Proverbs 31:6-7
Let beer be for those who are perishing,
wine for those who are in anguish!
Let them drink and forget their poverty
and remember their misery no more.
Liberal Scientist is a slut who occasionally wears a hoodiespews:
Wow. A bit of the inerrant Word of God ™ that the teetotalling fundies seem to ignore.
As a mechanism for societal control, religion has often demanded the ‘mortification of the flesh’ or denial of the carnal, as my born-again grandmother might have put it. “Be in the World, but not of the World” she really did say.
This serves two purposes, it seems to me. First, by negating or making evil of physical desire or pleasure, a person is put in conflict with their own being – sex is bad, sensuality is bad, physical enjoyment is bad – and this profound inner conflict leads to shame and need for redemption. People become inherently flawed – Original Sin ™ – and are turned into addicted consumers of the Salvation conveniently being marketed by the Church.
Second, poverty and self-denial are paths to grace, which is convenient in a system in which labor is systematically stolen and wealth concentrated. The great masses are told that pleasures of the flesh are temptations and the road to Hell. This message, of course, is delivered by ermine-robed prices of the Church, who are in turn tools for the elite, the 1% as it were. It’s a good thing that carnal pleasure is sinful, because there is not enough to go around – if Paris Hilton and David Koch and Mitt Romney and the other parasites and predators are to have the lifestyle that they do, the great masses need to go without – good thing that poverty is a virtue!
I think I’ll go have a horn of ale with my breakfast!
Zotz sez: Some inflammatory thing or other.spews:
Shorter Gawd: I’m keeping the Scotch all for myself.
The sayings of King Lemuel—an inspired utterance his mother taught him.
The Bible is just a collection of the most interesting/wise things that the bible committee could find.
I approve this message.
So Thomas Jefferson was right beer really is proof that god loves us and wants us to me happy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Fermentation of vegetable matter into inebriating liquids is proof of intelligent design. What random universe could have dreamed up such a perk?
Freaks! One of the kidnapers was a off duty cop. Hopefully, a now unemployed cop.
Via The Huffington Post: “The Glad Tidings Assembly of God church in Middletown, Pa., has sparked outrage after a teaching exercise traumatized its youth group and left some with physical bruises, WHTM TV reports. A shaken 14-year-old told the station two men came into the room with guns, pulled pillow cases over some of their heads, and pushed them into a van…”
The Glad Tidings Assembly of God church in Middletown, Pa., has sparked outrage after a teaching exercise traumatized its youth group and left some with physical bruises, WHTM TV reports.
Wow. A bit of the inerrant Word of God ™ that the teetotalling fundies seem to ignore.
As a mechanism for societal control, religion has often demanded the ‘mortification of the flesh’ or denial of the carnal, as my born-again grandmother might have put it. “Be in the World, but not of the World” she really did say.
This serves two purposes, it seems to me. First, by negating or making evil of physical desire or pleasure, a person is put in conflict with their own being – sex is bad, sensuality is bad, physical enjoyment is bad – and this profound inner conflict leads to shame and need for redemption. People become inherently flawed – Original Sin ™ – and are turned into addicted consumers of the Salvation conveniently being marketed by the Church.
Second, poverty and self-denial are paths to grace, which is convenient in a system in which labor is systematically stolen and wealth concentrated. The great masses are told that pleasures of the flesh are temptations and the road to Hell. This message, of course, is delivered by ermine-robed prices of the Church, who are in turn tools for the elite, the 1% as it were. It’s a good thing that carnal pleasure is sinful, because there is not enough to go around – if Paris Hilton and David Koch and Mitt Romney and the other parasites and predators are to have the lifestyle that they do, the great masses need to go without – good thing that poverty is a virtue!
I think I’ll go have a horn of ale with my breakfast!
Shorter Gawd: I’m keeping the Scotch all for myself.
The Bible is just a collection of the most interesting/wise things that the bible committee could find.
I approve this message.
So Thomas Jefferson was right beer really is proof that god loves us and wants us to me happy.
Fermentation of vegetable matter into inebriating liquids is proof of intelligent design. What random universe could have dreamed up such a perk?
Freaks! One of the kidnapers was a off duty cop. Hopefully, a now unemployed cop.
Sounds like you had to be in pretty tough condition to deserve alcohol. Wonder what tequila would be for…???
goldberg, are you wearing your hoodie today?
As W.C. Fields said, everyone needs to believe in something…
…and I believe I’ll have another drink!