More from Josh Feit’s interview:
Sure, endorsing Obama was calculated political pandering. But we like being pandered to.
To believe that Gregoire endorsed Barack Obama for political reasons is just wrong. Clearly, the “smart political move” would have been to not endorse in the race. Gregoire pissed off a lot of women by not endorsing the woman in the race. (My mom, for one.) Clinton backers would have dumped some fat checks on the Gregoire ’08 campaign. They may not, at least not for a while.
Hey, I got an idea… Maybe Gregoire was actually inspired by Barack Obama in the same way she was inspired by John F. Kennedy? Why it always has to be a “calculation”, I don’t understand.
Yo know, some of this governor’s biggest achievements have been non-political in nature, such as reaching an agreement between insurance companies and lawyers, or on water rights in eastern Washington.
And you know what? Maybe rushing into the implementation of a cap-and-trade isn’t the best thing. Says Gregoire:
We’re trying to get everybody to stay together. Here’s why: It’s one thing to get a bill passed, but it’s another thing to get it implemented. The way to make it move forward is to get everybody committed to implementation. This isn’t about taking away from Ecology. It’s saying, “Ecology, you develop a cap and trade, but bring it back to the legislature for approval,” versus, “You have the authority to adopt the rules and implement them today.” That’s the difference. That’s what they [business interests] want, and I’m okay with that.
Considering Gregoire ran the Ecology Department under Gov. Booth Gardner, I think she knows what it’ll take to get this done in a way that get all the parties on board. It reeks of competency and cooperation, not calculation.
I agree with you, Will, that Gov. Gregoire is not a “calculating” politician in the sense meant by Feit. She’s a practical and pragmatic leader with good judgment and a knack for solving problems. That’s what makes her special compared to run-of-the-mill politicians, and we’re damned lucky to have her as our governor.
the “calculating” one is Josh Feit – Calculate this Josh-boy: You stink as a journalist.
I think Gov. Gregoire actually showed courage in endorsing Obama, demonstrating she’s not afraid to take a stand.
My only question is, when are Murray and Cantwell going to follow the dictates of the Democratic electorate in the state and switch their allegiance from Clinton?
The queen is good at stealing elections, that’s for sure.
I think Gov. Gregoire actually showed courage in endorsing Obama, demonstrating she’s not afraid to take a stand.
She has a lot of ground to make up for her racist past. Of course she is going to endorse Obama.
re 4&5: What’s it like to be bitter and out of step with the future?
Josh Feit goes off his meds once and a while. But he is correct; who doesn’t like to be pandered to?
[Deleted- See Comment Policy]
re 8: “Yadda, Yadda, Yadda….”
Roger Rabbit says:
I agree with you, Will, that Gov. Gregoire is not a “calculating” politician in the sense meant by Feit. She’s a practical and pragmatic leader with good judgment and a knack for solving problems. That’s what makes her special compared to run-of-the-mill politicians, and we’re damned lucky to have her as our governor.
02/21/2008 at 5:23 pm
Roger how much money did you get from the settlement from the tobacco companies for you medicial problems? You did say she help you with your medical expencies? Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! yes she did help everyone who smoke kick their habbit!!!!! No, She is still the slime at the bottom and no better than the other shit heads called politicians.
Creighton Baril says:
re 4&5: What’s it like to be bitter and out of step with the future?
Baril you are speaking for yourself about being bitter and out of step with the future? Yes most folks who make statements here do have a ax to grind and the future has nothing to do with their frame of mind. Now take Roger Wabbit he is still dealing with the past hell don’t confuse him about the future. Yes he is BITTER and fare from being in step with anything. But most Socialist Democrats are real bitter and they really don’t have a furture today in this world or the next. The best they can do is take drugs and make love with anything or anybody that can stand them. Remember the Secert and keep positive and you may miss the pit falls.
RE: 8, Looks like the free speech police are out again tonight. Make sure you repeat the party talking points all so you don’t get busted for expressing your opinion.
Mark The Redneck-Rabbit says:
[Deleted- See Comment Policy]
Mark what did you say that Hillary will win the Election? Man what dumb luck you know that the media will elect Obama and the world will love us forever. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh except the Serbs they really belive we stolen their country Kovso away from them and gave it to a bunch of thives that crash their border.
klake never gets deleted for being off topic. You can never quite figure out what topic he is talking about.
re 10, 11, & 12: “Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, Yadda….”
Gregoire get all this attention for waiting till the last minute to endorse the muslim guy! Is that courage?
I think Shoulda-Bin-Theguv Rossi, the man who wnts to be the forst native American governor of this state, deserves a lot more credit for endorsing Obama.
…and Yadda just for good measure.
Creighton Baril says:
re 4&5: What’s it like to be bitter and out of step with the future?
02/21/2008 at 7:06 pm
I don’t blame you. Donks always want to revise history. The truth is kryptonite to a dem. Just look what I had to go through to rewrite the Clinton legacy.
Dog- Tell me the history of the great Bush adventure in Iraq. I need a good bedtime fantasy.
K says:
Dog- Tell me the history of the great Bush adventure in Iraq. I need a good bedtime fantasy.
02/21/2008 at 9:34 pm
You mean that fairy tale that the donks keep on repeating that millions of innocent people have died and how the surge would never work….. yeah that is a good one. roof roof.
@20 Lame. . .Dog-Lame!
I disagree with Gregoire frequently, mostly because she is to the right of me. Nonetheless, I think she is an excellent governor, much better than Gary Locke. She is an executive. She pushes an agenda and works that agenda. She is not milquetoast. Gregoire is articulate, smart, and forceful. She is independent of thought and, when confronted personally, gracious. On the other hand, Dino Rossi is dog shit on the bottom of your boot. It stinks, it’s stuck, and you just need to scrape it off and move on.
re 23: That would be acting like a Republican.
The Republican Anthem
Wah! Wah! Wah! Gregoire stole the election. Wah! Wah! Wah! Liberal Media. Wah! Wah! Wah! Everybody is unfair to us. Wah! Wah! Wah! GWB’s an imaginary war hero.Wah! Wah! Wah!
calculating? Yeh I’d say she is calculating, calculating how much more she will have to rip off to keep her 33% increase in spending and climbing every day from creating more than a 2.5 billion dollar hole.
Better hire a few more thousand state worers to figure that out eh?
Our state is doing pretty damned well compared to the rest in terms of economic growth, quality of life, and per capita well-being. Any chance that is due to our being one of the bluest of states? Nah, let’s roll back our gains and vote for that con artist, Dino, the Dim, Rossi. He sure has a great haircut, though, doesn’t he?
@27 proud leftist
What does the state’s doing well have to do with Gregoire? WA state is doing well because of the policies of GW Bush and the Republican Congress. look at the facts:
Who gets money because of 9/11 defense issues … Boeing!
Who benefits from selling software to China … Microsoft!
With all the wealthy people in the US living here, who benfits from the bUsh tax cuts .. Bezos, Allan, Shultz, Gates ……
And what exactly did the govrness and the Chinese guy before her do that make things better here?
Drove Boeing out to CFhicago
Sold the Sonics to Oklahoma
raised taxes and put us in debt
neglected our transportation system
gave us the WASL
To top it off … you watch, just as hse ran a racist camopaign against Mr. Sims and treated Din’s religion as something bad, this time tricky Chrissy is going to bring up the race card .. warning us all that Dino is a Tlingit!
Rossi is very well prepared for Ms. Gregoire this time. He is gonna hit her where it hurts.
Did you know she has not been to mas since becoming governor? eats big macs during Lent?
Have you ever seen a cross aorund her neck?? Why not .. this lady is supposed to be a catholic but suports the murder of babies!
Besides all that look at how she treated Mrs. Clinton? After higging the Dem Witch at Benaroya Hall, Chrissy fgo0es behind her friends back t endorse a Muslim giy from Indonesia .. a foreigner runing to be President!
Gipper: Wow, someone speaking the truth.
Gipper: Queen Chrissy gets a pass on her sorority activities from the 16%ers.
re 29&30 — You guys feed off of each other having the same exact opinion. You are people with low self-esteem and a herd mentality.
Puddy ..
You are correct. Look, the Dimbulbs say we should understand that Chrissy awas a young chick when whe was president of that sorority and “we all learn!”
HUH!! The they keep bringing up what 17 year old Laura, 17!, did after her boy firned jilted her! How can there be a comparison. Laura was a juvie and the court sealed the documents.; Laura was wronged and did what any self respecfing citizen should do, she struck back. No one wronged Chrissy! She just hated black folks because they were poor!
Nothing ever changes!!
The wingnuts always criticize Democrats for engaging in “identity politics” (or, as they like to call it, “playing the race card”) if we so much as acknowledge some candidate’s background. But IOKIYAR.
Why is it relevant if Rossi is one-quarter Alaskan Native? He’s also half Italian-American, and we’ve already had an Italian-American governor. You probably aren’t old enough to remember him, but look for the signs next time you go over the 520 bridge for a clue.
Anyway, it’s good for Rossi to be proud of his heritage. He has the same right to be proud as every other American whose ancestors came here (whether tens of thousands of years ago or tens of years ago, voluntarily or not) and worked hard to contribute to this country. However, in a candidate, I look at their policies, their ideas and what they want to do while in office, and because of that, I could never vote for Rossi. He has some extreme views only shared by a minority of residents of our state, and it isn’t a minority I think we should be giving any more power than they already have in our society.
Right on Will. This was not about politics but about who the Gov thought and still thinks would be best for this state and this nation. Barack and our Gov both worked to pass ethics legislation. Both a strong supporters of policy and practice which unite the American people not divide them. Our state has been split in much the same way the nation is. Both have worked across party lines to solve challanges and both have a keen sense of what we as a nation must overcome and how states and the president must again work together for all the people.
Was, the Obama endorsment good for the Gov? The UW poll suggests that is was. But Josh is off base when he takes this fact and concludes that the Gov endorsed Obama for political gain.
I love the shrieking of Pricky and the other wingers here. It’s all they can do as their GOP sinks in the cesspool.
Except, of course for ME, the 8th grader studying to BE a wingnut. To bad nobody told HIM there’s a minimum IQ for even a wingnut: you have to be able to feed yourself without assistance.
@35 Aw, he feeds himself. It’s just that he’s been relegated to using a Spork™, since they won’t let him use sharp objects.
Gipper @ 32:
“She just hated black folks because they were poor!:
I thought everyone just hated black people because they were black. Huh.
Well, you learn something new everyday and today I learned that Gov. Gregoire isn’t a racist, she just wants to end poverty.
I guess that makes her a liberal. If she hated folks because of the color of their skin that would make her a Republican.
Neither cap and trade or carbon taxes are a good idea until the Chinese, Indians, Indonesians etc. are also in the regulatory regime. If we pursue these unilaterally, it will just push energy intensive industries abroad where environmental regulations are more lax than they are here in the USA.