Genesis 6:4
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
by Goldy — ,
Perhaps not giants, though, but certainly big-boned.
I am not big boned!
It’s glandular.
What more evidence do the unbelievers need that the Word is truth?
The Toirah t4ells us that the Deity created only one human and one woman … they had two sons.
One son killed the other.
But the Deity was not done with His Creation.
Unless Cain bred with Eve, he needed to breed with someone.
So the Torah says, Cain bred with the daughters of the giants.
NOW, 3,000 years after it was written as true, science has shown who these daughters were … they were the Neanderthal!
See … I told you so!
I Am that I Am.
@3 and 4:
Oh for JeebusSakes! Total bullshit!
The ‘tals were short and stocky, definitely NOT giants. What this passage “proves” is that at best the OT is the collected mythology of one group of especially annoying, passive aggressive semite humans.
An “ancient alien” breeding experiment is more coherent and valid than the fucking Bible.
And for fucksake, there is no God, you poseur!
How about some real evidence, not after-the-fact conjecture?
Of course the Torah is made of myths, do you think I have done a Checksum Error every time the history of My Creation has been passed on?
That is why I gave you Science!
I am that I am.
See? Even the Bible confirms evolution! If you want larger rabbits, you have to fuck big bunnies. When two Republicans get together under the sheets, you get with stupid humans. Fortunately, though, Republicans are becoming so stupid that pretty soon they won’t be able to figure out how to breed.
In support of the Deity …
rob asks for real evidence ..
the real evidence is described here on my blog.
Science does mean we need to reinterpret some of the Torah. For example, this breeding occurred about 100,000 years ago meaning that Bishop James Ussher ” Date for Creation: October 23, 4004 B.C.” was off by a few tens of thousands of years.
Then there are some intriguing racial implications here. So far the Neandertal sequences have been seen in Europe and Asia but not in Africa! This suggest three things:
1. Adam and Eve were black.
2. They had children other than the two sons.
3. The Neanderthal were white.
Trust in Science!
Roger ..
No, it just shows that white folks are stupider than the rest of us.
@10 Well, some of them, anyway.
@10 Listen, SJ, I’m having a hard time believing that Republicanism isn’t a hereditary glitch. You know, a birth defect. I don’t see any of my Democrat friends breeding Republicans. It takes two Republicans to make another Republican. Nobody else is stupid enough to create the defective genes required to make another Republican.
@12 rRoger
Yes, Reoublicanism is a genetic defect, somewhat like being Gay. Both are bad for the soecies.
One very interesting thing in this verse: the “Sons of God” reference.
They are not the “giants”.
They are also something / someone else — other than human.
So this verse says there were more than just humans (of whatever species) around fucking human females ‘cuz they thought they were foxy. This is a favorite bible verse of the “extra-terrestrial influence on humans” crowd — essentially the “best” explanation of what happened from primitive, superstitious humans.
It also underscores that the Bible has been been compiled and edited with a fairly heavy political hand. Note that there is not any other reference to “the Sons of God” unless you refer to texts that weren’t included in the “official” bible — like the Book of Enoch, who according to this ancient text spent most of his life somewhere else than earth.
Again, “ancient alien” influence is much more coherent and valid than the superstitious nonsense in the Bible.
Indeed myths, fanciful and certainly not literally true, just as indeed nothing proves gods’ existence.
The “Word” is not truth. (Ugh how I hate the sanctimonious, self-inflated capitalization of words like ‘word’ or ‘lord’, or even worse, the grammatically challenged construction, “Jesus is Lord”)
Ahem, yes, myths. Myths that the morbidly credulous are perfectly free to hold dear, but ARE NOT permitted to be injected into the workings of government.
Which brings us of course to the Discovery Institute (DI). A few threads back we had some lively discourse about purported local “environmental leaders” sponsoring a partisan fund-raiser for Congresscritter Hairspray. Also on that list of sponsors were luminaries of the DI, that organization dedicated to the drivel of “Intelligent Design,” a set of beliefs, thinly veiled in the lingo of science, designed only to get around the separation of church and state. In this case, these charlatans want to teach children in public school religious creationism, and in so doing undermine the teaching of actual science and critical thinking.
I don’t know whether I am more appalled that the local enviro leaders are paling around with Reichert, or with the DI idiots.
(That post appeared while I was writing #15)
Is that snark?
If it isn’t, palm forehead.
That should read “Palm slaps forhead”
Or better, “Forehead slams keyboard”
Myths are to truth as PC is to truth.
Here are a number of myths of modern days;
1. Intelligence is not genetic.
2. The Christians liberated Spain.
3. We can replace oil with wind.
4. There is a white race.
5. Reagan defeated the Soviets.
6. Lincoln emancipated the slave.
7. Indians were noble savages.
8. Phoenicians invented the alphabet.
7. Japan has an ancient civilization.
8. Jesus was of the House of David.
9. Marijuana does not cause cancer.
10. Light travels at 300,000 km/second.
@17 is it snark ..
not entirely.
There is reason to believe that the first homo sapiens were “black” and they existed before the Neanderthal/human breeding.
The Neanderthal were adapted to life in the ice ages so may well have been white.
Since the modern human genome has relatively little N content and none in the mitochondrial genome, we must have female as well as male ancestors from the first humans. Ergo … Eve had daughters.
The Neanderthals were around Ice Age Europe for about 250,000 years. Do you think modern humans (that is, us) will make it that long?
SJ @9,
So you have evidence, but you can’t actually type a link to it? Must not be very good evidence.
Fixed for you.
@15 said:
Had the very same thought. I understand the “bipartisan” pressure the enviros are under (I think it’s foolish but I understand it).
This made some sense 15 or 20 years ago. But to associate at all with the Rs these days also means at least tacit endorsement of the Rs’ glorification of ignorance and anti / pseudo-science, regardless of whether the bigots are present at a particular event.
Lie down with dogs…
Giants? Hah! Primitive frat boys on primitive steroids, most likely.
Just keep the Black Giants from my Restuarant.
@20 Politically Incorrect
Are you asking Me?
I am that I am.
@23 Ronk
Frat Boys?
No, Cain was not gay and if he had been, you wouldn’t be here!
I am that I am.
I tried to get those little tarts to mate with the Steelers, but no. God steps in and goes w/da Giants. And they call me the bad guy.
@19. The “ergo” doesn’t hold. Genesis 1 and 2 are usually mistranslated. In Genesis 1, YHWH creates mankind and womankind, not Adam and Eve. In Genesis 2, Elohim creates a garden containing a special man (Adam) and a special woman (Eve). When Cain is cast out toward Nod and fears the natives, those are other men as explained in Genesis 1.
Not that Genesis is historically accurate; on the other hand it isn’t superficially self-contradictory, either.
I’ve always assumed this was a place where Hellenism crept into Judaism. It sounds a lot like the Titans which the gods of Olympus replaced.
Then the other part of me thinks “Giants? Awesome!”
@3, except that we only share a very small amount of our genome with them. If it there were only one human and many of them it would have resulted in the exact opposite.
Plus of the giants fucking the humans takes place in the wrong era.
Sorry but the ergo does hold.
The word you use is not a name, it is a phrase .. I am that I am .. at least t Jews. Christians seem
to know things abut rewrite the bible.
Academics believe the text is composed of at least two sources. One related to the regime of King David and the new Temple. This version was based on a single deity .. the one you call “Y.”
David fused the tribal deity with the Baal of the conquered Jebusites. The same approach places “elohim” as the indigenous Canaanite polytheist faith since elohim is a plural used byt the Caani to refer to their pantheon.
according to Jewish rules since Maimonides, when Torah appear contradicted by Science, jews are supposed to accept science. Since the Torah never says Adam and Eve had a girl child, the implication is obvious that their boys fucked someone else.
Were Adam and Eve our only ancestors? Well, if you follow the rule of Maimonides, probably not because two outbred people probably could not ontheir own create a new species. The genetic data says the first modern human .. speaking people, arose only about 60,000 years ago .. long after the species we now love and make love to existed. But the new data leaves opnbe the question of whther we bred with Neanderthals before or after we became speakers.
So Talking Adam (c) and Talking Eve (c) may have existed, as the Torah says. We could all be descended from them .. but only if they fucked with other people who looks like them but were not verbal.
@29 Derek
The giants bit is likley long before the Greeks, BUT the Greeks have similar myths.
30. giffy spews:
1. No.
Not if that human had a very davantageous phenotype.
2 No
Not at all …. IF we read the Torah as saying the first “humans” were like us .. that is speaking, tool users. Thos efolks appeared about 60ki years ago and we know they enocuntered Neanderthal. BTW, In the locals of the encounters the N may well have been a small minority.
The constant conservative evangelical oopsies with the male prostitutes, including meth, toe-tapping, wide-stances and massages in and out of the White House just go to show that Cain could have been gay and still fathered a couple children.
@34 David
Gay is one thing but Cain still would have had to find a woman. Unless he impregnated Eve????
While we are at it …
Anyione here want to tell me whether Noah had Neanderthals on the boat I had him build?
The person “playing god” is a very bad typist. The real God is PERFECT in all His ways. This poseur is bad news!
And don’t give Puddy any lip about it’s well known this person isn’t the God in Heaven. If you are going to play the part, at least your typing has to be perfect.
No Neanderthals on Noah’s boat. Butt, there are many of those who masquerade as progressives here.
Puddy @ 37
So, you’re even anti-Neanderthal. That figures.
Puddy …
Why are you afraid to address Me directly?
Are you vain enough to believe your definitions decide how I type?
As for My being perfect, when have I said that? If I were perfect would I have created a way of children to starve? Or do you think attention to such details is below “my pay grade?”
Unless you are Me, how would you know which species were taken on the Ark? Neanderthal lived at the same time as humans, so if Noah took two of each kind then surely man’s closest cousins were not left to drown?
Or are you now saying you doubt the Word?
Why not ask yourself why I would have put Neanderthal DNA sequences in to your wife’s genome if I did not want you and she to know the Truth? Do you not believe my Word when written in DNA?
Or do you need miracles to believe? Isn’t this message written in DNA itself proof that I exist?
I am that I am.
What Social Contract?
“More than three-quarters of workers say they’re responsible for more duties as a result of job cuts by their employers, and as many as 57% say their workloads have grown by ‘a lot,’ a recent survey found.”
Corporations are earning record profits. That’s why the stock market shot up 60% last year. And if you’re a jobseeker, you’re probably wondering why they aren’t hiring. The answer is, because they’re working to death the remnants of the labor force still on payrolls.
Face it, employers are bastards. All of them. Hell, nowadays, you don’t even know who your employer is because companies are flipped so fast. It could be some sheikh in Dubai or Chinese magnate in Bejing. To them, you’re not even a number. Some bean counter way down the ladder, acting on the owner’s behalf, is trying to preserve his own job by squeezing as much productivity out of you as possible.
If you’re a cubicle slave, you owe your employer absolutely no loyalty. After all, he has none toward you. You’re nothing but a profit center.
Social contract? You’ve gotta be kidding! That’s something school kids read about in history books. It went the way of buggy whips and steam trains.
Things are so bad for workers it just doesn’t make any sense to work anymore. I don’t. I sit on my fat rabbit ass doing nothing all day. Currently, that’s the most highly compensated activity in the United States today.
If you’re still slaving away in a sweatshop to make your boss rich, it’s time for you to wise up and get with the program. Working is for saps, suckers. Employment is passe. Nobody should work. Let the bosses do their own work, and find out what working is really like.
Zecharia Sitchin has found physical evidence that aliens were the giants mentioned in the Bible. He reveals it all in his book, THERE WERE GIANTS UPON THE EARTH.
Sign the petition demanding the museum allow DNA testing of the evidence!!