What?! You mean Rep. Dave Reichert really isn’t a moderate? The Politico reports:
It is a pattern. Many of his moderate moves turn out to be pretty empty upon closer inspection.
In fact, Reichert has reversed his vote on “moderate” bills a whopping 25 times this Congress. Why would a politician expose himself to charges that he was for a bill before he was against it?
According to an analysis of House procedure by local blogger Dan Kirkdorffer, Reichert often votes with Republicans on every procedural step for a bill, but if it is headed for passage anyway, he reverses himself on the final vote. The crass objective is to get credit from gullible reporters for backing some Democratic legislation.
Take the Democrats’ renewable energy bill. Reichert voted with Republicans to thwart the legislation five times. On Feb. 27, he voted to kill it one last time; when that failed, he turned around on the same day and voted for the final bill, with only 16 other Republicans.
These are facts, not opinions, and if our local reporters and columnists want to continue aping Reichert’s campaign propaganda, the least they could do is examine the facts and offer an alternative interpretation before once again touting his supposedly “moderate” voting record. To do otherwise simply serves to deceive the voters of the Eighth Congressional District.
Dan Kirkdorffer has been relentlessly pushing his analysis since the 2006 campaign, and while it is heartening to see a professional journalist finally examine the data, it is disappointing that the scrutiny had to come from the D.C. press corps rather than our own backyard. No doubt Dan is at least as partisan as I am, but facts are facts and they stand for themselves.
This is all part and parcel of the re[publican strategy of deception. Reichert is in a tough swing district – so he votes the straight republican line on all the procedural votes (there is no such thing as a republican moderate)- and then reverses his vote to “appear” independent when the republicans know they are going to lose anyways.
This shows two important things:
1. Reichert puts republican politics over the needs of his constituents.
2.He is fooling the media (not too hard to do) and his constituents about his real record of follwowing Bush. Just look where he turns for campaign suppot and money – Bush.
Let’s count all the news stories on Reichert’s supposed “moderate” record….maybe I’ll just google that now…
Yup – didn’t take long to spot the “untruth”
For the second year in a row, Reichert is sole moderate member of State’s delegation
Representative Dave Reichert (Washington – 8) was once again named the most centrist member of Washington State’s delegation. Reichert was the only member from Washington State’s delegation to be recognized as a centrist. The independent publication National Journal ranked members of the House and Senate ideologically using the votes they cast in 2006. Members with composite scores closest to 50 are at the exact center of each chamber. Dave Reichert’s composite score was 47.3 percent liberal – 52.7 percent conservative, putting him at the ideological center of the House.
Posted by Island Republican “
Swings the other way, too. Wasn’t there some study done that showed that the media is far more likely to call a conservative person a conservative, than a liberal person a liberal a liberal? Example, they’ll say something like “…. and conservative talk show host Rush….,” but when mentioning a liberal talk show host, they’ll just say talk show host, and not preface it with liberal.
Of course the Seattle Times can’t be left off the bandwagon:
How did Reichert get so green?
By Alicia Mundy
Seattle Times Washington bureau
U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Auburn, has become known as one of the most pro-environment Republicans in Congress.
From the Seattle Times – (we don’t get fooled again dept.):
“Archive | Reichert’s shade of “green” depends on issue
WASHINGTON — Last fall, two congressmen from Washington state eyed each other warily in a Capitol Hill corridor as they discussed a bill that would expand the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area in the Cascades.
Rep. Jay Inslee, a Democrat from Bainbridge Island, is a leading proponent of environmental protection. But he wasn’t the one pushing the wilderness bill. It was Rep. Dave Reichert, an Auburn Republican, and he was trying to persuade Inslee to co-sponsor the legislation.
Inslee had no intention of signing on to a bill that could improve Reichert’s environmental credentials. It wasn’t personal, just politics.
“We want to beat your ass in 2008,” Reichert quoted Inslee as saying. (Inslee’s office declined to comment.)
“Jay, I’m not feeling the love here,” Reichert responded.
Reichert may not be getting much love from Democrats in Congress. But he’s found fans recently in surprising quarters — environmental and wilderness groups, energy activists and ecologists.
The man who shocked environmentalists in 2006 when he said he was unsure about global warming or what role humans might play has had a conversion to conservation that is almost religious.
The League of Conservation Voters today is expected to name Reichert one of the 10 most environmentally conscious Republicans in Congress.”
@3: So Rush Limbaugh is NOT conservative? That is somehow not accurate?
The point here (that you are missing entirely) is that Reichert is pretending to be a “moderate” to attract moderate votes in the 8th – when he is not. This is called deception. In fact – he will flip flop on votes (25 key times) to appear more moderate.
I think you’re referring to this.
Here’s one part that was especially funny:
On the March 2 NBC Nightly News, David Gregory talked about “the conservative group USA Next” and the “senior lobbying group AARP,” ideological opposites in the Social Security debate. On all four occasions the networks mentioned USA Next by name, they correctly called it “conservative,” but not once during the six-month study period did a network reporter describe the AARP as “liberal.”
Yes, because the AARP is not a liberal organization. Just because someone disagrees with a conservative organization does not mean that they are automatically liberal. The reason there’s a disparity is because far more people who go on TV self-describe as conservative.
You mean Dave Reichert is a lying liar? Say it ain’t so!
The “Gullibility of Reporters” cannot be overestimated.
# 1: “…there is no such thing as a moderate Republican…”
Just ask John McKay what happens to moderate Republicans in today’s Republican Party. Roadkill.
Go Goldy and Dan!!!
On a prior thread–
105. SeattleJew spews:
“Until MOnday, I supported Wright. Now I wonder .. why the clown act? He reminded me of Amos and Andy or Step’n fetchit. He was a sad characture, a demeaning characture, of the guy who two days before was very impressive.
I wondered if he had had a mental breakdown?”
Actually SJ, The Wrong-Reverend Wright has put himself in a box. If Wright is to continuje his campaign of bitterness and that Blacks are mistreated, then Obama must lose. If Obama wins, Wright loses.
See the paradox??
Just ask Joe Lieberman what happens to moderate Democrats in today’s Democratic Party. Roadkill.
Gullible Reporters?? and other GULLIBLE LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS!
This new Rasmussen Poll just in:
Thursday, May 01, 2008
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that Barack Obama’s former Pastor, Jeremiah Wright, has had a significant impact on the race for the White House. The news is not good for Obama.
In general election polling John McCain now attracts 46% of the vote while Barack Obama earns 43%. Just before Wright had his press conference on Monday, McCain and Obama were even. A week ago, Obama had a two-point edge. McCain is now tied with Hillary Clinton at 44%. A week ago, McCain had a two-point edge over the former First Lady.
Those figures mean that Clinton now outperforms Obama by three points. A week ago, Obama outperformed Clinton by four. Daily tracking results are updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time (see recent daily results). New polling in New Hampshire shows that Clinton has gained ground on McCain in the Granite State while Obama is heading in the opposite direction. That poll also found significant voter concerns about Obama and his former Pastor.
In the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, the Wright impact is especially evident. Clinton now has a statistically insignificant two-point edge over Obama, 46% to 44%. However, that represents a ten-point swing since Wright’s press conference. Before Pastor Wright appeared at the National Press Club, Obama led Clinton by eight points (see recent Democratic Nomination results).
O-blah-blah has lost a bunch of swing-voters most likely for good.
PS–I don’t support O-blah-blah because:
1) He has the most Liberal Voting Record in the US Senate.
2) He had just as Liberal of a Voting Record in the Illinois Senate (look at his voting record & the Bills he proposed..MyGawd!)
3) He is soft on Gang-related murders in Illinois, how does anyone think he will be tough on terrorism.
4) He proposes raising the Long-Term Capital Gains rate to 28%.. 65% of Americans oppose any increase!
5) He showed how he reacts under pressure with the Wright & Avery debacles—MIGHTY POORLY!
The list goes on & on and none of my reasons have anything to do with race.
And one more thing…his HealthCare Plan is fiscally irresponsible.
A Republican pretending to be something he isn’t … this is news?
@3 That’s because liberals are mainstream and conservatives are extremists. Only conservatives need to come with consumer warning labels.
@4 Oh that’s rich — now the Democrat is the anti-environment congressman — and we wrap our garbage in this newspaper? No wonder the garbage can smells.
If you look at voter numbers in the primaries things don’t look nearly as good for McCain. Dem. turnout in many (most?) cases more than doubles Republican turnout and even with McCain the last man standing a good chunk of the Republican vote is still being cast for other candidates.
Seems to me most environmental groups are endorsing Burner.
Speaking of the GOP conservationists in Congress — now they’re bitching about having to give up their taxpayer-provided gas guzzlers:
“Lawmakers get red over green-car rule
“By Richard Simon
“Los Angeles Times
“WASHINGTON — Rep. Elton Gallegly of California likes his taxpayer-funded Ford Expedition. … ‘It’s not a Cadillac. It’s not a Lincoln. It’s a Ford,’ the Republican congressman said with exasperation.
” … Gallegly and other lawmakers will have to give up gas-hungry SUVs and luxury sedans for leased vehicles that are more eco-correct, such as Toyota’s Prius. Some are in a high-octane fit about it. ‘A Prius isn’t made in the United States,’ Gallegly said.
” … [A] little-noticed amendment to last year’s energy bill … requires House members who lease vehicles through their office budgets to drive cars that emit low levels of greenhouse gases.
” … Texas Republican Joe Barton … probably will have to give up his Chevy Tahoe …. ‘I guarantee you my district is not upset that I’m driving a Chevy Tahoe,’ he said. …
The requirement was sought by Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo. … [H]e’s heard grumbling from colleagues. ‘They want their Lexuses and their Cadillacs,’ he said. …
“The use of a vehicle — gas included — is one of the lesser-known benefits of being a member of the House. There is no limit on how much money the members can spend. Not only does the federal government pick up the cost of the lease and the gas, but also general maintenance, insurance, registration fees and excess-mileage charges. …
“The lease requirement passed narrowly in August after a brief debate, with most Democrats supporting it and most Republicans opposing it. Reaction to the requirement has varied. Some Republicans lashed out at Democrats, accusing the House leadership of hypocrisy. ‘I will start driving a green car once Pelosi starts ballooning back and forth from coast to coast to save jet fuel,’ said Rep. Tom Feeney, R-Fla., referring to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who has made climate change a top priority.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story see the Seattle Times website.
Thanks for pointing this out. This is a practice that can be ended.
Hey Goldy, you want to devote some space to Fat Cats driving around on the tax payers dime?