Dear HA Readers,
This is just a note to let you know that I don’t think that I will be posting open threads, or anything else, next week. Thanksgiving week is going to be a lot, so probably nothing from me. I usually write these posts on my commute, and I won’t be commuting most of the week. So here’s an early happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it, and strange Thursday off or thanks for reading from outside the US to the rest of you.
Carl Ballard
In June of 2010, according to FOX and the GOP, failing to completely halt illegal immigration at the southern border was legal grounds for impechment.
Tryptophan 1, Carl 0
You guys like this Preet dude, amirite?
Verified account
12h12 hours ago
You know it’s bad when CNN is reporting this…
@PreetBharara on altering a document to obtain a FISA Warrant:
“really serious, it doesn’t get a lot more serious than that.”
Here’s the link to the brief video of Bharara being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer.
Oh, look! On the Twitter sidebar Goldy is talking about Barr and treason. Goldy is how you’ll get more Trump.
@2 Going technical on us now? Fair enough, because we sometimes get a little technical when pointing out you don’t know shit about legal matters. Except we don’t pretend to know more about medicine than you do.
@3 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck flaunts his righteous indignation over news reports that an FBI agent may have doctored evidence to get a FISA warrant, but has absolutely nothing to say about Trump’s daily lying and embrace of debunked conspiracy theories. It sure looks like Doc’s thought process is defective. See #151 of preceding thread for explanation of how and why.
So.. NOT McCabe?
Was it Seth Rich then? With a Time Musheeeeen? And BitBleach with the Crowdstrike in a Pizza Basement with the Jello Pudding?
Classic shit. “When the going gets weird, the weird turn professional.”
It’s Every Republican You Know
@6 A Republican is someone who thinks every election is illegitimate except the ones his side wins, and he even questions the votes the other side got in those.
No new threads for an entire week? It’s going to be a long week, and this will be a long thread. Doctor Dumbfuck’s diarrhea of the mouth might even push it above 1,000 posts.
I don’t think it’s going to have any real effect on how American voters perceive the impeachment investigation over the Ukraine solicitation for bribery. It has nothing to do with it. But moreover, in the end once Lindsay Graham and Teh Dumbfuck have made it past their sudden fit of vapors, it’ll turn out to be a low ranking line atty on a minor supporting document for one of a dozen warrants.
Sure, their going to run like drooling spastics in the streets shouting BENGHAAAZIII!!! and DERPSTATE!!! for a few days. But the sad truth is federal prosecutors pull shit like this far too often and get away with it because there isn’t a team of lunatics prodding IG investigations every 24 hours.
And that’s too bad, really. I’d like nothing more than to see an AG take this seriously and fuck some people up over it. Bahrara is one of the best there’s ever been. One of the very few USAs you’ll ever encounter who put justice ahead of career long enough to really care about the people he put away, not all of whom were narco-terrorist scum (though many were). And that explains his dismay. He was and is a true believer.
The system needs reforms. If this really happened, even if it wouldn’t have changed any of the FISA outcomes, it deserves reform. And of course any AUSA who would submit falsified documents (which is after all a crime – but a crime that hinges on intent) to a court should be disbarred and disqualified from service. But despite Bahrara’s expressions of shock and dismay, that’s a thing that happens. Freaks and lunatics tweeking out to distract from their own corruption unfortunately wont do much to attract the kind of reform that needs.
@ 5
…an FBI agent may have doctored evidence…
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, when confronted with the evidence the asshole admitted to doing it.
“May have” means you did not read with sufficient clarity, or you do not comprehend accurately. Both are likely accurate, in your case.
@ 9
I don’t think it’s going to have any real effect on how American voters perceive the impeachment investigation over the Ukraine solicitation for bribery. It has nothing to do with it.
I think that when Trump is able to prove that evidence against his team was not evidence until it was doctored, he’ll be able to use that as a sledgehammer against all accusations for any other reason.
Evidence was falsified in order to justify spying on an American. Back when everyone thought Hillary would win and that there would be no consequence and even a reward for doing it.
Think beyond the impeachment in the House and the acquittal by the Senate.
Aside from how shitty that is for rule of law and due process concerns, I have to also admit that I absolutely love that Republicans and Dumbfucks NEEEEED this so bad, like a junky needs that sweet, sweet needle, just so they can prop up Grampa MoonLanding’s bugfuck, TIMEMUSHEEN free-floating conspiracy theories about Ukraine.
It was a little pathetic last year watching them clutch their pearls over FISA warrants while Liddle Pappy was getting White Gurl Wasted and bragging about fucking around with the GRU. But the latest iteration of DERP STATE is Area 51 stuff.
And Teh Dumbfuck BELIEVES!
Maybe his new name should be Lone Gunman!
Friday Morning News Dump
1. An engine blew up on a Boeing 777.
2. Tim Eyman announced he’s running for governor. (I sure hope he’s the GOP nominee!)
3. Trump says Kellyanne Conway must have done something bad to her husband. (Of course, it doesn’t occur to him that he did something bad to America.)
4. Trump isn’t more innocent than he was yesterday, and Republicans aren’t more patriotic than they were all this week.
5. Doctor Dumbfuck hasn’t gotten smarter, either. He’s still a dumbfuck. But that isn’t news. I just threw it in here to make sure everybody is awake. Except him, of course. He sleepwalks through everything.
@10 I confess I read your posts in 3 seconds or less. They aren’t worth more of my time than that. Actually, they aren’t worth that much, and the only reason I read them at all is boredom. The real news is so distressing (42% of Americans have completely lost their marbles) that we need some entertainment around here. You provide it in spades. You’re the ex-officio HA court jester.
@11 “I think that when Trump is able to prove that evidence against his team was not evidence until it was doctored”
Like I said, no marbles, court jester.
@12 Doctor Dumbfuck thinks all those witnesses were computer-generated holograms. Of course he does. He’s a dumbfuck. Undoubtedly thinks the moon landings were fake, too.
I think that when Trump is able to prove that evidence against his team was not evidence until it was doctored, he’ll be able to use that as a sledgehammer against all accusations for any other reason.
We call that the Pasta Defense.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the prosecutor has prepared well. Like a great chef, he assembled his evidence against my client like the choicest ingredients of a delicious meal. His team worked like a beautifully choreographed kitchen preparing each ingredient, cooking each part to perfection and combining it all into the most delicious pasta entree you can imagine.
But ladies and gentlemen there’s a problem. We’ve shown you the problem. There’s flaw in the entree, and not a small one. The chef allowed a rat into the kitchen. And that filthy disgusting rat has deposited a dropping right into your entree. Are you going to pick the turd out and eat the meal?
Or are you going to send it back?”
Not really a sledgehammer. But it can be effective when presented with the proper nuance and in the right circumstances (If the glove does not fit, you must etc).
Here’s where it doesn’t work: Trump. Or really any criminal defendant like Trump. A defendant who won’t shut the fuck up and keeps constantly making self-implicating statements. A criminal defendant who keeps on criming non-stop right on through the current trial. A criminal defendant who is facing multiple indictments for multiple unrelated felonies.
Trump himself is the sledgehammer. And what he destroys is reasonable doubt. So if, and it is a somewhat big if, Horowitz has discovered a tiny turd in the Carter Page pasta, that is but one single course in the most outrageously massive multi-course crime orgy the federal government has ever witnessed.
Care for an after dinner mint?
It is wafer thin!
“And Teh Dumbfuck BELIEVES!”
The doctor has no choice but to believe. It’s become abundantly clear that, once one crosses the Orange Event Horizon, all roads lead to Putin. And dumbfuckery.
“Russian President Vladimir Putin is gloating”
Trump has already been on television to further implicate himself since the first hearings closed yesterday.
In just the past 24 hours he’s admitted that he sought to pressure Ukraine into launching a “major investigation of Joe Biden”, that he fired Comey because he was worried that the FBI Director would “come after” him, and he continued to roll around, pawing and yawping about a “secret server” hidden in Ukraine in order to destroy him.
And the best part of all this is that if you’re a Republican you are now obligated to behave as if all this shit is just great!
They are going to make swing voters afraid to vote Republican. And they are going to do it all by themselves.
“An overwhelming 70% of Americans think President Donald Trump’s request to a foreign leader to investigate his political rival, which sits at the heart of the House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry, was wrong, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds.”
Roger Rabbit Observation: Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t one of the 70%. He votes for dumbfucks who claim the moon landings were faked and climate change is a Chinese hoax. So I wouldn’t rely on him as an authority for, well, anything.
“So I wouldn’t rely on him as an authority for, well, anything.”
At this point we can all agree it wouldn’t be safe to leave a Republican in a room alone with a sharp object… or a Sobbing Guatemalan Toddler™… or a foreign military aid package…
…or a farm animal.
I’m reading that the FBI attorney who falsified a document used to support the FISA application to spy on Carter Page is
Kevin Clinesmith.
So far, I’ve read that the document was “changed” by a line attorney with FBI.
That alone would be a serious breach of conduct within that agency. But a word like “falsified” implies more than that. It might be defensible. And of course truth is always an effective defense from defamation. But considering that this dude is a lawyer, and considering that you and the idiots you quote have assets to protect, you might want to choose your language more carefully until things shake out. Remember how you got ahead of this yesterday with Andrew McCabe?
Publishing falsifiable statements about an attorney’s work performance is risky behavior. Do you have a hedge for that?
@ 23
WaPo, today:
The employee was forced out of the FBI after the incident was discovered, two U.S. officials said. Horowitz found that the employee erroneously indicated he had documentation to back up a claim he had made in discussions with the Justice Department about the factual basis for the application. He then altered an email to back up that erroneous claim, they said.
Now, I “altered” the preceding by first italicizing it, then bolding five words. I don’t think that’s what was meant by “altered” in the WaPo piece.
And you’re legally entitled to “think” whatever the fuck weird, Birfer, MoonLanding crazy-assed shit you like. And express those thoughts in publication to your heart’s content. But what you just posted differs materially and importantly from what WaPo published.
You named an attorney. And you accused them of having committed a serious criminal act for which they could be disbarred.
Which may turn out to be true.
But keep in mind that Barr has been sitting on this report for weeks. And this is not a guy who does the scut work in the library, or lets an underling like Horowits assign him homework. Whatever Horowitz delivered was complete work, with prepared redactions, cleared for content, and bullet pointed in summary for easy digestion. Whatever it had to tell Barr he knew the same day it was delivered weeks ago. If you were not a Teh Dumbfuck you’d be thinking about that right now.
@ 23
Remember how you got ahead of this yesterday with Andrew McCabe?
CNN reported last night that the line attorney is now under criminal investigation.
McCabe was fired for lying. Four times McCabe lied, as I recall.
Somehow I don’t think I should feel badly for not giving McCabe the benefit of the doubt. He probably has committed other misdeeds we’ve yet to hear.
“…the employee erroneously indicated he had documentation to back up a claim he had made in discussions with the Justice Department about the factual basis for the application. He then altered an email to back up that erroneous claim…”
In case you aren’t paying attention, in a mere three hours this is already walked back quite a ways from “altering a document to obtain a FISA Warrant”.
Spiking the ball on the 20 yard line with 15 min to go in the game. Oy.
@ 25
Whatever it had to tell Barr he knew the same day it was delivered weeks ago. If you were not a Teh Dumbfuck you’d be thinking about that right now.
I’m guessing the day it became formal and bullet-pointed was the day Clinesmith was forced to resign. From that point the indictment will probably take awhile.
Clinesmith departed the FBI in September.
[duplicate spew]
CNN reported last night that the line attorney is now under criminal investigation.
Undoubtedly true. After all, in the William Barr DOJ an imaginary Ukrainian company with an imaginary SURVUR is now under criminal investigation. Word is Mikkos Cassadine is under criminal investigation for using his weather machine to fuck with Trump’s inauguration.
Barr teased this report for months and god only knows how man hours and how much was spent on it. He’s sure to file charges too.
Here’s what that looks like:
Maybe you should be asking instead how come no investigation of Joe Biden? Hell, why not? You’ve had more than three years. Still not hard enough to fuck?
McCabe was on the CNN Cuomo show last night and there was no mention of the CNN report earlier that day of the FBI lawyer under criminal investigation.
Which clearly means that McCabe knows nothing about it and had nothing to do with it.
From that point the indictment will probably take awhile.
Boy I’ll say! After all, McCabe has only taken nineteen months so far. Still can’t get the GJ to vote a bill after nineteen months.
No wonder MaryKay has to look outside…
Now let’s do Flynn.
We’ll see what spin you put on an altered 302. Hell, we’ll see what spin Strzok puts on it.
“I have read every page of this Agreement and have discussed it with my attorneys, Robert K. Kelner and Stephen P. Anthony. I fully understand this Agreement and agree to it without
reservation. I do this voluntarily and of my own free will, intending to be legally bound. No threats have been made to me nor am I under the influence of anything that could impede my
ability to understand this Agreement fully. I am pleading guilty because I am in fact guilty of the offense identified in this Agreement.
I reaffirm that absolutely no promises, agreements, understandings, or conditions have been made or entered into in connection with my decision to plead guilty except those set forth in this Agreement. I am satisfied with the legal services provided by my attorneys in connection with this Agreement and matters related to it.”
If that is “spin” it is the Lt. General’s own.
And now it is yours to own and enjoy as well. Bon appétit!
I am pleading guilty because I am in fact guilty of the offense identified in this Agreement.
And because they threatened to bankrupt my family and imprison my son if I stand up for myself.
“None of the things revealed can be real because the whistleblower may have had an agenda and we can’t talk to him directly. Everything we know come from some alleged witness
Keep Christ in Christmas.”
“Now let’s do Flynn.”
From 8:49 am this morning to now for this latest DERP STATE tent pole to collapse must be a new record.
More extreme carelessness, apparently.
More broadly, Mr. Horowitz’s report, to be made public on Dec. 9, portrays the overall effort to seek the wiretap order and its renewals as sloppy and unprofessional, according to the people familiar with it. He will also sharply criticize as careless one of the F.B.I. case agents in New York handling the matter, they said.
NYT, just now
So which part is the lie? Can you point it out? Conveniently they use numbered pages. And the agreement itself is organized into numbered sections.
Is it Lt. Gen Flynn who is lying to the court in this document?
Or is it the federal prosecutor who is lying to the court in this document?
Can you summon the courage to say where you believe that lie appears in any of these multiple statements sworn to by Lt. General Flynn?
Then there’s the Statement of the Offense which Lt. Gen Flynn also had to sign and swear to. Was that a lie perhaps?
Which one of those factual stipulations that he agreed to was false? The three different times in three different interviews when he swears he lied to FBI agents in an effort to obstruct their investigation? Or is it the admission that he made multiple false filings in sworn documents to conceal and obstruct the true nature of the work he as conducting on behalf of a foreign government?
I’ve read through them all a few times and I can’t find any mention of Lt. Gen Flynn’s family or his son. Not even once. Did I miss that? I didn’t miss the part where Lt. Gen Flynn swears to the court that he has not been threatened in any way by the prosecutors. So was that a lie? If so, I’m surprised that Lt. General Flynn has not informed the court. Not a peep. Not once. The Agreement does enable him to make a collateral challenge under those circumstances. And in fact his lawyers and the Court would be obligated to act on that by law.
Are you saying that this conspiracy against Lt. General Flynn includes not only the Judge but also Lt. General Flynn’s own lawyers? How on earth did the DERP STATE manage to get to Sidney Powell?
“altering a document to obtain a FISA Warrant”
“a sloppy and unprofessional effort”
in just under five hours.
Galloping Gertie held up longer than that.
Sorry Lone Gunman. Hasn’t pushed Trumpeachment off the front page.
The truth is out there, man.
@ 40
I don’t know how long it took to go from grants of immunity, destroyed laptops, pulverized blackberries and the like to extremely careless the last time.
This sure looks like Hunter Biden-style corruption, but strangely, Gym Jordan and Devin Nunes aren’t demanding subpoenaes — I guess they don’t want to hear about it.
“Giuliani’s son, Andrew H. Giuliani, makes $95,000 per year working for the White House. His official title is ‘Special Assistant to the President and Associate Director of the Office of Public Liaison.’ … Andrew reportedly acts as a ‘liaison to the sports community’ and helps coordinate visits from sports teams to the White House.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: At least it’s not $50,000 a month. Otoh U.S. taxpayers, not a Russian oligarch, are footing the bill. So that’s bad.
Almost as long as it took to go from a pile of slaughtered Roman Catholic nuns to:
“A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that’s true; but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.”
Seems you people just can’t help yourselves. Never could.
Since they won’t bleat about it, I will:
Rudi Giuliani’s son is on the White House payroll at taxpayer expense!
Rudi Giuliani’s son is on the White House payroll at taxpayer espense!
Rudi Giuliani’s son is on the White House payroll at taxpayer expense!
Rudi Giuliani’s son is on the White House payroll at taxpayer expense!
Rudi Giuliani’s son is on the White House payroll at taxpayer expense!
Rudi Giuliani’s son is on the White House payroll at taxpayer expense!
Rudi Giuliani’s son is on the White House payroll at taxpayer expense!
Rudi Giuliani’s son is on the White House payroll at taxpayer espense!
Rudi Giuliani’s son is on the White House payroll at taxpayer expense!
Rudi Giuliani’s son is on the White House payroll at taxpayer expense!
Rudi Giuliani’s son is on the White House payroll at taxpayer expense!
Rudi Giuliani’s son is on the White House payroll at taxpayer expense!
In case you didn’t catch that,
Sure looks like corruption to me. Now, what do you bleating sheep have to say about that?
(Listen for the crickets)
I predict this scandal will last longer than either the collapsed tentpole or Galloping Gertie.
-Brock Turner’s heart and best intentions still tell him the bitch loved it.
-Rob Porter’s heart and best intentions still tell him the bitch deserved it.
-Associate Justice Kavanaugh’s heart and best intentions still tell him the bitch was begging for it.
Canned tuna consumption has plumged 37% in the last 20 years, causing Bumble Bee to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy this week. It’s all the fault of those damned environmentalists. No, wait, it’s because of changing consumer preferences. And mercury.
B-b-but proppity rites! Privvit proppity! Usta be, ennyhoo.
Not the case when he’s in the Barn.
@49 We can always tell when the mare and goat are having their periods at the same time, can’t we?
The NRA insists everyone has an unrestricted right to have an AR-15. This is what that leads to:
“Authorities arrested a 13-year-old boy and seized an assault-style rifle in connection with a reported threat at a middle school, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said Friday.”
Good Lord, where is their judgment and common sense? They don’t have any.
Trump has already dropped the Horowitz report off radar.
In more FOX wounded whinging president Russian SlutPuppet now says he’s more focused on the “Durham report” which he expects “very soon”.
It’s the Qanon administration now. The mass arrests will take place tonight. We know because they parked all the post office trucks facing the street!
At the point in time when you realize that all your hillbilly supporters vape, after thinking that it’s a liberal thing, you change your course or point of view.
It’s called a TrumHumpRepuklicon
Now begins the long, slow, agonizing death watch of AG Barr.
It’s impossible to believe that Grampa RageTweet is going to be satisfied with the IG report. And Barr may not be able to afford a long drawn out tease of the Durham investigation. That needs to be landed to coincide with the impeachment trial. Dear Leader does not long tolerate those who fail in their duty to defend him. So we may be introduced to a new “Method Acting” AG just in time for the early primaries.
A pregnant Florida woman saved her husband and daughter’s lives by killing a home intruder with an AR-15.
The mom, who is eight months pregnant, retrieved the weapon after the intruders pistol-whipped her husband and violently grabbed their 11-year-old daughter last week.
“They came in heavily hooded and masked,” her husband, Jeremy King, told Bay News 9. “As soon as they had got the back door opened, they had a pistol on me and was grabbing my 11-year-old daughter.”
As the father was getting beaten, his wife went to the bedroom to obtain the firearm. She then fired one shot and hit one of the assailants.
“When he came toward the back door in her line of sight, she clipped him,” King added. “He made it from my back door to roughly 200 feet out in the front ditch before the AR did its thing.”
One of the two intruders was found dead in a nearby ditch, while the other is still on the loose.
King was left with a fractured eye socket, a fractured sinus cavity, a concussion, 20 stitches, and three staples in his head after the attack. He said his family didn’t know the perpetrators, nor do they know why they were targeted.
Unless this is an all new one, “fractured eye socket” was about a month ago. Since then we’ve had a few more mass shootings and some kid wielding an AR at his middle school. Oh, and lawyers for AMQ have countered discovery with more receipts for Brioni suits and YachtCocaineHookers. So yeah.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes Update – Arrogant & Stupid Demorats Open Pandora’s Ukraine Box, Find It’s Not Overly Hygienic.
Senate Democrats panicked after Lindsey Graham began the process for a Senate impeachment trial and requested full transcripts of three phone calls between Joe Biden and former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham on Thursday sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo demanding the transcripts and Senate Democrats are now screeching for Pompeo to recuse himself from Trump-Ukraine matters.
The Democrats want an impeachment trial in the Senate, they’re going to get what they deserve.
“The only legitimate option is for you to recuse and to delegate the Department’s response to the Trump-Ukraine scandal to a senior career Department official,” Senate Foreign Relations Committee Democrats demanded of Pompeo.
Lindsey Graham said that the three phone calls made by Joe Biden were all made around the time Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor probing Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings, was fired.
Joe Biden’s [redacted] son Hunter was sitting on the board of Burisma Holdings and being paid by some accounts over $200,000 a month even though he had zero experience in the field.
Then-Vice President Joe Biden, who was tasked to oversee US dealings with Ukraine, threatened to withhold over $1 billion in loan guarantees to Ukraine unless they fired Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma and Hunter.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Brilliant Hoaxes Tarbaby Biden Update –
BREAKING: Former Ukrainian MP Alleges Biden Family Received $12M Kickback From Transaction With Burisma Owner To Kill London Criminal Cases, Provides Details To DOJ
This story is developing…
UPDATE: In further clarification of information provided, CD Media can now report that the $32M referenced below was sent to London, where it was seized by British officials and criminal charges were levied against Zlochevsky. Vice President Biden actively sought to have the charges thrown out in the United Kingdom for Zlochevsky in exchange for the $12M being diverted to Hunter Biden, according to Onyshchenko.
Hunter Biden was then brought onto the board of directors at Zlochevsky’s company Burisma and received further payments of $3.1M over a period of months.
KYIV — Former Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Onyshchenko has provided CD Media with information on a transaction in 2013 where Biden family-related companies allegedly received a $12 million illegal kickback while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States. Onyshchenko alleges the payment was made to gain Biden’s influence in affairs of the group of companies called Burisma owned by Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, who sold a port facility in Ukraine and shifted partial proceeds of the sale to Hunter Biden. CD Media has already reported on ‘off the books’ payments to Hunter Biden by Burisma.
@55 Any reason why she couldn’t have done that with a shotgun? Which has the added advantage of not penetrating the neighbor’s walls and potentially hitting a kid next door. Next time you talk to an instructor of home defense classes, ask him (or her) what he thinks of an AR-15 for home defense.
Oh, and what does this anecdote have to do with a 13-year-old mental case with homicidal intentions having an AR-15 in his possession?
AR-15s are military weapons designed to inflict mass casualties on battlefields. There’s zero justification for civilians to have them. And it’s by now stunningly clear that civilian possession of AR-15s results in these military weapons falling into the wrong hands. Over and over again. How much spilled innocent blood will be enough for idiots like you?
Mrs. Rabbit says Always Trumpers are “mentally ill.” I agree with her that Trump supporters aren’t normal people and have something wrong with them upstairs.
@57 @58 One of the beauties of this blog is you have the latest idiotic rightwing conspiracy theories at your fingertips.
@55 do you think this was just a home invasion or do you think these people had some involvement that targeted them?
Russia probably has a couple hundred of operatives of their own in this Country.
Instead of Mexicans, The Hump should be deporting Russians. But we all know why he isn’t.
@57/58 and then there is this.
Pompeo delivers “classified” phone transcripts to Graham and he destroys his AG’s case for withholding the same “classified” transcripts from HPSCI.
Stalemate and Pork Slop is a loser again.
Or maybe Democrats will get lucky and Pompeo will deliver, in which case Dems get the keys to the kingdom.
Besides, if Graham really wants transcripts of those recordings he can just get Ukraine’s side of the call from his pals in the Kremlin.
Because that’s who Republicans are now. Putin’s team in America.
Timmy and Dori Monson both want to run for governor. Could be interesting.
How does a moron know that story is bullshit….
There can be no Senate trial without articles of impeachment. Which have not even been drawn up. Or Voted on in committee. Sent to Judiciary committee who can act in them right away OR hold more hearings. Sent to the full house…
Devin Nunez might get a subpoena Judiciary committee hearings. They’ll call Parnas. Who will tell them Nunez met with Shokin to dig up dirt on Biden. Something Devin failed to disclose during hearings. When a ‘farmer’ tries to play lawyer he ends up committing the kind of conflict of interest acts that result in disbarment.
Own Goal.
By the time this actually gets to the Senate we could be looking at articles against Pence, Donald, house censure of Nunez, arrest and/or Testimony from Bolton.
How weird would it be if GOP senators instead of being on the campaign trail in the Spring were spending their time in DC pretending Donald isn’t shady as fuck.
That Fox News interview is admissible evidence.
Yeah, nervous Democrats. You win the news cycle. Is the sky lime green in your world?
Or a Barretta. Which is actually a reasonable choice for personal protection. Can be CC weapon. Easier to learn to shoot accurately. Better chance your second shot will also be on target.
A shotgun might spray the husband as well.
But yeah. There’s one story now in 2019 about an AR-15 stopping a crime. And how many AR-15s involved in mass shootings of total strangers or casual acquaintances?
Timmy…Go for it. A year of watching you shoplift a chair and charges for embezzlement from a campaign and Fried Turkey Gizzards being more popular in the state than you. Do it!
Dori won’t happen. By definition, if he files KIRO has to let him go. Seahawks have to let him go. Seahawks would be unlikely to rehire when he loses. KIRO probably would but no guarantee.
Suppose the Mormons slide in Jason Rantz and most of the same crowd of knuckle draggers tune in for a host with 1/4 salary because what else are they going to listen to? KUOW?
So give up a comfortable career to get your ass handed to you in a deep blue state? A star that is not going to elect a Republican (ever?) as Governor while teen girl harasser, impeachable, disgusting waste of skin is at the top of the ballot?
Carl. If he wants it, How about giving rabbit permissions to start topics for the week you are busy?
Hey Red Reformed! I second the Rabbit nomination to start topics for the week.