– I understand that there’s a process. But geez Tacoma Police Department, just rip off the bandaid. The whole thing is going to come out.
– Part of me wishes I wasn’t the type of person who has zero sympathy for January 6 people waiving a shotgun. I bet your little 8 Chan friends were very impressed. But they have already moved on.
– My elderly father had dementia, anger issues — and many guns
– What is the value of the Seattle Channel?
– Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
“Part of me wishes I wasn’t the type of person who has zero sympathy for January 6 people waiving a shotgun. I bet your little 8 Chan friends were very impressed. But they have already moved on.”
You don’t suffer Stockholm Syndrome. It’s okay to feel good about that.
Further evidence that all out war and ethnic cleansing was at the very top of the agenda for Bibi, its madmen and their tools in the IDF..
They posted young women around the walls of the open air prison:
The members of this female-only army unit, known as field observers, have tracked Hezbollah fighters as they drove through narrow alleyways and green valleys, setting and resetting launchers, approaching the border fence and pulling back.
The Israeli field observers who monitor the country’s embattled borders say they are ignored by their commanders, as they were before Hamas attacked.
For months they had logged reports about Hamas ramping up its military activities: training several times a week, then several times a day; hoisting Palestinian and Hamas flags as they drove in convoys up and down the length of the Gaza Strip. These were not routine drills
The field observers said they were confident that something big was about to happen because they understood their enemies. They knew their names and faces, as well as the intimate rhythm and routine of their days. But when the women tried to send alerts up the almost exclusively male chain of command, they said, they were told they didn’t have access to the full picture.
“It is a male army, where the ‘girls’ are seen as hysterical, where the commanders say, regularly, ‘If you continue to send these alarms, you will be put in jail,’ ” said Gili Yuval, who served as a field observer in the early 2000s, when Israeli dismantled its settlements in Gaza and pulled its forces.
Asked to comment teh keepshit of widbee babbled, “Fuck yeah. How brilliant of Bibi and his frat bois in the IDF to put dumb cunts and unserious twats to watch Hamas. Not even blew chew makes me stiffer than piles of bodies of people with funee last names. Fuck yeah!”
Are you better off than you were four years ago?
Literally four years ago I was at Walter Fort taking the antiviral drug remdesivir. I had the record blood oxygen dangerously low, also receiving dexamethasone, a steroid given to the most critically ill patients.
I was Demanding hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. All I wanted was an ivermectin and YOU wouldn’t give it to me. No I’m not on drugs just get me an ivermectin.
Jesus said “love your enemy.”
‘They’ve forgotten already’
Of the about 1,200 people killed that day, 15 were field observers from Nahal Oz. Seven other observers were taken hostage. One was later rescued by Israeli forces; another was killed by her captors in November, the IDF said. Five remain in captivity. Their parents have been informed that they are among the few dozen hostages still believed to be alive, even as hopes of a cease-fire and hostage-release deal continue to fade.
So some Jews died.. Including some unserious twat field observers. Jews have always died. In the ghettoes, in the death camps, in the pogroms.. It’s nothing new.
Jews die and suffer in captivity so Israel can survive. Heh. And I get to stay on top.
A few eggs need to be cracked to make an omelette.
Life is short. Might as well enjoy it while you can..
And everyone loves me.. Everyone that matters..
The richest Jews love me.. AIPAC loves me.. The Settlers love me…
Bill Maher loves me.
Even the anti-semitic dictators like Putin and Orban love me.. in secret..
I have loads of fan bois in the United States..
A bunch of gun-toting Confederate wannabes are threatening to start a second civil war to return a draft dodging Yankee con man to power because that’s how stupid works.
OIG report confirms that in 2018 Trump’s OMB director was acting under instruction from the White House when he blocked HUD relief funds for Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria.
“Latino” voters in Pennsylvania remember.
Recession. Recession. Oh please, Recession!
Sorry. Another damn strong jobs report. Forty Five consecutive months of job growth since Biden/Harris took office.
Trump’s 20% Tax on Everything would obliterate at least three million jobs in just the first year alone. Yours could be one of them.
Here comes the fucking pathetic Scotty P to cry like a weak bitch about “downward revisions”. Biden Econimic Miracle humiliates him almost as much as his wife’s bull.
Trump cultists are treason mother fuckers. They and the evangelical satanist are a bunch of fuckwads. Thank you.
16.2 million jobs added.
Record markets.
Strongest post pandemic GDP growth in the world – including Putler or Little Rocket Man “Shi”.
Lower unemployment and inflation than His Holiness Blessed Saint Ronald of Solvang.
“Rightwing pundit claims gay men think JD Vance is so hot that they’ll vote for Donald Trump. ”
Someone is day drinking the copium.
“Between Harris and Trump, it’s hard to tell who’s worse on economic matters” George Will.
Really? One has a degree in Economics and the other things Tariffs are paid by the importer. How hard is it really, George.
Kamala Harris in Michigan, “Please Welcome #32, Out of Michigan State University, Five Time NBA Champion, Owner Los Angeles Dodgers MAGIC JOHNSON!”
Donald Trump in Michigan, “How about Kid Rock people. You have to love the kid rock. More number one songs than anyone. (Editors note, he has zero #1 hits) Spent more time on the top ten chart than that Taylor Swift bimbo (Editor’s note, Rock had a #1 record for a single week in 2007, Taylor has 14 #1 Albums her most recent spending 15 weeks at #1). He’s just great and everybody loves him. He’s from Detroit you know. And the great Michigan Coach Bo Schembechler endorsed me in 2020. (Ed’s note, Bo Schembechler has been dead since 2006)”
QOTD, JD Martinez, New York Mets OF/DH, R/R, .235, 16 Hr regular season
Trump to Kudlow on the jobs report:
That Mother Fucker is older than I am
Upward revisions this time for September.😢😢😢😢
The biggest horse’s ass here has never ever been right in his life. I can understand how life would be so disappointing for him.
17. We need to be prosecuting the people who hire the illegals.
A Florida heavy metal festival has lost its headliner and several other acts after inviting Kyle Rittenhouse to appear as a special guest.
All three of those bands (that pulled out) issued statements that said in part that they did not wish to be involved in politics.
“We play shows, not rallies,” the post said in its conclusion.
Best Comment. “I don’t know how far up your own ass you have to be to find Kyle “metal” and not “murderous weenie.””
@17 Vance one-upping Trump:
Then thats 254,000 employers we need to prosecute for hiring illegals
What city asset did the Tacoma Police Chief use for personal use s? Plus, thought the TPD had gotten better with their leadership.
And if this doesn’t get rid of Florida’s teacher unions, they’ll raise the threshold for maintaining union certification to 110 percent.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Florida is already bleeding teachers, and union-busting will ensure plenty of teaching jobs for school janitors with online vocational training.
“Looking strictly at [teacher] vacancies, some patterns immediately emerge. The southeast quarter of the country has by far the greatest number of vacancies. While the national total is over 55,000, the South Atlantic region accounts for almost 20,000 of those, while the Mid-Atlantic states come in at just 539. Top states for vacancies are Florida, North Carolina and Georgia. …
“Another map shows the number of jobs filled by underqualified persons, which includes both teachers working outside of their certification and persons who have no actual teacher certification. … When it comes to underqualified persons filing positions, Louisiana is far ahead of all other states with over 250 underqualified persons per 10,000 students.”
Of course, states can tweak the underqualified data by not having any qualifications.
MAGA mob boos active-duty soldier for saying the name of his base, instead of its former Confederate name.
27)Should never have been that other name.
27)Should never have been that other name.
So, why shouldn’t Fort Bragg be called Fort Bragg? Why shouldn’t Fort Benning be called Fort Benning? Why shouldn’t Fort Hodd be called Fort Hood?
Names of traitors who took up arms against our nation and their fellow soldiers and citizens to attempt a foolish and doomed insurrection in defense of human slavery.
These men were our nation’s enemies and the enemies of all mankind.
You might as well ask what’s wrong with naming a facility to honor Pol Pot.
@30 What a stupid question. Apparently you need it spelled out for you. Because it’s stupid to name military bases in honor of traitors who fought a war against our country to preserve and perpetuate the abomination of slavery.
When the question of renaming the bases came up, and the Pentagon solicited name suggestions from the public, I submitted “Fort Alwyn Cashe”. Don’t know who he is? I’ll bet you don’t know who Braxton Bragg was, either.
Of this I’m certain: Ignoramuses like you shouldn’t be allowed to name anything, probably not even your own offspring. You should leave that up to the women you pay child support to.