Our next debate in tonight’s double header is AG Rob McKenna (R) versus former WA-01 Congressman Jay Inslee. I think it is supposed to be carried by KUOW, but fucking Wiretapped is on.
So, I’ll look for the debate on my portable AM/FM/Shortwave radio, and you folks can talk about the debate. In case none of us get the debate….this is just an open thread.
8:02: There is a new poll in the gubernatorial contest. Inslee leads Romney McKenna. I’ll post an analysis right after the debate.
8:06: Okay…Goldy just walked in the door and tells me I can stream the debate on KING 5. Awaiting audio…
8:09: Got the video on big screen Tee Vee and the audio streaming. Has anyone ever noticed that Rob McKenna looks like a transgendered individual?
8:11: Carl Ballard was wondering what kind of pin Inslee is wearing. A hammer and sickle pin, obviously.
8:13: [Carl] For Halloween, McKenna is going to be a skeleton with a toupee.
8:14: McKenna has some round pin with shit on the inside. If I’m not mistaken, that is the official pin of the ALEC bootcamp. Am I right?
8:18: McKenna would sink the head of the ferry system! Yikes!
8:19: Rob McKenna looks like he wants to puke. Get that man a bucket!
8:21: Rob McKenna goes to REI and that somehow is related to closing tax loopholes.
8:22: Can we get to the physical confrontation part of this debate, please?
8:27: We have enter the uberwonkery part of the debate. Jay Inslee wins just because he doesn’t whine like McKenna.
8:29: The departs from the format and they ask each other questions. Oh, please. This is bullshit.
8:30: Rob McKenna gets testy…which is as close to masculine as he gets all night…just because of the word.
8:34: McKenna is totally pro-women. But Inslee points out that there are three things missing from his answer. For example, McKenna is opposed to the reproductive parity act.
8:36: A question comes, via video tape, from a sister station in Spokane. If Washington wasn’t such a backward state, that would have been a hologram!
8:41: McKenna repeats his TOTALLY retarded pseudoissue about why we shouldn’t give drivers licenses to non-citizens. Ugggh!
8:44: “Lean management” comes up again. I think Rob wins, hands down. After all, he is much leaner than Inslee. But is pronounced moobs suggests he has a recreational drug habbit. Just sayin’.
8:47: On the other hand…Inslee would pummel McKenna, if only the physical confrontation phase of this debate would start.
8:48: Mr. Brunner looks like he could use some lean management….
8:51: McKenna “only” has “technical questions” about light rail across a floating bridge. Of course, he was previously recorded, before a group of right wing reactionaries, promising to stop the project. What an asshole!
8:55: I don’t know how much longer I can listen to this. Aaaarrrrrggggghhh! Whew…closing statements!
8:57: McKenna asks if you will better off putting the same people back in office. FUCK YES. Putting an asshole phoney like Rob McKenna in office will be an utter disaster for Washington state. No question about it!
For Halloween I’m going to dress up as Rob McKenna. Scariest shit on the block!
Bobbie Mac’s play for votes is pretty simple..
He promises more money for schools in the ‘burbs.. More money for schools means ‘burban dwellers property values appreciate and they have the warm fuzzies about their kids’ future..
Bobbie cites positive economic forecasts and says we’ll have the money..
Asshats like little maxeee the troll will vote in droves for Bobbee..
If the economics don’t play out as well as hoped? No probs, Bobbee will just throw more poor into the streets. With the help of Dem turncoats like Sheldon and Katsama, he just might do that.
you still bummed that after 40plus years on this planet, you live in a shithole and your life hasnt amounted to squat?
hey man, dont get mad at me, thats all on you.
if you read darryls screed, it would appear that inslee didnt say a single word in the debate.
Nike has terminated its contract with Lance Armstrong as evidence continues to mount against the disgraced former cycling star.
I think Inslee will win because the state is so heavily pro-Democrat, especially in the I-5 corridor. A friend has asked me to vote for McKenna, and I’m going to do so because it’s just a little small favor to a friend. I have no great like for McKenna or Inslee, and my vote won’t count for much, especially given a certain county’s ability to magically find votes for Democrats in the gubenatorial contest.
I’ll be voting for a guy named Heck for Congress. He’s a Dem and running against Republican Muri. All I’m really doing is voting against Muri because he has no business ever being in any government office. (It’s a long story.)
LOL! Our modest middle class neighborhood is quiet, property values after the depths of the great recession are recovering and life is just grand for our family..
We don’t need expensive toys and other trappings to stroke ourselves with like the asshat tribe to which you belong.