This article about nurses in the region becoming travel nurses has this line after many details “If this sounds unsustainable, it is.” Jeez. The pandemic really showed us what many of the problems with our health care system were in an emergency. And while COVID-19 is still a problem, we’re in a time when we can figure out longer term solutions for our nursing shortage.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And for God’s sake, get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Whatever happened to mobile society and employees should be free to go to where the money is or to where the QOL is?
A male nurse has no need for abortion services. He might as well take the dough rather than the bennies.
“If this sounds unsustainable, it is.” Jeez.
Know what’s sustainable, libbies? Payin’ all yer employees 70 grand for doin’, well, nuthin’ but puttin’ out.
Just ask yer fave employer, Dan Price:
Dan Price, CEO who cut his pay so workers earned $70,000, quits amid legal woes
Why do so many guarantees issued by liberals come with sexual assault allegations?
Still owns the company.
The new CEO reports directly to…
The shareholders.
The system of bullshit jobs is unsustainable.
Hiring three additional managers and administrators to drive increased productivity out of one actual productive employee is unsustainable.
It is unsustainable to maintain organizations in which the more obviously an employee’s work benefits others, the less likely it is for that employee to be paid for that work.
It is unsustainable to continue to invest huge resources into training and developing valued skills in a shrinking workforce only to put them to work in jobs where they employ those skills less than 20% of their time, and spend the rest of their time documenting and reporting on that work to people who have none of those skills.
an explosive news report alleging he had a pattern of abusing women.
Pair the the above with paying its employees poorly, forcing them to work long hours, no overtime… token benefits..
tops in a kreepshit’s book.. buy the stock..
How you tell me you can’t really read without telling me.
There is no stock to buy.
Dan Price owns the company.
Oh look, a contest to ensure the mouth-breathing social class of the Republican party continues and thrives.
regardless of whether any of the allegations against him are true or not, or to what extent, stepping away as CEO is probably the best thing Price could possibly do on behalf of his employees, as well as his customers.
Because his other option is to sell the company to another, much larger payment processor and retire comfortably. And that other much larger payment processor would certainly restructure the company’s payroll, staffing, and customer pricing to reflect their business model instead of Price’s.
Why do so many guarantees issued by liberals come with sexual assault allegations?
You haven’t answered this question yet. Why did you vote three times for a “grab them by the pussy” fascist wanna-be dictator who attempted to end our democracy by inciting a violent insurrection at our nation’s Capitol?
You’re the one who has some explaining to do, asshole.
@ 7
…paying its employees poorly, forcing them to work long hours, no overtime… token benefits..
What with The Great Resignation an’ all, these days are over, YLB.
Didn’t your fucked kids get the memo?
We can always count on HA’s dumbest twat YLB to mischaracterize the job market, as she’s never been in the job market.
Nor, apparently @ 9, the stock market.
@ 6
…the more obviously an employee’s work benefits others, the less likely it is for that employee to be paid for that work.
The more obviously an employee’s computer benefits the company, the more likely it is that credit will be given to the technology than it is that the company will retain three employees when one good one will do.
Just ask ‘froggy.
Looks like the low IQ Nazi traitor has found today’s ‘safe space’.
We can always count
on greedee lord kreepshit to deflect from what it loves most in life, a woman abusing ceo (Andrew Puzder easily comes to mind) who treats its employees like shit, like it treats a woman..
it’s an unbeatable combo for lord kreepshit.. It’ll look the world over for such a company and buy the stock at the drop of a hat.
But why deflect with babble about the “great resignation”? Just own up to it. Its greed.
Heh.. It never disappoints.
DeathFrogg (who rarely comments here these days), yours truly and my kids, Roger Rabbit, Steve, Gman, RedReformed.. etc..
we all live “rent free” in lord kreepshit of widbee’s empty skull…
Heh. and the livin’ is easy…
never been in the job market. the stock market.
One of my sidelines is as a market maker for free rent in the empty skulls of the kreepshit’s of the world..
bidness is boomin’ atm.. it’s a global trade.. heh.. like a fuckin’ airbnb it is..
but it will end one day.. all the kreepshits will go extinct…
I’ll be semi-retired before then.
…paying its employees poorly, forcing them to work long hours, no overtime… token benefits..
What with The Great Resignation an’ all, these days are over, YLB.
LMAO.. Now this makes me laugh…
kreepshit is saying we now live in a world where management and ownership fears the workers..
it may be the case partly.. i doubt it.. it’s just too funee when kreepshit has a bridge to sell us..
I mean it’s truly hysterical..
Can you write a complete sentence?
Clearly as one of Willard Romney’s most ardent backers, Degen indeed feels entirely safe gleefully chortling promises of sadistically fucking over anyone not sufficiently privileged to have secured one of the Bullshit Jobs free of any meaningful productivity metric.
Too bad he’ll go hungry in his safe space waiting for his order of Hushpuppy Breaded Fish Sticks® with Artery Sauce® to come to the window.
@ 19
…we now live in a world where management and ownership fears the workers..
We now live in a world in which management and ownership must pay more to retain the workers.
Those costs are then passed on to the customer, which fuels inflation, which is then blamed on “greed” by all right-thinking persons.
There will be significant pain to be felt when the pendulum swings the other way, YLB. Your kids will be even more fucked when this happens, girlfriend.
You’re an idiot.
How was that? I tried to keep that one nice and short.
Here’s another.
Dan Price is the sole shareholder and the only member of the board of directors of Gravity Payments.
Is that one too long? I’m thinking that one was probably too long for you.
Don’t know ’bout YLB, but I’m still waiting for the “Four more years of Trump” I was promised.
@1 A good nurse is always worth more than a bad doctor.
@14 So now it’s the computer doing the work, and the employee at the keyboard and monitor is just featherbedding? Then maybe if the employee quits for a better job, the computer will just carry on without him/her/them.
Can you write a complete sentence?
resist the urge to move your lips as you read and you just might get it…
heh.. now complete the thought..
Speaking of stocks Roger Rabbit owns OXY and OXY warrants, acquired dirt cheap when they couldn’t give away oil, sitting here waiting for Warren’s buyout offer. It’s not exactly a mystery anymore what his next big acquisition will be.
@17 I dunno. Yes, it’s free rent, but much like living in an abandoned tenement. Dirt and dust, vermin, no utilities, bad neighborhood …
There will be significant pain to be felt when the pendulum swings the other way
LOL! Notice that one of its favorites is putting “kids” and “fuck” in the same spew..
Coulda been a Scoutmaster.. If not it missed its calling.
@22 In kreepshit’s mind, inflation is always and everywhere the fault of workers. His proof: They didn’t have “wage-push” inflation in the antebellum south. If those labor costs existed today, inflation would be nonexistent except for materials shortages, shipping bottlenecks, oil prices, monetary policy, higher slave auction prices, and the rising cost of feeding the slaves.
Why do so many guarantees issued by liberals come with sexual assault allegations?
GOP candidate announced his school board bid with a Bible verse – then got busted for sexting an underage girl
Why do so many Republicans want to have sex with children?
Why do so many
Why do so many Republicans love the KKK?
Alabama GOP Group Apologizes Over KKK Imagery In Their Post
@22 Doctor Dumbfuck: “There will be significant pain to be felt when the pendulum swings the other way, YLB.”
Deloitte Economist Network: “As individual firms continue to grapple with the problem of sizing wage increases to attract and retain the talent they need, will this set off a wage-price spiral that will entrench inflationary expectations? Not necessarily. One additional piece is needed to determine how the inflation puzzle looks—labor productivity. Productivity growth allows the economy to maintain stable prices even in the face of higher wages so long as the productivity gains offset higher unit labor costs. Real output per hour of all persons, a measure of nonfarm business productivity, has been stronger during the postpandemic period than it was prepandemic, although not strong enough to offset wage increases. Productivity increased 1.9% in 2021, while unit labor cost rose 3.5%.6 If the investments that businesses have been making in categories such as information-processing equipment and software cause future productivity growth to rise sufficiently to offset wage increases, then wage increases can be easily supported without pushing up unit labor costs.”
This is too much mumbo-jumbo for a dumbfuck to process, so let’s just focus on key words: “Not necessarily” and “productivity growth” and “wage increases can be easily supported” and … although not explicitly stated … “full of shit, as always.”
@32 “Why do so many Republicans want to have sex with children?”
Blame it on cars. The invention of mass-production automobiles caused the horse population to crash, so now there aren’t enough horses to go around.
@32 I suppose it’s not unusual for 20-year-olds to run for school boards in Louisiana; they probably already have kids in middle school by then.
The superiority of heterosexuality is clearly exemplified by this thread. And it is no surprise that it was started by the far superior one suggesting that the problem be liberalism and not heterosexuality. Im just saying..
@32 “Why do so many Republicans want to have sex with children?”
Too many Republicans are repressed. They have been brainwashed that sex is sinful or they have adopted incel culture. Since they cannot form even halfway consensual loving relationships with other adults, they turn to children who are weaker and less able to say no. Liberals are less inclined to have sex with children because they have more options and more power to form relationships with adults.
Too many Republicans crave power because they live in social structures that keep them feeling victimized and powerless. It’s easier to control an unconsenting child than challenge their social networks. It’s not about the sex as much as it is domination. Democrats like power too, but they are less repressed and have more empowered social networks so they have more honest ways to get a feeling of power than having sex with children.
Why do so many
Why do so many Republican politicians want to see their voters kill FBI, IRS, ATF, and all other federal troops on sight?
“Under my plan, all Floridians will be able to shoot FBI, IRS, ATF, and all other federal troops on sight! Let freedom ring!”
Since it doesn’t benefit him, he doesn’t want his taxes/dues going to pay to help someone else. Typical greedy boomer.
Yet he would howl when his viagra bills skyrocketed when no woman (including his wife) wanted their money to go toward paying his expenses.
This logic not paying for anything that doesn’t benefit them directly would ultimately destroy the concept of insurance pools and descend into Pay as You Go, which is is vastly worse for anyone who is not extremely rich. Enjoy paying for that heart surgery. According to, the average cost of bypass surgery in the US in 2020 was $30,000 to $200,000. Hope you got $150,000 in savings from not paying for that fraction of an abortion, now that the greedy racist incel has abolished your insurance.
Yes Roger.
The Robots are here.
Bow down before us, puny humans!
This is why the dining room is closed but the drive thru remains open. The 3D holographic humanoid images can be maintained with reasonable credibility only in the controlled environment of the drive thru.
Prepare the way for the coming of the robots!
Once a lazy mind becomes addicted to a metaphor it defines how they see everything.
Dr. Dumbfucks Dumbfuckery.
Manchin is s bastard too!
@41 Caps key stuck? Don’t have typing fingers to unstick it? Where’s your human operator when you need him/her/them?
The filibuster rule should be maintained to give minority parties an incentive to participate in our democratic institutions; but to take into account shifting demographics, it should be modified so a majority of senators representing 60% of the U.S. population can pass legislation, instead of requiring 60% of the senators.
This would make the Senate more populist, as senators are an elite and this would bring the power to legislate closer to the people, which is where it belongs.
@ 25
@1 A good nurse is always worth more than a bad doctor.
To Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit this is not doubt true. After all, it’s the nurse who administers his enemas when he’s too stopped up to handle it at home.
@46. When he’s got nothing, he defaults to butt stuff. Methinks he protests too much.
@47 A patient with a dumbfuck doctor needs an affordable undertaker more than a nurse or enema.
he defaults to butt stuff
It’s a ‘safe space’ for our low IQ Nazi traitor. In other words, posting “butt stuff” beats talking about how Republicans are trying to end democracy in America.
Put another way, the low IQ Nazi traitor is a fucking coward.
The low IQ Nazi traitor will reply by posting about “butt stuff” from his ‘safe space’.
Arizona GOP candidate melts down after being confronted for endorsing lawmaker who says ‘Jews will go to hell’
I don’t recall the low IQ Nazi traitor ever coming out from his ‘safe space’ to talk about…
“Very fine people”
defaults to butt stuff
it has nothing to say when a Jan 6er gets locked up in the joint.
it has nothing to say when a Jan 6er gets locked up in the joint
But, but, but the low IQ Nazi traitor told us the violent 1/6 resurrection by an armed mob that had been stoked to attack our nation’s Capitol by his Putin lovin’, raging orange man-baby was merely “a dozen cosplaying grandmothers”. What to believe?
It definitely would dpeack aboiy some Dem was in that situation. It is a political hack.
The first six comments in this thread might best be described as an attempt to “butt stuff” this thread so the low IQ Nazi traitor could find his ‘safe space’.
Butt stuff this, asshole. Your raging orange man-baby today,
“Never in our Country’s history has there been a time where law enforcement has been so viciously and violently involved in the life and times of politics in our Nation,” Trump wrote. “My rights, together with the rights of all Americans, have been violated at a level rarely seen before in our Country.
A major motion pertaining to the Fourth Amendment will soon be filed concerning the illegal Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago, right before the ever important Mid-Term Elections,” he continued. “It should not be allowed to continue!”
Law enforcement?? “Kill the Blue” strikes me as being a most unfortunate campaign slogan.
I’ve often wondered why so many Republican eagerly embrace a leader of such obviously bad character as Trump. It only makes sense if they want a Fuhrer for their movement who’s willing to do the things Hitler did. Connect that to their extermination talk and maybe you’re there.
defaults to butt stuff
Whenever disloyal, un-American Groyper hopes for House dominance whither to…
…220/221 whatever it takes.
I had to laugh.
Soon? Really? Ya fuckin’ think?
It’s been two goddamn weeks with nothing. Is the New Jersey parking attorney still studying the local rules?