
@16 why so much unconditional support for Israel? Can they do no wrong? Some of their own citizens feel they go to far.
People can interpret “God’s word” to justify just about anything.
Founding Fathers’ words, too.
@19 does Haganah indicate “unconditional support” for Israel just by calling your “unconditional” criticism of Israel [sic] “propoganda”? (and you might want to search on the name “Haganah” a bit if you want to refine your outrage a bit)
anyone who declares, or even apparently declares, one side is entirely to blame in some current middle-east horror, betrays their ignorance of history. and i’m talking ancient history, not just europe in the 1940s. of course, one also should beware of false equivalence, particularly in short time periods. Israel is certainly guilty of overt brutality at this time; and it’s correct to call them on it. but beware of getting sucked into one narrative without the perspective of about 1200+years
watch this video three times before you’re again so sure about that region of the middle-east:
@19, you probably are aware that Hamas has been shooting missiles into Israel for the last 5 years (which was the reason for the blockade), but I guess that doesn’t make any difference to you, because Israel is evil. Enjoy your scapegoating.
They whipped up racist frenzy on the home front.
Um, the “frenzy” was whipped up when the three teenagers were murdered.
In Ferguson, one dead teenager was enough to do it.
@17…”they then destroyed about every building in Gaza with all the bombing.”
@ 17, 24
Sources in the Gaza Strip reported on Sunday that the number of houses that were completely destroyed during the war is 797.
Number of rockets fired by Hamas toward Israel over about three weeks: 2600
So, roughly one Palestinian home destroyed for every third rocket fired by Hamas toward Israel.
@20 I’m with you! The Bible and Constitution should be interpreted precisely as intended by the people who wrote them. The Second Amendment plainly says you can keep and bear a muzzle-loading flintlock rifle if you’re a member of a Minuteman group fighting the Redcoats. The Bible plainly tells you not to fight the Redcoats at all; you’re supposed to let them smack the bejeezus out of your left cheek after they’re turned your right cheek to pulp. Only one little problem. Now can you reconcile the Bible and Constitution for me?
ergo, if you & your family get booted from your property because of a Washington State estate tax you are so damn unrighteous that a camel has a better chance of getting through the eye of a needle than you do of entering the Kingdom of God.
In a bar enjoying a cold beer, otherwise I’d be ably to respond more In depth. But I didn’t criticize Israel unconditionally. As far as what was reported is that the three murders sparked the latest conflict. Not sure why thre makes mor of a difference than one. And for 2800 missiles fired there wasn’t much damaged shown or reported in Israel. How about comparing the number of people dead if you want to compare. I ask again can Israel do no wrong?
Hamas’ rockets are unmatched to the destruction Israel did. Stupid of Hamas to think they can win, but you are the one trying to make analogy to one side versus the other side. I merely pointed out tha 3 murders turning into a major riot.
@28, the reason all the missiles fired into Israel didn’t cause much damage (although they were psychological hell for people who had to hear the alarms and run for the shelters) is that Israel built the Iron Dome, which intercepted most of the missiles. They also built bomb shelters. Hamas, on the other hand, buried their weapons in schools, mosques, and residences, and provided absolutely no shelter for people. They wouldn’t even let them take shelter in the many tunnels dug by Hamas into Israel and Egypt. The people were trapped.
Israel of course, like any nation, can do wrong. But it certainly seems to care more about its citizens than Hamas does.
@21 hagana was not referring to any of my comments as propaganda, he was making that comment to someone else.
@30 you a writing like as if I defend Hamas, I don’t and I am not. So they are more stupid, more callous, more animalistic, how ever you want to describe them. If I remember history correctly, which I can’t, but I vaguely remember a documentary that showed how Israel used terrorism in their struggles. I’m just saying, 3 kids being murdered start a major riotfifight/struggle. And I ask can Israel do no wrong.
@30 shouldn’t we care about all human life or just the life of your nationality?
@22 do you think gays are evil?
@21 outrage? Why do you have to characterize my comments as outrage? There was nothing outrageous that I said? Makes you think you win that way?
Sloppy Travis Bickle,
“So, roughly one Palestinian home destroyed for every third rocket fired by Hamas toward Israel.”
That’s some extra-reality fuckwaddery you engage in, there, Squirt.
What nuggets of wisdom will we hear from you next? “During WWII the Japanese release 9,000 balloon bombs aimed at the U.S. That was some 4,500 bombs aimed at us for every one atomic bomb we dropped on them….” ???
Yeah, well, I guess if you shoot at someone you should expect them to shoot back, and if they have more and bigger guns it won’t necessarily be equal. On the other hand, I wouldn’t like living under the thumb of an occupier either, especially a hostile one. It’s tempting to say these people deserve each other, but that doesn’t solve the problem, and there are real issues needing resolution that aren’t getting resolved. I don’t know what the answer is. Maybe there isn’t one and it’ll just go on and on.
@36. Kind of like him saying he gets $0.56 per kWh in saving from his solar system. Sound like he liked making shit up.
The much vaunted “Iron Dome” doesn’t really work, or so says an MIT rocket scientist.
But it’s GREAT public relations.
(I know, I know, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has been infiltrated by the Palestinians forEVAH!!)
Here’s a link to the Netanyahu government’s gag order on reporting about the investigation about the Israeli teens murders, prior to the release of info that they were indeed murdered.
The Israeli government knew they were dead the day they were abducted.
The Jerusalem Post:
The murderers of the Israeli teenagers were rogue thugs that have a pattern of trying to fuck up negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis. They were not Hamas.
The Israeli public was manipulated by the government to believe the teens were alive:
Israeli Ambassador to the UN, knowing that the boys were dead, cynically, manipulatively did this:
“It has been five days since our boys went missing,” Prosor thundered, “and I ask the international community, where are you? Where are you?!”
Hideous race hatred, whipped up by the Netanyahu government…
“Haganah” above @16, accused me of liking the taste of propaganda…I beg to differ.
Liberal scientist, 8 comments in a row trying to prove — what? Just what in hell are you saying? One US scientist claims Iron Dome doesn’t work? Is that all you got compared to more than 2,000 missiles being shot into Israel? Or are you saying that those missiles WEREN’T shot into Israel and the Israelis are lying? Grow some and say what you mean instead of endlessly posting crappy innuendos.
What the fuck are you talking about, Sarah?
I’ve been posting here a long time, and I don’t think any of the regulars would accuse me of not speaking my mind.
What sort of innuendo are you babbling about?
I was responding to your inaccurate comment that the much vaunted Iron Dome was protecting Israelis, when it was mostly a combination of old-fashioned civil defense and the shitty quality of the missiles themselves.
I was also responding to Haganah’s accusation that I was lapping up propaganda. Reminds me of my neighbor…who during the last Israeli murder-fest in Gaza (“Cast lead”) assured me that the Palestinians were sub-human animals…AND they totally controlled our media.
The recent posts above with citations (WOW! CITATIONS! Think about trying them yourself!) support my post @14 about recent events – when I posted @14 I didn’t have time to post the links…just trying to be a good HA citizen.
Now…what do you accuse me of asserting by innuendo?
@47 were you there to count the missiles? How can you claim that amount? And yet you are try to say to liberal scientist that his. 8 comments with links are meaningless. There I said it. Where did that number get generated? From a government official. We can’t believe are own government, some, on Benghazi, yet the Israeli government can do no wrong.
You know there are some issues when Americans be more trusting of the Israeli government more than their own government. Maybe you that trust Israel so much more would be happier living there.
I’ve been disgusted by Netanyahu, Likud, and the far right in Israel – who, unfortunately for them and for us, hold political sway- for a long time.
From everything I’ve read, earlier this year, the endless blockade of Gaza was working and Hamas critically weakened. Hamas is an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood, and when Morsi was overthrown in a military coup in Egypt, they lost a big international sponsor. They were essentially capitulating to Fatah in the West Bank and signed an agreement that to my understanding made them subordinate to Fatah, and therefore deferent to Fatah’s recognition of Israel.
THAT’s what Likud could not countenance….the potential loss of their biggest boogeyman. The Fatah-Hamas accord could have been spun by Israel deftly as a move by Hamas toward peace, a de-fanging of their biggest monster, but that would have placed their own intransigence – particularly the ongoing and completely illegal settlement building – in a difficult light.
And before anyone goes off on “Hamas won’t recognize Israel….”, I would look to Likud’s platform and Netanyahu’s statements…they have no intention of allowing a sovereign Palestinian state. Likud and their further-right partners are in the process of destroying, if they haven’t acheived that already, ANY possibility of a two-state solution. An essential feature of that is the ongoing strangulation of West Bank bantustans and the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.
And before anyone calls me an anti-Semite or a deluded kool-aid drinker, here is Henry Seigman, former head of the American Jewish Congress, saying the same thing…
“I don’t think any of the regulars would accuse me of not speaking my mind.”
You not only speak your mind, my friend, you do it very well.
I don’t know where Sarah is coming from, and so I don’t speak of her when I say that I have nothing but contempt for those American Christian fundamentalists for whom Israel and the Jews are but a means to arrive at Armageddon, which wouldn’t turn out very well for the Israeli Jew population, obviously, and yet hate on any American who merely criticizes their government. I reckon it threatens their dreams of being end-day raptured or something.
Hamas is creating another war crime each time they fire a missile into a residential area. 2600 specific war crime entries so far! Nary a peep from any HA DUMMOCRETIN, from the lead ones to the low lifes!
HA DUMMOCRETINS turn a blind eye to that! Instead it’s all Israel’s fault. So leftist pinheads… have you been to Israel? Have you spoken to the folk on the street?
Sheesh! What a bunch of ignorant retards!