Hello all you wonderful people. I have no news for you other than I am somewhat inexplicably tired. But talk amongst yourselves.
And it’s still a great time to wash your hands. And an even greater time to get vaccinated if you haven’t yet or boosted if you’re eligible.
I’d understand if the donor was Cuomosexual G-clown, ’cause it wouldn’t be The Wuhan I’d be afraid the kid might be infected with if a transplant occurred.
9-Year-Old Boy Denied Kidney Transplant Because Donor Dad Isn’t Vaccinated
But this seems rather silly.
Seems like his dad could save his son’s life by getting vaccinated as well as giving a kidney
The nomination of KBJ to SCOTUS was WAY LESS of a “slap in the face” to other judges of color than drumpf’s two white guys and a a white woman was..
WAY LESS as in “not at all”..
drumpf made political promises.. so did Biden..
but shitheads are gonna shithead. ya know who you are…
KBJ is a fantastic pick!
First ever public defender, one of only a few career defenders and advocates for the accused. A much needed perspective not available from most other prospective nominees.
Now watch the white nationalist flying monkeys go to work.
The “hot take” driven media ecosystem will eventually drive some of them into expressions of unhinged bigotry. They can’t help it.
KBJ nom also ably demonstrates Biden’s commitment to the substance of diversity – and not merely to the symbolism.
Her’s will be a legal perspective informed by a lifetime of important and relevant professional experience, as well as personal experience, unknown to the other eight.
Will tucker support spain when they invade and retake Florida?
@ 4
The “hot take” driven media ecosystem will eventually drive some of them into expressions of unhinged bigotry.
We are a nation of 330,000,000 people. There will always be “some” of anything and everything. “Some” Democrats have also expressed unhinged bigotry. Lately, even.
If the Jackson nomination becomes a kerfluffle, it will be because of an emerging concern that Jackson’s vote would be 49-50 in favor before the least competent Veep since Dan Quayle weighs in with hers, while Childs’ support is clarified at 53-55, or possibly significantly more, were she to be substituted.
There’s really no bigotry in wanting to substitute one black woman for another, especially if it requires calling Manchin a bigot because he came out in support of Childs, and ends up not supporting Jackson.
Agree that the public defender perspective might prove useful.
@ 5
Her’s will be a legal perspective informed by a lifetime of important and relevant professional experience, as well as personal experience, unknown to the other eight.
Here’s where you lose me. Any of the “other eight” born in a third-world country, and brought to the US by immigrant parents?
I’ll grant that being a black woman might mean that Jackson’s personal experience differs from Thomas’ personal experience, but it’s not like Thomas had it easy growing up in the ’50’s and ’60s in Georgia.
Srinivasan, too, had a personal experience very different from that of the other justices, even QoS McHillbilly would have to concede.
Stick with pushing Jackson’s public defender perspective, QoS McHillbilly. It’s a bipartisan, smart choice.
And there’s no apostrophe in your use of “Hers”. There never is.
Personal experience:
Two-parent household. Father an attorney, mother a public school administrator.
Hey, know who else grew up in a two-parent household with an attorney father and a public school teacher mother?
Brett Kavanaugh.
OK, OK. Kavanaugh’s mom didn’t end her career as a public school teacher. But still.
Personal experience. Supportive, loving, stable homes are important, and the successes enjoyed by AJ Kavanaugh and by AJ nominee Brown Jackson clearly reflect that. Of course, that’s not the personal experience Clarence Thomas had:
QoS McHillbilly, stick with the public defender perspective. It’s the wise choice.
“Madame President, I rise today to vote in opposition to this nominee because there’s another one I’d rather you choose instead.”
TFW advise and consent becomes “I demand that I make the choice for you.”
Degen Bob’s cri de coeur on behalf of
“Shithole people from shithole countries”“The Noble Immigrant Backbone of ‘Murica!”……and grammar!
I honestly can’t tell which is the more precious.
@ 10
Used to be that a withheld blue slip conveyed the same message, silently.
The outcome of advise and consent can be conveyed silently, as when Clinton and Hatch met, or publicly.
QoS Hillbilly, this is not news to you.
Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination may become the second time Joe Biden has hung a black woman out to dry before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Yes, I did a double-take on “hung”. Decided to leave it, as it goes nicely with Thomas’ decision to employ “lynching”, also before Joe Biden’s Judiciary Committee.
@ 11
…which is the more precious.
I believe the beret you wore when crafting that spew is the most precious of all, QoS McHillbilly.
Supportive, loving, stable homes are important, and the successes enjoyed by AJ Kavanaugh
The stable home that led to “boofing”, beer binges and….
heh.. whatever..
built such… character
Surprised you didn’t look into how many times KBJ has blown coke up a hooker’s asshole.
Relevant experience as far as TFG is concerned.
hung a black woman out to dry
yawwnn… fatuous fallacy of equivocation…
For reference
2003 to 2005: Assistant special counsel to the United States Sentencing Commission
2005 to 2007: Public defender
2007 to 2010: Worked as a appellate litigator
2010 to 2014: Vice chair US sentencing commission
2013 to 2021: Judge on the DC District Court
2021 to 2022: Appeals judge on the DC District Court
ACB had 3 years experience as a judge when she was nominated to the SCOTUS and the greedy racist incel said ACB was qualified to be a Supreme Court Judge.
What were the posts he made about Srinivasan in reference to ACB?
Hey now. Degenerate America deserves to see their identity and life experiences represented in the makeup of the Court too.
Srinivasan has powerful “Noble Immigrant” juju. /s
Which used to be the worst thing in the world when an “exotic” Black guy born in Hawaii with an immigrant father was running for president.
Degen Bob and Every Republican You Know are suddenly in favor of OPEN BORDERS for at least the next few weeks.
@ 18
Her qualifications are not an issue.
Neither were Robert Bork’s.
I’d be just fine with an AJ Brown Jackson.
@ 20
Lemme know when Sri Srinivasan files candidacy for President.
I might have something to say then.
@7 “We are a nation of 330,000,000 people. There will always be ‘some’ of anything and everything.”
That’s why God gave America islands to stash people like you on.
@ 15
I see that our resident unserious twat feels that a stable home life may not guarantee the best behavior.
She’s right, of course. Some opportunities arise later in life. Why, one might have to bide one’s time even until, say, elected governor of Arkansas, before one can successfully get away with raping a woman.
@21. change the goal posts.
@13 Thomas was “lynched” (figuratively) if he was innocent. If he wasn’t, it was Anita Hill who was (figuratively) lynched (for a second time).
@7 And See Rule 34 of the internet,
@18 The best measure of a justice’s qualifications is what they do after they’re on the Supreme Court bench.
Moscow hotel joke du jour:
@21 Bork’s qualifications were very much in issue after doing what Elliott Richardson and Bill Ruckelshaus, two far better men than he, refused to do. Helping Nixon cover up the Watergate scandal by firing Archibald Cox was quite properly treated by the Senate (including several Republicans) as disqualifying.
The Dow is up, what, 835 points today? I keep tellin’ ya, doc, this is a dip not a correction. As I remarked yesterday, you’re full of shit.
I think bork would have been an awful judge given his views. What do you admire about the man?
“Bork was a circuit judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit from 1982 to 1988. ”
On October 23, 1987, the full Senate rejected Robert Bork’s nomination to the Supreme Court by a vote of 58–42.
52 Democrats and six Republicans voted against. The proportion of votes against Bork remains the third-largest against any Supreme Court nominee on record,
The others were in 1811 and 1845.
(The seat Bork was nominated to eventually went to Judge Anthony Kennedy, who was unanimously approved by the Senate, 97–0.)
“I’d be just fine with an AJ Brown Jackson.”
She loves Putin and Russia damn near as much as our low IQ dumbfuck and his 8,000 Pro-Putin hashtags.
Right Wing Watch
Lauren Witzke, the Delaware GOP’s candidate for Senate in 2020, has nothing but praise for Putin and “his Christian nationalist nation”: “I identify more with Putin’s Christian values than I do with Joe Biden.”
We ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.
Just wait until after the midterms, when decimated Democrats know he won’t be running again and will feel free to deservedly blame First Vegetable Joe Biden for his senility, dismissiveness, and incompetence.
Speaking of campaign promises not kept, remind us again of how that wall on the southern US border went? Did we ever get a check from Mexico for payment?
4 hour wait for the ferry from the Mukilteo terminal. Never seen a wait that long before.
More than anything, and what most disqualified Robert Bork was his judicial temperament. He eagerly adopted a prefigured opinion about every single issue of consequence that might come before him. And he was entirely unwilling to entertain with any degree of respect any of the arguments presented if they did not already agree with his biases, prejudices, and prior conclusions. The temperament of a skilled and vigorous advocate is not always the temperament of a good judge. Regardless of how his opinions were preordained, they were. Such people on an appellate court do serious harm to the rule of law and to citizen’s faith in their legal system.
An arrogant and supremely petty man. I think there is very little doubt that he agreed to carry out Nixon’s orders to obstruct justice because he hoped to help Nixon survive the investigation and put him on the Court. Bork’s claims that Ruckleshouse and Richardson “begged” him to remain at DOJ were self serving bullshit.
The polls, they have spoken.
CDC Discovers New Masking Science Right in Time for Biden’s State of the Union
Now that Democrat governors are falling all over themselves to end mask mandates in their states, the brave CDC has figured out a way to massage the data to make it seem OK.
What a fucking clown show.
@ 38
Of the three who The Federalist Society auditioned for the High Court, only Scalia made it.
Bork did it to himself, I agree. And Posner proved insufficiently “conservative”.
Honestly a little surprised Degen Bob didn’t say this about Bork. Given Bob’s strident defense of white nationalist ghost gun sport murders and Machine-Guns-for-Babies.
As claimants to “texturalism” I have ten times more respect for Bork’s avowed views than for Scalia’s lying hypocritical record.
@34 That’s not the half of it.
This woman is a full-blown nutcase. Also a meth-heroin addict and former drug smuggler.
GOP Senate Candidate in Ohio J.D. Nazi has grudgingly come around to the view that a Russian invasion into Europe is probably a bad thing.
But he credits Trump for sucking Putin off, and ultimately decides “The Jews” must be to blame.
Ukranians need only take one look at First Vegetable Joe Biden to appreciate the strength and courage of their own leader.
@ 42
Ashley Biden?
@45 You’re not confused, you’re deranged.
” … 78% of Democrats say a Black female justice would be a good thing for the United States, versus 42% of independents and 16% of Republicans.”
That many Republicans?
Lindsey Graham, who voted to confirm Jackson for the Court of Appeals, will flip-flop again. Not only that, it’s very possible that Republicans will embarrass themselves by providing NO votes for an obviously highly qualified nominee, and come off looking like racists in the process. Which, of course, they are.
Only 33% of US adults approve of First Vegetable Joe Biden’s handling of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, according to the WaPo/ABC News poll just released.
I guess that “minor incursion” Biden was willing to permit didn’t do him any favors.
Bob Gates was oh-so-right about Biden.
@49 And what do you think Biden should have been “willing to permit”? Thousands of Americans returning home in body bags?
Russian tactical nuclear missiles hitting NATO bases in Germany, France, and U.K.? Or a sellout of Ukraine to Moscow, without a shot being fired?
Let us know what you have in mind. Be specific. Let us know what you want our leader to be,
[ ] a madman fidgeting with the nuclear trigger, or
[ ] a surrender monkey
It has to be one or the other, because the in-between space is already occupied — by Biden.
As I’ve been saying, you’re full of shit. And, clearly, about more than just the stock market.
After getting elected by falsely pretending to be a moderate Republican, Glenn Youngkin’s polls are collapsing just one month into his term of office.
Never believe a Republican. Never trust a Republican. They aren’t what they say they are. We know what they are.
This time I disagree with the Ukrainians. They argue Russia should be removed from the U.N. Security Council.
Apart from their nuclear arsenal, we’ve done the same thing they’ve done — i.e., wage an optional war under false pretenses, and lying about it — and if they’re kicked off the Security Council for that, the same thing could happen to us the next time we get stuck with a Republican president.
I’m OK with this.
Seattle’s Antifa are unhappy with KOMO reporter Jonathan Choe.
@53 I’m okay with it, too, and also with ex-Rep. Nearman getting expelled from the legislature for breaching the door for those assholes.