It seems like the right call for Eatonville Middle School to go back to remote learning when there’s an outbreak of COVID. Still though, must stink for the parents and the students. Quick change of plans, and a step backwards.
The vaccine has helped, but of course for middle school, there’s only so much you can do. And there are plenty of people who could be vaccinated, but aren’t.
So, please get vaccinated if you haven’t yet. And hey, wash your hands right now.
Huge findings in Arizona! However, the Fake News Media is already trying to “call it” again for Biden before actually looking at the facts—just like they did in November! The audit has uncovered significant and undeniable evidence of FRAUD! Until we know how and why this happened, our Elections will never be secure. This is a major criminal event and should be investigated by the Attorney General immediately. The Senate’s final report will be released today at 4:00PM ET. I have heard it is far different than that being reported by the Fake News Media.
They’ve gotta “keep dope alive”.
These are the stupidest and most dangerous people in America.
Why people don’t trust the vaccine, example 39:
This paper, released prior to peer review, reported on 32 cases of vaccine-associated myocarditis out of 32,000 +/- people vaccinated during the period.
The actual number was 833,00+ people vaxxed.
By fucking up the denominator the study authors, all 12 of them, falsely inflated the myocarditis incidence to a scary 1:1,000, instead of 4:100,000.
It’s hard to trust the science when science fucks up like this with such regularity.
@ 1
So it seems.
Abounding in alliteration:
Biden’s big bet backfires
Well, I certainly hope not to see this idiocy again in my lifetime.
Biden wanted to be better than FDR. Instead he’s proving himself worse than Jimmah.
Democrats, controlling two branches of government, saw a once-in-a-lifetime opening. In retrospect, some top advisers say this should have been done in smaller chunks.
LOL! We heard the same things about the black guy. A Dem House and even a supermajority in the Senate..
blah.. blah. blah.. tenuous at best.. sick Byrd, Kennedy, some Dem Senator in the Dakotas, blue dogs.. Ladies from Maine, Arlen Spector and a President who wanted to onboard Repukes while the repuke base was turning tea brown. His signature program was based on what Mitt Romney did in MA..
Still got enough of his stuff passed to serve TWO TERMS..
zzzzZZZzzzZZZZzzz.. Hip thrusting and end-zone dancing short of the red zone..
the pantheon of FDR and JFK.
Article is stoopid.. JFK got relatively little passed. Johnson passed JFK’s agenda after JFK was murdered and Barry Goldwater cratered. That made the once in a generation opening..
Well, I certainly hope not to see this idiocy again in my lifetime.
So do we..
Rosie O’Donnell just tried to assassinate Kamala Harris on The View.
@ 7
Still got enough of his stuff passed to serve TWO TERMS..
Obama did it in a way that cost his party 1,000 elected seats, and helped soften the ground for the successful nomination to the Supreme Court of
Neil Gorsuch
Brett Kavanaugh
Amy Coney Barrett
Now Obama’s cashing in instead of exhorting black Americans to get jabbed.
@3 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck wants us to believe that mouth-breathing, beer-swilling rednecks in Arkansas and Oklahoma read “medRxiv, THE PREPRINT SERVICE FOR HEALTH NEWS,” but don’t read, or read but don’t understand, the disclaimer saying,
“This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice,”
and then, after reading that entire article, and working their way through all the technical language, they dig out that number, throw their hands in the air, and scream, “Oh my God! These vaccines are dangerous!” — and, no doubt, would have reached an entirely different conclusion had the article been more carefully proofread — because, of course, he’s a dumbfuck.
@5 Forced to choose, I prefer their idiocy to your idiocy.
“It’s hard to trust the science when science fucks up like this with such regularity.”
Please post proof of regularity or you are lying as usual.
“It’s hard to trust the greedy racist incel when the greedy racist incel fucks up like this with such regularity.”
That we have proof of.
I’m laughing… Anyone remember?
“This is how y’all get more drumpf…”
@7 A lot of times, what doesn’t get passed is just as important or more so. This explains why an ice cream cone would be a better president, congressman, or senator than any Republican.
Now Obama’s cashing in instead of exhorting black Americans to get jabbed.
Yawwwn.. Elijah debunked that one about the jab when you first bleated it.
A black guy making bank? That’s gotta rankle.
“Obama did it in a way that cost his party 1,000 elected seats” If he would have just stopped being an uppity black liberal it would have gone a lot better for dems. Trumpers could not stand for that. Republicans capitalized on it.
It’s looming over him just like “that certain day”.
As you point out, this is not very different from the run up to ACA.
The media hate policy and lawmaking because they can’t find a way to make legislation like this sexy or dramatic. And their modern “ethics” of “both sides” discourages them from speaking plainly to their audience about all the good things the legislation will do for them.
So instead the focus turns to the political negotiations and posturing, which they know how to exploit and exaggerate for clicks and views. The true stupid is the Axios argument that more could be done by breaking the legislation apart. That’s the opposite of true. Breaking the plan apart makes it easier for one or two or a small group to kill things off in pieces on behalf of special interests (i.e. billionaires and corps/Heidi Heitkamp).
Which Senate Democrat can survive being seen as having killed the recovery? Which House sub-caucus can afford to piss off the rest of their party and their leadership by killing infrastructure?
Axios isn’t going to name them. Because they don’t exist.
But pretending that they do exist is the only hope Burka Bob has left to cling to.
@10. Why is the greed racist incel watching The View to see what Rosie O’Donnell says each day?
Anti-vaxxers are ramping up their cult’s mass suicide.
I don’t think we should stop them.
Law school and/or bar exam question:
So if an anti-vaxxer pulls his loved one out of the ICU, takes her home, feeds her ivermectin, and she dies the next day, can he be charged with homicide?
Is the answer different if a medical expert testifies there was a 70% probability that she would have died from Covid-19 anyway?
21. Consumed by conspiracy theories claiming that doctors are preventing unvaccinated patients from receiving miracle cures or are even killing them on purpose, some people in anti-vaccine and pro-ivermectin Facebook groups are telling those with Covid-19 to stay away from hospitals and instead try increasingly dangerous at-home treatments, according to posts seen by NBC News over the past few weeks.
Thoughts and prayers.
This guy Xi Jinping is one egomaniacal and crazy totalitarian bastard. He’s now going after the wealth producers of China, and the result will be similar to what happened in the Soviet Union when Stalin and company killed the kulaks of Ukraine and set off mass starvation in that country.
21, 22, 23,
The Washington Post published a scatter plot type analysis along with county by county color coded mapping on dual-axes of hospitalizations and vaccinations. What interested me were counties and cities with relatively high vaccination and high hospitalization.
Superficially it’s hard to explain, especially when many such counties and cities are in states with robust public health orders in place. Plenty of them in Washington State, for example. But I think the explanation lies in localities where the orders are being ignored. So even where 60% of a county may be vaccinated, there can still be a very high rate of new, serious infections if the social distancing, masking, and quarantining are not being observed or enforced.
There’s a lot more to the story than just vaccination. The nihilism is off the charts with these folks. But they really are mostly just killing themselves.
@ 25
Superficially it’s hard to explain…
Easier to explain when you consider that reimbursement from the federal government kicks in if it’s The Wuhan. There is absolutely incentive for cases to be classified as due to The Wuhan even when it’s very likely a coincidental positivity.
Now even his fellow MDs are in on the conspiracy!
Secret Blue Pant Suit Agents are EVERYWHERE!
Kablammo. A full blown klownservatic head ‘splosion and the weekend day drinkin’ hasn’t even begun yet.
Easiest to explain when you consider…,2848
“C’mon in, hun. We can squeeze you in at the bar. (cough, cough) We’re all family here!”
@ 27
Now even his fellow MDs are in on the conspiracy!
You need to stop being an asshole and start looking at the number of hospitalized patients who are asymptomatic for their The Wuhan diagnosis.
As in, pancreatic CA and as they draw the last breaths of their lives they end up Wuhan-positive as well. They get classified as a Wuhan patient.
I’ll have to find the reference but one hospital had 25% incidence of this.
Reference @ 29
@24 Wait until you see his foreign policy.
“China must make the first nuclear strike against the US if Joe Biden continues to defend Taiwan, a top Chinese diplomat says.
“Beijing’s former ambassador to the UN, Sha Zukang said the country’s long-standing promise to only use nukes in retaliation should be re-examined in response to the new alliances forming in the region.”
I saw this coming. I’m thinking that China almost certainly will invade Taiwan, and likely within the next few years. I’ve been wondering what the U.S. would do if China took out Guam, U.S. carrier task forces in the region, and perhaps even Pearl Harbor with nukes in their opening salvos. Crazy, yes, but can’t rule it out — Xi might gamble that the U.S. wouldn’t risk its cities by retaliating. World War 3, here we come.
@28 It’s probably time to make sheriffs appointed offices, as it is in King County. In law enforcement, too much independence isn’t necessarily a good thing.
@26,30 You wouldn’t see this kind of shit under a single-payer system, because the incentive for it would go away.
Even without single-payer, you wouldn’t see it without so many uninsured or underinsured patients in this country.
Republican health care policies even skew Covid-19 statistics, according to you. You might even be right for once.
Chuck Grassley, 88, announces he’s running for re-election.
From the methodology section of Burka Bob’s source data study:
We used CDC data on hospitalizations reported among people with COVID-19 vaccines for breakthrough hospitalizations to estimate the share of hospitalizations with a COVID-19 diagnosis that were among unvaccinated adults. From June 1-August 30, 2021, CDC reported 7,617 patients with COVID-19 breakthrough infections were hospitalized and about 25% of those breakthrough hospitalizations were asymptomatic or admitted for a reason unrelated to COVID-19. Based on approximately 530,000 hospital admissions with confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in June-August 2021, we estimate 98.6% of hospital admissions with COVID-19 during this period were among unvaccinated people (1 – 7,617/530,000 equals 98.6%). Reports of COVID-related hospitalizations among unvaccinated people range from 95% to 99.9% by state. Based on a recent CDC study of 13 jurisdictions, we used a conservative estimate of 86% of COVID-19 hospitalizations were unvaccinated people. This results in a slightly lower estimate of preventable hospitalizations than our previous estimates.
So, according to Burka Bob’s source
530,000 COVID-19 adult hospitalizations in 90 days.
1.4% of those were vaccinated breakthrough (7,617).
25% of those were asymptomatic = 1,904
Out over 530,000 adult COVID-19 hospitalizations, 0.35% might be MEEEDICARE FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD FAKE FAKE FAKE BENGHAAAZIII!!!! BENGHAAAAZIIII!!!!
Poor Bobby decides to offer a statistical explanation for disproportionately high rates of COVID-19 hospitalizations in hospital regions with relatively high rates of vaccination.
The statistic he offers weighs exactly 0.35%.
Kablammo…. pfffffffft
Tell you what, Bob. I’ll stop being an asshole as soon as you stop being such a low quality troll and wasting our time with irrelevant nonsense. Idaho isn’t treating ER patients on cots in hallways because of 0.35% excess admissions for any diagnosis.
@35 I get a feeling he pounds out his comments while distracted by doing something else. Like drinking, or fucking the horse.
Shame then that he chose to declare his intention to really put some effort into it at 29.
I’ll tell you what I think it is:
Bob’s a liar. And a lazy one at that.
It’s Friday. The sun is almost down.. Too bad teh babblin’ butthole no longer trolls here..
It would have to be slobbering and babbling over teh cyber ninjas fraudit in AZ.. right up to and beyond..
the point that the fraudit found that Joe Biden won AZ by even more votes..
Way to wisely spend AZ voters tax dollars, State Senate repukes.
Oh teh cyber ninja klowns made noise about some “suspicions” all of which were debunked in real time by the incumbent repuke elections officials of Maricopa County.
Just like WI found Biden won by 86 more votes – at least that was on the 3 million dollar “dime” of the drumpf campaign.. – heh all OPM of course.
But all kinds of yahoos showed up at the State Capitol in cammo gear, brandishing guns and some even had attack dogs.
This fraudit did what it was supposed to – whip up the batshit base, and provoke violent purges of repukes who somehow can’t in good conscience tow the orange line and repeat the big lie.
A full blown klownservatic head ‘splosion and the weekend day drinkin’ hasn’t even begun yet.
KLOWNSERVATIC: Lunatic psycho-sicko-phantic klown servants of teh ‘murkan GREED class.
servantsimplementsTools. To be used up and discarded, since they can be counted on to reproduce reliably. Just restrict their access to birth control and provide them with plenty of cheap, fizzy beer.
Cops don’t do what you think they do.
That one’s a classic. Cops call it a decomp tax. They always steal when they are called to a decomp. Always.
Word to the wise. If you live alone, get a safe and leave the combination with your lawyer or in a safe deposit.