According to the TNT’s Peter Callaghan, the rumor du jour in Olympia is that Gov. Chris Gregoire is on President Obama’s short list to replace Elena Kagan as Solicitor General, a prospect that conjures three frightening words: Governor Brad Owen.
Callaghan goes on to explain that a resignation before May 31 would result in a special election, both primary and general, whereas a resignation after May 31, but before October 3 would result in a November free for all. (A resignation after October 3 would result in — ugh — Lt. Gov. Brad Owen filling out the remaining two years of Gregoire’s term.)
One intriguing aspect of this rumor is that should it come true, Dino Rossi would become the instant frontrunner in a special election. Yet one more bit of gristle for him to chew on as he considers flushing his career down the toilet in a futile challenge to Sen. Patty Murray.
There are millions of fine Democratic people out there but it seems like the the Obama administration is hellbent on removing every Democratic party member from local office if it would somehow replace them with a conservative or neocon.
hmm…one liar going to work for another liar…same old same old…
Rossi never should have made it this far. Working for a felon who robbed widows and orphans should have flushed his career down the toilet years ago.
I’m just guessing, but I would think that Gregoire would prefer to finish out her term as Governor here, and move on to Washington in a cabinet-level position during Obama’s second term.
The soliciter-general job should go to someone younger, who would then be groomed for a higher post a bit later in their career (heading the Justice Dept., for example).
Elana? It’s Elena.
Luagi @6,
Typos happen. But thanks for pointing it out.
Fuck that shit. People need to finish out the terms they signed up for. Finish the job you started or don’t bother running in the first place.
@ 8:
Otherwise, Gov. Gregoire will look like that other govenor who didn’t finish out her term.
With the exception that Gov. Gregoire would be moving on to another public office instead of being a paid political whore with lipstick and a winking problem.
Chrissy fucked Washington enough already. Let her go to DC and fuck up something else.
“Obama’s second term”
# 11: I’ll try to remember to copy the link to this comment. Then after Nov. 2012, I’ll post it every time you complain about another four years under Obama.
Or a one term state senator that didn’t finish his term and who’s only claim to fame is being able to act in a bi-partisan way with Gary, I can get along with anybody, Locke.
@13: Again…Obama left the Senate in the middle of his term to become President of the United States of America. Palin left the Alaska Governorship in the middle of her term to…??
This is the kind of false equivalence that allows dumbasses to somehow view these two people as “equally qualified.”
I don’t know, sometimes an appointment to another job (or jumping on an open seat before your term is up) can be a good thing.
For example I’m somewhat thankful Ron Sims didn’t decide to serve out his full term and took the DC job instead.
For that matter Obama and Biden didn’t serve out the remainder of their Senate terms. If McCain and Palin had been elected they wouldn’t have served out their full terms either (well Palin didn’t in any case).
Brad Owen: I think the guy did not finish college. He readily admits he is not too bright. The real danger is that he thinks he can play guitar (snicker).
The real question is what does Gov. Gregiore want?
Does she want to serve out the majority of her term no matter what (meaning ate least until the 2012 session is over)? Solicitor General just doesn’t seem like the sort of post you leave the Governor’s office mid-term for.
What jobs other than Governor is she even interested in? Though I don’t see her turning down an appointment to the Federal bench, I doubt such a post would even be offered until late in her term or after she leaves office.
Would Brad resign as Lt. Gov if he and his mates were named Washington’s State Rock (Band)?
I know it would solve the potential problem of *shudder* Governor Owen, and I’d put up with the ricule from Krist and a thousand others if it removed Brad from Gregoire’s succession.
What does the state Constitution say about the Governor’s replacement when there isn’t a Lt. Governor? Speaker of the House, like the US Constitution?
11. delbert
Who’s going to beat him? The GOP bench looks pretty punk.
@ 19:
Well, let’s see who are likely candidates on the GOP Presidential bench?
Mitt Romney
Mike Huckabee
Tim Pawlenty
Sarah Palin
Haley Barbour
Jeb Bush
Charlie CristMark SanfordArnold SchwarzeneggerDoesn’t look like they are on thick ice to me.
Given Gregoire’s age, I don’t think a federal bench job is in her future. Those are lifetime appointments, and Obama isn’t going to want to waste them on someone who would probably retire within the next decade anyway. The want someone who will be on the bench (in one position or another) for two or three decades.
Likewise, Gregoire is probably thinking that the next job she takes will probably be her last one. I just don’t see the soliciter general position as fitting that bill – especially if she has to resign the governor’s post to take it. Not unless there’s a promise of an appointment to a higher position (cabinet level or ambassador position) in the near future.
Maybe if we could get Brad Owen to resign in order to run against Patty Murray….
Kill two birds with one stone, and all that.
“Gee, Brad, I think it would be ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS if you were to run against Murray. Nobody likes her, and there’s this huge groundswell of support for you. I’m sure if you just announce your candidacy and resign so you can devote full time to your campaign, donations will just FLOW IN from every nook and craney of the state! We’ll give you our FULL SUPPORT! Remember – we are counting on you!”
And all this time I thought it was Tourette’s.
@23 Fuck you. As someone who actually has Tourette’s, I find that to be a horrible insult.
@ 14
It’s not a false equivalency when you’re including everyone in it. ;-)
You get elected to serve a term for X amount of years. Serve the term and then run/do something else. There were other people that could have filled the slots that Simms and Biden took.
I quote Grover the Rover:
I thought I heard Barbour say on the radio the other day, “this is not a catastrophe”. I may have misheard that. Can’t find a cite anywhere.
If it’s true, that’s enough to sink that fool into the tarpit for good.
@24…must have been great on dates……
A teabagger, lusting for power, yearns to “thin the herd”:
@28…lol…thats actually kinda funny. Maybe you should head over to Best Buy and see if they will sell you a sense of humor…
29 – I find teabaggers hilarious. I laugh AT them and their silly antics all the time.
One can foresee the headlines…
…or may not. ;-)
@20 The latest issue of American Spectator is running a cover story entitled “President Petraeus?”
@28 His name’s actually Goehring! Who’s next? Goebbels? Rommel? Eichmann?
33 – Kinda fits doesn’t it?
@33…sorry, but Goebbels is already taken, by our dear old rabbit…
Rommel?? Christ, you really need to pick up a history book and get a clue.
It’s absolutely imperative that the Milk Chocolate Messiah gets re-elected: we have to keep Hillary away from the White House!
Here’s the true hero of the teabagger movement:
He actually DID what they (including little max the coward @ 35) and proto-fascists like Goehring (!) have always fantasized about.
If I were Gregoire, I would bolt. The pressure is really on governors with this terrible economy. I guess it also depends on what her family wants.
@37..nah, not me man…Im a lover, not a fighter…..just ask your wife. I will leave the incessant complaining to little girly men like yourself…
Heh. Of “teh stupid”..
Keep bringin’ it, coward..
Maxie @ 27 and 29
Making fun of medical conditions and finding humor in website posts advocating killing of humans (and among your ilk that is how many will read it) indicates that your sense of humor ceased developing around age 11. The world would be a better place if your mother had aborted you.
@39: No, you’re a wannabe right wing terrorist — but you’re a just a pathetic failure at that too.
We still fare better than Arizona.
I wish Governor Gregoire well in her future endeavours. She can start them any time.
SJ News Service
TNT is FOS. Obama is an impressive attornet, he hired Kagen from HLS as his solicitor genral because she is an impressive attorney.
Gregoire is a governor with amixed record as an attorney.
He has something like senty zillion other dmeo attorneys to work his way through before he would put her in this job.
Aside from that, at her age she is most likley to retire to some job that makes money. SG does not make attorney level money.
Brad Owen can breath easy tonight.
Not Brad Owen.
SECTION 10 VACANCY IN OFFICE OF GOVERNOR. In case of the removal, resignation, death or disability of the governor, the duties of the office shall devolve upon the lieutenant governor; and in case of a vacancy in both the offices of governor and lieutenant governor, the duties of the governor shall devolve upon the secretary of state. In addition to the line of succession to the office and duties of governor as hereinabove indicated, if the necessity shall arise, in order to fill the vacancy in the office of governor, the following state officers shall succeed to the duties of governor and in the order named, viz.: Treasurer, auditor, attorney general, superintendent of public instruction and commissioner of public lands…Washington State Constitution
Queen Christine “now is not the time to raise taxes” @ various
You’re a real piece of work. This typifies the stupidity, irrationality, and irresponsibility of the Unthinking Right. You people don’t think, you fart.
The world is changing every moment. Consequently, our elected leaders have to — hello — exercise judgment.
Anti-tax, anti-government, trash-public-services fools like you should get down on your bowed knees and worship Governor Gregoire every day of your lives, because she sold out her supporters and party to avoid raising taxes as long as possible. But this Republican-stupidity-created recessions was just too deep and prolonged to avoid some tax and fee increases to save public services that are vital to, among other things, the long-term health of our economy. You are one short-sighted, stupid, ignorant, son of a bitch.
So what taxes were raised in this year’s legislative session? Beer and soda pop, chewing gum, etc. NO GENERAL SALES TAX INCREASE. I’ll repeat that: There was NO GENERAL SALES TAX INCREASE. So what the fuck are you babbling about?
Yes, it’s great that we live in America, a free country with free speech. In this context, “free speech” should be read to mind that any dishonest or ignorant ass can spew any nonsensical bullshit he wants to — and you certainly are doing that — without legal consequences (e.g., being fined, jailed, or executed). That’s fine, as far as it goes. I’m glad we live in a country where people can speak their mind without ending up dead, jailed, or tortured (although, as we have seen repeatedly throughout our modern history, that would change if conservatives got their way). But I’m NOT glad that lying shitheads like you spew the crap that you spew. A brain fart is still air pollution, even where it’s not against the law.
Shithead. Meatball. Ball licker. That’s what you are. Somebody is screwing your wife even as you sit at your keyboard typing your b.s. … I hope she’s enjoying it.
Amen, brother. Why is it that liberals must always parent the rightwing? It gets tiresome, after all, after awhile, to be the only adult among children.
are you guys done with your circle jerk/reach around contest yet?…or shall we give you a little more time to finish up?
Governor Gregoire to Solicitor General.
I heard the bitch is going straight to hell for bankrupting the State.
@51 she cant be bankrupting the state -she said we had an $800 million surplus…..0h wait, you dont think she lied to us..AGAIN!
anything to get her to move on. We could do a lost worse than Brad Owen, oh I guess we already know that don’t we?