Yesterday I put $100.00 on my credit card and wired it over to the Peter Goldmark campaign via my ActBlue fundraising page, and then I asked all of you to follow suit. Since then six of you have contributed a combined $790.00 to the Goldmark and Darcy Burner campaigns via my ActBlue page… an astounding $132.00 per contribution!
Thank you for your generosity.
But did you know you don’t need big bucks to make a big difference in the upcoming election?
The pre-primary reporting period closes tomorrow at midnight, and that’s the figure the DCCC and various PACs and big donors are going to use to help them decided which campaigns have the wherewithal to warrant further investment. But they don’t just local at the amount of cash raised… they also look at the total number of contributors as a powerful indicator of a candidate’s grassroots support.
So here’s what I want everybody to do. Even if you don’t have much money, I want to go to my ActBlue page and donate whatever your can to Peter and Darcy… even if it’s only $5.00.
Of course, if you can give more, please do… but five measly bucks can make a big difference when it comes to convincing the big money to take the campaign seriously.
We have only a little more than 24 hours before the reporting period closes, and as of now a total of 72 donors have contributed through my page. Let’s prove again how powerful the local netroots are, and see if we can double that number before midnight tomorrow.
5 bucks. That’s all I’m asking. Please give now.
Like Mrs. Grossman after she swallows……….Not a penny, and you will enjoy every drop!
Look out the prez has got his shirt sleeves rolled up and again . God help us ………..
I saw he has his best southern red checkered table cloth tie on to …………
The president is taking responsibility for the total incompetent response to the flood .
I guess he will be resigning soon
I’ll donate 5 bucks to a fund to get Doctor JCH Kennedy(AKA)BUTTNUTZ. Neutered……..
Are you referring to the same swallowing that all your dates do? You know, where they throw-up in their mouth and have to swallow it back down, when they meet you and discover that the photo you sent them was culled from the internet.
Post 7 is referring to John Craig
Why did Cantwell (D-Mexico) vote against building a fence on the Mexican border? Corporate Dem cheap-labor sellouts like Cantwell ( D-Mexico) think third-world wages are great for business, and think that a poor, cheap-labor third-world America will vote Democrat, as shown below:
George Bush% John Kerry%
Male 55 44
Female 48 51
White male 62 37
White female 55 44
Non-white male 30 67
Non-white female 24 75
White 58 41
African-American 11 88
Latino 44 53
Asian 44 56
Earning less than $15,000 36 63
$15k to $30k 42 57
$30k to $50k 49 50
You’re complaining because Cantwell votes like a Republican?
“When you cut right through it, right-wing ideology is just ‘dime-store economics’ – intended to dress their ideology up and make it look respectable. You don’t really need to know much about economics to understand it. They certainly don’t. It all gets down to two simple words. ‘Cheap labor’.
That’s their whole philosophy in a nutshell … cheap-labor conservatives are defenders of corporate America – whose fortunes depend on labor. … The more desperately you need a job, the cheaper you’ll work, and the more power those ‘corporate lords’ have over you. If you are a wealthy elite – or a ‘wannabe’ like most dittoheads – your wealth, power and privilege is enhanced by a labor pool, forced to work cheap.”
Carl, will Mrs. Grossman be “reading over your shoulder tonight”? Just “axing”? […………………………………………………………………………………….That’s a little Ebonics so many Democrats can follow my post.]
I’m a law student. That means I eat a lot of broke food and am three years from graduating with many thousands in debt, which I’ll have to pay an even higher interest rate on thanks to Republicans in the other Washington. I just gave $10 to Darcy and $10 to Peter. Now, I’m not trying to toot my own horn or anything, but if I can take $20 out of my canned tuna/ramen budget, I’m sure some people on here can chip in a little too.
Cry me a river “Jesse”… if you are “contributing” to crap like that you are misusing your “law school” loans and cheating the taxpayers (ME) subsidizing them.
My kid completed and graduated law school with loans and wasn’t stupid with $$$ and relegated to eating “canned tuna/ramen”.
And what the hell is “broke food”… a fancy legal term? Right.
Welcome to the 8th grade Jesse.
I’m a law student. That means I eat a lot of broke food and am three years from graduating with many thousands in debt, which I’ll have to pay an even higher interest rate on thanks to Republicans in the other Washington. I just gave $10 to Darcy and $10 to Peter. Now, I’m not trying to toot my own horn or anything, but if I can take $20 out of my canned tuna/ramen budget, I’m sure some people on here can chip in a little too.
Commentby Jesse P
Thank you, Jesse. Good luck, and work hard.
Open wide a take you medicine lefties. Here is a dose of truth for all you liberal Seattle Jew Killers:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Darryl’s story on HA July 30, 2006:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
You get to eat in law school? Things sure have changed in the last 35 years! When I was in law school, I didn’t get to eat for three years. I went through law school on G.I. Bill benefits of $175 a month.
I was a lot skinnier 35 years ago.
Open wide a take you medicine lefties….
Woops should be Open wide and take your medicine lefties. I am so full of glee when I post this I mis-typed. hehehe
I have already donated to Darcy $200, maybe more. I am also gonna help Peter Goldmark fundraise here in Seattle. Who controls the house affects us all. Make the Republicans spend money defending the 5th. McMorris can’t even tell the truth about earmarks, has an in the 30’s approval rating, and votes George Bush almost 100% of the time, which is against the people in her district 90% of the time. At least people that are not billionares. Any billionares that live in Eastern Washington, she is definitely working for you….
You know what. I am gonna get my girlfriend to donate some money too.
“Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal.”
He was a fundie wingnut.
There can’t be very many billionaires in eastern Washington, because the “producers” in that part of the state produce only about 10% of the state’s economic output.
“Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal.”
He was a fundie wingnut.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/29/06@ 8:53 pm
Now only if you could get Haq to believe that. hehe
20 (continued)
most of e. wash. lives on gov’t subsidies
At least you will get your ballot if you happen to be stationed in the military in E Wa.
Pellet are you talking about your corporate sponsor Shaw Group ex-CEO James M. Bernhard, Cheap Labor Donk, ex-LA Donk Party Chairman? Must be. You know dem rich white peeples. Ya never know who’s back they climbed up de ladda on!
You talking about Cheap Labor Donk, Bernie Schwartz, CEO of Loral, who taught the Chicom’s telemetry?
You talking of super rich Cheap Labor Donk, Warren Buffett, Chairman of the Hathaway Group?
Come on Pellet, you know who you’re messing with.
I wonder what is going to happen next to Karr? Will the teahcers union step in and help one of their fellow liberals? Nah, you have to be contributing to the union.
Hey moonbats: “Why demoncrats lie to your face and insist that they speak the truth?” Question on Yahoo!!!
” The Pew Research Center’s annual poll on religion and politics, released last week, shows that while 85 percent of voters say religion is important to them, only 26 percent of Americans think the Democratic Party is “friendly” to religion. That’s down from 40 percent in the summer of 2004 and 42 percent the year before that—in other words, a 16-point plunge over three years. ”
” Even the party’s own may see talk of faith as pandering. Two years ago, half of Democrats thought that their party was friendly to religion. Now that number has dropped to 39.6 percent, with a 12-point decline among respondents who aren’t affiliated with a religious tradition. These Democrats view the party’s interest in talking to religious voters as a sure betrayal of the party’s principles. ”
” Another big drop—14 points in two years—surfaced in the percentage of black Protestants who see Democrats as religion-friendly. That’s a sure sign that despite their outreach efforts in black churches, Democrats aren’t necessarily listening to the folks in the pews. African-Americans may still be the most reliably Democratic constituency, but they are far more socially and theologically conservative than gauzy references to the bygone civil rights era reveal. And they’re still not finding a lot of room to talk about those views in the party. ”
” Finally, Catholic voters are increasingly skeptical. Support for Democrats’ approach to religion dropped by 10 points among Catholic Democrats, 16 points among Catholic Independents, and 25 points among Catholic Republicans, including a 9-point decline just in the last year. As the party hemorrhages Catholic support at the polls,…. “
You know what is great. When I contributed the $$$ to Darcy, and Peter, I got to see the number of donors go up, and the $$$ go up. I am actually using a little $$$ to help rid my country of the GOP spend like drunken sailors with no accountability nightmare. Not to mention all the other ways they have weakened our country, made us less safe, and destroyed our standing in the world. I just made my own page, and contributed more. God I feel great. I will admit what the Republican Trolls want me to admit right now. Democrats are not perfect. In fact some of them are not very good at all. But what the Republican Trolls don’t realize is the fact that there is a difference between the crimes of the Boy Scouts, and the crimes of the NAZIS. Believe me it is not the Democrats that are lying to us, wiretapping us, spending our children’s money, invading non threatening countries, and pouring gasoline on the fires of hatred much of the world feels for our country.
If anyone reads this post go to my brand new page
and contribute a couple bucks to Darcy, Peter, or Jim. A am proud to be raising funds for these fine politicians.
Imagine helping people get elected that don’t have to lie, and pretend to run a campaign…..
Imagine helping people get elected that don’t have to lie, and pretend to run a campaign….. -Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 8/29/06@ 10:07 pm
LMAO… “calling little lying darcy, calling little lying darcy, little lying darcy you’re being paged”.
Are you referring to the same swallowing that all your dates do?
Commentby My Left Foot [……….Yes, Carl, ALL of my dates, including your wife, swallows every drop!]
I’m a law student. That means I eat a lot of broke food and am three years from graduating with many thousands in debt, which I’ll have to pay an even higher interest rate on thanks to Republicans in the other Washington. I just gave $10 to Darcy and $10 to Peter. Now, I’m not trying to toot my own horn or anything, but if I can take $20 out of my canned tuna/ramen budget, I’m sure some people on here can chip in a little too.
Commentby Jesse P [ …………………………………………………………….These evil Republicans to whom you refer are paying taxes so the state can subsidize 50-75% of the TRUE costs of your fucking education, pissant!!! Typical dumb ass Democrat “lawyer-to-be”.]
You know what’s great? As I read all the batshit crazy ramblings of the cowards on the right, I have peace knowing that in a few months we’re gonna take back at least part of the federal government from these fools and there’s not a damn thing the inbred morons can do about it!
You know what’s great? As I read all the batshit crazy ramblings of the cowards on the right, I have peace knowing that in a few months we’re gonna take back at least part of the federal government from these fools and there’s not a damn thing the inbred morons can do about it! -Commentby LeftTurn— 8/29/06@ 10:15 pm
Like this…
Kerry is not dead yet. You’re too pessimistic. Don’t sink into the dephs yet. -Commentby Andrew— 11/2/04@ 11:21 pm
[/laughing hysterically]
You better hope November comes soon. The rising approval numbers for Bush and recent foiled terrorist plots are in the repubs favor. As Micheal Ray Richardson (former NBA player) once said, “the democrat ship of lies be sinking”
You know what’s great? As I read all the batshit crazy ramblings of the cowards on the right, I have peace knowing that in a few months we’re gonna take back at least part of the federal government from these fools and there’s not a damn thing the inbred morons can do about it!
Commentby LeftTurn [………..posted here in NOV 2000, NOV 2002, NOV 2004………………hehe, JCH]
They both got $5 from me. And ActBlue got $1.
@22 There can’t be very many billionaires in eastern Washington, because the “producers” in that part of the state produce only about 10% of the state’s economic output.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/29/06@ 8:54 pm
Roger- given that the 5th Congressional District is one-ninth of the state- about 11%- having about 10% of the state’s economic output would be about right. I think if you were to check on the value of the output from that portion of the state, including wheat from the Palouse, you’d be a little less snide in your remarks.
Bernhard left Shaw Group? I hadn’t heard that. I used to trade in and out of that stock a lot. Made money on it.
They both got $5 from me. And ActBlue got $1.
PortDork -Commentby PortDork— 8/29/06@ 10:50 pm
Way to show your enthusiasm! God, I just hope they can find enough ways to spend those big bux they’re raking in!
I count a whole 15 BUCKS EACH so far!
I kinda like “hardhat” stocks like oilfield services, pipe fabrication, etc.
It’s been my experience in life that people who took about Christianity the most tend to practice it the least.
“talk” not “took”
I see from an item on the KIRO 7 News web site that a woman in China got into a car wreck while teaching her dog to drive.
Dogs are bad enough when they chase cars; think what they’ll be like when they’re driving cars.
Come to think of it, a dog could drive better than Mike? Who or Laura Bush. At least dogs don’t drink and drive.
I didn’t know Bernhard was a Democrat, either. Makes me feel better about trading in his company’s stock. Thanx.
Twirly, twirly, spin, spin rabid rodent… your deflection doesn’t change the facts.
And you may be interested to note, that lament was written by a whining LIBERAL for Slate.
Pellet == Snide == Moonbat == Socialist == Democrat == Nazi == Fascist
Perfect Equation
I see from an item on the KIRO 7 News web site that a woman in China got into a car wreck while teaching her dog to drive. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/29/06@ 10:57 pm
You mean PITA has made it to China?
Yeah Pellet: Bernard Shaw – Cheap Labor Donk!
“Imagine helping people get elected that don’t have to lie, and pretend to run a campaign….. -Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 8/29/06@ 10:07 pm
LMAO… “calling little lying darcy, calling little lying darcy, little lying darcy you’re being paged”.
So what war did she start turkey?
” WASHINGTON – Karl Rove was not “frog-marched” out of the White House in handcuffs as his detractors had hoped, but the past year was certainly a low point for President Bush’s close friend and chief political strategist. ”
” With that threat behind him, Rove is back to his old playful self — sporting Elvis sideburns on a recent trip to Memphis with the president and traveling around the country for lucrative storytelling to GOP donors. ”
” The Republican base never flinched at suggestions that Rove tried to smear administration critic Joe Wilson by revealing his wife’s role as a CIA operative. ”
” Publicity surrounding the case seems even to have increased Rove’s stature among Republicans and contributed to an almost mystical view of the longtime Bush strategist among the party faithful because he came out on top.”
” At a recent presidential fundraiser near Bush’s Texas ranch, a line that formed for photos with Rove was nearly as long as the line waiting to see the president. ”
” Rove is an impressive fundraiser himself, bringing in $10.4 million in 75 events this cycle, more than any other Republican official besides the president, first lady and vice president.
” “He came out clean,” said Robert Pruger, one of the donors who recently paid $1,000 to hear Rove speak in Toledo. “When your opponent hits you and it doesn’t stick, you end up stronger for it.” “
Pellet: Looks like Jeff Bezos of Amazon is a Cheap Labor Donk.
$ 2,000 Republican
$11,200 Democrat
$30,000 special interest
total: $43,200
You all know where to find this data. I posted it before on Moonbatville.
Pellet: Looks like Pierre Omidyar of eBay is a Cheap Labor Donk.
$ 4,000 Republican
$140,400 Democrat
$ 43,000 special interest
total: $187,400
MOYERS: Down the memory hole, as George Orwell would describe it. And yes, it’s all about stimulation now… It’s a fitting metaphor, I think, for what’s happening in politics as the mainstream media have been silenced and the partisan media have turned propaganda into “news.” Wave the flag, stroke the sentiments, stir the prejudices — and you can keep the masses distracted from the real game happening out of sight, behind closed doors in boardrooms and oval offices.
BUZZFLASH: And what is that game?
MOYERS: Class war. The corporate right and the political right declared class war on working people a quarter of a century ago and they’ve won. The rich are getting richer, which arguably wouldn’t matter if the rising tide lifted all boats. But the inequality gap is the widest it’s been since l929; the middle class is besieged and the working poor are barely keeping their heads above water. The corporate and governing elites are helping themselves to the spoils of victory — politics, when all is said and done, comes down to who gets what and who pays for it — while the public is distracted by the media circus and news has been neutered or politicized for partisan purposes.
Take the paradox of a Rush Limbaugh, ensconced in a Palm Beach mansion massaging the resentments across the country of white-knuckled wage earners, who are barely making ends meet in no small part because of the very policies of those corporate and ideological forces for whom Rush has been a hero. I recently came across an account of the tabloid era of British journalism in the late 1950s when the Daily Mirror, for one, presented itself as the champion of the working man, fearlessly speaking truth to power, when out of sight its gluttonous and egomaniacal chairman was demanding and extorting favors from frightened or like-minded politicians and generally helping himself to greater portions of privilege like any other press baron. It’s the same story for Limbaugh, Murdoch and his minions, and the tycoons of the megamedia conglomerates. They helped create the new Gilded Age to whose largesse they have so generously helped themselves while throwing the populace off the trail with red meat served up in the guise of journalism.
The rubes will always get played.
How does HEINZ do, Puddy?
“At least 14 people were hospitalized Tuesday in San Francisco after the driver of a black 2004 Honda Pilot cut a path of destruction from the Tenderloin to Laurel Heights, striking pedestrians and a bicyclist in 13 locations starting at about 12:45 p.m”
“Police identified the sport utility vehicle driver as Omeed Aziz Popal, 29, who had just gotten married in his native Afghanistan, was living with his parents in Fremont, and had nothing on his criminal record except a handful of minor traffic violations. He was in custody Tuesday evening but had not yet been booked.”
“Some family members said Popal had mental problems and lived in fear of the devil; others said his recent, arranged marriage may have made him stressed.”
“A source close to the investigation in San Francisco, however, said Popal showed no signs of mental illness or remorse in his initial interviews with authorities. Popal reportedly told police that he had run down pedestrians “because he just wanted to.” ”
Another Islamofascist scum and another product of lib Third-World immigration and lib diversity. Thanks, Frenchfuck lib moonbats.
Pellet: Looks like Paul Allen is a Cheap Labor Donk.
$ 14,000 Republican
$163,000* Democrat
$ 21,000 special interest
total: $198,000
* includes soft-money donations
Ogg, you simply do not look good in pea green envy, babe, nor do you wear it with any style.
Tell us, how are all those millionaire “champions” of the little people… you know, Pelosi, Kerry, Kennedy, Clinton, Moore, Streisand, Reiner?
Wasn’t it Babs that suggested all you little people just hang your clothes to dry so as not to waste the resources she needs to power her mansions?
How does HEINZ do, Puddy? Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 8/29/06@ 11:24 pm
Teresa Heinz Kerry Cheap Labor Donk
$ 6,500 Republican
$62,400 Democrat
$12,107 special interest
total: $81,007
HJ Heinz Corporation Nice Corporation!
$ 55,769 Democrats
$136,420 Republicans
$0 to Others
$192,187 in Total Contributions
HowCan: Wasn’t it Babs who bitched and moaned when her 11,000 sq. ft. mansion was placed on the Internet for beach erosion issues with other moonbats?
Wasn’t it little people champions Kerry and Kennedy who whined about those big bad windmills ruining their “view”?
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. is a Cheap Labor Donk.
$79,800 Democrats
$ 3,200 Republicans
$83,000 in Total Contributions
I hear Babs has been coaching Hitlary with her “Let them eat cake!” speech every single day.
How about those big, bad AUTO companies, Puddy?
Or the evil PHARMACEUTICAL companies?
Pellet: Looks like Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt is a Cheap Labor Donk.
$ 6,500 Republican
$219,216* Democrat
$ 15,000 special interest
total: $240,716
* includes soft-money donations
How about those big, bad AUTO companies, Puddy? Or the evil PHARMACEUTICAL companies? Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 8/29/06@ 11:50 pm
For you lovely lady I will search. You know me I love to search to makes jackASSes of HorsesASSes!
Pellet: Michael Eisner is a Cheap Labor Donk.
$ 40,000 Republican
$156,257 Democrat
$ 89,000 special interest
total: $285,257
Pellet: Candice Bergen is a Cheap Labor Donk
$45,500 Democrat
Your being played ass. Deal with it. The situation in 2006 is historically similar to the period of the Guilded age, roughly 1870 to 1915.
The moneyed interest, not Capitalist but Ferengii or Crony capitalist, throw the populace off the trail with red meat bullshit like Gay marraige or flag burning. They rob the public purse to the tune of a 300 billion dollar deficit, spending money like drunken sailors.
As high wage jobs disappear, Walmart at $8 per hour is the only thing left for a large part of the population. Those that can get a white collar job learn the joys of the White collar Sweatshop:;n=283155
And this does not even get in to the multiple fraud of Iraq and Katrina.
The Republicans who run the Government see it only as a source of income. Defense contracts are great, because it transfers your tax money into their bank account.
Veteran administration funding is terrible, because helping wounded soldiers does not make anyone money.
Pellet: Charles Gifford Bank of America CEO is a Cheap Labor Donk
$ 8,000 Republican
$58,400 Democrat
$18,600 special interest
total: $85,000
Ford & GM Republican
Daimler – Chrysler – No report.
Costco Wholesale Corp.
$220,303 Democrats
$ 2,000 Republicans
$222,303 in Total Contributions
Pfizer, Merck are Republican
Adobe Systems is a Cheap Labor Donk!
Going to bed! More tomorrow
How did the breathalyzer experiment at Drinking Liberally go on Tuesday night?
All I have to say about the fundraising donations talked about above is:
George Bush’s #1 campaign contributor before 2004 = ENRON.
It is about far more than cheap labor. Some well off people do contribute to Democrats though. They can see the danger of allowing the GOP to continue destroying our country with uncontrolled spending, while giving huge tax breaks to the top 1%. Not to mention all the terrorists they are creating with a completely insane foreign policy of dishonesty, destruction, and retardation.
If you disagree, name one thing we got right in Iraq….. Yeah I thought so. Just forget about the 64,6000 Wounded American Soldiers we need to take care of, and more coming home in boxes, and on gurneys every day, all because The Decider wanted to be a stinkin’ “War President” to impress his bloodthirsty Republican inbicile followers. By the way if you think we are safer you belong in an asylum.
I put up an ActBlue page also. Thanks for the idea Goldie!
Democrats are not perfect, but compared to the horror the GOP has brought to our country anything would be a step up.
My page is
Thanks Goldie, so far you have raised $4,500 for Darcy, and Peter. I plan on asking every one of my friends to contribute to them. Let’s take our country back for the no accountability crowd NOW!!!!!
Puddwacking on proudASS is such a wonderful spectator sport. They are both so foolish as to assume that everyone is as stuck in their bogus opinions as they are.
From the Wall Street Journal via Common Dreams:
“”Some big companies are boosting their share of campaign contributions to Democrats this year, a sign that executives may be starting to hedge their political bets after a decade of supporting congressional Republicans.
Before the Republican takeover of Congress a dozen years ago, companies split their donations about evenly between the two parties. After Republicans gained control, and seemed to solidify it, the money balance swung sharply in their favor. Despite the party’s latest woes, most companies give the bulk of their contributions to Republicans. While there is a change among some Fortune 500 companies, a Federal Election Commission review of all corporate PACs shows companies overall giving about a third of their funds to Democrats in this campaign, the same portion they have allocated for the past few campaigns.
While some companies may be looking to curry favor with ascendant Democrats, several business groups say they are responding to the Republicans’ woes by stepping up support and working harder to beat back the Democratic tide. “I clearly see a very strong concern among the business community and a very strong willingness to help out” by supporting Republican candidates for Congress, said Bill Miller, political director for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
emphasis mine
Could it be that our two wingnut jesters are suggesting that public financing of political campaigns should replace the current, corrupt system. Let’s here it ASS and Whacker!
Goldy Tell the truth for once.
Allright Goldy I donated again to both, but I now know you have an alterior motive. I thought originally you wanted good Democrats to hold this crooked executive branch accountable for all the impeachable offenses. Or to bring some checks and balances in so we don’t change this country into Mexico, where our workers will be crossing the borders into Canada for jobs. Or maybe you think the clean air is your right.
But I did a little more digging and found out you are trying to earn a FREE Al Gore book. So the truth comes out, you are just trying to save a book from this crazed book burning fear mongering minority that is ruining this once great nation. Come on Goldy, start telling the truth.
Damn! Apparently the Facts Don’t Support Your WEAK Position. Why does Puddy always have to clear the air on librul LIES? Because no one else has my Internet skillzset:
“Enron’s Political Contributions: Another Bad Investment
By Marc Levin 1/14/2002
Recent revelations about Enron’s extensive political contributions have been portrayed as impugning the integrity of the Bush administration and bolstering the case for campaign finance reform. However, upon closer scrutiny, it is apparent that Enron’s bevy of political contributions provided the company little political power when it most needed it.
Thus, far from proving the need for campaign finance reform, the Enron debacle illustrates that political contributions may be one of the worst investments a business can make. The real lesson from this fiasco may be that company shareholder representatives and boards of directors should be more skeptical of the utility of corporate political expenditures.
According to the Center for Public Integrity, Enron and its CEO Ken Lay have donated more than $550,000 to Bush since 1993, making the company his top career patron. Additionally, Enron has made $5.8 million in campaign contributions to members of Congress since 1989.
However, after all this profligacy, we have now learned Enron could not muster a morsel of assistance from the Bush administration when Lay called Commerce Secretary Don Evans to warn that its bankruptcy might be imminent. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the negative response from the Bush administration to this plea for help demonstrates the impotence of campaign contributions, not their overpowering influence.
It is instructive that Enron was rebuffed at that time. Given the fact that September 11 was still fresh on people’s minds and that the airlines were being bailed out, the administration surely could have contrived some public justification for taking action to stave off Enron’s bankruptcy had Enron’s contributions been as influential as they are now alleged.
Similarly, despite receiving tens of thousands of dollars from Enron, U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and Texas Attorney General John Cornyn have wasted no time in holding Enron’s feet to the fire. Unfortunately, both have now recused themselves from their offices’ investigations, giving credence to the claim that somehow they could not oversee an impartial investigation.
The truth is that, once an issue receives even a scintilla of the publicity of the Enron scandal, politicians are much more likely to be swayed by public opinion than campaign contributions. First, there are countless sources of campaign funds but only one electorate. Furthermore, the downside of negative media scrutiny regarding even a perception of a conflict of interest easily overrides the benefits of whatever advertising a candidate could purchase with the donations.
[Puddy Insert] And who gave the PERCEPTION of impropriety? Friends of Goldie! Dingleberries! Carl Grossman Lookalikes! Clueless Ones! Tree Huggers! Looks like real Bullshitto again from the House of Worthlessness! – Democraps
Finally, in the case of Enron, since it is bankrupt, there is little possibility of future donations of anywhere near the magnitude of its past bounty. As its past political contributions are already safely tucked away, Enron’s inability to make large contributions in the future enormously diminishes its influence, quite apart form the fact that its bankruptcy is now a radioactive political issue. After all, if the phrase “fair-weather friend” was defined in the dictionary, a picture of politicians might well appear.
To be sure, political contributions can buy a company access. Ken Lay even got to sleep at the White House. However, while such royal treatment may do wonders for the ego of a company’s CEO, it is far from clear that it results in tangible benefits for its bottom line.
A company is most likely to get mileage out of its campaign
contributions when the issues with which it is concerned are of little interest to the public and receive no media attention. The proliferation of alternative media and the Internet has arguably diminished the number of such low profile issues on which politicians can side with their contributors without public notice.
The fact that Enron could not get any assistance from a President for whom they were the largest donor should lead shareholder representatives and corporate boards to examine more closely the efficacy of political contributions. If these contributions are merely massaging the ego of executives by allowing them to rub shoulders with politicians, they ought to be discontinued.
[Puddy Insert] Admit it libruls. You have no argument! Keep repeating bullshit and it’s still bullshit
In fact, many successful large companies have decided to curtail their political contributions and are doing quite well without them. Among the companies that have recently stopped making soft-money contributions to the political parties are General Motors, Monsanto, Time Warner, and Allied Signal. “We’re not going to contribute ‘soft money’ at the federal level any more; we’ve decided it’s not a beneficial practice,” said Linda Fisher, Monsanto’s vice president for government and public affairs.
There are certainly many lessons to be learned from Enron’s implosion, but there is simply no evidence that either Republican or Democratic officials did anything improper on behalf of the company. Instead of demonstrating the need for campaign finance reform, Enron’s excessive political contributions may have only been yet another of its many bad investments.
Levin is President of the Houston-based American Freedom Center ( and can be reached at”
From this article it looks like Enron gave $312K of the $550K+ when GWB was governor. Looks like giving it to his presidential campaign is another BULLSHITTO LIE!
Enron gave 98K to Gray-Out Davis and $420K to California! Isn’t California BLUE donk land?
MWS: Yes, Goldy delivers those server busy messages when the fire gets hot in the kitchen.
From this article, looks like donk were big receivers of Enron money. Notice the style of the See BS article below written to make Rebpulicans look bad but had to write this way doen in the article:
“Of the 10 House members who received the most money from Enron, six were Democrats and most were from Texas. The top recipients were both Democrats, Rep. Ken Bentsen, with $42,750, and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, with $38,000.
Rep. Joe L. Barton, R-Texas, got $28,909, and fellow Texas Republican Rep. Tom DeLay got $28,900.
Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., was 10th on the list, receiving $9,000. Dingell is the ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, a panel with jurisdiction over the Enron case.”
[Puddy Insert]Isn’t Dingell leading the Impeach Charge? Wow his house is dirty!!!
Of the 10 House members who received the most money from Enron, six were Democrats and most were from Texas. The top recipients were both Democrats, Rep. Ken Bentsen, with $42,750, and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, with $38,000.
Rep. Joe L. Barton, R-Texas, got $28,909, and fellow Texas Republican Rep. Tom DeLay got $28,900.
Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., was 10th on the list, receiving $9,000. Dingell is the ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, a panel with jurisdiction over the Enron case.
Any word on Christian conservative republican Haq’s trial in the murder at the Jewish Center?
Amazing, a person who has committed felonies is jettisoned by politicians he supported. Who’d a thunk it.
The Bush-Lay coziness earned the Enron chief a nickname from Bush as “Kenny Boy.” But more importantly for Enron, Bush pitched in as governor and president whenever the energy trader wanted easier regulations within the U.S. or to have U.S. taxpayers foot the bill for loan guarantees or risk insurance for Enron’s overseas ventures.
The Bush-Lay relationship helped Enron extend its reach across the globe, with the appearance of a successful company, as it pulled in billions of dollars in investment money from tens of thousands of unwary investors.
Now, in trying to insulate Bush from the spreading Enron scandal, White House aides have emphasized that administration officials rebuffed Lay and other Enron executives who sought a federal bailout to save their corporate skin. But the documentary record paints a different picture, showing that the administration did what it could last year [2001] to help Enron, until the Houston energy trader’s collapse was so far advanced that its deceptive bookkeeping could no longer be kept out of public view.
Last year, Vice President Dick Cheney and his energy task force held six secret meetings with Lay and other Enron officials while developing an administration program that contained special favors for Enron. Bush named Lay’s allies to key regulatory positions, such as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which pushed for other pet Enron projects.
Under the direction of Bush’s National Security Council staff, the U.S. government also strong-armed India to acquiesce to Enron’s demands over its troubled Dabhol power plant, which Enron was hoping to sell for $2.3 billion. The NSC’s extraordinary pressure on India continued even after Sept. 11 when Washington needed New Delhi’s support in the war on terrorism and wanted the Indians to quiet their border dispute with neighboring Pakistan.
Internal administration documents suggest that Bush and his NSC staff put Enron’s interests on par with or ahead of U.S. national security interests. The extraordinary NSC-led campaign around the Dabhol plant ended only on Nov. 8, the day the Securities and Exchange Commission delivered subpoenas to Enron about its questionable accounting. The same day, the company admitted that it had overstated its profits by $586 million since 1997, by improperly shifting debt into affiliated partnerships. [Washington Post, Jan. 19 & 25, 2002; Bloomberg News, Jan. 18, 2002]
The University of California, which has been raising tuition at an extraordinary pace for years, is throwing millions of dollars a year at a racialist boondoggle. The San Francisco Chronicle’s Matier and Ross report the creation of a new post: vice chancellor for equity and inclusion—a job that not only has an impressive title, but an equally impressive salary of between $182,000 and $282,000 a year.
This job will never be filled by a white Republican heterosexual male.
OOOOOps! Looks like Faux News is having a hard time selling the lie these days!
Did someone mention BS or SEE BS? Oh it’s Enron BS. I’ll get Bill Burkett right on that topic!
Democrats need to watch out on this Enron mess. We buried Enron because the more we dug, Ken Lay spread his largess butter all over the place. Like a thin coating of BS that comes from every Rabbit “feller” post. You folk need to watch out with that Rabbit “feller”. But the most AMAZING BS comes from that Left Turn “boy”. Why boy? Boys don’t fact check. They whip out their weapon and hose down everything. Nasty habit of little boys. Maybe that’s why Left Turn has a fixation on child molesters. I’ll check the SEE BS files for more on that!
Keep up the good work Puddy. You do have the “skillz to pay de billz”! I don’t know how you find things but Facts do put a hurtin’ on the small liberal mind. Even Dan Qualye gave you BS’ers a break when he said “A mind is a terrible thing”. He should have said “A mind is a terrible thing in a liberal”.
So, pudwhacker, are you supporting publically financed campaigns????? Cherry picking from a data set that is 2 to 1 Republican is so banal.
See BS: Thanks! I’ll do my best. It’s just a few of us against the gangstas!
Posting under one of your alter egos is a tranparent dodge, pudwhacker. C’mon, stand up a defend yourself.
Mummified: Nice article. But did Bush intervene when Enron was going down? NO.
Maybe another search is needed?
Democrats often portray themselves as a beacon to the poor and especially protectors of the sacred American middle class. They are prone at almost any time to break into song over the way Republicans “cater to the rich” by cutting taxes and “balance the budget on the backs of the poor.”
The ultra-liberal wing of the Democratic Party, which has now become its dominant voice, is essentially made up of socialists, or those who endorse one of their main tenets: state-controlled distribution of wealth. They might couch these ideas in wholly American terms like workers’ rights, or claim that it’s really only “for the children,” but make no mistake about it; they endorse the mantra of Papa Karl Marx.
Only they’ve developed a slightly different riff. While the ending of class warfare was a goal of Marx, its continuance is very much a tool of the American left. Its adherents despise the bourgeoisie just as much as he did and they are dedicated to ensuring that millions of Americans never join those ranks, thus remaining a dependable voting bank for them.
Their disdain of the American “ruling class” manifests itself in many ways; their anti-Capitalists team up with trial lawyers to bring down our industry, their environmentalist wing seeks to curb human progress, their “peace” activists would stop the spread of Democracy while their educational and media branches sugarcoat the above for those who don’t know what’s good for them.
In their efforts to save the poor and middle class from themselves and the evils of the American Dream, liberals have stepped up their crusade against Wal-Mart. In blue-state enclaves across the country, liberal big wigs have come out to disparage the nation’s largest private employer on charges that it underpays workers and stiffs them on benefits.
While engaged in the worship of the most holy weapon of socialists everywhere — labor unions — leading Democrats sometimes give the game away. John Kerry summed this up nicely when he said of some un-insured Wal-Mart workers, “That’s over 700,000 Americans and their families who have been told by their employer they’re on their own.”
They may not come out and say it (yet) but liberals will not rest until no American is “on their own.” Such notions would have shocked the sensibilities of nearly every American only short years ago, but such is the efficiency of liberal propaganda; most folks now think that nanny-statism is actually good for them.
The direction of your children’s education, your retirement, your constitutionally guaranteed freedom of worship, the way you conduct business on your own private property and even your right to that property must all come under the purview of the knowing eyes of the government.
But the forces of social-engineering may have over-reached this time by trying to regulate the way big business must compensate its employees. Their reasoning seems to be this: if they can’t coerce privately owned companies to unionize voluntarily, they will use the power of legislation to force it on them, whether or not they or their workers like it.
And the sad part of this tale is that liberal hatred of companies like Wal-Mart keeps them from opening stores in inner city neighborhoods which would be most likely to benefit from their presence. Those of us who grew up in the days when most teenagers had part-time jobs know that working in a retail store is usually only a stepping-off point, yet more than three quarters of Wal-Mart managers joined the company as hourly employees.
Add to these job opportunities for under-educated or retired people, the lower prices which are said to free up $2,300 per average household per year — possibly for investment or education — and you can see why liberals quail at the mere mention of the W-word. It’s hard to sustain an atmosphere of class warfare when one of the sides is in danger of disappearing.
Contrary to the way liberals treat them, more and more minority Americans refuse to be used as fodder in that war. They want and desire their share of the American dream, and if a job at Wal-Mart or the savings gained by shopping there will enable them to attain it, they will not be denied.
From all indications, liberals will continue to encourage their minority base to remain uneducated, abort their children, deny their religion and wallow in poverty. The more they do, the quicker those good people will assume their rightful place in American society — a classless one.
Hint. Wait five or ten minutes before posting under you favorite punchline.
Hey Goldie I have a little idea,how about if all your progressive
readers would donate X amount(you pick the amount)to Goldmark &
Burner and as a reward you would put the whole ratprick gang who comment using the name Kennedy into a “time out” for a week.Think
how fresh and enjoyable the comments would be without their tired
old shit.And as a side benefit maybe some of them would get so frustrated they might just get the mental health counseling that they desperately need.
Now there’s a premium that would yield contributions.
But, since it has the tell-tale wingnut demeaning spelling, it’s likely a dodge to start up the stale old “free speech” rant.
Nice article
I thought we had no argument. Do I see BS?
But did Bush intervene when Enron was going down? NO.
Nice try Puddy. Bush washed his hands of Enron just like every Republican forgot they ever knew Jack Abramoff or ate at his fancy dining place.
Why? A sinking ship doesn’t throw off campaign contributions.
Posting under one of your alter egos is a tranparent dodge, pudwhacker. C’mon, stand up a defend yourself. Commentby Harry Tuttle— 8/30/06@ 9:00 am
Tranparent dodge? No that’s your friends getting sex-change ops when they have children.
Dodging what Mummified? Something from a brainless one as you? My alter-egos? Oh dear man, you are truly in formaldehyde.
Enron $$$ were everywhere. Just give it up Mummified!
Cluelessness woke up. I didn’t say anything you infer. Keep up the clueless work! Another wingnut site. And you didn’t say this:
[Puddy Insert] Admit it libruls. You have no argument! Keep repeating bullshit and it’s still bullshit
and then this:
Nice article.
I see BS!
I had so much fun with it yesterday, let’s post it again until McGavick responds:
I’ve got a simple test for Mike McGavick.
Have him call Sen. Frist (House Republican Majority Leader), and tell him that it is vitally important to the Washington taxpayers, and to Mike McGavick personally, that the House adopts the Senate bill previously authored by Cantwell which will make the state sales tax deduction permanant. If he is such an effective problem-solver, surely he could convince HIS OWN PARTY to do this, in that it would benefit Sen. Frist’s home state of Tennessee, also.
After all, he convinced Safeco directors to pay him 28 million for only two months of part-time work! This should be a walk in the park for McGavick, who must be an incredible negotiator.
Of course, if McGavick doesn’t at least make the call and support the bill, then it proves that he really doesn’t care about the Washington taxpayer, and just wants to try to create a misleading campaign issue.
Let’s see which McGavick shows up – Mike! the partison hack, or the “moderate conservative” who cares for Washington taxpayers.
(for a transcript of Mike!’s phone call to Sen. Frist, see:
Northwest Forums for Politics & Policy
Wal-Mart apologists, like Jughead, say megastores create jobs. That isn’t so. By crushing local businesses, Wal-Mart eliminates three decent jobs for every two Wal-Mart slave jobs it “creates”. A store full of part-time, poorly paid employees doesn’t build the family wealth necessary to sustain a middle-class living standard.
Wal-Mart, in reality, operates as a wealth extractor. Instead of profits staying in town to be reinvested locally, the money sent to Bentonville, either to be used as capital for conquering yet another town or simply to be stashed in the Walton family vaults, them owning the biggest bank in Arkansas.
Wal-Mart’s radical trashing of labor standards and local economies once went on unnoticed, but more and more communities are learning about this voracious powerhouse, and there’s a rising civic rebellion against it. Wal-Mart is huge, but it can be brought to heel by an aroused and organized citizenry willing to confront it in their communities, the workplace, the marketplace, the classrooms, the pulpits, the legislatures, and the voting booths. Just as British trading companies were defeated by the American Revolution, so people’s sovereignty and democratic principles over the autocratic ambitions of mighty Wal-Mart can succeed.
Costco is the Seattle model for a megastore. They make a profit and pay their workers decently. Let Wal-Mart sell their shit in China.
Pucwhacker, you can cut and paste all the Michele Malkin inspired bullshit here you want, but all you have proved is that many, maybe most, politicians and their corporate funders have no allegiance, except to power and money.
The solution lies in publically financed campaigns, but I know you wouldn’t go for that, since we know where your allegiance lies, in Mammon.
we know where your allegiance lies, in Mammon.
Nice smackdown HT.
Costco is the Seattle model for a megastore. They make a profit and pay their workers decently.
Indeed. I believe they also buy American whenever they can. Ironically, Wal-Mart used to do that when Sam Walton was alive.
You know what’s great? As I read all the batshit crazy ramblings of the cowards on the right, I have peace knowing that in a few months we’re gonna take back at least part of the federal government from these fools and there’s not a damn thing the inbred morons can do about it! -Commentby LeftTurn— 8/29/06@ 10:15 pm
Your being played ass. Deal with it. The situation in 2006 is historically similar to the period of the Guilded age, roughly 1870 to 1915. -Commentby Commander Ogg— 8/30/06@ 12:06 am
You girls may want to mention that to your fellow [rogressives [/LMAO]
“ “[O]n ‘This Week’ recently, former co-host (and daughter of a former Democratic congressman) Cokie Roberts stunned host George Stephanopoulos when she said before the Connecticut primary that it would be a ‘disaster for the Democratic Party’ if Lamont defeated Lieberman.>B> ‘Pushing the party to the left,’ Roberts said, ‘is pushing the party to the position from which it traditionally loses.’ The American people may not be happy with events in Iraq. But they do know, especially after events in Lebanon and the foiled British bomb plot, that we’re in a war in which failure is not an option and for which repeating ‘Bush lied’ is not a strategy. Americans will not put in power a party that accepts the proposition that global warming is a greater threat than terrorism, that thinks Wal-Mart is a plague on the poor and that wants to repeal the job creating, economy-boosting and deficit-cutting Bush tax cuts. They will not put in power a party that thinks death is a taxable event and that success should be punished. They will not pass the reins to a party that denies us access to energy reserves offshore and in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge and which thinks energy independence means building windmills and hugging caribou… The Democrats think this year will
be their 1994. As voters read the morning papers on their way to vote in November, and decide who should navigate these unsettled waters, the Democrats may well wake up the next day to find the Republicans still in power and Lieberman getting a congratulatory phone call from President Bush.” —Investor’s Business Daily “
DAMN… I think Cokie just handed Karl a campaign commercial! Thanks Cokie!
OOOOOps! Looks like Faux News is having a hard time selling the lie these days! -Commentby LeftTurn— 8/30/06@ 8:55 am
WED., AUG. 24, 2006
CNN BIN LADEN 2,164,000
FNC GRETA 1,631,000
FNC BRIT HUME 1,329,000
FNC SHEP SMITH 1,302,000
CNN COOPER 1,185,000
OOOOOps! Looks like NoLeftBrainandWishingHeHadaLeftNut is having a hard time selling the lie these days!
Total day:
Aug. ’06: 933 584 277
Aug. ’05: 1,001 433 220
% change: -7% +35% +26%
Aug. ’06: 1,511 902 371
Aug. ’05: 2,093 748 349
% change: -28% +21% +6%
“Total day”
OK, WHAT day???
ps… did you happen to notice the MONTH? ALL viewership is DOWN in the summer… which is why there are no ratings sweeps in summer and why SUMMER IS FULL OF NOTHING BUT RE-RUNS AND GUEST HOSTS.
Leaving aside whether Cokie Roberts, daughter of a politician who’s been dead for 34 years, is a “progressive”, a lot of words have been juxtopsed above that she did not speak:
STEPHANOPOULOS: Disaster for the Democratic Party? Why?
ROBERTS: Yes. I do, because, I think that first of all, that pushing the party to the left, which is what’s likely to happen, is pushing the party to the position from which it traditionally loses. And —
STEPHANOPOULOS: In presidential elections.
ROBERTS: In presidential elections, but also it will send a signal to everybody in the Senate: “Watch out. The only smart thing to do here is play to your base.” And then that — what that means is that your legislation becomes a mess, which it already is, but even more of a mess, and you get —
STEPHANOPOULOS: That much is —
ROBERTS: So you just get just a — total chaos out of this.
However, as ABC News national correspondent Sam Donaldson pointed out, opposition to the war is not simply playing to the base, “it’s playing to the country,” since the majority of the American public opposes the war in Iraq. Despite that fact, Roberts later concluded that if Lamont wins, “I think you start, you know, talking about the liberal blogs and all that taking over the party,” a result she said would be “a disaster.” Recent polling shows that a majority of Americans believe that the Iraq war was a mistake. A July 28-30 Gallup poll (subscription required) found that 54 percent of Americans believe the United States “made a mistake in sending troops to Iraq,” while only 45 percent believe sending troops was not a mistake. Similarly, a July 21-25 CBS News/New York Times poll found that 63 percent of Americans believe the “result of the war” is not “worth the loss of American life and other costs of attacking Iraq,” while 30 percent believe the results of the war are worth those “costs.” (The poll also found that 48 percent of Americans believe the United States “should … have stayed out” of Iraq, while 47 percent felt “the United States did the right thing in taking military action.”) Additionally, a July 6-19 poll by the Pew Research Center for People & the Press found that 50 percent of Americans believe the United States made the “wrong decision in using military force against Iraq,” while 44 percent believe the United States made the “right decision.”
You’re not a very bright person, are you?
You will notice that my post lists a comparison of the daytime and primetime audiences of the three major cable news networks in August 2005 and August 2006. You also will notice that Fox News (sic) has seen a decline in audience both during the day and during primetime compared to one year ago. This is especially dramatic during primetime (down 28%). Neither CNN nor MSNBC has experienced a decline in ratings compared with one year ago.
TJ, Why not post FOX News’ ratings compared to CNN and MSNBC? hehe, JCH
WED., AUG. 24, 2006
CNN BIN LADEN 2,164,000
FNC GRETA 1,631,000
FNC BRIT HUME 1,329,000
FNC SHEP SMITH 1,302,000
CNN COOPER 1,185,000
I just did.
Looks to me like FOX is taking the lib MSM to the cleaners!!!!!
“A 30-mile maze canyons in Antarctica was carved out of bedrock by the catastrophic draining of subglacial lakes during global warming between 12 million and 14 million years ago,” the Associated Press reports. [Carl Grossman, EVEN THEN George Bush was killing the planet!!! hehe, JCH]
Harry Tuttle, FACT: There are more WALMART customers than there are TOTAL voters. Think about that as you libs bash WALMART!!! Keep it up!!!!! hehe, JCH
BTW, John Kerry’s staff in the last presidential election was catch shopping for office supplies at WALMART at the same time he was bashing WALMART publicly. Classic Harry Tuttle/John Kerry double standard!
12 million and 14 million years ago
JCH – get on the same page with Puddybud – he believes the earth is only 8000 years old.
Which means Noah walked with the dinosaurs!
Gosh… and CNN wonders why its ratings are in the toilet…howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS spews:
Gosh… and CNN wonders why its ratings are in the toilet… Potty break mic snafu: CNN’s Phillips chats in the loo during Bush speech
“Global Warming”: Democrat bull shit against capitalism. NOTE: No Democrat problems with the Chicomms and Cuba drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Not a fucking word of “protest”. Also note not a word of “protest” from the lib wacks on Russia oil coming from Siberia. Democrat idiot Libs: Domestic terrorists.
Think how fresh and enjoyable the comments would be without their tired old shit.And as a side benefit maybe some of them would get so frustrated they might just get the mental health counseling that they desperately need. Commentby Billy Goat Gruff— 8/30/06@ 9:06 am
Apparently Gruff Old Billy Goat U missed the irony of my name. Who is Ray Nagin and who are the Kennedy’s? When your small headbutted mind figures that out blog me.
When do I retread my material? Better yet the only one I see retreading his Tookie “love” is JCH answering Carl Grossman, the one with two leetle bitty left foots. JCH looks like he entered Carl’s head and Left Turded it. Other than that we post new material everyday. We retread it when the moonbats decide to not answer truths. So we retread it to make sure they didn’t misunderstand it.
Now about mental health counseling. Have you been by lately?
When do I retread my material? Better yet the only one I see retreading his Tookie “love” is JCH answering Carl Grossman, the one with two leetle bitty left foots. JCH looks like he entered Carl’s head and Left Turded it. Other than that we post new material everyday.
Commentby Puddybud Ray Nagin Kennedy [..Mr. PUD, Best regards and respect from………..JCH]
Think how fresh and enjoyable the comments would be without their tired old shit.And as a side benefit maybe some of them would get so frustrated they might just get the mental health counseling that they desperately need. Commentby Billy Goat Gruff— 8/30/06@ 9:06 am
I forgot to add the Cheap Labor Democrat – The Pelletizer “himself” – who claims he will blog his Cheap Labor Conservative article 500 times before the election. So if anyone needs mental health counseling start with the blogger who doesn’t fact check Left Turdball and the blogger who projects bestiality as his claim to fame Pelletizer Rabbit.
12 million and 14 million years ago JCH – get on the same page with Puddybud – he believes the earth is only 8000 years old. Which means Noah walked with the dinosaurs! Commentby For the Clueless— 8/30/06@ 11:32 am
On judgment day when you stand before God and he asks why didn’t you believe in Creation what will Karma Clueless say:
1.) I didn’t believe You existed.
2.) I lost my Bible.
3.) I never had a Bible.
4.) I never dusted off my Bible.
5.) It was from Puddy.
6.) I thought it was right-wing kook material.
7.) Momma told me to read it but I never listened to momma
8.) Momma told me not to come. Wait that’s a lyric.
All of the above!