- Okay…it is not clear whether we can watch the debate here at Drinking Liberally, but I’ll be streaming and listening on a laptop.
Feel free to go at it in the comment thread.
5:58: Okay…audio and video are up and running here at the Roanoke.
When did we start with the national anthem before debates?
— Taegan Goddard (@politicalwire) November 11, 2015
6:00: National anthem before a debate suggest this is some kind of fucking sporting event! Let there be BLOOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!
6:03: Holy fuck…get on with it already.
6:04: Why is Paul in there? Most pollsters don’t even bother doing Clinton-Paul match-ups anymore.
Ha ha it’s a hoax debate everyone! Here’s $10!
— David Waldman (@KagroX) November 11, 2015
6:08: Carson blatantly lies about the effect of raising minimum wage.
Carson is about 50 times more animated in this debate than in the last one. And, no, he is still not that animated.
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) November 11, 2015
6:10: Shorter Rubio: America is great because we have poor people for the rich to exploit.
Raising the minimum wage works. #GOPDebate pic.twitter.com/b1KkxLNUqk
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) November 11, 2015
Rubio – “We need more welders, not philosophers.” Umm… Didn’t your party ship all the welding jobs overseas? #GOPDebate
— Left Out Loud (@LeftOutLoud) November 11, 2015
6:14: Kasich on balancing the budget. I recall that Clinton did that, and that Shrub shot that to hell. Lesson: If you are fiscally responsible don’t elect a Bush or a Republican.
Kasich has choppy hands.
— Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) November 11, 2015
#GOPDebate: Reducing #deficit emerged as top Republican priority shortly after Obama took office pic.twitter.com/p659yrpsPB
— Alec Tyson (@alec_h_tyson) November 11, 2015
6:18: FAUX debate moderator doesn’t appear to understand “participation rate”.
6:20: Jeb Bush’s new platform: Repeal Everything Obama.
6:21: Fiorina uncomfortably wedges a anecdote in to a profound non-answer.
Unemployment is 5%. That's what Romney said he'd get to as a goal. The recovery is because WAGES ARE TOO LOW.
— Dante Atkins (@DanteAtkins) November 11, 2015
That first question on a $15 minimum wage was so riddled with lies it screwed up my streaming feed.
— Civic Skunk Works (@civicskunkworks) November 11, 2015
Carly Fiorina Shares Heartbreaking Story About Father Of 3 Who Couldn’t Meet Sales Goals https://t.co/a5VgUxX4Kc pic.twitter.com/L0gCCf53y9
— The Onion (@TheOnion) November 11, 2015
Great thing about living in WA, if any of these clowns actually wins, this is a Death with Dignity state. #GOPDEbate https://t.co/xM0cMc464J
— #allgoldypanel (@GoldyHA) November 11, 2015
Carly Fiorina is one of the more effortless liars I've heard
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) November 11, 2015
Paul: "I want a govt really, really small—so small you can barely see it." Oh. Then just use Paul as your ophthalmologist. Done! #GOPDebate
— #allgoldypanel (@GoldyHA) November 11, 2015
Carly’s extensive business background has taught her that money is fungible.
— Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) November 11, 2015
All these #GOPDebates on cable biz/news channels make me proud to be an American who doesn't subscribe to cable.
— #allgoldypanel (@GoldyHA) November 11, 2015
Ted Cruz has very bad ideas about monetary policy but, unlike many of these candidates, he has at least thought about it extensively.
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) November 11, 2015
This has been the most painful discussion of monetary policy since William Jennings Bryan's Cross of Gold speech in 1896.
— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) November 11, 2015
Well, that was awful.
America the Free from the GOP
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave
I can’t watch it – I’m afraid that my brain may go numb….let me know if Carson breaks out the hammer of knives. Or explains how the pyramids stored the grain.
The National Anthem will become the Nazi Salute soon.
Any Booing yet? How about hissing? Are the snakes loose?
Darryl I’m counting on you to relay the debate. Keep it going. Thanks.
Man, a lot of news today about white supremacists getting arrested today for wanting to start race wars…..
I’m sure as soon as Ben is elected Iowans will help solve that problem along with Ben.
@6 Starting race wars — that was Charlie Manson’s shtick: Murder white people, blame blacks, and start a white-against-black civil war … what a nice guy.
Doesn’t sound like anything intellectual is happening at the Clown Debate.
I’ve got no problem with Conservative loon barking about Starbucks for their cups without snowflakes (those flakes like their flakes).
Because they, regardless of the politics of Starbucks, are attacking a business. Sooner or later even business’ will hate the GOP. Let them bite the hand that feeds them.
I’m sure there are pro GOP Business that even think they are fucks fucking with business and probably look at them like fuckwads that they are.
Bring it on GOOPERS.
There seems to be a general consensus among most of the GOP candidates in favor of a flat tax system — what Carson calls “proportionality,” e.g., everyone pays 10% (Carson) or 14.5% (Paul) or whatever. The heart of this system is doing away with most deductions. Here’s what’s wrong with that: People have unequal circumstances. Should a family with a sick child and high medical expenses pay the same tax rate on their income as a single professional with no dependents? Of course not. There should be a medical deduction in the tax code because people with high medical expenses don’t have the same ability to contribute to the government’s expenses. Why is this so hard for Republicans to figure out?
@9 You’re right about that.
Jeb Bush says if you put an extra $2300 in an Oklahoma teacher’s pocket he’ll go to South Carolina and start a business. Really?
@10 they are a bunch of fucking loons……
Where the fuck is Boob? I bet he is busy reading tweets and booing and hissing.
I know one way Paul can make government smaller – he could quit or lower his salary and put a bill out there to abolish his seat at government.
Jeb! says we should impose a no-fly zone in Syria. (What happens when Russian jets fly into it?) I have a better idea: A no-Bush zone in Washington D.C.
I think I can say I didn’t waste an hour or two of my time tonight by watching the Clown Show…..hopefully you guys got a buzz on for your two hours.
Rubio just lost his marbles. He says ISIS won’t stop with Syria, Iran, or Turkey; they’re “coming for us,” because our girls go to school.
Glad to see Rand Paul point out that a no-fly zone in Syria means shooting down Russian jets. But he made a point I disagree with: He says if we do that, we’ll be sending our sons and daughters to war. Wrong; if we do that, the war will come to us. Has he forgotten that Russia has ICBMs? (Or does he think Putin, whom Rubio just called a “gangster,” won’t pull the trigger if we attack his military?)
The only one I fear is Kasich.
Alec Tyson @alec_h_tyson
#GOPDebate: Reducing #deficit emerged as top Republican priority shortly after Obama took office
6:14 PM – 10 Nov 2015
Er, without assigning
blameresponsibility to either side, that’s roughly the time the deficit exploded, too.The Treasury recently reported that the federal government recorded a total budget deficit of $1.4 trillion in fiscal year 2009, about $960 billion more than the deficit incurred in 2008. CBO notes, in its latest Monthly Budget Review, that the federal deficit rose as a share of the nations gross domestic product (GDP) from 3.1 percent in 2008 to 9.9 percent in 2009the highest deficit as a share of GDP since 1945.
@20 That’s playing fast and loose with history in a pretty major way, Boob. Even making due allowance for partisan puffery, I think it qualifies as lying. http://tinyurl.com/okbqan7
So who won the debate klownservatics?
Was it Boob’s favorite? Marco Rubio, “the billionaire whisperer”?
LOL! Oh say it’s not so! Rubio conspired with the “gang of eight” to give amnesty to the “illegals”. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
Poor Boob’s favorite klownservatic nasty on-line sites like the Gateway Idiot and HotAir won’t have none of that Rubio! No sir!
While Republicans are busy hating on TBTF banks, Elizabeth Warren is busy breaking them up.
“I think it qualifies as lying.”
That’s all wingnuts have anymore. Lies. Oh, and batshit insanity.
I watched both. The softball questions in the first were much softer. “How much does Obama suck?” (not an exact quote) Kasich seemed to be the smartest person on stage, at least on foreign policy, but that’s not saying much. He got the biggest boos of the night (followed by JeRb) while explaining how Dodd-Frank makes the big banks bail themselves out. iCarly thinks the Consumer Protection Agency is going through all of our credit card bills to screw us, for some reason. I imagine all of right-wing-istan thinks that. Ayn Rand Paul had his best moment when he nailed Trump for tying the Trans-Pacific Partnership to China. But then he turned around and kissed his “tremendous” ass. The best moment was when the “discussion” turned to who had the biggest hard-on for military power around the world. They all whipped out their dicks, and Carly’s was the biggest.
@25 “iCarly thinks the Consumer Protection Agency is going through all of our credit card bills to screw us, for some reason. I imagine all of right-wing-istan thinks that.”
Which is interesting, because they’re the main marks. We try to help these people and they hate us for it.
Doctors Boob and Carson, both of whom got rich from government health care money, claim raising the minimum wage would cost jobs. Would it? The jury seems to be in with a verdict:
“The 13 states that raised their minimum wages at the beginning of this year are adding jobs at a faster pace than those that did not ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: An interesting question is how many jobs are going unfilled in $7.25-an-hour states. At some point people just won’t show up.
Doctors Boob and Carson, both of whom got rich from government health care money
Yeah that government money helped more than 11,000 children live! http://www.theblaze.com/storie.....ch-a-hero/
Where has Heilary ever helped any child succeed Roger senile?
Ben Carson showed himself to be utterly inept tonight. Though trained as a neurosurgeon, I wouldn’t let him clip my toenails.
Clinton beats all Republicans in latest McClatchy/Marist national poll
Having too many debates is probably going to hurt Republicans a lot more than Benghazi! ever hurt Clinton. Not a single candidate on that stage tonight looked or acted presidential.
@20 and 21.
What fucking hog wash. You mean GWB didn’t explode the debt form $5T to $10.5T? Thanks for the article from 2009, but I’m sure you wouldn’t believe the CBO with regard to what it would say in 2015. Heck you didn’t believe it in 2011 ( anytime after 2009).
Boob you are a fool, good thing there are other fools like you otherwise you would be alone and the stupidest.
What’s the deficit today in 2015? And your figure if the deficit in 2009 included the cost of $2T of stimulus that we spent to drag us from the depths of the GWB explosion of recession. Stimulus that helped us get to where we are today, out of the ditch. And not sure but that 2009 figure you use may even include the auto bailout money that was repaid.
Way to go numb nuts idiot Doctor. A person with just a high school education (not referring to myself – have to explain that for Puffy’s sake, otherwise one day when I say I went to college, if I already haven’t said that here, he will claim I lied. Oh I’m sure he’s still confused he’s a right wing nut) is smarter than you.
Stick to booing and hissing.
We need smaller medical. Take a hike you fuckwad.
Boob is a revisionist. Can’t stand the past history, so rewrite it and falsify it.
Fuck off asshole. There is a hole in the back of your head, you sure your head isn’t your ass?
@20 factual data is much more fun when it isn’t analyzed to reveal the real story, but never leave it to a moron like you to politicize and spun to your advantage. Otherwise if you couldn’t you would move on to something you could.
I’m sure you still believe that marriage equality is effecting the sanctity of marriage, you know because we had so many hurricanes this year.
Boob is not even a fart. Boob yiu fuckwad. You will go down in hell like the rest of your fuckwads.
You have to love republicans (not). They like to talk about how bad the deficit is but then they don’t like the idea of a war tax. The don’t like diplomacy and peace but rather war do long as their family members don’t have to be the ones dying for freedom. And they can’t even respect freedom because the love living in a Nazi state, so long as that Nazi State doesn’t have to share anything with other Nazi’s like the Axi of Evil – they want to be the supreme of the evil.
You would think they would be willing to pay for a war as some sacrifice since they are not putting their blood on the line. They like to say GWB kept us safe but no thanks to any of their own personal sacrifice, how about taking some responsibility and say you helped keep this nation safe, by paying for that fucking war?
The deficit – it is such a problem that they closed their eyes to it from 2001-2008. They applaud GWB for cutting taxes while creating homeland security at $600B / year, that they don’t want pay for and then blame every Democrat President going forward, because somehow that little nugget of government seems to cost $0 when a democrat is in office.
There attitude is so appaulling, so fucking appauling. Right up there with blowing up a plane. I’m sure they will see their ISIS friends in hell!
Snowflake, snowflake, snowflake = snow fake.
Full disclosure. About two weeks ago I bought three glass miniature Christmass Trees with little glass ornaments for my Mother, Sister and Sister-in-law. Just for the fun if it. The one for my mother is about 1″ larger than the other two that might be 6″ tall. Made in America, by an American artist. $100 for all three.
iPhone must not like fucking. I’ll leave unedited, because it supposed to be a free fucking country,
Ohhh but good thing, no snowflakes.
Go ducky ourself Puffy and Boob and all you other gucking hypocritical bastard republicans. Eat shit and die, as you go to hell.
Oh and I plan to give it to them this weekend so they can proudly display during the holiday season!
Happy Holidays everyone. And to all Veterans, happy day to you too. Roger hope you have s good day today.
Yeah… about that McClatchy-Marist Poll Triple Pressure Packed Steve drooled…
This survey of 1,465 adults was conducted October 29th through November 4th, 2015 by The Marist Poll sponsored and funded in partnership with the McClatchy News Service. Adults 18 years of age and older residing in the continental United States were interviewed in English or Spanish by telephone using live interviewers. Landline telephone numbers were randomly selected based upon a list of telephone exchanges from throughout the nation from ASDE Survey Sampler, Inc. The exchanges were selected to ensure that each region was represented in proportion to its population. Respondents in the household were then selected by first asking for the youngest male. To increase coverage, this landline sample was supplemented by respondents reached through random dialing of cell phone numbers from Survey Sampling International. The two samples were then combined and balanced to reflect the 2013 American Community Survey 1-year estimates for age, gender, income, race, and region. Results are statistically significant within ±2.6 percentage points. There are 1,080 registered voters. The results for this subset are statistically significant within ±3.0 percentage points. There are 431 Republicans and Republican leaning independents. The results for this subset are statistically significant within ±4.7 percentage
points. The error margin was not adjusted for sample weights and increases for cross-tabulations.
So what do we gather here from Triple Pressure Packed Steve’s “pronouncement”?
1465 total adults = 1034 DUMMOCRETINS or DUMMOCRETIN leaning independents and only 431 Republicans and Republican leaning independents
1080 registered voters = 649 DUMMOCRETINS or DUMMOCRETIN leaning independents and only 431 Republicans and Republican leaning independents
Yes Triple Triple Pressure Packed Steve, a really balanced political sampling there and Clinton only beats Carson by two? Do you realize how many DUMMOCRETINS chose Carson?
Yeah about that 5% unimployment number touted by Obummer and Heilary’s super pac..
94,513,000 people 16 and over are not in the workforce under Obummer. That means 62.4 percent American labor participation rate and still at a 38 year low for all to see: http://data.bls.gov/pdq/SurveyOutputServlet
YES libtards that booming economy!
Roger senile revisionist history again. Reverting to his Google link of deficit charts again! FACTS:
Obummer added $787 Billion on February 17, 2009 to the FY2009 budget for those shovel ready jobs. GW Bush was long gone Roger senile! Wait a minute… “there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects.” and “Shovel-ready was not as … uh .. shovel-ready as we expected.” So where did that Porkulus money go? Well their is the CBO 2009 number of $792 Billion and the CBO 2010 number of $862 Billion! WHO again controlled Congress when Obummer Porkulus Bill was approved? DUMMOCRETINS! http://projects.propublica.org.....g-progress
And of course the teabagged fool doesn’t know history if it kicked his silly ASS!
What’s amazing is the level of moronic DUMMOCRETIN libtard commentary that passes as erudite libtard thought!
@38 – -what is it that I don’t get?
I said in my post, essentially what you said in @38, the figure given by Boob in 2009 included stimulus, just as you say….thanks for confirming what I wrote….you dick face horse.
That is my point – you have to spend 1 trillion or more in stimulus to correct what the monkey did to get us out of the ditch. And it hits the deficit.
8 years without a recession. How about that. When has that ever occurred?
Also, why don’t you comment on how you expect to fund Homeland Security without raising taxes or gutting the other government programs and not have that be part of the deficit? Obama didn’t create Homeland Security. Nor did Obama ever raise income taxes (nor did he let the bush tax cuts expire).
So yeah, I do blame Obama – he should have let the Monkey tax cuts expire – that is about the only thing I am disappointed with him, even though doing that would have hurt the economy….thanks to the great depression that the Monkey Bush left us with.
Fuck you, go grab a banana.
@38 I understand that the Bible doesn’t have much math in it, perfectly explainable why you don’t get it….you dumb fuck!
“only 431 Republicans and Republican leaning independents…”
…because it’s become the party of purity tests and batshit crazy loons who hate America. The only surprise is that it has any support at all from anyone but the batshit insane.
Teabagged @40,
You still don’t get it. Roger senile tried to lay that $1.4 Trillion at Bush’s feet. You included @21 in your response above.
This is why you two are a chronological moron!
Sux to be teabagged!
Thanks for playing. Remember you included @21 in your respinse!
What a weak sauce response Triple Pressure Packed Steve! The pressure is causing the brown stuff to blind you!
“What a weak sauce response”
The opinions of a batshit crazy loon don’t mean shit to me.
@46 beyond bat shit crazy….the dumbest mother fucker there is. I’m sure he’s on his way to Egypt right now for some grain.
@36 that the hip people were all off landlines, and have started using other means to communicate. Therefore the statisticians may not be taking a sample that actually resembles potential voters. Could be they spoke mostly to illegal aliens who could only afford a landline. Pollsters have noted that their polling has been inaccurate in multiple polls in many countries leading prior to a major election. This error has become more prominent since the last congressional elections, and even more so since the Presidential election and pollsters are nervous and unsure how to address the gaps that are being revealed.
Oh the short answer is garbage in, garbage out.
@39 Hold on I thought it was the Republicans debating. Oh that is right we are all liberals since the wall came down. Keep this up and you might get to sit at the cool table with the cool kids.