I know! How totally random was the “homemade bread” comment? But people decide who to vote for based on some silly (seeming) things.
I stopped watching the Edwards’ video about halfway through. Too much like an educational video from school days. Earnest and dull, like the candidate himself. Obama’s was almost as bad. Clinton’s got the essentials across quickly and humorously. Teh Winnar.
Still, every time I hear Obama speak I like him more.
Who listened to the debate yesterday (I’m an NPR junkie)? I thought all three of the main candidates made a good case for themselves, providing clear concise answers to the questions. Gravel needs to give up. Kucinich is no dummy but is too far from the mainstream.
I continue to believe that any of the top three Democrats would make a fine president.
headless lucyspews:
Hillary votes like a neo-con. For someone who’s supposed to be so smart, she sure casts some stupid votes.
The recent Iran vote is a case in point. She’d rather risk WW III and give these neo-con retards a chance to start it rather than look ‘weak’. That’s pretty weak in my book.
These votes are not predicated on impressing me, so she must not be my candidate.
headless lucyspews:
Oh, and, in case you haven’t figured it out, Marvin Stamn is PudWax™.
And PudWax™ is a white guy. As a historian, I know a little something about ‘internal evidence’ in a document. And when someone says that they are going to comment on something ‘as if’ they were a black person from the hood, it means exactly what they said.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
How did you like your queen acting like a repub on reducing property taxes. In the end it will do her no good. Sending a democrat to reduce taxes is like sending a thief to reduce bank robberies. hehehehe
Re elect Dino in 08.
headless lucyspews:
What did you mean by that comment, Wax™? Why would you say you were going to comment ‘as if’ you were a black guy from the hood?
The only way that could make sense is if you are NOT a black guy from the hood.
headless lucyspews:
Freudian slip,Wax™?
Black cat got your tongue?
Dan Ratherspews:
headless lucy says:
Oh, and, in case you haven’t figured it out, Marvin Stamn is PudWax™.
And PudWax™ is a white guy. As a historian, I know a little something about ‘internal evidence’ in a document.
Hey, we have something in common. Courage Lucy, courage.
headless lucyspews:
Jane Balough’s Dog says: “I am Marvin Stamn and PudWax™.”
headless lucyspews:
Jane Balough’s Dog says: “I am Marvin Stamn and PudWax™ and Dan Blabber”
headless lucyspews:
Jane Balough’s Dog says: “Woof! I just crapped on the rug for the last time!”
headless lucyspews:
Iran dropped its nuclear program in 2003, and Bush has been demonstrably lying about it.
How does it feel,L’il Bushwhackers, to have your president drop-kicked in the ass by his own secret service?
headless lucyspews:
George W. Bush — sad-sack lying clown-boy.
And Hillary voted for his half-wit Iran thing so she could look ‘strong’.
They are both dead in the water.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#5 headless lucy says:
Oh, and, in case you haven’t figured it out, Marvin Stamn is PudWax™.
And “YOU” figured it out?
headless lucyspews:
re 15: What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I sure as hell wouldn’t hire YOU to figure something out.
Since — you are a Bush supporter.
You’d suck someone’s cock if Bush told you to.
headless lucyspews:
re 15: You have no morals or standards. You are what we have the 2nd amendment for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
How Capitalism Turned Non-Profit Hospitals Into Predatory Lenders
Non-profit hospitals get $50 billion a year of tax breaks. Many also received federal construction grants and loans, and they also get paid by Medicaid and other public programs. In other words, they’re awash in public money. In return, they’re expected to provide a “reasonable” amount of charity care.
Officially, the number of uninsured Americans is 47 million, but because another 12 million only have high-deductible coverage (typically kicking in for bills over $10,000), the number who pay hospital bills out of their own pockets is actually 59 million.
Non-profit hospitals traditionally have been where the poor, uninsured, and underinsured get care for free, at reduced cost, or were allowed to make modest monthly payments (usually interest-free).
But many of these non-profit hospitals have changed their business practices. Now, uninsured or underinsured patients who can’t pay upfront are pressured into signing payment agreements that are actually credit cards with interest rates from 18% to 32%. What they’ve done is gotten out of the charity care business and handed their poorer patients over to the for-profit commercial finance industry — the guys who charge pawn-shop loan fees and interest rates. Patients who used to pay $20 a month after an ER visit are now being dunned for minimum payments of hundreds of dollars a month.
Complaints are pouring in to Congress, and even the Senate Finance Committee’s ranking Republican, Sen. Charles Grassley, finds the non-profit hospitals’ new finance practices so repellent he’s suggesting it may be time to jerk their tax-exempt status and revoke their tax breaks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another fucking failure of the free market system. How many more outrages must American citizens endure before we acknowledge that business models for selling fast food or cars don’t work for health care?
People don’t have a choice about buying health care. Nor do they have an opportunity to shop around, compare prices, or think about their purchases before committing themselves financially. Not that it would do any good, because in health care, prices are never disclosed and terms of payment are buried in fine print, anyway. Many of these non-profit hospitals went out of their way to NOT explain to patients — already under the pressure of having to immediately deal with a medical emergency — what they were signing.
I posted this to refute the arguments of wingnuts and libertarians who ludicrously believe — mistakenly — that private, for-profit, unregulated, free enterprise is the solution to everything, and the only solution we need. That’s absurd. There are countless examples of what happens when free enterprise is allowed to run amok, as in this case. None of these scenarios have good outcomes for consumers or people of ordinary means, and ultimately, they don’t have good outcomes for the business community either, because when you give free enterprisers a free hand, their greed and devious trickery sows fear and distrust of all businesses. Consumer fear and distrust usually leads to contraction of economic activity. How can that be good for anyone, including business people?
We need to take health care away from the for-profit sector. For that matter, we need to take it away from the private sector. At least, the financial part of it. We’ve tried that for decades, and it’s a fucking failure. It doesn’t work. It’s proven itself unworkable, over and over again. When you let people who are out to make a fast buck dictate to patients the terms of payment of their medical bills, you are bound to get ruthless exploitation and financial abuse, and that’s exactly what we’ve got in our dysfunctional medical financial system.
Not to mention a system whose overhead costs are 50 times those of the government-run Medicare program.
This isn’t rocket science. A kid could figure out what we need to do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Subprime Mortgages Are Worth Even Less Than Banks Thought
Turns out the greedy Wall Street guys who mass-“securitized” mortgages saved themselves a few bucks of expenses by not bothering to transfer title to the property.
Now lawyers for distressed homebuyers are going to court arguing that if you don’t own it, you can’t foreclose it, and judges are agreeding with them.
For some overstretched borrowers, it means they won’t lose their homes after all — at least, not right away. And for the banks, hedge funds, and other investors who bought bundled subprime mortgage it means delayed collection, higher costs, and deeper losses.
Progressives enamored of Ron Paul because of his position on Iraq (withdraw troops immediately) should slow down and contemplate the rest of his agenda:
Withdraw from UN and NATO
Eliminate all overseas bases and military commitments
Abolish Federal Reserve system
Put U.S. back on gold and silver standard
Replace income tax with excise taxes and tariffs
No tax increases, ever, for anything
Eliminate Social Security
Eliminate government social spending
Opposes birth citizenship
I mean, really, this guy’s thinking is stuck in the 1870s! Progressive … not. The ultimate troglodyte.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If we didn’t have birthright citizenship, the only citizens would be the Indians.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Excuse me, Native Americans.
(Actually, this terminology makes no sense. They’re only about 10,000 years more native than the rest of us, and they spent most of post-Contact history trying to NOT be Americans! Up in Canada they call them First Americans, which seems more apropos.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
So, if Rep. Paul gets his way, and you can’t become a citizen by being born here, does that mean we all have to get permission from the First Americans to live here?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder which country Rep. Paul will get deported back to?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Yeah but Kucinich has the coolest wife.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Maybe we should call him EarWax(TM) because he’s tone-deaf.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 World War I was started by a 19-year-old boy. World War II was started by a raving madman. Will World War III be started by a raving mad boy? Stay tuned.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republican Mismanagement Dep’t.
“WASHINGTON — Air travelers face a high risk of a catastrophic collision on a U.S. airport runway because of faltering federal leadership, malfunctioning technology and overworked air traffic controllers, congressional investigators concluded Wednesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Waytago wingfucks! Another FUBAR brought to you by Republican incompetents.
GOP Motto = “We don’t care because we don’t have to”
Broadway Joespews:
Roger @ 27:
WWIII will actually be started by a mad boy raving. That’s right, you heard it here first. Dumbya will be rocking the glow-sticks at 144 BPM when he sends us all to hell, but after he gets a hit of E.
Thank (insert the deity of you choice here) that I’ll be working double-shifts (band plus courier route) the whole holiday season, and won’t be able to travel until at least March or so. If any of y’all (even you trolls) happen to be heading to (or through) Nevada for the holidays, I’ll be playing at the Atlantis in Reno from 12/18 through New Year’s Eve.
You mentioned eliminating all overseas bases on your Ron Paul list. Do you believe the U.S. should have its military bases in foreign countries? I don’t. When a nuclear or dirty bomb is set off in NYC or Wash D.C. decades from now, that’s going to be one of the top reasons it was done.
I believe it’s time to leave Korea. We’ve been over there for half a century, and South Korea has prospered. For example, how many Korean cars do you see on the road these days? If they can build autos and export them to the US, then they ought to be able to defend themselves from a bunch of starving wraiths in North Korea. It’s time to withdraw and let the neighborhood – Japan, China, Russia and South Korea – take care of Kim Jung Il.
As far as the UN goes, I wish them no harm, but I think we’d be better off by cancelling our membership. I don’t think the UN has our best interests in mind. No hard feelings, I just want to leave the party.
As far as isolationism goes, I surely think we ought to stay out of foreign military adventures! What good have these excursions into idiocy done us? Iraq will dissolve into chaos once we leave, and the people of that region will determine Iraq’s fate. The smart money would be that Iran expands eastward to seize what they can, as will the Turks in Northern Iraq. The Southern part of Iraq will turn into a no-man’s-land, with religious factions constantly fighting. Do we really care about democracy in Iraq, or do we care about the oil? When Iraq disintegrates,somebody will still be producing and selling oil from that former country. So what’s the point of hangin’ around?
Universal health care? With all this talk about it, we ought to give it a try. If it sucks, we can go back to what we have now. If it doesn’t suck, then we can keep it.
Social Security? Thom Hartmann said, on his Air America show, that Sociial security ain’t in danger, so that’s a moot issue right? After all, anything said on Air America has got to be the Truth from the Burning Bush.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#16 headless lucy says:
re 15: What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I sure as hell wouldn’t hire YOU to figure something out.
You should have hired someone smarter than you. You screwed up. Your logic is flawed. You’re an idiot, even Lee said we had different IPs. Get a clue, buy one if you are really as stupid and racist as you act here.
You’d suck someone’s cock if Bush told you to.
Is that meant to be an insult? Only a homophobe would consider it an insult. So you are both, a racist and homophobe. We’re learning a lot about you. Maybe it’s time for you to shut up before you lose any friends you might have.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#17 headless lucy says:
re 15: You have no morals or standards. You are what we have the 2nd amendment for.
Tough talk from someone hiding behind a fake name. At least when Lee ACTED tough he wasn’t hiding like you.
You are a coward!!!!
You may not be a coward – who knows, but you sure ain’t too smart. That is why you like bush – he is also not too smart. amazing that we have a presnit who can’t even understand a NIE or PDB. My pet goat was just his speed. someone once told me I should find something nice to say about any person. Here is my attempt with bush:
Two things I will support Bush on:
at least trying for Mideast peace (Palestinians and Israelis)
recognizing that global warming is due to human causes
My list of things he has done wrong range from:
destroying the constituion
lying us into Iraq
lying about Iran
losing the moral high ground in the war on terror (Abu Graib, torture)
Destroying the Justice dept. (gonzalez)
Destroying FEMA (heckuva job Brownie, Katrina)
Destroying the FDA, the EPA, the Interior dept’s
Politicizing and dividing almost every area of government
corruption and Abramoff
LeadLice Loocie (TM) Trust me, no one has my tongue or fingers little man.
I posted where I was from in Philly. I am a city man. Goldy is the burb boy! BC is close to Philly but it ain’t Philly.
You on the other hand are AFRAID to discuss your heritage. Are you Darwin’s missing link? You are just an upright ape. Ann Robinson had you pegged. “You are the missing link. Goodbye!”
We knows you from Arizona State, one of the biggest party schools in the US. We know you a teacher in Seattle Skuul District. If it wasn’t for the NEA dumbing down curricula, you’d be working in McDonalds. Why is that wrasslin coach?
Still smarting from my commentary on how people from your side think you are a racist? Truth does cut like a hot knife through butter.
Homemade bread will win the Iowa caucus for John Edwards.
@ 1
I know! How totally random was the “homemade bread” comment? But people decide who to vote for based on some silly (seeming) things.
I stopped watching the Edwards’ video about halfway through. Too much like an educational video from school days. Earnest and dull, like the candidate himself. Obama’s was almost as bad. Clinton’s got the essentials across quickly and humorously. Teh Winnar.
Still, every time I hear Obama speak I like him more.
Who listened to the debate yesterday (I’m an NPR junkie)? I thought all three of the main candidates made a good case for themselves, providing clear concise answers to the questions. Gravel needs to give up. Kucinich is no dummy but is too far from the mainstream.
I continue to believe that any of the top three Democrats would make a fine president.
Hillary votes like a neo-con. For someone who’s supposed to be so smart, she sure casts some stupid votes.
The recent Iran vote is a case in point. She’d rather risk WW III and give these neo-con retards a chance to start it rather than look ‘weak’. That’s pretty weak in my book.
These votes are not predicated on impressing me, so she must not be my candidate.
Oh, and, in case you haven’t figured it out, Marvin Stamn is PudWax™.
And PudWax™ is a white guy. As a historian, I know a little something about ‘internal evidence’ in a document. And when someone says that they are going to comment on something ‘as if’ they were a black person from the hood, it means exactly what they said.
How did you like your queen acting like a repub on reducing property taxes. In the end it will do her no good. Sending a democrat to reduce taxes is like sending a thief to reduce bank robberies. hehehehe
Re elect Dino in 08.
What did you mean by that comment, Wax™? Why would you say you were going to comment ‘as if’ you were a black guy from the hood?
The only way that could make sense is if you are NOT a black guy from the hood.
Freudian slip,Wax™?
Black cat got your tongue?
headless lucy says:
Oh, and, in case you haven’t figured it out, Marvin Stamn is PudWax™.
And PudWax™ is a white guy. As a historian, I know a little something about ‘internal evidence’ in a document.
Hey, we have something in common. Courage Lucy, courage.
Jane Balough’s Dog says: “I am Marvin Stamn and PudWax™.”
Jane Balough’s Dog says: “I am Marvin Stamn and PudWax™ and Dan Blabber”
Jane Balough’s Dog says: “Woof! I just crapped on the rug for the last time!”
Iran dropped its nuclear program in 2003, and Bush has been demonstrably lying about it.
How does it feel,L’il Bushwhackers, to have your president drop-kicked in the ass by his own secret service?
George W. Bush — sad-sack lying clown-boy.
And Hillary voted for his half-wit Iran thing so she could look ‘strong’.
They are both dead in the water.
#5 headless lucy says:
And “YOU” figured it out?
re 15: What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I sure as hell wouldn’t hire YOU to figure something out.
Since — you are a Bush supporter.
You’d suck someone’s cock if Bush told you to.
re 15: You have no morals or standards. You are what we have the 2nd amendment for.
How Capitalism Turned Non-Profit Hospitals Into Predatory Lenders
Non-profit hospitals get $50 billion a year of tax breaks. Many also received federal construction grants and loans, and they also get paid by Medicaid and other public programs. In other words, they’re awash in public money. In return, they’re expected to provide a “reasonable” amount of charity care.
Officially, the number of uninsured Americans is 47 million, but because another 12 million only have high-deductible coverage (typically kicking in for bills over $10,000), the number who pay hospital bills out of their own pockets is actually 59 million.
Non-profit hospitals traditionally have been where the poor, uninsured, and underinsured get care for free, at reduced cost, or were allowed to make modest monthly payments (usually interest-free).
But many of these non-profit hospitals have changed their business practices. Now, uninsured or underinsured patients who can’t pay upfront are pressured into signing payment agreements that are actually credit cards with interest rates from 18% to 32%. What they’ve done is gotten out of the charity care business and handed their poorer patients over to the for-profit commercial finance industry — the guys who charge pawn-shop loan fees and interest rates. Patients who used to pay $20 a month after an ER visit are now being dunned for minimum payments of hundreds of dollars a month.
Complaints are pouring in to Congress, and even the Senate Finance Committee’s ranking Republican, Sen. Charles Grassley, finds the non-profit hospitals’ new finance practices so repellent he’s suggesting it may be time to jerk their tax-exempt status and revoke their tax breaks.
Here are two articles on the issue:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another fucking failure of the free market system. How many more outrages must American citizens endure before we acknowledge that business models for selling fast food or cars don’t work for health care?
People don’t have a choice about buying health care. Nor do they have an opportunity to shop around, compare prices, or think about their purchases before committing themselves financially. Not that it would do any good, because in health care, prices are never disclosed and terms of payment are buried in fine print, anyway. Many of these non-profit hospitals went out of their way to NOT explain to patients — already under the pressure of having to immediately deal with a medical emergency — what they were signing.
I posted this to refute the arguments of wingnuts and libertarians who ludicrously believe — mistakenly — that private, for-profit, unregulated, free enterprise is the solution to everything, and the only solution we need. That’s absurd. There are countless examples of what happens when free enterprise is allowed to run amok, as in this case. None of these scenarios have good outcomes for consumers or people of ordinary means, and ultimately, they don’t have good outcomes for the business community either, because when you give free enterprisers a free hand, their greed and devious trickery sows fear and distrust of all businesses. Consumer fear and distrust usually leads to contraction of economic activity. How can that be good for anyone, including business people?
We need to take health care away from the for-profit sector. For that matter, we need to take it away from the private sector. At least, the financial part of it. We’ve tried that for decades, and it’s a fucking failure. It doesn’t work. It’s proven itself unworkable, over and over again. When you let people who are out to make a fast buck dictate to patients the terms of payment of their medical bills, you are bound to get ruthless exploitation and financial abuse, and that’s exactly what we’ve got in our dysfunctional medical financial system.
Not to mention a system whose overhead costs are 50 times those of the government-run Medicare program.
This isn’t rocket science. A kid could figure out what we need to do.
Subprime Mortgages Are Worth Even Less Than Banks Thought
Turns out the greedy Wall Street guys who mass-“securitized” mortgages saved themselves a few bucks of expenses by not bothering to transfer title to the property.
Now lawyers for distressed homebuyers are going to court arguing that if you don’t own it, you can’t foreclose it, and judges are agreeding with them.
For some overstretched borrowers, it means they won’t lose their homes after all — at least, not right away. And for the banks, hedge funds, and other investors who bought bundled subprime mortgage it means delayed collection, higher costs, and deeper losses.
Progressives enamored of Ron Paul because of his position on Iraq (withdraw troops immediately) should slow down and contemplate the rest of his agenda:
Withdraw from UN and NATO
Eliminate all overseas bases and military commitments
Abolish Federal Reserve system
Put U.S. back on gold and silver standard
Replace income tax with excise taxes and tariffs
No tax increases, ever, for anything
Eliminate Social Security
Eliminate government social spending
Opposes birth citizenship
I mean, really, this guy’s thinking is stuck in the 1870s! Progressive … not. The ultimate troglodyte.
If we didn’t have birthright citizenship, the only citizens would be the Indians.
Excuse me, Native Americans.
(Actually, this terminology makes no sense. They’re only about 10,000 years more native than the rest of us, and they spent most of post-Contact history trying to NOT be Americans! Up in Canada they call them First Americans, which seems more apropos.)
So, if Rep. Paul gets his way, and you can’t become a citizen by being born here, does that mean we all have to get permission from the First Americans to live here?
I wonder which country Rep. Paul will get deported back to?
@3 Yeah but Kucinich has the coolest wife.
@5 Maybe we should call him EarWax(TM) because he’s tone-deaf.
@14 World War I was started by a 19-year-old boy. World War II was started by a raving madman. Will World War III be started by a raving mad boy? Stay tuned.
Republican Mismanagement Dep’t.
“WASHINGTON — Air travelers face a high risk of a catastrophic collision on a U.S. airport runway because of faltering federal leadership, malfunctioning technology and overworked air traffic controllers, congressional investigators concluded Wednesday.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ays05.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Waytago wingfucks! Another FUBAR brought to you by Republican incompetents.
GOP Motto = “We don’t care because we don’t have to”
Roger @ 27:
WWIII will actually be started by a mad boy raving. That’s right, you heard it here first. Dumbya will be rocking the glow-sticks at 144 BPM when he sends us all to hell, but after he gets a hit of E.
Thank (insert the deity of you choice here) that I’ll be working double-shifts (band plus courier route) the whole holiday season, and won’t be able to travel until at least March or so. If any of y’all (even you trolls) happen to be heading to (or through) Nevada for the holidays, I’ll be playing at the Atlantis in Reno from 12/18 through New Year’s Eve.
Roger Rabbit,
You mentioned eliminating all overseas bases on your Ron Paul list. Do you believe the U.S. should have its military bases in foreign countries? I don’t. When a nuclear or dirty bomb is set off in NYC or Wash D.C. decades from now, that’s going to be one of the top reasons it was done.
I believe it’s time to leave Korea. We’ve been over there for half a century, and South Korea has prospered. For example, how many Korean cars do you see on the road these days? If they can build autos and export them to the US, then they ought to be able to defend themselves from a bunch of starving wraiths in North Korea. It’s time to withdraw and let the neighborhood – Japan, China, Russia and South Korea – take care of Kim Jung Il.
As far as the UN goes, I wish them no harm, but I think we’d be better off by cancelling our membership. I don’t think the UN has our best interests in mind. No hard feelings, I just want to leave the party.
As far as isolationism goes, I surely think we ought to stay out of foreign military adventures! What good have these excursions into idiocy done us? Iraq will dissolve into chaos once we leave, and the people of that region will determine Iraq’s fate. The smart money would be that Iran expands eastward to seize what they can, as will the Turks in Northern Iraq. The Southern part of Iraq will turn into a no-man’s-land, with religious factions constantly fighting. Do we really care about democracy in Iraq, or do we care about the oil? When Iraq disintegrates,somebody will still be producing and selling oil from that former country. So what’s the point of hangin’ around?
Universal health care? With all this talk about it, we ought to give it a try. If it sucks, we can go back to what we have now. If it doesn’t suck, then we can keep it.
Social Security? Thom Hartmann said, on his Air America show, that Sociial security ain’t in danger, so that’s a moot issue right? After all, anything said on Air America has got to be the Truth from the Burning Bush.
#16 headless lucy says:
You should have hired someone smarter than you. You screwed up. Your logic is flawed. You’re an idiot, even Lee said we had different IPs. Get a clue, buy one if you are really as stupid and racist as you act here.
Is that meant to be an insult? Only a homophobe would consider it an insult. So you are both, a racist and homophobe. We’re learning a lot about you. Maybe it’s time for you to shut up before you lose any friends you might have.
#17 headless lucy says:
Tough talk from someone hiding behind a fake name. At least when Lee ACTED tough he wasn’t hiding like you.
You are a coward!!!!
You may not be a coward – who knows, but you sure ain’t too smart. That is why you like bush – he is also not too smart. amazing that we have a presnit who can’t even understand a NIE or PDB. My pet goat was just his speed. someone once told me I should find something nice to say about any person. Here is my attempt with bush:
Two things I will support Bush on:
at least trying for Mideast peace (Palestinians and Israelis)
recognizing that global warming is due to human causes
My list of things he has done wrong range from:
destroying the constituion
lying us into Iraq
lying about Iran
losing the moral high ground in the war on terror (Abu Graib, torture)
Destroying the Justice dept. (gonzalez)
Destroying FEMA (heckuva job Brownie, Katrina)
Destroying the FDA, the EPA, the Interior dept’s
Politicizing and dividing almost every area of government
corruption and Abramoff
LeadLice Loocie (TM) Trust me, no one has my tongue or fingers little man.
I posted where I was from in Philly. I am a city man. Goldy is the burb boy! BC is close to Philly but it ain’t Philly.
You on the other hand are AFRAID to discuss your heritage. Are you Darwin’s missing link? You are just an upright ape. Ann Robinson had you pegged. “You are the missing link. Goodbye!”
We knows you from Arizona State, one of the biggest party schools in the US. We know you a teacher in Seattle Skuul District. If it wasn’t for the NEA dumbing down curricula, you’d be working in McDonalds. Why is that wrasslin coach?
Still smarting from my commentary on how people from your side think you are a racist? Truth does cut like a hot knife through butter.
Deal with it 24/7. Y’all come back now ya hear?