The King County Young Republicans met at the North Bellevue Community Center last night to hear Rob McKenna speak. It didn’t go as planned.
The event was held in a public venue, advertised openly, and had a speaker who represents the state as an elected official and is also a high-profile public candidate.
Zach Wurtz, a videographer for the Washington State Democrats, who, I suspect, has been hired to record all of McKenna’s public appearances, showed up to record McKenna.
McKenna stopped and asked the man who he was with. The man gave his name, Zach Wurtz, and said he was with the Washington State Democrats. The Young Republicans club president, Jennifer Fetters, asked him to leave. Nope. McKenna told Wurtz to turn off the camera. Wurtz refused. McKenna’s voice got sharper, “Turn it off. Now!”
After further intimidation didn’t succeed in shutting down Wurtz’s camera, the cops were called. They took a long time to get there.
In the mean time…
McKenna stepped outside by the cupcake table.
Really?!? He escaped the scary video man by seeking safe harbor at the “cupcake table”? That’s simply precious!
One big advantage that McKenna has over Dino Rossi is that he’s far more adorable! I mean, you have to admit, retreating like a frightened boy to the cupcake table is a lot more endearing than, say, putting your goons to work on the videographer. So good call on the cupcake table, Rob.
McKenna apparently realized that he could not prevent the recording of political activity in a public place, because he never gave his speech.
Question: Why the hell couldn’t McKenna give his talk in the presence of “the enemy.” What’s he hiding? Was McKenna prepared to tell the Young Republicans things that he could never say to the general public?
Is McKenna, say, talking like Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker behind closed doors, and then goes all smiles and cupcakes before the general public?
And what is this bullshit about not being video tapped? It’s now routine for campaigns to shadow each other. McKenna and Inslee should expect that all of their appearances will be recorded, scrutinized and, if something controversial is said, publicized.
Deal with it, Rob! You won’t always have a cupcake table to fall back on.
The Publicola story points out that Wurtz was forcibly removed from McKenna’s announcement press conference. Goldy was denied admission as well in his role as a reporter for The Stranger.
Knock it the fuck off! The “friendly room” strategy didn’t work for Rossi, and it isn’t likely to work for McKenna, either.
Welcome to Republikanistan.
McKenna would, oddly enough, look entirely appropriate sporting Pince-Nez glasses and appearing to weigh all of 125 lbs. holding a cupcake in each hand.
He looks like the headmaster of a 19th century women’s finishing school.
Good move, Darryll. Painting McKenna as the ‘cupcake’ candidate will certainly have a telling negative effect.
AND …. the tougher he tries to talk, the more he’ll look like Barney Fife scrambling for the one bullet that Sheriff Andy allows him to carry.
Let’s not overlook the ‘Fife Factor’ in branding McKenna.
I can see the headlines now: Fife-like WA Gubernatorial Candidate Sics Goons on Cameraman
Wow, that’s just stupid. I’ve been to Republican events where they introduced the Democrat with the video camera and asked everyone to be nice to him.
But, I hope McKenna keeps it up. He’s hanging himself with his own rope.
I know the Republicans have been deathly afraid of video cameras ever since the Virginia senator in 2006 was caught making the racist remark, and then lost the election.
But I really expected McKenna to be smarter than this. He took what should have been a rather dull speech and turned it into a news story. Making it appear that you have something to hide is usually considerably more damaging than the actual relevation.
Has anybody here been to a “Young Republicans” meeting? I went once, having been invited by a fellow to a downtown luncheon. I was in my late 20’s, and I was – by far – the youngest in the room. The next youngest “Young Republican” had to be in their mid-50’s, and some of them were so old I was worried they wouldn’t survive past desert. Maybe things have changed since the mid-80’s, but that was a pretty strange luncheon.
Republicans loath all facets of democracy. Open campaigns, like open government, are anathema to them.
Captian Cup Cake! Someone really needs to make a comic book.
Darryl, don’t you know GOPers want to privatize the public functions of the public offices they hold?
@8 They do, however, wholeheartedly embrace the idea of a police state. See, e.g., Watergate plumbers, secret wiretaps, renditions, Guantanamo, etc.
If McKenna’s going to be this stupid…
…SHIT, this is gonna be fun to watch.
Is ‘Cup Cake’ code for something more sinister?
You don’t suppose!
Here’s (un)sound politics take on the event.
Why couldn’t anyone film Scott Walker?
This is one f’ed up country.
“Cupcake McKenna” has some nice alliteration.
@14 Legal niceties aside, a candidate who doesn’t want his speeches taped isn’t someone I’m inclined to entrust my vote to.
Police making arrests don’t like being taped, either. What citizen taping of police activity means is the cops can’t lie about what happened afterwards. Why should honest (as opposed to incompetent or corrupt) cops object to that?
The Rochester, N.Y., police department is now going to be sued because its cops arrested a woman for taping a traffic stop from her own front yard. The cops tried to justify the arrest by claiming her presence jeopardized officer safety. No one, not even a zealous city prosecutor, bought that line. What would the Rochester cops have done if they had seen her taping the arrest from inside her home, through a glass window pane? Kicked in the door to arrest her and seize the video camera?
The truth is, nobody likes being taped, because the natural human reaction to being taped is that the person filming you has some sort of hostile intent and is trying to get something they can use against you. What this is may be completely conjectural, but people tend to fear the unknown.
Yet, we as citizens increasingly are being videotaped everywhere we go — the changing rooms of clothing stores, surveillance and red light cameras at intersections, you name it, video cameras are ubiquitous nowadays and most of us don’t even think about the fact our every move is being taped.
So what makes politicians and cops so prickly about it? Maybe because they have more to hide?
What. A. Douchebag.
The Republicans had to sign this to rent the space.
@20 They don’t respect the Constitution or federal statutes; what makes you think they’ll respect that?
Nothing, I was just pointing it out.
@22 I know.
Oh, I’d love to see the clip of a shrill Cupcake telling Wurtz to “Turn it off. Now!” A brilliant ad campaign in the making.
At least Cupcake didn’t call Wurtz “Macaca” or something.
Hey, I wasn’t there. Good thing. I would have died laughing.
McKenna apparently realized that he could not prevent the recording of political activity in a public place, because he never gave his speech.
says who, professor. Did it ever occur to you that the YR’s may have rules for their meetings that prohibit videotaping? Did you make any attempt to find out?
See #20.
He could have given his speech. He chose to have a hissy fit instead. I’ve been to Republican meetings that were open to the public where a videographer from the Democrats showed up and all they did was make him introduce himself to the crowd and ask everyone to be nice to him and then got on with things. The Dem’s do the same thing when Republican videographers show up.
@27. Michael spews:
See #20.
per #20;
‘The applicant agrees that, during the use of the Parks & Community Services facility [Name of Group] will not exclude anyone participation in, deny anyone the benefit of, or otherwise subject anyone to unlawful discrimination or harassment.’
Prohibiting videotaping is not unlawful discrimination or harassment.
AF @ 28,
You are a useful Storm Trooper.
@28 Is there some reason why McKenna doesn’t want to be videotaped? Is there ANY reason why we should elect as governor of our state a politician who doesn’t want his speeches to party hacks recorded?
@30. Roger Rabbit spews:
@28 Is there some reason why McKenna doesn’t want to be videotaped?
he doesn’t want segments of his speech taken out of context and used in dem ads.
Is there ANY reason why we should elect as governor of our state a politician who doesn’t want his speeches to party hacks recorded?
yes, he demonstrates common sense.
Were you born an asshole, or did you just grow up that way?
@31: In reality, the concern is more that someone might put the speech into context.
I LOVE how you far left progressives label UNION members THUGS!!!! That’s right, the youtube video shows UNION members asking the videotaper leave. And YOU LEFTIES refer to them as THUGS!!!! Damn Union Thugs according to you!
This JERK never paid dues in his LIFE. A rethguglican PLANT if trhere ever was one.
IAFF Fireman:
Act like a thug, don’t cry like a WATB when people call you a thug.
Also, too, I’m baffled as to why any union member would support any Republican. Have you all not been paying attention to what Republican governors are doing all over the country?
Seems to me you’re not much of a union member if you support politicians who want nothing more than to do away with unions, public and private.
Further, you got a problem with “far left progressives”? And why do you assume that everyone commenting here is one?
The actual McCupcake video is on YouTube:
Rujax, Yeah, I guess my Union sticker on my car and my membership card are forgeries huh? Hate on me all you want it doesn’t change the fact that I walk the walk, and you can barely talk the talk.
The UNIONS are TIRED of the LEFT… When the Seattle Police Guild asked the videotaper to leave, the general comment on here and on the youtube video was to call them thugs… THEY ARE UNION MEMBERS!!!! Furthermore, the Drinking Liberally patronizes a NON-UNION establishment for their events. Why not put your money where your mouths are? How many UNION members attend Drinking Liberally events? How many UNION MADE CARS are in the parking lot? Why not do a Census? A Union Card carrying member Only DL…
As far as why a union member would support a republican, because we are TIRED of having the left take our money and then crap on us. Secondly, just because I am a union member doesn’t mean I let my union control my whole life. There is more to life than my occupation and my union. And frankly, the left doesn’t match up with my philosophy.
I see EVERYDAY that I go to work, the policies of the LEFT in action. I see people on welfare with multiple kids (and having more) using our ER’s are primary care physicians. When we suggest taking a $30 dollar cab ride to an urgent care, we get complaints against us. We CANNOT turn a patient who requests a $1,000 dollar Ambulance ride to be seen at an ER for swollen ankles. I see patients with Diabetes who are non compliant DEMANDING that they be transported to the ER, because THEY are non-compliant. I see fraud in the Housing assistance programs. I see welfare recipients with big screen TV’s. multiple dogs and smoking, all while receiving State and local money for rent. The policies of the Left seem GREAT on paper, but tell you what when you witness them first hand you would change your tune!
well said.
I think you’re right about this, but it’s not “the left” taking your money and crapping on you, it’s the Democrats.
It’s the left that built the unions in the first place, unfortunately now it’s the right and the Republicans who are actively trying to destroy unions, starting with public workers.
Republicans talk a good game about patriotism and against the elites, but look at how they screw working people on behalf of corporations every chance they get, whether in sending jobs overseas, keeping the tax burden on working people, messing up the environment, making food and work less safe, and so on.
Frosted and fluffy puffed with air:
Cupcake ‘Kenna
Hmmm. McKenna doesn’t want the right’s tactics used on McKenna.
Wise course of action.
Still wouldn’t want him for Governor.
Well at least the Democrats will support your right to form a Union. McKenna will kick you to the curb as soon as he is elected. Think how much the State can save by not paying your pensions. Think of the new tax cuts he will be able to give his corporate masters.
Yes, your philosophy is to crap all over people who support unions 100 percent. How typically right wing.
What are you going to say next? Bring on the Walkers of the world to WA state?
Well he’s coming and his name is Rob McKenna. Take heart.
Your shtick is pretty tired. You criticize many aspects of programs for the poor but don’t offer any solutions save for maybe ELMINATING THEM? Well that for sure will help any problems the tony suburbs have with funding their gleaming public schools. How convenient for them.
Wow! I see so many union members say Republicans – take my collective bargaining rights! They’re yours! I never wanted them!
Yeah, much better to have the right take your money and crap on you.
I’ve seen the same things #38’s seen. What I haven’t seen is a policy from the right that would fix the problem.
Both sides of the political fence are becoming increasingly hostile to the working class. And the right’s just plain nutty these days. I think sitting things out for an election cycle or two, or just working with the small handful of folks that truly support the working class is probably the way to go. I mean, there’s really only maybe 5-8 electeds down in Oly that really have the working class folks back.
@43, 44, 46: Agreed, the case of Walker in Wisconsin et al shows who the real Democrats are, and which ones accepted the contributions but sold out the unions anyway.
What’s needed is more and better Democrats.
The left/right political model came about after the French revolution and I think it’s run its course. Both Republicans and Democrats use a party structure that was well suited to the 1920’s, I think that its run its course as well. What’s needed is a new model.
Well well well…this fake rolls out everyfuckingsinglesolitaryrightwingtalkingointinthebook.
Listen blockhead…McKenna says public employees are the problem, and that means you (if you really are a public employee…which I doubt).
So let’s do it this way…we’ll cut YOUR salary and benefits and fight fir everybody else.
Make you feel better, asshole?
Uptown @ 43, Speaking of MY pension, Inslee wants to use it as a SLUSH fund for private companies, while AG McKenna is busy protecting it. I know facts get in the way with your thinking, but try to keep up.
YLB, I have NEVER said to eliminate the problem programs for the working poor. I merely pointed out how they are money pits and continue to fail. You never asked me how to fix them, but if you want to know, Mandatory Drug testing and Time limits. After that, it’s time to start picking up litter on the side of the road for your assistance. Serisouly there are allot of GREAT proposals out there, but they never get to see the light of the day!
Rujax, I have already voted for salary cuts, given money to fellow workers on furlough, and offered to work more hours for no additional money. My Union Leadership has turned down any additional hours for no pay.
I know that you like to think that Dems are good for the working class and Union members, but what is odd is that the Left and Dems LOVE to support Unions in their words, except when they disagree. Example. My Union is a ARDENT supporter of Cong. Dave Reichert (So is the WSCFF and the IAFF). That means I should continue to support him right? That means YOU should support him if Unions do, right? Well do YOU support Dave Reichert?
I always love to hear people that have NEVER paid Union dues tell those of us how our Unions actually run and what is best for us.
You claim that AG McKenna wants to do away with public sector unions and our collective bargaining, but you can’t show me where he has said ANY of that. You jump up and down and scream “But Gov. Walker” this and “Gov. Walker” that and through in a George W. Bush here and there. WAAAAHHHHH WAAAAAHHHHHH WAAAAAHHHHHH.
Once again, why not hold a UNION MEMBER ONLY Drinking Liberally? At a UNION Establishment, and those driving can ONLY drive UNION made autos or use UNION approved transportation (No Toyota Prius cabs). Put your money where your mouth is! I do EVERY month in the form of Union Dues and Union PAC money!
Oh and Rujax, I love how you feel the need to resort to personal attacks when you bested by someone using ACTUAL facts and logic! Silly Liberal, thinking isn’t for you!
…for your sake pally, you better be right.
Rujax, are you KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! You are using GOLDY as a logical or factual source???? Try getting ACTUAL sources… Or should I start quoting Fox, because it’s on the same level of legitimate reporting as Goldy is!
“cupcake table”
Are you kidding ME?
Yes, Goldy is a legitimate and reliable reporter.
No, Fox is bullshit, and has nowhere near Goldy’s integrity.
Your rant above about the people you’re supposed to serve is telling. I’ve been on the receiving end of those medic runs you complain about – I’ve been the doc at Harborview (in the past) – and what I was taught by Dr. Copass was that you respect and treat with dignity EVERY patient that rolls or walks or crawls through he front door.
With your attitude, sounds like you need a new profession – thought about being a cop?
And with your ARDENT support of Dave Reichert you show your true colors – you’re a union member in name only – as far as it benefits YOU – if that even. You’re not invested in the LABOR MOVEMENT, but rather in your own little TRIBE.
@53 – I’m confused. In one post, you go after someone for personal attacks on you, arguing that they need to address the facts and claims in your post. Shortly thereafter, you institute a personal attack on Goldy, and fail to address a single fact or claim or quote in his piece.
So, which is it? Do you really respect the facts, or do you just respect the ones you cherrypick to support your world view?
First of all pointing out that Goldy is NOT a reputable source for journalistic reporting isn’t a personal attack. It’s a fact and one that I would bet he agrees with. Second of all, I asked for the ACTUAL sources. Give me council records, news paper articles (Written by JOURNALISTS) or something, and I will respond. But given an editorial opinion piece just isn’t worth responding too.
@55, READ my post… My UNION and the WSCFF and IAFF (AFL-CIO) are the ARDENT supporters of Dave Reichert. I was pointing out that since my UNION is, by the logic on this thread I should be and so should everyone else right? As far as MY true colors, I guess I am showing my UNION’s TRUE colors then huh?
As far as name dropping Dr. Copass where did I even MENTION Medic Runs. Again READ my post, I am VERY specific (At least as the law allows) about the type of runs I am referring too. BLS runs. Oh and Ambulance rides are by PRIVATE BLS companies, Medic rides are by Fire Deptartment personnel in MY department. It changes wherever you are in the State. Where did I EVER say ANYTHING about treating anyone poorly? Having Non-Compliant Diabetics who CHOOSE to be non-compliant, or people that don’t NEED to be seen at the ER DEMAND to be seen at the ER raises the cost on all of us. This isn’t opinion bucko… This is FACT. Again facts always seem to get in the way on this board!
“how to fix them, but if you want to know, Mandatory Drug testing and Time limits.”
then the same needs to be applied to anyone and everyone who receives federal/state funding or tax breaks. Boeing CEO’s to every police and fireman.
“are you KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! You are using GOLDY as a logical or factual source???? Try getting ACTUAL sources… Or should I start quoting Fox, because it’s on the same level of legitimate reporting as Goldy is!”
usually when I see someone claim fox is wrong, I see a point by point analysis of why the ‘fact’ or analysis is wrong. Maybe some links, quotes from opposing sides, opposing video to disprove anything stated.
But you don’t do any of that. Instead you attack Goldy as to wether he is a reputable source. Many claim Fox is not, but also try to show proof.
The claim is McKenna is anti-labor. Goldy has pointed out his past voting and his affiliations… prove otherwise if Goldy is full of such BS and spreading false information.
“see people on welfare with multiple kids (and having more) using our ER’s are primary care physicians.”
universal health care would take care of that.
” I see welfare recipients with big screen TV’s. multiple dogs and smoking, all while receiving State and local money for rent. ”
and there are multi-billion dollar profit making corps getting millions/billions in tax breaks.
Guess I’m more focused on the billions in lost revenue from corporations… than some poor family buying a tv. Guess we have our priorities.
Universal healthcare would also help with the “welfare recipients with big screen TV’s” things as quite a lot of that is do to Medicare’s $2,000 income cap. If they don’t spend their money they and their kids lose their health Ins.
@38. IAFF Fireman spews:
I see EVERYDAY that I go to work, the policies of the LEFT in action. I see people on welfare with multiple kids (and having more) using our ER’s are primary care physicians. When we suggest taking a $30 dollar cab ride to an urgent care, we get complaints against us. We CANNOT turn a patient who requests a $1,000 dollar Ambulance ride to be seen at an ER for swollen ankles. I see patients with Diabetes who are non compliant DEMANDING that they be transported to the ER, because THEY are non-compliant. I see fraud in the Housing assistance programs. I see welfare recipients with big screen TV’s. multiple dogs and smoking, all while receiving State and local money for rent. The policies of the Left seem GREAT on paper, but tell you what when you witness them first hand you would change your tune!
The leftist kooks here will never change their tune until the roof falls in on their head. Until then your life is worth far less to them than the welfare parasites you describe, even though you risk your life for them. You will find that out soon enough if you stick around here, and I hope that you do.
“Welfare parasites”
“using our ER’s”
But your Randroidian asswipe friend Lostinaseaofblue told us repeatedly that America’s poor should go to the ER for all of their health care. I took it that that’d be everything from swollen ankles to chemotherapy.
Truth is, you two shits would demonize the poor no matter what they might do to get by.
“I see people on welfare”
Horseshit. Unless you’re demanding to see papers, you assume that you see people on welfare. Lostinaseaofblue was like that too. He assumed that he saw welfare folk everywhere with their illgotten TV’s and cellphones. Truth is, you see what you want to see. And what you tell us you see tells more about you than it tells us about any poor person you might have encountered.
Shorter “Richpeoplefirst”:
“Rich people first…fuck everybody else.”
“Horseshit. Unless you’re demanding to see papers, you assume that you see people on welfare.”
Don’t worry I can help you with your ignorance in this matter. It’s called residents of Housing Authority organizations. Oh, and then there’s the Medical Coupons that the Pt is required to take and hand off. I know, not knowing ANYTHING about what you are talking about makes you reach for straws, but try to ASK to be proven wrong next time.
“Truth is, you two shits would demonize the poor no matter what they might do to get by.”
No, actually I don’t demonize the poor. I was raised for a good portion of my life by a single mother on welfare (She also worked 2 jobs and got off of the roles very quickly). ER’s are for EMERGENCIES only. Unfortunately, because of our society we have gotten away from that. Education and triage of Patients are the key’s to solving these problems.
Look you lefties say that Universal Healthcare will solve the problem. Those of us that ACTUALLY see the problem say you are full of it. Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Almost 9% of the US population has Diabetes. The 2nd (Lung cancer) and 6th (Melanoma cancer) leading cancers are the most preventable.
Universal Healthcare does NOTHING to solve ANY of those problems. With regards to the ER visit problem, easily 45% of the runs I go on are related to Diabetes and Heart disease. Of those, the majority of them have LIFE STYLE factors that either create or contribute heavily to their condition. We CAN’T turn Pt’s down if they request to be seen at an ER, even if there is NO EMERGENCY. We can suggest that they be seen at an Urgent care or a Clinic, but they can refuse. That is WHY our ER’s are to full and that is part of the reason why we spend so DAMN much on Healthcare. Universal Healthcare only allows those SAME people to give their “Universal” card instead of their welfare coupons, but it still comes out of the same pot of money!
You lefties want this utopian society where you assume that people given the choice will make the right one. I live in the real world.
“You lefties”
An assumption. And a wrong one. You have lots of those, don’t you? I’m not a “lefty” and I certainly don’t need some fucktard like you telling me what I believe. Go fuck yourself. Don’t like it? Too fucking bad.
“ER’s are for EMERGENCIES only”
I suggest that you tell that to the libertarians who insist that the poor get their healthcare at the ER.
“I live in the real world”
My, aren’t you fucking special.
Oh yeah, love the CAPS.
“Look you lefties say that Universal Healthcare will solve the problem. Those of us that ACTUALLY see the problem say you are full of it.”
Hmm, I wonder what the problem is that we lefties say will be solved with Universal Healthcare?
Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Almost 9% of the US population has Diabetes. The 2nd (Lung cancer) and 6th (Melanoma cancer) leading cancers are the most preventable.
Universal Healthcare does NOTHING to solve ANY of those problems.
You wouldn’t be into creating strawmen, would you? Can you identify the lefties who suggested that Universal Healthcare will solve the problems of heart disease, diabetes and cancer? Anyways, compared to what? Private insurance? How does Universal Healthcare come up short in the prevention of heart disease, diabitis or cancer compared to private insurance?
“With regards to the ER visit problem, easily 45% of the runs I go on are related to Diabetes and Heart disease. Of those, the majority of them have LIFE STYLE factors that either create or contribute heavily to their condition.”
You had your rant against poor people up @38,
I see EVERYDAY that I go to work, the policies of the LEFT in action. I see people on welfare with multiple kids (and having more) using our ER’s are primary care physicians. When we suggest taking a $30 dollar cab ride to an urgent care, we get complaints against us. We CANNOT turn a patient who requests a $1,000 dollar Ambulance ride to be seen at an ER for swollen ankles. I see patients with Diabetes who are non compliant DEMANDING that they be transported to the ER, because THEY are non-compliant. I see fraud in the Housing assistance programs. I see welfare recipients with big screen TV’s. multiple dogs and smoking, all while receiving State and local money for rent. The policies of the Left seem GREAT on paper, but tell you what when you witness them first hand you would change your tune!
Yeah, you know all about those people and their dogs and TV’s.
“No, actually I don’t demonize the poor.”
No, of course not.
Oh great, blockquote didn’t work.
Ahhh Did Stevie get his wittle feelings hurt by common sense? Cry Cry Cry all you want. The simple fact is that you are COMPLETELY (Caps for YOU) IGNORANT on this matter and can only throw a temper tantrum when someone deconstructs your arguments (IF that is what YOU want to call them) and shows how wrong you are.
Call YOURSELF whatever you want, your ignorance is on full display regardless of your tittle or tag.
@50 IAFF Fireman sez to Rujax!, “I love how you feel the need to resort to personal attacks when you bested by someone”
@51 Hmm, I see nothing but personal attacks. I take it you already took your best shot and now feel “bested”. As you should. You’ve been outed on your ugly hatred for the poor. Sucks, doesn’t it?
70 – For years you’ve repeated the same worthless taunts about DL’s being hosted at union establishments and DL attendees driving U.S. union made cars.. You’ve done this here and I’ve even seen you pursue this mania in the comment threads at The Stranger.
Heh. As if all union members themselves would follow this advice.
Bottom line is we support unions and we will always support unions because most of us on the left bothered to read history and some economics. And we credit unions with the development of an expanded middle class in this country and setting the standard for wages – all of which the right wing HATES.
The Republicans you support want to DESTROY the power of public unions because they support Democrats. You seem to rant about your union supporting some Republicans like Dave Reichert. Fine. That’s your choice. Scott Walker gave a pass to the public safety unions in his state if I remember correctly. Gee I wonder why? Do we see a connection?
The Republicans you support want to make it harder for people to VOTE with draconian voter ID laws. And these are targeted at people like the elderly, the poor and students who tend to support government programs.
The Republicans you support want to cut the taxes of the wealthy and corporate supporters and then balance state budgets on the back of the poor and public workers and then keep their power by making it harder and harder for people to vote.
I’m sorry Rob McKenna will likely follow the lead of the Midwest Republican Governors because that’s what Republican funders want him to do. If Republicans can’t win elections, Republican funders will get Republicans who can. And “starving the beast” of the Democratic Party through ugly voter id laws and kneecapping the public unions seems to be their chosen path.
Nice bunch you run with.
Oops, @70, not @51. But you catch my drift, Fireman, I’m sure.
Why the fuck don’t you just admit that you hate poor people? After all, you wouldn’t be the only wingnut to be outed on that one.
“Nice bunch you run with”
As the guy is an obvious hater of the poor, I’d say he’s found the right crowd to run with.
You know what MISTER Fireguy…YOUR nice phat pension, YOUR job, YOUR 3500sq ft tri-level in Redmond and YOUR block-long pickup truck (with the IAFF sticker on the back window so people will actually thing you give a fuck)…ALL that shit is in jeopardy. Did you know that Police and Fire Departments DO NOT GENERATE REVENUE???
That means you are expendable, dude. Fuck man…wake up and smell the coffee…
mmmm.. This is pretty stupid.. The most socialist system there is outside of North Korea is the U.K’s and I don’t see the people over there demonstrating in the streets for adoption of the U.S. system. Name any other country – Canada, Japan, the Euros – any of them pointing to us as something they want to emulate?
The whole world (OECD countries at least) laughs at our system. They point to us and say they don’t want to be like us.
If the general health is better in those countries maybe it’s because more people have their skin in the game through the taxes they pay and they take preventative health care more seriously. Maybe they have high taxes on stuff like junk food and cigarettes and have real physical education programs in their schools.
Our favorite fireman has apparently never heard of triage.
Last week my sister, an oncology patient with chest pains, was admitted straight into Tacoma General’s ER and straight into a CT scanner. In my sister’s case THEY FOUND NOTHING WRONG. Repeat there was nothing wrong with my sister and there was no wait whatsoever.
All those “welfare freeloaders” in Tacoma’s Hilltop didn’t get in the way of my sister getting really fantastic care. Nobody dies dies in ER waiting rooms because a doctor is tied up with someone with nothing wrong with them. Triage, baby.
Having access to the regular healthcare system will reduce visits to the ER, will reduce, diabetes, will reduce heart disease. The facts on this aren’t hard to find, you just need to look. Plenty of studies have been done that show this. Studies done by real, live, doctors!
And finally, our favorite Fireman, why are you complaining? This is the job you chose to do. No one made you take the job. No one makes you show up for work every morning. You chose this. And if you chose to do something else there’d be 200 people lined up wanting to take your job. A buddy of mine applied for a job as a Seattle (or maybe it was King County) paramedic a couple months ago. There were around 200 other folks applying for that job. So, if you don’t like it leave. Plenty of other people would be happy to have your job.
YLB, pretty much, nailed it. No one else on the entire planet wants our system.
@77 It was quite the education for me to take part in the design of the triage rooms at the remodeled Swedish ER, working with the Docs and head nurse to make sure they got what they needed. The design process helped me to understand why they needed this or that.
“why are you complaining”
He comes off somewhat like Lostinaseaofblue, raging about poor people and their televisions. I can only conclude that there must be something about a poor person owning a TV that drives wingnuts batty. Lost was hung up on poor people and ER’s as well. Only Lost was telling us that poor people could use ER’s whereas Fireman hates them for it. Sigh! I figure these wingnuts are going to hate on the poor no matter what they do.
78 – Well no one in the OECD countries anyway.
Any country worse off than say Slovenia MIGHT consider our system a step up.
But they’d probably prefer to have the system the other OECD countries have.
Our Favorite Fireman also goes a little too far in claiming there was nothing wrong with these folks. That’s the ER’s job. My sister looked fine, but could have had blood clot. That where doctors and CT scans come in. And technically she turned out to be one of those people who went for an ambulance ride when there wasn’t anything wrong with them…
It’s really funny when people on DSHS and medicare come into the clinic my wife works at and spouts their right wing bullshit.
Ooops. Underhanded right wing vote suppression tactics in Walkerstan:
Another day, another right wing dirty trick.
Getting back to McKenna;
I saw the first part of the video, and he seems to be trying to hang his hat on the argument that it’s a “private conversation” which requires the consent of everyone present before recording can begin. He tells the cameraman that he hasn’t given his permission to be filmed, and then when the cameraman responds that he is a candidate, he responds that it is a private meeting. Perhaps realizing that’s a pretty week argument, he makes sure everyone in the room knows that they should protest that they haven’t given their permission to be recorded, and they start shouting so it can be clear on the tape that he is “recording” their voices.
There is no Washington law prohibiting videotaping of a person without their permission. But there is a law against making a voice recording of what is intended by the participants to be a private conversation. It was passed quite some time ago, mainly to avoid having one person record a phone conversation without the other being aware of it.
Of course, simply turning off the sound recording on the camera would have defeated the purpose of the recording. The real issue is whether it was a meeting open to the public, which was intended to include a private conversation, or whether it was a private, closed meeting where it was expected that there would be no privacy or revelation of it’s contents.
Here is where McKenna either doesn’t understand the law, or pretends to understand it differently than how it was written. Because he says the person can stay in the room, as long as he doesn’t record the conversation. Clearly, that goes against the idea that it is a private, closed event, or that there was any reasonable expectation of privacy among the participants. Therefore he wasn’t recording a private conversation, he was recording a public one – just as if McKenna were speaking on a soapbox on a street corner.
There’s no assumption of privacy in a public place. You can video tape people. There’s a rather weak argument that they were, in fact, in a private place. But, I’ve been in similar meetings held by the Gig Harbor Republicans where a Democrat with a camera showed up and was allowed to film.
No reason why he couldn’t have just shown up with a tape recorder in his pocket and not told anyone, either.