The first thought that crossed my mind when I heard that Sen. John McCain had tapped Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate was that there were at least two Democrats in the Washington state delegation at Invesco Field who were more qualified to be president: King County Executive Ron Sims and Gov. Chris Gregoire.
Palin has been her state’s chief executive for only 18 months… and to call Alaska a “state” is almost too kind. It’s population of 670,000 is the third smallest in the nation, about one tenth that of Washington state, and a little more than one third that of King County. And while both Sims and Gregoire are forced to balance their budgets in sync with a fluctuating economy, Alaska’s oil royalties and reverse income tax force no such tough decisions.
Indeed, for all of Palin’s talk about fiscal conservatism and smaller government, Alaska’s state spending per capita, at $12,833, is by far the highest in the nation. (Compared to only $5,303 in Washington state.) And what do Alaskans get for all that money? According to Governing Magazine, not all that much:
But, you know, Gov. Palin was clearly the most qualified for the job. The most qualified, conservative, pro-life, creationist, Republican woman, that is.
Gov. Gregoire has served twelve years as Attorney General and four years as governor in one of the most prosperous and fastest growing states in the nation, while Executive Sims has served twelve years running a county that is larger than 14 states. Yet local Republicans would have derisively mocked Barack Obama had either been elevated to the national ticket, while Gov. Palin, they tell us, she has the executive and foreign policy experience to lead the most powerful nation on earth. Oh, gimme a break.
Sarah Palin is little more than a governor of a national park, whose petro-dollar based economy is more akin to that of Nigeria or Venezuela than to that of Washington state. And given her well established secessionist leanings, the bulk of her foreign policy experience could only come from her dealings with the other 49 United States.
I don’t doubt that Palin focus groups well, and that she helps McCain enormously with his party’s evangelical base, but to hear our local Republicans defend her candidacy after months of attacking Barack Obama as being too inexperienced, well… if they could be any more cynical, I don’t know how.
The McCain campaign has posted voter registration records, which apparently show Palin as a registered Republican since August 1990. I am not sure whether Alaska even had party registration prior to 1990.
Okay, the spam filter keeps eating my comments. Is McCain the dirty word?
Okay, let’s try Palin now.
How about campaign?
Now for the eaten comment:
On the other hand, the John McCain campaign has come up with apparent copies of voter registration records, which indicate that Sarah Palin has been a registered Republican since August 1990. It looks like she registered with the Republicans on the day of the primary election in 1990:
I don’t know whether Alaska even had party registration prior to August 1990. It may be significant that Palin chose the Republicans in 1990, since that was the year that the Alaskan secessionists actually elected a governor (defeating both the Republican and Democratic nominees).
But why does the Alaskan Independence Party claim that Palin was a member? Did she adhere to the secessionists after they were successful in capturing the governor’s office? Were the secessionists particularly strong in the Wasilla area?
And why did Palin send videotaped greetings to the secessionists’ 2008 state convention? Does she send greetings to other Alaskan political parties, such as the Greens, Libertarians or Democrats?
Okay, the spam filter keeps eating my comments. Is McCain the dirty word? Guess not. How about Palin? Nope.
On the other hand, the John McCain campaign has come up with apparent copies of voter registration records, which indicate that Sarah Palin has been a registered Republican since August 1990. It looks like she registered with the Republicans on the day of the primary election in 1990.
Your edited comment was marked as spam. If this is in error, please contact the admin.
I hate it when it does that!
Hate to end up saying the same thing a couple of times when the spam filter malfunctions.
But this Sarah Palin obsession with the Alaskan Independence Party is interesting. They get far less than 1% of the vote in statewide elections anymore. They have about 3% of the state’s registered voters — most of whom probably thought they were registering as “Independents”, instead of secessionists. The vast majority of their supposed registrants don’t vote for their candidates. I doubt that they have more than a couple dozen actual active members.
Okay, maybe she never registered with the AIP. But it would have been foolish politically for her to do so. City government offices in Alaska are non-partisan, just as they are in Washington. And nobody ever votes AIP in a general election.
The one exception was Walter Hickel conveniently running under the AIP banner in 1990, when there was a split in the state Republican party. Hickel switched back to the Republicans after he was elected.
Hmmm…this is interesting: Although Alaska’s capital is Juneau, there seem to be lots of pictures of Governor Palin “in her office in Anchorage”. Also, there was a ballot initiative in 1994 (which failed) to move the capital from Juneau to, guess where? Wasilla!
If the Republican ticket gets elected and McCain meets his maker, are we to expect President Palin to govern from an office in Colorado Springs?
6 Hey, there are more than a few of us who were at one time members of Red Kelly’s “Owl Party”, or who voted for Richard Greene for Land Commissioner or Tiny Freeman for Congress. This, or Palin’s affiliation with a sortofa-kindofa political party that could have held its conventions in a phone booth, probably doesn’t mean much.
Actually, David, I would not have criticized for one moment Sen. Obama having selected Gov. Gregoire as his running mate. Honestly and sincerely, I think she would have been a far superior choice to Sen. Biden, would have energized the Democratic base in the same way that Gov. Palin has energized the Republican base, and been a much more formidable opponent. As much as I would have liked her to have been distracted from the Washington governor’s race (or possibly even having to withdraw — I don’t know off the top of my head if someone can run for president and another office [besides PCO] on the ballot simultaneously under Washington law), I’m glad he didn’t. Obama/Gregoire would have been much tougher to beat than Obama/Biden.
Alaska deserves a red dot for “retaining employees” because, you know, if you divorce the governor’s sister the guv will fire your ass. And maybe shoot you, too.
Alaska’s so small you can’t get married in that state without becoming a relation of the senator or governor.
“But, you know, Gov. Palin was clearly the most qualified for the job. The most qualified, conservative, pro-life, creationist, Republican woman, that is.”
Yeah, if you need a female fundie book burner, that narrows your choices. No experience required if other selection criteria are met.
It is SO MUCH FUN to see the left spinning out of control over how to bash Palin. Chelsea Clinton and John Edwards’s “love child” are off limits but not Bristol Palin. A Governor, mother, managing a Down’s Syndrome child, gun-totin’ fisherwoman?- not feminist enough.
Next thing will be the lefties complaining that while her executive experience is more than that of Obama and Biden combined, it isn’t enough anyway.
There is a simple way for the McCain/Palin campaign to refute the story about Palin’s alleged membership in the AIP. Palin herself could deny it. Of course, if she did, and it turned out she was a member after all, that would be a problem. So maybe her silence to date on the issue is significant.
Is there any way to get Todd Palin’s registration records? Maybe he was less discrete.
It makes perfect sense for the Republican candidate to choose a running mate who governs a state that gives away money to its citizens. No doubt the GOP strategists figure she’ll make a fine successor to McCain with a little training. All they have to do is teach her to give away public money to the richest 1% of citizens, instead of all of them.
You, my fellow Democrats, are delusional. If McCain/Palin is clearly such a disaster, and Obama/Biden so perfect, why are they even in the polls?
“Because Republicans are so stupid, and they will vote for anyone with an R ….” STOP! Just stop it. I want an honest, thoughtful answer to my question.
Try again. Why are they even in the polls?
@13 Dino Rossi, who as a college student supervised one part-time janitor, has more executive experience than McCain. But that doesn’t qualify Rossi to be president. It doesn’t even qualify him to run a dog pound.
McCain can’t even run his own campaign, fer crissakes! If stupid voters put him in charge of the U.S. government, our government will resemble his campaign. Come to think of it, under monkeyface, it already does.
@16 “You, my fellow Democrats, are delusional. If McCain/Palin is clearly such a disaster, and Obama/Biden so perfect, why are they even in the polls?”
They’re not. Obama is up 8 points and 43 electoral votes, and the polls don’t even reflect Palin yet. By next week, it’ll be a 15-point spread.
@16 “my fellow Democrats”
Of all the whoppers you’ve scribbled on this board that’s the topper!!
John425: I don’t see anyone here talking about Palin’s children except you. Why is that?
As for executive experience, not all experience is equal. Touting Palin’s so-called experience as mayor of a wide spot in the road and 20 months as governor of a state with a small population as giving her the edge over Obama makes as much sense as saying that running a lemonade stand makes a 12 year old more qualified to run a major corporation than someone with an MBA from Harvard.
Goldy, how the fuck can you compare Palin to such experienced executives as Sims or Gregoire?
That is much to high a bar.
She seems more at the level of Mayor Nickles, except he has been in office longer than her, as traveled more overseas, and is not a member of any mystical religious group that wants to replace science with the Bible.
So maybe Nickles is not fair either? I do not know enough about lesser offices in WASTATE … how does she hold up in comparison the the Pierce County executive?
One thing she does have going for her is inter-racial marriage! Mr. Palin, like Dino, are registered as indigenes! Of course as an Alaskan native, we know Todd gets a free ride from the Alaskan government, no? Does anyone know the racial qualifications of theior children?
How is this for a spin .. Palin would being the first native American blood to the presidency! Bet that will sell well in the pueblos!
Troll @16,
They are not even in the polls. Gallup has Obama up 50-42.
Okay, I’ve figured it out.
McCain didn’t select Palin because she was a woman. He just wanted to be able to go on a hunting trip with his VP sometime, and after Cheney, he wanted to make sure the VP wouldn’t accidently shoot somebody. Palin appears to be a better shot than Cheney.
Obama and McCain are even in the polls because this country is 50-50 split polarized to the point of no return. I don’t think it matters who gets nominated on either side–as a nation, we are, and will probably remain, divided. Left vs. Right. Up vs. Down. Christian vs. Anybody who doesn’t believe. Rich. Poor. Black. White. Brown. Worker. Management. Everybody has their niche and we’re not going to budge. It will take a HUGE common enemy to bring us all together. I’m hoping for an extra-terrestrial invasion to end the insanity.
I predict Palin will be out my Wednesday afternoon – “need to spend more time with my family”. Otherwise the GOP candiates will become a national joke – Obama in a huge landslide.
Ok, the last I heard they were even, now I’m hearing Obama’s up. Let me check this out for myself …brb
24 Somebody correct me if I’m off base here, but in the picture that’s in circulation of Palin and her daughter with a just-killed elk, it appears she shot the beast in the neck, so it bled out through a carotid artery. This wouldn’t have been a mercifully quick death, and in addition the circulating adrenaline would have pretty much spoiled the flavor of the meat.
Gop senator and McCain confidante Lindsey Graham admitted to Newsweek columnist Andrew Romano that Palin was “a campaign pick rather than a governing pick” but believes Palin’s negatives — “her teen daughter’s pregnancy, her husband’s DUI, her ancient fishing violation and especially the ‘questions’ about whether she should run for veep with a Down syndrome child at home” — will “accentuate [the] narrative” McCain wants to convey to voters. “People can relate to her,” Graham claims. “Her story in many ways reflects modern America, and I’m thinking that’s going to help us — warts and all.”
What Sen. Graham means by that is, “there are not enough Republicans to win the election. If your model is just to get Republicans fired up, you can’t win.” He points out that half the undecided voters are women, and he believes Palin’s “personal story is going to connect” with undecided women voters. “When you look at the four people running, I would argue … that people can relate to her more than they can relate to the other three.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That may be true as a political calculation, but it has nothing to do with who’s best qualified to run the country, and it certainly has nothing to do with the issues. Palin, even more than her party, is out of step (and out of touch) with the needs and problems of average Americans.
Also, did you notice the additional new “negatives” about Palin in Romero’s commentary? Her husband got cited for DUI, and she’s a poacher. The rod and gun crowd hates poachers. (So do rabbits! No hunting of rabbits out of season or in protected game parks is allowed! Only Republican rabbits should be shot. And dogs! Shoot all dogs!)
It is so amusing watching the right wingers twist themselves into knots justifying Palin – worst VP choice in modern times.
Ok, back. You guys were right. From today on
“Obama, a senator from Illinois, has a lead of just under 7 percentage points in an average of five national polls taken since the Democratic National Convention ended and McCain announced Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, according to figures compiled by the Web site”
@25 You can accomplish the same thing with far less pain to the survivors by rapturing up all the Republican true believers.
30 Apparently you don’t recall Spiro Agnew or Dan Quayle.
@33: Did they even try to justify Dan Quayle?
God, I can’t keep up with all the things coming out, the latest I heard was the car-wash she co-owned was shut down by the state of Alaska. This is the biggest train-wreak I’ve ever seen.
While I applaud Obama for his statement about families and especially children being “off limits”, two thoughts come to mind:
First, I can’t help but recall how Al Gore declared in 2000 that it wasn’t fair to dredge up the dirt on his opponent’s military record. To the principal orchestrator of the Bush campaign, “fair” is for wimps and losers.
Second, Palin’s professed support for “abstinence-only” sex education and the opposition of many of her Republican and evangelical brethren not only to abortion but to artificial birth control would seem to collide with the realities of human fallibility, one example of which happens to be in her own family. This, like it or not, is relevant to discussion of how a candidate for high office would apply his or her personal ethos to the forging of public policy.
As it turns out, many of the evangelicals I’ve known have actually shown great tolerance and sympathy to those dealing with the consequences of their indiscretions while at the same time promoting the teaching of high ideals of behavior–“hate the sin but love the sinner”. In the public square, they’ve not done a very good job of explaining that. Maybe Palin’s situation will provide an opportunity to clear the air.
Mc Cain will not dump her.
She has given Johnny the evangelicals and the NRA is now solid alliance.
Tens of millions in cash and 500,00 volunteers eager to defend no abortion.
Simpletons post her, obviously, while, jacking off stoned.
Geez … Johnny outsmarted them. Obama seems asleep. The election comes down to abortion in the swing states. Smart move
Richard – do the numbers in 4/5 swing states on choice. That is it.
Did I say she appeals to all women in the west – the frontier that moved to Alaska. WAIT, Goldy and cynical liberal male bloggers make that definition for the women of America, I forget. She is an arch type of every frontier woman for 150 years. Does she milk cows, or just butcher them? All you city hothouse pansies don’t get it cause you have lost touch.
Biden is a drunk they say, as well.
(ps, married her high school sweetheart, good – and went to the University of Idaho, better – screw Harvard, Yale and Wellsley.)
Obam’s foil to all the predicible stuff – his ticket to victory was good old Hillary. What a gaff.
Now being reported that Todd Palin was actually a registered member of AIP from 1995 to 2002. Drip-drip-drip. A couple of more days of this and nobody is going to remember that the GOP convention even happened. The only shoe left to fall would be “arty” pictures taken by an ex-boyfriend. And who knows what Palin got up to at the University of Idaho?
This is really getting to be ludicrous. McCain may have locked up the evangelical vote, but everyone else is starting to realize this was a bad idea.
Chelsea Clinton and John Edwards are NOT running for office.
We are not attacking the daughter, we are showing that if she cannot control her family, how can she control the country?
Rudy in Ballard,
“ps, married her high school sweetheart, good – and went to the University of Idaho, better – screw Harvard, Yale and Wellsley.”
In fact, they eloped and had their first son eight months after getting married. Who knew that part of her “reform” is tolerance for pre-marital sex!
“and went to the University of Idaho, better – screw Harvard, Yale and Wellsley.”
Ahhh, yes. Another squeak from the Pro-Ignorance Brigade.
Rudy in Ballard: Not paying too much attention to detail huh?
Did you see Karl Rove’s reaction to Palin last week? No, you need to leave the leftist pinhead sites.
This post presents the most compelling argument against Palin that I have heard so far. I wish this would be used by all the talking heads and radio hosts to make the case that McCain is out of his mind.
I think that all the personal attacks against Palin will only make her more likeable, and in a weird way credible, to the people who voted Bush into office in 04, to whom Democrats are always elitist and out of touch with mainstream America no matter what. This group is just looking for any possible reason they can find to vote Republican, and personal attacks will only feed the native suspicion against Democrats that has disadvantaged every Democratic presidential candidate since Mondale.
IMO it’s a finger on the scale in presidential elections, shown by the fact that you can get people as incompetent and dangerous, with so little to offer the nation, such limited ability even to form a complete sentence, as Bush/Cheney that the 00 election could be so close because Gore sighed too much in a debate, that Kerry could win all the debates but lose because of false gutter attacks against his war record. It’s always something stupid.
So here we are after 8 years of national suffering under Bush/Cheney, with a united Democratic party, a hugely charismatic pres candidate, huge amounts of money, a well run campaign, a crazy old man in line with Bush running on the other side, and it’s still close. If we can’t win this year, we will never win.
Rasmussen has Obama 51 McCain 45.
But, per yelling loser boy you can’t trust Rasmussen cuz he’s a Republican pollster.
See how stupid yelling loser boy is?
What a loser!
I agree Blue John. If anyone under 18 gets pregnant, does drugs, drinks, or gets into trouble with the law, that is a sign the parents are doing a bad job and cannot control them, and therefore, how can they be expected to run anything else right?
And think that John would agree with me that if any politician has an extramarital affair, that’s a sign they cannot run their own life very well, and therefore, how can they be expected to run the country or be expected to run anything else right?
Isn’t that right, John?
Rudy in Ballard: “(ps, married her high school sweetheart, good – and went to the University of Idaho, better – screw Harvard, Yale and Wellsley.)”
So, let’s see, if you’re an employer (which I am certain you are not), do you toss the applications from Ivy League grads and only keep those from second-rate state schools? Fine way to run a business, Rudy–“we don’t like the top candidates, we like those who squeaked their way through a party school.”
The good governor of Alaska has some more trouble. This is being reported by the Washington Post.
Seems she owned a car wash that ran afoul of the the Alaska State government WHILE SHE WAS GOVERNOR and she owned a business that was named “RED NECK” in French “Rouge Cou”.
What next? By tomorrow she is gone.
Geez, what kind of horrible person would kill such a cute moose?
“And think that John would agree with me that if any politician has an extramarital affair, that’s a sign they cannot run their own life very well, and therefore, how can they be expected to run the country or be expected to run anything else right?”
One of the many reasons John McCain should not be President, since he was fucking Cindy while still married to his first wife.
Bullet. Meet foot.
Puddingdick could you please point me to a recent poll that has McCain ahead?
And, as you are always saying to others, provide the link.
So if Palin is really such a inexperienced country bumpkin and Alaska is no state, yada yada yada…why are you spending so much time about her, dragging her daughter into it, etc. Makes no sense to me, unless…of course…
Troll I know you only watch Faux News but in all the legit polls – President Obama has a 6-8 point lead and importantly, that lead has WIDENED since the announcement of that bitch Palin as VP. Sorry to put facts in front of your fantasy.
“… that bitch Palin …”
Thank you for that.
“Many on the left calling Sarah Palin a cunt, whore, and bitch.”
Please see comment #51
@50 It’s been an awful lot of fun watching the far-right spin this pick. So I’m glad she’s on the ticket.
I see nobody attacking the daughter, only the hilarious mockery of the so-called Republican family values that’s on display.
Oh, I do appreciate how Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton were out-of-play as far as Republicans were concerned. Geez, I really don’t seem to recall a single degradating comment directed towards those girls from the right. Do you?
You’re side started it. Why do you whine now?Oh yeah, IOKIYAR.
Thoughtful comments from historian Rick Perlstein:
The Republicans want family life out of play, at least today they do. But, who was it a mere 10 years ago that referred to Janet Reno being Chelsea’s father? Ah yes, that would be their current presidential candidate, Grampy McSame. I do think families should be off the table, but you fuckers have never are utter hypocrites and so is your candidate. By the way, BBG, I don’t think referring to Palin as “bitch” advances the dialogue.
Remember Republican Wassila-billies:
John McCain has no experience as an executive. The VP pick was his first executive decision. People are now questioning McCains ability to make proper decisions, not Obama’s.
Their question is not whether Sarah Palin should withdraw. This decision by McCain is so bad their question is whether McCain should withdraw.
Prediction: The RNC bounce will be a bounce FOR the democrats.
As if there wasn’t enough scandal, Sarah Palin, at her church, June 2008:
Palin: Iraq is a task `from God.’
Huffington Post reports that on June 8, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) addressed the graduating class of commission students at the Wasilla Assembly of God church. During that address, Palin portrayed the Iraq was as a quest decreed by God, and said that U.S. soldiers were carrying out “God’s plan”:
Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.
During that speech, Palin also promoted a $30-billion natural gas pipeline project, stating, “God’s will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built.”
I guess I better get a car that runs on CNG. After all, Sarah’s god wants me to.
“The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government”
The words of Jeremiah Wright? Adolf Hitler? Joe Stalin? Abbie Hoffman? Huey Newton? No, these are the words of AIP founder, Joe Vogler. Todd Palin was a member of this party until his wife decided to run for governor in 2002.
tucker bounds just told gwen ifill he didn’t think we would see any coverage of the teenage pregnancy issue if “it were a male candidate.”
are you fucking kidding me? if obama was in the same position four years from now, or if ashley biden had ever been pregnant out of wedlock, the republican party would be burning down houses to get that information out in the open. but since it’s their hypocrisy and not our common humanity being exposed here, they throw up their arms and treat this like a fucking feminist issue? really?
57 OK, let’s see if I’ve got this straight: In June of this year, only weeks before being selected to be “a heartbeat away from the Oval Office”, this woman asked her fellow worshippers to pray for a plan for Iraq? Isn’t that an addmission that up to now, there hasn’t been one? Furthermore, that she herself had not a clue?
Maybe since then, God’s whispered in her ear that she’d better be OK with 100 years or so.
I have a question for my fellow Democrats here. Why are you Democrats? I mean, is it because they represent something better than the Republicans? And if that’s true, how is that reflected in what I read here. ByeByeGOP called Palin a “bitch,” and not one of you denounced him. Only I did.
“But I didn’t read what he wrote, and besides, we are just giving the Republicans back what they gave ….” SHUT UP WITH THAT TIRED NOISE! You DID read it and I am not buying one bit of that giving it back to them crap!
I’ll tell you what’s going on. I took Psych 101, and you people are as intolerant and hate-filled as they come, and are just looking for an outlet to demonized others and spew your hate.
You’re right. You are different than Republicans. YOU ARE WORSE! Not all Democrats, but the people who spew their hate day after day here. It’s sickening!
Troll @ 61
Uh, look at my post @ 55.
#40 – you are too defensively up tight – I think Westerners get tired of assuming only those from the East Ivy League have brains or a good education.
marketing the west – Palin sounds like one of em
Of course under the new sense of the blogs – dare not have your own opinion.
You all running a cult here?
I am a rad leftist who hates Bush-Mc Cain. But I can’t cover my eyes, shut my ears. Johnny is playing a gamble which I think will put him in the white house while Obama acts drowsy.
And frankly Palin reminds me of the STRONG women in my family, driving trucks, running farm machines, raising nice kids and fishing and hunting … never did airplane stuff or cycles, but my mom drove high end cars like she was on the track, an ace
The women of the west are going to love Palin – oh I forgot they are supposed to link up with old drunk hack big mouth Biden – oh sorry, can’t speak off the party line.
Fuck you.
Proud Leftist, sorry, didn’t see that. I just felt like ranting. Nothing personal.
No, no, no, no, and no.
“Indeed, for all of Palin’s talk about fiscal conservatism and smaller government, Alaska’s state spending per capita, at $12,833, is by far the highest in the nation. (Compared to only $5,303 in Washington state.) And what do Alaskans get for all that money? According to Governing Magazine, not all that much:”
You forgot the Alaska Permanent Fund. They spend a lot per capita because they have 1) a relatively small population, and 2) a large area, lots of roads, etc. and 3) they have a metric boatload of money from oil and gas royalties. Each Alaskan gets a check every year from the APF for being an Alaskan. This year is something like $3,200 per person.
The real question here is whether Palin is smart enough and a quick enough study to bone up and avoid looking like an idiot in a debate with Biden. She might attempt a strategy of deflection by merely spouting a stream of outrageous lies, which will no doubt be thrilling to the hardcore right-wing base (hell, they’d stand up and cheer if she pulled out a Glock and blew his head off), but even the timid minions of the mainstream media would find it hard to resist wiping her face in it afterwards.
How correct you are, Gregoire has spent 12 years as AG pissing our money away before she forced herself on us as governor. She has since pissed away more money than any past governor and gave us nothing! Even after she gave us the HIGHEST gasoline tax in the US, although in her campaign she claimed that she would not the viaduct still has NO plan. This cunt has to go! To even try to compare her with Palin is completely nuts. You are comparing someone with almost no success (Chris) to someone that has actually had a job in the private sector as well as a very accomplished mayor and governor. Face it Gregoire Cant Understand Normal Thinking!
Come on now, Chuck, the voters approved the gas tax. Why do you oppose democracy?
Don’t assume that a Ivy League college education is all great. As a person who hires people, I would take a west coast community college person over a Ivy League college person. Just look at George W. Bush and John Kerry, two losers who have ruined our nation, that are ivy league graduates.
In many ways I am a lot like Palin, I like to hunt, I own guns, both hunting and so called assaults. I own an hunting rifle that is a semi-auto that has a more powerful round than most assualts, 30-06, and shoots as fast, so I know that uninformed people who are afraid of AR-15’s, and other semi assult look alikes are wrong. I also grew up in Washington when it was a lot like Alaska, low population and with people who could lived off the land. My father hunted deer year around so that we could have something to eat, we dug clams, picked oysters, crabbed, fished, and picked berries to supplement our food cost. I know you East Coast transplants find that quaint and primitive, but that was the way it use to be here, and I believe life was better then than now, not so rushed.
“Ecotopia Emerging (EE) by Ernest Callenbach is a fictionalized history of the events leading up to the secession of Northern California, Oregon and Washington to form the steady-state, environmentalist nation of Ecotopia along the Pacific Coast of the United States.” Wikipedia, was a semi dream of many of us Northwest natives so we understand Alaska’s AIP movement. Not that most of us agree with it nor the secession of the Northwest, but we sympathize. You East Coast people with your McDonald’s parking lot destruction thinking, of our hunting and fishing grounds just don’t understand. Neither the trolls or lefties understand this.
When I heard Obama’s speech the other day, I heard the next President of the United States of America, and I am not worried about him taking my guns away from me. He is smart enough to know that I am not the problem, the greedy corporate owners are!
You people in Washington are F–Ked up. Osama will never be prez. why is that you ask? Let me tell you; Bubba and Julio will never vote for a BLACK man. I repeat, BUBBA (Southern Rednecks)and Julio ( Western Mexicans ) will not elect a BLACK MAN. trust me!
And when people start to see and hear Democrats vilifying this woman for knowingly having a baby with down syndrome, vilifying her for wanting to work while having a young child at home, and vilifying her for having a 17 year old daughter who had a baby, Palin will gain major sympathy and support.
All the questioning and bashing will cause a backlash, I predict.
Prediction: Liberals will rally around the guy up in Skagit County who killed 6 people today saying he is “a victim of mental illness.”
The guy’s name is Zamora. Is that one of them there Muslim names?
Even if he is found to be “mentally ill,” I think mentally ill killers should be executed.
maybe im wrong but the GOP or the DEMS talk about the economy in real life terms, we just had another bank to fail. That’s makes 10
its about my pocket – im sorry
and sarah got a gun LOL
Goldy:Hell,the mayor of Yakima is more
qualified to be president than Obama.
Why is it that the only people on this blog talking about Palin’s kids are the ones supporting the Pal-eolithic ticket?
You’re a mentally-ill liar.
Isn’t this car wash thing a matter of administrative dissolution of a corporation that hasn’t filed its annual report? In most (if not all) states, the corporation can be automatically reinstated simply by paying the back corporate licensing fees.
Of course, if someone reserves or incorporates under the name of the dissolved corporation before this happens, then they have to be reinstated under a different name.
Time for some mischief making …
“ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) — St. Paul police fired chemical agents and projectiles into a large crowd of protesters outside the Republican National Convention on Tuesday night.”
St. Paul police. And with that, I believe I have just won this argument.
Yay, Goldy! Good one.
Now please help us get Calvin Goings as the Pierce County Executive.
Well so far the right wingers have proven they’re still a bunch of assholes, liars and flip-flopping ass-licks. That includes you Troll.
The new GOP bumper sticker…
Please give us one more chance – this time we will try not to fuck it up!
Wow! This could turn into one FUN Repub Convention, a regular circus! Per earthlink news (good article BTW):
“Still, there were indications that Republicans thought they could turn Palin-related controversy to McCain’s gain. Officials said Levi Johnston, the 18-year-old father of the baby Bristol Palin is expecting, was en route to the convention from his home in Wasilla, Alaska.”
Now, from what I’ve read at various sources:
Do you suppose they will tuck this little Redneck who “don’t want kids” in a suit & tie and paint lipstick on him, to appease all those Evangelicals? Maybe the Repub Convention will give us a Shotgun Wedding on stage with Palin holding the ol’ double-barrel? Shades of Tiny Tim and Miss Vickie.
Hang onto your seats Folks, this should be a better show than Big Brother!
Okay, let’s try this again…
Wow! This could turn into one FUN Repub Convention, a regular circus! Per earthlink news (good article BTW):
“Still, there were indications that Republicans thought they could turn Palin-related controversy to McCain’s gain. Officials said Levi Johnston, the 18-year-old father of the baby Bristol Palin is expecting, was en route to the convention from his home in Wasilla, Alaska.”
Now, from what I’ve read at various sources:
Do you suppose they will tuck this little Redneck who “don’t want kids” in a suit & tie and paint lipstick on him, to appease all those Evangelicals? Maybe the Repub Convention will give us a Shotgun Wedding on stage with Palin holding the ol’ double-barrel? Shades of Tiny Tim and Miss Vickie.
Hang onto your seats Folks, this should be a better show than Big Brother!
Hmmm, this letter may have been posted before, sorry if it’s a duplicate. But it’s got my hair standing on end:
From smalltown Alaska, stating what Sarah Palin has been up to (from their perspective anyways).
Alaska’s retention score probably would have been better if Palin hadn’t gone around firing anyone who didn’t do her family’s dirty work.
Jus’ sayin’.
No wonder Palin and her husband wanted to take Alaska away from the US…
Hell, maybe she’s a better shot than our current VP.