Revelation 9:7-10
The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. They had what looked like gold crowns on their heads, and their faces looked like human faces. They had hair like women’s hair and teeth like the teeth of a lion. They wore armor made of iron, and their wings roared like an army of chariots rushing into battle. They had tails that stung like scorpions, and for five months they had the power to torment people.
I think I will pitch this as a Kickstarter video game.
Revelations: Satan Strikes Back.
You might be interested in “Rapture-Palooza”, now out on video.
Sounds like what happened to my ancestors. Only they were all north of Hadrian’s Wall and the Romans couldn’t touch them. Every time the Romans sent legions into the highlands to “pacify” the Clans, they got their asses fuckin WHOOPED, Jack. It took the Clans a while to get their heads out of their asses and organize, but we still sent those Romans back to Londonium with their tails between their legs.
They did give us one thing though, that is the techniques of how to make steel.
You guys are missing the boat. It’s a Tea Party rally with Sarah Palin as the featured locust!
Second Amendment Report
A girl of unspecified age killed herself with a handgun at a Yellowstone National Park campground yesterday.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Guns don’t kill people. We all know that. They’re harmless inert objects until a child picks them up. Ban children, not guns!
Second Amendment Report
A girl of unspecified age killed herself with a handgun at a Yellowstone National Park campground yesterday.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Guns don’t kill people. We all know that. They’re harmless inert objects until a child picks them up. Ban children, not guns!
Republicans think yahoos should be allowed to carry guns into bars. Some people would disagree.
Republicans think yahoos should be allowed to carry guns into bars. Some people would disagree.
The Prophet Goldy is quoti8ng the allegory written by John of Demos. The allegory, like Picasso’s Guernica, depicts the horrors of war .. in John’s case the conquest of Jerusalem by the Romans.
Today the world sees similar horror in Syria. The children suffocated y that regime’s gas know all to well the horrors written of by John.
NeoNazi Teapottiers interfering with the press at a public event.
The modern American Nazi Party.
@8 At this point, the children suffocated by Assad’s gas don’t know anything. They’re insentient.
@9 If I understand the Tea Pottiers correctly, having a permit to hold their event on the lawn of the Arizona State Capitol building turned that public property into “private property.” I rather doubt that’s the case, and the guy filming should have called the cops the moment these people started harassing him.
This article explains some of the protocols, permit requirements, and free speech issues related to political rallies and protests at the Arizona State Capitol Building and grounds.
Generally speaking, you need a permit for the stage (called a “riser”) and canopy shown in the video, and a public address system.
Arizona Department of General Services’ permit application form imposes various requirements on permit applicants, such as having insurance and being responsible for cleanup, including a duty to report any “disturbance of peace” to the Capitol Police. So it would seem that if the event organizers had an issue with any person’s presence, their responsibility was to notify the Capitol Police, not to eject the person themselves.
While we’re on the subject of Arizona’s state capitol building, the Republicans who sold it to private developers for $81 million in 2010 now want to buy it back for $105 million.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If this is how Tea Party Republicans manage taxpayer money, I’ll keep voting for thrifty Democrats, thank you very much.
Watch Michelle Bachmann whileRepresentative King is speaking. She looks like she’s going to start maniacally gigging and masturbating any second.
How the fuck did these people ever learn to tie their fucking shoes? There is no possible way they actually did any work or scholarship when they went to University.
I don’t thing they’re stupid, per se.
They are zombies, however, having had important parts of their brain corroded away – the sites of empathy and critical thinking, and their motivation centers, rather than being oriented toward the good of their fellow people, are exclusively directed at either hateful preachermen (see puddybigot) or the people who throw them cash from time to time.
Zombie whores.
@ 15
I doubt there’s any “corrosion” involved, I would think it much more likely that those part of their minds that foster compassion and empathy never existed in the first place. They’re psychopaths. That part of their brain that processes emotion and emotional relationships with other humans never developed at all.
Any emotional display is artificial, an act. You can see it clearly in Bachmann’s “smile”. It is full of avarice and joy at the deception they believe they are pulling off. They know they’re lying, they know their intention is to deceive. And they take incredible joy from that knowledge.
It is a product of their perception of how they are supposed to behave as reflected in the people they surround themselves with, those superficial relationships they focus on fostering for themselves, because deeper emotional connections with people are totally outside of their cognitive ability. Empathy does not exist at all. They were born blind and deaf. Their primary focus is on how they believe other people should see them. Thats why such folks are immune to criticism when they are wrong about something. Even when they are demonstrably and egregiously wrong.
Unfortunately, there are limits to the value of logic and education. Values tell you where to go, logic and education tell you how to get there.
Example: Global warming deniers’ primary value is to keep pumping out greenhouse gasses and leave the consequences to our grandchildren. They use any education they have to read and distrubute contrary evidence or theories to explain the phenomena, no matter how far-fetched or shred contrary evidence, no matter how much it goes against the great weight of other evidence and is unrecognized by scientific colleagues.
Such people cannot recognize Art, nor natural beauty. They look at a healthy, old forest, and see only the possibility of destroying it to enrich themselves. They see a field full of wildflowers, and cannot perceive the simple beauty of those flowers, they see only an empty lot full of weeds.
They sneer at artists and the products of those artist’s efforts because it is impossible for themselves to be creative and original, all the while claiming admiration for the talents.
True, original creativity is utterly outside of their cognitive ability. They cannot recognize creativity except where it poses a potential threat to their own perception of how such creative minds are supposed to behave. People of small mind are threatened by the ability and talent they cannot themselves possess. So they oppose it, often violently but always with the intention of controlling it or destroying it.
Perhaps it is merely is just a product of covetousness.
They cannot recognize other’s ability to view the world as a place to live, especially when that ability reflects their own inability to live within the parameters of their own impossible belief systems, and shames those belief systems for the mere deceptions they truly are.
@18. Dang. An interesting take on the appreciation of the Arts or lack there of. Another aspect of the lack of the cells in the standard brain that process the concepts of compassion and empathy.
GOATBOY thinks art is the south end of a goat.