Oh hey. Seattle is being great on making sure to keep abortion access in the wake of the recent Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe. Thank goodness for them and the King County Council earlier this year. I don’t know what more there is to do, but keep up the good work.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
So, now that the Federal Bureau of Investigations has conducted a major search for, and apparently found, highly classified documents at Fat Donny’s house, the Q-Nutters on the ‘Chans and the more “mainstream” media outlets are going fucking bananas about how this means that “it could happen to anyone, ANYONE”.
Yep. That’s what the Rule of Law is all about, you stupid, ignorant, misguided fucks.
Apparently the Fat Yellow Fuck was shopping nuclear weapons operations secrets around the world. Not as an attack on the United States per se, but just to make money. The Saudis have been mentioned, as has Victor Orban, which, by proxy, means Vladimir Putin.
These were documents that were subpoenaed nearly 8 months ago, that the Fat Yellow Fuck denied even possessing, and refused to turn over.
“What documents? I don’t have any documents! YOU’RE the Documents!”
The day that man, and his kids, and his former cabinet members are all kicking at the end of a rope cannot come soon enough.
I tell you what, Congress should do for the Fat Yellow Fuck’s presidential memorial. Build the National Memorial Latrine somewhere near Arlington. Make it a big, garish brutalist concrete structure with a giant concrete lined pit that’s about 50 feet deep and maybe 50 holes for people to shit into, and make sure that nobody is denied the use of. Then throw him, his kids, his criminal partners and anyone who participated in the 1/6 insurrection into it.
Marketwatch app headline.
Thank You President Joe Biden!
@1 fucking con man should be hung by his balls!
Fuck Bob and his acceptance of this fuck.
It’s been a helluva week. And yes, obviously Republicans are a dangerous trash fire in our midst that cannot go on any longer.
But there is also a ton of really great news, the kind of which we actually fought so hard for two years ago.
Trump is no longer president and it looks like he’s in about as much trouble as we expected. Although he will probably be the next GOP nominee he won’t win. Many of his less partisan supporters will grow disgusted and simply quit voting.
Even better is that President Biden and Democrats in Congress are capping off a long and historic legislative winning streak.
Climate looks done and will pass out of the House ready for a signature today. It’s fantastic and unprecedented. Two weeks ago this was dead. There was to be no climate spending bill at all. The turnaround is a credit to both the leadership and the Democratic members in Congress. It’s the most significant shift in federal spending since The New Deal. It’s huge and a great victory.
Treatment and compensation for veterans poisoned by burn pits is now signed into law, despite obstruction from Republicans. Another massive and historic victory for Biden and Democrats. We passed the bill to reinvest in domestic chip manufacturing rebuilding a vital industry that will support and sustain jobs and economic growth for decades.
And the spending bill headed to the White House will do more than bring the US back into the global climate fold. HHS gains the legal authority to negotiate drug prices for the first time ever. A new annual cap on prescription spending for people enrolled in Medicare. Three more years of ACA subsidies so that millions of American families can continue to be protected with quality health insurance. And many of the key climate provisions will help lower American family utility bills putting more “dreaded” spending money in their pockets for decades to come.
Meanwhile the first gun control legislation in thirty years was successfully signed into law in June. The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan is the most successful economic recovery legislation since the Great Depression, and Mayor Pete continues to tour US communities doling out funding for vital projects from the Democrat’s infrastructure bill.
Yes Republicans are awful and we need to make them go away forever. But even in the face of their endless obstruction, violence, and betrayal things continue to make enormous progress thanks to Democrats.
@4 I hope that translates into more and better democrats getting elected
Fuck you Bob. Go cry.
I think it will. But it’s worth it either way, whenever Democrats improve the lives of Americans like we do.
I know you’re probably like me and you can’t help but feel like all these things piled up alongside the GOP leadership peddling our nuclear safety to Chinese hookers and Saudi murderers and demanding the closure of the FBI should produce twenty point swings. But voters don’t be like that. Voters are largely habitual creatures. Voting itself is a habit. And habits are hard to change. And it’s the kind of change that takes time and lots of practice.
But we’re on our way. America is embracing a new lifestyle, albeit gradually. And of course some Americans are going to refuse. They won’t change their habits. They’ll continue to smoke. They’ll refuse to exercise. They’ll refuse to vaccinate. Etc. They won’t give a fuck. That’s how that works and you won’t change them.
But we will outnumber them. We already do.
1)Ironically, Q-Clearance is the highest level of classification at the Department of Energy. Classified work at tge DoE? Overseeing the Nuclear Arsenal.
They support the Tropps and freedom like they support LEO.
Bunch of fucks that deserve to be hung.
These are the people who love the Fat Yellow Fuck.
So, thusfar we have the FYF’s people going on the various echo-chamber forums and they’re all saying that it’s a Liberal conspiracy to keep his fat ass out of the next election and Liberals have all these conspiracy theories about the FYF.
Then, you have people like this. “It is not a conspiracy theory when WE’RE making shit up”.
The statutes pursuant to which the FBI raided Mar-a-lago:
So sez Breitbart.
Breitbart is claiming that Team Kill Him With His Own Gun has given them a copy of the warrant.
According to their reporting the criminal statutes cited in support of the warrant application were:
18 U.S.C. 793 – espionage
18 U.S.C. 2071 – destruction/removal of records
18 U.S.C. 1519 – obstruction
The copy of the warrant that was shared with Breitbart included the identifying information for the Florida FBI agents who conducted the search which Breitbart has now dutifully published to the world.
Human garbage.
TDS (Trump Deranged Syndrome) is definitely not an STD.
I’m going to continue to predict that Trump will not be indicted for violations of the espionage act, unless DOJ can discover convincing proof that Trump knowingly transferred the classified nuclear defense information.
I remain hopeful that this never happened.
The documents needed to be recovered for all our sakes, of course. But that doesn’t automatically mean that a successful prosecution can be made for their theft. However, it may also mean that this particular saga is far from over for Mr. Trump. What additional steps are taken to investigate this breach of nuclear security will depend upon what was recovered from MAL and where it came from, as well as other eyewitness testimony from other individuals with direct knowledge of the theft.
@11 weren’t you the one that was proclaiming something nefarious in the sealed warrant, inferring that it would always be a secret?
So Bob, why the hell would the FPOTUS take any of those documents, classified or not, to his private residence?
Try and answer the question and not go down your typical whataboutism. This isn’t about Hillary and her emails, it isn’t about Obama and his library, it certainly not about Hunter Biden. Just stick to the simple question asked, why would FPOTUS want any documents related to nuclear arms/technology? Give us one good solid reason.
Problem is, there isn’t any good reason.
Is FPOTUS Trump the next Jonathan Pollard?
@ 15
@11 weren’t you the one that was proclaiming something nefarious in the sealed warrant, inferring that it would always be a secret?
No. That was something told to you by a stranger while he was fucking you bareback, G-clown.
I said that the FBI (or the DOJ) wouldn’t go public with the contents. They haven’t and they won’t. The responsibility for release of the contents will fall to a judge. The DOJ has moved for the disclosure but it will be up to Team Trump, and ultimately to a judge, to decide whether to do it. Seems to me a wise move.
federal warrant packages are much more elaborate than the one-page screeds dashed off on a front porch at 3 am by the local county judge.
The warrant package received by Trump’s lawyers would have contained the name of the magistrate judge and the court issuing the warrant, the government lawyers applying for the warrant, the FBI agents or other law enforcement officers executing the search, a listing of the criminal statutes cited in support of the application, the precise locations to be searched, a general description of items sought in the application, and a general inventory of the items removed. Reports indicate Trump received a 7 page subset of the full package. The entire application contains all that, but also includes sworn affidavit(s) that are more or less a summary report of the full investigation. This is likely to have run into hundreds of pages.
Since we know now that this is a National Security investigation large portions of that investigative report are classified and will probably remain so.
I hope not. Truly.
Clown @ 16
If the documents were declassified there’s no reason for us to care.
If you’ve already answered the question that there is no valid reason then there’s no reason for me to reply.
I have a question for you: What’s your source that it’s nuclear code material or nuclear technology material? Fox News and WSJ have seen the list and neither of them are mentioning that. Likely because the list doesn’t include specifics. So Newt, what source do you have that WSJ and Fox don’t have?
Monday…This a lie! There is nothing there. Witchhunt!
Tuesday….Any classified material is automatically declassified by any president!
Wednesday….It’s all political. They are coming after conservatives for no reason!
Thursday…The FBI planted the incriminating evidence!
Friday…Hey, every president does it! This is just normal!
If they were declassified, your orange hero would simply have to show proof. He has not. He can say they were “declassified” all he wants but he needs to prove it because he is a proven liar time and time again.
He could put and end to all of it by coming clean and showing proof, but he won’t. This is a fundraiser for Trump, one way or another.
Like Fox News would sound the alarm against Trump on this. Ha!
I never said anything about nuclear codes, this is what I said, “…related to nuclear arms/technology?” My sources are the same as yours, what is being reported in the various worldwide media outlets.
You have obviously never had a security clearance (I have, a Secrete level), otherwise you would understand better as to why this is a big deal.
Why you continue to support and shill for Trump very telling about your true nature and belief system.
I suppose I take some comfort in the certainty here that Degen will be nurturing himself on the putrescent gruel of legal misinformation that consistently defines his media bubble in times such as this.
By now he will have developed “legitimate questions” about whether or not it is possible for a president to mishandle classified documents, since “a president has full authority to declassify”, etc. etc. idiotic blather redacted.
I should hope by now it would be a foregone conclusion that for Every Republican You Know the “law” is just whatever the fuck they claim it is in that moment.
Originalism my ass.
Shorter 21,
Degen is trash.
Worthless, lawless, unprincipled human trash.
“Worthless, lawless, unprincipled human trash.”
That sums it up rather accurately.
@21 Read it for yourself.
Looks pretty bad for FPOTUS, several items seized that had security classification markings. They didn’t make any notes about being marked “unclassified”.
You have obviously never had a security clearance (I have, a Secrete level), otherwise you would understand better as to why this is a big deal.
Back in the late 1970s when I was to design the systems for the Bangor Trident Base wharf where they loaded nuclear warhead-tipped missiles onto the subs, I had to obtain one as well. I only had to explain one thing to them.
My replay to their inquiry, “I was 12 years old at the time and had stayed out late sledding in the snow. Two officers in a police car saw me walking home and gave me a ride.”
With that, I was given the security clearance I needed.
A former Republican speaker of the Florida legislature is under investigation for stealing millions from taxpayers.
As the owner of a construction company, he sent “crews to visit work sites with equipment but not perform any work,” then billed the county, school district, and other government entities for hurricane cleanup work that was never performed.
Republican… stealing millions from taxpayers…
sounds like a friend of deathsatanist and drumpf.. aka what else is new?
@4 “Yes Republicans are awful and we need to make them go away forever.”
You can’t make them go away. Like mosquitoes, leeches, and garden slugs they’re here, and they reproduce every time it rains, so they’ll continue to be here.
We can’t make the Republican Party go away, either, nor should we. The nature of the Republican Party is widely misunderstood. It’s thought to be some evil entity, but it’s not. It’s the trash receptacle into which we throw Republicans. Without the GOP, we’d still have the trash, without a receptacle to put it in.
The warrant specified the following items to be sought as established through a finding of probable cause supported by the sworn affidavit:
– Documents with classified markings;
– Information related to violations of the espionage act;
– Presidential Records, which the former president’s attorneys have already made sworn attestations that are no longer in his possession;
– Evidence of destruction of Presidential Records or classified documents.
The probable cause order will have found specifically not only that there is probable cause for the court to conclude that the described Presidential Records, classified documents, information about the same, and evidence of their alteration or destruction are located at the described premises, but that there is probable cause that they are located there right now at the time of the application.
Like Every Republican You Know, Degen has literally no past or future. His entire existence lies in the immediate present, seeking a quick momentary buzz of clout or triumph from copypasta insults on the internet.
Just contemplate the soaring depravity of someone who tirelessly mocks and sneeringly lectures about the private sexuality of others, and suffers infinite moral agonies over the merest of faint hypocrisy in “others”, while offering vapid disingenuous technical defenses for the careless (we hope) theft of our nation’s most protected secrets threatening the nuclear annihilation of a billion human beings.
It’s honestly hard to imagine how that can be contained in one person. And if you spend any time at all really contemplating it you can only imagine such a person would suffer indescribable damage to their own character. The phrase “it shocks the conscience” comes to mind. Recognizing how many people just like this now makeup the Republican Party should serve to harden all of us to the task we face.
@16 “So Bob, why the hell would the FPOTUS take any of those documents, classified or not, to his private residence?”
Because he thinks he’s an illegitimately-deposed president-in-exile, now running a shadow government while waiting for the day he’s restored to the throne rightfully his, and to him those are just work papers. Kind of like Kaiser Willy taking the Schlieffen Plans with him to Belgium in December 1918.
I know Bangor and Keyport well. That is where I used my clearance too.
I recall once when I didn’t have the appropriate level of clearance for a particular section of a base, I was told to get out of the vehicle and wait for it to return. I had a nice 18 year old marine stand at the ready with his M-16 about 5 feet away from me for the 20 minutes I had to wait for the vehicle to return. He was polite, but very focused and determined. I actually thought it was great that they did that and just how serious he took is role. Made me feel good about the security there.
Trump, on the other hand, if it is proven he had Top Secret documents and his private residence, is a disgrace to the country and to the people that do take it serious.
@18 So if DoJ asks a judge the release the warrant, and the judge grants the request, it’s the judge and not DoJ who “went public” with the warrant?
Another brilliant insight brought to you by HA’s armchair lawyer.
@21 “If the documents were declassified there’s no reason for us to care.”
I think it’s apparent this vacuous talking point isn’t going to get your tribe anywhere in a court of law, although it might get them (and you) somewhere in gullible precincts of the court of public opinion.
As ridiculous as it seems, when the random A/B testing of all the various forms of “Locker Room Talk” messaging are complete, what we will see Degen and Every Other Republican You Know promoting is the fantastical notion that a former president no longer in office and with no formal constitutional powers can declassify any document he likes, even documents he is unable to describe, from thousands of miles away, ex post facto, using only his clairvoyant powers.
@28 Trump couldn’t have passed that vetting. He would’ve grabbed some 11-year-old by the pussy at the sledding hill, and the cops would’ve been responding to a frantic call from the girl’s mother.
Also reading through that inventory, the tenth item listed:
“2A – Various classified/TS/SCI documents”
That’s at least one pile of “highly classified” documents. In NatSec parlance TS/SCI documents are normally not allowed outside of Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility. That normally means in typical protocol that these are documents and records that reside inside a specially secured physical facility (Faraday cage, Marine guards, no cell phones allowed, etc) but also that they reside on a non-network attached work station. Physical copies are not supposed to exist except only as needed and with very careful custody tracking and preparation for destruction.
The fact that physical examples of these documents were made, and then carried to a private sex club in Florida to be stored in a basement as souvenirs would provide very strong evidence that the document handling practices as required by law were not being followed very closely inside the Trump White House for a long, long time. I’m honestly a little bit nauseous just thinking about that. And I certainly don’t envy the people in DOJ counterintel who now have to thoroughly investigate that. It’s bound to be a house of horrors.
Again, if our luck is in it was never anything too serious and by some great miracle all the various foreign intelligence services who regarded the Trump administration as a candy store came away empty handed. Let’s hope so.
Democrats fire their politicians for sexual harassment. Republicans don’t fire their politicians for espionage, rape, or corruption.
Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same, no matter what our stupid trolls say.*
* Democratic and Republican voters aren’t equally intelligent, either.
Optimism grows….a headline to the stock market….Yes! Optimism! just what the doctor (Bob) didn’t ordered.
Hubba, Hubba, Hubba.
“Southern Baptist Convention under federal investigation for sexual abuse scandal”
Aren’t Southern Baptists Trumplisheep?
Just remember this appears to be from the heterosexual community. I don’t think any gay people are involved with this.
So like you say, let’s hope not. But if so, remember it’s origins lie with heterosexuals.
It is precious that a clown is calling others a clown.
The clown is sitting waiting for bad economic news and indicators, this nuclear shit is too much for him.
I have a question for you….if Fox News or WSJ knew that it were the nuclear codes do you think they would say? Likely not.
Martians, they don’t exist. Scary stuff.
He has no scrupples or beliefs, just worships his less than millions.
I’m honestly a little bit nauseous just thinking about that.
General Flynn comes to mind.
And what about the informant? What did they witness at MAL that caused that person to wake the fuck up and do what they did?
Who owns WSJ and FoxNews?
Why it is one of Trump’s friends.
Next lame excuse Bob can come up with?
Over on FoxNews, one of them is already trying to blame the people that were actually supposed to track the classified information.
That technique is so Bob. Never mind it was the CINC, you know, the POTUS, that should have known better. After all, he does have his finger on the button.
Yeah he tried to make a nice spin on it. When he made the comment, which he did cleverly (like the fat pig fuckhump), he implied that it was kept secret as some type non transparrent purpose to it.
@21 “I have a question for you: What’s your source that it’s nuclear code material or nuclear technology material?”
Worse. Intel “methods and sources … including human sources on the American government payroll,” according to government sources.
This is the kind of info that gets people spying for us killed if seen by prying eyes.
A copy of the treasonous dingbat’s resolution are at the link.
Henry Rodgers
Scoop: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
@RepMTG will soon be introducing articles of impeachment against AG Merrick Garland after the raid of Trumps Mar-a-Lago. @DailyCaller
45, 48,
At this very early stage I’m not sure it makes any difference if the highly classified material that was stolen from a US government Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility and hidden in the basement of a private sex club in South Florida is nuclear or not.
It isn’t fucking lunch menus.
The warrant and it’s execution were entirely appropriate and carried out to secure vital national security intelligence. The past five days of pained shrieking and death threats to federal judges and nail gun attacks on FBI agents are a disgrace that must not be memory-holed.
Fuck the GOP.
Fuck Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham, Fat Midget, and Ron Johnson.
They owe that judge, Merrick Garland, the FBI, and the nation an apology. They should not be seen in the presence of any media microphone without that being demanded of them.
Whatever the fuck it is, this IS a very serious investigation of very serious national security leaks. What very little of it we’ve seen already places it so far beyond Buttery Makes it hurts to think about.
Republicans are a manifest and existential threat to our national security.
@53 “They owe that judge, Merrick Garland, the FBI, and the nation an apology.”
I disagree. They owe debts to society. To be served in secure facilities where they can’t hurt anyone else.
Quotes from Fox News frontpage:
“Greg Gutfeld: FBI’s seizure of classified records from Mar-a-Lago sounds like every hoax we’ve heard before”
“Levin on Trump raid: ‘Who lost track of these classified documents?'”
“SPECIAL REPORT: Lawmakers shred FBI’s raid on Trump”
“SEE PICS: Hunter Biden vacations in ritzy area amid federal tax investigation”
Which of these headlines do you think will get the most clicks from Fox’s regular readership?
Breaking news from Fox News: “In the photos from the vacation obtained by Fox News Digital, Hunter, his wife Melissa Cohen and what appears to be their 2-year-old son Beau can be seen frolicking in the South Carolina surf. Another photo shows Biden and Cohen embracing and leaning in for a kiss as Beau looks on.”
To view these lurid photos yourself, go here:
Early stages very true.
However, regardless of your status as a civilian, government worker, contractor, or POTUS, the responsibility to handle classified material properly is the responsibility of the person that holds the clearance and possesses the documents. This is clear and unambiguous when you receive your clearance. If there was SCI material at Trump’s private residence/property, then it was his responsibility, plain and simple. He can delegate tasks, but it is still his responsibility.
If the AG can prove what they are claiming, Trump is in violation of properly handling classified information and should be at a minimum, barred from ever receiving any future classified information.
Bob and his tribe are the real threat to democracy if this turns out to be true.
“The FBI is investigating an ‘unprecedented’ number of threats against bureau personnel and property in the wake of the search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, including some against agents listed in court records as being involved in the recent search, a law enforcement source tells CNN.”
I hope they follow up on every single one of those threats, identify the perps, and drag them into court on federal felony charges. This shit needs to have consequences.
It’s time to teach the assholes talking about “civil war,” brandishing guns, and threatening public servants that pursuing political violence will ruin their lives.
@53 “Bob and his tribe are the real threat to democracy”
They want to be a threat to democracy. They want to overthrow democracy. Because they’re not a majority, never have been, never will be, and can’t get what they want by democratic means. So democracy has to go. Compromising with the majority isn’t good enough because it’s gotta be their way or the highway, every time, on everything. Fucking Nazis.
They want pastors, not librarians, to decide what books can be in public libraries.
Fuck ’em. You can’t reason with these people. It’s useless to argue with them. We’ve got to outvote them, then tell them to go fuck themselves.
“Brian Kilmeade Admits He Showed Doctored Photo Of Mar-A-Lago Search Judge”
“The Fox News host had displayed a fabricated image of the magistrate judge beside convicted sex offender Ghislaine Maxwell without saying that it was fake.
“Fox News presenter Brian Kilmeade admitted Friday that he showed a doctored photo of the magistrate judge who authorized an FBI search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate earlier this week.
“While filling in for host Tucker Carlson on Thursday, Kilmeade displayed a fabricated image of Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart having his feet massaged by convicted sex offender Ghislaine Maxwell and holding Oreo cookies and alcohol on a plane.”
I think there’s actual malice there for libel purposes, should Judge Reinhart be deemed a “public figure” who must satisfy the New York Times v. Sullivan test to get a million bucks from this lying asshole.
So it time to really start tracking foreign vessel movement near wherever Trump is. The US adopted a 12 nautical mile Territorial zone and a 24 nautical mile contiguous zone.
Rumor has it that if Trump gets really scared, he will shuttle off in a helicopter to a foreign ship just waiting outside these zones, in International waters.
As I recall, Bannon had a Chinese buddy with a pretty nice yacht. Vlad has a nice one and so does MBS. Heck, even North Korea would probably trade the Pueblo for Trump, after all Kim Jong-un and Trump are pen pals.
63)Need acCoast Guard Legend or Famous class cutter stationed there. Said hypothetical foreign vessel may not be scared away by the light weapons of tge Sentinel class cutters.
The agency might also decide to take right wing domestic terrorism seriously for the first time.
If he promised to go this month I think Fat Midget would happily provide an armed escort of state troopers and Florida National Guard.
@63 “Vlad has a nice one and so does MBS.”
Vlad had a nice one. MBS still has his. NK would not trade the Pueblo for Trump. The Pueblo is a national shrine there, whereas Trump will be nothing but rice paddy fertilizer in a few years. And they don’t want to feed him. They’d rather we feed him.
Vlad has more than one.
The Pueblo may be a national shrine but think of the shrine they would build if they got Donald. Why keep the old rust bucket.
“I was far too busy at the time conspiring to overturn a lawful election to pay any attention to which nuclear secrets I was stealing.”