You know those targets left outside the League of Women Voters offices? It’s all an elaborate ruse, claims professional gun-nut Alan Gottlieb!
“Experienced gun owners have questioned whether or not this was actually the work of anyone even slightly familiar with firearms,” Gottlieb said, intimating the incident may have been a publicity stunt. “Rather, it seems more likely to be a stunt perpetrated by proponents of 594 seeking attention. It’s the kind of juvenile prank that only anti-gun elitists would find credible.
Right. It’s exactly the kinda juvenile stunt we’ve come to expect from the League of Women Voters! That, and delicious home-baked strudel.
Gottlieb, a convicted felon, has made a fortune from his Bellevue-based gun “advocacy” groups. So it’ll be kinda sweet to see I-594 passed in his own backyard.
Usually the opening paragraph of any story is where the punch is, not the sixth paragraph…
So Puddy will ask you libtards again… How are you going to police the guns in the inner city? Surely the inner city thugs will appear at gun registration sites and say: “Here is my illegal firearm. Let me fill out the paperwork and register it just for you WAGR! How much for that doggie in the window?”
Puddy wants to know how Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR) plans to perform gun control in the Rainier Valley for instance. Or in Tacoma’s bad neighborhoods? Or will they follow Rahm Emanuel’s failed inner city policies in Chicago? What do they think about a Newtown Massacre every weekend in Chicago?
Please. Do. Tell.
BTW Goldy did you post this in response to Puddy’s entry last night where the father killed one of the perps holding a gun to his daughter’s head and injured the other with his registered hand gun?
You know; the real gun safety!
“…with his registered hand gun?”
So, registering the gun didn’t prevent him from defending himself and his family? Interesting.
Interested that Gottlieb is still allowed to own and carry a firearm. Is there a convicted felon loophole that also needs closing?
Person Playing Puddybud @ 1,
First, thank you for having your character stay on topic.
“How are you going to police the guns in the inner city?”
So…at WORST you are saying that some problems won’t be solved by the proposed law.
But nobody said it would solve every problem.
There are some things that background checks and gun registration will effectively do to improve law enforcement and public health (note I 594 doesn’t even do all of this–it only expands background checks to private sales):
— Give law enforcement better tools for tracking down weapons used in crimes.
— Give prosecutors a new tool in charging and prosecuting criminals caught with unregistered weapons.
— Prevent people who are barred from gun ownership from acquiring a gun through mainstream methods.
— Significantly reduce the amount of gun diversion to criminals, as has been found in scientific literature.
Your Chicago example is illuminating. Chicago has had a reduction in gun violence over the past couple of decades. I am not aware of any academic (i.e. peer reviewed scientific studies) on the effect of Chicago’s gun laws on this reduction, but an analysis of police data on guns recovered from crimes by the Chicago Tribune finds that the majority of guns recovered were purchased from outside of Chicago–frequently in other states. This, in fact, suggests that the Chicago laws have been quite effective, but would be even more effective if Illinois and other states passed similar laws.
It would be nice if there was some solid academic research on how these laws affect gun use and violence. Alas, the federal government is largely barred from funding such research.
It’s seriously depressing to read in the article how much money is involved in this.
I mean, no, not surprising at all, we already know this. But holy fuck it’s infuriating.
Hello Darryl,
Thanks for deleting the daily rujaxoffallthetime constipated stooooooooooooooopidity!
Now to the question you posed… Puddy is say the big problem will not be solved by this law. So you make it harder for the general populace to get a gun. You liberals continually forget the thousands of FACTS where guns saved lives because the populace was armed against criminals.
– Give law enforcement better tools for tracking down weapons used in crimes. Already have laws on the books. Why aren’t they being followed
– Give prosecutors a new tool in charging and prosecuting criminals caught with unregistered weapons. No problem there except if they were defending against a home invasion by scum criminals.
– Prevent people who are barred from gun ownership from acquiring a gun through mainstream methods. No problem there. Keep it from crazies. Some crazies post on the libtard side here.
– Significantly reduce the amount of gun diversion to criminals, as has been found in scientific literature. – Got link?
Remember Australia? Puddy covered it here many times.
Remember Hitler took away the guns from the populace and we know from history that outcome.
Hey rujaxoffallthetime. SMACK!
headless racist lucy…
Puddy never claimed registration is bad. But when you register you open up to other issues… Like the liberal assholes in this link…
Remember this anti-gun nut’s actions was met with strong resistance!
Puddy has cousins in law enforcement. Check with the clueless crazed cretin as Puddy already discussed it. How do you think Puddy knows what goes on in the inner city? Puddy has written about Philly many times! My argument is the criminals don’t have any wait period and thinking their guns and ammo come from guns shows is specious!
@7 “You liberals continually forget the thousands of FACTS where guns saved lives because the populace was armed against criminals.”
Really? For every 100 news stories about psychos blowing away innocents, there’s maybe 1 news story about an armed citizen stopping a violent crime, and 1 news story about an armed citizen who got blown away trying to stop a violent crime — the success ratio with this seems to be about 1 out of 2. And maybe that’s because most people have enough sense not to confront armed criminals.
Or by “armed populace” are you referring to old white guys sitting on their porches with shotguns blowing away inner city minority kids for trespassing on their lawns?
Person playing Puddybud,
“Already have laws on the books. Why aren’t they being followed”
Who says they aren’t? Either way, that is STILL not an excuse to avoid enacting new laws that are almost certainly going to improve enforcement. For example, doing background checks with 100% of legal sales is almost certainly better than doing background checks on only a fraction of legal sales.
“No problem there except if they were defending against a home invasion by scum criminals.”
Okay…so you are for gun registration (unless someone kills an actual invader then the gun need not be registered).
“No problem there. Keep it from crazies.”
Okay…so background checks for ALL gun sales is okay with you then?
“Significantly reduce the amount of gun diversion to criminals, as has been found in scientific literature. – Got link?”
Sure…here’s one study from an edited academic book that both reviews the prior literature on how better regulation of gun sales reduces diversions of guns to criminals. After that background, they do a longitudinal study and analysis showing an increase of diversions of guns to criminals after Missouri repeal it’s permit law in 2007.
They follow this with an analysis of 2009 state-level crime gun trace data to investigate the relationship between state gun laws and crime gun exports. Among other things, they find that regulating private sales resulted in a 29% reduction in crime gun exports to other states.
There is a conclusions and policy implication section at the end that summarizes the results if you chose to not read the entire paper. And, of course, many of the papers cited in the bibliography are earlier related studies.
Person Playing Puddybud,
“Puddy has cousins in law enforcement”
Yeah, yeah, yeah….well my father is a (now retired) Chicago cop, his brother is a (now retired) Chicago cop. My stepmother (Father’s second wife) is a (now retired) Chicago cop. My half sister is currently a Chicago cop.
Interestingly, for the last 15 years before he retired, my father was on loan to the Police Academy teaching gun skills and safety to cadets….
Gun Nuts, that almost sounds like a snack food. But really the ‘nuts’ we should be referencing are the lack of testicles that somehow having guns cures.
Quick aside to Goldy…I really like what you have done to the site!
Did you post that in response to the business owner in the same city killing his three employees then himself?
Person Playing Piddles
Actually no one remembers that because The Nazi regime actually LOOSENED restrictions on guns as compared to the Weimar Republic.
Branch out from your right wing sites once in a while and you might understand history.
Another good one from this week, “Why when Russia shot down KAL plane, Reagan rushed back to the White House.” Uh, yeah, after four days and writing in his diaries, published public record, how sad he was to lose the last days of vacationing on his ranch. But then, he was a tough guy who lounged in his pool and didn’t have modern communications devices for those four days so he’s totally my hero.
Don’t remember being against gun registration except when libtards do this Is that something you condone?
Why more laws Darryl? What does it prove except liberals slapping themselves on their backs saying “Look what we just did”? Enforce those laws already on the books except those Obummer decides he doesn’t like.
Regarding your family in Chicago being cops… then you know first hand how a Newtown Massacre happens each weekend in Chicago. Why isn’t that ever covered here? Why has Rahmbo’s gun control policies failed so miserably?
“After that background, they do a longitudinal study and analysis showing an increase of diversions of guns to criminals after Missouri repeal it’s permit law in 2007.”
– Do they study where the guns actually came from? Missouri gun holders or other locations?
Hey checkmate… Puddy uses non libtard sources on Hitler… So You do agree Hitler exempted all members of the Nazi party entirely from guns laws and essentially reduced all gun regulations against them. You being a Nazi could do whatever. Me being black
Then you should know from history within the same 1938 year when Hitler changed Nazi gun laws, Hitler denied Jewish persons from possessing any firearm, because Hitler imposed additional regulations against the Jews.
Did Reagan go fund raising. Did Reagan tell jokes 40 seconds after making a limp toast speech? Did Reagan claim Russia was so 1960s in their foreign policy?
Sux to be checkmated again!
@ Piddles, you do know that the Nazi gun law you refer to lowered the legal age for all non-jews from 20 to 18? You do know that the same law increased the validity of a gun registration from one year to three? You do know that the same law eliminated all restrictions on weapons considered for sport or hunting? And members of the party had no restrictions at all, yes, you’re right. That would be loosening restrictions on guns.
But in right wing fantasy world, if the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto had had handguns, they would have TOTALL?Y? prevailed against the SS and other factions of the German army. Because…..WOLVERINES!!!
@17 “Did Reagan go fund raising.”
You mean after the Russians shot down a civilian airliner?
“Chris Wallace, host of Fox News Sunday, tried to correct the record on Fox. During an interview on the network’s morning show Fox and Friends, Wallace explained his experiences covering Reagan in 1983. ‘He was in Santa Barbara at his ranch when this happened, and quite frankly he didn’t want to leave,’ Wallace said. ‘And his advisers realized how terrible this looked, and eventually persuaded him he had to fly back to Washington and had to make this speech to the nation.’
“Reagan biographer Paul Kengor described the president’s reaction in his book The Crusader. Kengor quotes Reagan telling his National Security Advisor William Clark ‘to be careful not to overreact to this.’ According to press reports at the time, Reagan wanted arms control talks with the Soviets to continue and resisted putting economic sanctions on Russia.” …
“Aside from a brief statement, it took Reagan several days before addressing the issue with the American public. …
“We rate the claim Mostly False.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And that was when a planeload of Americans, including a U.S. congressman, was shot down! Obama was reacting to the killing of foreigners, including one Dutch citizen boarding with a Dutch passport with a dual U.S. citizenship.
Of course, Puffy is always quick to seize upon whatever bullshit propaganda the Wingnut Noise Machine puts out.
Golly checkmate agrees with Puddy! Everyone who was a Nazi Party member had guns while those who WERE NOT members lost theirs.
Thanks for playing!
Where in any right wing blog does it say the Jews would have prevailed?
Man U R moronic.
checkmated again.
Did Puddy bring up Reagan?
By saying something for 40 seconds, then telling jokes and running to a fund raiser that’s A-OK NoBalls Idiot Wabbit? Even the vaulted California DUMMOCRETIN senator Dianne Feinstein is upset over Obummer running to fund raisers while “Rome burns” everywhere.
BTW it took Reagan 12 hours to leave Santa Barbara.
It took no seconds for Obummer to continue his fund raising tours.
Nice hijack of the “almost pertinent” points of the politifact post.
Lost your scrotum on that one too NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit!
Of course, NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit is always quick to seize upon whatever bullshit propaganda the left wrong web sites offer and the PMSNBC Noise Machine puts out. Or NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit will make something up from his senile crazy mind and hope no one challenges NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit on it!
– Corrected!
Remember Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit… checkmate brought up Reagan!
Sux to be NoBalls!
Hey checkmate… found the old article… Yes Mr and Mrs Puddy eat lots of natural foods.
The record says within a day.
Again non-facts from the fingers of checkmate. checkmated by his own hand!
Piddles is on his wilfull ignorance improv. Members of the party were exempt from needing permits. All other Germans were subject to the new restrictions that were EASED under Nazi leadership. Permits one year now three, 18 instead of 20…
Funny, that widespread availability of guns to go take on a government…I can’t seem to find any ‘Good German Militia’ taking up arms in the historical record.
Hmmm..the Nazis banned Jews from owning guns in 1938. How come that heavily armed population didn’t fight for their rights when the were forbidden to marry True Germans? How come they didn’t rise up when they were banned from the military? How come they didn’t form militias and fight when they were barred from doing business with the state? All happened before gun rights for all Germans were eased as long as you weren’t a Jew.
yep tight wing fantasy…if they had been armed, they’d have been good.
Notice checkmate never deals with the issue. Must be that willful ignorance checkmate discusses above. It’s always a Psych 101 thing with libtards. Almost all “good” Germans were members of the Nazi party. Blacks, Jews, etc were not Nazi party members. Aryan race moron! Remember what Hitler did to Jesse Owens? No? Well it must be that willful ignorance cognitive dissonance! Project your faults on others.
It’s always some side issue not totally pertinent but checkmate makes sure it’s right there cuz he sez so. Witness these “questions”? side issues:
Butt, wikipedia disagrees with checkmate and agrees with Puddy’s link!
Notice how Piddles makes up facts. At the height of their power, the Nazi party had a little over 6 million members or roughly 7% of the population. 7% is almost all according to Piddles.
He’s heard it somewhere that all Germans were members of the party…good enough for him. There were roughly 70 million Germans in 1938. 70 million minus 6 million minus less than half a million Jews living in Germany and you get to…A little over 62million Germans had their access to guns increased under Hitler. These were not members of the Nazi party. Jesse Owens, had he been a German and not American, could have owned a gun in Germany in 1938.
And still, that half million, if only they had had guns, they totally would have been fine against the 7 million true believers.
Thanks for playing.
Always watch out for morons like checkmate… Where are the links for his “knowledge”?
No need to discuss this any further because without links for proof Puddy talking to a brick wall. Why even try to have a discussion with checkmate when he never sources anything? Must be he’s afraid to show his “sources”!
Talk to the hand checkmate! Sux to be you!
Yep Piddles, I don’t bother to link to really easily found information. I didn’t spend my day trying to find an OpEd from something called Natural News.
You could look up the population of Germany in the 1930s from the U.N. from the world book, old copies of Encyclopedia Brittanica…
Easily found information… Oh you mean where Hitler was the most popular German leader ever. When in public he stood in an German made car waving to his adoring fans through the open roof as it drove slowly through adoring cheering crowds. So much for that 7% eh?
I suddenly realize something about the Piddles character. He’s seen clips by Leni Reifensthal and thinks that was daily life in Germany in the 30’s.
No wonder he’s a fan of Reagan. Got that Morning in America on tape and a loop of “The governement is the problem!” fap fap fap fap