Matthew 10:34-37
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Hey Goldy,
Butt butt butt Puddy was told Jesus was a “liberal”. The moronic leftist Kitsap lawyer mentioned this last week. Remember all the libtardo comments on how Jesus was a man of peace? “Liberals” love everybody (a really big lie). Jesus loves everybody, just different from HA Libtardos. Remember how ekim the goat planter misused Jesus’ words? Puddy is glad you posted this verse. Love Jesus as your saviour!
Lift up the trumpet and loud let it ring, Jesus is coming again!
Happy Easter to Those Who Think Right and HA Libtardos.
Goldy, down here in PBC, home of Theresa LaPore. Gonna bike around see the Easter celebrations around the area!
Happy Easter Goldy and HA Libtardos…
Oooo, puddy’s got a fetish.
puddy: still not inheriting the earth.
The Gospels portray a Jesus, much like Mohammed and the many gods of the Old Testament, as man of peace when it suited their purposes, and a brutal tyrant when necessary. A careful reading of the Gospels reveals Jesus could be as petty and arbitrary as any man.
He was no great teacher or sage, and his lessons were recycled from the many apocolypticists who preceded him. In short, he was everything and anything his cheerleaders want to make of him, because they found they could shape and mould his image through their fanciful tales of his sayings and accomplishments.
And shape and mould they did, everything from his virgin birth, to his raising of the dead, to his own resurrection. All invented later by those who found it beneficial to their own well-being and found gullible folks like Puddy to swallow it. First in oral traditions, then in writing, they told, re-told, and enhanced the tale, and continue to do so right up to this day.
The story of the Church is a sordid tale of controlling the social order, often employing the time honored tools of grim repression, torture and death. So it’s no great mystery that the very folks who go around congratulating themselves for their wisdom and piety in worshiping this myth are the very ones standing ready to torture and kill their fellow human beings who don’t agree with them.
Happy Easter
Hmmm… After reading the Auntie Witless garbage@6, where are GBS and Proud Goatist?
They’ll be MIA as always.
@6, ftw!
This Jesus fellow would be denounced in Alabama for dishonoring the firm basis of our law, the Ten Commandments. Could be Puddy, that Mother, Father, and the In-Laws are all teabaggers. Bully Nazis & Japanese Military thought Americans were fun loving pushovers. Bully American Taliban think fun loving lobs will go down easily in a fight. Don’t bet on it, you’ll lose.
Oh atheist fool Mark Centzless,
Puddy don’t jackboot goosestep to your foolish and feckless atheist Moonbat!tery. When Jesus arrives in the clouds of Glory you’ll be shocked and amazed.
You should have more faith in Me and less in the words put into My Mouth by men.
I repeat, my own words ..
Love each other as you would love Me. That is all I have to say and all you ought to need to know.
Love You.
You shouldn’t emulate God. Otherwise you’d know these verses!
1 Corinthians 2:13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.
1 Thessalonians 2:13 For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Peter 1:20-21 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
Went all over looking at the gated communities. Great bike ride in PBC on Easter.
Partial list of “gods” who had a human being for a mother and a God for a father; came from “heaven”, took the form of men and furnished evidence of divine origin by various miracles and marvelous works, laid the foundation for the salvation of the world and ascended back to heaven:
Chrishna of Hindostan
Budha Sakia of India
Salivahana of Bermuda
Zulis, of Zhule, also Osiris and Orus, of Egypt
Odin of the Scandinavians
Crite of Chaldea.
Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia.
Baal and Taut, “the only begotten of God” of Phoenecia
Indra of Tibet.
Bali of Afghanistan.
Jao of Nepal.
Wittoba of the Bilingonese.
Thammuz of Syria.
Atys of Phrygia
Xamolsis of Thrace.
Zoar of the Bonzes
Adad of Assyria.
Deva Tat, and Sammonocadam of Siam. 19. Alcides of Thebes.
Mikado of the Sintoos.
Beddru of Japan
Hesus or Eros, and Bremrillah, of the Druids
Thor, son of Odin, of the Gauls
Cadmus of Greece.
Hil and Feta of the Mandaites.
Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico.
Universal Monarch of the Sibyls
Ischy of the island of Formosa.
Divine Teacher of Plato.
Holy one of Xaca.
Fohi and Tien of China
Adonis, son of the virgin Io of Greece.
Ixion and Quirinus of Rome.
Prometheus of Caucasus
Mohamud, or Mahomet, of Arabia.
From: The Book your Church Doesn’t Want You to Read
God will fuck you up!
O, sinner do not stray from the straight and narrow way
For the Lord is surely watching what you do
If you approach the Devil’s Den, turn ’round-don’t enter in!
Lest the hand of the Almighty fall on you
He’ll fuck you up, yes, God will fuck you up
If you dare to disobey his stern command
He’ll fuck you up, don’t you know he’ll fuck you up
So you better do some prayin’ while you can
Long ago a man named Lot had a wife he thought was hot
But she could not stop her black and sinful ways
You know it was her own damn fault when God turned that bitch to salt
That’s the way he used to work back in those days
He fucked’em up, he really fucked’em up
When the people went and turned their backs on him
He can fuck you up, no shit-he’ll fuck you up
Just like he fucked the people up back then
I used to have a friend named Ray who walked that evil way
He cursed and drank and broke his neighbors fence
You know Ray was full aware that some sheep were over there
And he knew them in the biblical sense
God fucked him up, he went and fucked Ray up
Went and payed him back for all his wicked sins
He fucked him up, fucked that boy completely up
Now he’s married to a Presbyterian———-
John Butler Trio
The Hand of the Almighty
Christ Getting In Shape For Second Coming!,2176/
PuddyJumpzToConclusionsLikeANitwit- Not a atheist, never called myself one, nope. Confirmed agnostic, proving negatives is too hard for me, will wait for this positive evidence you speak of, until then this God of yours is Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Boogey Man, all tales told to keep kids in line. The sermon on the mount, good stuff that, that’s worth keeping the memory alive for, but the mummery is a fool’s game. Unless your selling it, P.T. Barnum was never more correct than if you apply his lesson to religion.
…”you’re” selling it I mean. Damn, need coffee.
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.”
Good job, God! You accomplished exactly what You set out to do! And You didn’t even have to work very hard at it — all you did was imbue humans with Human Nature and they took care of the rest. Of course, I see clearly the Divine Scheme behind all of this — God never meant for the human species to rule the earth for the rest of time. That role is reserved for rabbits. What you humans are supposed to do is hurry up and make yourselves extinct so we rabbits can collect our inheritance.
God knew what She was doing when She created rabbits. Our species is a model of perfect harmony. We have no discord among ourselves. All you have to do (snarl) is keep your fucking paws off my harem (snap) or I’ll gouge your fucking eyes out (bite) and rip your fucking entrails out (punch) and jam a stick up your fucking ass (kick) and …
@1 “Jesus loves everybody”
Yeah, puddy, even you; but that doesn’t mean He doesn’t see all the Republican shit you do in this life. It’s noticed, all right, and He keeps score. When you report to the supply room to get your angel wings, don’t be surprised if they hand you a pair of recycled gnat wings.
Goldy, I’ve got an idea. Since you’re posting Bible passages every Sunday, you should incorporate HA as a church, appoint yourself paster and pay yourself a salary, and pass the collection plate by putting a “Donate” button at the bottom of each Bible verse post. That way, you could get a regular income, and your supporters could take tax deductions for their donations. What’s more, you’ll have a unique market niche, because you’ll be be the only liberal fundie church with a Jewish pastor in America. If you spring for customized license plates with a cross on them, you might even get preferred parking at media events — just tell ’em you’re the chaplain. — signed, The Easter Bunny
Not worthy? Sounds like something Alice Cooper might say.
Guess Puddy has never seen these words of Jesus – ’cause a few of them sure sound liberal to me:
Hmm, and how many teabagging conservatives are humble and compassionate. How many times do they criticize and hate instead of help and care for others?
Why is Puddy calling people names instead of being humble and compassionate?
Could it be Puddy has not really read and understood what Jesus is saying?
Sure sounds more like a liberal philosophy, then a hate your neighbor, others (strangers) are evil or socialist or something else…type philosophy of Puddy and the rightwingnuts.
Did you not read all of these passages Puddy? Do you not understand why health care for all is “taking care” of the poor? And why the rich need to contribute for it?
Are you so lost in rightwing philisophy that you cannot understand the bible?
Shocked and awed huh? Been over 2k years Stupes..
Been a lot of evil doin’ since then..
When’s he gonna make up his mind to pull the plug credulous fool?
Odd that you reply to Me in another’s name
As for Goldy and SeattleJew, Cynic, Roger and even Puddy …. they are no different to me than Obama, Matthew, Luke, Paul, or Muhamid, or Moroni. I am that I am.
Since you seem to have a need to call Me by a name, perhaps you might want to read where the name of this holiday came from?
Once your Easter was the holiday of My Wife. Others, filled with the same need to own My name, called Her an abomination. Many were killed because they called upon the Her, rather than the He. All of this cruelty violates the first law .. “Do unto others as you would have Me do unto you.”
Do you suppose I want hatred in My name? Would you want Me to hate you for your name?
here we go again, hope you all are having fun. Let’s see, Greek, Aramaic, Latin? what was the first cut at this interesting passage, and then how many times did the thing get translated, rewritten, and in what context? If we were living in the culture and understood the language of the first utterance (assuming JC uttered it at all)it might mean something different. So, if I had to take a cut at it? The Christianity thing kinda needs to be numero uno. I guess the plan works like this. If you come home from school, tell you dad that you have decided to follow the teacher Jesus, and dad says, “no deals son, and if you do you’re grounded for two weeks'” Then you have to say, “sorry pops, I respectfully submit that this is America and I am going to exercise what few liberties I have left considering how fast the lefties are squeezing them with their bloated government.” Yeah, I think that is how it would have gone, something like that.
MISTER PuddyBuddy, you are not “saved” ’cause you’re not Roman Catholic…so sorry, pally.
– Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist farmer Joel Salatin, star of Omnivore’s Dilemma and Food, Inc.
Salatin implies that Roe v. Wade brought not peace but a sword. Salatin implies that Roger Rabbit, who asserts that comments about America’s unsustainable entitlements are vapid talking points gleaned from the right-wing conspiracy’s echo chamber, is an idiot.
Why should Puddy waste his time on you fools?
Nope you Dope. Puddy BELIEVES in Jesus!
Hate your neightbor? That’s what you libtardo progressives do each day. You start with class warfare and then continue with your lack of charity.
Sounds like you libtardos after the 2004 Asian Tsunami, Katrina 2005, 2006 Tornadoes, 2007 Malasian and African Floods, Cyclone Nargis Myanmar 2008, Sumatra, Indonesia 2009, and 2010 Haiti and Chile Earthquakes. What did you do fool? How much of your money did you contribute to their pain and suffering? Probably nuthin!
rujax! you dumb brick…
“We here are of the conviction that the papacy is the seat of the true and real Antichrist…personally I declare that I owe the Pope no other obedience than that to Antichrist.” (Aug. 18, 1520) Taken from The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Vol. 2., pg. 121 by Froom. (In response to a papal bull [official decree]): “I despise and attack it, as impious, false… It is Christ Himself who is condemned therein… I rejoice in having to bear such ills for the best of causes. Already I feel greater liberty in my heart; for at last I know that the pope is antichrist, and that his throne is that of Satan himself.” –D’Aubigné, b.6, ch. 9. – Martin Luther
As Puddy said earlier…
Proud Goatist and GBS… MIA!
ylb arschloch farts
Every now and then the arschloch is candid about his actions and write a truthful statement. He shocked the HA world today! Must be Easter and his “old religious” upbringing overpowered his old evil self!
Puddy Popery @31: 3 or 4 years ago Slog posted a vile limerick that’s vanished from their archives. Can anyone fill in the blanks?
_______________ Pope Benedictus
There’s not a court ’twill convict us.
I think it is very arrogant to assume that others here, perhaps less self righteous than you, do not donate to the real charities that deliver help without the burden of any need to cover themselves with relgion.
Ask yourself, if Jesus were alive today, would he ask you to give to your Churchto helop people in Haiti? Would he care about the Church in His name or about the needs of His people?
While you are at it, tell me … did you celebrate Easter today? Why today? Do you know why the Romans picked this dat for Easter? Do you think Jesus would want you to worship him on this day?
Does puddy have any proof that “conservatives” donate more to charity than “liberals”? No, of course not, like most “conservatives” he just makes shit up.
Jesus: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
puddy: still not inheriting the earth.
Then go the fuck away, pud.
@30: Thanks for PROVING my points:
Yup – you are physiologically incapable of NOT insulting people. It is very interesting how someone with such a limited ability to recognize their OWN problems (hostility, meaness, lack of humility, over-estimation of their own intelligence) – has NO problem calling others fools.
You think this is what Jesus would be like?
Is this your idea of how to set a Christian example?
You sure know how to drive people away from Christianity by the tone and example you set. You are so egotistical, so convinced that you and only you are right – that you come across as an overbearing, rigid, uncaring fundamentalist without any comprehension of the things Jesus talked about.
You give lip service to the “poor” or to your “people” but you refuse to support anything that might help. You criticize, carp and yell from the sidelines but offer no hope and no plans.
Oh, but Puddy believes in Jesus…just not what Jesus said. That makes a lot of sense….
Hi Puddy–
We had a fabulous Easter…honoring the Resurrection of our Savior.
The Progressive Atheists understand the Gospel and choose to reject it. All we can do is share the Good News. Then it’s up to individual choice.
Our Pastor asked a simple question yesterday–
How can you be a Christian and not believe that Jesus rose from the tomb?
When you read about Jesus savage beating and death on that Cross for the sins of mankind…and when you read the documentation of the Rsurrection,,,,what more do you need to know in this life??
The Resurrection of Christ is fundamental to our faith. Either you believe it…or you don’t. It’s a watershed issue…maybe=no.
I choose to believe.
Thank you Lord for your sacrifice that I do not deserve. I understand that I cannot “earn” my way into Heaven….and can only get there because of your sacrifice, so God the Father can see me thru you Jesus. There is no hope for forgiveness except thru you Jesus.
Thank you.
Remember, Jesus & his Disciples were ridiculed by non-believers just like the Atheist Progressives here do to us.
They do it out of anger, emptiness and the hopelessness that once this meager life on Earth ends, there is nothing more.
I choose to share the Good News.
Anyone can humble themselves and accept him anytime. I hope y’all do.
I have a Black Friend back in the Midwest who was in trouble with the law as a young man. Great athlete with lots of opportunities but made a series of bad choices that cost him his scholarship and his freedom.
He found Christ while in prison…saved from his sins. That was 30 years ago…and he has a wonderful family and loves the Lord with all his heart.
His favorite expression on Easter is:
Praise God!
He puts it on his Easter Cards.
What a great guy.
“I choose to share the Good News.”
Your words are shallow and insipid. Take your batshit craziness to a street corner, you damned loon.
Do you talk like that in front of the folks at Alderwood Kountry Klub??
I’ll bet you’re not a Roman Catholic either Mr. Cynical…
…too bad you’re not saved…tsk, tsk.
THAT’S not what the Pope says MISTER PuddyBuddy and EVERYBODY knows the POPE speaks for the JESUS on earth.
Sorry man; you and Mr. Cynical are pwned.
Martin Luther was a heretic you know.
Mr. Cynical Ass Clown, when you tell a story about a friend who is white, do you always start off with; “I have a WHITE friend . . .”???
No, you don’t. Why? Because you’re a racist.
Seriously, what difference did it make to the point of your story that your “friend” is “black”?
Nice stereotypes: My friend is black therefore:
he’s a criminal
(no surprise there. WHITE POWER!)
he’s an athlete
(no surprise there. WHITE POWER!)
he lacks education.
(no surprise there. WHITE POWER!)
he spent time in prison.
(no surprise there. WHITE POWER!)
he gets Father’s Day cards.
(HUGE surprise there. WHITE POWER!)
OK, RNC meeting adjourned at the Vouyer Club.
The KLOWN isn’t racist, he just sees blacks as being either “good niggers” or “bad niggers”. His so-called friend was apparently a “good nigger”.
Cause you know, according to Mr. Cynical, niggers hate the idea of working for a living. Shit it cause niggers SHEAR PANIC, the idea of working, no longer getting welfare checks from the WHITE man who works everyDAY!! Oh, and because niggers are dark skinned that makes them full of bullshit, too.
What say you, Puddybud, do you wake up in shear panic everyDAY at the prospect of having to go to work?
Credit goes to Steve for keeping Mr. Cynical Ass Clown’s racisism front and center. Although, Mr. Ass Clown would rather it be hidden from public view.
Reading the posts from the “Christians” here, there is only one thing I can say,
“I forgive you for you know not what I say.”
If only I really were vengeful, perhaps my words would have more meaning to Puddy and Cynical.
As for the rest of you, some believe that the story of Easter is about love, love so deep that all is given for others.
Sounds goof to Me!
The Diety,
by any name you wish.
Yes Rob… and you can check with ylb arschloch for the proof.
Another HA Libtardo with 24 hour mindless moronic Moonbat! memory malady. Puddy has posted it many times, hence the 14K+ posts of Puddy for fools such as you!
Puddy gives direct to ADRA, one of the officially UN and US State Department recognized charities run by a religion.
Puddy rode his bike looking at PBC gated communities full of northern libtardos where years ago Puddy’s peeps would not have be accepted.
Puddy loves how correctnotright comes in and once again
correctnotright… Would you like to see all the “recent” Christian commentary you posted you feckless moron? Puddy don’t need the arschloch for help here as your stuff is Google ready!
John Wesley, Thomas Cranmer, Roger Williams, Arnulf Bishop of Orleans, Eberhard II, archbishop of Salzburg, John Wycliffe, John Calvin, John Knox, Philipp Melanchthon, and many others fully disagree with the dumb brick rujax!
You probably have ZERO Black Friends or relatives…right?
You are the typical “talker” who talks to try and convince Black America that Progressivism and Big Government will help them…when you really mean, give us your vote and stay on the Plantation.
Any Black Conservative is an Uncle Tom.
Anyone who challenges Oba-Mao is a racist…even if the challenger is Black.
What a joke you Progressive KLOWNS are!
Where is Proud Goatist and GBS on the original Goldy Bible quote above?
Notice correctnotright did not answer about his personal charitable contributions to
What did you do fool? How much of your money did you contribute to their pain and suffering? Probably nuthin! Now why did he skip over this?
Well we all remember how he cried and screamed about a relative who died of cancer because they couldn’t get health insurance. Puddy asked correctnotright how much did he contribute to his dying relative’s medical expenses…
CRICKETS CHIRPED loud and proud!
NUFF Said Sucka!
The Prosecution Rests!
So, wingnuts, how goes the rewrite of the Bible by Phyllis Schafly’s little boy? Isn’t he tasked by wingnuts, er, God, to remove any taint of liberalism from the Holy Scripture? So much for the inviolate Word of God. Congats. You’re well on your way to reducing the Bible to some cheap political wingnut document that eliminates brothery love and instead becomes something so foul as to teach you to spew hate at your neighbor.
“How much of your money did you contribute to their pain and suffering?”
Is that your only measure of a man? And if correctnotright gave more than you, then he’s the better man than you? Bill Gates obviously gives more than you. Is he the better man? Or would you look at charitable giving the way you absolutely refuse to look at progressive taxation? By the way, my charitable giving likely exceeds yours. Not only that, my entire estate goes to charity. You don’t intend to do that, do you? That’s likely because you’re too selfish. I reckon that makes me the better man, huh? Hey, don’t like it? Whine to someone who cares. After all, it’s your measure of men that leaves you coming up short, not mine.
That MISTER PuddyBuddy is ignoring the word of the Lord (his God) will do him NO GOOD in the “afterlife”. There are defects in every priestly succession except the Eastern and Roman Catholic Churches.
You are and infidel MISTER PuddyBuddy…a heretic…a blasphemer.
…and a jerk, but that’s just my personal comment.
Do you honestly believe that Goldy’s quote from Matthew should be taken literally, that Christ advocated taking up the sword? You aren’t that stupid, are you? Dammit, Puddy, I’ve tried to defend you every now and again (though, never, Cynny, whose brain is a brick wall). I guess I’ve been mistaken in doing so.
On the positive side (trying to ignore the nonsense that we must deal with from our trolls, etc.), the M’s won their season opener! That counts for something, though I’m not sure who might be tallying up such scores.
…he really IS that stupid…
“never, Cynny, whose brain is a brick wall”
Eh, that sounds more like Pudge. Thick as a brick. The KLOWN has a klynical thing going for him. He’s more a walkin’, talkin’ doctoral thesis that’s just waiting to be written.
hey rujax, when is your next little church vandalizing adventure taking place? you taking ylb with you again?
It’s about personal contributions not waiting for the gummint to provide. That’s matt 25:35-40. So what correctnotright gives more (doubt it though) as he’s another of them “gummint do gooders”, waiting for gummint to do good.
Regarding Bill Gates, he who has much is expected to do much.
“Regarding Bill Gates, he who has much is expected to do much.”
Well, except for when it comes to paying taxes, in which case the wingnut who has much says, “It’s my money and I should be able to keep it.”
Mr. Cynical Ass Clown:
It doesn’t matter. I think you mentioned you have a black in-law and you probably do have friends of color.
That doesn’t give you a pass to post blatant racist jokes in public, or private for that matter.
The fact that you do tell racists jokes demonstrates your complete lack of indifference to their feelings and the community of color in general. If I’m wrong about that I’ll buy you lunch any where in Seattle, if you tell that nigger joke at the time and place of my choosing.
We’ll see if your ass survives the beating in order for me to buy you lunch. Which you’ll probably have to take from and IV in the ER.
But, seriiously, did you ever confess your sins and ask for forgivness of your blatant racism?
Hmmmm . . . doubt your name will be scribed in The Book of Life.