As of yesterday, Metro Transit and the Water Taxi are charging fares again. I know the agencies need money. But this, while the pandemic is still raging. I haven’t ridden the bus since the start of the pandemic. So I don’t know, are people now bunching up at the door?
Anyway, go wash your hands right now.
NY Times says drumpf is showing “mild symptoms”..
Heh don’t flus and colds start off “mild”?
Get well “soon” orange dear leader to our trolls.
New timeline:
Yesterday it was suggested that the White House was aware of Hope Hick’s positive test on Wednesday.
Now they are officially saying Thursday morning. The White House, as they have stated many times, has access to the instant test and POTUS ‘Is regularly tested.’
So, either the president was tested and KNEW he was positive when he went to a fundraiser and didn’t wear a mask or someone, likely POTUS himself, made a decision NOT to administer a test despite a very close quarters working relationship with Hicks so as to not know his status until later in the day.
Now that’s leadership.
@ 1
It’s apparently news to The Unserious YLB that the vast majority of people infected by The Wuhan are mildly symptomatic, and then recover.
Most online stupidity also starts off as mild, YLB. You’ve just contracted a much more serious case of it.
Meanwhile dead&deformed, we see and closely view the TOLERANT left in action He captured Goldy in action! Really tolerant person that Goldstein guy!
If the election turns on the hatred displayed here dead&deformed, just think, the only blame the dotards have to blame themselves.
My portable keyboard batteries must be getting low as keys are being skipped again.
See ya little lady. dummocretin and their acolytes are scum
Poor herr dicktor “serious” dimfuk won’t look at drumpf’s age and co-morbidities.
Gown up herr dicktor. Your buddy atlas needs your assistance with the black light. Game needs changing.
This is why Mrs. Puddy and Puddy don’t watch much programmed dummocretin teevee anymore. Tolerant morons like this guy
dummocretin and their acolytes are scum
Over a million have died from covid worldwide.
20 percent of that in this country. Wtf is wrong with that picture?
Small justice that some have reaped what they’ve sown.
“Serious” herr dicktor said everthing would be peachy with reopening.
The germans are serious. Morons like herr dicktor are retired cranks.
From The Atlantic? Vox? Sam Seder? Cenk Weghur?
@ 7
Small justice that some have reaped what they’ve sown.
I’m sure the liberals have fully come to terms with the justice of Amy Coney Barrett, whose nomination was sown by RBG’s refusal to retire in 2013 or 2014, when her seat could have been filled by a nominee from a newly re-elected and popular Democrat president, confirmed by a Democrat-majority Senate composed of members who easily confirmed earlier nominees Sotomayor and Kagan.
Libbies shall reap what RBG hath sown.
But when you go to a fundraiser knowing you have a high likelihood of being positive or maybe even know it…
Did you do medical record disclosures to anyone attending who might have, ahem, co-morbidities so they can make a fully informed decision about writing that campaign check?
Or did you put lives at danger. Recklessly endanger. Negligence.
Now I’m not a lawyer but a not so seasoned lawyer could get a liability waiver dismissed if it turns out the defendant, with knowledge and foresight, altered the express, implied or assumed safety and potential exposure to harm of the signatory.
Oopsie, Jim Acosta stepped in his own assesHorse manure.
This guy did soemthing else. Revived the 25th amendment. Obummer flunkie. Then tried to delete it. I read last week the from an assesHorse jackASS that “The internet is forever.”
dummocretin are scum !
From the guy who’s been boosting random Twitter users for a while now.
The White House confirmed they knew before Donald headed to the fundraiser.
They knew. Donald didn’t care. Wouldn’t even take basic precautions after knowing.
Pray for forgiveness of your sins.
Hey dead@deformed,
More dummocretin tolerance is found on the Internet
dummocretin are scum !
a newly re-elected and popular Democrat president
Heh. Yours truly remembers fondly when herr dicktor deemed Obama “unpopular”.. (very “serious”)
And then it lost a bet.. and by all appearances welshed on it.
ahhh. memories. What’s next? Drumpf is “awful”? Oh wait. It already did that.
Oh BeerPong… Didn’t Dr. Fauci say not everyone exposed to someone gets the virus?
Yes he did! So you and your dummocretin media forget so much so fast! How did you miss this BeerPong? Or it’s doesn’t fit the narrative of today? Didn’t dummocretin claim Trump doesn’t listen to the doctors and the science? So when the dummocretin accepted “expert” on the science says that it’s now discounted because BeerPong says so!
Of course who knew BeerPong is the new acclaimed expert now for covid and when one contracts covid? BeerPong is the new acclaimed expert on many things because he says so! Gotta listen to BeerPong because he knows so much. From Mike Rogers to video editing to medicine; a regular Encyclopedia Britannica!
You like all other dummmocretin are scum!
@ 15
And then it lost a bet.. and by all appearances welshed on it.
All except the proof shared with a moderator, you intended to write.
@17 whatever.. question: was your wager “serious”???
or perhaps you misjudged the strength of the “urban vote”?
Oh well that’s a provincial dicktor from whidbey for ya…
Here’s what being a pussy online for well over a decade boils down to:
@ 15 YLB: By all appearances you welshed on a bet
@ 17 Me: I sent proof of payment to a moderator on HA
@ 18 “whatever”
YLB, you’re a third-tier, effeminate, unserious sniffer of Goldy’s throne. You’re an embarrassment to your children.
“Hey lookie here I’m spinin’ Watch me spinnin’”
So you think Trump Pence 2020 had no duty to disclose because some of those donors ‘can’’ be able to naturally fight it off.
But not all. Maybe. Some get the flu real bad and others just a little sniffle.
So much depends…
That’s your story now? Fauci said ‘some maybe’ so fuck all y’all!
Jesus is watching in your world. How’s that compassion and care for others above yourself going? Pray for forgiveness extra hard tonight.
No BeerPong@20,
That’s your story. I have no idea what was really said by Trump’s aides and what was printed by “your sources”. You read the lamestream dummocretin spin and regurgitate it face value. When caught you spin faster than a commercial clothes dryer on the fast dry cycle. Puddy gives you links of FACTS you forget the same day they are printed. How did Puddy return that Dr. Fauci link so quick BeerPong? Because it was recently delivered just 9 days ago! Can’t you remember anything?
You like all other dummmocretin are scum!
Speaking of spinnin’ @ 20
Oh drat Joe BiteME! says. More jobs added again in September. The unemployment rate dropped another half a point, from 8.4% to 7.9%. Imagine if Newsom D-dummocretin and Cuomo D-dummocretin would allow hair dressers and other people to go back to work in California and New York respectively? It would be even lower.
See ya
California in a race to the bottom with New York, one city at a time:
Meet Your 13 SF Ballot Measures, Nearly Half of Which Are More Taxes on Rich People
Bet this guy never refers to himself as “Yours truly”:
Who’s sources? Keep lying about things Piddles. Jesus so loves a liar.
They knew. They knew. They knew.
Backpedal, backpedal, backpedal.
Hey can you find somewhere that Dr. Fauci said even ‘most’ that come into contact with the virus can just naturally not get it? It’s like you brought a straw and some spitwads to the battlefield today.
Get good with God now. If you have a ‘widowmaker’ heart attack now you die with sin in your heart.
Maybe they should have had more events…
Hey, if Prez Biden ever gets a sniffle, expect this from someone on the right:
Or if Prez Fauxchahontas contracts smallpox.
Or if Prez Pete catches what the guy in Philadelphia caught, mebbe.
Wow BeerPong such tolerance. You would make dead&deformed very proud!
Regarding Meadows
News is coming in fast.
Senator Mike Lee of Utah, who was also at SCOTUS announcement has tested positive for Coronavirus and will isolate for 14 days.
Rick Moranis was sucker-punched while walking in NYC.
By a dude wearing an “I Heart NY” sweatshirt.
I’m just looking out for your soul. You can’t be too careful. Satan is right there waiting to take you so you better get right right now. The temptations of Lucy are all around you everyday. You need to be vigilant. That’s what my old Pastor used to say. How does yours feel about lying?
And it doesn’t matter when. The White House has confirmed that they knew before the fundraiser started. Before the fundraiser.
Before the fundraiser.
Before the fundraiser.
What part of the word ‘before’ as confirmed by the White House are you quibbling with?
The left is claiming Trump’s positive Wuhan diagnosis is a reason to delay the SCOTUS nomination hearings.
Trump’s role was complete when he announced the nomination.
It’s like the left is taking YLB’s thoughts regarding the function of the federal government and regurgitating them now.
I don’t wish Trump ill, I wish he would be visited by three ghosts and come out in the next morning a strong progressive.
Hey, QoS McHillbilly:
I guess we might still get to see Pence/Haley 2020, no?
Question that will be required to be answered in the next briefing.
Upon learning that a close aid in near constant contact with the President had tested positive for Covid-19 was the President immediately tested himself? If not, who made the decision NOT to test the Commander in Chief immediately?”
They knew. They are on the record that they knew before.
Affirmative to the first means they knew and intentionally exposed a group of people.
Any answer to the second means they delayed and opens up a whole new set of questions like, why didn’t you want to know right away? Why did you hide the news for several hours? What were you hoping to gain by not being truthful with the donors the President met with specifically and the Voters in general?
Or Pence/Rice 2020.
Timing would be about right – she wouldn’t have to campaign or even debate.
She’d just have to say Yes.
Ya know what would really give April Ryan chills?
Vice President Condi Rice.
CNN’s April Ryan to Kamala Harris: It gives me ‘chills’ that I could call you ‘Madame VP’ in January
The following quote is from a “Reason” reporter named Eric Boehm from an article he wrote for the November 2020 edition, page 13:
“A July survey from the Pew Research Center found that 65 percent of Americans believed voters should be allowed to vote by mail without giving and excuse, but Democrats (83 percent) were far more likely than Republicans (44 percent) to say so.”
Thus, it appears mail-in is perceived by Democrats as more beneficial to their candidates, policies and agenda. The Democrats must believe they can quash mail-in votes for Republicans and their issues more easily than in-person ballots cast. Also, the Democrats must believe a mail-in situation would allow them a better opportunity to “find” more votes for their people, if required, should the count not be in their favor. Remember, government election workers and vote-counters probably aren’t Republican voters themselves because the Democrat Party tends to favor larger government. This is appealing to government employees because they are interested in continuing their jobs and benefits in government employment.
The Republicans will have no method to counter the potential of the Democrats to pollute the votes with a mail-in system. Thus, the Republicans will not support a nation-wide mail-in system because it will hurt their candidates’ chances.
We can expect a real confused situation on November 3rd and beyond. The results of the presidential election may not be known until probably Thanksgiving or even later. Get ready for what’s coming.
The Mueller Team attorney rumored to now be cooperating with John Durham’s investigation is Brandon Van Grack.
@ 39
The results of the presidential election may not be known until probably Thanksgiving or even later.
If current trends hold we’ll probably know by about 10 pm PST on Election Night.
Thinking of cheering for Russell Wilson this weekend?
Words like “Go Seahawks!”
Oh Piiiiiiiidles…..
They knew before he started traveling to Jersey. Not my sources, the official mouthpiece of the Administration.
@PressSec says White House Operations made the assessment that it was safe for Trump to travel to Bedminster for fundraiser yesterday even after possible COVID exposure
God protected her.
I had a bunch of gman/athlete @ 42 jokes but deleted them because they were so simple that even YLB could understand them.
After all, as a society we cannot advance if we continue to communicate at YLB’s level.
Bigwig wealthy donors who attended a maskless high-dollar fundraiser at a Trump golf club are now in a state of panic.
They want to know what to do now. I have a response:
Crap in your pants.
@31 Whoooeee, doc found another black thug video!
His day is made.
Dymanh Chhoun was sucker-punched while walking in Duluth.
@45 Sez the troll who communicates at Homer Simpson’s level.
@44 You could say God is protecting America if Covid-19 takes Trump offline.
By the way, have you seen my frontpage posting this morning? It’s a treat.
Doc won’t laugh, though. He’ll come back and post a rude comment. Like Trump, he has no sense of humor.
The snark is strong…
Also but just kind of weird. Zuul maybe?
I hope they catch the Hoser..
Me: I sent proof of payment to a moderator on HA
Oh fuck you herr dicktor… That same moderator as I recall did not accept what you sent as credible “proof”..
You troll from BENEATH the slime at the bottom of the troll barrel.. Rape fantasies, misogyny… copypasta from bilious always wrong wing bullshit sites.
All your “success” has brought you to the ha comment threads. All you need is another tank of the stock market to make your life worth truly living.
Whenever that’s happened in recent days. – hoo boy – that’s entertainment.
I had a bunch of gman/athlete @ 42 jokes but deleted them because they were so simple
“Simple” jokes stick prominently in simple minds.. A better person would just as soon forget them.. You’re a forgettable klown herr dicktor like your buddy scott atlas poised at the covid-diseased orange taint.
@ 48
His phone was sucker-punched, by a 75 /- year old man. He’s fine. Yeah, that never happens when people video Antifa.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is the personification of back bacon. All grease, no substance.
Take off.
No less than you and the other Trolls4Trump showed when Sec. of State Clinton became ill with pneumonia.
Reap it.
@54 Knocking a phone out of someone’s hands isn’t assault? Some antifa asshole assaulting a Trumper makes it okay for a Trumper asshole to assault a TV reporter?
Well, okay, the armchair law school admission committee will consider your application …
@ 56
Knocking a phone out of someone’s hands isn’t assault?
Look at what Antifa is doing in PDX, which gets them arrested, only to have charges dismissed the very next day.
Then STFU, you bloviating asshole.
Hey PortaPotty, did Puddy ever say anything nasty about Crooked Hillary when she had pneumonia? Please look it up in the crazed databaze!
Thank you. Now we’ll see if the crazed databaze purveyor PortaPotty will let us know for you BeerPong.
I bet could use a 10,000 word post about the evil of a senior citizen getting pissed off about being followed by a guy holding a cell phone camera, and then turning around and slapping it out of the guy’s hand.
That will really boost readership, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
BeerPong@51, That’s because Lisa Page was saying to her lover ‘we’ll stop him right?’ when she was part of the Obummer sadministration so how could she NOT be doing her job trying to stop Trump?
U B 2 stoooooooooooopid to figger that out, of course!
And they were six feet or more from Trump senile idiot wabbit.
Why don’t you tell the whole story senile idiot?
When I think of what Lisa Page and Peter Strzok did to undermine the integrity of the Department of Justice, I get so angry I just want to knock the phones they texted to each other with out of their biased hands.
But then I realize that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would try to have me arrested @ 56 for committing assault, and I step back from the precipice of evil.
When I think of what Lisa Page and Peter Strzok did to undermine the integrity of the Department of Justice, I get so angry
Ladies and Gentleman – the angry always wrong wing…
Been angry since it was seduced by the “miracle on ice”.. while a portrait of the beaming mug of “the one” hung on the dorm/frat wall. Think Clarence Thomas once it kicked alcohol. What a pivotal moment in a “productive” life..
did Puddy ever say anything nasty about Crooked Hillary
You just did.. and countless times in the past. She’s never been credibly accused of any wrongdoing. Sessions ordered an investigation even motivated by drumpf and that stupid Clinton Cash book and it came up bupkis.
Stupid uranium scandal anyone?
Oh did you qualify that question? Oh my bad.. I’ll get back to you.
Glad to see PortaPotty knows its name.
If you correctly implemented tctmgr, your databaze index would have them catalogued.
Another PortaPotty failure. There is a reason CJ Date called it Structured Query Language. You have no structure in that Planck space mind at all. Maybe you need to play MindCraft for a little structure!
knows its name.
Your name is teh babblin’ butthole, buttspill, buttproduct…
You never fail to answer to any of it.
The db is never at your beck and call o miserable one. The db is for the entertainment of HA HEROES at the expense of TROLL ZEROES..
TROLL ZEROES like you and herr dicktor dimfuk.
But it’s so funny how much YOU NEED HA HEROES… For YEARS you’ve needed US! It’s friday freak – PUT HA HEROES FIRST..
That’s why John Durham is investigating some more eh PortaPotty? You gotta stop reading the slanted material pushed by Salon!
Twatter rules claim you are in violation if you wish someone to die from a disease. Seems that only applies to Republicans. If you are dummocretin you can say what you want with impunity!
This is another reason dummocretin are scum!
That’s why John Durham is investigating some more
Heh. Yet another always wrong wing fishing expedition.. Exactly what Rosenstein told Mueller NOT to do about drumpf.
But it’s ok with Billy Barr. Let’s see what it spews before the election with drumpf sick and even DYING from “the flu that’ll just go away”.
See ya freako.. At sunset perhaps?
And that’s a confirmed report from where?
It has been well established that he wasn’t wearing a mask.
Things that you claim simply because you WANT them to be true is kind of…uh…false witness.
So drumpf is off to Walter Reed for “experimental treatment”…
Hydroxy administered by Stella Immanuel…
Oleandrin administered by koo-koo karsen with ASSistance by the mypillow shill.
Rectum black light and lysol/bleach administered by scott atlas and its leeetle sidekick – teh rapey dicktor mcdimfuk – at teh orange taint.
Sean Hannity will be in teh room, maskless, saying a rosary. Lou Dobbs will be on air blubbering…
Just looked at an ugly always wrong site..
They still tout that hydroxy/zpack shit.. Incredible!
No doubt drumpf is going get that shit at Walter Reed.
This time they’ll be looping the vent straight into his anus to he can go out “high on his own supply”.
Stupidity, for Republicans, should be a Pre-existing condition. If I were an Insurance Company I’d ask what political affiliation you are, and if Republican then you have a pre-existing condition, called stupidity, and will eat into my profits.
Repukes are goat and horse fuckers and horses’ cock suckers
Forget about the sucker punch (note – they also suck horse cock), but the anger and hostility was enough to put the man behind bars. I haven’t seen such anger and hostility from half the people that are in jail in this Country. That anger is more of a problem then the action of the sucker punch. Fucking Neanderthals.
It shows the aggression, madness, and ignorance. What was the justified reasoning for it? The guy was triggered by someone speaking. Imagine if that man had his son or daughter shot at by a police office…. Oh wait, he’s a Repuke, I’m sure he would have thought about asking the circumstance and factual data, and then accepted it after being told his son/daughter was speeding and resisted arrest….so we fucking shot at him.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Demorats Prove Once More That They Are Utterly Hateful And Depraved.
When news of Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis broke, many unhinged liberals took to Twitter to express joy, and even wish death upon the president.
It would be nice to believe that unhinged liberals on social media aren’t representative of the whole Democratic Party, but sadly, according to a new Morning Consult poll, they might actually be pretty darn close.
According to the newly released poll, 41 percent of Democrats are “indifferent” about Trump’s positive COVID-19 diagnosis, while a staggering 40 percent responded that they were “happy” about it. Republicans, however, were mostly “sad” (55 percent) and “worried” (51 percent).
Thirty-one percent of Democrats actually claimed to be “excited” at the news.
Mike Lee
Now Tom Tillis.
Now they have a different tune….it’s almost like they just found out that there son or daughter is gay (for some – others would still deny acceptance of the reality).
I think all the recent prominent people testing positive is a sign that this is spreading again and again a major problem if safe measures aren’t taken.
What fucking morons
This doesn’t bother me….I agree with the decision. I know, a shocker. But the right will exploit that it is a liberal thing.
Tillis and Lee not able to attend committee hearings makes Senate Judiciary deadlocked for 14 days.
Barring some weekend work that makes Oct. 19th the first day to take up SCOTUS nominee. 15 days before the election.
How badly does the Chair want to take that up in the middle of a very tight race and not be able to go home and campaign?
How would Moscow Mitch suddenly seeing the light on remote voting for Senators affect a half dozen senate races as the power grab goes on full display?
Wow. Just wow…
Drumpf got an experimental immune system booster with a fancy pharma name at Walter Reed..
No hydroxy.. no oleandrin.. no drumpfist shill to be seen.. Just MD’s it would seem.
Is that hydroxy / oleandrin / black light / lysol /bleach shit just …
well.. shit… ????
Of course it is.. Butt how many drumpf lovers need their dear orange leader to keep the faith?
The sun has set… babblin’ butthole is in its cage. Peace fellow HEROES, peace!
Never mind date a Republican, I think I don’t want to be near one because they have germs and are spreaders. Bunch of careless fucks.
Outside event but nobody wearing a mask.
Conway is now positive too. The judge nominee was at one time positive… anyone else wondering what I am wondering and that she may have been the source of the contamination.
@57 What no self control looks like.
P.S., He can’t even shut himself up, let alone shut me up.
@59 236 words sufficed.
P.S., age is not a defense to assault and battery
Trump blames the military for giving him Covid-19. Here at 8:40:
@61 “Why don’t you tell the whole story … ?”
He got it from the toilet seat.
So I’m not a doctor but medical Twitter is bringing up that a bunch of these experimental COVID regimens have shown some promise but pretty much no one has been given a bunch of them at once.
No idea what the interactions could be. No idea if a not healthy 74 year old can handle that much treatment at once.
Rolling the dice with everything at once isn’t something recommended for ‘mild symptoms’ or a elderly patient.
No speculation but this Feels like extreme measures to a layman.
@62 No, I’m merely a disinterested bystander; they would have you arrested for assault, and then you’d hire someone like me to pick up the pieces.
@67 “That’s why John Durham is investigating some more eh PortaPotty?”
Legitimate cops investigate once. Tyrants investigate as many times as it takes. You just admitted the attorney general who commissioned Durhan’s investigation is a tyrant.
@68 Twitter should ban those comments. It’s not cool to wish death on anyone. Except Hitler. Wanting him dead was the Allies’ official policy.
@79 It’s no secret where they got it.
@82 And that assumes they didn’t infect anybody else on the committee …
All those Republicans sick. This is starting to look like Divine Intervention. As in “In God We Trust” …
It’s over.
Quit now.
Don’t let the sadness overcome and define you.
So I volunteer for my local Farmers Market. It’s fun. Gets me out of bed on Saturday to help hang the signage and get the community info booth going. Been doing it for five years. I see my neighbors. Some of the vendors give me produce and the wine guy gives me a bottle every now and then.
This year I’ve been manning the entrance to check mask compliance.
Tomorrow morning when the sixtyish guy who has shown up every single week in a maga hat claiming a ‘medical condition’ prevents him from wearing a mask….do I have the moral obligation to punch him?.
95 – Deus ex Machina.
Donald expected to spend ‘a few days’ at Walter Reid’. This despite a full service hospital wing and medical staff at the White House.
Still think it’s just ‘mild symptoms?’
Has he signed off on Pence taking over yet if he’s under doctor mandated sleep/sedation?
Anyone heard from The ghost of Alexander Haig?
@98 Only in bad novels (or good novels with bad endings). Real life is full of bad endings; see, e.g., the “selections” platform at Auschwitz.
@99 I heard it stalks the halls of the Reagan Library during full moons whispering, “I’m in charge here.”