Dino Rossi was interviewed by Liz Mair at the oxymoronically titled GOPProgress.com. And Rossi is sure sounding like a 2008 gubernatorial candidate.
Two things struck me about the interview. First, Rossi is no moderate. He is a typical voter-disenfranchisin’, truth-twistin’, anti-guvmint, gimmicky Republican. All tricks and no leadership—just like we’ve come to expect from Washington state Republicans.
But what struck me most of all is that Dino is still a sore loser:
We won 34 out of 39 counties, all the non-Seattle, King County ones, Snohomish County–first time in 20 years for a Republican, Pierce County–first time in 40 years for a Republican, and we were certified the governor-elect–first Republican governor-elect in 24 years, twice, actually…[laughs] Apparently, as a Republican, you have to win three times.
Yeah…34 out of 39 counties…as if it was counties that voted instead of, you know…voters!
The other bit of sore loserism is the suggestion that he had to win “three times.” As Judge Bridges so elegantly put it, Rossi led after the initial count, he led after the first recount, and Gregoire led after the manual recount. There was only one person declared the winner of the 2004 gubernatorial election, and that was Christine Gregoire.
Does Rossi really not understand the election process? Or is he intentionally being disingenuous? Either way, man…what a sore loser!
Later on, Rossi offered this remarkable claim:
In the end, we ended up with hundreds more votes that were counted in King County than they could attribute to human beings who actually voted. Which is why we said, and I don’t think I was going too far out on a limb by saying this, but that maybe each vote should have a voter. I don’t think that’s asking too much.
I mean, yeah, we expect this kind of bullshit from a blatant propagandist like Stefan Sharkansky. But Rossi is supposed to be a real politician. To make such an outrageous claim suggests that either Rossi is such a sore loser that he would knowingly perpetuate a blatantly dishonest statement to undermine the electoral process that hurt his feelings in 2004, or else he suffers from delusions.
Rossi was whining about the voter crediting process. During the election contest trial, it became amply clear that the voter crediting process has a higher error rate than the ballot counting process. As Bridges stated in his oral opinion (pg. 6):
The crediting system in Washington is not an accurate reflection of the number of persons who actually voted.
Presenting a credible challenge will be tough enough for Rossi in 2008 if only because many of the issues that gave his campaign strength in 2004 won’t even be relevant anymore. (And the tarnished Republican brand name won’t help.) But could it be true? Will Rossi Mk II be running on a “we wuz robbed!” platform?
Yes! Please, go for it, Dino! I want to see the Rossi 2008 “We Wuz Robbed” campaign tour!
Look out! The sore loser express is coming through, and you better get out of the way. Whooo woooo!
Hey…I hear that Mike!™ McGavick even has a mobile home available for the tour.
What a maroon…
He didn’t win 34 counties. As shown on the Secretary of State’s website, Governor Gregoire outpolled the smarm-meister in Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, King, Pacific, San Juan, Thurston, and Whatcom Counties. That’s eight counties, meaning that the slimy Mr. Rossi led in just 31 (mostly small) counties.
It was probably that master-of-all-thing-mathematical Stefan who told him he won 34 counties. Besides, the count of counties means absolutely nothing … just about every Republican wins resoundingly in the minnow counties.
“All tricks and no leadership—just like we’ve come to expect from Washington state Republicans.”
And, to an old geezer like me, that’s really, really sad. We in Washington once had the luxury of both parties being dominated by moderates, and when we went to the polls, we had the luxury of being able to pick the best person regardless of affiliation. Frequently, the opposing candidates for an office were the best of friends. I remember the hilarious gubernatorial debates between John Spellman and Dixy Lee Ray, and the mayoral debate in which Charley Royer brought down the house by telling Paul Schell, “Paul, if you come out in favor of pissoirs in Pioneer Square, it’s gonna kill you in the North End.” (Turns out, he may have been right, by the way.) Now, more often than not it seems the two sides spend their time throwing rhetorical poo at each other.
Some of you may think it’s more fun the way it is now, but I don’t think it’s a good thing for the fate of my grandchildren to be decided by paranoid zealots and adrelaline junkies.
“paranoid zealots”
That’s a good description for most of the major players on this blog.
Like my dad used to say to me, “Did you hear about the girl who had two chances to get laid? She blew both of them.”
He had his chance and he blew it.
Maybe the idiotic Rossi thinks that “winning” means holding your opponent under 50%, even if she still outpolls you.
In Cowlitz County, the outcome was 48.9%/48.5%/2.6% (Gregoire/Rossi/Bennett). The Grays Harbor County tally was 49.5%/48.5%/2.1%. And in Whatcom County, the final result was 49.9%/47.6%/2.5%.
Governor Gregoire exceeded 50% of the vote in the other five counties she won (in the reality-based sense of the word).
Come to think of it, though, if we accept the delusional definition I’m proposing here, then Rossi didn’t “win” in Kitsap County (48.0%/49.3%/2.6%) or Snohomish County (47.7%/49.9%/2.4%). Which makes the final (totally irrelevant, delusional, Sharkanskyesque) counties-won result Gregoire 5, Rossi 29, nobody 5.
Yeah…34 out of 39 counties…as if it was counties that voted instead of, you know…voters!
Unfortunately for Dino (annoyingly yipping not unlike his Flintstone Namesake) – Cattle, Rodents, Varmints (Mit’s fave prey), sagebrush, rattlesnakes, & horny toads still lack suffrage rights. They shall overcome some day?
Until that day, Populations (ie People) matter – not acres.
Sounds like Dino is still in denial about having his case tossed out by a self-picked conservative Chelan cty judge:http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/.....s06ww.html
Still in denial about having the term “judicial activism” used against him:
“To do so would constitute the ultimate of judicial egotism and activism.”~Judge John Bridges – Chelan Superior court
Still in denial about GOP Sec. of State Sam Reed signing the election results:http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....si30m.html
Somebody send Rossi a big box of Kleenex!
What a bunch of whiners these conservatives are
In the interest of full disclosure: Fibbertarian@3 was caught peddling TOTAL BULLSHIT on this disscussion board the other day. Guess he’s still smarmy, guess he’s still smarting.
You’ve LONG way to go to rehabilitate yourself, FIBBERTARIAN=SORE LOSER=CRYPTO BULSHIT REPUG.
8 Well, he sort of has a point. (Not that his hat doesn’t cover it…Ka-Bomp CHING!)
Electronic communication has changed the way people interact, and not necessarily for the better. It’s all too easy to toss epithets at someone who’s at the other end of a long wire, when you know he can’t immediately smash you in the face.
What is the hard-on you have for me? Just because I don’t agree with the “progressive” orthodoxy as you do, I get attacked. What “bullshit” was I caught in? Stating my opinion?
So, if an opinion isn’t in your playbook of goodness and light, it’s bullshit? You’re a hyprcritical narrow-minded bigot!
OK, folks, here’s what I think Froggy is so upset about. I said that global warming was happening and that our activities might not be totally responsible for it. Man, you’d have thought the Anti-Christ showed up at tent revival!
Sorry, but there are a lot of us out here that aren’t buying everything the Ivory Tower of Jobs-for-Life Protected Scientists are selling.
I’d be thrilled to death if we had autos and electricity that were totally, totally clean, but it ain’t here yet!!
Froggy, if you’re so damn concerned about it, turn off your damn computer and stop using all electricity, fossil fuels, etc., etc. Live your beliefs, asshole!!
I’m not peddling anything, ace, except that I’m not an automaton for your belief set!
Got it?????
Fibbertarian, I will grant you that you seem to attempt to raise disinformation to a high art. You place yourself squarely with the ilk of Kevin C. and other trolls with this crap. You deserve to be confronted at every opportunity.
Yo, Libber-man,
Don’t get your underwear in a knot over the frog-meister! Remember, he has carnal knowledge of amphibians!
I wouldn’t call it dis-information – I’d call it stating one’s opinion. It just so happens I view my opinion as just an opinion, whereas you view your opinions as values. You truly are a narrow-minded fool.
two words cookie
Florida, Ohio
Thanks for the support, but this is not your business.
Tree Frog Farmer,
Just one question: do you believe stating an opinion that is not 100% in total agreement with your views is lying?
Moron@14 Two convictions. More prosecutions. Two more convictions pending.
Muhammad Saadi, a senior leader of Islamic Jihad in the northern West Bank town of Jenin, said the Democrats’ talk of withdrawal from Iraq makes him feel “proud.”
“As Arabs and Muslims we feel proud of this talk,” he told WND. “Very proud from the great successes of the Iraqi resistance. This success that brought the big superpower of the world to discuss a possible withdrawal.”
Democrats best cheerleaders, the Islamic extremists….
The Dems and Islamo/extremists are even sounding alike in their statements..
2008 will be really fun.
Fibbertarian, I oppose mis-stating Facts. I also oppose characterizing scientific consensus as Orthodoxy. That is where you excel in disinformation.
Moron@18 Strategic Visions found that 52 percent of likely Iowa Republican Caucus members favor a more extreme withdrawal proposal for Iraq than those in Congress. You are SO right wrongone, 2008 will be fun. . . .
I hope the Republicans of this state once again nominate Rossi as their gubernatorial candidate. He is an empty shirt with a bit of hair gel slimed over the top. Like all contemporary Republican politicians, he lacks substance. He is whatever the neocon, “family values” set tells him he’s supposed to be. Gregoire will eat him for lunch next time around.
Tree Frog Farmer,
I’ll take that as a “yes.”
Yosarian, Libertarian and Tree Frog Farmer,
Do you think any of your rantings here will actually amount to anything other than cyberspace hot air?
Fibbertarian you once again excel at disinformation. You mistate what I said. You make my point.
You blew total bullshit out your ashole the other day on the thread concerning global warming. You continue to blow total bullshit here.
Please consider this a perosnal attack. When you distort the truth, I view that as an attack, and will respond.
A test for Tree Frog Farmer:
Global warming is real and human activity causes what percentage of the warming?
[ ] A. 75 – 100%
[ ] B. 51 – 75%
[ ] C. 26 – 50%
[ ] D. 1 – 25%
[ ] E. 0%
Your answer, please.
Fibbertarian, do you still believe that a Professor was fired at the UW for “un Orthodoxy” in his opinions with regard to global warming?
Do you still maintain that that “Orthodoxy” is the basis for scientific discussion?
Fibbertarian, I am not the “expert” to seek enlightenment about global warming from. I will, however, urge you to purge your mind of the bullshit it seems filled with, before you do seek to educate yourself in these matters.
It’s becoming increasingly apparent, to me at least, that “Libertarian” is really just another right-wing troll, if not one of our others’ fake identities. Now he’s joined the chorus of “kill-the-messenger” reaction to the increasing body of evidence that the present way “modern” society is consuming the planet’s resources is unsustainable even in the short term. The new verse that’s entered the chant is all about how no research of any sort can be trusted unless it’s paid for by commercial interests, because government is inherently evil and the judgement of the “marketplace” is unerringly perfect–or something like that.
Let’s hope Rossi is the best the Publicans have. Then we won’t have to mount much of a fight.
After all – this is the lying, crying piece of shit who told us he was a Real Estate Broker when in fact he was only an agent – and the same fool who brought a lawsuit using Publican lawyers in a Publican county, in a case heard by a Publican judge and in an election overseen by a Publican Secretary of State.
Only the most inbred of the baby-raping cowards on the right will think this asswipe has a chance.
Look out! The sore loser express is coming through, and you better get out of the way. Whooo woooo!
“Look out! The sore loser express is coming through, and you better get out of the way.” Waaah waaaaaaaaaaahhh!
“Yeah…34 out of 39 counties…as if it was counties that voted instead of, you know…voters!”
Actually, Darryl, these people are serious about this. I got into a discussion about it with a GOP observer during the 2004 recounts, and he told me — completely deadpan — that he favors a system of electing the governor that works somewhat like the electoral college — whoever wins the most counties becomes governor. He said, in total seriousness, that people outside King County are underrepresented. When I pointed out that this would give a voter in Franklin County 700 times as much say as a voter in King County, and asked how is this fair to King County voters, he shrugged and said it isn’t fair to people in Franklin County that King County voters choose the governor and they have no say in it. I’m convinced he wasn’t pulling my leg, he took this argument seriously.
Now, it sounds like Rossi takes this argument seriously, too. Apparently this is his plan to create a Permanent Republican Majority in Washington: Counties, not people, vote. A Republican in Franklin County gets 700 times as much say as a Democrat in King County.
And this fuckwad wants to be governor? We’ll have to rename the office “dictator.”
@1 Well, what do you expect? There’s county inflation going on in Rossi’s mind — with every passing day, his 2004 “victory” grows ever larger … in his own mind.
Kind of like how a fish that a fisherman caught years ago gets bigger with every retelling of the story.
I realize that Baker v. Carr had to do with federal electoral positions, but I have to believe that election results turning on how many counties a candidate wins, rather than the total number of votes he or she might receive statewide, would violate the principle of “one person, one vote” articulated in Baker v. Carr. Of course, for Republicans, constitutional principles are mere irritations when it comes to formulating policies.
WHAT IS THAT SMELL ??? There is so much friction from GOP spin, their bullshit is burning
All the Rep candidate will have to do is promise leadership, and a decision on AWV and SR520 and the office is theirs.
Gov Gregoire is paralyzed by a need for consensus, and unable to make decisions like a true leader.
She is toast.
Right Stuff @ 14:
Yeah, let me one up that for you: the Democrats running for re-election as Govenors, Congressman, and Senators in 2006: CLEAN SWEEP!! You pussies got your asses broomed to the curb, JACK ASS!
Oh, YES! Senate has 33 seats up for grabs with Republicans holding 21 of them. Dem’s will pick up a minimu of 4-6 seats and OWN the Senate and the House.
Who ya got for the presidency?
Mitt the Great White Hunter moronic Mormon? Don’t think so!
Rudy the cross dressing closet homo? Puh-leeeeease!
McCain: 70 year old Depends wearing fool??? Nope.
Newt Gingrich, who got his ass handed to him today by John Kerry that Global Warming is real and has been resisted by Republicans for the last 30 YEARS because of their fear of more taxes.
Yeah, with the Iraq War going sooooooo well, more and more and more criminal convictions coming your way, $10 Trillion of debt, yeah, you fuckers are going to be running the show in 2008.
Hey, wake up, you wet-dream is over!
#32 from RR
that he favors a system of electing the governor that works somewhat like the electoral college — whoever wins the most counties becomes governor.
Actually, this would be nothing like the electoral college. Because the EC adds Reps & Senators together, significant weight is still given to individual votes. In other words, you still gotta win the majority of the state’s votes to take the whole state.
What this/these extra-chromosomed folk(s) are advocating – Candidate w/ most counties wins regardless of population size – is actually the opposite of democratic, and probably unconsitutional (fed or state)… not that this really suprises me.
Attn Red Cty Warshingtonians: Why don’t you just show some minerals & break-away from Western WA? Let’s just see how well you do without an urban tax-base and free roads. Rossi might win, but then he’d have to jack-up taxes through the roof – that would be funny
“Gingrich raised some discrepancies among the science that has led to the current data on climate change, but when asked pointedly about science doubters, like Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., Gingrich strongly held the case that climate change is a problem.
“What would you say to Sen. Inhofe and others in the Senate who are resisting even science? What’s your message to them here today?” Kerry asked.
“My message, I think is that the evidence is sufficient that we should move towards the most effective possible steps to reduce carbon loading in the atmosphere —”
“And do it urgently, now?” Kerry interrupted.
“Urgently, yes,” Gingrich said.
Gingrich also said that “up to now, conservatives have been slow to loathe with environmental policy because“, he said, “For most of the last 30 years, the environment has a been a powerful emotional tool for bigger government and higher taxes. And therefore if you’re a conservative, if you hear these arguments, you know what’s coming next.”
There you have it, there you go. Conservative leaders have purposefully lied to their base about Global Warming so wealthy Republicans like Paris Hilton don’t have to pay more in taxes at the expense of the entire human race.
Beautifully Christian of them, isn’t it?
Great post. Given MTR’s fondness for Newt (I think Newt is the only living being that can give MTR an unmedicated woody), I wonder how he’s reconciling his own denial of global warming with Newt’s apparent acceptance of the phenomenon.
I support secession from Washington State.
Starting now.
I recommend Mary Lane for Defense Secretary (no surprise), Rob McKenna for Attorney General, Stefan Sharkansky for Secretary of State (he’ll move to the State of Marummy I betcha), Brad Owen for Lt. Governor, Brian Sonntag for State Auditor, Mike Hewitt for Speaker of the House and I could go on.
The new state would include Skagit County, SW Washington and all of Eastern Washington. Plus any other county by 60% supermajority that wanted to join!!!
I can hardly wait for the Dino Rossi “Pity and Smear Tour” in 2008.
His vote numbers should be downright Craswellian!
And yes, that word is trademarked.
The entire state knows something smelly went down in ’04; which is why for so many months after, every time residents were polled they kept saying they thought HE had really won. Calling him a “sore loser” will never cover up that little ‘inconvenient truth’.
Woohoo @ 47
Ahh…I see we have, yet, another sore loser on our hands.
Seek therapy, dude.
48, how about addressing the polls that said a majority thinks Dino really won, instead of ad hominem attacks, which don’t suffice for argument?
Dino is a typical, scary, lying politician. Will say or do anything…and lie blatantly…
We should all count our blessings that this publicly lying candidate was defeated. As were most of the people whom he speaks so highly of in his piece.
The people sent a message. Dino doesn’t want to listen..that’s fine. In the end, his pandering to the extreme is a good thing for Washington State. He become marginalized and the citizens are represented by people who speak for them instead.
Woohoo @ 49
“how about addressing the polls that said a majority thinks Dino really won, instead of ad hominem attacks”
The polls demonstrated that the Republican’s election contest partially succeeded in undermining the public’s faith in the election process.
Yep…they opened up the trial with a big splash by claiming they would demonstrate election fraud, and then they provided not a shred of evidence for election fraud. Typical gimmicky, misleading, anti-government, dishonest Washington state Republican bullshit!
Of course…legally the Republicans got their asses kicked.
So, your little “inconvienent truth” was the outcome of a $2 million dishonest propaganda campaign, built on a fiction.
And some of you sheeple bought it. Get some help. Really.
I think we should make sure now that Rossi paid WA sales tax on his RV. Most repubs around here magically become Montana residents when it is time to buy a boat or an RV.
(I used to work for a WA RV factory)
It is an Inconvenient Truth that Rossi had the election stolen from him by those 129 votes. I grant that the Republicans presented a lazy court argument for their side, but it doesn’t obscure the fact that the votes were manipulated at King County- whether by fraud or incompetence, I don’t know.
I think the Exact NUMBER of Votes from the First Count should have been used in the Second, and final Hand count.
What would have been the result then?????
KCRE officials are the ones that kept “creating/finding/allowing” more votes before each count. Hell, they found some a month after the election was certified.
John425 @ 53
“…but it doesn’t obscure the fact that the votes were manipulated at King County- whether by fraud or incompetence, I don’t know.”
I must assume you mean “committed election fraud” when you say “votes were manipulated.”
Your “fact that votes were manipulated at KC” is not a fact at all. It is just your opinion—marketed to you by and sold to you by the Republicans. It is unsupported by objective evidence.
What is a fact is that after spending millions of dollars, a court of law was not convinced there was election fraud.
It is a fact that Rossi didn’t appeal. It is my opinion that he didn’t appeal because he knew there was no such evidence to convince the Supreme Court. (Of course, he made a most un-statesmanlike slam to the Supreme Court when he finally conceeded, suggesting that the Supreme Court would simply cheat him. What a sore loser!)
And it is a fact that within Washington counties in 2004, King County’s error rate fell somewhere in the middle of the pack. They weren’t the worst and they weren’t the best.
It is a fact that Washington state’s 2004 election had, overall, a low error rate compared to other comperabally scrutenized elections.
So, keep clinging to your opinion if you want, John. But, it just makes you look like a sore loser.
YO @ 44:
Would you like to meet and settle this once and for all?
We’ll see who the fucking pussy loser is. You cunt.
Kingkong @ 54
“I think the Exact NUMBER of Votes from the First Count should have been used in the Second, and final Hand count.”
And if wishes were horses….
Clearly, you need to change the state laws, which are at odds with your views.
“What would have been the result then?????”
That would have resulted in 1,716 disenfranchised voters in Washington state–voters who had the right to vote, actually did vote, but whose ballots were not properly counted in the initial machine count.
What is it about you wingnuts and wanting to disenfranchise legitimate voters?
“KCRE officials are the ones that kept “creating/finding/allowing” more votes before each count.”
No…there were counties that had a higher rate of “finding votes” than KC. You just forgot that in your trip down wingnut-fantasy memory lane. But here are some numbers.
The following table shows King County and eleven counties that had a higher rate of “found ballots” than KC. The number is the number of additional votes “found” during the recount for every 10,000 votes.
Cty Found ballots/10,000
King 6.3
Grays Harbor 6.5
Snohomish 7.0
Mason 7.6
Jefferson 7.6
Yakima 7.6
Skamania 8.1
Okanogan 11.8
Kitsap 13.7
Pierce 14.4
Franklin 15.8
Asotin 17.4
King County alone handled about the same number of votes as the sum of the other 11 counties (876,452 in KC v. 908,176 for the other 11). Yet, King County’s “found vote” rate was only about 60% of the “found vote” rate in these other counties (6.5 per 10,000 ballots cast v. 10.8 per 10,000 ballots cast).
I just flew down to very Republican Orange County, CA this past Friday and who was on my flight accross the aisle? Dino-the-sore-loser on his way down to Republican-ville….
I wonder if Dino was headed down to get some $$$ for his sore loser campaign? Anyone have any ideas?
#51: Darryl, the people thought Dino won even long BEFORE the trial. How do you explain that?