Good morning you lovelies (and some weirdos and jerks). I hope you’re doing well. I am probably going to be low-energy around here through August, but I will post open threads.
But good news! You can get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Congratulations to Kamala Harris, who continues to make history!
I’m sure she’ll pop right back up the moment she announces her candidacy for president.
[Edit: poll in the field June 16-20]
Racism should be costly.
@1 Her public approval ratings are better than yours. The only person here who gives you a positive rating is yourself.
Further evidence that Judge Cannon is incompetent and doesn’t know much about federal criminal procedure.
Since it’s not practical to get her off the bench, and she probably can’t be talked into resigning, she should be sent to judges’ school to learn the basics.
Kamala had 40 days to think up this response to her poor @ 1 polling numbers:
Not polled: how many people trust Kamala Harris.
Say, whatever happened to the mass protests against Trump’s latest indictment that he predicted? The only protest I hear is his own flapping jaw — and Lindsay Graham, Trump’s Bebe Rebozo.
Gee what happened to GLO-BULL Warming from teh repukes?
Oh have the oceans become a bit too hot like a fucking jacuzzi?
Wildfire smoke choking out too many drumpf butt kissers?
Extreme heat killing just a few too many magats in swing states like AZ? As if “teh wuhan” wasn’t bad enough..
Well whadayaknow… the repukes have been become a buncha tree huggers:
A TRILLION trees.. How nice.. Everyone loves trees.. Only it’ll take 3 Indias to plant all those trees and that won’t do shit to solve the problem..
Classic repuke misdirection to preserve the fossil fuel status quo. Drumpf will still babble about “clean” coal – cuz anything’s better than China’s coal burners. (rolls eyes)..
It’s very hard to say what might happen if enough of the right co-conspirators respond to Trump’s lawyer’s threats by agreeing to cooperate with the people and reveal their story about the fake electoral certificates.
What we do know based upon the documents already made public in last summer’s hearings is that key co-conspirators admitted freely that what they were doing was illegal. For example, while John Eastman seems to have remained consistent in his position that the Vice President was lawfully authorized to introduce substitute electoral certificates at the joint session, in several emails he circulated he also admitted that the certificates being prepared were unlawful, having not be prepared in accordance to state laws and having not ever been certified by the state legislatures. In the end, Eastman resolves this legal conflict in a patently unlawful and immoral way, by simply arguing that once “uncertainty” had been introduced into the formal Constitutional process of the Congress counting and certifying the state results (including of course the fraudulent certificates he was having prepared) then the President would be free to impose his own authority via the enormous power of the Executive branch to remain in office and turn the outcome over to compliant Republican officials in the states, using military force and violence as needed.
As those who have read it have seen, the recent indictment very closely follows most of the information already revealed by the House committee report last year. But a noteworthy exception might be the absence of the activities of lawmakers and their staffs on Jan 6th and in the days leading up to the procedure. The evidence presented in the House report shows involvement in the scheme. The scheme is now being prosecuted as an unlawful criminal fraud conspiracy.
Are current or former Republican House and Senate lawmakers, or their staff members also implicated in the underlying crimes?
The absence of any indictments of the six co-conspirators is a strong indication that the criminal investigation into this electoral certificate fraud scheme is still ongoing and very active. The complete absence of any mention of the roles that Republican House and Senate members and their staffs played in the implementation of that scheme may be an indication of what areas are still under investigation by the Special Counsel.
We support the Taliban! We love them!
Say, whatever happened to the mass protests..?
I guess we may discover that the self-sacrificing devotion as amply displayed by the Shit-Lord Crybaby’s is a rare thing among “aggrieved, economically and socially insecure, aging white men”.
How perfectly boring to learn that this Trump debasement is the true Hillbilly Elegy.
@ 8
A TRILLION trees.. How nice.. Everyone loves trees.. Only it’ll take 3 Indias to plant all those trees and that won’t do shit to solve the problem..
We had 2,800 conifers, mostly Doug fir, planted on our acreage about 15 years ago. They have grown so quickly that we are now beginning to thin them, for forest health. They average 18-20 feet but some of them are 30 feet tall. The tonnage is substantial, and that tonnage is generated from carbon extracted primarily from the atmosphere, as we don’t feed or water our trees (OK, I hand-carry water to the single redwood).
In addition I have planted 300 trees by hand here, all conifers except for about 40 Leyland cypress used to screen from neighboring properties.
Having seen first-hand how much carbon mass is converted from atmospheric CO2 to cellulose, Queen YLB, I strongly disagree that a global effort “won’t do shit”.
One other thing: If you hope to build in order to house the unhoused, what will you replace the trees cut down to accomplish that goal with, girlfriend?
Where’s the Recesssssssssssssssssikn!?
God damn it! Those Drag Queens!
Mere hours after appearing in court to represent Donald Trump in his latest criminal arraignment his lawyer, John Lauro, has already implicated himself in the scheme as a potential witness to criminal wrongdoing, which would disqualify him from further representing Trump.
Appearing as a guest on two right wing propaganda broadcasts last night, Lauro sought to explain his client’s criminal conduct, and in so doing declared personal, direct knowledge of Trump’s witting efforts to advance criminal conduct as described in the indictment.
In attempting to explain his client’s activities and in response to a prompting question from a right wing propaganda host, Lauro said:
“What President Trump said is, ‘Let’s go with option D. Let’s just halt, let’s just pause the voting and allow the state legislatures to take one last look and make a determination as to whether or not the elections were handled fairly.”
This statement describes an effort undertaken by John Eastman at then President Trump’s direction to pressure then Vice President Pence in the immediate aftermath of the attack on the joint session to unilaterally “adjourn” the joint session at his own personal discretion for a period of ten days. An action Eastman admitted in one email to Pence would be a “relatively minor violation” of the Electoral Count Act, the law that defines the procedures for certifying a presidential election.
Lauro’s public statement that his client took part in this admittedly illegal effort, which is listed in the indictment as a part of the conspiracy to defraud the United States, is admissible. As such he may be called as a witness to respond to direct questions from the prosecution into the basis for his public statement. He may not invoke attorney client privilege with respect to any personal, direct knowledge of his client having participated in a criminal act. And he may no longer be allowed to reresent that client once his own knowledge of those acts and his own personal legal interests may come into direct conflict with the legal interests of Donald Trump.
John Lauro is not a good lawyer. Not at all.
Hey Dumbfuck?
Do you ever let yourself imagine that there might actually come a full day when your whole fucking political world isn’t being used to wipe runny shit from Trump’s fat orange ass?
That would be nice for you, I bet. That might actually be nice for any “conservative”. It might give you a nice breather. A chance to stop constantly sifting through aging and obscure DICK PICS or meaningless HARRIS polls long enough to dream about big majestic trees swaying gently in the marine breezes blowing off the sound.
A legacy. Who doesn’t want that?
Yep. That would be nice I bet.
@9 “The scheme is now being prosecuted as an unlawful criminal fraud conspiracy.”
And not just by Jack Smith; state authorities are charging some of the fake electors.
@10 “We support the Taliban! We love them!” We want to emulate them!
@12 Get a load of the environmentalist who drags around a horse trailer with an F-250. Hey, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for planting trees, but it’s hard for me to believe you’re not waiting for them to reach logging size. You know, an investment. Meanwhile, I hope you’re not picking off the squirrels in their branches with a pellet gun.
@14 “Let’s just halt, let’s just pause the voting and allow the state legislatures to take one last look and make a determination as to whether or not the elections were handled fairly.”
Pause the voting. Allow legislatures to change the results. How is this not overturning the election and overthrowing democracy?
That sounds more like a guilty plea than a defense.
@ 14
Trump floated an option to take the country past a constitutionally mandated deadline.
Gore did the same thing, and even got the Florida Supreme Court to go along with it for awhile.
Neither were successful. Neither should have been successful.
@15 Assuming he’s telling the truth, it appears to me he’s managing his property as a tree farm. See #18 for details.
We had 2,800 conifers, mostly Doug fir, planted on our acreage about 15 years ago. They have grown so quickly that we are now beginning to thin them, for forest health.
Virtue signalling alert! Or is this just keeping librul wifey appeased?
Having seen first-hand how much carbon mass is converted from atmospheric CO2 to cellulose,
The scientists who study this “shit” for a living strongly disagree with head up its ass jerk like you…
In fact, a much smaller amount of acreage “planted” with renewables does a fuckton more.
Read the fucking article.
and try googling the water content of fresh green wood. Here I’ll do the heavy lifting for you:
I strongly disagree that a global effort “won’t do shit”.
Beating back desertification is noble but it won’t stop the planet from warming until we stop pouring fossil fuel shit into the air. It’s not only CO2. It’s methane from a fuckton of uncapped oil and gas wells, the melting of the methane calthrates, warming permafrost.. It’s probably already too late.
You head up your ass klownservatics are “fucked” in the end. The brutal armed to teeth survivors will kill you soon as look at you.
@20 “Gore did the same thing”
Bullshit. Gore never went outside the recount and legal challenge framework as Trump did, conceded, and ceased contesting the outcome before electors were to cast their votes.
@22 He’ll find out it’s too late when Whidbey Island is invaded by climate refugees and he has tent camps on his acreage. All those people in future uninhabitable zones will have to go somewhere.
Bryan Kohberger’s alibi is that he was out driving alone, as he was habitually wont to do, on the night of the murders.
I suppose this works if he has credit card receipts and surveillance footage showing him purchasing gas in Ritzville within 15 minutes, plus or minus, of the murders.
That happened to consist of a violation of a federal statute. A violation his attorney John Eastman admitted in writing on several occasions. And a violation that now has been said to have been directed by then President Trump according to his own lawyer right now.
These are not good facts, Dumbfuck. They are terrible facts. Offering irrelevant comparisons don’t help. And they can’t help him at trial. They can’t even be introduced.
But please make this thing you threaten happen. Please.
Please, oh pretty please with all the sugar and cream on it, see to it that Trump and his KlownKar of Lawyers fuck this thing up even more than they already are (in less than 24 hours) by pushing ahead with a “state of mind” defense based on his First Amendment rights.
That puts him on the stand. Genius!
Please make that happen. If you have any influence at all over that mob of scuttling cockroaches that run your political party and congregate around Trump, do that thing!
If you hope to build in order to house the unhoused, what will you replace the trees cut down to accomplish that goal with
So they can burn in Canada and choke out magats in the States. yeah right… good for the kids.. meanwhile drumpf wants to campaign on cleaner coal than China..
(rolls eyes)
Tesla down $5, Generac up $3, today fwiw.
@ 23
Bullshit. Gore never went outside the recount and legal challenge framework as Trump did…
You’re correct. Gore only wanted four counties recounted.
“Just plant trees.”
Because everybody has the acreage available to plant trees that the greedy racist incel has.
“They have no bread? Then let them eat cake.”
Plant trees? Aren’t conservatives the ones who vehemently hate zoning and land use regulations? I seem to remember a lot of them arguing it was their god given right to log their property and subdivide it into mcmansions.
CNN and MSNBC should just rename themselves to Trump 2024 TV1 and Trump 2024 TV2.
This dumb bitch.
Repeating irrelevant legal dipshittery is still dipshittery.
It will neither help Trump nor any of his likely soon to be indicted co-conspirators, the list of whom is only bound to grow over time.
Nor will it help with the electoral messaging, since the obfuscations and evasions you have now committed yourselves to will only highlight what is clearly understood to be a massive messaging liability for Trump, for the GOP, and for any GOP candidate who aligns with that message, which as you know is nearly all of them.
As the great man said, DO IT.
Do it loudly and often. Do it every day, twice a day. Go make a great noise in patriotically defending your Constitutional RIGHTS!!! to carry guns to the Capitol and plant pipe bombs.
That’s sure to be a big winner!
This is TFW your best hope of distracting from a state level forged electoral certificate fraud conspiracy is to remind voters of the time you painted your face and beat a cop to death while trying to assassinate your own Vice President.
@ 4
Further evidence that Judge Cannon is incompetent and doesn’t know much about federal criminal procedure.
Apparently Jack Smith left some stuff out of a filing. Using the Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit Instant Judgement rationale, Smith is incompetent and doesn’t know much about federal criminal procedure.
Cannon’s shortcomings were on prior cases. Smith’s was on this one.
Credit card debt in the US is now more than $1 trillion, a record. It’s $193 billion higher than at the start of the year. So says the St. Louis Fed.
Delinquencies rising, too. Particularly among younger borrowers. You know, the Queen YLB’s fucked kids crowd.
People with maxed-out credit cards can’t afford to buy Generac products, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
And hey, student loan repayments are about to start.
Another 187,000 non farm jobs for July.
Unemployment inched downward another tenth of a point from June.
Apparently Jack Smith left some stuff out of a filing.
@ 36
Revised downward: New jobs claims for every month in 2023.
Oh, and about that plus 187K number, QoS McHillbilly? They’re all part-time jobs. BLS reported that the number of full-time jobs fell in July, by 585,000.
So a bunch of FT jobs went bye-bye and were replaced by PT jobs. That’s a buncha people working multiple jobs to feed themselves. That also explains @ 35.
@ 37
Someone asked me to show my work. ’cause I never show my work.
Jack Smith Admits Mistake in Trump Mar-a-Lago Tapes
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, simple errors do not equate to incompetence. What Smith left out can probably be easily remedied. Unless it can’t, in which case the claims that he blew his case that I haven’t read because I think they’re silly maybe I should read. But I think they’re silly.
Silly as are Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s blanket bloviations.
FYI, disco is not a filing before the court and does not take that form.
A prosecutor is obliged to keep the court well informed about production of discovery. Discovery in a case involving hundreds of highly classified defense secrets was, and is acknowledged by the court to be a complex process, involving a very painstaking effort by the government to take special care not to further imperil national security in the process.
Informing the court that a portion of that discovery that was previously withheld, and having gone through further, additional review, is now being released to the defense can certainly be described as a mistake if you prefer. But it is not a mistake in a filing before the court, which would have to be corrected with an amended filing to the court, not by a letter. And once again, given the nature of the material being produced, and the required process agreed upon by the judge and the defense, this was well expected, and the timely production and letter to the court informing it of that production entirely routine.
Find yourself some better whaddabout. Then go fuck a lake.
Cannon’s fuckup is going to put a serial kid rapist on the street you ghoulish piece of shit. Ken Polite can’t say so. Nobody at DOJ can. They will have to deal with that incompetent moron for decades to come. Making her angry won’t fix her mistake and it can only make it harder for them to do their jobs in the future.
@ 4, 34, 37, 39
How this works is that some partisan detects an error, real or imagined, by a trial participant. Said partisan finds a similarly partisan “expert” to opine that the error taints all preceding and succeeding trial-related events and represents nothing short of incompetence.
The exchange is published in a partisan rag of some sort.
Then bloviating partisans like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit parrot it on partisan sites such as this one because intellectually inferior partisans like Queen YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron are sure to run with it, because that’s all they know how to do.
That’s how this works.
See @ 38
@ 40
Then go fuck a lake.
Howz about I just aquadump in your lake, McHillbilly?
DeSantis doesn’t just run a fascist administration; he runs a corrupt administration.
“A Texas man who threatened two Arizona officials and their children and who called for polls workers to die in a mass shooting has been sentenced to prison, the Associated Press reported. Frederick Francis Goltz, 52, was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in federal prison on Friday.”
It’s not enough. The court’s priority should be keeping those innocent election workers and their families safe from this man. He shouldn’t be released until he’s too old and feeble to harm anyone.
Oh goody gum drops.
Fucking up your one job so badly that you force a dedicated career prosecutor of child fuckers to let a bad guy get out of prison sooner IS JUST SO MUCH POLITICS.
This is some kind of new, nihilistic low point.
I wonder if a miserable troll ever pauses to consider what that kind of work must be like?
Sadly enough, it’s still very necessary work. But in case y’all did not know it, in order to complete these investigations and prepare those cases for trial, these people have to go through all of it. Every single goddamn image and video. Painstakingly. Attentively. Some of those are living victims. They need to be identified, and located, and hopefully rescued. That’s the real work, not Jim Cavaziel’s white hero fantasy.
Do you want to know what they have to look at?
You really don’t. I absolutely promise you. Tens of thousands of images. Hundreds and even thousands of hours of video.
Everyone involved has to volunteer and nobody comes out of it without being ruined in some way.
It’s not “just so much politics”. I can only barely stand to write this response. But I moved beyond anger about that shit a long time ago. All I know is that so far as I’m concerned there is just nothing on earth and nothing in human experience that is more fundamentally evil. And those prosecutors and investigators have to wade right on into it every day of their lives for as long as they can take it.
So Judge Cannon’s fuckup was very real, and very, very significant.
Noticing it is not “just so much politics”.
We need to notice it. So we all can then understand why it is so important to appoint better judges than Trump and the Fed Soc Republicans did. These mistakes ruin lives. And they will continue to ruin lives for decades to come.
@35 Not-quite-so-dumbfuck-anymore sez, “People with maxed-out credit cards can’t afford to buy Generac products, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Just yesterday you posted, “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is now praying for hurricanes to devastate people with brown and black skin this summer, because then generator sales might tick up a bit.” (Wednesday Open Thread @98)
You must’ve read my reply @126: “It takes a real idiot to argue that black and brown people in places like Florida and Texas are Generac’s customers.”
@39 “What Smith left out can probably be easily remedied.”
Empaneling a jury behind closed doors can be remedied, too — by throwing out the verdict and ordering a new trial.
@42 Do we need to remind you again that Babylon Bee is a SATIRE website?
@40 “They will have to deal with that incompetent moron for decades to come.”
Can’t they just affidavit her? I know it’s not nice, and might have some repercussions, but it would save them a lot of wasted work, heartache, and grief. Most importantly, it would protect the public from her incompetence.
Heh.. the “intellectual giant” shit-stain of widbee just the other day entertained us with Tim Scott’s “home state”…
heh.. one for the ages..
yawwn.. a poor onion wannabe that has distinguished itself by spreading its ass cheeks wide for elmo musk..
no wonder it’s so popular w/ teh shit-stain of widbee..
Delinquencies rising, too. Particularly among younger borrowers.
Neither of my sons have any debt: student, credit card, etc..
The youngest is about to take on professional school debt but he’s serious about his chosen field and besides, pslf, (a Dumbya Bush instituted program), has been known to forgive a shit ton of that after 120 on time payments working a public service or non profit job.
Check out all the smiley letters:
For that to be operable they’d really need to add more judges to these districts. And for that we have to win back the House and replace Sinema with a Democrat.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus – the STD that is real chummy!
Hubbba, Hubbba, Hubbba!
Ladies! You know the #! Call 1-666-YOU-DEAD! The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus got you again. It’s the virus that keep on giving death! No anti-viral drug because Heterosexual Neanderthal can’t be stopped. You ladies letting the Hetero Men groom you to death.
Bitches be dumb! The Kids! The Kids! Grammy where did Mommy and Daddy go. Probably to hell!
This Heterosexual Neanderthal STD not only comes with death but a scent of a man!
Bitches be dumb again. Groomed by the Heterosexual Neanderthal. Puffy’s kind! Puffy aint go non-Neanderthals in his house….they all be Neanderthal Heteros. Hi Puffy! (waving).
Here’s a passive aggressive death by the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Lady fainted due to the stench of the Heterosexual man.
#TheDeath ….. not #TheDress
The Heterosexual Virus strikes again! Not often enough!
Bloddy Bleeding Bodies!
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus leave being the Bride and daughter……Ladies, Ladies, Ladies, what the fuck, are you stupid?
S.F. voters approve a tax on vacant residential units
With the passage of Prop. M property owners will have to pay tax on units that are vacant for six months or more. The tax would be applied to buildings with three or more units, if the units in question had been vacant for more than 182 days.
Prop. M will “address the practice of speculators and institutional investors using housing in San Francisco as mere vehicles for maximizing profits, rather than places where people can live”
The only jobs that exist are low pay trash jobs no one wants.
“There’s growing evidence that ghost job openings are becoming more common. Companies leave job postings up but they only want to hire people with an advanced degree and 20 years experience while paying them 30% below market value. Since that guy doesn’t exist, they choose to just overwork their current staff, until the wheels start to fall off and they have to scramble to find someone asap.”
>> One view of the job market.
Credit card debt in the US is now more than $1 trillion.
A bunch of people are going to learn money management, the hard way. A bunch of banks are going going to strongly less profitable after the bankruptcies. Unless the government bails the too big fail banks out.
“We’re not imperial”: Elena Kagan contradicts Alito, says “of course Congress can regulate” SCOTUS
— “It just can’t be that the court is the only institution that somehow is not subject to checks and balances”
“It’s not illegal when a conservative Supreme Court Justice does it.”
“When you’re a conservative Supreme Court Justice, they let you do it”
“Grab them by their human rights. You can do anything.”
-Alito probably /s
@62 All bosses are worker-exploiting assholes. When morale goes to shit they bring in a consultant and make the workers sit through a seminar, the essence of which is “the beatings will continue until morale improves.” (These seminars are all the same.) People stay because they have to make rent, but they don’t give a damn about their work and do the minimum. Eventually they suffer burnout and have to be carried out in a straitjacket. All of this, along with the silly games that recruiters play in job interviews and the nightmare commutes, can be avoided by becoming a capitalist and owning a piece of the company instead of working for it. Then you’re the boss’s boss!
Everybody should be a capitalist. After all, we’re a capitalist country, and capitalists get special privileges that workers can’t even dream about. Working is the worst, and most heavily taxed, way of getting money there is. Nobody should work. Then there’d be no reason to think about job listings or the unemployment rate. Look at me, I don’t do a lickspittle of work, yet I live far more comfortably than those poor wage slaves. So does Doctor Dumbfuck, he knows what I mean.
Credit card debt in the US is now more than $1 trillion.
What do you suppose the odds are these are the very same “aggrieved, economically and socially insecure, frustrated white men” who pulled $150k worth of paper value out of their Kentucky shit boxes only to wind up underwater in 2009?
It only took them ten years and The Biden Economic Miracle to restore their unwarranted self-confidence.
Go Woke, Go Broke!
In cruising to a third straight #1 performance at the box office, the movie the Right was determined to kill surpassed $1B in box office revenue.
Meanwhile we’re up to three financial backers of the fictional story of a real man who never really did save many trafficked kids but put out press releases about kids he had no role in getting implicated for sex crimes involving kids.
The small echo chamber of the right wing is still sucking each others dicks about that movie.