Oh, hey. A date for reopening the West Seattle Bridge. It’s…in September. Still, it’s pretty exciting. They can see when they will join the rest of us. Welcome back.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
I wonder how much money Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has made so far this morning. I mean, now that his 3M shares have fallen into the $130s. He paid in the high $170s.
Just another bright, beautiful new day in Bidenworld.
Dow falls more than 700 points after inflation hits 40-year high, consumer sentiment plummets
This is why they aired the made-for-TV movie about January 6 last night. They knew that nobody would give a shit today.
Seems like I can recall being taught about some relationship between the two.
Oh well. Gotta go shopping. Target has patio sets on sale 50% off.
Turn back the clock: 1980
a proto-degen votes for Carter even after the REAL “miracle on ice”
that degen is so fucked…. HA HEROES are here in the present day to laugh at the end product..
or “bored to tiers”.. yawwwn..
One nice thing you can say about Hunter Biden (and there are not very many), he never testified under oath against his own father.
It’s gotten so bad that YLB can’t afford to replace the vajazzling stones that have fallen off.
Americans owe $22 billion in late utility bills as energy prices spike 34%—here’s where you can find help
Credit card debt is spiking, too.. We’re fewer than six months from the Fall elections now.
Get ready for The Pain.
According to Rupert Murdoch homicide rates in rural, Trump Murica soared 25% in 2020.
Them Trump voters need to stop all those “DEFUND” and “BLM” demonstrations and protests, stop holding drag queen contests, and quit playing violent video games.
@ 5
One nice thing you can say about Hunter Biden (and there are not very many), he never testified under oath against his own father.
He’ll plead the Fifth, when the time comes. And it’s coming. The GOP will follow the Democrat playbook.
In not too distant past: a kreepshit troll from widbee does a stupid dance over its mary kay getting her first SS check
time goes on: kreepshit announces that mary kay has to endure “stupid old people” at senior “teh wuhan” shopping hour..
time goes on: countless “stupid drumpfers” expire at the hands of “teh wuhan” clutching their horse pills, hydroxy, black lights up their butts and lysol at stand by.
HA HEROES save the date for kreepshit’s own stupid dance in 2024.
I’m pretty sure that no matter what happens in November, Degen is going to declare “THE PAIN”.
But then again, and just as an example, he also declared that Trump would build THE WALL and that Mexico would pay for it.
Trump being elected president in 2016 was obviously a huge failure for America. Most people agree about that now. He was a terrible president, shitty at the job when he could even be bothered to show up, and corrupt beyond all comparison. But in a lot of ways Trump helped rebuild the Democratic party, which helped us win back Congress and flip key states. None of that was even in sight by Obama’s second term in office.
After a couple of very, very successful cycles Democrats could lose a little ground this year. But Biden will still be president, the Senate will still be in Democrat’s control, and the Republican party will have continued to move further away from voters.
And there are a lot of cool things a lame duck House can do in the closing months of the year. A guy named Paul Ryan told me that.
It’s so weird how republicans post endlessly about inflation but not a word about the violent republican coup attempt to overthrow the Democratic process.
degen was so fucked back in the 1980’s…
by its frat bros after its great sin…
but never fear…
bonzo came to its rescue…
and since then ketchup has always been kreepshit’s vegetable.
Why won’t republicans take responsibility?
But Merrick Garland will not follow the GOP.
If I were advising Hunter Biden I’d tell him to call dad to request a Mulligan and then no-show Rep. Shower Pedophile.
There’s nothing Gym can do about it on his own. And after grooming kids for shower rape and participating in a seditious conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government, I’m not sure why anyone from the DOJ would ever take his calls again.
The former party of “Bootstrap Responsibility” is now the party of PPP-Lambo with a custom “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS” paint job.
DeSantis announced today that he will be setting up a special office of state law enforcement to investigate and prosecute families for their movie rental histories.
Plans to name Robert Bork to run it fell through for some reason.
There’s nothing Gym can do about it on his own. And after grooming kids for shower rape and participating in a seditious conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government
chisum gym likes to watch… heavy man on man action..
degen kreepshit better watch its back.. doj is heading for widbee..
in a caravan of black suv’s.. BOO!
According to Rupert Murdoch homicide rates in rural, Trump Murica soared 25% in 2020.
a degen kreepshit from widbee prescribes “stop and frisk”…
Degs will merely insist that the violent collapse of civilization and descent into apocalyptic nightmare is entirely isolated to the north end of the island.
But I’m not so sure. After all, Greg Abbott tells me that it’s Xtianity, and The Bible that protect civilization. And the concentration of churches and church attendance is highest up north.
@ 13
But Merrick Garland will not follow the GOP.
Not without precedent. Eric Holder was held in contempt by the House. AG Eric Holder did nothing about it.
apocalyptic nightmare
apocalypse (a greek word) was prophesied like 2 centuries before the birth of Jesus. Apocalyptic thinking in the Bible starts with the Book of Daniel.
Jews and then Christians have been working, anticipating and praying on it ever since.
But why should God even bother? God’s children have been doing a bang up job, fucking things up, strictly on their own.
DJIA on First Vegetable Joe Biden’s inauguration day: 31,188
DJIA now: 31,502
Nearly 17 months of Bidenworld and the DJIA has risen a whole 1.01%.
Hell, even Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit may have done better than that.
DJIA during the term of the empty suit that kreepshit voted for twice:
Jan 22, 2001: 10578.24
Jan 16, 2009: 8281.22
kreepshit “seriously” and desperately seeks the khalidi tape.
There’s 100k in it for teh degen..
@ 23
Faced with the disaster of the current White House occupant, YLB harkens back to the days when she fellated The One continuously on these pages.
She’s got nuthin’ in response to criticism of Biden, so she chooses to refer back to a different president who wasn’t re-elected when the markets fell.
Like YLB’s double-digit IQ and recurrent yeast infections, “The Kamala problem is here to stay.”
How Kamala Harris became a liability
The vice-president is unpopular with the public and her party. Is she a victim of Joe Biden’s failures or responsible for her own misfortune?
NPR interviewed Eric Adams for today’s Morning Edition. He’s a little rough around the edges still and he needs to jettison his family members from his circle of influence, but he’s got a couple of years to clean it up for the national stage. And he doesn’t engage in word salad.
Momala is awful.
harkens back to the days
hmm.. the days Jan 2001 to Jan 2009 when an empty suit kreepshit voted for twice waged endless war and fiddled while keepshit’s beloved stock market melted down..
got nuthin’ in response
“be greedee when others are fearful”.. kreepshit is so addled by hate, it can’t remember to do that? Even black guy hater troll Mr. Klynical did that.
Maybe we should ask John Mitchell.
An independent DOJ can’t base it’s charging decisions on a vote in a single chamber of Congress. That wouldn’t be any more lawful than basing charging decisions on who Jared points at.
Speaker Boehner had it within his power to introduce legislation reauthorizing an independent prosecutor statute. But he didn’t.* He left GOP extremist paranoia to simmer and seethe. So the Death Caucus gutted him. Which is how you got here today. With nothing more to look forward to next year but a prolonged leadership fight between animated dwarves.
*Damn good thing for the Trump party that he didn’t.
And he doesn’t engage in word salad.
Just about anything would be a big improvement over being a silly advocate for pissing away billions per month in Afghanistan paying YUGE dividends – like 2 new NATO members and a Europe united against Russian aggression.
Biden being “indirectly” responsible for gas being $10.82 per gallon in Norway.
Maybe we should ask John Mitchell.
Watch out Elijah.. Degen gets triggered if you reach back in history past a week.
It’s been months of waiting. And all we’ve seen from the Trump party has been Rick Scott’s proposal to raise everyone’s taxes, implement Sharia law, restrict voting to white property owners who can show proof of owning shares in a mutual fund, and withdraw all support from NATO and Ukraine.
Degen has made no comment. But clearly he would support granting Putin 100% control over all the energy supplies delivered to Europe.
unless it is “cigar shaped”.
I’d say we should ask Sigmund Freud, but that’s even older than Mitchell.
kreepshit got chills when its beloved empty suit it voted for twice looked into Vlad’s eyes and…
found Vlad “trustworthy”…
Near as I can tell, the closest the Trump party gets to having an actual economic plan is “Nuclear Winter with 25% More Tax Cuts”.
Withdrawing from NATO and moving back into Afghanistan would fit.
@1 I hope 3M falls farther, so I can buy more shares cheap.
I realize this is hard to fathom for a retired radiologist who’s now spending down his savings. Even though I’m old enough to be your father, I’m still in the accumulation phase of my investing life, because I planned my life better than you did.
I’ve also lived a better life than you have, by being a better rabbit than you are.
@6 Many Americans live hand-to-mouth, robbing Peter to pay Paul, because the payments on their new F-350s really stress their income, even before putting $2.50 gas in it. And $5 gas makes it that much worse.
Show me a Republican and I’ll show you someone living beyond their means. The low-IQ Americans are no smarter about personal finances than they are about basic civics.
@7 They have to use their $1500 AR-15s for something, otherwise that money just goes to waste.
Funny how people who spend $70,000 on a tricked-out F-350 and buy two dozen AR-15s at $1500-$2000 each can’t afford $5 gas or $4 milk.
More than a year later, the Trump party still relies on myth and fabrication to sustain itself.
Right after yesterday’s hearings Trump party members began recycling long since debunked bullshit.
We learned yesterday, once again, that Trump did nothing, absolutely nothing whatsoever, despite begging and pleading from every corner of the government, to call in extra military or law enforcement support in quelling the terror attack on an entire branch of elected government. Not. One. Thing. Other than giggle into his hand.
So like clockwork Trump party members from Congress ran to FOX microphones to blame That Bitch, etc.
That’s bullshit.
I hope we learn next week what happened in the Pentagon. Those same fuckers are still in their jobs. If it turns out one of Trump’s beachhead people was pulling strings they should be indicted. And anyone in the chain who stepped outside of the lawful civilian authorities for their orders should face an Article 32.
@14 Speaking of paint jobs, Trump’s AF One paint job, like the rest of his presidency, is a miserable failure.
prosecute families for their movie rental histories.
Plans to name Robert Bork to run it fell through for some reason.
Clarence Thomas might need to keep busy after he retires.
@18 “a degen kreepshit from widbee prescribes ‘stop and frisk’…”
Might not be a bad idea in his community.
@20 “Eric Holder was held in contempt by the House.”
Eric Holder was held in contempt by Republicans pretending to be a legislative body. There. I filled in the details for you.
@22 My stocks, excluding dividends, are still positive for the year. Yours?
@25 “Momala is awful.”
The 20-year-old Trumper who lives down the block from me is worse, and all he does is scrawl “Let’s go Brandon” in the mud on the side of his old pickup and drive through the neighborhood showing off his “Fuck Biden” flag to the kids walking home from school.
Nearly every other Republican in the country is worse than he is, and certainly any Republican in a public office or other position of responsibility.
Given the choices, I’ll take Harris over anybody you’ve got any day.
$181 to fill the 2500 tank today. Diesel @ $6.259/gallon here.
@45 Hmmmm. Making a Costco run here pretty soon..
Will I need a fillup? naaah.. Did that last month. Still have 3/4 tank.
Supposedly Costco is taking over a Sam’s Club in my area that’s been empty for years now.. Wish they’d hurry about it… I’d have way fewer miles to drive.
Fewer miles to drive.. More moolah to save and invest.. Life is good and can be better.
@46 He made poor choices.
@46 Ready to hand over Ukraine to Putin yet? Tucker Carlson is. Many of your fellow Republicans are. Your party is. Your Fuhrer is.
This vibe only still works if, like Degen, you very studiously ignored the epic rant that Steve Schmidt laid down over more than 72 hrs a few weeks ago, exposing Palin, and the entire corrupt Maverick machine.
A remarkable record of cowardice and sleaze from Trump party royalty already deep in bed with Putin.
There’s just nothing redeeming left in Trumpism/Republicanism. It’s all deplorable, all the way down. But Degen still thinks he can scare people with Whitey Tape bullshit.
The worst Democrat (and Harris is certainly nowhere near that), I mean the most corrupt, most incompetent, most publicly indifferent living Democrat Degen can ever name, is still one hundred times better than the best, brightest, most accomplished living Trumpublican.
And that’s why the Trump party is left with no choice but to plan and launch domestic terror attacks on democratically elected government and fair elections.
Speaking of terror attacks on democratically elected government and fair elections,
“A Texas man who had a GoPro strapped to his body as he committed crimes at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was sentenced Friday to a year and a day in federal prison.”
He recorded himself shouting “We’re coming through, we’re coming through!” as he pushed through police lines, and recorded himself saying, “we’re part of a revolution!”
What else did he record himself saying? How about, “Bust the windows … break the glass.”
They make it so easy for prosecutors. Just sign the guilty plea right here. One the dotted line. See ya in a year.
Whitey Tape bullshit
Heh.. that’s right up degen’s alley..
but.. teh swarthy guy… that tends to play a bit better in degen’s hyper-fevered mentality.
just like “teh black guy” of Cali.. and what “teh black guy” does with his junk..
Thank God for a President Joe Biden! And God Bless President Joe Biden.
The FuckHump sure is a fascist Dictator bigot racist. May he live in hell for eternity, as well as those that look the other way to the traitorous action of Jan. 6th.
I wouldn’t vote for her BUT God bless Liz Cheney! She is the true American, unlike fake fucking trolls and asswipe hillbillies.
Oh well – Poor choices in life.
MAGA Congressional candidate promises to “start executing people” who support LGBTQ youth
“We should start putting some of those parents in jail for abusing their child’s minds… start executing people!”
Let’s compare and contrast. Liberal candidates say things like “let’s tax the rich a lot more” and “let’s have reasonable gun reform”.
Republican candidates say things like “Lets jail people who support LGBTQ youth ” and “start executing people, like Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell”
Back from Costco.. About 6 miles drive from teh homestead…
If Costco is allowed to take over the empty Sams Club that’ll be less than a 3 mile drive for our family..
Every saved mile counts when gas prices are so “inflated”..
However SDOT is taking its time as usual calculating traffic and safety impacts.. They gotta do what they do.. No guarantees on the outcome.
Heh.. We’ll survive.. somehow.. I had more than 3/4 tank. After this shopping trip, the gauge is right on the 3/4 mark..
Might go 6 weeks plus w/o another fillup. Sweet.
Conan O’Brien’s wife is a playwright. She has a play opening in Langley tonite. He’s here, for those who have an interest in Conan “Ginger Junk” O’Brien.
I called it “made-for-TV movie” as snark. This morning NPR referred to it as “made-for-TV”.
The type of TV that is cancelled after the pilot episode airs.
Consumer sentiment hasn’t been this low in 40 years.
@57 Making light snark of a violent attempt to overthrow our government is why we call you Doctor “Dumbfuck.”
We think you’re too stupid to appreciate what was at stake on Jan. 6, or the venality of it, but if you don’t like that assessment we’re willing to consider alternatives.
@58 You might ask yourself why Fed stimulus in 2009 didn’t cause inflation, as many conservatives predicted it would. The answer is the money supply was actually shrinking because frightened consumers and businesses hoarded cash. So what was different about Fed stimulus in 2021? The answer is simple: PARTY TIME!!! Everybody trying to spend all at once. Who wudda thunk? Powell didn’t, the FOMC didn’t, they worried about too little inflation. Sure seems like a long time ago now.
Who’s wrong if a MAGA gunman saying he’s doing this to defend his 2nd amendment rights and kills Judge Kavanagh?
The other day degen dickhead @ 58 rebabbled the babblings of hateful fascistic pos Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil…
But Bolsanaro is a “sissy”..
Brazil’s inflation rate: 11.73
US inflation: LOWER
Bolsonaro is too afraid to “discipline” Brazil’s poors.. Can’t the pos Bolsonaro tax teh lazy poors like skeletor Rick Scott wants to do?
oh shit!
I was slipping in people’s blood.
The blood of Capitol Police officers who were harmed while protecting our nation’s Capitol and our democracy. Harm caused by the low IQ traitor and his dozen cosplaying grandmothers.
@63 Republicans are turning away and trying to pretend nothing happened. I wouldn’t put them in charge of saving Ukraine. Or little kids in American schools, either.
20 million viewers in prime time. Twice that many and growing over the weekend watching clips on their phones, especially the humiliation of the Dauphin and his cuckoldress.
That would rank in the top ten. Somewhere between Stranger Things and The Mandalorian.
Modern media is a miracle.
Trumpers gonna be Trumpers.
Why do they wear their hats backwards? Anyway, he got on teevee, and how he’s famous in Houston.
Probably gonna be unemployed soon, too.
Idiot then follows this up with today’s spot price for Copper River Kings.
People say all kinds of stupid shit. Especially about economics.
I once had to endure listening to a partner bragging about how his BMW M5 was “a good investment”.
@67 His consumer sentiment hasn’t been this low in 40 years. Maybe retiring early and buying two F-350s wasn’t such a good idea?
She fucked around and found out.
‘Extraordinarily Self-Centered’: As a Roe Reversal Looms, RBG Admirers Wrestle with Her Legacy
YLB certainly was a fawning admirer.
@69 Last time I checked justices are appointed for life. If you’d like to change that rule, I’ll consider it.
“Her clerks, women law professors, and women in society in general really felt that she is above criticism,” she says.”
She died with her boots on…
Like her friend Nino…
History will judge.. boring shits like degen will degen.. ..snore..