King County’s projection for the upcoming election is that 46% of eligible voters will participate. That means you — yes you! — can have an outsized impact on the result. Fewer people voting means that your vote will do more to help keep the yell at school board asssholes off the school board. It means your vote will go further in determining where city and county resources are spent. So use your power to vote every time, but know it makes a lot of difference this year.
Anyway, wash your hands right now. And if you haven’t been vaccinated yet, get the fuck on it.
Does this count include the Americans beheaded by the Taliban after August 31?
First Vegetable Joe Biden, white supremacist.
Review of Biden’s townhall. It addressed issues.
Nothing groundbreaking but worth having.
Better than a twitter storm. So nice to have a competent non dictator wanna be adult in the white house
GQP vote fraud news:
Donald Kirk Hartle, 55, faces felony counts of voting more than once in the same election and voting using another person’s name…
Hartle, the CFO of the Ahern family of companies, is accused of voting under the name of his late wife, Rosemarie Hartle, who died in 2017.
Don Ahern, the head of the Ahern family of companies, is the state GOP’s finance chairman and a supporter of the former president.
And a big-time q-anon afflicted idiot.
Black woman casts provisional ballot after poll worker said it was okay, gets years in jail. He should get more.
@ 4
Regular purging of voter rolls will reduce that form of fraud in the future, YLB.
Florida has the right idea.
Film producer and unapologetic liberal Alec Baldwin did not use union labor.
A woman is dead because of it. Hope Baldwin at least saved some money by using non-union forces.
Regular purging of voter rolls
Oh, will it prevent this?
One of the first voters that morning came in, Ralph Thurman. And he had first asked–he put his ID out. And the one poll worker said, “We don’t need to see your ID because you voted here for many years.” And he then–basically he said, “Well, couldn’t I come back and vote for my son?” And at that point I said, “No, you couldn’t do that, that’s illegal.” And he then responded by saying, “Well, how would you know?” And I kind of just left it at that, and he went on his way and voted.
And then about an hour later, I’m in my same position, and I hear the last name “Thurman,” and I look up, and lo and behold it’s the same guy wearing a hat and sunglasses. [Laughs] So I just couldn’t believe that he was back after we just had like a legitimate conversation about how he could not do that
teh “stupid drumpfer” was reported and convicted of vote fraud.
Poll worker got 25 large of a TexASS klownservatic’s fookin’ munee.. The TexASS jerk apparently was shamed into parting with its munee. How could it be otherwise?
@7 So you are a pro-union stooge now?
It isn’t a good look for you.
Florida has the right idea.
Oh didn’t Florida have it “right” back in the the day?
DBT subsequently tried to defend their lists by claiming they were 85% accurate. [8] But that would still mean that well over 10,000 mostly minority, poor, and Democratic Floridians were illegally disenfranchised — more than twenty times Bush’s margin of victory in the state. Plus, where verification was attempted, the accuracy of the list was nowhere near 85%. Officials in Leon County, Florida, tried to verify the 694 names on the list from Tallahassee and found only 34 to be a match—a 5% accuracy rate. [9]
@ 9
So you are a pro-union stooge now?
Newt, my guess is that Baldwin went with non-union labor for purposes of efficiency more than to save costs, although time is money, so it may have ultimately come down to dollars.
I had two points:
1. Safety probably is better with a union involved.
2. Liberals say one thing and do another all the time. This time it got a woman killed.
@ 10
Back in the day, girlfriend, Al Gore cherry-picked the counties he wanted to be re-counted.
Not your best look. Try another shade of mascara.
John Kerry wasn’t in Cambodia.
First Vegetable Joe Biden wasn’t at the southern border. Ever.
Those two dumbfuck attorneys who Molotov-cocktailed an empty police van in NYC last year pled guilty.
Prosecution is arguing for a terrorism enhancement to their sentence.
The dumbfucks have agreed not to appeal a sentence of 5 years or less. Oh, and they’ll be disbarred.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit was disbarred, and didn’t even get to experience the enjoyment of blowing up shit.
@11 Newt, my guess is that
That is all you really have is just a guess? Methinks you honed that skill while working as a radiologist. I can hear it now, “Is that spot on their lung? Naw, I just guess it is a smudge on the screen.”
In other words, you have no proof about union vs. non-union safety in the prop master field in the film industry.
I’ve worked in a profession where there was union and non-union workers. Both sides had some great people, both sides had some less than desirable people. The union side did a better job of shielding their crappy workers than the non-union side.
To your second point: conservatives say one thing and do another all the time, it doesn’t matter your political ideology, what matters is their personal integrity and Republicans have shown far more time and time again that they simply have very little personal integrity. Look at all the so-called conservative Christians that still support Trump. Talk about laughable moral integrity. That is why you self-identify with them so well.
A week ago QoS McHillbilly was explaining to us all the reasons why the school district superintendent might not know about a dude in a skirt sodomizing a ninth-grade girl in a bathroom of one of the schools in his district, even though LE was notified right away.
The POS knew about it, knew LE was involved, and told the school board about it, but weeks later when parents were listening he denied that any rest room assaults had occurred.
So much of what QoS McHillbilly spews is bullshit.
@ 16
It’s interesting, isn’t it, that the superintendent referred to the perp as a “male student”. It’s a dude in a skirt, so he was factually correct.
While he might keep his job despite lying, he should lose his job for misgendering.
@ 15
The union side did a better job of shielding their crappy workers than the non-union side.
So you are an anti-union stooge now?
The greedy racist incel has “pro” what ever “owns the libs” for that instance.
Texas abortion law remains in place. Only the Wise Latina said she’d block it.
Arguments November 1.
Alec Baldwin offers the dead woman’s family a free DVD of 30 Rock: The Fifth Season.
Metro offers riders involved in derailment $21 SmarTrip credit
Not your best look.
Thank you for conceding you support Florida’s repuke corruption by babbling about Gore’s ill-advised counter to it.
By your age, you get the face you deserve.
The Law of YLB holds that any negative economic event occurring during the administration of a Democrat president and lasting less than two full terms in office is, by definition, transitory.
The Second Law of YLB holds that evening attire should include shoes with heels at least 3″, and that lipstick should be worn even when dining out.
@ 22
Gore’s ill-advised counter to it.
Um. Gore started it. That’s not a counter. That’s a first strike.
Florida’s repuke corruption
SCOTUS decided 7-2 that what the state supreme court had ordered was unconstitutional, YLB.
And all because Al Gore could not carry the state he had served as US Senator and as Vice President, and which his father had served as US Senator.
The Clintons gave America 12 years of Republican presidents.
@18 So you are an anti-union stooge now?
Where/when have I ever claimed to be pro-union?
Unions have had their place in history, the 40-hour work week, yeah, I know.
I think they have outgrown their usefulness. I can think of a local union (or two) that goes to great lengths to protect their rank and file even though some of their union members should be fired and locked up for what they have done.
So no, I’ve never been a pro-union guy. You seem to be able to dig deep in the H.A. archives, find where I’ve ever been pro-union.
Police: they don’t do what you think they do.
Black, female DC police officers say they were given ultimatum: Have an abortion or be fired
QoS McHillbilly will point out that in these instances police killed unarmed black men before they were even born.
Cliff Mass’ weather blog has a suggested link to this site:
I like the cut of this man’s jib.
The Ultimate Law of Vacuous Troll holds that any negative economic event occurring during the administration of a repuke president (like Nixon and Ford) and lasting less than two full terms in office is, by definition,
the fault of swarthy bastards in the Middle East and lazy minorities on welfare eating steaks and driving Cadillacs.
That remark about your ugly mug musta stung.
@ 26
I think they have outgrown their usefulness.
I’m not there. I think they need their wings clipped. I’m a bigger opponent of public-sector unions than I am of private-sector unions.
Eliminating unions will have the same effect as eliminating cops – a return to conditions we don’t want to face ever again.
@ 29
…swarthy bastards in the Middle East…
Speaking of swarthy, YLB went in to get vajazzled and wanted to use her WIC balance. She was told it would be cheaper if she just got cornrows down there instead.
A union is a union, private or public. One unions is good and another is bad? WTF doc? You want to keep the unions you like that support thinks you like, but you don’t want unions that you don’t like and support, oh say, the workers, you don’t like.
Once again, you show your true colors.
Um. Gore started it. That’s not a counter. That’s a first strike.
Gore had NOTHING to do with Kathleen Harris’ purge of legitimate voters. That came first.
But why would you care about them? Just a bunch of poor blacks, latinos, etc..
You supported it then, you support it even more now.
“Whatever it is”.
What it is, is a fucking joke on America.
Speaking of swarthy, vacuous troll went to the affirm clinic to buy out the store – xiaflex, viagra, finasteride, minoxidil, etc..
Unfortunately it caught sight of a mirror. It begged in sorrow to the doctors, “can you do anything about this?”
Not here dimfuk, one of the doctors replied but I have a brother in Bellevue that can fix your ugly mug. He really rakes it in fixing faces.
Can’t go there said dimfuk.. I might run into antifa..
@34 dimfuk is praying for the progressives to have a spine..
6 trill and soaking the rich would be nice.. Gotta vote out the corporate Dems first.
So one day. I hope I live to see it. Better than even odds dimfuk won’t..
“good” for vacuous troll…
“good” for my kids.. amirite?
I think they need their wings clipped.
John Deere, Kellogs, etc. thinks the same.. wow what a surprise.
You forgot that police unions are a hard “give them more power to protect their members” according to Doc.
John Deere, and interesting place. They are leaders in the anti-right-to-repair movement. They took a page from Microsoft and while you may purchase a $100K combine or tractor, they have designed the software that runs the machine to be proprietary and the only way is to have the dealer work on it because they won’t release the diagnostic software to third-party vendors. So do you really “own” that piece of equipment?
Montana is a red state, how can they just stick it to their supporters like that? The thing is, the farmers are just “useful idiots” for the politicians that really serve corporate America. Vote Republican and this is what you get.
So Bob, how are unions helping this activity out?
Joe Biden wasn’t at the southern border. Ever.
I thought that was Kamala’s job.. Funny it hasn’t babbled about Harris lately..
Maybe because it can’t babble about Harris without mixing in “the black guy” of Cali and his junk.
Its been called out on that “fixation”.
I’m a bigger opponent of public-sector unions
Except kops.. Low-life Walker in WI exempted them
even from “right to work”.. Krazy Kasich had its ass handed to it when it dared go against the kop unions. What was it thinking?
Heh. Guess it got its revenge when it green-lighted expanded medicare… Healthier minorities means more headaches for the kops. But I digress.
repukes stand hard behind a para-military force designed to suppress people of the wrong skin color, keeping them in their place. They’re all for maximum negotiating leverage for kop wages and benefits..
After all repuke pols can just say no if the kops overreach. Sorry can’t afford you just right now.. Greasing repuke donor palms have priority. Bust a few more heads and we’ll give it some more thought.
No, just a stooge. Failed doctor.
@ 39
So Bob, how are unions helping this activity out?
By pushing consumers to New Holland or Kubota.
Had one of the diesel techs out to work on my New Holland tractor a couple of weeks ago. He said in his experience that brand causes less trouble than does Kubota or JD. YMMV.
As for proprietary software and third-party mechanics being shut out, I think it depends on what the purchaser agreed to at the time the contracts were signed. The stuff you are referring to is not the 30 hp Boomer I have. It’s a large tractor with on-board GPS and seed-planting software so that it knows what to plant, how much to plant, and where, and what to fertilize and where. We’re not talking hayseeds with 6th-grade educations in the fields running these things. We’re talking about men and women with ag econ Bachelor’s degrees and hours of seminar training before they, or the companies they work for, buy this stuff. Buyers are not helpless. At least admit that as the technology has grown smarter, so have the people using it.
@43 At least admit that as the technology has grown smarter, so have the people using it.
I will give you the technology has grown smarter, but not so much with the people. If they have grown so much smarter, why the huge push for AI these days? Self driving cars, combines that do it all, and so on….
Sure, there are some very educated farmers out there. However those kids that grew up listening to their old man bitch about how hard their life is as a farmer, drove their kids into something else, like writing the software that now controls the machines. They make more twiddling bits than they do plowing the soil.
Large farm machinery manufactures realized they needed to take control from the farmers if they were going to improve yield rates. Plus they had turn the driving of the equipment into a video game to get the next generation to want to go out and do the work.
Most farms can’t survive without subsidies. Ask Clint Didier about those (hint, you can pry my subsidy from my cold dead hand). Welfare queens (most of them).
Most hobby farmers don’t need that fancy shit anyway, they just want to go out and push dirt and shit around and maybe stack some hay. You own horses which is akin to just burning money for fun.
If they have grown so much smarter, why the huge push for AI these days?
If you want a carburated engine you don’t need anything special. If you want the efficiency and additional power of fuel-injected engine you need a computer to direct that process. Etc.
It’s because we have grown smarter that we are increasingly dependent on AI. Think robotic surgery. It’s not because orthopedic surgeons are dumb. It’s because a computer can hollow out a cavity for the femoral implant in your total hip replacement more quickly and with greater precision than can a human. Smart surgeons realize the time savings and, ultimately, the cost savings. Shorter procedures are less risky to the patient. Computerized procedures reduce risk of human error.
Alec Baldwin ‘Rust’ camera crew walked off the set in protest before the fatal shooting
Alec Baldwin, Rust producer.
@45 Shorter procedures are less risky to the patient. Computerized procedures reduce risk of human error.
We were talking farming, planting seeds into the ground, not robotic surgery. Only in your mind do you equate surgery on humans with plating seeds in soil.
FYI, most farm tractors are diesel, they don’t use carburetors. My favorite two-stroke Detroit Diesel and 4-stroke Ford Lehmans run just fine without fancy computer controlled stuff. Granted they pollute like hell, but they run just fine, and any hayseed with a 6th-grade education can overhaul a DD 671, in the field I might add.
McAuliffe is in trouble.
No worries. Democrats are notorious same-day voters, amirite?
This is like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit claiming he is still able to have sex because he is paying for Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit to fuck a BBC in the next room.
Fuck the NSBA.
Here’s the letter of apology.
Parents concerned about their kids are not domestic terrorists.
Biggest loser:
QoS McHillbillyTerry McAuliffe. After all, guess how this is going to play in northern Virginia in the final 11 days of the campaign?Eat me.
Seems that I’m not the only one comforted by my close, personal relationship with a horse.
First Vegetable Joe Biden always loves him some My Little Pony time with his afternoon ice cream and nappy-nap.
Now ‘My Little Pony’ goes woke! Netflix’s ‘political’ movie shows the baddies as ‘anti-science’ as the progressive ponies unite with a message of unity and reform
Not Alec Baldwin.
I’ve not seen a John Wick movie. Too many kills. Silence of the Lambs is more my speed.
Tweet du jour, Thursday edition:
There’s video.
Merrick Garland Strangely Silent After Indiana School Board Member Tries to Attack Parent at Meeting
That’s some seriously good trolling by that parent. He just sat there and let the board member make a Steve out of himself.
Never invite YLB or Deathfrogg into your home.
Welcome to real anarchism, Fake Anarchist.
You’ve made a summer out of making people feel that their city has been stolen from them. It’s a small lesson that the same thing is now happening to you in your own apartment. Wait until your friends start rioting in your bedroom.
Tye Reed is Nicole Thomas-Kennedy’s campaign manager. Here’s what she wrote about Carmen Best on June 1, 2020:
Do white people “shuck and jive”?
Thomas-Kennedy is poison.
@1 Great. Now give a damn about the 4,431 American soldiers Shrub sent to their deaths in Iraq chasing after non-existent WMDs.
@2 How would a “vegetable” know that’s a white supremacist gang sign?
Bob loses argument and moves on. Failure it surronds him.
@4 For a real prize package, check out this guy:
“A Colorado man arrested this month for allegedly murdering his missing wife has also been accused of voting for former President Donald Trump in her name. …
“‘Just because I wanted Trump to win,’ he allegedly said, … adding that his wife ‘was going to vote for Trump anyway,’ according to the affidavit.”
I guess he felt bad about costing Trump a vote by killing her, and wanted to make it up to him.
@58 And the alternative is a Trumper. That race badly needs a good write-in candidate.
@54 “Silence of the Lambs is more my speed.”
Yeah, I can see that.
You wouldn’t, for example, waste an evening watching The Red Violin, The Girl With The Pearl Earring, or Corn Island.
Nothing from Pelosi or from Schumer today. Nothing from Bernie or Jayapal today. They trotted out Steny Hoyer to promise a bill will be voted on
September 27September 30next week. Sometime. Maybe.Democrats need to find new revenue without running afoul of reconciliation rules.
They’ve already fucked their black supporters with the doubling of the cigarette tax, while promising their rich white supporters that the SALT limitation will be repealed.
@53 I happen to have all 40 of the original My Little Ponies, so fuck you.
@53 I happen to have all 40 of the original My Little Ponies, so fuck you. My kid left them here when she went away to college.
@52 There’s two ways to ride a horse and you’re adept at both of them.
@65 Any how many Republican votes are there for taxing the people who can afford to pay taxes?
But Republicans don’t believe in spending, either. Not for health care, food stamps, school lunches, or child care.
At least they try to balance the budget, eh? No taxes, no spending, no services. You’re on your own. Which, of course, is easier if you’re already rich.
@ 69
Any how many Republican votes are there for taxing the people who can afford to pay taxes?
All of ’em. We already pay taxes. We just want The Unserious YLB to join us if they’re gonna go higher.
Heh. Did the seriously impotent and vacuous troll just babble about the taxes we pay?
We own a home.. We pay property taxes.. Property taxes go up.. Every year save for the pandemic..
We’ve had rising income for a number of years. We’ve paid a higher income tax bill every one of those years.
We shop a lot online.. Online outfits collect more and more sales taxes. We pay more sales taxes to go along with the rising disposable income..
Lots of taxes associated with utilities, cell phone, blah, blah..
This year we’ve acted on an asset acquisition some of which we’ve sold. We’ll be reporting the asset to the IRS and we’ll be paying short term capital gains taxes on the sales..
Does any of the aforementioned comport with what the seriously impotent and vacuous troll and the 10 voices in its head “want”?
Middle Age Riot
Two parents with kids who work minimum wage jobs or the kind of shitty jobs with even shittier wages because they are “tipped” get the EITC which is a wage subsidy..
And the always seriously impotent and vacuous troll wants their taxes to go up when it’s butthurt about its own tax hike.
@70 You pay taxes. You’re not wealthy. You don’t donate enough to the GOP to buy your way out of paying taxes.
Any how many Republican votes are there for taxing the people who can afford to pay taxes?
All of ’em. We already pay taxes
Not so fast seriously impotent and vacuous one:
Zero to little taxes for too many of the richest.. Doesn’t amount to hardly an annoyance given the magnitude of their wealth. And your babbling about charitable contributions is no get out of jail free card for them.
We already pay taxes. We just want The Unserious YLB to join us if they’re gonna go higher.
From what I have gathered from the greedy racist incel’s posts, liberals, people of color, immigrants and women are all takers, who pay no taxes and do nothing but leech off of the wealthy white straight men, (and maybe white straight women if they are not too uppity) who pay endless taxes that they get nothing from in return. Straight white rich men are the real victims here.
It’s been a while, but I recall reading that wealthy donors gave the GOP $4 billion during the 2004 election cycle, and in return got $400 billion of tax cuts. That’s a 100x ROI.
Doctor Dumbfuck gets a 100x ROI on his GOP donations, too, when he donates $5 to the party.
I’ll bet this photo of MTG makes her feel like a real man.
Jeff Bezos from the Pro Publica article..
His tax avoidance is even more striking if you examine 2006 to 2018, a period for which ProPublica has complete data. Bezos’ wealth increased by $127 billion, according to Forbes, but he reported a total of $6.5 billion in income. The $1.4 billion he paid in personal federal taxes is a massive number — yet it amounts to a 1.1% true tax rate on the rise in his fortune.
He isn’t even a Republican.. Or a Dem.. He’s just Jeff the filthy rich space cadet who wants to make more money shooting wealthy space cadets into space.
And our seriously impotent and vacuous troll believes a couple who gets EITC should pay more of their income when Jeff’s taxes double – to like a 2.2 percent true tax rate.
Yours truly yawns at how “seriously” the vacuous troll believes this crap.