It’s tough to detangle how much of Kshama Sawant’s turn around in the late ballots is due to various factors. How much is it that liberal votes tend to pick up later most elections? How much is due to SA organizing? How much is other GOTV efforts? How much is Sawant specifically? And of course, how much is the backlash against Amazon and other companies spending soooooo much money in the race? Still, if the turn around is greater than her first City Council election, I think that it’s safe to say that the Amazon money hurt Amazon more than it helped.
Opposes MJ Decrim and sentencing reforms;
Opposes investments in tech ed in public schools;
Opposes min wage of any kind on principle;
Opposes job retraining for workers displaced by tech/trade;
Believes “younger generations of workers” are all lazy;
Claims women’s rights are all worked out now;
Not a Democrat. Not even close. Not worth the bother.
Right now let’s remember that our corporate media “watchdogs”, relying on Trumpian BIRFER lies sourced from Q, concern trolled CGI, one of the most effective charity organizations in the world, right out of business.
While at the exact same time that was happening, president Russian SlutPuppet was using his family charity foundation to launder payments to prostitutes, and foreign sourced illegal campaign donations.
This is Every Republican You Know.
Poor, hapless Gordon Sondland. Another story of life under the bus, and soon prison. Only a month ago Sondland was “a really good man and great American”. Today Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron says he “hardly knows” the EU Ambassador he appointed and who donated $1,000,000 to orange moron’s inaugeration fund scam.
“president Russian SlutPuppet was using his family charity foundation to launder payments to prostitutes, and foreign sourced illegal campaign donations.”
Don’y forget the portraits of Dear Leader.
“Trump used his charity’s money to pay for portrait of himself, Cohen says”
And before that.
“Trump charity bid $10,000 on Trump portrait when no one else wanted it”
“Opposes MJ Decrim and sentencing reforms”
The plus side of releasing the 81,000 inmates in federal prison who were convicted for nonviolent crimes including possession of marijuana? That would create plenty of space in prison to lock up all of America’s Republican politicians, officials and internet trolls.
Reminds me of Obama’s biggest failure. He should have rounded up all those fucks, as well as all of the deplorables and stuffed the entire lot of them into FEMA camps.
Don’t think he’ll go to jail. Very hard charge to prove up.*
But he’ll have to spend around $500,000 staying out.
And going forward his influence on regional and national political officials will be zilch.
Time for him to look for a new hobby. And perhaps a new line of business. Word on the street is one or two deals with Michelin/Beard chefs are about to fall through. And that a few of his current relationships will not be renewed. But perhaps there are enough Trumpists visiting Portland and Seattle, etc. willing to pay $700 a night to stay in a hotel with a Buffalo Wild Wings and Thomas Kinkade paintings in the lobby. Dumbfuck would be DTF.
*In that sense Sondland might be one of the smarter of the Trump yokels. Appearing and shitting the bed at least makes it appear as though he wanted to cooperate. Ignoring a subpoena produces a criminal charge that does not come with an escape pod attached.
“If you don’t perjure yourself, I’ll take your dog!!!”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Did this imply he’d wake up to find his dog’s severed head under the bedcovers?
More evidence that Facebook lacks a sense of corporate responsibility and is not user-friendly.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t have a Facebook account. I’m not stupid.)
Exhibit 400273, Conservatives enjoy being wrong, Abstinence only is the way to teach kids about sex.
California’s teen birth rate reaches a record low 2018.
California has comprehensive accurate sex education starting in the 6th grade. According to conservatives this makes kids have more sex. CDC finds (2015, latest published) not only have HS Student reports of being sexually active dropped in CA but it is lower than the national average by 9% and in the liberal cesspool of San Francisco it is 15% lower than the national average.
California guarantees confidential access to birth control starting at age 12 (7th grade for most). 14% of sexually active teens nationwide report using no birth control method. 12.5% CA, 11% LCSF. But giving out condoms is immoral. Better To have that baby. Conservatives will then help that baby thrive through Christian charity and government assistance. Oh. No? They actually want to punish you for your sinful behavior? Shocked.
So when the your Christian Conservative fellow says ‘The only way to prevent pregnancy is abstinence!” Know that they are not only trying to keep teens, especially female teens, under their religious control but they’re factually wrong.
@9 Exhibit 400274:
California teen birth rate: 15.8
Oklahoma teen birth rate: 29.7
Barefoot, illiterate, and pregnant isn’t just a stereotype.
John “I’m pissed, have a great mustache and I’ll name names” Bolton wants to talk.
Reports that Big Macs and Fries have been thrown all over the Oval Office and Kellyanne is quietly sobbing at her desk have not been confirmed.
Colorado saw 40% drop in teen birth rate and a 42% drop in teen abortions.
So naturally Republican Church Ladies have fought it every step of the way – most recently with a series of new gag orders and clinic location rules from GOP president Greasy StripperAbortion intended to cut off all funding.
It’s never been about reducing abortions. It’s never really been about abortions at all. Republican Culture Wars have always been about going after birth control for the sake of slut shaming.
@12 I can’t imagine why they’d be so worried about the Republican birth rate, unless they’re all gay.
TBH I think that in terms of the normal drives and motivations of healthy, well adjusted people most Republicans are basically asexual. That is, I don’t think they experience sexual attraction in a normal healthy human sense, as a way of sharing intimacy with another person.
Instead, I think most klownsurvaturds seek out sexual intercourse for the purpose of either dominating or being dominated. Sure, there’s bound to be liberals who are similarly motivated. I just don’t think that motivation is fundamental to the political ideology of liberals that way it almost certainly is central to klownsurvaturdism.
For more on that, see Duncan Hunter’s campaign expense reports featuring ball-gags, poppers, and leather zipper masks. I have no doubt those things must have seemed like legit campaign expenses to him at the time.
@14 “Instead, I think most klownsurvaturds seek out sexual intercourse for the purpose of either dominating or being dominated.”
I assume they do it for the 15 seconds of intense pleasure. Republicans tend to live for the moment. They’re incapable of thinking ahead. That not only explains why they vote against their own wages, pensions, and health insurance, but also why they’re drowning in debt and their kids have no shoes.
9, 10 & 12:
Abortion is one of the best financial planning tools for women and girls with low incomes and/or little other financial support. Having a kid out of wedlock is volunteering for poverty.
Abstinence, birth control & abortion – whatever it takes.
Tweet du jour:
Kate Hyde
Hey @brianstelter, if @realDonaldTrump tweets a typo about ABC’s coverup will you then consider covering it?
7:24 PM – Nov 5, 2019
Funny. Megyn Kelly’s back, bitches.
What he @ 16 said.
Credit to Goldy for some nice Twitter sidebar stuff on the ballot swings. The reason I didn’t go all YLB over Sawant’s deficit on Tuesday is that Goldy has made similar points in the past, and they’re really helpful – I figured she had a very good chance at prevailing, if not by 1,000 votes.
If only there was some form of social media read by more than a handful of sick fucks that would give Goldy a few column inches for stuff like this. That they don’t is the price he pays for being such a shameless shill 99.5% of the time.
Too bad, really. He used to be really something. Stories used to have more than one side he’d be willing to address, too.
Couldn’t have done it without you, Hillary.
Tulsi Gabbard qualifies for November presidential debate, defying predictions
The 2040 Manchurian candidate will turn out to be Chelsea.
Not if you have ever even once cast a single vote for a Republican.
Think about it. Small, local elections, for close to the community offices like school board, county commissioner, or part time state legislator have a whole fuck ton more to do with supporting the reproductive health of young women than a President ever will. Or even a US Senator. The fight over reproductive rights in Washington DC isn’t about whether or not local government may allow birth control. But rather, it is about whether or not local government may forbid it. The smartest way to address that locally is to never, ever, ever under and conceivable circumstances cast a single vote for a Republican.
Just don’t do it.
Because passing local laws to forbid reproductive health care services is what the Republican Party is all about. They aren’t about sensible immigration reform. They aren’t about good schools. They aren’t about affordable healthcare. They aren’t about small government, or efficient government. You can’t point out a single case where unified Republican state and local government, actively in pursuit of “supply side” idiocy has resulted in anything other than massive funding shortfalls, closing of hospitals and low income health clinics, schools, universities, and collapsing of industry and private investment. Kansas may be going bankrupt, but they’ll be goddamned if on their way there any homeless teen gets low cost birth control.
Time for you to sack up and own a statement like that. You just can’t post that kind of shit and then go right on voting for shit stain Church Ladies like Susan Hutchison, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, or Dino Rossi.
“Not if you have ever even once cast a single vote for a Republican.”
I’m good to go then.
@16 & 18 I see your platform is sex for the affluent, abstinence for the poor. Think your party can win elections with that program?
@19 “He used to be really something.”
More’n you can say, for all your dissing of him.
@22 Right. You’ve previously told us you’re one of those irrelevant voters who cop out of tough decisions by voting for third-party candidates who have no chance of winning. We haven’t forgotten.
wish he’d give me a little of that money for my prostitutes…..
Ehhh Bob?
That’s 14 seconds too long for the goats and horses.
@16 and @18
Keep guns legal – the more Repuke suicides, the better.
Maybe Jim Jordan has the answer to that.
I blame Bob, for not attending Christmas Eve Mass.
After tonight’s 8pm drop Kshama Sawant is ahead by more votes than King Co says it still has on hand for D3.
Chamber and Amazon lost big.
LMAO!!! One of nine on the city council and it’s too damn funny what she does to always wrong wing pinheads.
I’m happy I voted for her when she first ran as an at large candidate. Her effect on idiots is too entertaining.
Don’t most of the pinheads have to bus in their outrage?
AM Hate Radio hacks aside, are there really any voters in her district who are that troubled by her Sister Soulja antics? I guess I just feel like for your local Seattle area meat heads she’s the nearest available tan suit, even if that means they have to teleport in from Republic. On the other hand, now that those people’s Signal chats have been leaked, she should probably see about doubling her security detail.