Exodus 21:20-21
If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.
by Goldy — ,
puddy’s rationalization of this should be interesting.
Well, the slaveowner is taking all the financial risk. He’s one of the PRODUCERS.
If he doesn’t get up after a day or two, beat him again.
And in “Exodus” of all places. Ironic.
Here’s a picture of the pedophile and false prophet, and original terrorist, Mohammed, with a bomb on his head.
Rob is as stupid as they come. Wait a minute… that puts Rob in checksez and arschloch company.
So Puddy has a question for Rob… Since this was Jewish history and this is part of “The Torah”, usually the slaves were non-God (Creator of the Universe) believers where does that leave you in your beliefs fool? Slave or Israelite? Choose one Rob.
Here’s a picture of an ex-Nazi, leader of a Christian cult leader, pedophile and someone who helped Augusto Pinochet’s folks torture political prisoners.
(OK, I lied there’s no picture of the guy.)
Now why didn’t Goldy put this one on? Blows up that abortion of a fetus is not a child theory!
22 “If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. 23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.
Even then if the pregnancy was aborted accidentally, retribution was called for!
goldy, will you wimp out on May 20 (cartoonist day, see today’s news), or will you at some point quote some “fun” ones from the Koran?
The same verses, KJV:
The term slave in the NIV verses posted by Goldy is the correct translation of the Greek word, duolos.
Note the politically correct use of servant / maid in the KJV with which most of us are familiar.
The bigots were correct to say that God and the bible supported slavery. Among many references, in Luke, Jesus directly says that God is like a slave-owner who whacks ’em to pieces (“cut him sunder”) and beats his slaves “with many stripes.” if they misbehave:
It is chilling to me every time I hear a xtrian wackjob gush about being a “good servant” and having a “servant’s heart”. They know not what they say…
All I know is that there are only 6 days left of Confederate month, let’s not let them go to waste. Go out and get as many shoe shines as you can. If you can get one from Puddy that’s even more special. Happy Confederacy Days.
Does anyone need better evidence that I did not write the Torah, dictate the Quran, or ask unnamed sources to record the words of Jesus as “new” law?
How hard can it be to look at how you all want not to be treated and to understand that the Law, the natural law, prohibits one human owning another?
Read this again, read it in the spirit of love and then you will understand the meaning of the Law, even the meaning of My Law.
Abortion? Abortion is not mentioned in your quote.
As for abortion, killing of an inborn person is wrong. But, have I said when a person does exist? If the fighter in the text injures his opponents testicles or the woman’s uterus, destroying their ability to have children, is that an even greater crime?
If you permit babies to starve, is that a crime?
The Law is the Law as I am that I am.
righton @9,
How many times do we have to go through this. I posted those cartoons over four years ago, back when the controversy first started.
Just because you repeat something, doesn’t it make it true.
@11….are you preparing for AIDS Appreciation Month gman?
perhaps there will be a special ass-blasters week just for you…
Is a non-union miner a servant under this law? Is making them work in unsafe conditions the same thing as beating them dead with a rod? And what is the punishment for killing a servant? and why is Puddy[X] not sad at the idea of God’s children being killed, what if one of them was his friend? Is Puddy[X] only sad when his friends die?
Goldy ..
I believe the reference is to Molly Norris declaring May 20th “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day.”
Persoanlly I have mixed feeligns on this .. seems to me the cartoons in HBolland were fine but I can understand why Muslims would object to the kind of sarastic stuff bigots do.
The irony, of course, is that Muhamud Insisted that he was not God and that man MUST not worship him. Cartooning the Prophet should be no worse than making cartoons about Pope Rotweiler .
To make this all even worse, the Christians insist that they wordhip the Jewsih God, BUT they give the Deity a name, the “J word.” That word is an eoithet in Judaism, rather like calling Mr.Obama the N word. So howsit that it is OK for Chrsitians to profane the name of God ?
I think we Jews need some extremists of our own. We should threaten to kill anyone3 who calls OUR Deity by the J word or worse, claims that the ineffable one had intercourse with Mary and made a babay Jesus.
@16 …, Well Puddy?
Good post!
What if there are women who are miners? What if one of them got preggers the night before a mine accident and … horror of horrors, aborted?
Seems to me that the corporation that nsent the babay to itse death ought to be crucified?
Or should we not allow women to mine, be cops, fly planes, ?
@15 – awe, come on Vince have some fun, see if Puddy will shine your shoes, you know he would.
golly gee whilikers the free market is king! all hail the free market! back in the good old days those african kings rounded up slaves and engaged in some goold old free market slave trading selling them to the whites on the coast, building and investing in massive slave fortresses on the coast, and golly gee whilikers that goold old invisible hand maximized not only profits for all and the betterment of society for all but also provided maximum freedom and liberty for all based on this slave taking and slave trading! Hoo ray for the free market. This is why our noble founding fathers generally loved slavery so much they protected it in the ussa constitution even giving that little old bonus for the slave holder states representatives with that 3.5 a man rule. wow, our founding fathers definitely told us all we need to know about freedom, liberty and American values! All hail slavery, and the usa constitution! Going back into history when the english peasants saw the vikings coming, by their own free will they signed on to be the serfss of the lord for life to gain that bowl of gruel they needed to live on, and to have the right to go into the castle. Fair and square labor contract, you give me food and protection, I enslave myself to you for life! Aaaah the beauty fo the free market, maximizing free dom, thank god there was no government regulation.
At least not until that communist lord mansfield in england ruled that there can be no slaves in england. what a freaking stalinist. Becuase of that massive government intervention in the marketplace, this is why the UK thereupon descended into bankruptcy. All the initiative was taken away from the valiant lords and nobles who’d invested in slaves so much and in slave trading.
And that’s why they have gulags in england today.
[seriously, note how he can’t answer the charge that slavery is in the bible, it freaks out his mind, rendering him silent. except fot the change the subject attempt. how childish. what he doesn’t realize is that if you go against slavery you by necessity are in favor of a big old strong gummint because the free market itself leads to slavery, whether actual or in the mines, or via payday lenders, etc. it’s so predatory you need gummint to stop the predators. Puddy and his right wing idjits can’t figure this out, although they too saw their 401K’s value drop. Amazing how stupid some people can be isn’t it?]
goldy, just because you did this 4 yrs ago doesn’t mean you are an equal opportunity offender…
No one has a right to own another human being or coerce labor from him. Slave owners should be put to death and suffer eternal damnation. Everyone has a God-given right to sell his labor at B2B rates, therefore no one should be able to buy the labor of a hospitality consultant (formerly known as waitress) for less than $50 an hour.
Just to be clear, what kind of rod can you beat your slave with? Are we talking rod rod or fake rod? There are some rods out there that can do some serious damage.
Since Ivrit lacks uppercase, can we be sure ros is not meant to be Rod?
Everyone should remember that Islam has yet to get past its original start-up – it still thinks its beliefs are the “one true religion.” As Mark Twain said, we have the true religion – all seven of them! Islam just needs to relalize its one of many religions.
Depends on how much of a Period Nazi you want to be. Since The Book was written in the bronze age should you just stick to rods that were available during the bronze age?
I’m thinking that since that all of modern thought and life is outside of the experience of those who lived and wrote the bible those who purport to live “by The Book” should live a bronze age lifestyle*.
*I might be generous and let the more moderate followers live a medieval lifestyle.
@20 – same thing will happen when we crack down on illegal immigrants, they, the slave labor, are helping with cheap labor. Get rid of them and there will be labor shortages. We need slaves. Why else do we have an illegal alien problem? We would have fixed it many moons ago, if Capitalism didn’t sweep it under the rug.
To the fool@20,
Sorry fool… Puddy was helping someone move in the Olympia area today so Puddy just got back. Saw a whole bunch of Moonbat!s today. Whooooooooooweeeeeee!
Anyway Puddy answered the slavery comment above. The slaves were those from non-God believing nations so when they revolted against the Creator, they paid the consequences.
Too bad you can’t figger things out. Maybe a name change is in your future?
Hey Gman,
Fudgepacking on, Fudgepacking off. Figger it out fool!
@28 …
The slaves may have been from goyem, but their children?
Also, the crime in slavery is NOT a crime BY the slave but by the OWNER. So, you are saying that God endorses owning humans as long as they are unbelievers?
Really? Hmmm, since by my standards you are a goy, is it OK if I enslave you? Or, could you like some Muslims buy Christian slavesa buy yourself a nice Muslim boy to do chores around Puddyville?
Seems like you are walking along a razor’s edge here. Don’t fall.
@25 Can you say, “Shiite”? Can you say, “Sunni”?
I KNEW you could!!!
Lovely….Pudwacker apparently set out to change the subject, then attempted to…er, “qualify” Scripture’s reflection on the customs of the time in which it was written, and ended up defining his own brand of personal bigotry.
Theo van Gogh @14: We are not amused.
@25 Politically Incorrect spews:
As opposed to the papacy and the southern baptists? Do you suppose Sarah Palin thinks Islam is a a “real” religion?
Bubbelah ..
Islam and Christianity are BASED on intolerance.Just look at all the diarhea HA gets from one truthers.
OTOH, “God” here seems not to really care about this sort of excusive club stuff.
Wrong again… reread the original posts. Rob immediately attacked Puddy> Puddy responded. Puddy doesn’t let ad hominem attacks slide.
Wait a minute… FartStainArt reading? FartStainArt comprehending? FartStainArt understanding?
How do you make “that” equation? Puddy celebrates the same God. Puddy celebrates the Sabbath. Puddy don’t eat pork. Puddy doesn’t eat shellfish.
Puddy @ 28
Good God, you are an idiot. You are trying to justify slavery based on Scripture? And, you claim to be a New Testament kind of guy? You don’t have a clue who Christ is, Puddy. You are a lost soul, who wingnuts control. You are really pathetic.
Wow, colsandersfavoritechicken is really on a roll!
If Puddy encountered Jesus Christ, he would turn and walk away, sputtering whatever language it is that Puddy spews.
It says what kind of rod. A-Rod. So you could really only hit your slaves with a steroid using baseball player.
Proud Goatist,
That which is in the Bible is God inspired. Apparently the Goatmaster skipped over those verses. Puddy placed them here two weeks ago. Ask the arschloch to replay them from his personal HA archive.
Either you accept the whole Bible or you reject it. Puddy chooses to accept the whole Bible. It teaches that in the Bible. What happens today regarding slavery (which is abhorrent) vs. what happened then and why are two different things. Why can’t the Goatmaster figger that out? When Jesus returns He’ll ask the Goatmaster why did the Goatmaster reject The Bible. What will the Goatmaster say?
Gibberish… just like the Goatmaster places on HA every day!
@41 “Proud Goatist” “Goatmaster” “Goatmaster”
“Goatmaster” “Goatmaster” “Goatmaster”
Good grief! Got something on your mind, Puddy?
@39 “If Puddy encountered Jesus Christ, he would turn and walk away, sputtering whatever language it is that Puddy spews.”
After encountering Jesus and his disciples Puddy might say, “Saw a whole bunch of Moonbat!s today. Whooooooooooweeeeeee!”
1. so WHO decides if YOUR God is the same one?
You? Me? Since I am the slave owner, I guess it is me! That OK by you?
2. The same God? So if an Epicur4ean says that his supreme God is the same one I worship, he is right? How about a Hindu who says Brahm IS Hashem? That OK by you?
3. The same God??? Judaism is pretty clear that God is .. one, simply one. Nor does God appear as a human ..EVER. So this Jesus of yours, who is He or is it he? God? Man? Imposter? That OK by you?
4. As you know, anyone can become a Jew, but Judaism does not teach that being Jewish is any sort of entitlement. For one thing, all the bad shit that happens to Jews is supposed to reflect the 613 commaqndments for Jews. Hashem only issues seven for those who choose not to become Jews. There is no requirement for nonJews to follow the 613, so I have no idea why you would not eat pork.
If you want to follow Hashem’s laws for goyem, then you should be a “Noachide” (that is what such folks call themselves) and stop praying to God in the persona of Jesus.
Of ocurse, if your decided to become a Jew, I would be happy to help ….. waiting…
@41 Puddy
We ahve been there before. WHO wrote what YO(U call the Bible?
Yiou Jesus NEVER calimns to have authorized version 2.0 of the Torah, never claims that the mutterings of the prophets and erotic poetry of the SOS are the word of God, and certainly nevfer tells folks that some Roman Council will determine the authentic version of his own comments.
To calim to accept the while “bible” means you claim yto be able to resolve contradictions there .. something that has eluded millenia of theologists and led to innumerbale schisms and wars.
So YOU claim to have THE final truth? Isn;t that the claim iof Jim Jones, the Pope, my OJ friends, my fundie Muslim friends?
Seems like either you need to ask God (the presence on this forum or some other source you have) to help you decide what His word actually is.
Wax on. Wax off.
hyuk hyuk puddybuddydoppelgangermadefunofpuddybuddyfreemarketnonsensepuddybuddydidn’tevenrealizethepointpuddybyddytalkedaboutbiblenotfreemarketideology.puggybyggypiggybiddylikestotalkinthirdpersonlikelittlechildpiddywiddypudgywudgey
Good grief Steve,
You are now complaining about the goatmaster?
Good grief Steve. Grow a set! The rest of your commentary is worthless!
Jesus came to eliminate those man-made laws. The eternal laws are God’s 10 Commandments and the great commission. You can continue to keep those 613 other “laws” if you choose!
@46, headless lucy
You aren’t making sense. Par for the course. Whatanidiot.
arschloch: And you cry of us who think right when you think one of us is imitating you?
“You are now complaining about the goatmaster?”
Read my post again. There’s no complaint. I’m just noting that you blathered on about “goatmaster” a half dozen times in a single post. I used to mention goats and you’d get terribly upset. Now you’re the one who can’t seem to let go of it. I suggest that you do let go of it, Puddy.
1. Jesus followed those 613 laws. The sect he followed, the Pharisees, propounded those laws. In contrast the Herodites. like you, wanted to focus on the laws of the Temple (which they ran with support from Rome).
Whose side are you on, white man?
2. Errr ahh did God send you a written message confirming his intent to change the laws are did you make this up?
“You can continue to keep those 613 other “laws” if you choose!”
Yeah, like when you cherry-pick those laws to condemn LBGT’s? But don’t fret, Puddy. When Phyllis Schafly’s spawn is finished with his rewrite, you’ll have a Bible with which you wingnuts won’t have to pick and choose anymore. There won’t be much left of Jesus in the new wingnut Bible, of course, but this new Bible of yours is all about American wingnut politics, which is what’s most important. And when completed, it’ll be the latest and greatest involatile Word of God. Right? Yeah, right.
@52 – more than half of the Wingnuts do not even abide by the 10 sacred laws. Why consider 613 more?