Does the rock badger even care if it’s unclean to us? I’m pretty sure the honey badger doesn’t.
Ima Duncespews:
My “Beverly Hillbillies Cookbook” has a wonderful badger stew and chitlins recipe. You don’t know what you’re missing!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 The rock badger doesn’t try to figure out you crazy humans. All he cares about is what’s trying to eat him. Every creature in the forest knows your species is inexplicably nuts — and extremely dangerous.
I’m guessing rock lobster is also unclean to us. Not to mention, Rock Hudson.
Huh! Rock badgers have tusks and are related to elephants and manatees.
Still they are gregarious and like folks in Iowa like a good caucus. Only the sun has to be high up, so maybe they are a little smarter than folks in Iowa. Which means they will see their shadow on February 2nd and there will be 6 more weeks of the same desert climate.
So the REpublican’s primary here and the Democrats caucus in this state right? Is it our opportunity to surprise some unsuspecting SAP with being an electoral delegate? Perhaps Goldy. He can report on it later and it should not involve any use of a passport. Will they even ask for ID? Will here be Republicans demanding multiple ID there from the electors? Is it held in a secret room in the Capital building? Do they were special robes? Custums? Are mason jars involved? Sometime or another usually way after the Presidential race dust has settled and the candidate has been anointed with oil..ohh balloons and confetti.
Ima Duncespews:
@5 Maybe after we have destroyed all the elephants and finally destroyed ourselves, something like elephants can evolve again. And live in peace.
Mark Adamsspews:
@7 Something will evolve and occupy the elephants niche. Though I doubt it will live in peace. Life after all is like the weather in England or the Pacific Northwest.
Mark Adamsspews:
I was thinking and wondered what if the Soviet Union or Mao in China had acted like true communists when it came to electrical power and setting up a power grid.
They would have set up a grid based on wind and solar power as soon as it was possible. With panels on individuals homes, schools ect. Able to power the home and with whatever isn’t used going to the grid. True communists should have been free to come up with this system as they aren’t tied to the concept of a power company needing to make the power so it can sell it on the grid like a proper capitalistic company. Must have had a large materialistic streak and bought into the capitalist model. (There are sunny parts of the Soviet Union one of the reasons the Russians can’t stay out of Crimea.)
Does the rock badger even care if it’s unclean to us? I’m pretty sure the honey badger doesn’t.
My “Beverly Hillbillies Cookbook” has a wonderful badger stew and chitlins recipe. You don’t know what you’re missing!
@1 The rock badger doesn’t try to figure out you crazy humans. All he cares about is what’s trying to eat him. Every creature in the forest knows your species is inexplicably nuts — and extremely dangerous.
I’m guessing rock lobster is also unclean to us. Not to mention, Rock Hudson.
Huh! Rock badgers have tusks and are related to elephants and manatees.
Still they are gregarious and like folks in Iowa like a good caucus. Only the sun has to be high up, so maybe they are a little smarter than folks in Iowa. Which means they will see their shadow on February 2nd and there will be 6 more weeks of the same desert climate.
So the REpublican’s primary here and the Democrats caucus in this state right? Is it our opportunity to surprise some unsuspecting SAP with being an electoral delegate? Perhaps Goldy. He can report on it later and it should not involve any use of a passport. Will they even ask for ID? Will here be Republicans demanding multiple ID there from the electors? Is it held in a secret room in the Capital building? Do they were special robes? Custums? Are mason jars involved? Sometime or another usually way after the Presidential race dust has settled and the candidate has been anointed with oil..ohh balloons and confetti.
@5 Maybe after we have destroyed all the elephants and finally destroyed ourselves, something like elephants can evolve again. And live in peace.
@7 Something will evolve and occupy the elephants niche. Though I doubt it will live in peace. Life after all is like the weather in England or the Pacific Northwest.
I was thinking and wondered what if the Soviet Union or Mao in China had acted like true communists when it came to electrical power and setting up a power grid.
They would have set up a grid based on wind and solar power as soon as it was possible. With panels on individuals homes, schools ect. Able to power the home and with whatever isn’t used going to the grid. True communists should have been free to come up with this system as they aren’t tied to the concept of a power company needing to make the power so it can sell it on the grid like a proper capitalistic company. Must have had a large materialistic streak and bought into the capitalist model. (There are sunny parts of the Soviet Union one of the reasons the Russians can’t stay out of Crimea.)