Here are some things what happened:
– Very exciting that everyone over 16 in Washington will be able to get vaccinated starting April 15.
– I wasn’t familiar with Rena Priest before she was made Poet Laureate of Washington. But reading some of her work, it seems like a good decision.
– We have to do better by homeless people than just post pictures of garbage and graffiti.
– Wash your hands right now.
I hear Liz Cheney is enjoying Matt’s plight more than any Democrat.
In which Hunter Biden admits that, yeah, it’s a crack pipe, and yeah, it was in my mouth while I was passed out.
The media only needed to discredit the laptop long enough for the election to be held. Hunter could have held this interview on January 21.
The wrong Biden son died. Hunter Biden is America’s First Junkie.
Oh. Hunter Biden also tacitly admitted that his whole fucking family is corrupt. IOW three of our last four presidents have had families mired in corruption. And that’s a charitable take on Barack & Co.
Sad. Weak. #thesoftening
Just as men who claim to be women only appear that way, Mayor Pete only appeared to ride his bike to work.
Tim Xeriland
In both instances, the men are poseurs. The worst thing is that because of Mayor Pete’s deception, G-clown was denied an opportunity to see Mayor Pete’s mooseknuckle outlined in Lycra.
@2 Admits?
“There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me,” Hunter Biden said in the interview. “It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was the — that it was Russian intelligence.”
If that’s an admission, then how do you define “horse”?
@ 3
I realize, now, that I intended to write three of the last five. Apologies to The Family Bush. But have at it, libbies. My mistake is your good fortune.
@5 “the men are poseurs”
You mean like you, when you voted for Trump (twice!), and pretend you didn’t?
@7 Why would we obsess over one of your mistakes, when you make so many of them? We’re looking at the big picture. So is the horse. It’s not a question of whether you fucked the horse; the question is whether you’re still fucking the horse.
@ 6
Hunter Biden is now in “certitude” mode. As in:
Anthony Weiner “Can’t Say With Certitude” If Crotch Is His
I could have used Bill Clinton’s transitional approach to admitting that, yes, he ejaculated onto Monica’s dress while the door to the Oval Office was closed, but I chose certitude instead.
What’s not yet clear is whether the first person to definitively tie Hunter Biden to ownership of that particular laptop will be Hunter Biden, or John Durham.
You’re a fucking clown, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Neither Hunter Biden nor First Vegetable Joe Biden have come anywhere close to denying that the laptop is Hunter’s.
Gaetz allegedly showed off to other lawmakers photos and videos of nude women he said he had slept with, the sources told CNN, including while on the House floor. The sources, including two people directly shown the material, said Gaetz displayed the images of women on his phone and talked about having sex with them. One of the videos showed a naked woman with a hula hoop, according to one source.
“It was a point of pride,” one of the sources said of Gaetz.
On the House floor.
A “point of pride” being apparently a new element of Robert’s Rules in TrumpLand.
Okay. We’re all big kids here. A few of us might even have been there once or twice. This is more or less what the Trumpologists like Doctor Dumbfuck and Puddy were calling “Locker Room Talk” when they sought to defend Trump’s admissions of sexual assault after they had voted for him.
It’s what perhaps the more enlightened among us might consider a good example of “Toxic Masculinity” – to regard your intimate sexual relationships as display trophies.
But if you’ve ever been present for such a trophy display (“smell my fingers”) then surely you understand that this is an in-group dynamic. That’s precisely what the term “Locker Room” is meant to convey. This activity serves as both status seeking as well as in-group bonding. “The boys” in “the locker room” are bonding around such rituals as much as they are bragging to one another.
So while we all may be feeling slightly nauseous at being forced to think about photos of Matt Gaetz banging out teens on Molly with Hula Hoops and glow sticks under a strobe light, what ought to really churn your guts is the thought that sharing trophy photos of this sort of thing is within the cultural norms of the House GOP caucus.
Incident at The Capitol.
I’m sure Bob isn’t concerned if any cops were assaulted or killed.
Hugs and Kisses!
Tell me how can you not assault and/or kill a cop or a military service member and overthrow the government or take over a government building?
Bob has a lot of pride showing the Horse around too.
Doubt it?
Recall now the multiple reports of GOP President Donald J. Trump excitedly sharing photos of naked teens gamboling on his yacht while attending memorial services for his CFO’s recently passed mother.
This is who these dudes are now.
Hey look Anthony is back.
Hillary! Hillary! Hillary!
Putin’s lover is #Winning
I picture The FuckHump molesting the American Flag when I think of him saying or hear him talking about all the Hugging and Kissing that happened on January 6th.
Why bother?
Hunter’s Laptop served as a “Character Test Point” in campaign mode. It’s not so much that Biden has an adult son who is a minor league fuckup. We’ve seen that movie a bunch of times before. Voters understood that Billy Carter, who drank too much and peed in public, even when he registered as a Libyan agent, had no influence over his brother’s administration.
What mattered most to voters was how Joe Biden responded to his son’s fucking up as a reference point for his personal character during the campaign. Once he’s sworn in, half way through his first 100 days, passed a huge stimulus bill, sent out all the Stimmy checks, and cranked up vaccinations into Millenium Falcon Light Speed, voters will judge his character in office. Hunter is moot.
You’ll see the same thing happen with Vaccine Passports.
These desperate idiots are going to flog that fabricated issue right up until herd immunity. Then it won’t matter. Will they keep flogging it? Probably. As Tara amply demonstrates here, Murican “conservatives” are experiencing a huge shortage of imagination these days when it comes to conjuring up reasons to be afraid.
Wherein a jackass proposes burning “witches” at the stake.
The jackass, in this case, is the chair of the Michigan GOP and the “witches” he’s referring to are Michigan’s governor, attorney general, and secretary of state.
This guy is what he is, and in the past, people like him were sidelined and ignored. But the GOP has changed, and now he’s every Republican you know.
@ 12
Incident at The Capitol.
Incident the media will memory-hole as quickly as it possibly can.
You know why.
Nothing for First! Woman! President! Jill Biden to capitalize on.
@11 HA’s chief apologist for GOP treason, corruption, and malfeasance badly needs a distraction from his tribe’s latest sex scandal. So, it’s back to Hunter’s laptop again.
Can’t he come up with a new distraction? How about Biden’s biting dogs? Or his stumbles? Or something he said in a speech or a vote he cast in Congress over 30 years ago?
Maybe we should give Doctor Dumbfuck an encyclopedia for his birthday.
I wonder when the rightwing spinmeisters will frame the Suez Canal accident as a George Soros conspiracy to profiteer from the resulting Romanian goat shortage?
@ 18
Wherein a jackass proposes burning “witches” at the stake.
It was just last week that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit pronounced himself OK with lynching conservatives without a trial first.
That isn’t what a jackass would write. It’s what a fucking asshole would right.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is
a clown
a hypocrite
a fucking asshole.
Why the Suez Canal blockage caused panic among Republicans:
How bad is the Capitol event for libbies?
1. A cop died and it wasn’t a fire extinguisher to blame.
2. A cop died and it wasn’t a firearm of any kind to blame.
3. You know how bad the rest is.
@ 1
I hear AOC is enjoying these Democrats’ fear more than any Republican.
Vulnerable Dems fret after getting a shock: AOC’s campaign cash
How do we know, already, that the Capitol perp isn’t a white dude?
That was quick.
@ 21
Can’t he come up with a new distraction? How about…
… more Capitol Hill Police Department cops killed today than as a result of an intentionally murderous act on January 6th?
I’ll go with a long knife blade to the abdomen as more violent than some bear spray at a distance, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Hell, there’s probably even gonna be good video of what happened today.
@16 He isn’t the first GOP hypocrite to molest Old Glory.
Don’t fuck with people who have horses and know how to fuck you back.
She was disrobing at the time and was nude from the waist up. Kinda gives a new meaning to the term, “I’d hit that.”
My guy is 1200#. Unlike Mike Brown, my guy is a Gentle Giant. But a giant nonetheless.
@19 “Incident the media will memory-hole as quickly as it possibly can. You know why.”
There’s only so much space on the front page, which is crowded these days with news of insurrections, takeovers of public buildings by gun-toting terrorists, mass shootings, and runaway pandemics — all brought to you by Republican miscreants and incompetents. And you endorse all of it.
@23 “It was just last week that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit pronounced himself OK with lynching conservatives without a trial first.”
Sez the troll who wanted Bowie Bergdahl shot without trial.
MLB is moving All-Star game out of Georgia.
That Antifa asshole killed by cops in Oly last year?
The POS shot first.
Oh, and the POS knew who they were.
That’s why he fired his weapon. To try to kill a cop.
The only good armed Antifa is a dead one.
@ 33
Stacey Abrams, expected to run for GA gov next year, wanted MLB to keep the game in Atlanta.
Ossoff wanted MLB to keep the game in Atlanta.
I’ll bet Warnock wanted the game kept in Atlanta, too.
Too bad for those GA Dems facing the electorate next year. In other words, I agree with Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@27 Got bad news for you, doc: The suspect’s name isn’t Gonzalez, nor is he from a blue state.
“Four senior law enforcement officials briefed on the investigation identified the suspect as a 25-year-old from Indiana named Noah Green.”
The killer of the Capitol PD officer is a disciple of a man who once met with Barack Obama, who chose Joe Biden as his running mate.
Ergo, First Vegetable Joe Biden is responsible for today’s police officer killing.
According to one of Puddy’s fave sources, Gateway Pundit, the suspect tweeted the following message before the attack:
“I encourage everyone to study Revelations, study the signs of the end times, study who the beast is, study who the anti-Christ is, study who the false prophet is,” etc.
Religious nuts come in various stripes, but they all have one thing in common: They’re nuts.
Questions Democrats dare not ask today:
What was the skin color of the officer who shot the perp in DC?
Did the officer first try to use his words to de-escalate the situation?
Did the officer employ his Taser before resorting to his firearm?
Did the officer retreat before firing his weapon?
Did the officer immediately attempt CPR in a desperate effort to save the perp’s life?
Matt Gaetz’s co-conspirator reportedly has turned state’s evidence, as Elijah predicted.
McCarthy promised he’d lose his committee assignments if he’s indicted. That’ll make two GOP congress(wo)men spending all their time in the House cafeteria because they have nothing else to do.
@39 “Questions Democrats dare not ask today:
“What was the skin color of the officer who shot the perp in DC?”
To be determined.
“Did the officer first try to use his words to de-escalate the situation?”
I would guess no.
“Did the officer employ his Taser before resorting to his firearm?”
I would guess no.
“Did the officer retreat before firing his weapon?”
I would guess no.
“Did the officer immediately attempt CPR in a desperate effort to save the perp’s life?”
To be determined.
@ 36
…nor is he from a blue state.
East Chicago is not a red city, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. There are a lot of places in Indiana that are clearly blue. I named merely one of them.
Really, until you know more you should attempt to minimize your embarrassment, not compound it. There’s a reason the White House shut down for the remainder of the day, and it’s not because Christ died on the cross.
Questions witnesses are answering this week in ex-Officer Derek Chauvin’s murder trial:
What weapon was George Floyd wielding when Officer Derek Chauvin choked the life out of him?
Was George Floyd resisting when Officer Derek Chauvin choked the life out of him?
Did Officer Chauvin, or any of the officers, render aid after George Floyd stopped breathing?
Did Officer Chauvin, or any of the officers, allow the firefighter medic on the scene to render aid to George Floyd after he stopped breathing?
Did George Floyd die of strangulation or natural causes?
Was George Floyd, a black man, murdered by white police officers?
@42 “There’s a reason the White House shut down for the remainder of the day”
It’s Biden’s nap time?
“What was the skin color of the officer who shot the perp in DC?” It’s so weird that it’s FIRST question that the greedy racist incel asks. Winding up his victimhood outrage flywheel I expect.
@ 36, 42
(MS)NBC’s Pete Mitchell is reporting that the DC cop killer du jour lived in Virginia. The Indiana news is probably because he still has an Indiana driver’s license, I would guess.
This is an excellent example of the importance of carrying the correct ID. For firearm purchases. For alcohol purchases. For voting.
And for proper state attribution for when you decide to off a cop.
I’d like to thank Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit for his assistance in pointing out the obvious.
The “reason”:
“The North American Aerospace Defense Command said in a statement that it responded ‘to an event’ in the Special Flight Rules Area surrounding Washington. ‘NORAD directed U.S. Coast Guard rotary wing aircraft to investigate and the event was resolved without incident,’ it said. A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said no aircraft was observed and the incident may have been an errant blip on a sensitive radar.”
P.S., “Security lockdowns are not uncommon around the White House.”
Doctor Dumbfuck was flying a kite across the street. By the time the military arrived the kite was wrapped around a power line, and Doctor Dumbfuck was walking back to his tourist hotel rubbing wrist burns.
Keith Ellison, formerly Keith X, could not be reached for comment.
@46 Any special reason why someone “living in Virginia” couldn’t legally vote in Indiana if he keeps his domicile there?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, can you tie today’s cop-killer to his deep roots in Indiana? Was it time he spent in French Lick, for instance, that caused him to want to kill a DC cop because he wanted to impress Larry Bird?
Or did he once attend the Little 500 in Bloomington, which made him angry about the way Lance Armstrong and Floyd Landis and Tyler Hamilton were treated, and he wanted to extract some revenge on a DC cop?
C’mon, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you were the one desperate to tie him to Indiana. So show us some Google magic worthy of a 50,000 word screed about how this was Trump’s fault because he picked Pence and Pence once represented and then governed Indiana.
Show us some of that Dumbfuckian rationalization for which you have been roundly mocked so many times before, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
C’mon. You fucking clown.
@46 “This is an excellent example of the importance of carrying the correct ID. For firearm purchases.”
Last I heard, the only ID required to buy firearms at gun shows is a MAGA hat, and your tribe wants to keep it that way.
@ 49
@46 Any special reason why someone “living in Virginia” couldn’t legally vote in Indiana if he keeps his domicile there?
Any special reason someone legally voting in Indiana couldn’t also show a utility bill in his name at his residence in Virginia and thereby vote in both places, at least one of them illegally?
It’s not the voting we’re trying to suppress, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
It’s the cheating.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, take the loss.
I found Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit on Twitter:
@50 Doctor Dumbfuck sez: “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, can you tie today’s cop-killer to his deep roots in Indiana?”
Roger Rabbit answers: Ask these guys:
“Multiple senior law enforcement officials briefed on the investigation say Noah Green, 25 year old male, from Indiana is the person who attacked the Capitol today,” wrote NBC journalist Tom Winter.”
Doctor Dumbfuck sez: “So show us … how this was Trump’s fault because he picked Pence and Pence once represented and then governed Indiana.”
Roger Rabbit sez: Why should I have to prove something I didn’t allege? I said nothing about Trump or Pence. The thought never occurred to me. That fantastic leap of dot-connecting is entirely yours. Which possibly reflects how incredibly thin your skin is. After all, you relentlessly defended those guys while hundreds of thousands of Americans died — deaths Dr. Birx now says mostly could have been avoided. Which puts you, a doctor, in the awkward position of defending an incompetent pandemic reponse.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit likes Good Friday because it’s a Spring weekday on which GE’s share price won’t decline. And Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit loves him some Easter because he’s praying, desperately, for GE’s share price resurrection.
Which reminds me of Reagan’s deliberate ignoring of the AIDS epidemic and allowing countless gay people to die. He was right that “government is the problem” — when he was running it. He knew himself well.
@54 I don’t have a Twitter account.
And you’re questioning my sources?*
* Multiple law enforcement officials; why do you hate cops?
You’re right, of course @ 57, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Reagan should have told homosexual men not to fuck other homosexual men in the ass unless they wore a condom.
Yeah, that would’ve worked.
Link for @55 quote:
Speaking @ 59 of taking it in the ass:
Georgia, congrats! You’re gonna get the Senate you deserve.
Good and hard.
Farrakhan is still active on Twitter. Why?
Coming in 3….2…..1….
Liberals claim that Noah X did it because he was in despair over his crushing student loan debt.
Never let a crisis go to waste, bitches.
Why, it is a Good Friday!
Recall Effort Against Socialist Seattle Councilmember Can Proceed, Court Rules
Hell, one weekend of Antifa activity downtown and they’ll get double that number of signatures.
@61 So what?
Here’s what Warnock said:
“Well, the Nation of Islam is significant, but its numbers don’t come anywhere near the membership of our churches. Its voice has been important … for the development of black theology. Because it was the Black Muslims who challenged black preachers and said you’re promulgating …‘the white man’s religion. And that’s a slave religion; you’re telling people to focus on heaven meanwhile they’re catching hell.’ And so we’ve needed the witness of the Nation of Islam … to put a fire under us and keep us honest about the meaning of the proclamation coming from our pulpit.”
What’s wrong with that? It’s not an endorsement of Farrakhan’s preaching or his views. All this proves is that Warnock listens to criticism better than Republicans do, which strengthens the argument for replacing a corrupt Republican inside trader with Warnock. Your tribe would rather populate the U.S. Senate with corrupt inside traders. After all, you elected two of them from Georgia, which helps explain why McConnell is now a Minority Leader.
@64 Fine with me. I hope she loses. The late Dr. Schwartz was against her, too. She never got a friendly reception on his blog, and won’t now or in the future.
He we go!
The 35-page decision is on this page. 7-0. One charge against Sawant thrown out, the more important ones remain.
This might get Nick Hanauer to open his pocketbook in a way that Seattle’s homeless problem doesn’t.
@62 He didn’t get cops and injured killed by trying to violently overthrow our government
@ 65
Warnock did the “many fine people” spiel about the Nation of Islam. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit bought it.
@676 Thanks for the link, doc. From the decision:
“Councilmember Sawant disregarded state orders related to Covid-19 … and endangered the safety of city workers and other individuals by admitting hundreds of people into Seattle City Hall while it was closed to the public ….”
The court held whether that was a manifestly unreasonable exercise of legislative discretion is for the voters to decide in a recall election.
Now do every elected Republican you can think of.
@69 He didn’t say they were “fine people.” Trump did say tiki torch-bearing Klansmen, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis were “fine people.”
Trump’s and Farrakhan’s followers run over people with cars. Warnock’s supporters don’t run over people with cars.
Today’s Capitol cop-killer has more in common with Trump supporters than Warnock voters.
@ 67
9-0. Not 7-0.
@ 70
Sawant also effectively doxxed Seattle’s mayor. The supremes said she should be subject to potential recall because of that dick move as well.
Things not heard from Ilhan Omar on January 6th: “It’s a good thing none of them had guns.”
Antifa bleeds black ink when fall down go boom.
(fun starts 0:38)
I say again: It is a Good Friday.
@ 75
Nothin’ that a couple of screws across the femoral neck can’t fix.
I didn’t know that Goldy was back to work writing for The Stranger.
Close to 3 million doses of COVID vacine administered today or yesterday.
Before the States were doing a shitty job – so we were told to deflect the blame from the FuckHump.
Truth to the matter is the FuckHump never negotiated buying enough to better prepare for the intitial distribution.
This fuck not only killed many by ignoring that it was an issue, but by eventually, nine months later trying to do something about it, after trying to steal the credit for the vaccine, whch eventuallhy leaves us with the shitty shape that we are still in with a bunch of variants spreading.
GOP – Liars, theifs and a bunch of incompentent fucks that kill and assualt cops.
GOP: “Corporations have free speech.”
Corporations speak on civil rights issues
GOP: “Not that kind of speech.”
Bob, there has to be more to the story but we know that more would be less of your story, as the horse knows regarding your penis.
That little clip, for one it’s not the only one because I remember seeing one posted on twitter month’s before he was sworn in as Transportation Secretary. Where he didn’t have the security detail that he has now. Furthermore, do you and the other goat and pig fuckers now the extent of the trip taken? The video clip doesn’t really give that information. Plus do you know what the weather forecast was? Maybe weather was a factor. Also, is it rules in place that he has to have that security detail?
Dumbfucks will be dumbfucks and claim that have a bigger penis than they do.
No, please tell, Mr. Allways Wrong. And I see that you weren’t bothered by the dead COP yet……………
You’ve already memory-holed Jan 6th….but you put it up your ass in stead of your brain.
Here you go Bob….never forget the Fire Extinguishers and the spears that were used to assault the cops by REAL AMERICANS! and yourself.
Pelosi order flags at half staff…..and you fucked the horse.
Bob trying to justify his racism but showing true ignorance. True POS.
Pretty Mug shot, but the POS.
I could only find this on Rawstory!
14 – 17 year olds. Now that’s some good pussy grabbing.
My guess is that Gaetz commits suicide….he’s a chicken….you heard it first here from G Money Big Time Charity giver of $18.00!
The guy looks like such a freak and POS….like most Repukes.
So disgusting. But you know there was no horse involved!
But I am sure Gaetz used rubbers and none of the little girlies needed abortions. Ohhhhh no, no the little babies!
I bet Mike Prude Pence is rally proud of Gaetz, maybe he even gave hin a little slap on the buttoks, right after Gym session with Gym Jordan.