Genesis 6:4
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
by Goldy — ,
The more pussy to grab the better. And the younger the better. My evangelical laddies have perfectly shaped cunts for me to tickle.
Guess the Kennedy
clamclan goes back further than I thought.Meanwhile, Doctor Dumbfuck got lost in the dark and ended up in the horse stables. Roy Moore got lost, too, and ended up in a nightmare of never-ending recounts that he always lost.
Meanwhile, in KKKhristian TV Land.
It is becoming obvious that the so-called “evangelists” are the exact opposite of what they claim to be. They deliberately built their entire belief system on the directly conflicting paradigm to the faith they claim for themselves. They are rabid contrarians in everything, including, and especially, their own “religion”.
Jeshua said “love” so they violently hate.
Jeshua said “be peaceful”, so they wage constant war.
Jeshua said “heal” so they deliberately inflict wounds.
Jeshua said “be generous”, so they indulge themselves in avarice and gluttony.
Jeshua said “do not fear” so they are utter cowards.
They take the diametric opposite of the basic tenets of the faith they claim, and then threaten anyone who questions that.
Even Satan is laughing.
@4 If it weren’t for the “Gays are bad” versus in the Bible there would be no evangelicals – it is the only reason they exist.
Roy @ 1 – Do you mean ladies? Laddies is the plural of lads.
@4 Evangelists are capitalists whose business model is characterized by very high profit margins and no tax liabilities.
@5 Not true. Preachers were fulminating against adultery long before homophobia became popular, although we can guess they’ve been fucking the parishioners’ wives since the very beginning of organized religion.
@6 You don’t expect a Republican, especially one from Alabama, to spell a common 6-letter word correctly, do you? Most of these people can’t even handle “to” or “too.”
It is the story of Gilgamesh. As is most of the beginning chapters of Geneses, and the Ecclesiastics is also ancient plagiarism almost word for word the advice given to Gilgamesh by a god.
Babylon and ancient Israel are intertwined, perhaps suggesting significant problems in Christianity’s and Islam’s apoplectic foundations, and predictions. Not so much Judaism as these stories are not literal, and are even acknowledged to be myth. Something to while away the times when not lamenting along the banks of Babylon.
Similar references to people from the sky appear in other places in the world. There is a possibility that these people were extraterrestrials from who knows where. If these “gods” were from other planets, we are certainly behind them in technology and science.
Should they return, I wonder if they’ll be satisfied with having a little nooky from the available earth girls, or will they have more sinister plans for their human underlings? Is slavery or being on the menu play any role in the future of Earth’s humans?
Just a thought…
@10 “Geneses”
See what I mean?
In other news, I’m up 20.90% for the year, annualized. Not too bad. Taking the long view helps me stay focused.
This tax cut business with Trump probably won’t have its intended consequences, assuming Trump thinks this will boost the hell out of the economy. Most of the CEOs who will benefit from lower corporate taxes will do so by buying back company shares, thus improving the value of the companies’ stocks and making it easier for those CEOs to achieve their goal of driving up the stock price so they can exercise their stock options and make a ton of low-taxed money.
Of course, nothing will be done about the deficit or the debt. Solving that problem won’t get anyone elected or re-elected, so it will be given lip service in campaign speeches while nothing will be done to erase the deficit or even to begin paying down the $20 trillion that’s owed.
aaaah, yeah, yeah, um yeah, aaah, um, um, yeah….I meant ladies!
Let’s go Trigger!
@13 “Of course, nothing will be done about the deficit or the debt. Solving that problem won’t get anyone elected or re-elected, so it will be given lip service in campaign speeches while nothing will be done to erase the deficit or even to begin paying down the $20 trillion that’s owed.”
Wrong. The deficit isn’t a “problem.” It’s a weapon essential to the GOP’s next assault on the middle class.