I’ve decided to vote Republican in Washington’s Feb. 19 primary, and I’m going to vote for Mike Huckabee!
Why not? The Democratic primary is nothing but a meaningless beauty contest — all the Democratic delegates will be chosen in the Feb. 8 caucuses. The GOP, on the other hand, has allocated half of its delegates to candidates selected by popular vote in the primary.
Besides, I’m a Republican at heart, from way back — I was a Goldwaterite in ’64. And, even today, I still behave like a Republican. Old habits are hard to break!
Since none of the leading Democratic candidates are any good as debaters, it’s important that we help the GOP select a candidate who will stand out in the presidential debates like a wart on a wild boar’s nose. Huckabee is he man!
Looking forward to the fall presidential debates, I want to hear Gov. Huckabee tell the American people he’s going to abolish science education and force America’s public schools to teach creationism to our kids, so that our future doctors, biologists, scientists, and engineers will think mutating viruses are supernatural punishment for immoral behavior.
I want to hear Gov. Huckabee explain that little girls deserve to be raped if they’re related to Bill Clinton, and it’s okay for little boys to lynch dogs in Boy Scout Camp if they’re related to Mike Huckabee.
I want to hear Gov. Huckabee tell the American people he wants to replace the progressive income tax with a 40% sales tax.
I want to hear Gov. Huckabee tell a worldwide TV audience in the hundreds of millions that George W. Bush’s foreign policy is all wrong — he should have used nukes from the get-go.
Yep, Mike Huckabee is the guy I want to carry the GOP banner in November. He’s a perfect representative of that party and its adherents — he’s as stupid, ignorant, crazy, dishonest, and immoral as they are!
And, best of all, he’s an Arkansas cracker. That’ll play just right in America’s urban areas where the 2008 election will be decided. He might even take all 22 GOP senatorial candidates down with him! Let us hope so.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In a phrase, I’m voting for Mike Huckabee in the Feb. 19 primary because he’s the best GOP candidate that Democrats could choose.
who is who in the photo?
Drink heavily!!
I’m keeping a clear head. I want to savor every moment as Republicans implode in 2008.
I recognize Geov, because I know he has a nostril piercing. But is Piper a plush toy? Wow, that would explain a lot!
Roger @ 2 –
The Dems are going to win in a walk in 2008, regardless of the Republican candidate’s identity. But, com’on, Huckabee??? That’s just adding insult to injury. He wouldn’t even win one state.
Let them have McCain or Romney or Rudi, all of whom will get around 46% of the popular vote and about 150 or so electors. There’s no need to be a greedy, gluttonous rabbit… avoid those deadly sins.
Hey Piper, I go to Third Place books all the time. So if I see you there, I’ll know who you are, but you won’t know who I am!
I don’t blame dems wanting to vote for a republican in the primaires. They must be sick of losing all the time and want to vote for someone who at least has a chance to become POTUS. Good choice rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 That’s you on the left? With the long white ears? Are you a relative of mine? I hope not.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “Huckabee??? … He wouldn’t even win one state.”
That’s the whole idea.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 (continued) “There’s no need to be a greedy, gluttonous rabbit…”
What’s wrong with that? In order to kick someone when they’re down, you’ve got to get them all the way down.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember, in yesterday’s New Year’s resolutions thread, I promised not to be nice to Republicans in 2008!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mrs. Rabbit is laughing her cottontail off because of a question on the TV show, “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.” A contestant was asked,
“What is the name of a popular children’s book about a man searching for a heart?”
The correct answer is “Wizard of Oz,” but one of the other choices was “Fun With Dick Cheney.” Whoever came up with that should get a bonus! Wonder how he got it past the censors of the rightwing-controlled network?
Geov is the younger of “three” – plush rabbits are timeless – on the viewers’ left – he is gay – is this a cross generational relationship?
Just wondering.
Daddy Lovespews:
So why would anyone think that some sort of endless mission to “train” Iraqis would do any good at all in our own private war? It’s not only obvious that people who have been “trained” for five freakin’ years already ought to something by now, but it’s also obvious and true that Iraq’s violence is simply a vicious struggle for power that has only a political solution, and that therefore training and skills building are not the fundamental issues for Iraq’s security forces, but rather motivation, and allegiance.
This makes it both inane and meaningless to spout off about any increase in numbers in the various Iraqi security and police forces. You see, many if not most of these soldiers and police are loyal to their own sectarian or ethnic leaders rather than to the weak and unpopular Iraqi national leaders.
Militia infiltration of Iraq’s security forces is so bad in some places that American soldiers sometimes do not know whether to trust their Iraqi counterparts. “We don’t trust ‘em,” said 1st Lt. Steve Taylor, serving at a joint Iraqi-American security station in Sulakh. “There’s no way to know who’s good and who’s bad, so we have to assume they’re all bad, unfortunately.” In the Ameel neighborhood of Baghdad, the local commander of Iraqi national police has been replaced three times since March because of ties to militias or insurgent groups. In some instances, American soldiers have been killed by Iraqi security forces that they were actually training.
Daddy Lovespews:
All we’re doing in Iraq, and really all we’ve ever done, is arm all sides in their civil war. Some of the factions are busy consolidating their hold on civil power, some others are holding off open operations for now, I think because they think Americans will eventually leave, which we eventually will. After that, they fight it out for victory. And if the Americans stay much longer, they’ll get tred of waiting and start fighting again with us in the middle (again).
There is no “victory” in Iraq for the US, only bankruptcy and death awaiting us, while our strategic position in the world weakens and weakens.
Happy New Year to all! Drink heavily!!
Roger Rabbit Announces Presidential Preference!
I’ve decided to vote Republican in Washington’s Feb. 19 primary, and I’m going to vote for Mike Huckabee!
Why not? The Democratic primary is nothing but a meaningless beauty contest — all the Democratic delegates will be chosen in the Feb. 8 caucuses. The GOP, on the other hand, has allocated half of its delegates to candidates selected by popular vote in the primary.
Besides, I’m a Republican at heart, from way back — I was a Goldwaterite in ’64. And, even today, I still behave like a Republican. Old habits are hard to break!
Since none of the leading Democratic candidates are any good as debaters, it’s important that we help the GOP select a candidate who will stand out in the presidential debates like a wart on a wild boar’s nose. Huckabee is he man!
Looking forward to the fall presidential debates, I want to hear Gov. Huckabee tell the American people he’s going to abolish science education and force America’s public schools to teach creationism to our kids, so that our future doctors, biologists, scientists, and engineers will think mutating viruses are supernatural punishment for immoral behavior.
I want to hear Gov. Huckabee explain that little girls deserve to be raped if they’re related to Bill Clinton, and it’s okay for little boys to lynch dogs in Boy Scout Camp if they’re related to Mike Huckabee.
I want to hear Gov. Huckabee tell the American people he wants to replace the progressive income tax with a 40% sales tax.
I want to hear Gov. Huckabee tell a worldwide TV audience in the hundreds of millions that George W. Bush’s foreign policy is all wrong — he should have used nukes from the get-go.
Yep, Mike Huckabee is the guy I want to carry the GOP banner in November. He’s a perfect representative of that party and its adherents — he’s as stupid, ignorant, crazy, dishonest, and immoral as they are!
And, best of all, he’s an Arkansas cracker. That’ll play just right in America’s urban areas where the 2008 election will be decided. He might even take all 22 GOP senatorial candidates down with him! Let us hope so.
In a phrase, I’m voting for Mike Huckabee in the Feb. 19 primary because he’s the best GOP candidate that Democrats could choose.
who is who in the photo?
Drink heavily!!
I’m keeping a clear head. I want to savor every moment as Republicans implode in 2008.
Wouldn’t you like to know!
Here’s a clue…I’m not in the middle!
The Piper
Only Bush-worshipping, warmongering clones need apply.
I recognize Geov, because I know he has a nostril piercing. But is Piper a plush toy? Wow, that would explain a lot!
Roger @ 2 –
The Dems are going to win in a walk in 2008, regardless of the Republican candidate’s identity. But, com’on, Huckabee??? That’s just adding insult to injury. He wouldn’t even win one state.
Let them have McCain or Romney or Rudi, all of whom will get around 46% of the popular vote and about 150 or so electors. There’s no need to be a greedy, gluttonous rabbit… avoid those deadly sins.
Hey Piper, I go to Third Place books all the time. So if I see you there, I’ll know who you are, but you won’t know who I am!
Lucky me!
The Piper
I don’t blame dems wanting to vote for a republican in the primaires. They must be sick of losing all the time and want to vote for someone who at least has a chance to become POTUS. Good choice rabbit.
@6 That’s you on the left? With the long white ears? Are you a relative of mine? I hope not.
@9 “Huckabee??? … He wouldn’t even win one state.”
That’s the whole idea.
@9 (continued) “There’s no need to be a greedy, gluttonous rabbit…”
What’s wrong with that? In order to kick someone when they’re down, you’ve got to get them all the way down.
Remember, in yesterday’s New Year’s resolutions thread, I promised not to be nice to Republicans in 2008!
Mrs. Rabbit is laughing her cottontail off because of a question on the TV show, “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.” A contestant was asked,
“What is the name of a popular children’s book about a man searching for a heart?”
The correct answer is “Wizard of Oz,” but one of the other choices was “Fun With Dick Cheney.” Whoever came up with that should get a bonus! Wonder how he got it past the censors of the rightwing-controlled network?
Geov is the younger of “three” – plush rabbits are timeless – on the viewers’ left – he is gay – is this a cross generational relationship?
Just wondering.
So why would anyone think that some sort of endless mission to “train” Iraqis would do any good at all in our own private war? It’s not only obvious that people who have been “trained” for five freakin’ years already ought to something by now, but it’s also obvious and true that Iraq’s violence is simply a vicious struggle for power that has only a political solution, and that therefore training and skills building are not the fundamental issues for Iraq’s security forces, but rather motivation, and allegiance.
This makes it both inane and meaningless to spout off about any increase in numbers in the various Iraqi security and police forces. You see, many if not most of these soldiers and police are loyal to their own sectarian or ethnic leaders rather than to the weak and unpopular Iraqi national leaders.
Portions adapted from and additional supporting data and links in Brian Katulis’ Killing the Patient (http://www.americanprogress.or.....orces.html). Sample:
All we’re doing in Iraq, and really all we’ve ever done, is arm all sides in their civil war. Some of the factions are busy consolidating their hold on civil power, some others are holding off open operations for now, I think because they think Americans will eventually leave, which we eventually will. After that, they fight it out for victory. And if the Americans stay much longer, they’ll get tred of waiting and start fighting again with us in the middle (again).
There is no “victory” in Iraq for the US, only bankruptcy and death awaiting us, while our strategic position in the world weakens and weakens.