It’s about damn time that Obama got himself a bona fide (so to speak) sex scandal. This one did not involve Obama making use of a “human humidor” (as folk musician Eric Schwartz once put it).
Yeah…well now our very own (well…The Stranger’s own) Goldy has a sex scandal…kind-of. The Stranger’s Cienna Madrid has the scoop:
Yesterday, my suspicions were aroused when I overheard Goldy (of all people) bragging about having “sexual relations” with a state senator. The pool’s just not that large, folks.
And denials from Goldy….
So when are we gonna hear all the horny jackinoff details? Substance! We demand substance!
@1 If Goldy got fucked, it probably was by a Republican. They fuck everybody. The GOP’s goal is to leave no teacher, cop, firefighter, janitor, worker, retiree, consumer, saver, or investor unfucked. They can’t stand either virginity or solvency.
Here’s one for the ages:
“A Munich disc jockey held for five hours as a sex slave by a 47-year-old German woman said on Monday he would press charges ….
The 43-year-old disc jockey … had to call police to rescue him from the woman’s flat … after she locked him inside, hid the key and forced him to have repeated sex with her.
“‘She was sex mad and there was no way out of the flat,’ [he] said. He … had consensual sex with the woman three times … [then] wanted to leave … [but] she had locked the doors … and hidden the key …. ‘I realized I was trapped and had to keep going until she fell asleep,’ [he] said. ‘So we had sex five more times.’
“As soon as the woman fell asleep … he went out to the balcony and placed an emergency call to police on his cell phone. Police arrived 10 minutes later. The woman unlocked the door to let the authorities in … then promptly propositioned the officers, police said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you’re interested in meeting this woman call the Munich jail.
The pool’s not that large? Nonsense. Cienna is assuming Goldy’s not bisexual. Kind of a surprising assumption, coming from the Stranger. The pool is every state senator in Olympia, folks.
Well, maybe except Pam Roach. Then again, maybe she held him at gunpoint…
Does it include goldy’s well worn, darci burner squirt rag?
@4 Has Roach ever been in Munich?
@5: Darcy hugs rabbits! What do you hug?
I hope Judge can beat Litzow. I hope anyone can beat Litzow.
You know what pisses me off? I’ll tell you what pisses me off!! People who think my name is like a porn star pun — like Peter North.
It’s pronounced Kammoo — not Kame-us!!!
re 5: Your mama’s scarf, chump!
@ 9
Wouldn’t you rather have a name like a porn star? Chicks dig that shit.
re 11– I don’t need no porn star name! Have you ever seen that picture of me in a trenchcoat on an overcast Parisian day, with my hair all slicked back and the stub of a Lucky Strike drooping from my lips?
I gotta tell ya: Even Frank Sinatra was askin’ me how I got so much trim! I even got Mary Tyler Moore once in the backseat of a Checker taxicab — and this was when she was doin’ the Dick VanDyke show! Remember those black Capri pants she’d wear? Makes me drool just thinkin’ about it! Sheeeeeeeesh!!!
That broad looked like a million bucks!!
more like the back of your wife’s throat..