I had heard conservative whinging about graffiti in Seattle being legal. And as always it’s fucking garbage. Seattle Police have to be shamed into investigating adult rape, but they have time to make a case against people who wrote “BLM” in chalk? Chalk. Chalk.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Ah, the last trading day before the year’s second-largest options expiration.
I wonder if Queen YLB’s fucked kids checked their portfolios this morning, before heading off to work so that they can pay for my Social Security when I go on the dole later this year.
The markets and government operations are closed Monday in observance of Cesar Chavez’ life and accomplishments.
Grievance fueled, functionally redundant, socially discarded Republican voters are are much worse off with Trump as the criminally indicted master of their political fate.
And that fact will not change until Trump is finally imprisoned.
Which will probably be at least two election cycles into the future.
my Social Security when I go on the dole later this year.
A LOW 4 FIGURE ONCE A MONTH SS check LOWERED by its greed side gigs..
And oooh a klownservatic on the dole. Bonzo would beam.. What’s next for kreepshit? EBT?
So kreepshit what will ya do with your LOW 4 FIGURE ONCE A MONTH SS check funds?
Send your “grandkids” to thug training? So they can “kick the living shit” out of people YOU HATE. that training shit costs.. heh.
Pop pop’s knees are too weak these days. So the spawn has to take up the slack.. yawwwwwn..
We’d be better of if Trump had been re-elected.
Waldo? Godot? Hoffa?
So you’re telling me you pinning all your hopes and dreams on a guy none of you have seen since…Trump was in office?
Go Fuck yourself, Ron. All the kids in our state don’t get to go to an Ivy unless they learn this stuff.
Yep. it’s that devil music. That’s what’s making the kids turn against us. They’re voting Democrat because they believe Love is a Battlefield.
“I don’t think Senate Democrats, if you had video of Joe Biden murdering children dressed as the devil under a full moon while singing Pat Benatar, they still wouldn’t vote to convict.”
@ 8
The College Board responded Thursday with a defiant letter stating that “we will not modify our courses to accommodate restrictions teaching essential, college-level topics.”
Is that so?
The College Board Strips Down Its A.P. Curriculum for African American Studies
The official course looks different from a previous draft: No more critical race theory, and the study of contemporary topics — like Black Lives Matter — is optional.
Well look who’s defunding the police?
Among De Fascist’s line item vetoes in the Florida budget.
Seminole County Sheriff’s Office Computer Aided Dispatch System, upgrades to improve emergency responses: $300,000
Community, Cops, Courts & State Attorney Violent Crime Intervention/Seminole County, initiative to reduce gun violence: $492,411
@ 9
It’s not the music. It’s the evil behavior of a trollop who incestuously married her guitarist.
Do you suppose maybe they are a little bit desperate for ANY distractions right now?
You’re a weird little freak.
Also, married 40+ years.
If we hold up bic lighters do you suppose they’ll play “Party of Family Values”? That’s a total banger.
@ 13
What he said is basically the same thing as what Trump said about shooting someone on the street and not facing consequences.
That would be the same Trump currently facing consequences.
Since the distant historic times of the Prophet Newt, one of the key orthodoxies of modern “conservatism” has always been “Never believe your own bullshit”.
Whether it’s braying to the hooting masses about “tan suits” or “sock drawers” the key to the grift has always been the watchword of every great confidence peddler: never get taken in by your own con. The true masters are fluid and nimble, ready to shift the narrative at a moment’s notice. They have no underlying beliefs and no sense of sunk cost in any claim. The moment any particular lie or ruse ceases to be effective in motivating the marks it is discarded entirely and a new lie replaces it. That talent for jazz-like improvisation in real time, without any real commitment to any particular idea or theme, is what enables the talented con artist to keep their marks on the hook and keep their marks moving toward their intended goal.
Perhaps the greatest transformation of modern “conservatism” that Donald J. Trump has enacted since he truly entered “conservative” politics in 2015, only eight years ago, was to discard that vital orthodoxy of the successful con. This is not uncommon for a “salesperson” like Trump. Many gifted salespeople accomplish what they can by becoming “true believers”. But that is what distinguishes the gifted salesperson from the gifted marketer in conventional business. The talented marketer is never wedded to any idea or even to any brand identity. They are always ready to replace “Tab” with “Diet Coke” with “Coke Zero”. And they never believe any of the claims they create along the way. All they care about is what works.
But it is this transformation, and this willful discarding of the core orthodoxy of the con artist, central to the charismatic form of populism that Trump now represents, that is methodically destroying the appeal and the effectiveness of modern “conservatism”. To a rapidly growing extent now the movement followers, and thus by extension their leadership, are adopting the beliefs encompassed by the grift, and refusing any effort to revise or transform away from those beliefs. Trump himself defines the required orientation necessary to be considered part of the modern “conservative” in-group. Full recognition and approval can only be achieved by openly embracing the toxic lies and incorporating them into an individual’s identity. For most that means becoming a true believer, even if they know that these toxic lies will ultimately deny them opportunity and advancement.
It is becoming a nationwide branding operation guided exclusively by “true believer” salespeople with absolutely no marketers behind the scenes guiding the operation. It’s “New Coke” run amok. Even the dimly viable alternatives, like Fat Midget, embrace the essential toxic lies. Though in doing so they hope to distract by focusing attention on other lies they hope will be less toxic. But the problem they face is that once the mass of support have shifted away from the central orthodoxy of any good con – that the claims are “fluid” and guided mostly by enduring underlying “truths” – those supporters become fixated upon accountability. Alternative peddlers of the con, even if they are not victim to their own lies, find themselves struggling to pivot away from the lies that don’t work into new lies that hopefully work better. Fat Midget, for example, now finds himself held captive by his rigid positions toward Disney and undocumented workers in his state. He’s unable to pivot away from these positions by the demands for accountability by how own carefully cultivated populist support, both inside Florida, but now also nationwide. He’s stuck with these lies, even if he himself doesn’t believe them.
Populism itself, of course, has always relied heavily upon this kind of rigid accountability. The greatest weakness and vulnerability of populist movements has always been this insistence upon rigid accountability and consistency that forbids the evolution of policy or messaging. The populist appeal that Trump brought to the GOP and to “conservatism” simultaneously cripples the party and the ideology by preventing the development of more nuanced, favorable, and popular views. And it’s this general development and populist transformation of “conservatism” more than almost anything else that will doom these groups and movements to future defined by public failure, unless they can succeed in establishing a more aggressive form of minority control over public and private institutions.
Knowing this, and keeping it always in mind, therefore imposes upon Democrats and other progressives a duty to focus first on resisting those “conservative” efforts to impose or extend minority control. Everything else depends upon that. Every other goal or objective, and every other constituency or interest, follows from the imperative that the efforts of Republicans to impose expanded authoritarian minority rule be turned back and defeated.
Absolutely zero so far from any living Republican. Nor any on the horizon. Including this sad, pathetic troll apologizing for Donald J. Trump and begging for our sympathy.
Grovel more now, please.
@ 16
When God gave it to Moses he limited himself to two tablets.
You must think you have more to share with the world than God. Whatever you’re thinking, rethink it.
@ 17
Absolutely zero so far from any living Republican.
I see. It’s not enough that Romney voted to convict. He should have pulled a Glock from his magic underwear and shot Trump, too.
Although if your argument is that Romney isn’t a Republican, I do see your point.
Is showing classified real world defense department battle plans to toilet cleaners and drunken wedding guests a dangerous thing?
Would it really have “consequences”?
Battle plans like these, under the right circumstances, become battle orders. They contain the general, but nevertheless detailed tactical elements that would certainly enable an enemy combatant force to slaughter thousand of U.S. and allied fighters. This is why these things are classified in the way that they are. For active duty service members this is true nightmare fuel.
Maneuver warfare is what enables a battle commander with inferior force numbers, but with superior arms, technology, and supporting fire and infrastructure to destabilize and defeat a superior force. It is a core principle of the modern U.S. military force capability.
But one of the things it most depends upon is absolute tactical security. Plans, force deployments, movements, and objectives absolutely can not be displayed to the enemy until they are activated. At ground level, what this often means is that many, and sometimes even a majority of the individual force units, in whatever role they may be in the battle, are actually not being deployed or utilized in pursuit of the planned objectives. But their deployment and engagement is still crucial to the plan.
The stuff Trump stored stacked in wet boxes next to his spare bathroom is just this kind of modern, maneuver warfare plan. And if it were to become compromised in this way without the knowledge of the commanding authorities, then relying upon such plans in any future conflict would almost certainly result in disaster for the forces engaged in that conflict.
The facts of this case don’t support a criminal charge of treason.
But the potential outcome of Trump’s recklessly criminal conduct is absolutely treasonous.
Gotta watch out for the groomers.
Analysis: Biden won’t win in 2024 as expected, either.
Analysis: Biden’s IRA climate bill won’t cut deficit as expected
https://www.reuters.com/world/us/bidens-ira-climate-bill-wont-cut-deficit-expected-2023-06-16/?taid=648c825d2738ab000102e8a8&utm_campaign=trueAnthem: Trending Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter
I wonder if Queen YLB’s fucked kids were counting on that deficit reduction. Gee, I certainly hope so.
Me? I blame Joe Manchin. So does 75% of West Virginia.
Underestimating Tesla these past seven months hasn’t gone well for QoS McHillbilly or Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Conversely, buying just before the trough has gone very, very well for me. And to the dude who paid me two grand for my willingness to purchase TSLA at $145/share, I would like to say that I remain willing to honor that purchase price until 4:00 PM EST today, when our contract expires.
Yes, but so much of that money flows to Tesla, that it’s a net benefit to me as a shareholder, while Queen YLB’s fucked kids will foot the bill for it.
2023 has gone well so far. Hey, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, how has 2023 treated your ownership of Citigroup, AT&T, and 3M shares?
What would be perhaps not “enough”, but at least a start, would be for Republicans to finally, after all this time, and so much compounded toxic self-harm, and harm to the nation, admit that Trump lost in a fair and well administered general election.
All they really need is 48 more Romneys and about 60 million fewer “fat grandmothers”.
Not holding my breath here.
Citing nothing more than “allegations” of fictional election “irregularities” Senator Ted Cruz introduced legislation to entirely suspend the electoral count vote, set aside the individually state certified votes, and turn the election over to a politically appointed “commission”, for the specific purpose of disenfranchising tens of millions of voters in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Colorado, and Nevada.
There have been no “consequences” for that either, at least not among any living Republicans.
Give this another 17 months and Democrats will be blaming their 2024 presidential loss on Fauci in the same way that Democrats blamed their 2016 loss on Bernie.
FDA advisors raise doubts about seasonal updates to Covid vaccines as with flu shots
@ 23
There have been no “consequences” for that either.
I’m still working on my Spanish. Still got a year.
I know what beer I’ll be drinking on Monday’s Cesar Chavez federal holiday.
See what can be accomplished when teachers don’t have to waste their collective time on the likes of younger versions of Queen YLB’s fucked kids?
Crime in San Francisco is so awful that it has forced the Oakland A’s to move to Las Vegas.
Not a good look, Governor Newsom.
AntiVAX is not a core orthodoxy of the “normies” Republicans must persuade if they are to have any hope of pulling back from the brink.
Regular, fairly disengaged voters intensely disliked COVID closures and other public health restrictions. It remains abundantly clear that the methods and concepts of public health response to a fatal pandemic virus are not well understood or appreciated by many/most casual voters. And it can even be fairly stated that some significant portion of the support/opposition to these measures among partisan voters are motivated more by their own partisanship than by any understanding of public health, despite “doing their own research”.
But within the general population, and to that extent among casual voters, the data are clear that they support voluntary vaccination programs to control contagious diseases. It is only among a narrow subset of ultra MAGA, Qanon affiliated, or magic crystal worshipers that this opposition to voluntary vaccination seems to take root and fester, despite even the best efforts of grift hustling shitheads like Robert Kennedy Jr.
If the FDA recommends annual COVID shots to accompany annual flu shots these voters will role up their sleeves, or not, just like they already do. What they won’t do is decide somehow to vote for Rootin’ Tootin’ Gun-Tottin’ Backpages Barbie because “The Derp State is trying to plant genetic markers in me so they can watch me go to the bathroom”.
That’s just ridiculous on its face.
But the absurdity of the claim does go a long way to illustrate my point about how acceptance and internal incorporation of belief in the underlying toxic lies is not really a choice for “conservatives” now. This troll really actually believes this nonsense. As do a surprising percentage of ardent partisan Republicans. They are victims of their own con.
Too many “g’s” in “whinging,” Carl.
MPD just got a bad report card, but any Minneapolis cop who doesn’t like MPD’s new rules of engagement can easily find employment in DeSantis’s Florida where racism, chokeholds, and beating kids unconscious for writing on sidewalks with chalk is not only accepted but encouraged.
@8 That sure does look like a “go fuck yourselves” letter. From here, this road will take many twists and turns, but at its end Florida schools will lose accreditation, their diplomas will not be recognized outside Florida, and Florida graduates won’t be eligible for admission to any colleges except Florida’s and private Christian madrasses.
It’s valid spelling, originally colloquial British:
I haven’t read the decision, by I’ve read highly qualified analysis that offered the perspective that as enacted the statute would have granted discretion to police officers to make an arrest of a child doing chalk art on street pavement.
So I can see how more than just a few federal judges would object to classifying an offense that encompasses such conduct as a gross misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail.
@9 Right now GOP House members are struggling to come up with video of Joe Biden taking a $5 million bribe from a foreign national.
@15 “Trump currently facing consequences” has the entire Republican Party gasping “we can’t breathe!”
If we just began formally referring to Queen YLB as a dumb cunt and stopped funding the programs that allow her to continue being a dumb cunt, look how much we’d save:
Conservative caucus model budget takes aim at ‘woke’ policies, slashes spending by $16.3T
Or, we could just keep handing money @ 22 to Elon Musk and his shareholders. Either way works for me.
@ 36
“Trump currently facing consequences” has the entire Republican Party gasping “we can’t breathe!”
Hoopin’ fentanyl to a fatal bloodstream level had George Floyd sayin’ the same thing.
Crime in San Francisco is so awful that it has forced the Oakland A’s to move to Las Vegas.
And the Golden State Warriors to move to San Francisco..
Perhaps they should have considered St. Louis? It’s only the most violent city in the country but with Misery having 2 repuke U.S. Senators it’s bound to turn around per teh kreepshit.
@16 “Every other goal or objective, and every other constituency or interest, follows from the imperative that the efforts of Republicans to impose expanded authoritarian minority rule be turned back and defeated.”
Can’t we just kill them all? That would greatly simplify things. No, I guess not, because that would turn us into them. So we have to fight at ballot boxes and in the courts, even though that’s not how they fight.
See what can be accomplished when teachers don’t have to waste their collective time on the likes of
kreepshit’s “grandkids”.. why waste time on book learnin’. pop pop wants em’ to be thugs in teh deathsatanist youth..
kickin’ the livin’ shit.. that’s kreepshit’s “grandkids”…
@18 Oh hey, lookit the tough guy beating up Elijah with a YouTube movie clip! Next, he’s gonna kneecap Elijah with a spaghetti noodle truncheon.
@ 42
.. why waste time on book learnin’. pop pop wants em’ to be thugs in teh deathsatanist youth..
If Seattle continues its current trend, “pop pop” will be the last thing Queen YLB’s oldest hears.
At least it will be according to the consequences of votes Queen YLB cast.
Call it Bidenflation’s de facto noncompete:
Most homeowners already have mortgage rates below 6 percent, prompting them to stay put
It’s a bonus to the employer if the workers can’t afford to move.
@19 “Although if your argument is that Romney isn’t a Republican, I do see your point.”
If Republicans don’t think he’s a Republican, can we go by that?
@20 “Maneuver warfare is what enables a battle commander with inferior force numbers, but with superior arms, technology, and supporting fire and infrastructure to destabilize and defeat a superior force.”
Don’t forget troop morale.
“And if it were to become compromised in this way without the knowledge of the commanding authorities, then relying upon such plans in any future conflict would almost certainly result in disaster for the forces engaged in that conflict.”
And if it does come to their attention it’s been compromised, they have to change the whole fucking battle plan, and to an inferior version assuming they picked the best one in first instance.
If Seattle continues its current trend…
Orders of magnitude safer than St. Louis, Little Rock and Memphis on their best days.. yawn..
The other day kreepshit whined about a judge allowing chalk graffiti.. sad ignorant kreepshit, moldering in widbee..
Conservative caucus model budget takes aim at ‘woke’ policies, slashes spending by $16.3T
Creature of the RSC.. From the same article:
The RSC budget has traditionally received a vote in a GOP-controlled House, though it has failed in the past due to lack of GOP support.
Translation: too kooky for the heretofore typical repuke.. but it gives degen kreepshits moldering in backwaters like widbee lotsa hope.
If Seattle continues its current trend, “pop pop” will be the last thing…
kreepshit’s “grandkids” hear before being arrested by SPD for murder – or the FBI for terrorism..
“but officer, I was just cleaning out my AR-15.. I swear I didn’t mean to kill that woke person. Tell him Pop pop!”
I showed up in court and they didn’t take me away in handcuffs so we’re all done here and I’m totally exonerated.
They were my boxes.
Clinton had socks. I don’t know if they were Argyle but this Fitton guy told me to bring it up.
It must be admitted that Republicans are doing a damn fine job of this without anyone’s help.
Honestly, I’m quite content to let the fuckwad’s weird responses like this one speak for themselves.
Worshipful reference to an overtly aggrieved, violent fantasy character speaks volumes. Not only because it shows the freak is triggered, but because it leaves him unable to go anywhere with all those “FEEELS” except to retreat into dark, violent fantasies.
Losing and feeling powerless to stop it will do that.
@ 45
If Republicans don’t think he’s a Republican, can we go by that?
Why not? After all, for the last two election cycles Democrats chose to ignore the reality that Bernie’s a socialist.
Troop morale is one of the bigger obstacles to maneuver warfare.
Because so much is being done that is either unrelated to or merely ancillary to the identified objectives, and because a lot of the time the real identified objectives are never communicated to the unit level. It requires lots of unit discipline and an esprit de corps that arises from that sense of discipline and duty. Superior unit commanders manage to master those aspects of unit development.
So obviously a CIC who shits all over that in this particular way is corrosive as fuck, even if these disclosed classified battle plans are never implemented. And even the most talented unit commanders can face insurmountable challenges motivating personnel to aggressively pursue seemingly unrelated or even nonsensical objectives when Republicans at home are constantly appearing in front of television cameras and in their social media channels farting and mocking them for lulz.
@ 48
Translation: too kooky for the heretofore typical…
But $6 trillion in the original BBB inception wasn’t kooky at all. Not to an unserious twat like HA’s Queen YLB, anyway.
Roll Call, 2022:
His bigger problem is that Democrats who outnumber Republicans embraced it. Beer drunk and sunburned, yet another Republican dimly awakens to discover for a brief moment how far he has drifted from the shore.
Daniel Ellsberg, who had terminal cancer, has died at age 92.
“The Pentagon Papers ― a highly classified study on U.S. conduct in Vietnam that Ellsberg helped work on ― revealed that multiple U.S. presidents had lied to both Congress and the American people about circumstances regarding the Vietnam War. The documents Ellsberg leaked showed that U.S. authorities had long known American forces had no chance of winning in Vietnam.
“Ellsberg … was charged under the Espionage Act and faced a potential 115 years behind bars for his actions. But due to governmental misconduct and illegal evidence-gathering in his case, he evaded punishment.”
Shorter version: He wasn’t prosecuted by a Jack Smith.
In college I can remember talking to other seemingly like-minded students about Socialism and what it really means. And often coming away with a sense from them of what was probably a prevalent view among many progressives in the years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The failure of the USSR seemed to have ratified some idea that “socialism” was a failure. And even if you probed someone’s policy preferences to discover that they were broadly supportive of socialism and socialist policies enacted within the framework of a broadly democratic, constitutional republic, they had a strong aversion to using that term with respect to those policies.
Now among the same cohort of college educated voters and non-voters alike there is a remarkable level of comfort that has developed with the term. People, especially those under 40 who had limited exposure to some of the post-Soviet propaganda and spin, are surprisingly comfortable with openly describing the policy goals and objectives they prefer as “socialist”. It probably doesn’t hurt at all that the same generation of voters are far more likely to have spent time traveling, studying, serving in the military and living in a modern European socialist democracy, and often experienced a real profound sense of admiration and even jealousy for the things they saw and experienced. Any young person, curious about the world, and eager for adventure and new experiences could not do a whole lot better than a two year billet in Naples with the whole of Europe laid out before them on the digital display over a high speed train platform. Greater freedoms, greater opportunities, easier access to services, better services, a younger, healthier, more worldly population, and evidently higher standards of living with less sacrifice and richer personal lives.
How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm after they’ve seen universal basic income from the $45 window seat of a luxury bullet train?
You used the word socialist like it was a bad thing.
Oh that’s right, conservatives feel socialism is bad when other people get help.
If unfettered Capitalism worked, nobody would be interested in socialism.
More shootings and more dead people…this time in North Seattle.
such a great place to raise a family!
Yo YLB, have they let the kids back into Garfield yet? You know its a bad place to live when they dont even let the kids go to high school because of all the shootings…lmfao.
You voted for it! Seattle-style progressivism at its finest
Give the richest even more money, you say is good, and you say infrastructure and economic proposals are bad.
Really, why have you not moved to Somalia yet. It seems like a utopia you want. The rich have all the money, and there is no infrastructure, or health care.
More shootings and more dead people…
In Memphis TN!
Seattle doesn’t even rank… Life is so poor for little max whipple now that it can’t stream Dori…
It’s not progressive policies that are causing crime. Police Chief Adrian Diaz said part of Seattle’s crime issues can be attributed to drugs and gang violence.
People turn to drugs and gangs and violence when following the rules of society fails them. When they can’t get jobs that pay a living wage. When they cannot afford a house or rent. When law and order doesn’t work for them. Unregulated Capitalism is causing all of this. That doesn’t fit conservatives narrative, to admit their policies are the problem.
It probably doesn’t hurt at all that the same generation of voters are far more likely to have spent time traveling, studying, serving in the military and living in a modern European socialist democracy, and often experienced a real profound sense of admiration and even jealousy for the things they saw and experienced.
In my view, the better term is “social democracy”.. Some of the Euro states have their right wingers too and that tends towards mainly anti-immigration over the American disease of “don’t tax me!”, “ban abortion!” and “guuuuuunnnns….”
The Euro states do have their communists and socialists but to my knowledge they’ve never held all that much sway there. A larger influence to be sure but they don’t predominate.
But $6 trillion in the original BBB inception wasn’t kooky at all.
Now it changes the subject once its lax reading of the article was exposed. yawwwnn…
Socialism, communism and fascism all have one thing in common: the people in power have no qualms about using deadly force against the populace for their authoritarian ideologies.
such a great place to raise a family!
Raised two college graduates here. Both still live and work here.
Youngest just scored in the high 90th percentile on a professional school entrance exam.
Love to name the profession but we’re waiting to rub it in the faces of the degen trolls here.
the people in power have no qualms about using deadly force against the populace for their authoritarian ideologies.
Yeah, see Chile under Pinochet. Lots of other similar examples.
I remember when the National Review wrote puff pieces about the Pinochet regime.
Florida, which has a massive teacher shortage, is down to replacing “traditional” teachers with second-careerists, and this is what they get: “Teacher fired after putting up display that compared students’ skin tones to coffee.”
Honestly, I think it’s parental malpractice to raise children in Florida.
@58 @59 It’s important to understand Republicans use language flexibly. “Communism,” “socialism,” and “woke” all mean the same: Anything Republicans don’t like. Their word choice depends on whichever terminology they think will trigger their base the most.
I’m not at all bothered by the word socialism. It has a well proven track record of success. And one thing you won’t find among European “right wingers” is anyone willing to abandon single payer, public education through undergraduate, substantial and very effective investments in public infrastructure like transportation, housing, recreation, and culture, or very high quality services for seniors and young children. There is just no real debate about these kinds of things. Which places the average European “right winger” far to the left of Bernie in nearly every respect.
Whatever you call it, it works. It has worked for a long time. And they are all very, very happy with it and have no real great desire to change any of it.
Comment posted in the very same thread where it ardently defends a party candidate who has promised to deploy active duty troops into our communities to “restore order” and to seized control of elections away from local and state governments and place them under his exclusive control.
Warning us about the same thing it is threatening us with.
Trump very plainly committed enormously serious crimes against the United States and its people. He still has his freedom. He still has all his access to all his money. He still has his 757. He still has his magical black passport. He’s still abroad in the land shouting spittle-flecked lies. Just like this troll.
I guess that makes us either the worst “tyrants” in history or very good democrats. I’ll let the voters decide.
@67 “Socialism, communism and fascism all have one thing in common: the people in power have no qualms about using deadly force against the populace for their authoritarian ideologies.”
That’s true of the Romans, Mongols, Crusaders, medieval kings, conquistadors, colonizers, imperialists (see, e.g., Amritsar), and banana republic dictators, too.
@72 Capitalism is good at certain things, but not at everything, and that’s the crucial detail our conservatives overlook.
Free helicopter rides for all!
(popular slogan among Proud Boys and other modern “conservatives”).
Trump is widely said to be a great admirer of Pinochet.
He’s currently at well over 60% in many polls.
Republicans just are who they are. Though they may deny it or argue against it. And though they may pray fervently that they could manage the strength of character to be some other way. They simply are the way they are.
@67. Yes That is what the John Birch Society told us over and over and over. And also republicans now are just like the Republicans who freed the slaves.
Toxic capitalism is no better. Only the rich matter, sucks to be a poor. If you can’t make money, you don’t matter. Sucks to be a stay at home spouse. Buyer beware. Grow till you are a monopoly then gouge for all you extract regardless of who it hurts.
It’s important to understand Republicans use language flexibly. “Communism,” “socialism,” and “woke” all mean the same: Anything Republicans don’t like.
Speaking of flexible, don’t forget that, besides being commies and socialists, y’all libbies are also fascists. Of course, that leaves Republicans like me and the other unserious twat as pure as the driven snow. Indeed, the way of the Incel is almost Christ-like.
I’m not at all bothered by the word socialism.
Oh neither am I at least not in the sense meant by the troll contingent here..
Anything… I mean anything or anyone to the LEFT of Dino 4-time (or is it 5 time, I lost count) Lossi might as well be Stalin, Pol Pot or Kim Il Sung..
The HA troll is the epitome of the degenerate klownservaturd.
But on a more serious note.. we all should be concerned and educated about the pedigree of socialism.. I found this video to be a good summation:
I remember when a lefty blogger here at HA, Geov Parrish, came out publicly to support the then nascent candidacy of Kshama Sawant for Seattle City Council.. Sawant was an unapologetic, highly ideological, in your face, hard-core Socialist of the Trotskyist bent. But Geov during his support speech said, “I am not a socialist.” That was a bit surprising to me because I always found Geov pretty hard left but at the same time he had something of a libertarian bent. He didn’t care much for Democrats because he grew up in the South and they were the racists.
I supported Sawant too and voted for her when she was an at-large candidate – not because I agreed with her. I just wanted to see how she’d shake up things. Being one of nine was the safest bet possible. It couldn’t have been fun for her being on the losing end of so many 8-1 votes but she had her time making speeches, garnering support in her district, appearing at union picket lines and stirring the pot.. She did what she did and now she’s doing something else. No harm done from my perspective.
So based on what I’ve read and seen – I prefer “social democracy” which is what folks have in Europe and makes a lot of people happy with they’ve got there. Yes, they wouldn’t dream of substituting their system for ours.
This makes more sense. $10 million just isn’t that much money.
Comer believes new bank records will show the Bidens accepted as much as $30M from foreign nationals
Comer: “Um, he’s crooked. My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the Russian girl who saw Biden grandson’s Xbox buddy take $30M at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.”
Interesting story. Carefully worded to accuse family members but not President Biden directly. I await the evidence and the same criminal convictions that Jared and Ivanka received.
We’d all be better of dead, and probably will be, if The FuckHump we’re ever elected again
Shorter The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 81:
Now , now, a few might become prisoners and Putin will give them bread and water, it’s not that bad
Heterosexual Neanderthals should never be allowed to raise a family.
Fun fact: Yesterday was the 10,000th day since the Cowboys last won a Super Bowl.
Just think, in a few years we’ll get to celebrate the 10,000th day since a Clinton was president.
Now isn’t this special. The heterosexual Neanderthal virus takes more and costs more.
nothing to see here, move along – The Family Values Cubans in Miami are still looking at Fidel, they miss him so much
G-clown doesn’t get that it’s a problem that Bud Light tastes like you’re drinking someone’s urine.
Sorry Ladies, you really are letting this happen and putting yourself into the Groomers’ Hands. If you were smart you would speak up and not allow one to groom you.
You have the right yo vote, vote right
Bud Light tastes like you’re drinking someone’s urine.
Most truthful thing I’ve seen kreepshit babble in sometime..
But kreepshit mourns for this shit brew cuz’ it can’t stop babblin’ about it..
Frat daze eh kreepee one? yawwwwn…
Great song! That is, if you’re like me and the other unserious twat and you enjoy the sound of Kari whining about socialist-commie fascists stealing elections from the righteous right. Too bad it wasn’t recorded over a prison phone.
Kari Lake
Let’s freak out the fake news.
Our song, 81 Million Votes, My Ass (feat. Kari Lake) – is the number one song in the country!
And they hate it.
Download, listen & share it today. Not only are we going to TALK about our corrupt elections—we are going SING about them!
I wonder if they had a family photo taken.
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden FINALLY answers questions about his shady finances in Arkansas as baby mama Lunden Roberts surprises First Son by showing up to hear him be deposed in battle over child support
Maybe not. Hunter’s rarely sober.
Hunter’s rarely sober.
Neither is kreepshit@92, intoxicated by Hunter’s dick pics..
At HA, Hunter’s dick pics “touch” kreepshit only.
Bud Light tastes like you’re drinking someone’s urine.
You know what urine tastes like?? Please say it’s not so. Time to link to a scientific study or something.
@83. Last I checked, the family is not president.
Give how you and republicans lie, I await proof of the fantasy about the Biden family being as corrupt the the trumps. When it’s proven, then we can talk. Otherwise it’s just vapors.
It seems like it’s all projection. “I know I’m a greedy racist incel and the trumps are as corrupt as hell, so the Bidens have to be equally bad. ”
Comer: : “Yeah. Just one, real, simple number that’d be easy for me to remember….”
[Mrs. Comer looks at her husband’s tablet with the article about “Forbes 30 Under 30” next to his plate]
Comer: [addressing the Senate] “There were exactly… $30M dollars given to the Biden Family of the Department of Executive at this time!”
God save the Queen YLB, man.
Republicans don’t understand discovery. A sure way to get your dirty emails exposed is by filing a defamation lawsuit against a news outlet which you will lose because the emails prove what they said about you is true.
@80 “Comer believes”
The least serious thing posted here today.
@83 With your well-established track record of finding people guilty before trial, we don’t expect you to have any proof, or even facts for that matter.
@86 It’s been longer than that since we had a Lincoln. He knew how to swat down secessionists.
@88 Didn’t know you put salt in your beer. I never do that.
This makes more sense. $10 million just isn’t that much money…
Comer noted Thursday night that the committee hasn’t begun probing first brother James’ overseas business dealings,
Kreepshit is so desperate to stop the Manchinema IRS agents from coming to call, it’s starting to forget about Hunter.
Does James have dick pics? Kreepshit is on the case.
FCC fines Burkman and Wohl $5.1 million for robocall vote suppression scheme.
@102 Interesting question: Is James Biden a “public figure” for purposes of having to prove “actual malice” in a defamation suit against, say, Rep. James Comer?
Note: Being the brother of a famous person doesn’t make you a “public figure.” And if he is not a “public figure” for legal purposes, than all he has to prove in a defamation suit against, for example, Rep. James Comer, is that the latter’s statements about him (1) were false, and (2) caused him a compensable harm (e.g., loss of reputation).
Another question is whether this would be a liability of Comer individually, or of the United States in that it was committed in the conduct of official business. I’m not entirely sure that a congressman going after the reputation of a private citizen for some political advantage against a relative of that citizen would fall within the rubric of “government business.”
I see Comer’s feelings are hurt because MSNBC is “making fun” of his Biden corruption snipe hunt in which all the witnesses are dead or MIA, the tapes cannot be found and may not exist, and there is no money trail.
I also note, in the same story, that Comer is also going after Biden’s grandchildren (see “public figure” analysis above), and Sean Hannity is complicit in propagating Comer’s allegations that “nine Biden family members were beneficiaries – including grandchildren were being funneled money through these shell corporations, fake LLCs,” of unprovable alleged corruption.
This, no doubt, will light up Biden lawyers’ eyes, because Comer is personally worth only a few million, probably under ten, and lawyers always want to go after the deepest pockets.
I’m pretty sure Congress enjoys sovereign immunity having exempted itself from the FTCA.